JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #11 九章と十章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

Hello everyone, I’m Katata.Today, I’d like to continue doing Judge Eyes like yesterday.Thank you for your support.My favorite alcohol is shaken without drinking . Please wait for a moment and we’ll continue as usual. Is it okay ? Okay, yes, it’s okay. Looks like it’s okay.

Well, everyone, we’ve been through this time. Yesterday, we’ve been up to Chapter 8. Let’s move forward today to Chapter 9: Dream Medicine Chapter 9 Dream Medicine I think this is definitely about Atek 9, but yesterday it was revealed that Ono is the mastermind, so I still don’t know. No,

I still don’t know if that’s true. I still don’t know. From Ham’s Ham person to Ham’s Ham person. Why is Ham’s person from yesterday? From Hamamura-san to Hamamura-san’s expression, Ono. Yesterday ended with Aya being the mastermind , but I’m a detective who has to exonerate Aya,

So I guess I’ll gather a little more evidence this time. That’s what I’m thinking.It’s okay.This is streaming properly.Okay, well, I’d like to go again today.It’s hot.I was just looking at the archive from last time.I’m so happy.Thank you very much.Well , let’s continue today as well. I would like to start with a password.I

Want to start with a password.I’m going to go to Kamate . I think it’s a little bit, the pollen has gotten really bad and I had to push a lot of flowers on my nose and throat before the delivery , so I took some medicine, so I think I’ll be fine. I might

Have a little nose time here and there. See you then. Today, I’d like to go back to what happened last time, so let’s go.Chichichichi Until last time, Asumogu was an underworld assassin used by Hamamura.The threat lurking behind him was Ya and Kaito, and Matsukane. Forced to part ways, the two of them

Set out on a path of no return. It’s life or death. Eventually, the mastermind emerges. His name is the toddler of one of the developers of Addec 9. It turns out he’s this boob guy. When I

Went to a cabaret club, I became a friend of this person, Saori Saori.I saw the cabaret girl’s breasts and visited her several times because it was illegal and hidden in the basement of a corner called Champion Street. There was an explosion, and it

Turned out that it was caused by a grenade.They didn’t go to the town, but by the time the police and fire department arrived, the scene was already gone.What was about to happen in Kamurocho, where ideas between organized crime groups were still fresh in our minds.

I don’t know if he’s there or not, but it was a tough evening.The enemy was also quite desperate.However, for the first time in a long time, the village’s face was blank, and the mastermind behind the village was No. It wasn’t because of the Center Director

‘s anger, but because the village had that look on its face. What kind of face does that have? It’s that annoying face. There’s no other way to say it. It’s still like that, isn’t it? Do

You hate me? I came to see you in hopes of being of some help. I found someone who knows a lot about Addec 9. If we’re going to be involved in an incident in the future, we

Need to know more about it, but even if we look at scientific papers, we don’t really understand them.He can explain things in an easy-to-understand way. There’s someone out there who says, Wow, that’s what I found. Just don’t get mad. Who knows? Actually, that person is Mr. Hatto. The magazine writer in question

Is Mr. Hatto, who also wrote an article about Addec 9, and there are many experts. It seems like he has quite a lot of knowledge, as he interviewed the author, so I’m not

Kidding him.But if Mr. Yagami insists, I’ll tell him about it, so I don’t think it matters. It’s better to say that, right? Maybe there’s important information there, so don’t waste this opportunity. I ‘m going to borrow something from you, Mr. Hatt, for today. I’m at a ramen shop called Kyushu Ichibanboshi

, so I hear they’re interviewing the shop, so that’s good.I asked you, Hoshino-kun, you’re very solid.You’re that reliable friend.Who are you really from?Den-Ah, Kim-san

Again. Mr. Yagami, the executives of the Prize Alliance are leading their subordinates and committing violent acts in the town. The police are also having a hard time. If things continue like this, there will be many injuries. Mr. Yagami, please help me. What should I do? I have no choice but to go.

This is where I have no choice but to go. This is where I’m going, this is Kamurocho, that’s what I call my home, so I have to do a little more here, this is the road that I have to take.If I receive a request from Mr. Kim, I have to accept

Saburo Town. I have to protect the safety of this one or this one or this one. Ignore those thugs. Ignore those thugs. Ignore those thugs. Well, they’re making you lose weight as soon as possible. Can I go? Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait,

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, wait a minute, don’t get angry here, don’t get angry here, I’m sorry right now, I suddenly can’t sprint anymore.Who are the thugs?Who are they? Yay, I’m in trouble. He’s chasing me. Yagami-san , Yagami-san, go find him. This bastard asked me to beat you

Up. He’s biting me again today. Regardless of the reason, I’m glad I get to fight with you again. I’m so happy, there are so many stories about how to pick up on him, but I couldn’t defeat him yesterday, so I ‘ll let him go today.I’ll wait, wait, wait, wait, and today

I’m going to dodge him as much as possible. That’s the point of how to fight today. I’m so angry! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hurry up , collect the EX boost quickly. You’re so bad, you’re so bad, you’re so bad, you’re so bad, you’re so bad

, you’re so bad, you’ve got to get out of here! You’re on a bicycle , you’re so bad, you’re so bad. You’re so bad, you’re so bad, you’re so nice. You’re so bad, you’re so bad, you’re so bad. Wait a minute, uh, stay calm here.

Let’s fix the muscle tear with the medical kit. Ao’s noise . This kind of music was playing first the other day. I was watching it. I guess it was late at night when I was a student, maybe after I entered the workforce. I was watching

It. The first song that comes out is the first song that plays. I loved it. It sounded like that angel’s singing voice. Wait a minute, just barely safe, just barely safe. I want to recover from this. From here to that. How about from here? [Music]

Huh? In order to show that I can recover, I have been defeated a little by this book, but I kept waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, and kept getting beaten. If you climb on it and defeat it once, it won’t come out again.I feel like I’ve defeated the bookshelf a few times, but just

Walk.Here, I’ll bring you with me.I’ll walk, so don’t push me.It’s probably Honda, isn’t it? I’ll catch Mr. Yagami. Well, if I won the fight, he would obediently follow me. He’s a muscle-bound guy, so it would be nice if our fists collided. Well, God, if it’s money, you’ll let me go.

You’re here at 800,000 yen. You’ve borrowed money from Zenigami Financial. Pay it back. Talk about it. That’s it. Pay back the money you borrowed. [Music] Okay. So don’t do this. Pay it back. Shut up and pay back the money you borrowed. Yagami-san, it’s one more battle. If you win, I

‘ll pay you back this time. Well then, let’s have that battle in court. You, as the defendant, will pay it back quietly. The money you borrowed is in court. I’m qualified as a lawyer, and I’m pretty good at fighting in court. I get it, all you have to do is give it back.Chimpira

To chimpira, you’re doing great today too.It won’t turn.It won’t turn.It won’t turn.It won’t turn.It’s okay to give it back.If you show Chinpira your lawyer’s badge, you’ll calm down.Mr. Yagami, this really helped. Thank you, the town’s reputation has improved. That’s bad. Anyway, Mr. Yagami is really skilled. That book is a 10.

Even though I had to collect the money with the help of others, I had to go home by myself, so I lent it to them. I wonder if I’ll ever lend it to the people from the Prize Alliance again. It’s

Starting to look bad. As you can see, the guys from the Prize Alliance were able to collect all the money they were asked to do. It’s all thanks to Mr. Yagami. That’s right, Mr. Yagami,

If you ever need money, just let me know. You’ll get it at a low interest rate. I ‘ll lend it to you often, so maybe that’ll help you out a little bit, but when it comes time to collect it, I

Might forget my gratitude and start charging for it like a devil, but then I ‘ll make sure I don’t end up needing you, haha. The best thing to do is just to borrow money.But instead, I

Might ask you to provide information for my detective work.You seem to know a lot about this town, so if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know, employee. I’m going to go there too. Ah, that’s helpful. Well then, I remembered the noise of voices. [Music]

It wasn’t like that. It suddenly started raining. Could you please give me some information? It’s you, Mr. Yagami. You know, my president took care of me. I wonder who he is. I’ve seen him before. I’m sure he worked with Mr. Yamaguchi. He’s here, and he

Beat up all the guys from the Prize Alliance and lured him out of the Cabinet Office. People are extremely quarrelsome. No, I really wanted to talk to Mr. Yagami. If you don’t mind, why don’t we sit down and have some tea? Well

, why don’t you just take my word for it? There’s a lot going on in the tea town. We got into a conversation. The danger has gone down a bit, but I wonder if there are still

People from the Prize Alliance Let’s go out the back door There are stairs in front of me, so I’d like to go out the back door I can do things like jump here . I’m coming down, I can go here, I can go, okay, I can go here, I’m out here , I’m

Out in the park, that, that, wait a minute, wait a minute, I can’t go to this place either. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Who was that guy from the Alliance who gets stronger by eating potato chips? Isn’t this the park? It’s not the park. It wasn’t

Morohoshi-sensei’s park. Well, I don’t have time for you guys. Is this the star? At the teacher’s office [Music] I wanted that first aid kit. Wow, it was strong. Yes, I defeated Kasai once. How many times have I tried this again? It’s time

For a quick meal. Yesterday, I fought that bar and it was really big . I thought it was a little scary.The game was a bit scary.It was that big and the thickness of the fire and the lines were different. Why are you trying to provoke me

? Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, come on, come on, come on, come on, let’s provoke. If you’re provoking me too, then I’m provoking you too. Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, come on! I want to do a kick , so I’m facing the wall , but I

Always end up doing something wrong. But I can’t do it well , I can’t do it, wait, wait , wait, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, uh, heart, heart, thank you, I wonder if this is okay . I went to the doctor’s to get that medicine box. I’ve torn my flesh

And I’m afraid they won’t fix it. Damn it. It’s a man and a man fist bumping. Look at this shit. Did you see it? It’s dangerous. There’s no food or drink. It’s so dangerous that someone is going to take down the executives of the Yagami Prize Alliance.This has made the city more peaceful.I

Sent thank you gifts to Mr. Yagami’s delivery box at his office.Mr. Kim always sends thank you gifts. I’ll send it to you , but please accept it. Thank you. I keep track of the movements of the prize alliance every time.

This is a relief. I keep track of the movements of the prize alliance and send me a lot of gifts every time. Maybe it’s Kim. Kim, a person from the dark side, is also a person from the dark side.In this world, in Kamurocho,

Everyone seems to be bad people, because even though so many incidents are happening, there are ordinary people who come in and out of this town normally. Everyone looks like they’re some kind of bad guy, like they’re spies for someone else, or something. They’ve

Turned it into salt, they’ve changed it, and they’re calmly using these kinds of tools to take care of the things that belong to this town. ‘Cause I can use it ’cause it’s a small town so I don’t know why I use it, but there’s no noise.Oh, I haven’t even looked once

To see if there’s anything in the delivery box.I forgot there was one in the delivery box.Come to think of it, Kim-san. You ‘ve been sending me something for a while, but I forgot. Well, there’s no reporter here. Sorry, I’m sorry. I was just

Having fun by myself, and I was examining you, and I interrupted you. No , it’s like the information center of a shop like that.Do you have to go from this side or that way? It seems like you have to go from the back to the back .

I don’t know if I want to go in when I’m alone as much as possible, but if it were me , I’d be a little nervous if someone came into the AV area of ​​Suya, but I’ve never been there. By the way, it looks delicious.

Ah, this is Yagami-san. Maybe you took the photo for the article with your smartphone. Yes, the quality is high enough. Can I go? No , I don’t care. I thoroughly study anything I’m interested in. It takes a lot of time for me as a reporter because

I’m the type of person who does interviews , but I guess I know what I’m doing, and it’s over quickly.Maybe I’m being thorough as a reporter, but once an article was written in a weird way . That’s all for me.

