How to Travel Japan! (Full Travel Guide Documentary) 🇯🇵

Welcome to Japan a fascinating country where  old traditions and new technology live side   by [Music] side with some of the kindest  people you’ve ever met thank you are you   good yes that’s good our journey will take us  all over Japan from the bright lights of Tokyo  

To the calm and quiet Koto over the next 2 hours  we’ll discover what makes Japan so special from   its beautiful cherry blossoms coming soon in  Spring to its unique and fun activities I’ll   be showing you everything from how to get  trained in Japan to what tickets you need  

To how to order food and also how to avoid the  busy crowds there is a lot of other tourists   here I’ll also be sharing with you some budget  and non-budget accommodations as well as some  

Travel hacks to get the best out of Japan not  only that but we’ll also be going to some of   the things that you may not know about Japan Japan  has stories and surprises waiting for us at every  

Corner so whether you’re a firsttime traveler  to Japan or you call Japan your home come and   join me in this extraordinary Adventure as we  explore Japan together the adventure begins now And good morning guys from the beautiful country  of Japan oh my gosh I’m so excited I’ve only been   in this country for probably about 11 hours now  and my mind is blown so today what we are doing  

Is we are actually going on the ferry that is  right behind me so we need to go for a little   walk down there we just got off two metro  stops from our hotel located in shim IMA   so we also picked up up one of these passes  which is something I definitely recommend you  

Getting it is $ 36 Australian or $28 us and  for one of these you get 2 days of about 40   free activities and unlimited Metro rides as  well you can’t beat that so come with me today  

As we explore a sucker Japan is finally open for  tourists so let’s go and let’s have [Music] fun [Music] sky in the air here is so clear there’s  no pollution we’re in a blue sky day and it’s  

Long pants and jumper weather but it’s not that  cold the sun’s out I could actually probably get   away with wearing a t-shirt right now it is  so lovely and I am so glad to be here in this country [Applause] [Music]

Okay so we just picked up our tickets for the  ferry unfortunately it was fully booked until   1:30 so we have about 2 hours um to kill um until  we can get on but we do have window seats which  

Is really good so right now we’re going to go to  Osaka castle and check that one out one of the   popular um American Sports here it’s actually  baseball believe it or not the Philippines had   basketball and here they have baseball so yeah  who knew but um the Japanese love their baseball  

So yeah we just stumbled across this walk into  the castle but uh yeah I’ll try not to get [Applause] [Music] hit so yeah as you can see this is a beautiful  beautiful country it’s so quiet it’s so peaceful  

The people are so respectful I’m like I’m low te  like I’m low ke tearing up I’m tearing up just   a little bit because it’s like so different you  don’t see you don’t see this high level of respect  

Anywhere in the world and it’s like I feel like  the whole city has just done like a yoga session   or something that’s how calm everyone is it’s so  quiet it’s so nurturing the trees are lovely the   sun is out people are running they’re excising  people look fit and healthy and there’s a train  

Like look at this [Music] train radio so we’re  walking up to the ahaka castle now oh my gosh   I’m so excited I know keep on saying how excited  I am but I really am like I’m not just putting  

This on for the Vlog guys like I am very excited  to be here I’ve wanted to go to Japan for so long   now and I’m finally here and this time like I’ve  I have this YouTube channel so I can even share  

How I’m feeling and everything I experience  so yeah today’s just going to be a good day I love people something something smiley face so this lady here  this cleaner is raking up the leaves to say I love  

Aaka in Japanese writing and then a smiley face at  the end can this city get even can this city get   any more cooler [Music] what [Music] just a few  fun facts for you guys a suckle was was founded  

In 1498 and the castle that we’re going to now  was founded in 1570 so let’s go check it [Music] out [Music] so believe it or not this behind me  is a shopping center yes has shops and restaurants  

In it right next to the castle Temple that we’re  about to go to in this massive Park here I tell   you what Japan just does everything on steroids  everything is perfect Grand amazing normally this  

Would cost I think $8 but um yeah we get in for  free with our pass so that’s a bonus so there’s   actually a wishing well here just behind me so  people have chucked in coins and even notes into  

The well uh to wish for things and good luck but  um we’re just in front of the castle now so let’s   go [Music] in so we’ve just made it to the top of  the castle and you can literally see all over the  

City it is so nice today like the lovely Autumn  colored tree this whole park and the moat around   as well man this is so nice so when you’re coming  up here there’s no filming on the third and fourth  

Floor um so that’s a museum um the reason for no  filming is to protect the rights of the artworks   and the art in the museum I’ll be leaving the  Google Map links to every to everywhere we go  

In the description as well um so you guys can  check it out when you come to Japan but wow   like you can literally see the mountains so far  in the distance that’s how clear it is there’s  

No pollution the air is fresh people are smiling  birds are chirping what a great [Music] day so   these exhibits right here are using Holograms  that’s the first time I’ve ever seen holog   RS before Oh my gosh there’s going to be so much  technology in this city it is crazy I’m so [Music]

Excited like look at this stone wall here that  would have taken so long to build with these   heavy big rocks and trying trying to align each  one correctly and then have a straight top like   there is here the Japanese people are so good  at engineering so the Innovation here is just  

So high as I’ve already said you’re probably  going to hear me say that a lot actually quite   a fun fact is the life expectancy for Japanese  people is very high at 85 years old and that’s  

Due to the low obesity rate in Japan and how they  eat uh they eat a lot of fish a lot of plant-based   Foods and that and the high standard of living  as well to 85 which is amazing and obviously we  

Have a great Health Care system too so yeah  you can really see that in Japan it’s super fascinating so as we’re coming back out now  the L’s doing another rake of leaves on the   other side saying the exact same thing  oh my go so we’re just walking up to  

Now some um local Street Market market  so let’s go check it out and see if we   can find some food well there’s so many  options I do not know what to choose and   I don’t know what anything says cuz it’s  all in Japanese so um let’s see how we

[Music] go righto so I managed to pick up one of   these noodle dishes with some type of  meat and lettuce um they didn’t speak   English so I just pointed and I just  said one so um got some chopsticks

Too so I’m about to use my first ever  vending machine here in Japan they have   100% orange juice so I’m going to get this  one you just put the money in Click what you   want and Bam so let’s give this a taste  made from the Coca-Cola Company fun fact  

Oh yeah that is good that is definitely  100% good stuff all right so now it’s   time we’re going to get on the ferry go  around the uh River here so let’s [Music] go wow this looks very poch windows are totally  open as [Music] well okay how good’s this window  

Seat I cannot wait it’s going to be so much  fun you can probably hear in the background   as well there’s some really nice music playing  all white interior windows above us as well so   you can even see the [Music] sky [Music] man  this is so nice the sun is just glistening off  

The water here and it’s really nice to just go  around the city and see different buildings from   different perspectives we just went past the  castle then as well that we just went up so   yeah it’s really cool there’s also fishermen on  the side fishing and yeah people just enjoying  

Their Sunday righto so we just jumped off the  boat then that was a uh that was really really   fun so right now we’re going to a observation  deck we got to jump back on the Metro so uh  

Yeah let’s [Music] go so check out this tree here  there used to be a pole well there still is a pole   holding it up um that looks exactly like this  but the tree has growing into the metal you’d  

