[ENG SUB] 冬季骑行广西,都想在这边买房养老了,消费低空气好人淳朴又热情【陶三丰的草根之旅】

Hello, everyone, my friends. I am Tao Sanfeng. The current location is on the side of Dongxing National Gate Port. These days, my friends have also gone to Vietnam. I’ve stayed at Poly Lai Hotel for another two days. Because I found there’s another package. It’s necessary to use it.

So, I waited for the package for two more days. Now, basically, all the packages are ready. Consider it as traveling light. It’s almost there. The equipment from Tibet before, well, it will take about another week to arrive here. I’ll ride along the coastal road. Straight towards Fangchenggang

There are no places for bags in the front. It’s very light, two small bags at the back. I bought this 22-liter one on Taobao. Very cheap, just over a hundred yuan. Including this top bag. It seems to be somewhat waterproof. Also, around a hundred yuan. Currently, these are packed with my tent.

And some clothes. I didn’t bring food, drinks, and cooking stuff. After a while, when all my equipment arrives, I’ll bring them over and install them. That way, it will be complete. For now, I’ll just ride like this. The rear tire pressure is not very full yet. Let’s go first. Shaded by green trees,

This season, if in our Shandong. At my home, all the leaves are dried. Dry branches and fallen leaves. After crossing this bridge, the coastal road is ahead. I’ve stayed in Dongxing for many days. Overall, this city is very quiet. Their average salary is around 2,000-3,000. Close to Vietnam, the temperature is relatively hot.

It’s much warmer than Nanning. Leaving the coastal town, China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau is building houses here. I’ve looked into the housing prices here before. It seems to be around 4,000 per square meter. Maybe it’s around 5,000 in Beihai. Actually, the housing prices here are around 300-400 thousand.

You can buy a 110-square-meter house. The air is also good. It’s suitable for staying here for health. When the time comes, I can have a stable place. But there are young people here. Not many. Most of them are renting here. Rent is not cheap either. 800 per month. 1,000 per month.

Slightly better neighborhoods, for the less desirable ones, it’s 500-600. There are many trucks on this coastal road, too many private cars. I’m not planning to continue. I plan to find an intersection ahead, turn right to the seaside. The scenery on both sides, small villages and towns, is a bit more beautiful.

There are fewer cars, and it’s more comfortable. There’s also the Great Qing Dynasty No.1 Boundary Monument Scenic Area. There’s an arch. What kinds of noodles do you have, boss? Ah, we have rice and noodles here. Chicken noodles? We’re out of chicken noodles, right? What else do you have? Except for chicken noodles.

Pork head meat noodles. We have everything, no worries. Pig trotter noodles, right? Pig trotter noodles, pig trotter noodles. Eat here. Outside. Okay. A serving of pig trotter noodles. Let’s taste it. Next time, I’ll try Guilin rice noodles. Let’s try all kinds of rice noodles. Put a little chili. I feel like noodles,

Each place has a different taste. Each place’s noodles are a bit different. But overall, the feeling is similar. And that egg, it seems to be the kind with feathers. I didn’t dare to eat that. Look at this noodle, it’s flat, some are oval. I prefer this flat one. Look at this pig’s trotter,

Let’s continue the journey. Entering small villages and towns. The environment here is much more comfortable. Today’s weather is misty, a bit cloudy. In the next week, it’s going to be this kind of overcast and rainy days. I don’t know if it will rain when camping at night. Caught some fish, grandma! Ah, good!

This is for cooking and eating. Drink, drink, drink. Ah, drink and eat. How much is this per kilogram? Hurry up and buy it. I’ll ask, haha. 3 yuan I can’t understand Guangxi dialect. 3 yuan. Hmm, 3 yuan per kilogram. 3 yuan Okay, I can’t translate this. I have to record it. Oh.

You’re digging here, inside. You have to go inside to dig. It’s all dry here. It should be ebb tide. It’s all dry. All these snails were dug by the old lady. It seems to be 3 yuan per kilogram, I don’t understand. Haha. Okay, I’m leaving. Grandma! Goodbye! Bye bye. Sea snails!