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me something that will give me some important clues. I can’t believe this day will come when I’m sitting across from you with Ramen. That’s good. You’re restless, aren’t you ? Even now, you’re still communicating with Chairman Taira, and the

Only thing you do is call me when you want to.As a reporter, he’s someone I want to get along with, so at most I’ll let him take advantage of me. I’ll get it. Hey, I want to get along well with Mr. Yagami. You know, Mr. Shintani, who was killed the other day

, was the first person to discover it. Today, you’re going to explain Addec 9. If you don’t show up, there’s no reason for me to be with you. I understand. Okay, so I’m going to sing one song today, so I didn’t want to listen to this guy’s story.I don’t want to write

Songs as much as possible, but in general, when developing a role, you first find a compound that suits the disease . It all starts with that, and it becomes a candidate for a new drug.The drug’s effectiveness is tested in animal experiments, and if it passes, it’s finally clinical trials.Clinical trials

Are basically human experiments.This goes on for many years, and in some cases even more. It takes a long time to confirm the effectiveness and safety, and then it is commercialized as a new drug.I understand that it is very difficult, but the treatment drugs in the back

Are only to slow down the progression of the disease.There is not a single thing that makes me feel that way.However, Kido Dr. Addec 9 had remarkable effects in experiments on mice.If it was effective in humans, humans could cure Alzheimer’s disease.That’s what the paper from a year ago was all about.I

See, Mr. Yagami.Yes, in Japan today. One in four people over the age of 80 develops dementia.For example, if a couple is in their 50s, one out of four parents of each will develop dementia. Furthermore, the probability that you or your spouse will have dementia 30 years from now is 2:00

. Some people successfully suppress their beliefs about their illness and continue working.Dementia is a disease that should be prepared for rather than feared.In that case, the biggest enemy will be society’s lack of understanding and indifference.I understand it, just like you now. First of all,

Mr. Yagami, I would like to give you an overview of Alzheimer’s.Do you have any questions?I guess money doesn’t have a choice.This is the only option.I guess there’s no other choice.I’m already suspected of having Alzheimer’s. But I’m sure that even if I actually got sick, I would probably not notice because

I’d be mispronouncing the symptoms or doing all the weird things. I guess people don’t really have a choice, so let’s get started.The premise is that there are several types of dementia, but 70% of them are ordinary Alzheimer’s disease.It is

Caused by the accumulation of a protein called amyloid beta in the brain. It is said that this will cause the nerve cells to die and the brain to gradually shrink. In other words, the things that accumulate inside the head are what causes

The brain to shrink. I’m not saying this personally, but to put it roughly, that’s just a hypothesis. There are many things about Alzheimer’s that we don’t yet understand, so what happens when the brain shrinks will cause problems with memory.In the first place, memory involves

A process called name storage and retrieval, but this first step is I can’t write my name down, so I have trouble remembering new things.This is one thing that struck me.When I asked a dementia patient the date, he gave me the correct answer: What month and day is it today

? However, when I ask what year it is in the calendar, they sometimes answer decades ago, such as 1952. People with dementia tend to have clouded memories, so I’m going to ask them from the beginning, this is harassment. It’s a harassment of Mr. Hatto towards reporters. I

‘m going to ask you to start from the beginning again.Will you say the same thing?Can I just try again?I’m going to ask you to start from the beginning again.It’s dementia.It’s okay.It’s dementia.The assumption is that There are several types of dementia, but 70% of them

Are common illnesses, but even that is a hypothetical, and in the first place the mind is not at its best . I asked the patient about the day, so I asked the patient once, so I fast-forwarded and I understood most of it.Yes, I understood most of it.Yes, I understood most of it, right?I’ll

Ask you one more time.How do I ask the Alzheimer’s deck? According to the paper, it’s an experimental mouse. Addec 9 administered to a person causes a cell autophagy process called autophagy.Autophagy is the action of breaking down one’s own tapa. This action produces amyloid, a protein that accumulates in the brain.

The amyloid beta disappeared instantly, and as a result, the Alzheimer’s disease in the mice stopped progressing completely.Moreover, to my surprise, some of the brain cells that were supposed to have died recovered some of their functions. One scientist

Said it was as if an emergency power switch had been turned on in the brain.If this effect could be induced in the human body, it might be possible to cure Alzheimer’s disease.The number of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is steadily increasing in the tens of millions around the world. Once Addec 9 is completed

, it will definitely generate huge profits. It’s a dream drug for both sellers and buyers.If it’s true, it’s definitely a dream drug, but no. Is it true? Is this really the dream drug ? It’s too good to be true. For example,

The deputy director of the drug discovery center suspected that there was a blood vessel inside Addec. When he sniffed it out, he revealed the secret. The secret was made to look like a snow fishing fight in which someone was killed by someone who was protecting them, but if it means

Fabricating data or increasing the effectiveness of a drug, that’s the wrong thing to consider.That’s why Addec 9 was tested on mice many times after the publication of the paper. There is no way it could have been fabricated.That new drug has already been scientifically proven.Yes, it is certain.In fact, I will

Continue to develop it even if there are some imperfections in the paper. I think it should be done. Dementia treatment drugs are being developed all over the world. If someone else takes over, it will be a national loss. Mr. Hido is certainly being too cautious.

It’s a good idea to keep experimenting on animals. No, we can start clinical trials right away. By clinical trials, we mean human experiments. Human experiments. What happened ? So, are there really any problems with Addec 9? That’s just a matter of course . The lead author of the Addec 9 paper

Is said to be Mr. Kido.In fact, it seems that he just lent his name to give the paper a name.The actual key person in the research is a man named Ono, who you may know . I’m a researcher.The mastermind seems to have been created by Sho, not

Addec Ang.Well, a simple research paper won’t get anyone’s attention , so it would be better if it was published under the name of an authority in the field, but I often hear about it. It’s not that big of a deal, I see. There’s no story without attention, so I named my

Little baby to get attention. Your name came up again. What’s hidden behind those dark eyes? After all, Shi’s. Didn’t you experiment on humans with that old man from three years ago? I wonder if you’re a thug too. I was a little surprised.

Well, I’m going to sort out the information at the Yagami Detective Agency. Okay, I ‘d like to go back to the homepage today if possible. Let’s try not to hit people. Please try not to hit people. I’m sorry. If someone bumps into you, it

Can’t be helped, so don’t hit yourself. Let’s stay calm. We’ll have to calm down and organize the information from now on. Well, it’s just a matter of time to clear my head, so I’d like to check it out. I’ve received a lot from Kim

. It’s a reward for defeating Honda. It’s a red ore. I’ve been working on it for quite some time now. I’ve been opening the box at my office. I haven’t received anything from that person. I have everything. Welcome home, everyone. Is everyone here?

How was the conversation with Hatto? It was helpful. Yeah, I guess. Let’s sort out the information. What’s going on with everyone? In the end, it’s Addec. I heard that there was nothing wrong with 9, but

This is the first time I’ve heard that Hi was just a name.I wonder if there is something wrong with Ono . When we were talking about this, there was one thing that caught my attention.It seems like Addec 9 is about to enter the stage of human

Experimentation.They’re going to do some sort of human experimentation, like a corpse with its eyes gouged out or some idiot. I don’t care about the experiment, I don’t care, so what if Mog’s murder was Adekkna’s top secret human experimentation?Are you seriously saying that even if Shi was the mastermind behind it?

It’s strange that they asked the drugstore to kill so many people. Even if it was a human experiment, why would they go out of their way to kill people to try a new drug for dementia? It wouldn’t be a virus weapon, so

They wanted to kill people because it had some unknown side effects. Instead, I let them die. But experimental mice are completely fine, but I never expected them to suddenly cause people to die. If something like that happened, then Addec 9 was harmless to mice but highly poisonous to humans. Well,

That’s why we need to experiment on many people to get rid of the side effects.If that’s the reason he killed so many people in the Reikai, that would be a reason to keep using Nogagu to kill them. If you die, you can’t do experiments.If you’re experimenting on

A drug, why don’t you try it on patients with the disease?It’s true, but the people who did it probably weren’t crazy. It seems that clinical trials are conducted on healthy people as well.To make sure that the drug is safe for the human body.That may

Be the case in the end, but it will start with patients after all.Don’t give up.Let’s get serious, everyone. I’m talking about how you can’t talk seriously about human experimentation. Idiots are idiots. People who don’t properly consider all the possibilities are idiots. Well, that’s what I’m talking about.

Mr. Fraji, who was killed at that center, may have been a human experiment.Yes, there is a possibility.That’s what happened at the drug discovery center that Mr. Yagami defended a long time ago. It was Alzheimer’s. Isn’t that correct? The victim in that incident was Frame, a patient with Alzheimer’s disease.

But Shinpei Okubo was acquitted, and in the end, we still don’t know who killed Frame and why. No , if the same plane that killed the old man was a human experiment by Atec-9, well, calm down, it happened three years ago. Was there Addec-9 even before that?

Addec was announced a year ago, of course. The research should have started long before that.I mean, is this really true?I can’t say anything yet, but let’s dig a little deeper into this story.Yes, that’s right.It’s possible that the old man in the frame was killed in human experimentation. Aruno-

Kun, you’re thinking about this. This place is always small. It’ll be easier if we do n’t renovate it a bit. If the incident three years ago was the result of human experimentation, Addec 9 would be blown away . It’s not even a scandal. It seems like

That clinical trial. Normally, in a trial, you recruit people and make various contracts with the patients.Of course, you get the patient’s consent, and then I ‘d like to discuss the human experimentation theory a little bit more.Can I continue?Of course. Hoshi-kun is cute, isn’t he? You look like that. Let’s dig a little deeper.

Even if Ono conducted human experiments three years ago, why did he suddenly do that? Normally, he would have made more safety precautions before entering the clinical trial. What was the reason behind Ono being an old man and forcing human experiments?For example, he

Wanted to test a groundbreaking new drug on humans as soon as possible.If things went well, it would save the world. Even though it’s a new drug, it still takes time to go through the official procedures and conduct clinical trials.If it’s bad, it

Could take years and years, but Ono is surrounded by many patients with dementia, so if it’s just a simple experiment, it’s hard to find out. On the other hand, if things go well, I’ll be old.If I can save the world right away, I’m willing to take some risks.As a result, Ono

Had a patient die due to an unexpected side effect.That’s what happened three years ago . I feel like it was an accident, but right now I’m aware of the risks and continue to experiment on humans using Mogu, and although it’s still in the hypothetical stage, it makes sense at the

Moment.However, I was forced to prove Mr. Saya’s evidence. That’s not enough, right? Well, even though Okubo was really innocent, he killed his girlfriend after that, so he should be given the death penalty. Sugiura: We’ll talk about that later.

Sugiura-kun, you’re going to dig into that story a lot. That game center from before. Even Charles, who is in charge of the East, talked about this quite a lot. He said that I shouldn’t have listened to him, but I wonder if there

‘s something wrong with that. I wonder if there’s a reason why he’s so cold. Well, I’m a little curious. Hoshino-kun is going to organize the information further. To summarize the story so far, first, three years ago, Ono was experimenting with Addec 9 and a patient died due to an accident, and

That human experiment is still going on. That’s why Hamamura and Mo are killing so many people in the Reikai , but Ono doesn’t have the money or money to be a normal researcher who can use a killer or a killer. If so, then who is the person who can run Uyaza?

The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Kido Kido. No, it wasn’t initiated by his direct superior. There ‘s no way he’s in the background. He said he was being ganged up

On.Ryusuke Kido, top officer at the Drug Discovery Center.I see, Kido would be able to move the center’s money, and come to think of it, there was also talk that he was connected to the underworld.I’m sure Kido is part of the gang as well. I don’t care about that, because

You see, at the press conference when the paper was announced, I don’t remember the tree’s face at that time.It had that innocent, smug look on its face.If the human experiments were found out, it would be ruinous for the tree. Well,

I don’t think people are that concerned about it.I don’t think Jato was informed about the human experiment after that press conference.Well, first of all, Noh didn’t know anything about it. I was the lead author of the paper on No Kido Addec 9 and took all the credit for it, so

I made a spectacular announcement about it on that occasion, so even though people were saying that people were dying in the experiment afterwards, I was overjoyed. I don’t think Shino can do that, but if that’s the way Shino is trying to recruit Yamo through

Yato’s money and co , then it’s not a natural progression. Contrary to what it looks like, Gu’s mastermind is after all. When did Sonoyo use Kill? When did Garagu move? When did No actually use Kill for the first time? Well, when did he

First use Mora? It was the eye gouging incident, so that’s when they started killing powerful people. But wait, when he died six months ago, uh, when the vice president of the center died, his eyes weren’t gouged out. The Mogu incident was about his eyes. Gouging is

Neetmo ‘s trick, and that may not be the only thing, but Tanuki is saying that the vice president of the center died because he was looking for something, and that’s why No is the same way . Well, I doubt that Atec 9 was a bit of a loophole, and Shino

Probably didn’t think much of it. That’s probably why it was an accident three years ago when he might have used a mole. Half a year ago, when the bridge died. Yes, I want a continuous correct answer bonus, but I still don’t understand it. Ah, which one? Which one?

[Music] Which one was there? There was a man in a black raincoat. At this time, this one wasn’t here. Six months ago. I think it was Mog who killed him.For Ono, the key to Adekkuna is that, but it’s also worth it that he took a taxi at the time of the rebellion.I

Wonder if Ono had someone else take care of the situation at that time. So does that mean that the man in the ghost black raincoat was Mogu? I don’t know. I mean, he’s a skilled assassin,

But there aren’t many of them. Yeah, there’s certainly a possibility that he’s Mogu. I think so too. Yeah , Hashi was the one who killed him. If they hadn’t been able to do it, they might have noticed the human experiments of spirits eventually.If that happened,

Ono and the others would be ruined, so the same plane [music] was enough to try to put an end to it.There are various things that Tsujima does n’t like. Sugi doesn’t seem to be convinced. Is there something you want to say?