Think when the tree brushed up against it it  sort of just move off but it’s grown into the   metal such a weird thing to say we got to go to  Shin saashi by the way it is really easy to get  

The metro and trains here um there’s all signs  in English and if not you can ask a staff member   um with the pass that we got we got free Metro  rides otherwise you can use the ticket machine  

To pay cash and just get a ticket as well so  don’t worry your first time will probably be   hard but after that you should be [Music]  [Applause] [Music] fine [Music] [Applause] we just came out of the main train station and  we are right in the center now of aaka so we just  

Have a little bit of a walk to the observation  deck but first impressions of the center it is   crazy it is massive Japan Vibes obviously  but like all the signage the advertisements   the people um like people dressed up in business  clothes you have people who like are wearing like  

Anime sort of like costume stuff it’s like it’s  crazy the signs the culture the smells it’s just   I’m actually getting a little bit of culture shock  right now check out this car here it looks like a toaster

So this is the building we’re about to go up  to oh my gosh this should be fun let’s [Music] go This is why you have to come to  Japan now [Applause] [Music] look   okay wait until you see this my mind is [Music] blown [Music] [Applause] [Music] so they also have a gate here filled with love  locks so if when Partners or people get married  

They can come and lock their uh their love on  on this gate viewing the entire city it’s pretty   romantic isn’t it maybe one day I’ll um I’ll get  to do the same so there we go our first successful  

Day exploring Osaka Japan I hope you’re liking  the documentary thus far next up we’re going   to be exploring some other sites in Osaka so you  might also be wondering Jack how are you getting   data when you’re going around Japan what’s the  best way to get a SIM card well that’s where  

Nomad eim comes in thank you Nomad for sponsoring  this video so if you’ve been watching my videos   for a while you’ll know that Nomad has been a  part of my travels for years now I use them in  

Every country that I go so you might be thinking  Jack what is an Asim well let me break it down   essentially an eim is a app on your phone that  creates a digital SIM card so all you have to do  

Is install The Nomad app on your phone click what  country you want and buy a package for me when I   was in Australia before my Japan trip I went onto  the Nomad app clicked Japan and chose the package  

That I wanted and Bam as soon as I touched down in  Japan I had data just like that so no more lining   up in Long cues at the airport waiting for your  physical SIM card personally I find that having  

An eim is a great thing to have being able to  have data when you’re seeing the immigration   officer and having to show your hotel booking or  even when you’re just traveling around and needing   Google Maps posting Instagram photos and I can  even hotspot my phone to upload YouTube videos  

As well if you use my code Jack 92 CB you will  get a bit of a discount on your first purchase   of an Asim so if you’re interested in getting  an Asim on your next trip then click my link  

Below in the description box and get started  by downloading The Nomad app today let’s go   [Applause] I tell you what the streets of Japan  are very quiet in the morning most people ride   bicycles or just take the metro or get the Train  the cars that you do see are the toaster looking  

Cars or the mini looking cars so so yeah it’s  actually quite nice because the noise pollution   is also down the real time pollution is also down  it’ll be crazy when Japan goes fully electric for   electric cars then there’ll be like silence on  the roads it be crazy look so many [Music] bikes  

Righto so we’re off to our first activity today  we got to get on the red line towards platform 2   towards srio I believe I’m saying that right  maybe so let’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] go today’s day extremely lovely day too  like look at these blue skies behind  

Me we have came in the best season of  autumn righto so we just got off the   Metro now we got to get on the acka  monreal so let’s [Music] [Applause] Go righto so we just got off the mon Rail and we’ve  made it to our first stop here for today which   I’ll show you guys in just a second but I just  want to show you this massive car park behind  

Me and they’ve only got this little section  filled with cars so that goes to show how very   few cars there actually are in Japan and as I  was saying before proves my point there’s not   many cars people just use public transport it’s  so lovely but but I’m just seeing this amazing  

View of this uh monreal coming in now so take a  look at [Music] this so we have just reached our   first activity for today this is the Osaka Ferris  wheel at Expo City and this Ferris wheel is the  

Biggest ferris wheel in Japan and you’re about to  come on it with me so let’s [Music] go don’t you to so once again we’re using out a sucker  amazing pass to get on this ride for free  

Only 3,600 Yen for this which is very affordable  hey so we made it in so excited this oh they’re waving the biggest Ferris will in all of  Japan perhaps even in all of Asia but I   don’t know that so this is 100 123 M  um so yeah let’s go up and see this View we are officially now at the very top you  can see all over the city literally to where the   mountains are the whole city you can see Mountain  the mountain range around the whole city of aaka  

It is epic I have to say though the infrastructure  and these roads and the monor rails and everything   just flows it all just works everything’s so  clean well thought out well designed so I’ll   just quickly go through some of the landmarks  that are around here that we’ll be able to see  

So right here we actually have Tower of the sun  which is um a famous land famous landmark on the   outskirts here of a sucker so this is Tower of  the Sun on here next to it we have um a Japanese  

Garden and then over here we have Expo City Mall  they also have a welcome floor mat as you come   in as well I tell you what the Japanese are so  extra every little detail they think about with  

Everything right so we just got to the Bottom now  so we’re going to go and head over to the Statue   and check that out and also check the uh Gardens  out around there too so uh let’s go and see

That [Music] righto so we are now at our next  stop in front of the Tower of the Sun so we are   actually in the place where the 1970 Expo of the  commemorative memorial for all different countries   around the world built different little Expos  and um sort of exhibits in London a presentation  

Of scale models of expo 70 the international  exhibition to be held in Osaka from March to   September next year under the vast canopy roof  of the British Pavilion third largest there an   investment in overseas promotion costing  24 million pounds like Britain Japan is a  

Highly industrialized country still taking great  pains to preserve its Traditions so for a bit of   context there’s one every 5 years the last one  was in Dubai and this one was in 1970 so we’re  

Going to go around here and check them out and  see what they were back then and how they were   built but let me tell you I already know that  it’s going to be good so we do have a massive  

Map so we’re going to go around here and uh  see what they have to offer so let’s [Music] go so these Expos that are every 5 years so it  depends on the country if they want to put in  

To um to build um their Pavilion and sort of  show off their country so this one that was   in 1970 Australia wasn’t actually in there well I  couldn’t see it on the map anyway but New Zealand  

Burma and a whole heap of other countries are in  there so we’re going to be around going around   and exploring those Pavilions today so uh yeah  let’s check it out so we’ve just came down to   the lake here and they actually have uh pedalos  or like pedal boats they’re actually a little  

Bit expensive out of my budget but uh yeah if you  do come here and you want to Pedal along the lake   you but you can do that it’s probably pretty  romantic too so bring your partner if you’ve  

Got one if you don’t go by yourself so yeah guys  after walking around for a little bit we realized   that all of the exhibits and Pavilion were very  rundown considering this was all built in the   1970s this was no surprise so we decided to head  towards the Japanese garden so for example this  

Is one exhibit here that’s sort of overgrown  there’s not really any entry in but there’s   no security guards or anything around but I  wonder if this door you can open it no it’s   locked oh well one toaster car two toaster cars  four toaster cars we have now just entered in  

