
Hello everyone, I’m kohei. I’m in Taiwan today. Starting today, I’d like to tell you about my trip to Taiwan. I arrived at Ohira late at night yesterday, and I think today will actually be my first day.

Today, I’m going to eat my first meal in Taiwan. I’d like to go eat some food. It’s 9 a.m. and there aren’t many shops open yet, and it’s a public holiday today. Since it’s Taiwan, the shops may not be open as usual on weekdays. It may be a little different

, but I had a lot of fun last time in Taiwan, so I think it will be an interesting trip to Taiwan this time as well, so please watch till the end.This area is near the area where I stopped when I came to Taihoku last time.

I’m staying at a hotel again because I got another hotel, but this time I’m staying about 5 minutes walk from Ohira station.It’s amazing.The meat is like this, there’s a lot of beef in it, and the main dish was the niromen I ate before the meal. I guess it’s the same as

The noodles, but it’s a bit soft and chewy, with medium-thick noodles.The beef is so good that you don’t even need the guinea skin.It’s so simple that it just has noodles, beef, and green onions, but I forgot to mention that today. But I’ve been thinking of going to a lot of places, and

After this, I’m going to go to the National Medieval Memorial Road, which will be going around for 10 minutes and 9 minutes, so I ‘m thinking of going to that night market at the end.That’s how the day turned out today. It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain

, so I’m going to have some fun in the meantime, so I thought I’d be able to show you some videos of Ohira . I want to go out to eat now. It’s just after 12 noon,

So it’s a bit crowded and there might be a line. It’s right after exiting the Medieval Memorial Road, so there might be a line. There’s a line here. There’s a long line. I wonder how many minutes I’ll have to wait. I lined up just now, and

I waited for 20 minutes. I guess there were about 10 people in line like this. The store reads Gongju Essays UF. It took about 20 minutes.It came as I said.Ebishima with crab miso.Ebishima with miso.Ebishima and Ashipo.I’ll try it from the side of Tani misoshima.I

Put soy sauce on it.The delicious shrimp are plump and taste like crab miso. The taste of the shrimp is strong, and the shrimp is plump and the flavor of the miso is really good.Next time, I wonder how I’ll eat this siposhipo.I’m thinking of adding soy sauce and just going with it

. There’s soup in it, but it’s not that hot, so you can eat the whole thing in one bite.I also add a little bit of ginger and it’s delicious.You can see that the soup inside is just right.I do

N’t think you can see it at all.It’s better if the soup comes out and there’s no pepper. It was delicious.I didn’t eat that much because I planned to eat a little bit of a variety of things, but it was delicious.So far, the Medieval Memorial Road is on this side

, and it’s right in front of me. It’s about 10 minutes after leaving the shop.It takes about 2 hours to get on the train and bus.I’d like to go there in 10 minutes, which will take about 2 hours.This

Is the corner of Medieval Memorial Road, and I can see it from the outside. It’s really big, and there’s a bus stop right here, so it’s a long journey after waiting for the bus for about 5 minutes.I’d like to take 2 hours from here and go to the 10-minute stop.Yes

, this is the place on the way to Louis Fan Station. I’ve just arrived here, but I’ve been here before and there are a lot of shops, so I’d like to take a detour here.It’s been raining a little bit now, and there wasn’t any sign of rain until just now

, but it’s actually a little bit. It’s starting to rain, so I thought I’d get something to eat. I came here, but it’s like a food court, and you can eat things like colored oyster omelettes. This tea was really delicious last time, so I bought some tea here today as well. I

Just bought this tea and a teapot, but it started raining quite a bit, so I’m going to go back in a bit of a hurry. I’ll go back and take the train for 10 minutes, which is about 230 minutes from here. For now, I’ll eat somewhere.The

Weather doesn’t look like it’s going to rain today, so it’s raining really hard.It’s raining really hard.I drank it the other day, but the tea from this tea stall was seriously delicious. It’s 30 yuan, but it’s extremely sweet and delicious.And this is 50 yuan.Pepper mochi is freshly made.It

Wasn’t made yet, so I had to wait a while, so it’s freshly made, so it’s probably quite hot.Pepper mochi, a Taiwanese specialty, is amazing.It’s almost unbelievable. It’s been raining. There’s a roof here, and it’s so wet. The mochi hasn’t reached the meat yet, but the outside is baked to a crispy texture. The

Outside dough is almost as hard as a baptism. The meat inside is so hard that it looks like it’s going to break. It’s probably ground pork. The pepper is quite strong. It’s not spicy, but it has a great accent.

There are quite a few shops around this Louis Fan Station. The pepper that I ate earlier. Mochi and tea are located in a place like a non-food center , but I think it would be a good idea

To get off at Rui Fan Station and take a detour, passing through Rui Fan Station for about 9 minutes, so it might be a good idea to get off once and try this 10. I think there ‘s only about one train going to Minu every hour,

So I think it would be a good idea to just pay attention to the train time and have a meal.I’m back at Louis Fan Station and the train just arrived.

I’m going to ride this, but the place I’m going to go to is this 10 minute number 10 and I’m going to an area called Shifen , but I’m not riding here, but I’m going to write 9 minutes and go to the number 9. It’s quite tricky for a Japanese person to

Read 10 minutes when written as 10 minutes, but it’s 10 minutes and 9 minutes , so 9 minutes is like 10 minutes, so I’m going to take this 58-minute train to Jito. I’ve been on the way for 10 minutes [Music] Now

I’ve arrived at the station Shishi Battle Station. First of all, it’s completely different from what I saw on YouTube. There weren’t any people like this, but there are so many people these days, so I guess that’s it . There are all kinds of restaurants lined up along the train tracks.

There are food stalls lined up all the way to the other side. Hey, he’s an amazing person. I didn’t see anything like this when I was watching him on YouTube, but here in Shishi, the hello lantern has been turned into a wishing lantern.

It seems like it’s popular in that area to write a wish and let it fly, and there are lanterns flying above the sky.I’m going to wait for this Shi Feng now.It’s about 5 o’clock now.It’s evening and it’s cool, so I’m holding a lantern. I’m doing it. It’s amazing.