Tell me. Everything I’ve said so far is just a hypothesis. What’s more, this isn’t too convenient for Mr. Yagami. What’s too convenient? 3 years ago If Shino was the one who caused the patient’s death at the center, then that must mean that Okubo, who was suspected in the incident, was completely innocent.According

To the verdict, that person was truly innocent.However, Okubo later became a lover. He killed him, didn’t he? He stabbed him multiple times and put him in the sun. He should have been banned, but it smelled really bad. After all, he wasn’t really a murderer, that’s

Why everyone was making such a fuss . It was a mistake to acquit Okubo in the center case. After all, that must have been Okubo’s doing, but Mr. Ya wanted to believe that Kubo was innocent as the verdict had said, and that it wasn’t his fault that Sho Terasawa died

. It’s your opinion that it’s an old wound from someone who’s a nuisance. I’ve always been aware that I’m easily swayed by my emotions, and that ‘s why I always try to be fair. That’s your theory. If we’re going to proceed, we have to first confirm Okubo’s truth.How

Can we be sure if he really killed grandpa at the drug discovery center ?Ask Okubo.Was Kubo and Kubo really sure about the incident at the center? Even

If we can meet , it would be the death penalty if we met. Okubo Shinpei is still in the estate, Kochisho, Kochisho. Yes, I can meet him, but he hates me. With Emi Terasawa’s sword, Okubo is still in the estate.

I’ve been protesting my innocence for a long time, but I’ve given up on that. Don’t give up now. Still, Okubo, you should never look at humans again. Yagami-san, if you really want to pursue this case, what should you do?

Hoshino-kun, yes Okubo. I understand if you can arrange a meeting with the divine soldiers. I will contact Kochisho. In the meantime, I will look at Okubo’s trial documents again. Yo, I’m going to Genda-sensei’s house, but I guess he finally abandoned me. Why can’t I believe him anymore

? After Emi-chan died, Okubo-kun, why did Emi-chan have to go through something like this ? I couldn’t believe why he had to be found in such an empty state, thinking that something had happened.But he

Said that it was the first criminal case, and Yagami also said that Okubo’s case was the first to win . I’m going to hurry up and go to Mr. Hara , okay ? Let’s go to Mr. Hara’s office. What’s going on with the incident?

Do I want to cross? Do I want to cross the traffic light, but I can’t? Oh wow, what should I do? If this happens, I’ll have no choice but to die. He’s a suspicious man. He ran into a shadow and went to the car. I’m going to die.

I’m going to climb Mt. Tsurugi. I’m going to climb Mt. Tate. Hey, what are you trying to do? Let me die. There’s nothing I can do about it. What’s wrong with hurrying up? If you’d like to calm down a little, please let me know. C I work for a company called C

Lab. It’s an IT company that’s rapidly growing after the app it released last year became a hit. They went public on the stock exchange, so they decided to build their own building, and I became the leader of that project.

That’s amazing, I made a mistake in the estimate and there isn’t enough money to build the building.If the president finds out about this, I’ll be fired.What should I do?I’ll

Have to die after all.Wait a minute.I don’t really understand, but in short, as long as I can collect the money. That sounds like a good idea , but how can I collect that money?I know an app called Crowd Kapa.If I use it to raise money, what is it?

That’s crowdfunding, which is popular right now.I also recently learned about it. Since this is the president of the company that makes the app, crowdfunding might be a good idea.Okay , then don’t think about anything weird.Okay, I understand.Your name is Kami . Mr. Ru Tateyama’s friend rate has increased. He’s totally exaggerating.

If I feel like it, I’ll support his project as well. Kamurocho Haneniwa. Why can’t I be nice to the people in this town? I ‘d like to take a taxi and head to Futoshi’s office.How far will you go ?Then we’ll leave.What kind of face should I use to meet Okubo-kun

?Hmm, I wonder what kind of face I should use. I’m sure Okubo- kun will hate you, too . He didn’t believe me even though I said I didn’t do it. What’s going on with my only ally? Why don’t you

Show me the court documents from three years ago? It’s about the case at the Drug Discovery Center. I’m going to meet with the Okubo Shinpei, so I suddenly realized why. I’ll prepare the materials. That ‘s too bad. What do you think, Sao-san? Thank you, Yagami-san. That file is all about Terasawa Sho

. Is this also necessary? No, I think it’s better to take a look at it if you’re going to talk to the Okubo Shinpei. If you don’t need it, leave it behind. I’ll clean it up later. Yeah, it’s painful, right? It must be Saori-san. Hurry up. I

‘ll look at the materials. Ah, 3 years. It’s a memory that I don’t want to remember from before, but I have to face it a little in order to clear my mind, Shintani-

Senpai . I was 26 years old at the time of the Emmy Terasawa incident. On December 2, 2015, around 11:00 p.m. on the second floor of the apartment after the fire, I was diagnosed with a young child.

The victim was later discovered with 15 wounds on his chest that appeared to be front stab wounds.The cause of death was blood loss and there was no rinsing at the start, so there was no smoke inhalation, which means that the victim was probably already dead before the fire. Okubo’s fingerprints were

Detected on Bocho Izuma, who is believed to be the weapon against Shinpei Okubo, who lives with him.Also, Okubo was in a clear state when he was rescued from the burning apartment by the fire brigade.Mr. Okubo is abnormal. Tamotsu has not

Drunk a single drop of alcohol since the violent attack six years ago.However, Tamotsu has no recollection of drinking and says that when he woke up, he was engulfed in flames, and has consistently maintained his innocence since immediately after his arrest. It seems like

A meeting with Okubo is a good idea, whether it’s because of claims or if it really has to be done.To find out if Okubo was really innocent in the incident at the drug discovery center three years ago. Do you understand

? But I felt like I had to meet him again someday. Yes, I was caught in the crossfire after all. Okubo Shinpei was indeed acquitted by my defense, but I found irrefutable evidence of his innocence. Okubo was not found guilty, but

The verdict was simply that Okubo could not be called black, and for those around him, it seemed like a gray settlement.Okubo was unable to return to work, and his address and personal information were not available on the Internet.

He was exposed.He could hardly go out and relied on a sleeping bag every night to sleep.But I didn’t know about it and had no interest in it.And then one day, Okubo started drinking alcohol, which he had been giving up for a long time. You say it’s your fault, Okubo Shinpei, Terasawa killed Emi.

If you’re saying it’s someone else’s fault, then I’ll acquit the murderer and Emi Terasawa will die because of that. Don’t be arrogant about being murdered.Young man, you remember the last trial of your father, lawyer Yagami, two years ago.Yes, I’ll never forget.The person your father defended

Was the criminal who assaulted a 15-year-old girl and caused her death. Oyasan won his acquittal while all of Japan cried out that the death penalty was deserved. Ben answered the media interview earlier at that time. The

Duty of a defense attorney is not to uncover the truth. All you had to do was find out if you had enough evidence to prove it.It was amazing how brave you were to say that with such generosity in that situation.Didn’t you also want to become a lawyer after seeing that kind of strength?

That’s how it all started. But after that trial, a lot of things happened to me too. [Music] Ah, maybe the defendant my father acquitted was black after all. He disappeared right after he was released . To my father, who was defending me , and my parents were forced to sit

By the father of the girl who was the victim.That’s the background, or rather, even so, as a lawyer, my father never did anything wrong.The only thing he could do to find out the truth was It’s not our duty, and that’s impossible unless you’re a god.

When you acquitted Okubo, you did your job as well as a lawyer could. I guarantee you, you did n’t do anything wrong either. What you’re saying is true, but if a girl I knew

Was later burnt to death because of my defense, I wouldn’t do anything, even if you were in my position, it would be true, and I didn’t do anything wrong, so I can’t help it. Can you put things behind you? Come on, how long are you going to drag on the past?

As long as you’re alive, it’s okay . [Music] It’s Yagami, it’s Hoshino. You can meet with Okubo Shinpei. Can I go to the taxi stand on the west side of Shichifuku-dori ? I’m heading over now too, so I understand. [Music] Thank you, thank you. I’ve already said everything I’ve said, so

I know you’ll have to listen anyway. You’re like a father, Genta-sensei. I’m sure you already feel like a father . Hey Genta-sensei, because I entrusted the truth only to God, I’m still carrying the past. Wow, that’s

Cool . That means I’m going to find out the truth myself. Oh, I see. Wow, that’s difficult. I wonder what happened earlier. It’s a bad thing. I shouldn’t have done anything, but can’t I forgive myself for acquitting myself of something I acquitted just because I was the god of arrows?Ah,

Can’t I just forgive myself here? If a girl I knew was later killed, I don’t know if it’s black or white. If you were in a gray state and a child you knew was later killed, can you still say it was a good thing that he was acquitted?

It’s like a trolley problem.Even if I turn the steering wheel to the right, I’m going to die, I’m going to die.What should I do? Mr. Arrow, this is difficult to answer.I can’t think of an answer while playing this cat game.I probably won’t be able to come up with

An answer even if it takes me the rest of my life. It might be a problem. Look at my body. I’ve torn my muscles. I’ll pay 20,000. I’ll pay 20,000. I had about 400,000 max, so now I’ve lost about 100,000 and I’m a little nervous. I still have 300,000 in the back.

Is there anyone like Mario? There’s someone in the back who looks like a real-life version of Mario. Yagami-san, Dr. Morohoshi, please take care of the medical care. I ‘m using my brain a little bit about serious issues right now

. My heart is full. If you have any other questions, please come to me anytime. Thank you, everyone. I’d like to hear what people think about these kinds of issues.These two are always lying here.Are they comfortable here?Would it be better to sit by the entrance?Come on,

Let’s take a taxi. I have no choice but to do my best, God, will you take me as far as I can ? Then I’ll leave. My heart is so heavy, but I can’t help it . [Music] Ah, it’s been a long time, Mr. Ya. Ah,

I’m sorry, it’s been a long time. It’s been a while since I last spoke, and my voice is okay. It’s okay to be slow. The atmosphere has changed. Well, since I defended you, I haven’t been in court anymore.

Instead of being a lawyer, I started working as a detective. I live in Kamurocho, and I’m like a handyman. Is it because of this? No, I’m not here to talk about this today. That [music] incident at the drug discovery center three years ago. Were you really innocent?

That ‘s a question I’ve heard many times. What are you talking about? I’m not kidding. Please , I’m innocent. I ‘ve said that over and over again that I didn’t do anything about the center incident or Emi’s incident. Even you heard it, right? That’s why no one believes me

. In Emi’s case, the prosecutor’s office. There was no way I could have been acquitted with my own defense, even though I had all the evidence.You were also suspicious of me , so you were very aware of it.Every time I tried to plead my innocence, you felt like

Throwing up over and over again. No , then the two incidents. You are really innocent. You have always said so. My name is Hoshino from the current NAT law firm. Mr. Yagami and I came up with a hypothesis about the drug discovery center incident.

I don’t care, but you want to know who the new culprit was. He’s a researcher at a drug discovery center and I remember Shi’s toddler. Even if he’s the new culprit, why am I going to explain it now

? That incident was an accident caused by human testing of a new drug. That’s us. The theory is that the patient he used for the experiment died, and he had to hide the body in a hurry

, so he hid it in my truck.That was all just a quick stop on Ono’s part. I think if you had reported the body, the story would have been different. That’s why you hid it. But in reality, that didn’t happen. Maybe

At that point all of you would have suspected the police. It might have been hidden, but I hid it and buried it, Okubo-kun. That’s just another sin. It’s actually very lucky that you buried the body in the mountain because I buried it in the mountain. The police no longer suspected him, and

Even though I opened the bed of the car and suddenly found a dead body, I thought there was no way the police would believe me. You’ve been there before and no matter what you say, you won’t believe me, so I thought you were really innocent after all. Of course I understand . Thank you, Yagami-san, Yagami-sensei. I didn’t kill Emi either. You haven’t asked me anything. I can’t confirm it anymore. I wanted you to be innocent. I did everything I could three years ago. How many times have there been a few pieces of evidence left unburned? Now that I

‘ve looked into it, if new evidence is found, the person who killed Emi will someday watch me die while laughing.In the afterlife, there’s no face to match E. Both you and I are amazing, Yagami-san, yeah , I am. I’m going back to Genda-sensei, but Yagami-san won’t do anything about it. I’m

Probably going to show my face to Tendai. I feel like drinking a little tonight, so I’m sure, God, I want to drink some alcohol right now. It’s okay, it’s fine. Go ahead, Hoshino-kun. It seems like he doesn’t drink alcohol at all. I

Don’t understand it at all because it’s so unexpected. Hoshino-kun does karate, and he’s already said that he doesn’t mind being number two even if he’s not number one . Saori-chan is my favorite.Surprisingly, there’s something about that manly man about him, so oh my gosh, I decided to walk without bumping into people, but

I kept bumping into people as I walked, and Muromachi is now. Yesterday, it was on the news, and it was amazing. I’m sorry, I’m sorry . It seems like there’s a really bad guy who escaped from Hokkaido and is hiding out in Kamurocho, so he must be sleeping somewhere.

I don’t think he should be walking down a street like this, but hey, he’s always running around Kamurocho, so walking like this makes me feel like I’m just a normal person. I have to congratulate you because I’m going to defend Ayabe.

