
Hello everyone Welcome to the latest program. I am Obuchi Today we’re going to talk about a very special case. In just five short years The case went through three trials. twice remanded The client was given a suspended death sentence four times.

It was not until 23 years after the crime that the final verdict came. Up to 23 years Life is worse than the torture of death Let a veteran who once feared life and death Countless times to cry in the face of misfortune The story has to start from Jilin City, Jilin Province, China

September 29, 1995. Something big happened locally. The body of a teenage girl was found outside the town of Shuanghe After family identification He is Li Ying who has been missing for many days. The body was highly decomposed. After forensic examination, it is believed that someone choked the dead

Bury it alive in a ditch Caused the deceased to suffocate due to inhalation of large amounts of sediment 19-year-old girl killed and buried After the word spread The originally calm town exploded in an instant. Village outside the village before and after meals Everyone will say a few words The killer is inhuman.

The people who talk about it Including our hero today, Jin Zhehong Because for him This thing seems a bit special fate Because the body was found when his father was in a car accident. place of death But he didn’t know that something more coincidental was yet to come. According to information

Jin Zhe-hong was originally a soldier After leaving the army to work in a cotton mill Because of the impact of industry cycles He left the factory temporarily opened a grocery store and dog meat restaurant in Shuanghe Town business is not bad He became a famous little boss in the village.

To make it easier for him to buy a motorcycle from an acquaintance Mainly used for the usual store procurement and delivery But they also pick up passengers when they are empty. make a little money Meet someone unfamiliar Calculate the price according to the distance People who meet acquaintances are often free or discounted.

The evaluation of him from outside the village is very good. Soldiers are different. Always like to serve the people But it is also because of this Some motorcycle drivers nearby are quite dissatisfied with Jin Zhe Hong Think he crossed the line to steal other people’s business February 15, 1996

That is, more than four months after Li Ying was killed. Jin Zhehong, who was originally out, suddenly encountered a group of policemen. I haven’t asked the reason yet. He was handcuffed and taken to the police station. Before leaving Kim Chul-hung told his wife Don’t worry about coming back soon.

Seeing her husband suddenly taken away by a group of police officers Wife a little overwhelmed Until after walking into the interrogation room Kim Chul-hung was only told he was involved in a murder case. The deceased is the girl in the previous article, Li Ying. To hear this Kim Cheol-hung immediately shouted

I didn’t kill myself. He also said that he had been a soldier. It’s impossible to do such a thing But no matter what he said The police remain unmoved. Confession, leniency and resistance The police officer in strict charge of the interrogation kept stressing this sentence to Jin Zhe Hong

But Jin Zhehong always insisted that he had no one. I only saw the dead once. I don’t even know his name. Don’t know him at all But Jin Zhe Hong became more excited The officer thinks the more suspicious he is.

In order to get the suspect to bow his head and admit his mistake. The officers who interrogated him racked their brains to torture him. Punches and kicks can only be regarded as appetizers Several officers tied him up with rope and then put it in mid-air like a barbecue

See Jin Zhehong still don’t let go He tied it to his penis with a twine. Pulling repeatedly After learning the news of his brother’s arrest Kim Chul-hong’s brother immediately rushed to the police station to inquire about the situation. When I saw my brother walk into the reception room He was very shocked

Brother whole person black and blue Gloomy expression Seems to have just narrowly escaped death Even so Jin Zhehong still said firmly I didn’t kill anyone Help me out For the man of my brother Brother is in the eye He was a soldier earlier. After leaving the army, he entered the field to work.

I like to play guitar when I have free time. Practice calligraphy Never had any bad habits Had been running a small business in the village at the time of the murder. Life is getting better and better How could it be possible to kill someone After going back

My brother immediately told his friends and relatives Get everyone together and figure out a way according to the police investigation On the evening of September 10, 1995. Kim Jong Red Flag Car Delivers Victim Li Ying to Shuanghe Town Forcing each other to have sex with themselves in the middle

After some coercion and inducements The deceased was taken near a railway in the suburbs. where the two had sex The deceased made a claim for money afterwards. But was refused by Jin Zhe-hong Li Ying threatened to call the police Fearing that things would be revealed, Jin Zhehong strangled him to death.

The body was then dragged to a drainage ditch in a nearby forest to be buried. Finally, the car fled the scene. These findings are roughly the same as the police interrogation transcripts. There are also handprints pressed by Jin Zhehong on the record. and his signature. at the first trial.