Ah, I really want to buy some. Because if I buy them, I can’t cook them. This time, I don’t have pots, bowls, and pans. When my equipment arrives, we can cook some seafood. Grandma is quite old. Liu is going inside to dig these sea snails. Look, there are some fish ponds here.

Some tin houses, and some tile and wooden houses. They raise fish here. It gives me a kind of look, that side is the urban area. Here, it feels like a secluded paradise. The environment is very comfortable. This place should be a village similar to a dock. All the fishing boats are docked here.

Large and small. The water from the lake here flows into the sea, and the water flow is quite fast. During the days in Dongxing, while waiting for the delivery, I originally wanted to find some time to surf in a nearby place, to experience it. But after asking some local friends,

They said it’s too cold this season, and the sea water is too cool, so there’s no surfing anymore. Or go to Sanya. I don’t know about Beihai. I thought it wouldn’t be worth running so far just to surf, so I stayed here for a few days. Look how dry it is.

You can see a few scattered locals digging some shells below. Some things are so dry that they come here Go that way to reach the sea. How much is this sweet potato? It’s 10 yuan per kilogram. 7 yuan. 7 yuan per kilogram? So, it’s around 2-3 yuan for one?

Help me get one. You choose, which one do you want? I’ll help you pick. Get a slightly larger one. Is it sweet? How sweet is it? Sweet? Take two sweet ones. Get two, get the ones that are slightly warm. The warm ones are easier to handle. 4.7 Alright, done Okay.

This village is nice, Wutou Village. Every household’s walls are covered with murals. so relaxing Everyone is playing mahjong at home. There’s a lot of red culture around here. There’s a temple over there. Just passed a checkpoint. It’s a border checkpoint. This is the outskirts of the city.

They check your ID when you enter and leave. I passed through here when I came. The sun is slowly setting. The sunset tonight is beautiful. Let’s ride another 10 kilometers ahead. There’s a town up ahead. About ten kilometers. I’ll find a camping spot there. Just a few hundred meters away.

Found a few containers on the roadside. These containers provide shelter from the wind and rain. Looks good. This is a toilet. But now there’s no food to eat. Not sure what’s on the other side. There’s more here. This place is nice. Let’s continue to the town ahead. Stay in the town ahead.

Might not find houses like these. Might have to camp outdoors. Mainly because there’s no food. I’m hungry now. Justice. This place is relatively bustling in this small town. A concentrated area. There’s also a kindergarten. In this area. I’ll take another stroll. Not much to eat around here. Ah, found it.

Here is a place for milk tea, juice, burgers, and snacks. Let me take another look. Hmm, these two kids. My bike fell just now. quickly came over to help me up. The whole town, from over there. Walking over. A little more ahead and we’ll be out.

Met someone selling stir-fried dishes by the roadside. Only fish and some vegetables left. I’ll have the fish and vegetables stir-fried. I’ll pack it to go. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to find a camping spot when it gets completely dark. Camping spot. Tourism. Road trip, road trip. Cycling, right? It’s 20.

Alright, alright. Rice is packed, it’s packed. Alright, alright, alright. Let’s go, ah, good. Thank you, brother. If we keep going forward, is there any open space to pitch a tent? Where to pitch a tent? Open space. Set up a small tent. Is there any ahead? No, there isn’t. In that open space.

By the seaside. Here is also fine. Here is okay? Yes, haha. Sure, sure. Then we’ll eat here and pitch a tent afterwards. No more space ahead, right? There’s no open space ahead. None, none. Oh, over there is fine too. It won’t block the way for this car to go out, right? Here?

Ah, is this your yard? Yes, yes, yes. Alright, then I’ll pitch a tent here. Bike touring, right? Yes, yes, yes. Cycling. Eat inside. Ah, everyone’s eating, right? Okay, okay. I’ll set up the tent first. I was thinking your yard might not allow tents. I need to go further ahead.

Is here safer than there? Good, great. I’m from Shandong. Shandong, right, right, right. Tonight, Huang is being accommodated in his restaurant yard. I’m also working there. Now, I’ll quickly organize the bike and tent. I’ll pitch my tent here. This place is quite good. Alright, I’ll set up the tent first.