I’m returning to court, but I’m not going to stand in court. I’m just cooperating with the defense attorney’s investigation. Attorney Shintani was probably your brother and son, and yet he’s defending the criminal. You

Don’t realize that you’re out of line with the people around you, right? It’s a good nuisance to let a murderer go acquitted. It wasn’t Ayabe who killed Shintani. It was Ayabe’s gun that was crazy. The battleground marriage of Tama is the same. Ah, the culprit. That’s how they framed

Aya.If you can’t see anything, then you’re way off.Say whatever you want, the police.Aren’t the police and prosecutors a bit too lenient?The investigation is too good. Who’s that guy? You’re saying something to me. [Applause] It’s not just a threat. The play is over

. It looks like there’s going to be something a little weird about it. It’s about time. Gallery Gallery. Hurry up and call Kuroiwa . Rouko’s older sister or the second character of the mysterious attacker has a bit of charm, doesn’t it? Hoshi no Tee. Wait a minute and see

If it’s okay. Let’s proceed carefully. If we don’t plan on killing carefully, Urakata will get serious. It’s really bad. First of all, a sudden pinch.A sudden pinch.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s dangerous.It’s

Dangerous.Wait a minute. But she was so close to me that she looked like an older sister. No matter which angle I looked at it, I could see that she was my older sister. I wonder why, bangs, forehead , eyebrows, forehead, eyebrows, and skin. Let ‘s switch to this

, O good, good, good, good , good, yes , Yoshiko, I’m here, come here and come here. Trembling, wait a minute, no, no spiders, weapons, weapons, weapons, weapons, weapons, threads. Oriori, let’s run away and fight for a while.We’re running away and

We’re in trouble.Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let’s get rid of the meat.We’re here, and Dr. Morohoshi’s medical kit will come in handy.Ao, I’ll also buy a bento. Oh, Marunouchi bento, I’ll do my best. If you stop being ugly quickly

, it’s no good. Who’s saying that? It’s no good. It’s too early to give up, you. It’s too early to give up. That’s amazing. Stop the EX boost. Hey, just a little bit, avoid it, avoid it, avoid it, avoid it, avoid it, avoid it, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait,

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, it’s a little different, it’s different, so it’s almost like it’s better not to get attacked. The kick is fine, it ‘s stopped, it’s stopped, I’m going to go as far as I can, EX, save up as much boost as I can, and

Then I’ll use it. This isn’t a trick, it’s fine, I’m fine, I’m on my way now I’m going to watch the concert already, okay? I’ll do it, okay? I guess they’re all Kabuki actors using the enemies as shields and shields. He looks like a theater actor.

That guy wasn’t just a threat. He was one of Hamamura’s henchmen who really wanted to kill me. I wonder if the meeting with Okubo went well. He was probably about to be killed by the village. Be careful of Mr. Ifuji, your subordinate. Where are

You now? It’s near the office. Sugiura is there too. If you all want to stay tight, there’s a good place. It’s the Reikai’s hideout. It’s KJ Art. If you’re over there, the village will be there too. But I think we

Had a fight with Shioya a while ago, and he’s definitely going to be angry, so it’s okay. I ‘m also the chairman of Kajihira, Osumi, so I’m sure of that. Oh, I see. You’ll be soon, too. Come on, we met at KJ Art. I heard you

All, so Chairman Kajihira and I’ll leave the alcohol to you. Let’s go. Well, I wanted to see Hoshino-kun fight a little . There is such a way of fighting, where you use one person as

A shield on your back, put the enemy between you, and defeat them with a kick . Yes, I can’t help it, but the timing was a bit late, so I cut it off and started going wild.It was a split second.This is the hideout for the ceremony.Yes , I’m definitely nervous. It’s

Okay to use honorific language, or just honorific language. I ‘m sorry. That guy is currently working at a law firm. He’s already working at a law firm. He’s not home, but Murase is the one to talk to him. Masutaka, please

Go in the back. Let’s go to the back. Hoshino-kun is following a little behind. He’s following behind. Well, hello, I’m not here. I think it was Murase’s room or at the top, right? I’m sure. Let’s go,

Okay? The elevator is all the way here. A Murase. No, the elevator is being inspected. It’s broken, it’s broken, and it’s one more place. It’s not here. It’s not here. It’s one more place. You can go from here, here , this way, or that way.

The royal room is here or not here. Murase ‘s arrow isn’t showing up. Is it different this time? Isn’t it here ? Go back a little bit to the bottom. There’s no landmark. It’s not here. It’s different. Murase’s room is different. It was a special, special room, I’m sure. Wait a minute,

Wait, wait, go back, and it’s not there, it’s over here, here, just in case, there’s an emergency staircase here. It’s different here, too. It doesn’t open either. Where was that? Above, after all, no, wait a minute. 2nd floor 3 A bit on the 2nd floor

It’s not even here Is there a possibility that Murase is here ? I’m sure here I’m sure I’m a little lost here I’m sure I’m on the top floor. It’s on the top floor . Let’s just go from the emergency exit outside.Have you seen all the shellfish above?

I’d like to take a look at the room one more time.Up here is the rooftop, isn’t it?I was surprised, I was surprised, I was scared, the way I was sitting there. It was one level higher than the other, it was here, it was here, it was there, it was there, it was Seako-sensei,

Please forgive me for the gibberish I’ve made so far. Chairman Taira told me to listen to whatever Sui-san has to say. Give me a shoulder rub. When I got tired, he really massaged me. His shoulders were so stiff, and he

Was such a nice guy. We both misunderstood him. He got too carried away. Next time, it would be better to let him rub it, too. Now he’s hot. Please , he’s so low-key. Well, the sword at the drug discovery center is white after all. Judging from his reaction, it

Seemed to me that he was probably innocent of killing his lover. The story is good. Well, the arrow is stuck. I’m really interested in this person. It’s okay to poke at him. I’m sorry, but he says he’s scared of the other person. He’s just going to leave it alone, huh?

Well, anyway, this is making Ono even more so. That means it’s starting to stink.If it gets like this, I ‘ll probably hit Ono directly.From now on, I’ll have to hit Nono directly, and there’s no way I’ll vomit.But, Okubo-kun is also

Being framed, and I definitely think the same way.I can’t get an appointment with the way things are going the other day. I think so, but neither Sho nor Ki will make an appointment. From now on, I’ll post Sho in the lobby of the center. I

Hope the place I come out will be a hit. It’s your turn to stake out or be lazy. Mr. Fuji would be too conspicuous. You’re an academic like that. That’s true. You should go back to your current doctor’s office. But okay, I’ll go with you to the center. Please , let

‘s go to the drug discovery center to meet Murase. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I wonder how many people I’ve bumped into . I’m walking through this town, and there’s another troublesome person. There’s even a taxi stand. It’s over here, so

If you walk slowly behind me like this, then you won’t notice me if you walk slowly like this, right ? That’s amazing. With my hands, I don’t understand the season at all. The guy who’s walking in front of me looks like Hoda, but he’s wearing a tank top. I wish I didn’t have

To look at it, but it was my luck that I turned around to look at it.Let’s just sleep for a while.Let’s go.Ya-san, I went out so as not to be noticed.I wonder if you’ll notice me. Now, I’m off. Now it

‘s time to meet Ono, my favorite. He’s so cunning. Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t look around too much. I’ll stay here until Ono, who I don’t want to aim for, comes out. I’ll wait for you , but Sashi isn’t home already.Let’s check for a moment.If we don’t do well, we

‘ll be waiting all night.Let ‘s go and find something from here.Sugiura-kun, what are you doing? I guess, I don’t usually know what that person is, but I’ll still ask the receptionist about Sugiura-kun.The lady at the reception desk helped me out in front of people, so

I’d like to ask her a little question.Yes. Mr. Ono from Addec 9, are you home yet ? He’s always here late, so maybe he’s still at the appointment? By the way, good evening, Mr. Yagami, this is Hashimoto, who took me to Maeno’s place. Yagami-san said something to No. It’s No.

Excuse me. That person always calls out to me. Where are they talking on the stairs over there? Where are they going now? The person just now is also telling me to be careful of arrows. Maybe it’s Keito . That’s what I was told, but the cat is

N’t this person. It’s suspicious. Isn’t that what the researchers are talking about over there? It’s not this person. No, it’s different. It seems like the only stairs here are here, but yeah , here. Roughly Tatata

The one person I found when I was talking to him was Kido. He seemed to be the one to move. Even if I asked him from the front, there was someone who started, but hey , hello, it was Mr. Yagami . You’re the detective from Kamurocho. I don’t want

You to come near this place anymore.I must have protested to the bar association the other day , but was it during office hours?Ichinose from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.He was here the other day.It seems like he comes here

Quite often. Yes, the success of Addec 9 is one of the national strategies.The content of the discussions here, such as patents and legal development, will be overflowing.It’s because of that old man who returned home before being kicked out by the boss.

She’s on maximum alert. She might not come down to the lobby anymore. How are you going to get home? Good evening, Yukiya. I guess I’ll just have to ask that person to help. Mr. Hashimoto , please excuse me earlier. No, I’m sorry, but

Mr. Ono, who I saw earlier, ran away from me. Yes, I just wanted to talk to you for a while, but he’s really busy all day long. Even though I only go home once every 3 days for mid-term research, I am

Truly humbled by the fact that I open my heart to the hospitalized patients without fail every morning.Yes, Ono does this every morning without fail.I wonder if this is also part of his training and research. Is it because of the research on 9 that I was so excited that morning, or is it really

Because I’m a doctor?I go around the hospital every morning on Doctor’s Day.Yes, I’m sure it was the same 3 years ago.That kind of enthusiastic researcher discovered a great new drug. I’m going to give birth, right? I’m sure I’m sorry. I have to go soon, so please excuse me. Ono’s laboratory

Has a gold card key, which is difficult to get into due to security reasons. However, that won’t be the case at the affiliated hospital. The time is tomorrow. There’s plenty of time to get to the point of attack , so I’m going to ambush him at the point of interest that morning.Ah, for

That, I’ll just have to sneak in at night.If that’s okay, then let’s look at the guide and think about how to sneak in. That seems like it could be considered a trespassing agent or something, but there’s something like that.The trespassing guide is here, isn’t it?

Oops, this is where you hit the guide as well.He said that it’s easy to get into Hospital Island, right? The island is connected to the research light.It’s the entrance to the underground parking lot of the affiliated hospital.If the people coming in and going out stop their

Cars and sneak in, this is the place.Okay, there’s no way they’re going to sneak into the hospital from the underground parking lot.Ah , first, let’s check the entrance. Let’s go outside. I can’t believe I can walk through the field of this vast hospital.

I’m so marked. I look like I’m a detective, but my name is Mako, and I’m in charge of security. I told her to see me off more than I was supposed to during office hours. Mr. Ichinose, look at me. I

Didn’t know. I was just about to go home. I’m sorry, but I’m going to send them off anyway. That’s a lot of people to just see them off. They’re not that big of a deal. You can tell by the look on their faces that there are some of them. [Music] Isn’t it okay

? Where are you taking these guys? Give me a good answer. It’s suspicious. What kind of things are going on around here? No matter what Ichinose does with us , I don’t think he’ll ever want to come here again. It

‘s nice to have something like that.It makes me feel nervous.If it makes me feel nervous, I guess it’s okay to have something like that.It’s a hobby.It’s a hobby.I can use it for work.It doesn’t mean it’s not work right now. It’s a big game, so let’s have a lot of fun, Mr. Detective. Well,

If you’re that tree, you’re going to be as wild as you can be. I’m going to do it , I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it, I ‘m going to do it. Hey, here’s the medical kit. I’m already up to three medical kits, so it’s going to be pretty quick. Oh, la, la, la, la, give me more, more, more. That’s not enough. That’s not going to work on me. Run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, yes, Sugiura, thank you, Sugiura, it’s amazing, thank you while I’m running away. It’s noticeable

. You don’t have to wave anymore. Thanks to them, I was able to sneak in easily when I got home. Hey, hey, in the end, thanks to the gym time, there’s a huge parking lot. This place is the same as it was three years ago.

Yeah, it’s the same. Okubo-kun’s truck went here. I was surprised to see who it was, Sugiura-kun, who was dashing like that. I was surprised. I thought it was that security guard, but I couldn’t get inside. I can’t smoke anymore, so I’ll be fine. I ‘ll wait here for the dawn. [Music]

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsec. I’m already committing a crime. I’m totally fighting those thugs in Kamurocho. That’s how much of a crime it is. I didn’t think so, but with Sho, it’s all about giving out all the criminal information I have, and

There’s no strategy on the other side. Ah, if I had the time, I’d like to do it carefully, but I probably won’t have a chance to talk to Ono until Aya’s trial. If that’s the case, then it’s not the time to play games and make advances.Yes

, that makes sense.I’ve been thinking about Ono for a while, too.What’s going on? At the time of the incident at the center, Ono was said to have framed Okubo. If Okubo had been acquitted because of Mr. Buto’s defense, the police wouldn’t have looked for another new culprit after that.

Of course, I think they would have looked for him. Okubo-kun started the next incident soon after that. His hands were shaking, so he probably didn’t do much after that. It was like his hands were shaking, right now. And thanks to that, Shino has been able to get away with crime to this day.