There’s still a lot of nothing. There are so many people. It wasn’t like this, but the ones I saw on YouTube were amazing. There are only about one train every hour, so after the train passes, I wonder if I’m going to fly a lantern here.I’m putting my wish into a lantern and

Flying it like this.This is a bridge where you can calm down and there’s a fishing bridge.It’s an amazing view.It’s just sunset time.That ‘s the station from earlier. No, it’s quite scary here. It’s shaking a lot.

I don’t know if it’s visible in the video, but it’s high, so everyone is taking pictures at that entrance, but there are no people from the middle to the latter half, so it’s very natural. It’s Shifeng. This is a really nice place, about 1 hour by train and bus from

9 minutes . There may be fewer people this way, but if you go from here at the end of the crossing, it ‘s amazing. There are shops on the other side towards the station. The bars are lined up, there are so many lanterns flying around, and the music

Is shaking.The black tea here isn’t very sweet, but it’s easy to drink.I’ve come a long way from the lantern area in Shifen , but I haven’t tried it yet. Kana is not very lively, but there are still shops there.I bought a key there, and

There is an ice cream shop and tapioca smoothie around here.It’s different from what I saw on YouTube, where there are a lot of people. I thought it was a calm feeling as there were no people at all.

After this, today’s main event is the main event of the day.First of all, I will go to the 9th minute, and then I will go to the 9th minute, and then I will go to the biggest one. It’s Yoichi, so I want to go now.

Well, I’m here. It’s been 9 minutes. It’s about 7 o’clock, so it’s not 7 o’clock, it’s about 6 o’clock, so I think there’s a fire going on in the house and we can see a nice atmosphere . It took a long time

To get in the door since it was a public holiday on Friday.This time in Taiwan, it was my first time to have Luron fan.It ‘s been a long time since I’ve had Luron fan.This sauce is really delicious . It’s good, it’s very good . It’s the perfect combination of

Pork konomi, sweet sauce, and rice. It’s starting to look pretty good. There are still a lot of people flying around, but there are fewer people in the back. [Applause] That’s where the cat is. There is a tea shop nearby that is rumored to have been the setting for the movie

, and when it lights up, it creates a great atmosphere . This is the tea shop where I’ve been taking pictures and videos.A, the Japanese word for “tea ” (music) means that I’ve gone quite far into the interior, but I’m actually deep inside. When I came there, there were n’t any people around.

I think the one at Sen and Sen was the most crowded. There are a lot of fancy-looking tea shops around here . But I think I want to try at least one more color, so this is my second time in 9 minutes, and

I’ve never had Shudofu before.It’s a stinky tofu.I want to try it now.This is the one I just tried. There was a shop, so I thought I ‘d go there instead of eating here.The atmosphere is amazing.There are quite a few Tofu shops, too.Let’s eat here.This is it.What

‘s the difference between Shuho Red, Blue, and Green? I wonder if it’s like this, and it doesn’t really smell.It’s like this.I wonder if I should cut it.I wonder how it should be cut.It doesn’t smell at all, and even when I eat it, I don’t feel any odor , and it just has

A little bit of a sharp smell at the end. But the taste is totally delicious. I don’t think tofu is that different from regular Japanese tofu. It’s a little different, but I like the taste. I wonder what kind of sauce this is for cats. It tastes like the sauce for yakiniku. It’s expensive

. I guess it doesn’t have that strong of a flavor, but when you eat it with the pickles above, it tastes like fried tofu, and the tofu was delicious.I don’t think there’s anything to be afraid of.Actually, I

Was scared because of the delicious smell and reputation, but it was totally delicious. It didn’t taste weird at all and the food was delicious. After this, I’d like to go to 4-1, the largest restaurant in Ohoku. It’s my last destination for today.

It looks like it’ll take about an hour from here, but I’ll take the train and bus again. I want to get on the train and head there. This is Matsuyama Station, and there is an escalator on the right after exiting the ticket gate. I just climbed up there, and

When I arrive, I turn right here and there is a night market, so I guess I ‘ll walk there. They said it would take 3 minutes.Oh , there it was.I had just gotten off at Matsuyama Station.I had arrived.This is the entrance to the night market, and it

Was really big. There are so many different kinds of rice restaurants that I feel like there are a lot of people everywhere I go today.The atmosphere is different from the NiAC and Shii I went to before, and the food they sell is also different. I wonder if

This is what I bought for itadaki. It ‘s not a bird. What are they feeding me? I wonder if they gave it a pig with bones. It’s delicious, but it looks like it’s going to fall off. The skin of the pepper mochi from earlier.

There’s a bone in the middle that’s very hard, but the area around the bone is very hard.If you take it from a bone, it ‘s not hard at all , but it’s amazing.You can eat it all, from sweets to meat to tofu. I’ve traveled 2,300m, but I can’t see the end yet.I

Wonder if this is taro or taro.I wonder if they’re giving me some fruits, tomatoes, or something coated with aqua.It looks like it’s good for the body, so it’s lemon juice, lemon and orange. I bought a juice. 30 yuan, no, 50 yuan. It’s delicious. It’s refreshing. It’s hot, so it’s just right . Delicious.

I think I’m lacking in vitamins when I’m traveling, so I drank something like this. Drinks shops like this also have milk tea. I wonder if this is the goal.There are various kinds of tapioca and so on.I wonder if this is the goal.There are fruits I’ve never seen before.I conquered

It.When I say conquered, I was just walking, but I didn’t eat it.It ‘s amazing.It’s not 1kg, but I wonder if it’s a straight road. Hello everyone, it’s my second day in Taiwan. I’m in a town called D4J. Today,

I’d like to spend the whole day waiting in Ohira City. It’s 10am now. Since I went around, I think the shops will be open from around this time, so today I would like to introduce some shops that I can’t walk around.Shiitake mushrooms and peanuts are sold around here.This is an arbor.