The uh Rose Garden which is really really lovely  I actually love roses um on my parents Farm they   actually have roses too but due to the recent  rain they actually The Roots got rotted and   died Australia’s been like pretty much flooding  getting so much rain but these um these roses are  

Really really cool lovely Garden you can smell it  too really can smell it I wish I could like push   some scent through this camera so you guys could  smell it let’s walk around here and have a little [Music] look

[Music] check out all these koi car wow  there’s so many look at the size of that   one look at the size of that so right now we  are walking into the Japanese garden and I’m   so excited to show you guys this because  there is two really good seasons for c for  

Cinematography in Japan number one cherry  blossoms unfortunately we’re not here for   that but number two is when Autumn comes  and as you can see here this is really Pictures one thing as well that I’ve noticed  about Japan is it is so quiet so every   time I Vlog I feel like I’m disturbing the  peace because everyone is just so silent so   calm so chill like no one says anything  unless they need to it’s like it’s so

[Music] different [Music] I tell you  what there’s no one else here if you   want to come to Japan come this year come now  before everyone flocks in now is the time to   come like sure we’ve seen a few people  here and there but it’s pretty special

[Music] so this old [ __ ] so  this old [ __ ] ad so this old Japan so this old Japanese man just here  was uh taking photos of the flower I didn’t   catch it on film but he went up and he  blew all of the dust out of the flower  

Before he took a photo it’s so nice  to see people who have retired just   doing their own little thing and  that’s his hobby you know it’s so cool soft serve strawberry Co okay thank you very much   have a nice day see you wow look at  that soft serve let’s give this a

Taste oh that is good wow that is probably yep that is the best  soft serve I’ve ever had in my [Music] life so   we just got out of the metro station then  and we are now heading to our next activity  

So stay tuned for that one I’m just loving  Japan every single thing that we go to is   just just leveling up my expectations it’s  just awesome so uh yeah let’s [Music] go [Music] so this Tower here that’s  where we’re going right now so  

Let’s [Music] go man so we just got  up to the top of the tower and this   view is amazing oh my gosh look at  this and the sun’s setting too so [Music] wow [Music] So right now I’m going to go on  the slide there’s no filming loud   but I’m going to try and sneak this  GoPro on there so let’s see how we   go right go got my mat got my helmet  let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

[Music] how go so we just came into this local  sushi restaurant we saw the board out the front   for 900 years again for two people and we just  said it was completely in Japanese we just  

Pointed at that and we said can we have one we  have no idea what we’re getting they have a very   professional sushi chef here as you can see this  kitchen is very traditional so I’m very excited to  

Try this one um so yeah let’s see what comes  out I have no idea righto so our shushi just   came out so let’s give this a try I think you just  pick it up like this dip and you dip it you need sauce it just melts in your

Mouth oh that’s lovely to be honest before  I came to Japan I thought I knew what Sushi   was but boy oh boy did Japan open  up my eyes to the food scene next   up we are going on the highspeed rail bullet  train across the country who shizzy [Music]

Wer we are on the move and no we’re not  going to Tokyo just [Music] [Applause] yet so we’re going about somewhere  half way in between let me [Applause] explain we are going on one of the  world’s fastest and most technologically advanced  

Trains in the world here in Japan we are going  on the bullet train 2 Shi worker this train is   only going to take 2 and a half hours to get  to so I’m going to take you along today show  

You the train give you all the details on how to  book your ticket and how to conquer this train   when you come to Japan and I have been told that  the views from this train are absolutely amazing  

So I’m going to be showing you that as well this  ticket was 9,000 Yen which is about $90 Australian   or $70 so a little bit pricey for a 2 and 1/2  hour Journey but I can tell you it’s going to  

Be worth it so come along with me and let’s go so  to get these tickets you can book it online and   I’ll leave the link in the description for where  to get that so once you book it online you get  

A QR code on your phone and then you can go to  the ticket machines here behind me and scan the   QR code to get your ticket so it’s very easy and  one small detail I might have forgot to mention  

We’re getting first class today let’s [Music] go  they also have a smoking room here you don’t see   that very often uh in Australia or America let  me tell you but uh in Japan quite [Music] common  

Okay so we just came up and we’ve got one of the  bullet trains here and another one here behind   me I think this one behind me is ours but it says  it’s not in service at the moment but I think in  

About 15 minutes It’ll come in service but man oh  man if this is it this thing is long all the way   down there all the way down there it’s going to  be fun so I’ve just sat down to eat my breakfast  

And that’s one thing here about Japan all the  public seating is so comfortable I sat down I’m   like o this is comfy not normally used to that  in most countries I go to all righty let’s give  

This a taste this meal was only from um one of  the little 7-Eleven stores only $5 really really cheap really good really good another thing  here is that the conductors are really serious   if I step over this yellow line just here they  come up to you they’re like don’t even though  

There’s a gate so it’s all about safety but uh  it’s quite funny oh we’ve got one leaving right now man oh man and that’s it that’s  just it starting off speed can you   imagine when they get to full speed you know  I thought there was just one or two of these  

Fast trains but I’ve seen like eight in  the past 10 minutes the amount of money   that has went into this network is crazy so  this is our train arriving just now I’m so excited so this here is the massive  Gates we got to walk through to get  

On the train so different to so many other systems oh my gosh look at these seats first class   baby let’s go good evening uh no sir  you’re infection first class good evening so if you are coming on here with a  big bag you’ll be completely fine a lot of

Room this is a first class seat wow oh my gosh  I’m going to love this trip including either   end of the you [Music] no back we go nice  so this isn’t just a big seat we have this   amazing footrest here that has two different  positions we have different magazines in all  

Of the netting and compartments so if you  don’t like one magazine you can try another   one and just here we also have a light  and a seat warmer in case your bum gets   too cold Japan just thinks of everything  Wow first class definitely worth it so we  

Actually got a discount booking first class  early on so that’s something to know um the   link in the description will tell you so if you  book um 2 weeks early you can be eligible for a  

Discount In First Class which I think is only an  extra $10 or $15 so it’s definitely worth it but   um yeah I probably should be a bit more quiet  now because I think we’re going to go [Music] soon

[Music] these things go so fast as you can see  300 km per hour like the engineering to pull   this off is crazy man just to put in perspective  some of the trains I’ve been on in Thailand go up  

To a max speed I believe of only 80 km an hour or  70 km hour so 300 km per hour is just insane wow   his first class experience just gets better  and better we even have our own blankets as  

Well so awesome another thing as well these  windows are so clean and clear makes my job   easy to film out of them because man oh man  some windows that I try filming out of it’s  

Just no chance that that’s ending up in the Vlog  but these ones very very nice so another thing I   love about this train is the free Wi-Fi  whenever you get strong fast free Wi-Fi   can’t complain I’m going to dig into some work  now and do some editing so uh let’s go [Music] Is actually crazy how very few people there are  on this train a lot of the seats are actually   empty there’s actually a faster train that  goes an extra 20 km per hour that’s a lot   more popular but this one there’s only about  eight people in the cart so really really

Awesome I tell you what these automatic  doors are so cool you know especially   when you’re exploring a train you can  just keep walking other than opening   the door going to the next Carriage it’s pretty special we’re going top speed now I’m really  trying not to fall over jeez that would be [Music]