That’s true, right? If they found out that he was actually a murderer, then everyone would think that it was Okubo who was the patient in the first case , but that situation was very difficult for someone. It’s a very convenient situation

For Ono, the new criminal who was conducting human experiments at the center.I mean, Ono had the same machine that could go as far as killing Emi Terasawa and putting the blame on Okubo . That’s why Ono killed Emi-chan . How long have you been thinking about this

? Mr. Yagami told me about Okubo’s current situation. From that moment on, I somehow felt that Okubo-kun killed Emi-chan. I wanted to believe it for a long time , but I couldn’t believe it. Emi-chan was a really good girl , so I thought I would never be able to forgive Kubo-kun

, the person who killed her, but the culprit wasn’t Okubo-kun, it was Okubo-kun. There’s no proof of what I’m saying, and I’m just making irresponsible deductions, so I can’t hold it together.But I guess Kode made me want to see you more and more.Ah, it’s the first

Time in my life that I’ve been looking forward to the morning this much.Yeah, but it makes sense. Yeah, I totally killed my grandpa in a human experiment and got acquitted, but then I decided to

Make Okubo the culprit just to keep the police from looking at me like that. At first, I thought he had a very anxious and unconfident face, like he was being used by someone with power, but he had an anxious face that was afraid that something would be revealed. It might have been

Shi-sensei. There’s something I really want to ask you here. There’s nothing I can say to you. I’m sorry you guys , but I’ll leave it to you today, so I won’t take up your time. Excuse me, you guys Please stay here. I

‘m running away. I’m running away. Yagami-san, I have to hold back right here. I have to go. Let’s go. Hey hey hey hey hey hey I don’t want to do it. Hurry up and do it already. Hurry up.

If you’re going to do it already, hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up

! Wait for it. 30 seconds is fine. Hurry up! You only have 30 seconds. Oh, come on, boost! Come on, come on, come on ! Go, go, go, 15 seconds left 15 seconds go, go, go, danger, danger, danger, hurry up, okay, okay, okay, last minute, last minute, hurry, wait [applause]

Hurry, hurry, why, why, I’m so excited, I’m so excited, 3 minutes Please come earlier. You or you? Maybe it would be better to have a fight instead of salt. Hey, this pussy is strong. Give me a bit of a kick. Give me something exciting in the morning. I’m hot. Give me

More, give me more, give me more, give me more, please, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give

Me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, please ,

Give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more, give me more,

Give me more, give me more , give me more, give me more, give me more. I’m fine, but it’s dangerous. I’m so excited with my back here. I died. I didn’t look at my gauge for a moment. I’ll try again. Wait, wait, ok, ok, ok, collect the EX boost [clap]

And it’s going to be good. It’s the one who’s closing it for 3 minutes. It’s the one who’s closing it faster. It ‘s the one who’s closing it faster. It ‘s the one who ‘s closing it earlier. It’s getting serious. It’s getting serious.

First, I’m going to take down the small fry, or I’m going to take down the bugs. Next, I’m going to keep saying things. It’s still okay. It’s still okay. It’s still okay. It’s exciting . It’s exciting. Is it okay? You should fix the torn flesh frequently.

Waiteko, who gets hit quite often, seems like a boss in this one, and is probably standing, so if you defeat this guy, you’ll be able to go to Tono for 3 minutes. Please come sooner. I went in one battle, then I went with this one,

And then I did this, and maybe I used EX boost again.Maybe it’s better to use it after Mashiko gets serious. It’s already started, so I want to keep going like this. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, finally,

When this mascot gets serious, I’m sure he’ll do this by doing a triangle jump from that wall. I wonder if I could do it? One time, I’m a little like this, I’m out of line. Okay, finally, okay. Sugiura, nice, nice

, nice. Sugiura, do that role. Sugiura, do that role. Play the role that suppresses me. Okay, okay, finally, finally. It’s not okay, it’s not okay, it’s not okay. I’m going to press the next one. Wait for me. It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s coming. I can’t believe it. My nose is

Runny, so dandruff. I’ll give it to you quickly. I can’t talk to you in this hospital room. I was worried that this was Grandpa’s room , but the room where the patient was in was . So, what are you talking about if you don’t

Reveal it? Please get out of here quickly. Your expression is a crime. I’m going to go home then, but are you sure it’s okay? What do you care about? How much of your secret do we have

? I’m saying. You’re the one who’s running the group, and I’m the one who’s in charge of the Matsugane Gumi Village . Don’t try to tell me if you’re satisfied with their work. On what basis are you doing what you

‘re doing now? That’s a shame, No-san. You must be busy researching new drugs every day. It’s strange for someone like that to know the hidden word of Kamurocho. You should first ask me what a mogu is. What is a mogu? Good job.

A serial killer who gouges out people’s eyes in Kamurocho Sorega dayo Sonogu was born from that incident three years ago. That day , you tried Addec 9 on the person who was sleeping here. It was probably late at night. That’s why you were able to sneak the dead patient out of the room.Wa

-san’s death must have been an accident that you didn’t expect, but you had to hide the body before you got there. The body must have been carried away in a laundry cart after all.You wanted to take the body somewhere far away.Afterwards, the truck of the Okubo Shinpei who came to collect Shi

Arrived just before 8 a.m.You took advantage of the opportunity. However, Okubo will eventually find the body and report it to the police.It doesn’t solve anything, and the hunt for the culprit will soon begin to find out who put the body in the truck.But

What else can we do? It couldn’t have been helped. He was probably just an evil brat to you, but the Okubo Shinpei who found the body had everything in the past and was afraid that the police would suspect him. Thank you to Okubo, who was

Buried in a mountain and later discovered in his own condition.It ‘s actually almost a miracle that you escaped the crime.I don’t think so.What are you talking about earlier?It’s convenient for you. A bad miracle happened. Okubo-kun was found not guilty. If he’s innocent, then there’s a new culprit.

If you leave him alone, suspicions might turn to you again. So you told the devil your soul. What are you talking about? Do you know what I’m trying to say? Who are you talking about, the person who deliberately killed a certain person to get Okubo in

? But the person who killed Kubo-kun in order to take him in must have been a friend of Emi-chan Ono. Okubo Shinpei’s lover, who was also a colleague to you. When you broke into their apartment, the first thing you did was laugh. According to the documents, there

Are at least 15 scars. I don’t know. I wonder if she asked you about the fact that you were relying on a sleeping role. The man who was sleeping next to you never woke up during your rebellion. It must have been your fault that he smelled like alcohol.Did

You inject Okubo with alcohol?The alcohol concentration in his blood would rise.If he didn’t do it properly, he would have died, but even if that happened, it wouldn’t have mattered.Okubo drank alcohol. If you could have recreated the situation that would have happened, you would have set the apartment on fire by making it look

Like Okubo was rebelling.What was the basis for your reassurance ?There is no proof, but you are correct in your reasoning earlier. I can see it by looking at his eyes . Maybe he thinks like this. When Addec 9 is completed, many people will be saved, so he

Thinks he’s doing the right thing. It’s obvious that the people who are the most cruel are the ones who are just. But are you really doing justice ? What are you doing? It looks like you guys are just about to go home. It seems like Addec 9 isn’t going well yet.

Are human experiments still necessary ? That reaction, Ono- san, didn’t exclude anything. I’m going to repeat the same thing again . I should have the right to do that. Is this Bingo or this Kido’s reaction? Kido was actually more serious

. I had a big attitude at first, so I don’t respond to anything the same anymore. It was like that, but I forgot, my foot slipped, it hurt , and it hurt too much. I didn’t do it. I

Did n’t do anything, but I don’t have any right to cry. When Teruho cried, I kept calling that girl. This bastard is so sick.Everyone suspected him of killing someone very important to him, and no one believed him.It’s still a long time coming, but hey, you. I’m innocent . I

‘ve never killed anyone before, so I’m going to attack Emi-chan’s enemies. I promise I’ll get you out of here too. Wow, like God. I should have told you these words sooner. I ‘m 3. What have you been doing for such a long time ? [Music] I wonder if you’ll give me another chance

? Of course . Thank you very much. [ Music] Yagami [ Music] The teachers [Music] are over. It’s over. Oh, it’s over , Okubo-kun. It must have felt like I had been in a dark hole for three years now, and another ray of light suddenly came in and spread out.Now,

It feels like a light has come in all at once and spread out.I said it twice . But the exact same thing happened Chapter 9 Thank you very much Unyasu-kun is the most pitiful character

Out of all of them He’s been framed since the beginning, and on top of that, he’s killed the person he cares about. I was treated like a criminal , and in this day and age, all of my address and personal information was exposed,

Which would have been the worst thing ever.I’m in horror now.I hate it, but I wonder how many times this happens in the real world. I wonder what the incidence of false accusations is, and even if they are false accusations, I’m sure there are some that we don’t know about, but if we do

That tomorrow, it’ll be a while. I still have time today, so I’ll just go ahead and go . Are you going to go? Are you going to continue on to Chapter 10? Well, I did that pollen nose push and throat push before I streamed it today, so I

Have a nasal voice right now, but my nose is clear, so it’s smooth. I’m passing by , so let’s go.Let ‘s go.Let’s go.Let’s go.Let’s go.Let’s go.I can’t help but worry about what happens next.We’re going to 10.It might be a little while before we get to 10 . Please, I’m going.Suddenly,

Suddenly, flickering, flickering, flickering, flickering, flickering, lakoid.Okay, I want to go.Okay, let’s go.Decoy trapDecoy trapDecoyWait a minute.Can I bite your nose ? Before that, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, everyone.Hana. Thank you for your time. The chat notifications are ready. I’m ready to go. Now, let’s go ahead with the usual password.

I’ll start with the synopsis of the previous episodes. 3 years ago A dementia patient hospitalized at a drug discovery center was murdered. The death row inmate Shinbei Okubo, who was considered a suspect at the time, still maintains his innocence, and

Yagami’s hypothesis that the series of incidents was a human experiment by Addec 9 is an attempt to uncover a new culprit who did not kill Terasawa. Isn’t the man on the right side of Ono a friend ? He’s just walking around the hospital on his morning rounds

, but those eyes are sure to know something about the man next to him. Everyone is suspicious. I won’t be fooled from now on, Ayabe. I’m going to Detective Iwami. Is Yagami with you? I’m alone. It seems that Kami-san will keep his distance from us for a while. He’ll probably be

Targeted by a stray, so we can’t leave him involved, so be careful with Genda-sensei. Yagami -san is my father . He wants me to solve all the cases related to Ad Deck Nine. If I do that, both Detective Ayabe and Okubo-kun

Can be exonerated. Okubo Shinpei. There’s no doubt that Yagami will be great if he is cleared of his false accusations . He’s not even giving up, he’s already a legend. He’s not at the stage where he can get excited about it yet . He’s a legend, isn’t he? It must be too shocking.

The world turned its back on me. Like, they’re probably going to bash the police and prosecutors, after all.The Matsugane-gumi wiretapping machine they set up the other day is still alive.What can I hear?The chatter of the ward residents seems to be packed with quite a few people.It looks like Hamamura is there.

I guess it’s annoying when someone’s head is next to you. No one wants to chat with you. But Hamamura will probably contact you. Hmm, maybe . It was Kaito-san who said he should probably contact the office. Right, I do

N’t want to get angry like that. Where the heck has he disappeared to? I wonder why he keeps doing this until he finds out where Hamamura is. He has a deadline like this to stop smoking. That’s right, Ura. We really need to be

Patient and capture the village, right? The key to dragging out Agu is the village . If we can’t hold back the village, we’ll lose, and neither Aya nor Okubo-kun can be helped . I guess I’m just waiting. So I’ll use the usual one. Tsukumotsukutsuku will appear. Let’s scout Matsugane Gumi from here

. Where is Matsugane Gumi’s office ? This is Matsugane Gumi’s office. The wind is amazing Well, let’s go from below. What’s going on from below? [Music] Clear, I’m already used to operating the drone. That’s the east. It’s true, thank you for your hard work. You’re acting bossy. I don’t know. I don’t know if you’re serious or not, but we fought. Look, Azuma will appear. Let

‘s capture him. I’m sure he’ll cooperate with us. I’m sure I’ll tail him again. Let’s try to do it.Rather than continue eavesdropping with the three of us, let’s expand our reach.I’ll go too.Staying still doesn’t suit the evidence.Okay, then I’ll appear alone and change after I show up, so it’s okay to eavesdrop.The

Face of Azuma Yaza What are you doing ? It’s more like eavesdropping on Yaza’s office. It’s been a long time since I’ve come here. Alright, alright. [Music] Oh, there’s not only that, but there’s also an entourage . Wouldn’t it be better to go to the other side ?

I feel like it’s easier to see from the angle. It’s a little more difficult. Is that wrong? Are you talking to that girl ? Wait, wait, wait, this person was also bait. He’s talking to that girl . [Music] Wow, the difficulty level is increasing Wait a minute, wait, what should I do?

Hey, it’s not good here, it’s not good here, I ‘m sorry, Toto, that’s right, I’m angry . I wonder how we should go about things being spread out like this. People are stopping over there [Music] Hmm, it’s a little scary, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, wait, wait, wait , hide. The behavior of the entourage changes depending on where they hide in the opposite lane.I was talking to a girl earlier.The girl here.What is this cat?What is this child?What is this child?