Kana shaved ice , this is Tofu, D Fuji is also a restaurant, but it seems like there is a market, or a market, or a general store, and there are food stalls around here, and everyone is eating lunch or breakfast

. There are a lot of signboards after China like this, and this place and this 4Age are quite deep, and there seem to be many different shops, and they also sell things like dried fruits like this.This one says Karasumi. Taiwan

Seems to be quite famous for buying mullet roe cheaply, so I’ll probably buy karasu later. Is there a souvenir shop? I wonder if it’s black tea. I feel like there’s a lot of dried fruits and nuts like this . It’s an old town. It looks like there are a lot of dried fruits.Let’s

Take a look here.This is an amazing tea.There are souvenirs like this that say Assam black tea in a package like this.Black tea is packaged in a stylish way. [Music] This is 3 pieces for 120 dollars It’s quite a high-quality black tea It’s

Amazing. It feels like old Japan, and there are many shops, and I wonder if Hsinchu sells dried shiitake mushrooms. Dry shiitake mushrooms are dried shiitake mushrooms , dried fruit, and dried seaweed in Japan. It’s interesting that there are so many crushed beer bottles like this souvenir. Flat wine bottle art. I feel like there’s a lot of dregs in there. I wonder if people read about Taiwan. Jihoon nuts look delicious, bite-sized. I wonder what this is.It looks delicious.There are a lot of delicious-looking things, so let’s make it mealtime.I had some meat, so I’ll buy it here.I

Bought a meat bun there, so I wanted to eat it.This will cost 25 yen.I can make it for 100 yen. It’s delicious. I haven’t gotten to the meat yet, but it’s fluffy and delicious . The pepper is really good. It’s delicious

When it’s freshly made. You can sit here and take a break in the shade, so there’s plenty of toppings. It makes me want to eat one more.It says you can spend half a day here slowly.Let’s go here. It was written in Japanese that it would take half a day to go around.

[Music] It’s a package that makes you want to buy it. [Music] It feels like old Japan. It feels like the good old Japanese culture is still there. Well, I came here to eat shaved ice. It has so much mango in it. I wonder if I can eat something like this

. But it’s making me mad. There are so many. I’ve eaten so much mango that I don’t want to eat mango for the rest of my life. I’d like to go out for lunch.I’m in an area called Shimaki J, which is right after getting off from Qianmen Dongmen Station.It seems like

There are a lot of stylish shops, cafes, and things like that around here.It ‘s lunchtime now. It’s past 1 o’clock, the hottest time of the day.This street is probably the main street for apparel and cafes.I just entered Toph’s shop.The name of the shop is amazing.It’s authentic. Matoko’s original soy sauce

It’s like eating it with milk sauce [music] It smells so good when you put it all on It’s topped with peanuts and perilla . It has a flavor from the groundnuts and peanuts, and the soybeans in the milk have a very strong flavor, so it goes really well with it.This one

Might be a little different from the other one, but the soy flavor is very strong, but I like the taste.It’s more like a sweet. It feels like I’m eating a meal.It ‘s not too sweet, but it tastes like it’s really good for the body.There

‘s another Tofa store about 3 seconds walk from the current store. I think it’s called Hakusui Tofu. It seems like this place is popular too, and there was a huge line just a moment ago. [Music] This shaved ice shop is super popular. This

Is also a Mago shaved ice shop. It’s amazing. People can’t sit down anymore so they eat outside. I ate here a while ago, but there wasn’t that long of a line so I thought I’d line up again. It’s déjà vu again. What’s this sandwich like at that same shop?

Is it tonpin? Because of its popularity, today I decided to go with egg and cheese. I tried it when it’s hot. I’ll eat it while it’s still warm. The skin is good. It’s like the skin of a gyoza. It’s really good. It’s topped with eggs, cheese, and original sauce. Last time, I

Had the one with Taiwanese basil in it. It’s really delicious, but it’s popular. No matter when you go there, there’s always a line. It’s only 50 yuan, so it’s good value for money. Next time, I’m

Going to take a bus to a place called Sunny Hills. Sunny Hills is the name of the shop, but the pineapple cake at Sunny Hills is famous for its pineapple cake, so I’m going to go buy a pineapple cake as a souvenir.Oh, Sunny Hills.The

Atmosphere here is really stylish. At this place, they give you tea and a pineapple cake for free, and they let you sit and sample it in a café-like atmosphere.When you eat it, you wonder what’s in it [music] and it’s delicious pineapple. I wonder if it’s in there? I’m going to eat

This, buy it as a souvenir, and take it home.Next, I’m curious about Akimochi, which is just a short walk from where I’m at Sunny Hills, so I thought I’d go eat there. I think it’s about 5:30 now. The strings have fallen and it’s getting a lot cooler. I’m at a park called Mita Park right now, but it’s pronounced differently so don’t worry about it. Kimochima Japan. So what is this? It’s like baked goods or something like that. It has a custard inside it. I bought it with Kimochi in a black tea set. I drank the tea

And it had a very delicious sweetness to it. It’s delicious. It ‘s delicious . There’s plenty of delicious custard. The taste of eggs is really strong. I came to the Custard Knee Road. Speaking of Road, I’m sure there’s an AC there.

After this, of course I’ll go to the first one. But I just arrived at Ishiya Kapo, and I want to eat some pork buns.This is Ishiya Ka, right? I’m going to eat this on the far left.Here’s the menu. But what is this?It’s redness, and

It ‘s probably the redness and the frizzy stuff.The pork has peanuts and other things in it.This is it.This sweet sauce, fish , and peanuts go together perfectly.And this fluffy one. The dough is delicious and there’s plenty of white boiled rice in it, so I eat it often.It’s about 65 yen and 250 yen.It

‘s seriously delicious and I’ll definitely want to eat it again.It ‘s really soaked in the dark sauce . It was delicious and I ate the fried pork , so I want to go there.It’s almost here.I just came in from here.I don’t know what to eat.It’s really crazy here.There are

Already so many people at the entrance. It’s so hot that I can’t walk around anymore.It’s really hot, so they can eat ice cream like this.They’re amazing people.There’s a shop on the other side of this vegetable shop, so I guess this one is also popular.There are already a lot of people there.I