Embarrassing for those of you who like  toilet reviews not bad it’s actually crazy   even though we’re going 300 km an hour when  you’re sitting down you don’t feel the speed   at all but obviously when I was walking then I  was a little bit sway but that’s probably just  

Because of the way the carriage is going left  and right but man this is crazy to think that   you can travel at 300 km an hour that’s not  on a plane this is the future right here so  

We’ve stopped here on the platform for like  5 minutes so I thought I’d film the train   check this out hopefully the train doesn’t  leave without me but uh that’s pretty cool   I’ll hop back on I won’t risk my uh my luck  the conductors looking at me as well [Music] [Music] so Oh [Music] righto so we are 14 minutes away from um  getting off at our stop near Mount Fuji   so um yeah this has been a really quick ride  uh 2 and 1/2 hours has went like that crazy  

So much to film I really hope that um you’ve  enjoyed this video so far I tried to capture   the best I could and show you guys what you’ll  experience when you come on these trains because   it definitely is a must it’s the cheapest  way to get around Japan rather than flying  

Um domestically and plus it’s a really fun  experience like who doesn’t want to be on a   train that goes 300 K an hour all righty so  we have arrived awesome that was so [Music] quick [Music] once arriving at shizzy wer and getting  checked into our hotel the next day we went to  

Do something extremely cool and that’s unique to  Japan pet cafes first appeared in Japan in the   1990s and quickly became a popular Trend these  cafes allowed people to interact and play with   a variety of animals such as cats and rabbits  while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee the idea  

Behind pet cafes was to provide a relaxing  and enjoyable environment where people could   dstress and connect with the animals as this  was something that was not always possible in   the urban environment of Japan in apartments  over time the concept of pet cafes expanded to  

Include a wider range of animals such as dogs  owls and even reptiles so we’re going to jump   into it today and see what it is really about so  get good morning guys today’s video is going to  

Be quite a different one but really exciting today  we’re going to two different cafes in this video   our first Cafe will be a cat cafe you might be  thinking a cat cafe what’s that well we’re about  

To find out and our second Cafe is going to be  a Dog Cafe cat vers Dog Cafe personally I am a   little bit more of a dog lover please don’t kill  me in the comments Matt behind the camera doesn’t  

Look too happy when I say that I actually have a  cat and a dog at home that I haven’t seen for a   whole year so yeah let’s go up here to the top  of this building where the Cat Cafe is and see  

What it’s all about see what it is in Japan that  makes these cat cafes so special and um yeah let’s go so we’ve just came to the front door and already   look at this your hearts are going to  melt in this video I promise you oh my gosh [Music] oh

[Music] wow there are so many little cats  here it is crazy I thought there’d be like   maybe four or five cats but there’s about  maybe 15 as you can see this area is so   lovely all the cats seem really happy well  fed well look after and I believe that they  

Have vet checkups um once a month as well where  a vet comes in they check all the cats but this   is really nice so you can order a coffee can  order a milkshake or or anything you wish um  

They have a lot of different drinks this one’s  trying to attack me um to hello to order our   coffee because everything was in Japanese um so  we and I ended up getting a chocolate milkshake   oh my gosh I’m getting attacked right now so  yeah as you can see they they also have like  

A place where you can sit down you can um read  and Pat the kittens and and play with them and   they’re all sleeping here they have little  sleeping spots dark sleeping spots as well   this one behind here is actually trying to eat  um Matt’s wallet ow they’re just attacking me  

I’m trying to be nice with them and play with  them but they’re just they’re just attacking me um this one’s actually quite friendly but  the other kittens are being very violent trying   to trying to Vlog here here is a struggle when  they’re all trying to attack you so this place  

My first impressions mind blown this is really  fun so it was 500 yen for half an hour so that’s   about $5 or $5 Australian or about $350 US so  they even have a dehumidifier over there to   clean out the air and yeah all the kittens  seem really looked after all the cats seem  

Really looked after um their Furs lovely yeah  it’s really clean in here I I say it probably   gets vacuumed at least twice a day because of all  the hair they also have a fish tank here as well  

Which I say keeps the cats very entertained  you can also wash your hands here before and   after you leave so it’s really hygienic before  you Pat the cats after so yeah they’re really   really looked after really well so it’s good to  see and this is the uh little hole where they  

Can do their business in privacy they really think  of everything here it’s it’s quite funny actually   so this place is really really lovely um this  is the name in Japanese too I’ll leave a link  

In the description as well the kittens are just  full of energy and um ready to play but you have   slow cats like these ones who are sleeping and  they’re they’re [Music] lovely [Music] okay so  

We just got our drinks and the star owner gave  me this I have no idea what it says so anyone   who lives in Japan can you please let me know it’s  probably too late by the time you let me know but  

Let me know I’m ow I’m in ow this one here is a  troublemaker you are all it wants to do is hurt me   let’s try this yet chocolate milkshake let’s give  this a go I just realized there’s a cat in this

Table oh my gosh okay there’s literally cats  everywhere okay M beautiful refreshing couldn’t   ask for more it’s actually quite hot today  today in Japan hence why I’m wearing a short   sleeve shirt I’ve been wearing a lot of  winter clothes lately this place is nice  

It’s sort of like therapy in a way you know if  you’re stressed there’s no one else here it’s   just me and Matt behind the camera and um yeah  it’s lovely it’s really nice for500 Yen $5 you  

Get to spend half an hour with cats um another  500 yen for a drink $10 in Japan can’t complain   it’s pretty nice isn’t it so I’m really interested  now to see what the Dog Cafe is like or the Sheba  

Enu Cafe that’s that little meme dog that was  turned into a cryptocurrency a sheu or an enu   I’m not sure um so yeah let’s magically teleport  to Tokyo now see what that Cafe is about and just  

Like that we’re in Tokyo so I’m going to sort of  throw in a little bit of a surprise here I did   say that you will see me at the Sheba enu uh Dog  Cafe but I couldn’t resist to take you guys to a  

Piglet Cafe right so we about to go up here and  see little miniature pigs so come along with me   let’s see what it’s all about let’s see what they  have to offer and um yeah when do you ever get  

To hold a cute little piglet so come along with  me be right beside me and let’s experience this Together [Music] buddy oh my gosh we just walked in and  there’s a pig in the entrance a pig SP you pig   pigs are even potty trained this one just did a  we in the um in the corner here on the tray oh my  

Gosh look at this it has a little bell whatever  that means be ringing the people oh so the pigs   don’t really like me they really like Matt but not  me I think they know Matt’s actually vegetarian  

And I’m not and I think they may know that so  uh yeah they’re giving Matt all the attention here I know he eats bacon and he loves pork  chops as well I don’t I know I all righty  

The tables have bur now I now have a pe oh  oh he’s trying to bite me why do you always   want to attack me so it’s 1,300 yen to get  in here and this um this drink was 600 Yen  

So all together we’re looking about 2,000  Yen for the experience which is about 20   Australian this one’s trying to bite me  or um hey you can’t eat that for $15 US   so we’ve got some pink milk match the theme  pink piglets pink milk so let’s give this a  