What is this child ?This is normally the opposite lane. I think it would be better if you stayed behind instead of going there. [Music] Okay, hey, one person is gone. [Music] Where’s that? Hey, hey, he’s in the basement. I’m okay, hey, hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m

Not that suspicious. It’s okay, it’s okay, I don’t have to. It’s a pillar. Kato-san. Kaito-san shouldn’t be that close. Kaito-san. Kaito-san’s gone. It’s dangerous. Wait, wait, wait, oh, wait, wait, wait, which one, which one, which one, which one? I’m a little impatient. I’m tired. I’m panicking, I’m panicking

, I’m a little panicking. When I panic, I ‘m thankful for that. When I panic, I don’t know which direction I’m facing or where I am. I’m missing someone. It’s a bit confusing. The best thing to do is to

Rush.Especially in my case, I don’t have the composure or ability to recover after rushing, so don’t rush . ] Hey, calm down here, calm down, okay, okay, okay, okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no . Alright, alright,

Let’s go somewhere, umm, is there a place we can’t find? Here, okay, here, here, here, here, here I feel like I’m definitely going to find out, but it’s here, over there, it’s the east [Music] Hey, I want to move. I’m on the phone. It’s okay . I’m under that escalator.

I’m being watched. I’m being watched. Wait, it’s not okay. Okay, ok, there’s a guy on the left. Let’s get a little closer. I have to take this opportunity, right now, in this moment, oh, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, I can see it, I ‘m keeping an eye on it.

I have no choice but to follow Azuma right now.I want to get all the information I can.Oops, excuse me, young lady.This is a place to hide.Hold on for a second.Ka -baka-baka-baka -baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa good it’s just the last minute, just the last minute I wonder if it’s okay for us to be walking like this?

It might be someone coming at you. It wouldn’t be surprising if you attacked me. That’s right. Yeah, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, it’s dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. What should I do? Oh, okay, don’t panic, don’t panic, be more cautious. I’ve got some excellent subordinates East. It’s okay here.

It’s okay. It’s Kamurocho. Really Kamurocho. Yaza is blending in. Yaza is wandering around the town with his enemies [music] Is it okay? Is there a place ? Red Let’s go inside Ushimaru or somewhere to hide. [Music] That’s it. Let’s just walk slowly here. Hey, he’s there . He’s frozen. What should we do

? [Music] This is Fuji-san, Fuji-san, hide here, Kaito- san. Azuma is back too. He’s in the back. He’s smoking a cigarette right now. He started walking. Why did he come back every time? One of Azuma’s cronies was following Azuma over there. Are these guys okay [Music]

? These guys aren’t from the Matsugane Gumi. It’s okay. You don’t have to go through the middle of Akaushimaru. Is it okay? Looks like it’s okay. You can hide behind the scenes. Okay. They’re excellent henchmen. They’re excellent subordinates. Azuma has become great.

The other day that father and son were in the opposite direction, I ‘ll go, I’ll go. Okay, when I saw Sakazaki as a father and son, where was he heading? Azuma is alone now, so I’ll take the plunge and try to talk to him. It’s the first time since the two

Sides fought each other the other day. I wonder if he’ll listen to us. He’s a good guy. He’s a good guy. He’s a good guy. So it’s okay to start with. So let’s go. I understand. That time, the two sides fought each other, but they’re serious. No, there

‘s no way Azuma could really be jealous. He ran away from Fuji-san because he thought he was his big brother. He ran away from me. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to fight. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Chase. It’s been a while. Chase is running around saying shit.

Hey Azuma, what are you throwing at him? Wait, wait, wait, hold on, East. You don’t want to do anything with us, right? I don’t want to share any information, so if you get caught, you’ll leave. Wait, wait, hold on, Azuma. If you get caught, you’ll have no choice but to talk, so that’s

Why I understand why you’re running away. I saw Mokomo the other day, but I’m sure he wasn’t serious. He came all the way to Rozilla like this to make sure his friends wouldn’t find him. He brought him here. I just don’t have to run away anymore. It’s

Not like I was running away from you. I can’t talk to you guys where the group can see me. Hey, bingo, will you listen to me? Azuma, don’t run away. Take a break. Teiiyo- san, the head of the village has put a book in there to look for you guys . He’s ordered

The group to contact you as soon as they find you. On the other hand, if you call me, I ‘ll come see you right away. What are you going to do? They seriously want to get rid of you guys. I haven’t been told where Hamra is. It’s true.

I wouldn’t report to my head what happened to you right now. But if I were you, I’d do it right now. I’m sure my father, who is leaving town, thinks it’s better. He does n’t want me to get killed. He and Azuma were

Surprisingly kind to me, right? So, should I just listen to Tadakuni and leave town? I’m kidding, though. It seems like the people in the village are also looking for them. I don’t want to because I want to completely eliminate them. If Ham’s henchmen are looking for us

, I think it would be better to capture the people who attacked us, so I told them Ham. Getting him to reveal his whereabouts won’t work, but he might suddenly try to kill him, or he’ll get caught and have his eyes gouged out, or he

‘ll smoke again in Sugiura’s car. Honestly, I don’t want that either. So you just walk around the city from now on. I was watching from behind, so I figured it out. You’re walking around deliberately leaving gaps so that the enemy can easily attack you.

What does it feel like to show gaps? It’s exciting to be able to think that much for yourself. Hey, Mr. Kaito’s plan is okay. Now let’s parade around the town. Kamurocho. I can’t hear you. It’s getting dark, so I’ll keep my distance and follow you. You

Can walk while I let the enemy see an opening . I’m going to pick you up somewhere, I’m going to go here, I’m going to walk this way. I’m going to lure out the Matsugane group. I’m more of a butt guy than a boobs

Guy. I have a friend. I have a friend. You’re suddenly a person. How about it turning 90 degrees in front of you ? It’s inevitable that you’ll hit us too. This way is fine. Is this the destination I set? This looks like the destination I set. Excuse me. Now, I

‘m going to walk proudly down this main street. I wonder what it’s like to show your love. There’s only one person in the Matsugane group. They’ll know if they’re doing well . I’ll help them out. Is it better to defeat the enemy who can overcome it alone

By restarting when I go? I get it. Is it just you or you ? Yes, it’s a shame. It took up so much time. I couldn’t have asked for a better book like this. When I saw them fighting, how could they do that? They look wary, but they’re just walking

As usual. There’s no suspicious people nearby right now. Do n’t worry, look at me, leave it to me. You can’t just walk around normally. I don’t know what’s going to happen, so I’ll just have to take a moment to prepare my stomach and other things.I’m sure about my chin.Oh, wait a second, that’s

True.Hmm , wait a second, now that I think about it. We don’t have any medical kits, we don’t have any medical kits , and we have to buy a lot of other things.I’m going to buy a lot of different things.Can I buy anything

At Donki Donkey?I can’t buy food, as expected.The clerk said… I can’t buy it right now, come on, come on, where did that come from ? I can buy it. I can buy Donkey, but yakisoba doesn’t seem like it’s going to help my stomach,

But if you’re saying you have zero free time, then you should drink alcohol. I wonder if it’s okay. Maybe I’ll buy this and a few other things . Thank you. Maybe I can’t take a taxi at that auto park. Now, maybe I’ll just have to wait a minute and

Get a medical kit. Medical kit. I wonder if you can hear me. Mr. Kaito. Those guys from the Matsugane group won’t come after me. Yes, yes, yes. For example, how about alcohol? Try drinking and getting drunk. I see that you like alcohol. Maybe try going to a tender.

You can’t get drunk from convenience store alcohol. At a tender, drink something strong all at once and show me how much you like it. Let’s go to the group. I’m running. I’m running. I’m heading to Tender, bumping into people and causing trouble as usual.

I’m sure the manager of Tender will make the strongest alcohol for me. I’m sorry, auntie, I’m sorry, uncle is here. Thank you everyone for everything. Okay, manager, give me some sake Turbo Genki Marinade I’m feeling good at work as always. I’m a gambler.

I don’t prepare this marinade before the tender. I wonder if I can go now . Yo, who are you talking to ? Marinette’s friend event is amazing. Tell me the trick to rising. [Music] Yo, hmm, that’s right. I

Don’t know if it’s insight, but insight. You can tell by the other person’s gestures and facial expressions. That’s how you compete now. Deciding whether or not to do it or not. That’s great. You’re probably pretty good at being a detective, right

? Why don’t you just try it out and play with me? Marinette. Yeah, there’s an old man over there listening, nervous. No, there’s no way. There’s a guy out there who’s an office worker.

How many more drinks does he have to drink before he can even stand on the toilet? Hey, I saw it as 3 times more. Well, I ca n’t help it. Well, I’ll give you a hint. He just went to the bathroom.Boy, Turbo.How much more do you

Think he has to drink before he stands on the toilet?Yeah, that’s right.Let me think about it for a moment.Let’s observe him and see if there are any hints. [Music] Yeah, aren’t you fidgeting? I’m not sure if you’re fidgeting. Shoulders: You don’t look like you’re going to go to the bathroom. I don’t think

You can stand on the toilet unless you drink a little more . You might not be able to get any meaningful information by just observing the man. Maybe try observing the things around you more closely. It’s the things around you. Something is wrong with this. It

‘s not a guess. It’s just an idiot. Yeah, what’s that? The manager with suspicious eyes. Is there a hint ? Yeah, cigarette butts, ashtrays. Yeah, that person is drinking. Master, I heard in a really loud voice that that person was drinking, but it’s okay. It’s Red Eye. Red Eye

Is a cocktail of tomato juice and beer. Oh yeah, that’s right. Tomatoes are famous because they have a lot of potassium and have a diuretic effect. That’s a little faster than Marinade’s 3-ba. I think Turbo will probably stand on the toilet. I wonder if I have the ingredients to make a guess.

Hey Turbo, how long are you going to keep thinking about this? Sorry, sorry, it’s okay. Let’s move on. I think Turbo will stand on the toilet after he drinks a few more drinks. Hmm, I’m holding back. He’s drinking alone. There’s no need to hold back. Ah, but wait, he just stood in the bathroom. Well, it’s about two drinks, but I don’t know how fast he’s drinking. Oh, but beer. I found out that there were two

Lines on the beer bottle.Aren’t the lines of foam really shiny on me?The second stream is really shiny, isn’t it?Well, it’s not a beer bottle, it’s a glass glass cup. There were two lines, so that person was drinking 3 sips of beer.It

Was 33 sips. What I think is that you’re going to be on the toilet earlier than I expected. If you lose, I’d like to see you here. Dabo, Dabo. I’ve been drinking a lot of marinade today . Seriously, I wonder what’s going to happen. I’m begging you. It’s okay.

It’s okay. Let’s defeat the thugs again. You can also go to Maru Ga Maru Ga Zen Game Finance and borrow it.Also, I’m a master at making money through crowdfunding.One more glass of the same thing.Oh, okay.First of all, clear.This person is drinking beer with 3 sips.This glass. No, it’s not that early.Turbo

‘s guess is that he’ll be standing on the toilet next time.I wonder if he’ll be standing in the bathroom next time.I wonder if Master, I’ll borrow the toilet for a while.Here, please guess.I won a drink.I won a drink.I won a drink.I don’t feel like I won,

But I guess I’ll have a drink. 2 drinks, 2 drinks, 2 drinks. He’s only had one drink. Oh, he’s off. Turbo. Turbo. I thought he’d be on the toilet sooner than I expected. Red Eye. I was drinking Red Eye , and it contains tomato juice.Tomato juice

Contains a lot of potassium, which has a diuretic effect, so I reconsidered it a bit.I’m not playing detective for nothing.Orine’s good impressions No, if you feel like it that much, let’s play again. Mari is a bit of a gambler. Hey, I got a little drunk, but this isn’t enough. Hey, that’s it. I

Didn’t go to Mr. Hoshi’s place and took it easy. Don’t forget my purpose. You’re making fun of the village’s henchmen. You shouldn’t be the only one drinking to feel good

About it. You should have paid for it, right? No, you’ve got quite a number of people, and if you do something like that, you wo n’t get away with it for free. Okay, how about this kind of move ? This kind of move is showing up at a store where the

Matsugami group is in charge . Maybe the name and location of that store is Albin on Tenkaiichi Dori. Oh, okay, let’s go, Albin. So just before that, go to that automatic park and, um, go to Morohoshi-sensei’s Morohoshi-sensei’s and get some medicine. I wonder if I should go get

Some? I saw that marinade and it reminded me of something, but oops, excuse me, that guy had a broken shoulder and had a weird reaction, but I wonder if he’s okay. That ass in that gambling den in the back of the pub where you can go fishing.

Someone like a woman with a nice ass , ah, she’s gone now, that treatment, Mr. Yagami, who’s been treating me for a long time, that homeless person, I wonder if he’s okay now. Medical kit, uh, give me this, these three, thank you very much,

If you don’t have it again. Thank you for coming any time, and I’d like to buy you some more food.That hot woman at the gambling parlor said something like, “I like hot games that make you tingle.”I love hot games that make you tingle.” That thing that I remembered

Was really exciting. Well, let’s do some shopping here. There are some sedentary people here, but I don’t look down on you. I don’t look down on you. Hey, please, don’t get angry here. So don’t get mad here, let’s go a little further, let’s go a little further, let’s go a little further here.

Here, here, let’s fight from a distance [Music] Oh, yeah, next, stop being violent. It’s dangerous, dangerous, in front of the store. Stop being violent in front of the store. Let’s go in peace. In peace. Let’s go peacefully and stop fighting, okay? Yesterday

, there were a lot of Murata home runs. It’s a little lame. There are things I want to do a little more . I want to completely conquer this way, but I don’t know what to do now.