Can’t go on at all. I’m walking along with the flow.This is the chicken rice and fuku rice.It looks really delicious, so I’d like to try it here.It looks like this.It ‘s delicious.The sauce is delicious.They put a lot of sauce in it. I finally got in after a long wait.It ‘s

Delicious and the food is delicious.It’s Saturday, so it’s probably the busiest.This store is one of a kind.They sell all kinds of things.It’s Shupo. Yesterday I conquered the monkhood, so I’m selling chicken too.I’m selling acorns.I can’t grill squid here.Ah, the wind feels great.The

Wind is really strong, so it’s cool.Ah, it feels good.What is this?I guess it’s like Ta-dish. I wonder if they’re trying to catch something. The Karo with the blue sign over there seems to be popular too. Last time it was too big, so I gave up. There’s already a huge line. I

Can’t do it again today. Those taro balls are said to only be eaten by selected ones. So, I probably had to wait for about 30 minutes, but I gave up immediately.I didn’t know what to expect, but I was able to

Enjoy the atmosphere, so I went to Tofa, which is right next to here, for the second time today, but it was the last time. I’m going to eat some tofu.

It seems like there are about 3 famous pavilions near here, but I want to go to one of them now and eat the last tofu. It’s only my second day in Taiwan. I felt like my ranking of tofu had gone up a lot, and

The tofu I ate earlier had a completely different taste.It’s healthy, so I felt like I could eat two pieces a day, so I ended up eating it.Itadaki was topped with sweet potatoes. Oh, it’s tofu. Tae also goes well with it.What’s the difference between this yellow and white thick one?I

Feel like they taste the same, but tofu itself is also available in Japan, so I think it would become popular in Japan as well. But it doesn’t really work. Good morning in Japan. It’s the morning of my third day in Taiwan. After this,

I went to a famous Doyama restaurant called Kuhan Dosha for breakfast. After that, we will take the Shinkansen to the south. It’s 7 a.m. right now, but if we don’t go early in the morning, Kazemichi is a very popular restaurant, so there will be a line

. I think I won’t have to wait in line at this time, so I haven’t eaten Dojin yet, so I ‘m going to eat it and head towards Tana on the Shinkansen.Today I want to go around Tana all day.

I think it’s about a 10 minute walk from Ohira Station to Balloon Doyama, which I’m going to.The nearest station is Zendoji Temple, but you can also walk from Kita Station.It’s over there.Wow , seriously? There’s a line. There’s a line. I’ve never had a line like that before, but it

‘s Sunday. Wow, there’s a line. Is there a line? Here, it’s lined up like this. Over there, this is the first line. I can’t see it. It’s 7:23 and there’s this line. I guess you have to come before 7. It seems like they’re starting at 5:30. By

The way, it looks like there’s going to be a bit of a wait, so I wonder if this temple will be across the street at the same time. is the landmark.The menu in front of it looks like this.What should I

Order?I’ll try the bread with eggs in number 22 and the salty soy milk in number 3.It’s finally my turn and I’m so tired. I ordered one mochi and one dojin. It was 8:27, so I guess I waited for about an hour. It’s my first time waiting this long. So I

‘ll start with the soy milk. It’s hot. This is fried bread. It comes with fried bread and a beaten egg.It also contains small fish like whitebait.I waited for an hour, so I didn’t feel like I was waiting that long, but when I

Looked at the time, it was only an hour.I was surprised to find that it was delicious and extremely healthy. The inside of Aji is large, so I don’t think you’ll have to worry about not having a seat,

But on weekends it’s better to come early.I waited for an hour at 7:30, so what time should I come?What’s in this other than soy milk? I wonder what kind of soup stock it is.This soup is characterized by its lightness.It also has small shrimp.The addition of fried bread to this refreshing soup

Makes it very filling. I’m going to try the mochi rice cake with an egg inside. It’s like an egg sandwich. It’s crunchy, kind of like Paki. There’s a fried egg in there. Yeah , this is delicious too. This is 85 yuan for two, so it’s 350 yen. I guess

This is delicious.It looks like each item is made by hand, so you can see them making it while you’re lining up, so it didn’t feel like it was that long, but the wait was an hour, so everyone please be careful.It was a shocking 1-hour wait. I

Thought it would take about 230 minutes, but it’s better to go early on weekends.It was delicious.Taiwanese food is delicious and seems to be good for the body.I feel like it will improve the intestinal environment. It took quite a while

, but it’s about 8:30 now. After this, I’ll go back to the hotel and take the Shinkansen to South.The Shinkansen that goes from Kita Station to South Station is HSR.This is the Shinkansen stop. It’s like this. I entered from here and the train at 9:21 is probably this. What should I do

With this? Is this where I went? This is probably this. Platform 1 There may be quite a lot of people. Oh, this is what I’m getting on. I wonder where I should get on the train . [Music] I

Arrived at Tainan, but the Shinkansen’s Taiminami Station and the city’s Taiminami seem to be different stations, so it takes about an hour to get there, so I have to go again from there. It looks like we can’t go there, so after about an hour from here

, we’ll move to Main Main, where the hotel is located, I guess.Oh, there it is.I don’t know what to call it, but it’s called Sharun Station in TR. I wonder if it’s here. From here,

I’ll take the 30-minute train bound for Nai. I didn’t have cash right now, so I bought a paper ticket. Is that the train? By the way , it seems like this train only runs once an hour. If I miss this, I’ll have to wait for an hour.I

Wonder if that’s what’s over there.I don’t know if it’s ICC Tana.I’ll just take a little ride. I think I’ll just take the bus and head towards the hotel. But I don’t understand at all. I want to take bus number 7. That’s the station. I wonder if it’s that big of a station. Yes, I just finished checking in to the hotel, so I’m going to eat now. I’m

Really hungry, so I’m going to eat. I’m going to go eat it, but it’s a big deal.It’s really fun.I was already in a hurry, so I just left my luggage and checked in , so I didn’t get to see the city at all, but

I really like Tana. I wonder if the atmosphere I would get into would be similar to Kyoto.I’ve never been to Kyoto , but the station I arrived at on the Shinkansen was surprisingly empty, but this station in the middle of the city is so relaxing after the big city.