Jin Zhehong changed his confession He said he did see the victim But I just said a few words about riding a motorcycle. The deceased felt the price was too high. No car I have never killed myself. At the same time into the Red Sea added that at seven o’clock in the evening

He and his wife came to the mother’s residence in Shuanghe Town Visit the grave of my dead father. After learning the news that the murderer is Kim Chul-hung The family of the deceased was very surprised The two families have never met. The killer is a small family boss Also served as a soldier

How could such a man do such a thing The reason why the Shuanghe town police believe that Jin Zhehong is the murderer because they found a witness The three witnesses are motorcycle drivers from Shuanghe Town One of them said he saw the victim walk into the bushes. Then Jin Zhehong followed the past

After a long time did not come back But the strange thing is A description of the clothes of the deceased. There are obvious differences in the descriptions of the three witnesses. But the police think The same dress. At different times and different angles may not be exactly the same

It is perfectly normal for a witness to have a discrepancy in his description And Shuanghe town police said All the case details Jin Zhehong took the initiative to confess during the interrogation. above the court Jin Zhehong directly said At the time, several police officers tortured him to extract a confession.

I can’t stand the torture. Will be beaten The reason why he would name a few locations All because of being tortured unconscious. He also stated I had a problem with one of the witnesses. Because the other party came to the store and didn’t pay after dinner.

When I was carrying passengers on my own motorcycle Often does not collect money from acquaintances Or give customers a discount People who don’t know may only sell for three dollars for five dollars. After a long past such an act of asking price strain your relationship with a nearby motorcyclist In addition to this

Two of Kim Cheol-hung’s neighbors also testified Confirmed I met Jin Zhe Hong at the time of the crime. He couldn’t have had a chance Unless there’s a split But somehow The court did not admit their testimony. Finally, the Jilin City Intermediate Court made a first-instance judgment. Kim Chul-hong was found guilty of murder

Sentence him to death 2-year reprieve Hear this result Jin Zhehong filed an appeal on the spot. Generally speaking When the police investigate a criminal case A confession is the least reliable He can only be used as an entry point for the investigation. How the facts Still have to rely on evidence to say

In this case Objective evidence that can be linked to the accused such as semen and so on None of them Which means the police can’t even find a motive Even more frustrating is A lot of evidence that can prove Jin Zhehong’s innocence has not been taken seriously. Judge only believes police witness testimony

Direct neglect of defense witness testimony December 1, 1997, 2 years after the crime The higher court asked the Jilin Intermediate Court to retry the case. They asked the relevant departments to clarify a few issues including motive Conditions of crime The first scene and the specific time period when the deceased was killed, etc.

When I saw the notice form of Jilin High Court The lawyer was very happy. Because these questions indicate His client will soon be free due to lack of evidence. Kim Cheol-hung’s family is also relieved Finally able to wash away grievances But something unexpected happened.

Because the retrial did not change the conclusion of the police investigation. Jilin Intermediate People’s Court finally decided that Jin Zhehong was the murderer. The final conclusion of the judgment is very simple. The circumstances of this case are bad particularly serious consequences But given the circumstances of this case

May be given a lighter sentence as appropriate After the incident, only three motorcycle drivers of Jin Zhehong remained. They all moved out of town. After many years CCTV reporters call them in being asked Did you see the victim riding Kim Cheol-hung’s motorcycle with your own eyes?

Make them all say that after many years have not remembered Did they perjure themselves? Or did the investigators at the time distort the facts? We don’t know March 25, 1996 More than a month after Jin Zhehong was imprisoned His mother died unfortunately Jin Zhehong’s younger brother told reporters

In the nearly six months after my brother went to prison Mother can’t sleep well I didn’t hear the news of redress until the day I died. The last words my mother left were Make sure you get your brother back

Jin Zhehong, who was in prison, also failed to see her mother for the last time. After the verdict Kim Cheol-hung’s family never dropped the complaint Six months after his brother’s arrest Brother Jin Chul-song put down everything at hand Begin to work on the case In nearly three years

He did not go out to work There has been no economic income A family of three is struggling to support themselves only by their wives. In such distress and consumption Kim Chul-song filed for divorce from his wife He was expressionless the day he signed

Only after being separated from his wife did he find a corner burst into tears Travel expenses Lawyers’ fees alimony Every day there is a need for money. Because there’s very little left in the savings Kim Chul-song was forced to work in South Korea Work at least 12 hours a day Diabetes

High blood pressure and other diseases have been destroying his thin body But these pains and tiredness are not what he fears the most. What he feared most was to meet his brother in prison. Every time you say these three words, wait for news. Her heart is extremely painful

Big brother-in-law and second brother who have been complaining for Jin Zhehong Later also unfortunately died one after another Kim Chul-song told reporters My brother and I are twins. My brother’s life ruined mine. Also destroyed. Jin Zhehong’s Imprisonment Take away more than just his freedom

And the hope of the three generations of the Kim family While Jin Zhehong was being held A doctor has done a physical examination for him. Found multiple scars on his body Can’t even walk normally and independently before going to prison. Jin Zhehong is also a very healthy person.