First of all, I’ll buy as much sushi as I can. I’ll buy as much as I can. I ‘ll buy as many bento boxes as I can. I’m already here. Wait a minute. Before I knew it, I ‘d stop going to Makunouchi Bento. [Music] Now’s not the time to be buying cigarettes.

Before I knew it, I was spending so much money. Thank you very much.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.I was able to proceed without destroying Popopo’s shop.Well , it’s quite far from here.It seems like it would be quick to take a taxi, so I ‘d like to take a taxi to my destination.

Well, this cat seems to be the closest, so let’s leave now. I’ll take a taxi. Hehe, I still have some alcohol left. Okay, ok, ok, ok, ok, it’s not an office at the Matsugane Gumi office. It’s on here, Alvin, there was a lot of people there.I

Told you last week, did you have to come up with a reply by today?It’s a bit difficult, but I didn’t come here to hear that kind of reply.The cost of taking care of you guys is getting heavy. It’s only natural that the prices will go up

So badly, but that’s not true. They’re Matsu’s. Oh yeah, that’s right. Let’s help someone here. It looks like that clerk is in trouble. Kaito-san, you’re reading too much, so I ‘ll do it quickly. Yes, yes. Well, the thugs at this level just had to get over that

, so they showed up and showed themselves as gods. They’re just normal people, and I don’t care what they’re doing. See, the only thing they can do is bark like they’re going to start making loud noises again soon. No matter how long you stand there, I’ll provoke you.I’ll come out right away.I’ll

Come out right away.That’s right , yes, yes, yes, yes, go to sleep.It feels good.How ‘s the tornado? Have you noticed, Mr. Kaito? Hey, Yagami has come to the head of the village. I made sure to tell them the truth and asked the head of Ha. Is it okay? I wonder

If they’ll take care of me properly. Isn’t this a pretty good plan? I wonder if they’ll tell the village. I know of other stores that have asses. It would be nice to have a few of them, Reka no Ke on Pink Street, Fantastic

Romance on the west of Shichifuku Street, and Sweet Below on the east of Shichifuku Street.Let’s go to all of them.The name of the shop is exciting. If you’re going from there, let’s go to a nearby place, like an alchemist or something similar to chain alchemy. What’s so embarrassing about this place? Alchemy

, alchemy, here, new sensations, health. How about one shot, brother? There’s a lot of good girls here. The people at this shop are awesome. Brother , please stop by. I’m going to serve you. This is where the Matsugane group has their butts, right? Please don’t get into trouble.

He looks a bit like Kem, but he’s not like that, but Yagami is here. Tell that to the person who has the ass . I’m not going to see it. God, I don’t know what you mean. It doesn’t have any deep meaning. That’s it for me

. Let’s move on to the next place. Give me a breeze. Oh, no, no, if you look at it like this, there are a lot of really suspicious catch people . What’s really wrong with this town? There

‘s nothing we can do about this town. Let’s go to the next place. Even catchers are actually bad. It’s no good. When I’m here, I’m starting to think that it was good. Hey, everyone, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ‘m sorry. It’s your fault for not listening. Yes, I

Got 5,000 yen. Yes, An-chan, An-chan, how much money do you have? An-chan, An-chan, money, money, money, okay. Go to bed early. If you don’t have the money, it’s 40. 10,000,000, but suddenly it’s around 50,000, so Sweet Billo is here.Sweet Bill.Is the clerk over there smoking

?You’ll know if you ask.It’s a store that sells all kinds of goodies.Just hurry up, Tabo.Yes. Yes, that’s what the store clerk says, but this store is owned by the Matsugane Gumi.Brother, who’s Yagami?I

Don’t have anything special to do, but I’m going to tell the person who has the butt that Yagami is here. Please stay here No matter what I mean , it doesn’t really have a deep meaning Well then, I ‘m fine with this. Enough here. Let’s head to the next place. Okay, if I

Run to one more place, it might be the same if I keep running. Just keep running. I want to do it , so hurry, hurry, this is it, this is all that’s it. Matsukanegumi has this ass. He’s got this. I

Told him to tell me when he came to that store, and as expected, he pushed the car. He pushed the car. As expected, I understood that humura. That’s right, I think something is wrong. This place is a fan of Rakira Cabaret Club. Thank you for your hard work today.

Please forgive me if I’m late in paying next time. Sales are bad this month. You should make more sales efforts. Even if you open your mouth, customers will come. No, hey, just say hello. Hello. Yes, I’m sorry. Are you open? Hey there! Good evening, that person.

Don’t casually say hello. That little ham-head that just showed up. I want to see you, and you keep saying that I don’t know where he is, but you can’t meet him. I’m going to kill him right here, so he’s just going to bring out his sword and wooden marker. Kaoryaoraoraoraoraorayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

_ The worst, the worst, the worst, oh, worst, I had to press the button. I was a little surprised and didn’t press it. Damn, it was a really good chance, but I didn’t want to increase Popopo’s clerk’s favorability. I’m sorry, I’ll take care of that. I’ll report this to you. Now,

I’m afraid I’m lowering my trust in the Popopo staff. Now, from what I heard from Mr. Fuji, the store must have been in a lot of trouble. That’s right, you’re right, you village bastard.His henchmen will be arriving soon.You just walk around town a little longer, and I’m sure they’ll

Attack you from the other side.Okay, so if you’re going to walk around, it’s better to be in a place that’s a little more conspicuous. I ‘m going to go around, I ‘m in the center of Kamurocho, and I’m going to lure you out with [music] Oh wait

, I’ve got a lot of skills, I’ve got a lot of them Before I know it, I’m going to strengthen it more and more I’m going to strengthen it a little Body balance I’m drinking alcohol and it’s sweet This is also

For now, I want to become strong against alcohol.I want to become stronger and stronger against alcohol.I said I’m going to get more.Gourmet food.Also, I’ll improve it a little.I’ll also improve my battle skills.Hold on, I’ve accumulated skills.I’ve accumulated a lot of them.I haven’t used them at all. Tako, uh, from the square

Rush combo, from the rush combo, uh, triangle, triangle, uh, from the rush combo, 1000 shot enhancement, I read it as bottle firing discovery enhancement, by successfully inputting just this shot. The EX gauge will fill up. Okay, that’s fine. It’s quite strong and

I’ve used it several times, so I’ll grab it and fight back. I’ll counterattack the enemy who’s grabbing the arrow and untie it. However, it won’t work against some enemies. And when you’re being grabbed by a hidden enemy, do you mean circle or triangle? Circle or triangle, uh, grab the enemy from behind and

Do a triangle kick, kick, or throw. It ‘s great. I’ve done all of them. It’s like this around here . No matter how much you destroy the shop, the enemy won’t notice you. Well, that’s the thing about this. It’s like a skill when working as a detective. No matter

How much you destroy the shop, you can still shop as usual. This is a must, and when you meet and greet a friend, the EX gauge will fill up. Number of recovery items you have in the refrigerator. I didn’t see any recovery items in the refrigerator. Well

, after that, there are already quite a few abilities and battles. I’ve done all I can to do the skills, haven’t I? Have I released this and that body balance? For now, I’ve been using SP a lot mainly for abilities and battles.

I’ll try to release as much as I can. I wonder if this area is okay. I ‘ve released as much as I can. I unlocked all of the battles and battles earlier, so I guess it’s okay. Yeah, it’s okay. Okay, so there’s a little bit left over here

, and I’d like to use the rest in the specials, just to get a little extra. Smoke tobacco and save up the EX gauge. Oh, is that this skill? I have some skills left , but now that I’ve accumulated a little bit of that,

I’d like to release a little more of that attack power and physical strength.The rest is okay.Well, if I walk around here for a bit, I’ll see some people from the Matsugane group coming. I feel like it’s better to stay here. Hey, I’m going to write down some people. [Music] I

‘m going to get a little carried away. I’m going to defeat Shinra and the others and go to the city. For safety’s sake, I’ll stay here. Even after defeating a few thugs , I think Konoha has become the most dangerous area in Japan, so now I’m collecting 8000 la

La la la . I ate it.Let’s walk around this area for a bit.Taboo.If it’s a little more popular and lively, it’ll be harder for enemies to attack.If that’s the case, Champion Street is better if it’s not that popular.If it’s a place like that, I’ll have a harder time

Attacking it in the dark. I want to say something so disturbing.Okay, okay, let’s go to Champion Street , then go this way.Here, let’s go to Champion Street, then this way, right here, here, here . I thought it would be easy to find because it would stand out, but

The people from Matsugane-gumi might be watching it somewhere, and I’m sure the village would hear that I went to Champion Street, so I’ll have to look around a little more here and there. Is it up here? It’s here.

It’s here. It’s here. It’s here. It’s here. I’m coming in. Can I clean up your nose a little bit for the champ? Excuse me. It’s getting really hot. I’ll be here in a little while. I’ve set up the orchestra. Let’s head over. I wonder if someone’s going to attack me

Or something. Okay, I’m here. I wonder if it’s just my imagination, Mr. Ka-san. I feel like I’m being stared at. Kaito-san, are you okay ? Hey, can you hear me? Wait, wait, wait, Kaito – san, Fuji-san, it’s okay Hey, Fuji-san, where are you? Wait, you

‘re bringing me with you. You’re bringing the enemy with you [laughing] Oh, but don’t worry, don’t worry, yes, you’ll have my back. I’m not scared anymore , and since it’s Rolo, I don’t think it’s okay to go in one battle. [Music] I’m going to do it with the bread.

Pom Pom Pom, hey, the can is too small, so I hit him with almost everything. I’ve been waiting on the roof for a long time.I’m confident in my physical strength.I know I ‘ll leave behind one person who ran away. Teru is No. 1 No. 1 I kicked that weak-looking guy

With thin lines on his face that I don’t know what to do with. Oh no, I’m so happy that it’s going well. He’s a little bit above me. What did he throw? He threw the newspaper again. I just brought a newspaper person who

Brought me only, I have come, wait, wait, wait, I will wait so much. He doesn’t have the same face as the Yaza who just came. Give up already. He works hard to become a Yaza, but for some reason he ended up joining the Yaza.

He doesn’t have the ability. He’s a subordinate of the village. It’s like Kaito-san is telling me that it’s all over now . It’s a complete reversal of what happened the other day. Kai-Hamra Sugiura-kun Sugiura-kun Sugiura-kun’s [music] It’s time to come out, Wow, it’s seriously Higashi Wow!

You’ve given me so many chances to lead the way, but I’ve come this far by rejecting them. I’m ready. You’ve gone too far, Ham. This will finally clear up. Wait a minute, let ‘s stop being such a hassle. Hey, dad , I’ve tried to put up as much

Of a face as I can. Please, you may be in place of these guys’ parents , but before that, you’re probably the boss of the Matsugane group. Just say that there’s no way out. Don’t give this bastard dad a gun. Don’t call . Who are you talking to ? [Music] As expected

Of you, Mr. Kaito, you can’t . Just follow me now. Hold on. It’s too bad. He came after all. It’s okay. No one’s chasing me now. What happened to Mr. Fuji who didn’t come? Hamamura shot him in the side and he was captured by the guys. I don’t know what happened after that. I have to go and help him right away

. Why did you come to that place? You were eavesdropping on the Matsugane group the whole time. Since the people have been gathered together, I’ve been eavesdropping to see if

I can figure out who A is from Ham, who is following them.I heard a word that might give me some clues.Soleil is the name of the building.I heard it several times.If it’s Soleil, maybe it’s Kaito. I

Don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with that, but there’s a recently collapsed building in Kamurocho, so I’ll think about it, then I’ll go.First, I have to help Kaito-san, but Kaito-san was shot in the side. Maybe my father doesn’t have any power anymore, and that building is over there,

And it’s Matsugumi, which I recognize. Fuji-san was brought here after all, so there’s no way to confirm from the outside, but if it’s for now, they’ll be over there. I’ve let my guard down, and I have no choice but to go. Yagami-san, get ready as soon as possible. Oh, let’s go, let’s go

, let’s go. I ‘ve heard that line many times already. Let’s go and get some sleep for a while, Yagami-san, Sugiura-kun, it’s okay, isn’t it? It’s okay, you can trust me as a friend. It’s been a long time, uh, it’s been a while, it ‘s a little bit more, it’s

A little bit more, it’s not going to start over here, it’s not going to work here, wait, wait, wait, slowly, slowly, okay, okay, slowly, this order doesn’t matter, go slowly, let’s put it together , Mr. Ato. When I thought that I was being defeated,

This guy was going to use a crab stick.Oh, it was short.This time, I guess he was the one sent by Ham.Here’s this nice guy.We’ll do a little salt dance and fight him.Well, let’s take a break. Kotobuki and Marunouchi bento with a platter of oden.I’m recovering my strength.Okay , let’s go with

Salt instead of salt.Let’s go all at once.It’s small, but the bomb from Tornado is an enemy man, so I don’t want to cause too much muscle loss.I don’t want to cause too much muscle loss. I don’t want to do it, it ‘s nice. Do the trick first

. This is Onis. Sugiura is good. Ku Sugiura’s foot technique is good. He’s got good skills. Hey , hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, this guy is more of a woman. You guys can buy some time by draining your blood. Hey eyes. It’s beautiful, isn’t it ? Yes, you guys

Are already chachachachachachatte! Go ahead! This is not the time to let your guard down. You can’t lose to someone who lets their guard down in such an important situation in a place like this. Don’t use that, you’re still there, you’re already there, you’re still here, Sugiura-kun, you’re not here yet, let’s

Go, okay, so you’re recovering your strength by making your subordinates fight ? Is this what it meant to be such a scary guy? It seems like I’m in this eternal loop again. I

Feel like I’m going to win with this all the time. I feel like I’m going to win with this all the time. I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble. The guy who uses it gets a kick , and the guy waits and waits and waits. Hey

, it looks like he’s still a little bit okay here, so he’s just recovering his stamina. If not, what are we going to do? Chika, Chika, they keep changing rooms and trying to turn us around. They’re trying to make us lose our way.