Anyway, there’s a place where I can eat Taiwanese food. It’s almost 2 o’clock right now , but they close at 2:30, so I’m going to hurry. There’s a Taiwanese restaurant. I don’t know the name. However, I was wondering if they had Taiwanese noodles like Soboro or something like that.I

Happened to be walking by and thought of going to Makoko , but the atmosphere was more Japanese-like, or rather Taiwanese-like, and it seemed like they were closing at 2 o’clock, so there were only 2 minutes left. It’s about 2 o’clock so I’m going to eat. I’ll start with the soup.

It’s like a miso soup with a lot of garlicky meat in it. It tastes like seafood soup stock. Also, the garlic has a great effect. I’m going to eat it now. I was planning on walking, so I ordered a small bowl of this.The delicious noodles

Are like ramen in Japan.It’s kind of like tangy noodles, but it’s not that spicy.It has bean sprouts and minced meat, and it has a nice garlic flavor. But the palms go well together.I’m going to walk around this town now and go into the shops, trying to capture the atmosphere.It

Looks like it’s going to be fun, and Tana is also hot.I thought Osoko was more urban, but it feels like this. I haven’t even turned my tongue. What is this? It looks beautiful. There’s a shop that sells azuki mochi . I wonder if I should buy the azuki mochi that was

Delicious yesterday. Hello Kia . I saw you baking it again. It looks delicious. So I couldn’t help but buy it at this moment. It was about 20 dollars, 20 yuan, or 680 yen . I wonder how much it cost yesterday. It’s cheap. Today, yesterday I had custard, but today I

‘ll try it with clear. It’s full of soot. Teru Umaiwama I guess it’s not much different in Japan.Next, I saw a restaurant running some kind of food, so I went there , but I couldn’t understand the menu ball in Taiwanese or Chinese, so I had to use Google Translate

At times like this. When I use my camera , it says it in Japanese, but the one on top of the Fuku rice looks like Fuku rice, so I thought I’d give it a try.I got the Fuku rice without any problems.It looks delicious.It ‘s a mix of pork and red rice.

It’s delicious. It’s small, bite-sized. It’s small, but the consistency is nice. I guess it’s like a local’s kitchen. The kids came and ate it too. It was delicious. It was extremely hot. I’m already sweating like I’ve been running, but I’m drenched. I

‘m heading towards Chinon Street right now, and I wonder if there’s some kind of festival going on. I don’t know if it’s singing, but I can’t hear it. Hmm, I wonder if something is going on. Is it a festival ? I wonder if it’s here again. What day is it today? I can’t

Enter Shino Street. I ‘ve come to Shino Street. There are so many different things, but it’s really here. This is a famous street in Thailand, where the streets of the old days still remain, like the old days of Japan.This is a

Famous street in Thailand.This place is a candy store.Taiwanese sweets are made in the style of a Japanese candy store. Sweets and such are children’s sweets.This is old Japan.There are cool coin pockets, nice card cases, and key cases. I came to a town called Anpi Lao, and it

Seems to have become a tourist attraction because the old Taiwanese townscape remains.It seems like there are new cafes and souvenir shops that have recently opened, so it looks like the old townscape. It was written that the narrow alleys like this one are nostalgic because of the fact that they still remain,

But I don’t really understand what nostalgic is, but it seems like the town retains this kind of old-fashioned atmosphere . It’s coming out and it’s starting to look like a festival.Maybe there aren’t many Japanese people.It doesn’t suit me at all.I just bought a mango smoothie.I feel like it’s

A festival.I’m drinking a mango smoothie and I’m still wondering if it’s actually the main Apila old age. I wonder what’s in there. I wonder if there ‘s a store. There’s already a store, but I’d like to go to sleep. I wonder if this place is mostly closed. You can only enter

By 5 o’clock. No, I wonder what happened here. I wonder if the sunset looks so beautiful. It’s 3 sets from Apila. I wish I had 30 minutes earlier. I could have gotten in here earlier, but all the buildings here are surrounded by those bricks, and

Here too. I wonder if it’s become a tourist spot.Actually, I think you can see the gate behind it now , but there’s a gate, and on the other side there’s a big temple, or rather, there’s a sign that says “Junanbosei”,

Where the god is enshrined. I’m sure it’s a bit of a walk from the shrine , but I don’t know if this is a shrine or a big shrine, but there’s a dragon on the ceiling, which is amazing.There are people and all kinds of animals on the ceiling.

I wonder if it’s going to be like this. If you look closely, I ‘d like to change places from the old Apila here and go to the next destination. I’ll only be staying in the south for one night, so I’d like to visit here more and more. It’s a really big restaurant. Let’s

Start with the short story. This looks hot. I’ll split it once and enjoy the amazing gravy. Um, it’s so delicious. This soup is so delicious. Now I’ve also got the cotton noodles with shrimp, which I’ll have . The meat taste is amazing. It’s completely different from abura soba,

But more like hot meat soba. I wonder if the meat stock is similar to niro noodles or something like that. This one turn taste is also different from the meaty taste of the soup. I wonder if there are vegetables in it or not. I feel like the

Bus is really convenient and cheap in Taiwan.It’s really cheap and how much does it cost?You can go to many places for like 60 yen and it takes about an hour. I don’t know if it’s divided by area or by area , but

It doesn’t cost that much money.I bought this Yuyoyo card when I came to Taiwan before, but there are other ones like that.Sometimes I don’t know how far it is 2354km to Tokyo. It looks like Sunetape is 265 km away. I wonder if they still have it. Ampitofa. It’s a little different. It’s

Like this. It looks like it’s open until 10 p.m. It starts at 10 a.m. in the morning . This one has gin and black beans. Let ‘s try this delicacy Let’s make it a

Delicacy I decided to take the plunge.The new flavor was tapioca.As for the original flavor, can’t we just go with the original one? Let’s just go to the east.[Music] I can go there, but it’s plentiful. It’s definitely better to have something with tapioca. Something like this