Running around for your own business. No physical illness or disability at all He’s in prison. Every time I see the news that unjust cases have been rehabilitated in society. He’s all excited Even if the person who has been wronged is not himself. But after the excitement, there’s only pain left.

She was helpless in prison The only way to vent your pain is to cry I was wronged This sentence Jin Zhehong did not know how many times he had said it. There are a lot of people who believe in him But the relevant departments are no response When taken away by the police

Jin Zhehong’s son, Jin Yongxin, has just celebrated his second birthday. After the husband was locked up Kim Chul-hung’s wife raised him alone for 12 years Finally, under the persuasion of Jin Zhehong’s family To start a new family. under a huge blow The son worked hard to finish school became a college student

In the process of growing up The absence of fatherly love The criticism of his peers made him develop a strong character. After my uncle and aunt went to work in Korea He took over the task of redress for his father. From birth to adulthood

Jin Yongxin’s impression of his father is only a short 100 minutes. And that’s all the time the two men put together when they met in prison. Every time the father and son meet, in addition to the basic greetings All that’s left is the progress of the appeal.

From the discovery of the body by the police in 1995 to 2000 Just 5 years. The case went through three trials. twice remanded During these five trials Kim Chul-Hung gets four suspended death sentences With the efforts of lawyers and friends 19 years after 2014.

The case of Jin Zhihong has attracted the attention of a certain official media. After the report was published in the press Immediately caused a storm of public opinion Jin Zhehong, who was more desperate than expected, was a bit surprised. To the day of issue The People’s High Court of Jilin Province responded

Promise to review in the first time One stone stirs up thousands of waves The report made more and more media attention to the case CCTV reporters came to Yongji County Police Station Trying to inquire about the investigation process of the case in that year But the other side said

The interview needs to be approved by the superior department. Then the reporter came to Jilin police station I hope to do an interview on this case. But the response from the authorities was very heart-warming. A few words lighten the workload of journalists and photographers. In the face of major difficult and complex cases

This extremely cautious attitude is really very heart-warming. May 6, 2018 Jin Zhehong received the retrial notice from Jilin High Court This comrade Jin Zhehong has been waiting for 23 years. Six monthsAfter Because the facts are not clear Insufficient evidence Jilin High Court revokes original judgment Kim Chul-hung acquitted

1 year later in June 2019 Jin Zhehong applied for 2000 State compensation of 1.32 million yuan And asked the relevant institutions to make a public apology. Also oneself a thorough innocence according to later news Jin Zhehong’s compensation is 4.68 million yuan equivalent to 1/5 of the expected value

This figure seems to be a huge sum of money But compared to what happened to the parties. It can be said that nine Niu Yi Mao had the best 23 years of life. Originally a happy family. In the end, the family broke up. Disease-ridden The doctor said

According to Jin Zhehong’s current physical condition How long can you live is the pillar of heaven An old comrade-in-arms of Jin Zhehong said When in the army Jin Zhehong has a cheerful personality Good at singing and dancing Because of excellent performance Also repeatedly valued After the retirement also started a small business

The family had a thriving life. But it was completely changed because of a trumped-up crime. The hopeful Jin Zhehong back then But now I’m being tortured like no human being. May I ask who did not cry 23 years in prison Someone advised Jin Zhehong Even if you really didn’t kill people

But as long as you plead guilty and reform That might get a reduced sentence. Get Freedom Early Can be used from beginning to end Jin Zhehong did not do this. Because he knows he’s innocent In prison He strives for opportunities to learn and think Trying to keep out of jail

Dissociate yourself and society. Even with friends and family pooled money to buy the guitar wrote several songs Before leaving prison He also gave the guitar to his cellmate he told reporters What’s inside the prison won’t be brought out After her release from prison, Jin Zhehong was not afraid to meet her peers.

But very afraid to see the younger generation She felt that her own affairs had brought them too much injustice. After learning that her ex-husband was finally acquitted The ex-wife called her In the phone When you hear that familiar voice Ex-wife immediately cried out When talking to his wife

What Jin Zhehong said most was I’m sorry The world is so absurd People who shouldn’t say sorry Been saying I’m sorry People who should say sorry But quietly hiding in a corner Afraid of being caught on camera A Korean writer once said this.

If the people of a country are to be reduced to justice by the media Then they are lucky But it’s also unfortunate I am Obuchi We next period again




  1. 偵辦案件講究正確很重要
    20240118 新北樹林

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