I’m so excited about us. We can’t fight like this. I’ve prepared a surprise . Just stay like this. Then it’s hard to move Let’s turn on the light somewhere This is the only option This is it Thank you This is the stamina Don’t look in the room in the back Hey, where’s the

Nuisance Damn, hurry up or it’s locked I’ll pick it I don’t have time It’s okay if you don’t score it in one shot. You’re almost there . You’re almost there to score it in one shot. Yoshi Chioralalala Osugiura .

He tries not to use as much of your physical strength as possible. It’s almost like he’s begging you in case of emergency, so you see. Hey, here we are, here we go, guys with sticks. Hurry up. You guys with sticks are probably somewhere else. You guys with sticks. Smith Tamina is over.

Where are you going? You guys go play. Why is he the leader? He’s the enemy guy. Okay, if something happens to Ri- san, I won’t leave it for nothing. You guys should remember it , and remember it soon. Hurry up, I’m not done with the flesh

Yet. I’ve got my walking stick ready . That kind of thing is like , I can’t defeat you with this. That’s what I know about the weight of Chinese food.Do you know how much Chinese food weighs ?I was hit on the head and this is as expected.Wait a minute, wait, wait, this

Is better to get rid of your muscles . This is it for the cane guy. You’ve already done this. The cane guy has only one choice. The cane guy has one choice. The other one is kick. If you were the stick guy

, I ‘d fall in love. Just a little more , go, go , go, go, attack, attack, hey, can’t you just give up? What should we do now? If that doesn’t work, what’s left for you ? I thought it was an apartment building, but it’s not. Just be careful.

Oh, hey, hey, hey. It’s dangerous. It’s not too bad. The lights are out. I lost my mind. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. No, next, it’s okay, it’s dark, but I’m going, okay, okay, okay, it’s dark, but I’m going, it’s just pitch black. I

Was surprised. It’s not here. It’s not here. I was fooled. It’s Sugiura. It’s here. Are you turning on the weather here? Oh, I went, I went. I could go, I could still go, I could go to the back. It’s scary . They’ve put up stamina barricades. They can’t go here. I’ll go from

Here . I can’t go this way. It’s a maze. I can’t go here. Oh, I can go. I can go. I can go, I can go, I can go I’m lost I’m barricaded Hey, Tornado Oh my God, Hey hey, it’s easy, it’s good, it ‘s early, but I wonder if there’s still

One?It was like a roundabout, but I like the medical kit.How did you get here? If you’ve come this far , you’ve already gone to the other side. Let’s face him. Is this guy a really high-ranking executive? Hurry up and let him fight with the stick again. It’s been a while since I’ve

Seen this special technique in a long time . It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I’m in front of a heavy-looking door, so it’s refreshing. It’s great to see the enemies being defeated, and I’m relieved of my stress . Sugiura is bleeding a lot, too.

It’s too late. I’m so relieved. Yagami-san, you’re fine with Sugi and me. Do you think I’ll let Mr. Fuji go? His friends are magicians. This was the medical kit they used earlier to fix the damage caused by this human stone. They can now carry 6 medical kits. They’ll never lose

. I’m falling down like a rock, what’s that? It seems like it’s easier to hit the opponent if you turn on the lights and do something weird . It’s amazing. How many patterns are there? I ‘m not a magician. This is the one to do it seriously. That seems to be

The strongest. Give it up, stop it, stop it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, just once. Let’s recover Let’s recover I’m glad I bought Sushi Max Sushi Max I’m glad I bought it [Music] Can’t decide? For Riko, it’s a kick after all.Let

‘s go with a kick instead of a complicated technique.I attack with a kick.Even if I block, I can’t stand up and fire against this sword.A plain kick is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, this is dangerous. Well, let’s recover normally. Damn, we’ll

Have two medical kits. Let’s eat some oden and warm up our bodies. Oh yeah. Let’s just chip away at it little by little. We’ll use everything we can. We’ll use everything we can. Run away! Run away. Are you running away ? Isn’t that sneaky? Ki-san, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in

Trouble. I want to turn on the light. I want to turn on the light . Is the light on? Wait a minute. This is so amazing. Are you okay? Butakim hasn’t recovered at all I bought it at a doki Okay, wait a minute, wait, wait,

It’s a kick, it’s a kick after all, wait, let’s go for a little while, okay , let’s do whatever we want , Kaito-san Hamamura, are you still here? Did you miss running away ? This bastard, Kaito, is in a position where he can talk to me without me noticing? Mr. Ato,

He’s calling me . I see him. I think he’s going to kick me this time. This is dangerous, Mr. Fuji. Just wait a little longer. I’ll just do the shortest and fastest thing. So, kick me. I’m going to peck at Ham,

I’m going to kill Ham’s flower, I’m going to kill Ham’s tall flower. I’ll wait a minute, but there’s no medical kit. It’s not somewhere. It’s not somewhere. There’s no medical kit . [Music] I’m not feeling well. I wonder if I should save up for EX [Music] I don’t think I’ll use it anymore

Oh yeah, I’ll fight splendidly This is a dragon, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous Wait, wait, wait, wait, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Timing to use this is good, it’s finally here, here, here we’re going to eat sushi.

Just a little bit of recovery Butakimbuta Kimbuta Kimbuta Kimu Yoshiori Yes strong The battle in this building ended with Ikkiya Kamimura. I’m glad Sugiura was okay too. Thank you, please help me, Mr. Fuji. What does your injury look like? I just got hit once. I can walk on my own.

I’m bleeding so much. Is it true that you’re doing something wrong? It’s true, I ‘m going to kill you too. Hurry up and go there. Higashi is in trouble too. I still have work to do.

Oh, East is in trouble too. I’m getting hungry too. Even if I kill you guys, if you don’t stop, you’re too late to realize that. It’s dangerous to talk when you’re trying to convince me of your beliefs

, right? You bought it properly. Dad, I don’t want to waste any more time on you. Please cooperate with me. Isn’t your favorite person nearby? If he’s not there at a critical time, he’s useless, Dad. [ __ ]This is going to be a disaster

. Everyone here won’t be able to survive. There’s still time to kill this bastard. In other words, if I don’t do it , you too won’t be killed by the mole in this world. There are people you can betray, and people you can’t.I’m someone you can betray, or you can

Betray your father, Mogu, and die.Which is better, but it will be interesting to see how far you can show your mettle. Wakazuhamura says we’ll catch the mole. Wherever we go, who are the captives who will join us? Don’t shut up.

If you answer, I’ll have to kill you. I’m not that easy of a man. I shot him quickly. Did you step on it? It’s a big deal. I think I may have teased you a little.

You’ve bought me a lot of time. It’s time to change places. I’m sure the pine mane will still attack you . It’s embarrassing, but let’s go to a place where you can easily talk.There ‘s a nice shop called Cabaret Honmaruen

, which is a hideout of the powerful world.The people who went around killing people with you are waiting for you.You can’t talk there either. If you don’t, I’ll praise you for making a big deal. It’s getting interesting to dig into enemy territory. Ah, let’s go.

Did you think that it doesn’t matter what happens to Matsugane-gumi? My father is a fool to think that it will turn out like that for him. Shioya came too. Hamamura,

I’ve always wanted to meet Matsu’s boss. It’s nice to meet you, but when you say that, the boss at your appearance party says, “ Well, I’m not going to show you.” Hey, Yoshi -san, I want to show Muranigu’s true identity.

I don’t know if you’ll pay attention to me during that time. I’m still doing the job Chairman Kajihira asked me to do. You guys should help out, too . If you were the one who got killed the other day, why don’t you give it back to me first

? We’re both good friends, right? You were the one who kidnapped Mafuyu first, so I’m telling you that. I don’t have anything to lend you or anything to do. But instead, I have one condition. Once we’ve talked about that , you can leave the village to us. We’ll be happy

. As expected, you’re a borrowed cat. It’s the first time I’ve seen your face like that. I ‘m here . I don’t understand the meaning of the big trap. I still don’t understand the meaning of the big trap, but the content is clearly in that head.

It’s a brain that seems to have Alzheimer’s disease, but right now. The story up to this point is included. Thank you for your hard work in Chapter 10. Everyone, thank you for watching this far. I

Don’t know what will happen yet, but I feel like things are starting to come together around Chapter 99 . I feel like the pieces of each case that I had collected up until now are starting to form a line little by little. Decoy means Oto and Oto. Who was Oto?

Who was Oto? But who is the decoy , Yagami, that or that, that’s what was picked up, is the arrow in the decoy’s front head? I said it’s in the head, but I’m wondering if it’s in the head right now. I’m sure you thought that, but it’s okay. It’s all right.

The scene where Yagami was trying to lure Nematsu out was a trap. I’m sure it was a bait and switch operation. Thank you very much . Well, I don’t know what’s going on with that, but my

Prediction so far about the final landing point is that the decoy is shaped like a decoy dove used to catch pigeons, so yeah, that’s right. It’s a dove-shaped decoy used to catch pigeons. It’s like catching a pigeon with a pigeon. It ‘s like catching a friend with a pigeon. Thank you very much.

It’s mine. In the end. As expected, Kono will be captured, Kono will be caught, and Shi will be that one.As Yagami predicted, he used Grandpa in a human experiment and accidentally killed Emi. I don’t know if he had someone do it or if he did it himself, but

Either way, Okubo-kun didn’t kill anyone, and of course he didn’t kill Emi-chan, Den and Ono. When that crime is judged in court, Kido, who cooperated with Ono, will be properly judged and will be acquitted.Detective Kuroiwa came, and Detective Izumida also became angry. Morita: Is that Mr. Morita? Morita, uh, Morita-san.

Rather, Morita’s uncle Morita’s sex has changed and justice has been properly punished.The person who should be punished is going to be punished, and Mafuyu-chan and Mafuyu get that nice feeling after everything goes to sleep. I wonder if Yagami will continue to be a detective or not. I wonder

If he won’t go back to being a lawyer, or not as a lawyer in his own way. But it seems that a lawyer’s job is just to protect the defense attorney, not to catch the criminal or make things clear and clear, so Yagami is determined to pursue his own justice.

This is my theory that he will continue to be a detective in order to stick to it.Yes, I’m really looking forward to seeing if it goes like this or not.There are about 3 more wins left.I’m looking forward to seeing

What will happen until the end and whether my predictions come true. I’d like to continue, but due to some circumstances, I’ll be broadcasting tomorrow on Friday, which is a normal weekday, but due to some circumstances, I won’t be able to stream it again, so it’ll be next week.Well, last week

On TwitterX. So this week, I was saying that I was going to do the FF Reverse trial version , but I’ve rearranged my schedule a little bit and I think I’ll probably do it next week.The Reverse trial version will be released on the 21st. I think it will be released

, so I’ll put together a little summary after another version is released and it becomes available. I’d like to show you the trial version in one video, and I’d like to play it, so I’d like to schedule a bit. This is a change from what I announced earlier on X

, but I would be happy if you could look forward to next week.So today was a bit long, but thank you everyone.Thank you again for today. Thank you very much. I understand. Thank you. I guess I misunderstood a lot. Thank you for the healing effect story. I read Kana’s machi. Oh,

Wait a minute. I’m sorry about the chat. That time difference was created. The time difference was created. The time difference made it now. You could have seen them all at once. It’s not a pigeon. It’s not a pigeon. It’s a duck. A

Pigeon and a duck are very similar. A pigeon and a mosquito are also very similar. It’s a kanji trap. It’s a kanji trap. It’s the one that fell into the kanji trap. However, Taka-san, who was caught in a kanji trap,

Made a mistake in my reading.I’m sorry, but I really think he might be suffering from a slight illness.Maybe no one notices it anymore.He’s been like this ever since he was born, so by the time he can remember, he’s probably sick. I don’t think I

Would notice if I got that disease.I don’t know if it’s from the root cause or if it’s a disease.I’d be happy if you could notice it as soon as possible.If you suspect that it’s a disease, I’d appreciate it if you would notice it as soon as possible.I

Read it wrong so many times. Please, thank you.Yes, I’m sorry.Thank you very much.I’m sorry, the chat stopped for some reason, but I ‘m the one who just came all at once.It’s not a pigeon, it’s a duck.I just came all at once.Thank you.Okay, everyone. Thank you everyone. Thank you for today as well. Please

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