Tapioca. It has a dark taste. Ammi-flavored tapioca and tofa go well together. Complete bread Pitofa It was a feast. Hello everyone. Today, I’m inside. I came to the station this morning. I took the Shinkansen again from Minami Station, and

This Naka Station is surprisingly beautiful, beautiful, and very spacious. It kind of looks like the front of Tokyo Station this time. I’ll be spending another night in Nokonaka, but I’m going to check in to the hotel now.I’m going on a journey from now on.This isn’t the entrance to the station, but it doesn’t

Look like Tokyo Station, so I’m going to have dinner or rather have an early lunch. I would like to eat food or rather, eat food near Eko.My whole body is in the city after all.Transportation fees are high, and there seem to

Be a lot of restaurants.It’s a city, but there are rivers like this flowing, and I can feel nature. I just arrived and there was already a line.No. 21.I want to wait in line for this.There’s quite a line.It’s morning, but yes, I just entered the store.The menu looks like this. I don’t know.

I came here because I wanted to eat pako rice, but I wonder which one it is. Maybe this is the translator. This is the pork fried one. It’s very Japanese. I’ll have it with rice and miso soup . They give me disposable chopsticks. 1978 The company passed away in 2008.Miso

Soup Taiwan’s first miso soup.Ah , it’s delicious.I’m going to have the prince.It’s like deep-fried chicken.It’s air-fried meat.It’s a bit like lemon.I wonder if it’s sprinkled with lemon.It has a sour taste.It ‘s like they made the same way with pork. The rice tastes like Japanese

Food, and the rice is the same, but the one on top of it was really spicy.It’s spicy, just like Japanese food.It’s delicious.It has thick bones.I’m

Going to move on to the next one. It’s called Miyahara Ophthalmology Clinic, and it seems that once upon a time a man named Miyahara in Japan built an ophthalmology clinic, but the building still remains and is now an ice cream shop, so I’d like to go there.I wonder if it was there

. This is Nihaga.It was originally an ophthalmology clinic, and it was created by a Japanese person, so I wonder if the interior is still the same now.I’d like to take a look inside.It looks like this, it’s so gorgeous, it looks like a hotel. It seems that chocolate and

Ice cream are famous, and you can buy them as souvenirs or eat them.There are many different types of chocolate, such as coffee, milk chocolate, kunashi, orange white chocolate , and Igo white chocolate.1927 Miyahara It seems that this building was built by a person named Mr. It

Looks like you can buy pineapple cake here. The top is amazing. Is this a book? What is this? 70% almond and coffee bean gua? What is this? This is not a real book. This is also sweets. I thought it was

A book , but it turned out to be sweets. It’s not a book. When I looked closer, I saw this tree . I can’t take the book like this. It’s the tree with the design on it. Is there an ice cream shop next to that? I can’t get there from here

. I came outside, and there was also a juice shop outside.It said “Niha” and “Niha” looked like a brand.There was ice cream.Ice cream.It’s so scary.That’s the eye on the ice cream.Everyone . We’re going to line up and eat outside. We’re eating this. Since we’re here, we’re going to line up.

There’s so many kinds of food that we can’t cut them. But there’s English written on them. Oriental Beauty. I don’t know what it means, but I don’t know what it tastes like. I don’t understand this. What should I do?

There are so many amazing types. I wonder if I should choose single or double first. Over here, it seems like the toppings are free for each ice cream, and there are various kinds like pineapple cake. What should I do? Thank you! Get this now. I don’t know where to eat.The Touhou

Beauty and Strawberry ice cream I saw at the beginning is topped with cheesecake and pineapple cake.It’s amazing.Okay, let’s eat it.There’s no place to eat inside, so I guess we’ll have to eat outside. I think I’ll start with strawberries.The bugs are so delicious.It’s melting.It’s delicious.It ‘s like 3131 ice cream.It’s so delicious.It’s really melting.It’s

So hot that I was taking a video and it’s really melting.Ashi cake is delicious.It’s moist.It’s black tea.Black tea ice creamTouhou The beautiful woman ate a pineapple cake, and the pineapple cake is a delicious round pineapple cake. The pineapple cake was delicious and moist, and

The pineapple jam inside was just the right amount of sweetness.It was just past 4 o’clock, but after 4 o’clock it started to get a lot of shade and it started to get cooler. I’ve never had almond tofu before, including on my last trip to Taiwan,

So I’d like to try it.I wonder if this is called tofu ice.It’s at this restaurant. The tofu came. It looks like it’s called almond soup, and it ‘s amazing. There’s a lot of things underneath

. It was white earlier, but it had holes in it, so I asked which kind of almond tofu it was, and they said this, and it said it was called ani soup, so I tried it. Let’s just try the soup. At first

I was wondering what it was, but the aftertaste was like Japanese tofu. Yeah, I wonder if this is the first taste. The first taste makes me wonder what I’m eating. However, the aftertaste is the same as Japan’s refreshing Ani tofu.So let’s try some tofu.The tofu tastes like Japanese Ani tofu, but it may

Have a strong tofu taste. It has a slightly sweet taste at the end.It’s refreshing.Taiwanese Ani tofu.It’s surprising that I haven’t had it before.I had forgotten about it, but there’s also Anni tofu.It ‘s an interesting Ani tofu, but Ani tofu. It feels like it has tofu in it.It has a strong tofu flavor.It

‘s very Japanese Ani-tofu is Ani-tofu.It doesn’t taste like this kind of soup, so I wonder if human tofu originated in Taiwan. Then, it came across in a very different way.I wonder when the soup ran out.It ‘s evening, and the fire is going down.No

, the Taiwanese culprit, tofu, was novel.Or rather, I wonder if it’s original.I’m sure it’s something special, so what’s going on around here? I don’t know, so I think I’ll try drinking tapioca milk tea while walking.This is here.I’m going to try drinking tapioca milk tea at the shop with this old man’s sign.Amazing, there

‘s an old man at the top of the traffic light.What’s his name? I don’t know if I’ll read this, but I think I’ll check it out.First of all, I have to start by not knowing the menu.I don’t know which one it is, so I’ll look it

Up.Which one is it?This is it.When I look at it now, this is milk tea with tapioca.It looks like this . I don’t know what to say at all.You can choose the amount of sugar and ice, and I got less ice without sugar.The packaging is cute.This is amazing.I think it’s popular in Japan.45

$I wonder if it’s about an old man and a rabbit.I guess this neighborhood is trendy. That’s why I want to wait while drinking this old man’s packaged tapioca milk tea.Yes , the tapioca is delicious and big, but this tapioca will fill you up.There is also a capo shop here

. I wonder if the package is different from the one, so it’s like it’s wrapped in half.I wonder if I should buy this.It’s cheap, so I bought a package here.There happened to be a large park across the street, so I sat down. Let’s eat while drinking tapioca.