Taste oo that’s lovely very strong strawberry  M wow that’s a oh that’s very syrupy but very nice and you have these blankets as well  that you can put on your clothes to sort   of protect your clothes from the pigs  trying to eat you because they do try  

And eat your clothes um but yeah it’s  really really nice there’s about five   different little private rooms we in a  private room and you get two piglets per   room so it’s really lovely and something you  should definitely do when you come here in

Japan it’s so weird their snouts are  super soft and they feel weird like   nothing like you’ve ever felt before they  feel really strange so if you come here just   when they’re sleeping just feel their  SN because it’s really really [Music]

Weird so right now both pigs are actually  sleeping in Matt’s arms take a look at this isn’t that the cutest thing  you’ve ever seen okay so our half   an hour is almost up here this has been  a great experience and something I won’t  

Forget to cuddle little baby piglets when  do you ever get to do that so I’m excited   you guys can be right right beside me today  experiencing this as well cuz it’s pretty awesome oh hello so this pen here  actually has like newborn baby pigs oh my gosh [Music] [Music] guys welcome to the Shabu enu Dog  Cafe aren’t these guys cute so if you’re   familiar with cryptocurrency with the she  buo coin these are the these are the same   little dogs so this is actually hilarious so  all of the dogs were on this side of the room  

And as soon as Matt and I walked in they all  came to sit with us and we think it’s because   of the pigs this morning that can smell the  pigs on us and they’re all all over us just   because of that so yeah this is really  cool we get to experience [Music] them There is a lot of people here  I don’t really know how I feel   about the bandana around their neck I don’t  really think that they like it too [Music] much so there we go we just finished the Shibu  Dog Cafe to be honest it probably wasn’t my  

Favorite one the dogs looked a little bit sad  a little bit worn out there was some dogs that   would just sort of run away when they weren’t  when they didn’t want to Pat so yeah it was  

A little bit you know I sort of feel bad for  even supporting it but overall it was about a   6 out of 10 experience after spending time with  the cute animals we decided it was time to do  

Some real sightseeing and try to see the famous  Mount Fuji so that’s exactly what we did [Music] Oh Baby Don’t Cry good and good morning guys  we are currently in shiok Japan and we have a   very exciting video today we are getting on the  bullet train and then two separate trains to a  

Mountain that looks over Mount Fuji and we’re  also getting a cable card all the way up there   so come along with me today today should be a  really fun adventure I’m going to show you all   all the different trains we get leave all the  Google Map links in the description so come  

Along with me be right beside me and let’s have  a great adventure here in Japan let’s [Music] go so that’s one thing I actually love about  here in Japan everything is so safe you you’d  

Be fine to leave a lot of your valuables out like  for example that boot was just open with all of   those packages in there the crime right here  is actually so low that people don’t usually   worry about anything so it’s really nice and  comforting to be in a city where you don’t  

Really have to have that on the Forefront of your  mind always be smart and realize what place you’re   in and you know be aware of your surroundings  but also when you’re in a country like Japan  

Doesn’t have to be in the front of your mind  so it’s really nice traveling in a country like that [Music] radio so I’ll just explain  to you what happened there so we’ve got   our ticket well we’ve got two tickets actually  from shiok to oara um I’m probably saying that  

Wrong but bear with me so the two tickets one  means that we’re paying for the train there the   second ticket means that we’re paying for the  bullet train so combined we put both of these   tickets together in the ticket machine and it  sucked it through and grabbed it up so when we  

Get off we’ll put both tickets back into the  ticket machine and we’ll do the same thing   so yeah that’s sort of how it works here with  the bullet trains and as you see there’s one right so for anyone who likes bullet trains  you’re pretty much in bullet train heaven  

Right now yeah so that’s how the tickets work so  for those of you who don’t know the bullet train   is actually powered by distributed traction  which means on and off each wheel is powered   to make him go so for example this one here the  wheel would be powered the next slot would be  

Non-powered so that’s called distributed  traction for anyone who didn’t know that   radio so we’re on the train today our second  class not first class you can’t always ride   first class guys so for those for those of  you who ripped me in the comments last video  

For riding first class I’m now in second class  okay so we’ll be on this train for 45 minutes   and then we’ll reach the bottom of the hill  where sorry the bottom of the mountain that   we’re going to view from there we need to  get two more trains so yeah let’s [Music]

Go Oh Baby don’t cry don’t  cry CU stay’s always tomorrow yeah okay so we now are off the bullet train  and now we got two local trains to get on to   then get to the cable cart to then see Mount  Fuji if you’ve noticed I’ve actually got my  

Jumper back on it’s quite funny in Japan  when you go indoors it’s really hot and   warm because they have the heaters on  really high so then you take all your   clothes off then when you go back outside it’s  really cold so you put all your clothes back  

On that’s why I love Asian so much because  it’s a constant you can just wear a T-shirt   and you’ll be right but who’s complaining  we’re still in Japan and this is [Music] fantastic so I just got this from some school  children like little kindergarten 6-year-olds  

Have no idea what it says or what it means but  um thanks for the gift okay so we just got our   2-day pass even though we’re doing this for 1  day so this was um 3,600 Yen which includes the  

Two trains there and back and also the cable cart  there and back so not that bad uh$ 36 Australian   or about $28 us so pretty good value if you ask  me but uh train comes in just under 2 minutes  

And I think it’s actually this one here so let’s  get [Music] on I just want to tell you that no no   so this train that we’re on now is more of like  a communa train but the next train we get on is  

A really scenic train so I don’t think I’ll film  much of this one but the next train is way more   Scenic so uh yeah I’m really excited for that  to be able to show you guys all amazing shots  

Of the mountain all my better take care that  man is how good’s this our second train the   scenic train with all of these windows we  are right at the very front oh my [Music] gosh so this train is actually amazing it’s  actually a standard gauge track so normally  

Most mountain climbing trains would be  Narrow Gauge and also in most mountain   climbing trains actually have cogs that help  the train up this train does doesn’t have that   so it’s very well built to be able to come  up this steep gradient as you can see here  

In this footage I don’t know how well  it shows the gradient of how steep it   is but trust me it’s steep so these Japanese  trains are something else let me tell [Music] you they just said on the speaker then  these tunnels that we’re going through  

Is 2 km long in length and they were built  over originally 100 years ago and still to   this day have withstand many natural  disasters as well insane the amount of   engineering and build quality even 100 years  ago back then is still lasting to this day  

Obviously with restoration and repairs over  time but still so cool so a little bit more   train terminology for those of you who didn’t  know this clip here I’ll zoom in but there’s   actually a guide rail next to the main rail  what that does is on tight turns it guides  

The wheel I guess you could say of the train  so it doesn’t slip off and derail the train   so on really tight turns it’s really actually  needed otherwise you know on a steep incline   like this the train could derail um at points  in time so yeah having a Glide rail is really important

Okay so we just arrived off the train and  we’re at hack 1 right now the cable cart   doesn’t leave for another 25 minutes so we’re  going to explore this little town around here   possibly get some food and then um get back  on the cable car righto so I just ordered a  

Hot dog very Japanese I know but it was the  only sort of quick fast food place um that I   could get it in time for another 25 minutes  to get on the cable car C so uh yeah should  

