Excellent “Off the Beaten Path” Restaurants in Japan |Discover Unknown Japan

Today’s theme is It’s hard to get there, but it’s a hidden gourmet experience that you can only find there! in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture There’s something. Wild animals appear on the way. What you can taste there is

A luxurious set meal with exquisite tonkatsu made with branded pork and seven small side dishes made with local ingredients. Furthermore, there was a surprising unexplored gourmet restaurant at the end of a road deep in the mountains of Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. it gradually loses freshness after 5 minutes.

Freshness lasts only 5 minutes. a super rare fish dish. I got it in my eyes. We delved into the restaurants in unexplored areas where you want to go eat no matter how far away it is. first place we headed to was the restaurant near Kawai Station in Okutama-cho, Tokyo

, which takes about 1 hour and 50 minutes by train from Shinjuku Station. This is a gourmet restaurant. I tried to ask where exactly there was a sign warning people to be careful about bears next to the station, which is surrounded by nature, but there were no people walking around the station

. It was on the main street. However, although there were cars passing by, I couldn’t see anyone walking. Then, after walking for about 5 minutes with the help of a map , I noticed that the number of cars on the road had decreased considerably.The

Amount of traffic, not just people, but also cars, suddenly decreased on the mountain road. After 10 minutes of walking through the woods, I saw a house in front of me, but it didn’t seem like it was my destination.I finally found the house, and there was a male resident there, so

I asked him about the restaurant I’m looking for a restaurant called Nakai. it’s about 1 km from here and you can find it on the left side. Thank you. I kept on walking from the station for 25 minutes Then we arrived at a residential area. and finally saw.. Oh, there it is.

The restaurant over there. there was something that looked like a signboard on the stone wall. This is our destination, Nakai. passed through the curtains, I saw a somewhat nostalgic old folk house, and next to it was a line of people waiting in line. Looking at the customers

, it seems that many people come from far away.This couple in their 60s is from Yokohama today. Q How far? A about 80km. The man and woman in their 20s came from Musashikosugi. Q: By train? A: Yes. we took the Nambu Line to Tachikawa, so took about 2 hours

What do they all want to eat after spending a long time coming here? kamameshi.The kamameshi is delicious, and I heard there is a delicious kamameshi restaurant. This is the famous kamameshi from Nakamura.Hiratake shimeji mushrooms seasoned with soy sauce and mirin

Are cooked with rice in a broth made from Hidaka kelp and bonito flakes.Then it is topped with roasted sesame mushrooms and other ingred ients. you can enjoy a set of homemade mizutaki with plenty of toppings and sashimi konnyaku on top of mushroom pot rice for 1,870 yen, How does it taste?

Delicious with a slightly sweet soy sauce flavor.The mushrooms had a strong flavor and the rice was fluffy. It was a delicious kamameshi.The three of them here said that it was temporarily closed when they visited two years ago, so this is our second try. Everything was delicious.The kamameshi

Was delicious , and the soup was delicious.The taste was good.It’s a gentle dish that you can’t make at home. The taste was delicious.The woman here is a regular who has been here more than 10 times, and on this day she brought a friend with her. What she ordered was

Burdock, carrots, konnyaku, and chicken seasoned with soy sauce, mixed with rice , and browned on both sides. Chicken topped with sweet sauce. This restaurant’s popular dish, chicken burdock kamameshi, This also comes with a set of mizutaki sashimi and konnyaku for 2,200 yen .It was delicious.It was perfect.The chicken was fragrant, soft, and delicious

. It seems like this is the reason why they want to come all the way, so I’m relieved. It’s hard to find such a quaint house in the mountains, and the garden is also nice. Combined with the scenery, it tastes delicious. There’s a reason to come here to eat here.

Continued In search of unexplored gourmet food, I headed to Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, about 40 minutes from Tokyo via the Aqua Line.Going through the city to the middle of the Boso Peninsula, I came to a mountain road.On the way, Be cautious with falling rocks caused by wild boars.

There is another sign that warns of wild animals. There were signs warning of wild animals. drove on for another 15 minutes, and the road became narrow enough for just one car to pass. Then, deer? is that a deer? A mysterious creature appeared running in front of us. there is something.

The animal that crossed the road was actually a wild muntjac. As the road became narrower and narrower, we got out of the car and looked for the restaurant. we walked for about 3 minutes then, I see a flag that says “open for business.’

‘ It was on my right. There was a shop there. This is it. About an hour after leaving Tokyo, I arrived at a secluded place. This is an unexplored area where you’ll want to go out of your way to go to a gourmet restaurant called Yamamomo

When we walked in, we found the restaurant bright and open with a large space inside. There is also terrace seating, and the seasonal scenery is also exceptional! And with the view, you can enjoy local ingredients are used and I thought that’s so good. local vegetables have a nice flavor,

The dishes that used plenty of local ingredients.I boiled 6 large clams from Chiba Prefecture in a pot. The only thing added to it is Sake, which is steamed clams that bring out the flavor of the ingredients in abundance.A woman in her 20s who came from Tokyo said that

Each clam is really big and so milky that the essence of the clams overflows the moment she bites into it. The sake-steamed clams, which I enjoyed with a flavor not found in Tokyo, cost 2,000 yen and come with rice, miso soup, and more than 7 types of side dishes that change daily.These

Side dishes come with every menu, and of course, all the ingredients used are locally sourced a stir-fry of Komatsuna flower and pork seasoned with garlic and olive oil, and simmered beans from soybeans grown in Kimitsu that are native to Koito..

