年末京都熱鬧的平安骨董集市,岡崎公園|日本觀光打卡地|平安蚤の市 Kyoto Heian Antique Market

Ping An Antiques Fair is like going on a date Welcome a happy party every month Long time no see She’s a working woman Can also make baozi It’s right across the street from the Pingan Shrine I have one of my favorite areas Everything on this stall is my food

Sometimes I just walk around here for hours Good morning His stuff is interesting Is this a bow tie Can you guess what this is for I like the hand shape anyway All sorts of things This is a pencil cap And then plastic or something. Soft and soft Special ticker Is that fun

Really funny He’s got a puzzle here, you see So funny They buy really cute things The market is around the 10th of every month This area is also an important cultural area of Kyoto There is the Kyoto Prefectural Library National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto Kyoto Kaikan Kyoto City Art Museum

There is also a zoo and Okazaki Park What about this place when the fair wasn’t here Sometimes there are other markets on weekends Like last time there was a big battle with fried dumplings So a fair It was fun, too You can always search for it Some information on the Internet

This is the paper that folds the paper You know, the origami crane thing That kind of origami paper Look at this bike This looks pretty expensive How much does this cost, please Ten thousand yuan is too much The cheapest one I bought was 4,000 I couldn’t buy it anymore The porcelain one

It’s aluminum inside. The aluminum kettle is very easy to use and very light Probably famous Could be a code word With this, we can enter the village Skull? That’s not it Skull? That’s not it Taiwan seems to have Look at this double basin Is it interesting? Just two people

Couples wash at the same time is easy to meet ah feeling I have a feeling he used to be in the hospital Yeah, yeah, yeah, it could be I’m dust-free This is the antique bazaar at Heian Jingu in Kyoto We take you around the market every week Shop around Look at interesting antiques

If you like my channel Please subscribe If you need in-depth communication and purchase of the collection Please join the Facebook community Hi, long time no see. Long time no see Go go go That looks nice. Hey Take a walk I need to buy something Oh, this one is so much fun Calf elephant

Look how funny this baby elephant is I bought it in Tokyo Really yeah I didn’t find anything good in Tokyo It feels like you can take it apart I got the buns from Yanqing It’s so delicious. I put oats in the mix And this is especially good Wow, that smells good

Generally want to satisfy the craving has to find Cui Qing haha It’s a little dark on the inside Because it’s got oats in it Look at Cui Qing Ha She’s a working woman Can also make baozi hahaha Does Dorjee taste good Yummy. Yummy. When he brought me this bento

And a really nice little pink cloth miss haha Take the floral cloth and see Colored cloth Because Clean doesn’t like plastic bags hahaha So take one thing and pack it The Japanese wrap a bag like this when they go out This cloth bag is so nice for a bento It’s our burden

When we were kids My grandma, they all use it Right right right Now we don’t have to What are the clothes wrapped in That’s the bag people use when they carry money I’ll give it to you when I’m done You can reuse this when you take it home It fits your family

Very good. Yeah. Let’s watch the movie Aizen, yeah The packing is very beautiful. So guess what’s in here beef Pork haha Pork and green onion In addition Sewant mushrooms You are amazing. Why does it taste good I’ve been using koji to make soy sauce koji One more It’s called onion koji

Use koji as a seasoning It’s this seasoning that’s fermented Yeah, it’s on the side here So it has a very good umami flavor Cui Qing likes cooking Steamed bun Pasta is mainly like Like my fans Cook it for my fans Why are all the wheels bent like this down here ah why

It’s the first time I thought it was bad And then I found out All the cabinets are made of these wheels Take a closer look It was designed this way from the beginning I wonder why he designed it like that Friends know the trouble in the comment section Really, why is it slanted

I thought it was bad when I first saw it And then you look at the structure well It was designed to look like this from the beginning Is it stable? It shouldn’t be stable The color is very beautiful Special pop Can I buy one Buy one or buy three

Why buy three of them You look good on this, too Beautiful as hell Pretty good The face of Borro Japanese Noh Lok can face modeling There’s a saying It’s from the tale of Genji The characters in the book suffer from jealousy When you’re pestered Will recite Prajna Sutra to expel evil spirits

In Japan, people think Prajna face has the function of exorcising demons I really like the mask I found this time Some of the paint color has fallen off It seems very primitive And the size is very good About the size of your hand I like this bag Ah, this is beautiful

This bag is so beautiful Be particular about What a nice bag This guy is good. Look at this tin plate I had a good look at this last time I bought it It cost $30,000 Ah, where did you get it Antique shop I’ll take you next time I wonder if it’s engraved

Is it hexagonal or octagonal Why is he like this? Do you know Isn’t there a stove Yeah, just put it on the stove Just warm something up Specific resistance Specific resistance excellent Look, everything in this shop is French right. They always sell French stuff The cast iron one is fine

But this cast iron one is fine, this pot cushion What are you shopping for today Is there a purpose Look around for no purpose I’m here today to deliver your buns Oh, that’s so touching I was so moved Cui Qing is here to deliver steamed buns to me You see

She made it herself Oh, that’s amazing Really good-looking You have lost weight. Don’t comfort me You should be on camera It’s a good opportunity See if there’s a girl you can hit on Are there any good ones I actually think it’s pretty nice You know what this is A geisha headdress well

This will be worn in this place Let me see. It looks like it’s in the painting Yes. This Ping an antique fair is foreign goods Western of Europe and America These old things are a little more What about the other fairs It’s relatively traditional. Just some traditional Japanese objects more

So I kind of like the fair Because there are some things that are not very common in Japan Western antique Oh, like this stall selling old ones A little tin animal or something And some small western objects Come every time I look at it every time Buy what you have that suits you

There is no proper appreciation I mean, it’s kind of a shame to break it

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場所  岡崎公園 平安神宮前広場
開催時間 9 : 00 〜16 : 00
雪雨天中止( 小雨進行 )
 市营巴士 201、203、206、“东山二条/冈崎公园口”
 京阪大本线“三条站” “神宫丸太町站”


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E-mail : fankaren859@gmail.com

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