Be good hey got my hot dog and got on the  tram just in time oh [Music] [Applause] man so we’ve just came out to this Viewpoint  and I don’t know if you can see but there’s a   little man um carved out here into the mountain  which is really really cool Japanese people are  

So creative they also have this humongous  table here so you can look out at the view   it’s so extra everything they do is extra  here it’s crazy but it’d be really nice   get some food and just sit there admire the  view so cool really excited for this finally  

A proper cable cart so we are now on the  cable cart this is really cool you can see   all over in the mountains and the Autumn um  the Autumn Leaves as well it’s really nice up here it always scares me when we  go over those middle HS like the  

The cart rocks and it’s always like o but  uh no this is really cool good I think is It you can also see all the vegetation around  here is pretty much dead so I don’t know if   that’s a good sign to breathe in what we just  breathed in but uh yeah anyway radio it’s about  

To be very windy out here so bear with me but  uh wow this is cool so now we’re on the um on   the platform where we just saw all that I  believe sua coming out of the ground oh my

Gosh righty guys so I’ve just put on my  bigger jacket and um we’re about to go   out here where you saw the S before bear  with me with the audio because it’s about   to be very very windy um so yeah let’s go  and have a look oh it is cold out here W  

Yeah there you go there’s the wind oh it  is cold freezing okay I’ll show you guys   this with um some music so you don’t  have to hear the wind noise [Music] oh so that footage is not sped up that is how fast   the clouds are moving because  of this wind it is [Applause]

Crazy so right here behind me you can see Mount  Fuji but it’s covered in clouds so um I’ll wait   for the clouds to clear and then film it and  show you guys but wow this is so cool just  

Being right in front of it radio so I just looked  at the weather and it looks like it’s going to be   cloudy over there for a little bit longer so I’ll  put up some um some stock footage for you [Music]

Guys so we just came into this like  little restaurant out of the wind out   of the cold it’s so nice in here even took  my big jacket off so but I just ordered a   rice with cutlet and Curry and some some  vegetables and stuff so let’s give this a Try that is so lovely really nice and tendo that  Curry is super thick the chicken is really really   nice and tender so even though restaurant food in  Japan is relatively cheap and affordable what’s   even cheaper and sometimes even more delicious  is 7-Eleven or family Mar food and you might  

Be wondering isn’t 7-Eleven a gas station  like in America or no let me take you on a   journey to Japan 7-Eleven this morning we’ll get  a 7-Eleven breakfast lunchtime we’ll get a Family   Mart lunch and dinner time well we’re going  to get a little mix of both with some random  

Goodies in there as well come along with with me  today let’s get this day started to 7-Eleven we   go so the good news is when you’re trying to  find a family mod or 7-eleven here in Japan  

They’re only a few meters away if you look here  with me there’s a 7-Eleven just here so let’s go 10 seconds later righto well that was a  fail I got kicked out of that 7-Eleven for   filming um I wasn’t getting in customers  way but maybe they just didn’t want me to  

Film any outdated sandwiches or something  I don’t know anyway that’s right we’ll go   to a different 7-Eleven and I’ll try and be a  little bit more discreet and um yeah not a very   far walk to the next [Music] one okay here we go  now 7-Eleven few minutes away from the other one

Okay thank [Music] you okay the manager in this store a lot  more friendly she let me film and she asked if   I wanted a bag I normally say no because you  know helping the environment but I saw of wish  

I got one cuz holding this camera and this  stuff is uh a little bit tricky but that’s   okay so let’s find somewhere to sit I’ll try  this food and talk a little bit about um the  

Store and how it all tastes and how much it  costs as well R so I got three things I got   a Japanese Craftsman hot ice coffee these are  actually hot on the Shelf heated which is weird  

So and right next to it they have the cold  ones which is even more crazy I also got a   chicken broccoli honey and mustard sand sandwich  and I also got a mango blend smoothie and this   one looks really really healthy so I’m ke  to try this so this was my whole breakfast  

So all of this together cost 670 Yen so first  things first let’s try the coffee cuz coffee   is always the first thing you got to have  to wake up in the morning let’s give this  

A [Music] taste oh yeah that is good M we’ve got  two more things to try so let’s find a another   cool spot and I’m going and try that okay so  next up we have the mango blend smoothie so  

Let’s give this a try I’m really excited about  this one anything smoothie related oh I love it oh it’s not really smoothie it’s  more a juice am I meant to shake it nope it’s still a juice it’s lovely though but  when it says smoothie on it does it say smoothie  

Oh it doesn’t so there was smoothies next to it  I chose mango blend which must mean juice anyway   so yeah this juice um is quite nice it’s really  really fresh I would tell you the ingredients but  

It’s all in Japanese so Japanese followers you can  definitely read this okay so the sandwich the main   Glory here so let’s give this a shot sort of like  an ASMR tutorial video isn’t it and then there we  

Go we have the sandwich honey mustard broccol and  egg yum M oh wow that’s fresh one thing that I   have noticed though in Japan is they cut the crust  off the bread for me that’s actually my favorite  

Part but a lot of Japanese people mustn’t like  the crust on their bread so they cut it off so   we are now waiting for our bullet train but while  we’re waiting I thought I would pick up a snack  

From the vending machine here so I’m going to get  a 100% % orange juice um this one’s only 170 Yen   so $170 Australian I’ll put the other conversions  here so just a quick snack from the vending

Machine okay and it’s that easy so we’ve got  our drink let’s give this one a try oh yeah   that definitely tastes like 100% so good let’s  get on this bullet train okay so we are now on  

The bullet train I’m going to get some work done  here on my laptop and yeah about 40 minutes and   then we get on another train after that to Tokyo  but in between the two train stops we’ll go to a  

Family Mart to eat lunch so I’m looking forward  to that already a little bit hungry to be honest   every time I get on one of these trains it  just blows my mind how fast they go 300 km   hour and they’re currently building a magift  train which is propelled by by magnets which  

Is actually lifted off the tracks and that  goes 600 km hour twice the speed to put it   into perspective an average international flight  goes 900 km/ hour so this is crazy [Music] stuff   take a train ride just to see you right for  hours just to please radio so I just jumped  

Off the train and um yeah now we got to go  and find some family Mar food for lunch and   then we’re on a different train for our last  train to Tokyo so uh yeah this should be fun  

Today’s already amazing day blue skies goodbye  lovely people so yeah let’s go okay so I just   had a little look around and there’s no Family  Mart inside the station but there’s just one I   saw on Google Maps just outside the station so  let’s go there and pick up some [Music] lunch So I’ve got my lunch here I’ve came back into the  train station I tried to find a place outside the   train station to film but it was just so busy and  all the public seating was taken up so we’re back  

In the train station but what I’ve got for you  guys is some grilled pork and this looks really   good it was originally 600 Yen including tax but  without without tax hello how are you fine thank  

You are you good yes that’s good sure are you  from here no from K oh nice nice I love Japan   it’s very good this is yeah very good it smells  good oh yes it smells very good 50 54 Toyo oh  

Very good okay nice soon having soon oh very good  okay where are you from uh Australia yes yes my   daughter okay was holiday working holiday working  holiday in Australia in p p yeah she is diver oh  