A total of 7 types of small bowls were lined up on this day, It seems that there are many fans of these small bowls. There are a lot of natural ingredients and it feels like eating natural food.  I like this kind of food.

Furthermore, there are other specialty menus that use local ingredients such as Namero, which is black sea bream from Chiba prefecture and onions pounded and seasoned with salt and pepper. Spread it thinly on a frying pan. Once both sides are well browned, the local cuisine of the Boso Peninsula, Sanga-yaki, is done.

This also comes with over 7 types of small side dishes and can be tasted for 2,000 yen. A woman in her 40s who came here by bicycle said it tasted like a fish hamburg.It was made with white fish, so it wasn’t too salty, and it was very refreshing and delicious.There was

Also a special dish that many people ordered, and that was the tonkatsu tonkatsu spf. This is a pork tonkatsu set meal.This is a tonkatsu set meal that is famous for Yamamomo. spf pork loin from Chiba Prefecture are used. Cut them into 230g pieces and coat it.

Slowly fried twice at a low temperature of 160°C By doing this, it is said to have a crispy texture and a soft and juicy taste.Cut it and serve it on a plate with shredded cabbage to get the best spf pork loin pork cutlet set.Of

Course, it comes with a small side dish for 2300 yen. How does it taste? Very soft. I has fat, but it’s not greasy at all, it’s actually refreshing, and it’s so thick and delicious.It was so soft.The man who came here for the first time actually

Wanted to come once after hearing that they had delicious pork . I came close to this place once, but couldn’t make it to this restaurant. the Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) that he had always wanted. he asked the interviewer a question in reverse. Did you eat this? It’s so delicious.

Even though he once got lost, it was worth the visit. The next unexplored gourmet restaurant is in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. We took Shinkansen to JR Takasaki Station and from there drove on National Route 18. After about an hour of driving, I passed into the suburbs and there

Were no cars on the road. I drove for another 5 minutes on a deserted mountain road. At that time, there are people and cars. we came from Tokyo for about 2 hours by train and car to find “Bikuya” that has been in business for 52 years.

There was already a long line of about 20 customers in front of the shop right after it opened. It seemed like there were a lot of people coming from far away. We are from Mito. We were so surprised to find it in a place like this.

Furthermore, these men, who had come by car from Nagano Prefecture, we left our house at 8:30 a.m. Q. and when did you arrive? A. 11:30 a.m. What kind of food do they want to come all the way from far away to try?

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I found that the interior was built like an old-fashioned mountain hut, and there was a large hearth inside, which was a secret gourmet experience. The fish was also very delicious, so I really liked it.First of all, I want to eat char, but

I only come here to eat char.It ‘s a fresh char dish that is scooped from the fish tank and cooked each time you order.The heat on the hearth is adjusted. Place the prepared char in the cod and cook slowly for about 30 minutes.Salt- grilled char , simply seasoned with rock

Salt, costs 825 yen.This man, who was visiting for the first time , ate a char from its back. the woman eat it from its head. It ‘s rare for me to eat the entire head, but this one I ate until it was all gone.The

Bones were soft and the flesh was chewy, so it was easy to eat . You can also enjoy char grilled with sansho miso generously coated in sansho miso for 825 yen per piece. There is another popular way to eat char

Fried, which is crisply fried in hot oil and seasoned with salt and sansho . It’s 880 yen. Even small children can eat it. It’s delicious. And this restaurant has an even more surprising unexplored gourmet dish. The tail moves like this, so I’m a little addicted to it.

It’s a dancing yamame. It’s a dancing yamame. One serving of 5 fish is 1,375 yen, which is dipped in vinegar and soy sauce.It cannot be eaten raw unless it is fresh.Therefore, if it is left for more than 5 minutes, it will gradually lose its freshness .

As soon as the food arrived this man took it to his mouth. it caught my eye, The moment he bit, the tail started flapping up and down. Also at this table. How does it taste? it was similar to white fish sashimi. It was more like amberjack, but the

Aftertaste was a bit more refreshing, and it was delicious. I never thought I could eat such delicious and voluminous fish dishes in the mountains, so we found out that the restaurants we arrived at after much effort are extraordinary in terms of both the food and the location.

Just going out there to eat can make you feel like you are traveling.

There are many mountainous areas in Japan. Even in the mountains, where few people live and wild animals roam about, there are restaurants where you can enjoy exquisite cuisine.
After a 1 hour and 50 minute train ride from Shinjuku station in Tokyo, you will arrive at a station in the mountains that you would not expect to find within the Tokyo metropolis . After about 30 minutes of walking along a mountain path, you will find a famous local restaurant called “Nakai. What is served here is the famous Kamameshi (rice cooked in a pot with rice, meat, vegetables, etc.). Many people traveled for hours to enjoy this dish.
You can also head for the mountainous area of Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture. Passing through a narrow road where only one car can pass, you may come across wild animals. The restaurant found in this remote area is called “Yamamomo”. The cuisine served here is made from locally grown ingredients. The most popular dish is Tonkatsu, Japanese-style pork cutlet, which it is said to be worth coming for, even if you have to travel a long way.
The next stop was “Bikuya,” a restaurant which is about two hours by train and car from Tokyo. Bikuya has been in business for 52 years. Here, you can enjoy fresh river fish dishes. The river fish sashimi stays fresh only for five minutes. These restaurants are all located in the middle of nowhere, but you can enjoy the feeling of traveling and excellent food!

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