Ah, the tent is set up. Then, let’s have some food. Check out the new equipment. I haven’t set it up since I bought it. When my mom hears the shouting at home later, I’ll be scolded when I go back. will you? You tell her. Tell mom.

His mom won’t let him shout like that. Then you tell mom. Like this. It’s quite firm. Why is it so hard? There’s a sponge inside. It’s inflated with air, and it’s firm. This way, it won’t be cold. No quilt, huh? Not cold. Is this a mountain bike?

It’s a type of road touring bike. This small blanket is just right. This sleeping bag won’t be cold. Right, cover it and it won’t be cold. Sleep inside and cover it, and it’s fine. Boss, pack these and let me sit in and eat. Thanks, boss. Haha.

These are two fish and vegetables I fried. Then there’s this. The boss said to sit in and eat together. That’s alcohol. I don’t drink alcohol. And there’s porridge. I’ll just eat these; it’s enough. Yes, warm, warm. These folks from Guangxi are too warm. This restaurant next door.

There are many folks from Guangxi in there playing dice. Drinking. Let me show you this new tent. This tent, it feels like it’s made of the same material as my previous tent. It’s still a very spacious double tent. I’m thinking of sleeping on this side in the future.

And putting luggage on that side. This side is very safe. Just now, I chatted with the guy here for a while. Both sides have cameras. There are cameras on that side too. I’ll just put the bike on this side. No need to worry. The bike will be right here.

So, my next cycling plan in Guangxi, is from Fangchenggang to Nanning. Then, further into the mountains from Nanning Possibly going around Guilin. Because it’s a deep cycling trip. Guangxi will take about a month. on the journey Take it easy. You don’t have to follow a planned route.

Maybe explore villages on this side, and then villages on that side. Experience the mountain villages in Guangxi. Some coastal cities in Guangxi. Slow down. Take it easy. This is my upcoming cycling plan in Guangxi. Because it’s almost Chinese New Year in February. So, around February, maybe a bit before the New Year,

I’m planning to go back home. After the New Year, probably around March, at the latest in March, I’ll venture back to Sweden in Europe. Then continue my global cycling journey. Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. After completing these countries Europe is almost done. I’ll figure out other European countries to visit.

So, this year’s cycling plan is like this Later After finishing Europe, there are many friends wondering if I’ll go to the Americas, or Australia, or visit more countries. About these, I haven’t decided yet. We’ll see about that when the time comes. I’m just planning my trip for this year.

Today, I’m really lucky. I met such a friendly owner. Very welcoming. He gave me cola and orange juice earlier and water Told me I can use the restroom there. And there’s a sink there for washing. He gave me hot water again. People in Guangxi are so warm.

Why do I like this place and its people? The scenery, the air, it makes me yearn for it. I’m even thinking that when I have money, I’ll buy a house here. Come here for a vacation in the winter. Wouldn’t that be great? Haha. The weather is getting warm. My feet… smell a bit.

This sleeping bag is blue and yellow. It’s suitable for this season. It’s nice. It’s good, and it’s my first time using it. I also want to go to the bathroom. The owner told me there’s a restroom over there. Right there. You can use the bathroom here. There’s a sink. You can wash up.

I’ll wash my face first. Later, I’ll bring toothpaste. Brush my teeth. Wow, wow. It’s so warm. Anyway, every time I find a place with water, I try to wash up as much as possible. Maybe tomorrow’s camping spot won’t have such good conditions. Alright, friends, let’s rest early tonight.

This sleeping bag is really comfortable. It feels a bit hot when covered. There are cars passing by on the roadside at night, but it doesn’t bother me much. Once I’m asleep, I can’t hear anything. Actually, I sleep more peacefully that way. Turn off the light and rest. See you tomorrow.


🌈希望在路上遇到的每一个人🥰 🌈
能给他们带来欢乐😁 🌈
传递一份能量、收获一份善良❤️ 🌈



  1. 三丰騎行者,早上好,

  2. 20 l幾年忘了,我和父母家人好幾個去過幾天廣西行,給我的印象真的很好,食物好味又不貴,當地人都樸素友善

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