Nice yeah very good yeah she has secondary price  to H Dive Dive yeah okay very good thank you yeah   no worries I like Australia but Australia very  Australia data is not so good now yes yes very  

Good okay thank you bye-bye the locals here are so  lovely that was unexpected right so let’s try this   so we’ve got some grilled pork some rice and I’ll  also get actually a little bit of onion as well  

If I knew how to use chopsticks this would be a  lot easier M the meat is cut super fine so it’s   nice and tender even though for a microwave meal  this is really good this was actually originally  

600 Yen but I got 100 yen off to make it 500  yen just for this dish of all of this rice so   the next thing I’m going to try for you guys is  this mystery yogurt of some sort I don’t really  

Know it has a bunch of Japanese um and Chinese  writing on it so yeah let’s just give this a   shot I have no idea if it’s going to taste good  it smells [Music] nice sort of like in between  

Greek yogurt and normal yogurt very creamy um the  vanilla taste is quite strong and this was 150   with 10 Yen off which makes it $140 so $140 I’ll  put the other conversions here for a $6.40 lunch  

Here in Tokyo not bad we’re going to dig into  this and then let’s hop on the train to [Music] Tokyo righto so we are now on the train and heading  towards Tokyo we’ve got this massive window  

Here that looks out so we are right at the  back of the train so we’ll be able to see   all this like panoramic view of the city  so epic so uh yeah see you guys through  

The power of editing we’re going to be on  this train for I think 2 hours or 2 and   1/2 hours I’m not too sure and then we’ll  end off in Tokyo I’ll see you guys soon Radio so we just got to my hotel room even though  this is a food video I thought I would share this   with you because we are paying a pretty good price  here in Tokyo for what we’re getting so let’s come  

In and have a look so as you’re walking you have  a lovely sink with nice mirror automatic magic   or buttons and stuff we also have a um Japanese  toilet which has you know your squirty things   and seat warmers and everything like that and  then if you follow me through here we’ve got um  

Double bed really sturdy um we have to make a  own bed but we get a towel and we also have a   desk for a little work area compliment slippers  as well which is nice and we also have a fridge  

As well where we we can keep snack and maybe  even a beer or two and out here we also have   which we had no idea about a balcony how good’s  this so we have our own little balcony can sit  

Out here have a beer or two and just enjoy this  quiet little Street here in Tokyo we actually got   this room for $20 each so that is a really  good price if you’re coming to Tokyo with a   friend you could easily share this get all the  amenities if you’re wondering where the shower  

Is it’s actually directly across from our room  it’s a shared shower but they are really clean   and have different soaps and shampoos and all  of that and there’s actually three showers to   choose from and I also wanted to just show you  guys the um common room work area so we have a  

Massive TV here kitchen desk we have a work area  kitchen sink and we also have a microwave with a   rice cooker and Little Toaster as well and then  out here we have a lovely um work area too that  

Looks out onto the streets of Tokyo and then we  also have our very own vending machine in the   building which is so epic so we can get different  coffees and water and fizzy drinks and everything  

Like [Music] that righty guys so we are back  with the third and final meal which is dinner so   I’ve went to 7-Eleven and family to pick up two  different things so we’ve got a um some type of  

Meat stick in here so let’s just give this a try  first this is more like a snack but I was really   hungry I don’t know how I could be hungry I’ve  eaten so much today but let’s give this a go so  

This one here is from Family Mart pretty good the  meat’s probably like a 7 out of 10 but that sauce   is really nice probably a 9 out of 10 really tend  off for being in the heating Bay all day pretty  

Good not bad 100 yen so a dollar for that one but  next we actually have our main meal here which is   a rice grain shrimp tomato spinach Dish as you  can see here it is filled with vegetables and  

Really really good but because we’re in our hotel  we have plates here and we’re in the common room   here so I’m just going to do a little flip and  eat this one in style if it’ll come out oh there  

We go and that was almost favor so when you get  these meals it’s really important to mix it all up M oh M yeah yeah that white sauce is really  delicious the prawns are super duper fresh M oh  

I’m going to enjoy this tonight really nice what  is the better place to go 7-Eleven or family M   well they both have their pros and cons I would  say that you will find more 711s in Japan but  

I feel like family MTS are cheaper in price I  think that there’s more variety in 7-Eleven but   in family M you can do more things I believe that  you can pay more bills you can photocopy you can  

Print there’s more access to ATMs so if I were to  choose I’d probably choose family M because it’s   the cheaper one even though there’s not as many  stores like 7-Eleven family Mt is still a great  

Option I hope you got an insight into being able  to afford food here in Japan if you’re a budget   traveler if you’re coming here or even just to  get a quick snack you’re not a budget traveler  

The food is [Music] greato guys so we are here  in our first landmark and sort of activity here   we are in sen SOI Temple and it is certainly not  quiet here there is a lot of other tourists here  

This Temple is actually built in 645 which makes  it over 1,500 years old obviously it’s had some   Restorations since then for it to stand to its  Glory today but this is actually a Buddhist temple  

Here in Tokyo Japan so come along with me let’s  go check it out and see what it’s all [Music] about So as you can see as busy as this place place  is it’s actually really nice and calm I just   feel really calm like normally when I’m making  these videos I’m like thinking ahead and how to  

Make the best video but when you’re here you just  get this whole sense of peace and I don’t know if   it’s because people are coming here to pray  and there’s smoke and people are doing their   wishes and their money donations and praying  to Buddha I’m not too sure but when you come  

Here I do hope you feel the same peace I’m  feeling now because it is just lovely here   and as you can see this Garden here behind  me adds to that it is very lovely [Music] [Music] here so that’s another thing as well you’ll  see people come in traditional Japanese  

Clothes to take photos to pray and do it  very traditionally it’s actually really   nice you don’t normally see women in Japan  wearing their traditional dress but you see   a lot of them here um at the temples  doing that so yeah it’s really cool to

See this house just here is a perfect  example of why everything in Japan is   so picturesque everything is so  photogenic and This Old House   like look at it it’s like so traditional  and so old just next to the temple too  

Like it ju Japan just blows my mind with  the amount of things you can see [Music] here [Music] one thing that I’ve notice like walking around  Japan is the roads are so like quiet like I’m   just walking in the middle of the road right  now because people just don’t use cars most  

Of the public transport is so accessible  here especially in Tokyo that people just   don’t bother driving they either ride their  bikes or just take the metro or the bus and   that’s the best way so really walking around  it’s quite a brave there’s no honking there’s  

No worrying about someone running into you  because you know you’ll be sweet another   thing in terms of infrastructure here is it is  very um wheelchair friendly all the places are   easy to get to wheelchair like if you’re in  a wheelchair all the stores everything’s got  

Ramps all the roads like come up nicely when  you’re walking across it’s like literally if   you had a disability and you were in a wheelchair  Japan is a place that you would want to live for  

Sure because it is so easy and then also another  thing I’ve noticed is for blind people they have   Braille on literally everything on lifts on um  the um stop stop signs on the um cans that you  

Buy at 711 on the food on so many things you  just see Braille everywhere so it’s really   good for blind people cuz they run their hands  over it and they can read [Music] it [Music] so actually stumbled across these hands here  like carved in the pavement I’ve have no idea  