Yes, I’m just sitting here, so I’m just trying to keep up with this, but isn’t it really cute? I wonder if this is something like this in Japan. I’ve never seen it before . Now then , I had a little trouble ordering again earlier. I don’t know how to read this as Kapo,

But I feel like it’s definitely not Kapo, but this is amazing. It has fried eggs in it. It also has peanuts and radish in it, so I asked them to leave out the cilantro. It’s like this. You can see it, I’ll eat it.It’s delicious.It ‘s lean pork, fatty meat, fried egg, and peanuts.I’ll

Eat it.Yes, it’s delicious.It’s pork belly.It ‘s not like braised pork.It’s thin.It’s not like braised pork.It’s thin. I’ve never had it before , so I think it’s super delicious with a fried egg.The peanut flavor is strong, but I feel like this fish does a really good job.The fish should definitely go

Well with the fried egg. It’s a hard fried egg, so it doesn’t melt and it’s easy to eat.It’s about 40 yen, and it’s 160 yen, which is really cheap.There’s so much pork, there’s eggs, and there’s peanuts, so 160 yen is really cheap.It’s finally here today.

It’s the last night of my 5-night stay in Taiwan.I want to finish it off by eating some local Taiwanese food.That’s amazing.I’m going to ride my bike on the sidewalk, so that’s the end . I want to go out to eat.It

‘s finally my last dinner in Taiwan.There are a lot of sudden hot pot restaurants, yakiniku restaurants, etc.And then there was the restaurant I was looking for.I guess it’s called “Pesidem” or “Transformation Dem”.This is where I’ll put it. Kana, yes, I just came to the store.The menu now looks something like this.There

‘s a lot of things like logic, and there’s a short argument, but now I ‘m going to write a short argument . Also, I don’t know about this, but

Please give me this and that, so I showed it to you with a photo.I don’t know what it is, but if I feel like I can eat it, I might ask for a little more, but for now, that’s it.It’s my last day in Taiwan. It’s the last one, it’s gone so fast 5

Nights and 6 days, actually the first day I haven’t done anything since late at night, so it feels like 4 nights now I’m here for my first meal This is Baked Pork Pastry with Honey Barbecue Sauce Bread I wonder if there’s something inside the bread.I also got a package of 5 pieces.I’d

Like to start with the small one.Each piece is attached to a wrap.It’s the first type I’ve ever seen that comes with a wrap. I’m going to eat it.The moment I put it in my mouth, the meat juices start to thicken.The soup is so delicious.The taste of the delicious pork is so good.I’ll

Try eating it with pickled ginger or ginger.I like it mostly without anything on it. I don’t like anything and just leave it as is , but it’s red ginger, so this time

I’m not using regular ginger, but I don’t feel bad about it at all.It’s delicious even if I don’t have it. The shrimp is delicious and the third color is here.This is also common in Japan when it comes to rice.Shima with rice, or should I say shima wrapped in rice?It’s delicious.Shima with shrimp

Inside the hot rice. It’s good to eat it with rice and shima.Let’s try this honey bread.It has a fork inside and the outside is dough and the dough is kneaded with honey . It looks like the shrimp is served with honey.The color is really beautiful.It looks like it’s swollen, and it probably has

A lot of rebound when you bite into it.The shrimp is plump and crunchy, so it’s probably a really delicious shrimp. There was probably a big shrimp in it, and I didn’t feel the skin at all.It was so delicious that it felt like I was eating only shrimp.Everything was really delicious.I wonder if

The bus just came. Many of you may already know this , but I raised my right hand and got on. I asked if I could stop. I came and got on number 73. I came to a place where it was really dark again, and there were no shops here.

It seems like there’s something ahead, but I wonder if it’s in a place like this.This is it.This is it.This is it.This is it.It’s here.Nagaoka Tofa.Let’s eat the last tofa here.The last tofa is here.Nagaoka Topa.I wonder if there’s a lot of soup this time.

Since I’m at the end of the toppings, it was written as a comprehensive topa, but I tried making a mixed tofa that includes taro, peanuts, and all the things you can put in. It looks completely different. I’m going to go with

The last tofa.It’s pretty sweet.First of all, it doesn’t have any sugar in it, so I guess it’s the sweetness of Aki.It’s fun to be able to choose which toppings to put in.I feel like the taste changes when peanuts are added.Ah,

And tapio is also included. I’m starting to feel sad about the last one. Taiwan is really fun. I’m pretty hungry. It’s got peanuts and other colors like this. It’s a little far away, so it’s pretty empty. Good morning here. On the morning of the last day of my Taiwan bullet trip. It

‘s almost 7:30 now.I’m at Onaka Station right now, but I’d like to go to the other side of Onaka Station and have breakfast.I’m on my half-way flight today. I’m heading back to Japan , so it’ll be in the morning. I’d like to go to various shops that I can go to.

Today is my last day, but I hope I can come again in about six months or so once every six months. 7:30 a.m. It’s a bit hot, but it feels good. The sun is strong and dazzling as I’m bathing in the morning sun,

But it’s the morning of the last day of my trip to Taiwan. Please watch till the end of your trip to Taiwan . Now, I wonder how many guys at Taichu Station are here. I came to the other side, which is not the main wide side , but

There was a building that looked like Europe, and there were a lot of buses running around. I think it’s around here, but where is this? It’s here. I wonder if it’s okay to line up here.I’d like to eat while standing.There’s a table, but it’s

More like sitting down without a chair.I had to drink the tea myself and drink it myself. I ordered some meat buns, so I’m going to try some Dojin. Cold Dojin shank. [Music] This is so delicious. I’ve only ever eaten red Hokkaido products, so I thought it might be a bit

Cold, so I saved up some. This is so delicious. I can drink it all. It’s sweet soy milk and it’s very easy to drink. I drank all of it. The liman is small and bite-sized . There’s a lot of meat inside. It’s hot and there’s some thick pork inside. It’s small.

There’s a lot of meat juice in it.The hot meat juices are coming out slowly.Can you see? The dough is also different from ordinary meat buns because it feels like it’s soaked with meat juice.It was written as yubao. That’s why it’s different from meat buns.It’s completely filled with hot water, which means

It has this soup in it.It’s a really big station where you can see the trains.The main station is also open here at night and during the day. Kanao shop There are various delicious-looking signboards. There is also a fa shop.

When I was walking around, there was a market going on. It’s a market. It’s a market. It ‘s a morning market. Surprisingly, I guess it’s the first morning market in Taiwan. Everyone’s been shopping since the morning. I feel like this is amazing.They sell a lot of different

Kinds of bikes.They sell a lot of vegetables and bananas.Ah , pineapples.I don’t think I see many pineapples in Taiwan.If I lived in Taiwan, I would buy something like this. There are bananas that I want to come and eat at home . Oh, wow. The bananas are so

Beautiful. Oh, wow, there are so many people on the other side of the road. Wow, that’s amazing. There are still shops inside. This place feels like a warehouse. Wow, there was a place like this.It wasn’t there at all.It’s amazing.They even have bikes inside.They sell meat here.I

Wonder if they’re keeping the sun out of this place.It was amazing.Here we are again at the Chugoku Station. Let’s go back to the locals.It’s amazing.It’s around 8:30 or just before 9am.I wonder if it’s cheap.It says 23 yuan for 1 banana, or maybe 5 bananas, so it’s

80. I wonder if it’s as cheap as the yen? Look, these amazing bikes are amazing. Everyone is riding a bike. Don’t get pulled over. Don’t get pulled over. By the way, I’m just coming back to Taichu Station, and this is what you can see behind me. It’s Taichu Station, so

This is what it looks like in front of the station, and it looks amazing behind here, because there’s a bus terminal here, and the bus just came, and it’s going to be in front of the station in the morning.This

Is the ticket gate for Taichu Station, but you can see it here. The street is so beautiful, is n’t it? It’s probably this. It’s this white sign. It’s this white sign. It’s like this. It’s a different atmosphere than before . It’s good. The last tofa. The ending is simply bean

Tofa. It’s delicious. No matter how many times you eat it, it’s the last time you eat tofu.It’s nice to eat at a local place like this.The soup and broth is delicious, and it doesn’t seem like there are any tourists.That’s what they showed me. It seems like it’s

Going to be a ginger. The bye-bye party isn’t going to work, but we ‘re able to communicate and I’m glad that people talk to me. There’s quite a few people. When I turn the camera around, they ask me to tell them the channel. It

Seems like it’s going to be a long time ago. I could eat on the sofa and it’s hot so let’s go home. It’s hot. There’s a lot of shade in the morning and evening, so when the wind blows it’s pretty cool, so the shade is nice, but the sun is extremely hot.

When I go home, I end up sweating before boarding the plane. I don’t want to. Well, I had fun in Taiwan as well. [Applause] In the end, East’s anniversary won. It’s important not to give up. I’m

Safely on the Shinkansen now, and I’m heading to the park from Taizhong Station. It took about 30 minutes. It’s close . I looked up how many minutes it takes from this countryside to the airport and it says it takes 17 minutes, so it takes about an hour in total

To get to the countryside airport.The cost is about 5,202,000 yen, which is Japan. Isn’t it cheaper than the Shinkansen? [Music] Okay, we’ve arrived at Denyuan International Airport. This is the last part of our trip to Taiwan. Thank you very much for watching this far. This time , we’ll take a survey on YouTube.

I was able to come to Taiwan because Taiwan was Dato 1.In the future, I would like to continue doing things like asking listeners through questionnaires, so if you have a questionnaire in the future, please post it.

By the way , this is a cafe at the airport, and the last time I finished my trip to Taiwan , I was able to film the ending scene here, and the atmosphere here is stylish and empty, so it’s easy to shoot videos. I’m here again.

I’d love to see your impressions of this trip to Taiwan. I ‘d be happy if you could leave a comment. I’ll use it as a reference when making future videos, so I’ll see you again for your next trip. I’ll be planning a trip in the future and

Where to go next. I haven’t thought about this at all, but I’ve been to quite a few Asian countries, so I ‘ve been to the countries I’d like to go to, but if I were to go to Australia or other Asian countries, it would be possible

. I’ve never been to Australia.I haven’t been there yet.If you’re the one who posted that comment, please leave a comment about the next country you’d like to see.There’s Australia.What do you think about Australia?I’ve been to Melbourne, but Sydney . I’ve never been there, so I think it’s about to appear, so

Thank you for watching until the end of my trip to Taiwan. If you enjoyed it, please hit the high rating button. See you again on your next trip. Let’s meet bye [Music] Bye BabyMakeYoumy Forever girlNow Forever Mymake SM make Allwilltakemewill makethehappmanthe worldCanITakeYouand canImakeyoucanImake you forwillyoutakeme willyoumakemetheman the worldCanIyoucanI makeBcanmakeyou forever girl ForeverAndSPMyTR Smile make make


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23:34 DAY2
42:33 DAY3
1:01:43 DAY4
1:23:33 LAST DAY






















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  1. こうへいさん、台湾いいですね✨

  2. 豆花だけ食べに台湾に行きたいです。それくらい豆花食べたい❗です😌💓

  3. 明後日から台湾の予定でしたが、体調不良でキャンセルしました(涙)

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