What it means so if you’re Japanese can you  let me know in the comments cuz this seems   like a really cool I don’t know like feature or  whatever it is but yeah that’s interesting [Music] Oh Baby Don’t [Music]

Cry R so we in now in front of the Tokyo Sky Tree  broadcasting Tower fun fact this is actually the   largest broadcasting tower in the whole world  and we’re about to go up it and get 360° views  

Of the city so come along with me let’s see  how much it costs and check it [Music] out so   it’s pretty funny whenever I’m filming like  big towers or something like that you don’t   really need to use Google Maps once you’re  in the city center you just walk towards it  

Because it stands out like nothing else so  yeah let’s [Music] go somebody said let go   let go let go I think it might be [Music] over  looks like Santa and his elves meaning workers   are setting up a uh a display for Christmas so  how Cool’s that so we just bought the tickets  

Then online to the Tower and it was 2100  Yen or $21 Australian do or about $14 us   so to be able to go all the way up to the  top it’s not a bad price if you ask [Music]

Me okay so we have just came up here to the Sky  Deck felt like we’re only in the lift for like   10 seconds boom we are up here straight away  350 M as you can see behind me we can see the  

View of all of Tokyo so let’s check this [Music]  out so because the observation deck here is so   big the people all around here is actually  really spread out so even though there’s a   lot of people up here and the line here was  actually really long it doesn’t really feel  

Too crowded even though there is a lot of  people up here it’s still not that [Music] bad so we’ve actually came up here at the best  time not only did we catch the sun setting but  

Also all of the lights over Tokyo so it’s a winwin  getting The Best of Both Worlds so I’m so glad I   can take you guys up here with me and just seeing  this amazing view of Tokyo it’s honestly blown my  

Mind how big this city is it’s so clean it’s  so welld designed the architecture is amazing   so well thought out and so so [Music] cool so  to utilize space as well I’ve noticed this a  

Lot when in Japan is they have sport fields on  the roof and just here if you can see below us   that is a soccer game going on right now or maybe  yeah no it is a soccer game a foots game going on  

Right now on the top of a roof of a building  that looks to be possibly a shopping mall so   they’re just utilizing space so so clever so  Innovative so outside the souvenir shop you   can actually buy a postcard and they will send  it for you so right here behind me is actually  

A post box which is really cool so how’s that you  can post something from all the way up this High   to your family and they have a different range  of postcards as well so yeah I found that really  

Fascinating and a nice service righto so we’ve  now made it to the final floor of the observation   deck now we’re just in the queue to get back down  so we’re just walking to the metro to go and find   some dinner and we’ve just walked through this  lovely little mall that’s all Christmas themed  

It’s really [Music] nice [Music] okay so we just  came into this local Japanese restaurant um near   our hotel and I have just ordered um it’s sort of  like a mystery suit but when we translated it it   said Cantonese um soup so I was really feeling  like something with vegetables and noodles so  

I’ve ordered this but one thing I wanted to show  you guys is whenever you go into a restaurant in   Japan they give you one of these warm tows and you  can like clean your hands and like your face well  

I think you can clean your face I don’t know  and then yeah so it’s really nice it’s such   a nice treat and wherever you go you normally  get a free water as well which is nice so yeah  

We’ve just ordered this and they also gave us a  translated English menu which is really lovely   of them so the translated English menu matched up  with numbers in here so it’s sort of easy for us  

To translate it so yeah let’s um see what we get  righto so my Cantonese noodle bowl just came out   and it is huge look at the size of that bowl it  is as big as my head for 700 Yen it is so worth  

It that’s only $7 Australian or about $450 us so  let’s give this a try I’m going to try the broth first Yep this is going to be good  so let’s get some noodles some beef   and some vegetables I might even get  my Chopstick Chopsticks actually so

Okay it tastes so home cook so wholesome so  hearty I even have a little bit of a tickle   in my throat so this is going to fix me  right up so yeah I’m going to dig into   this after finishing the bowl of noodles  that was as big as my head we decided to  

Explore something quite unique to Japan the  anime scene for those of you who don’t know   anime stems from Japan and it is huge here so  let’s dive in anime in Japan let’s talk about   okay so get and good morning guys today we are  in Aki harra the anime Center of Tokyo I don’t  

Know too much about anime but I’m hoping to  learn a lot today and share with you guys all   the best spots to come to when you come here in  Tokyo to get your full anime fixed going to be  

Going to some cosplay stores some comic stores  some toy stores and all different anime things   so come along with me and let’s check out the  anime culture here in Tokyo Japan right so our   first stop today we at Yodi Bashi akba this  is one of the main technology malls here in  

Tokyo Japan it is filled with different things  like hard drivve smartphones cameras anything   you can think of to do with technology they  have here I also believe that they have some   anime stuff in here as well mixed throughout  so yeah let’s go in and check it [Music] out

[Music] righto we just came into the  first level First Impressions this   place is massive everything you need like  we’ve already seen phone cases computers   games hard drives cameras my mind is just  overloaded right now so yeah let’s have a

Look this place gets so busy they  have 1 2 three four lifts to take   everyone out through the levels crazy so  funnily enough um myself and Matt behind   the camera also need a hard drive today so  we’re hoping we can pick one up for a good

Price this place is huge it just  keeps going and going and going and   going every single bit of Technology  you can find here it’s literally like   clicking on the Amazon technology  tab on the internet but in real [Music] life

[Music] so did you know if you’re a foreigner  here in Japan traveling you don’t actually have   to pay tax on Goods that you buy in Japan and no  you don’t collect the tax money at the airport  

Like most countries they take the tax off here  on the computer system so it’s straight away so   if you want to buy something you might actually  be cheaper to buy it in Japan rather than your  

Home country so for example for this SSD here  you get 5,300 Yen off so yeah it might actually   work out cheaper to buy it in Japan they even  have electric shavers H maybe I could use one   of these they really do have a selection here  every single brand pretty much has every model  

Of their product in the store like that’s how  big it is like hair dryers I’m just looking   probably see 50 different hair dryers Shavers  this shaving goes on to the next 20 M like it’s   crazy for example this whole section here is  just dedicated to paper shredders like what  

It’s so Overkill it’s crazy so just make sure  when you come here you bring your passport so   you can get the tax off that’s one thing that  you’ll need it would honestly take me probably   days to explore every single aisle in this whole  building so yeah I’m sure that that you guys get  

The idea it is Big here so let’s go around and  find some other anime stores and places and just   see what this section of Tokyo is all about  so once you work up an appetite from shopping  

Till you drop you can come up to the very top  floor and get some authentic Japanese food so   yeah this place is really really cool they  have all different things to choose from so   yeah you’ll uh get fulfilled with your hungry  needs up here that is for sure it is crazy Oops so as you can see here behind me they  have all Pokémon figurines this is on level   six I believe so yeah this is really cool so you  can check this out they also have those little  

Machines where you put coins in you twist it  and you can get one of those uh little anime   toys out of it as well so yeah they have a  lot of stuff here in this shopping mall so   they even have the shink hanen bullet  train right here how cool is [Music] that [Music] righto so as you can see behind  me they have massive TVs here this one   here behind me is 77 in so you can really  get so many different things here at the   best level of quality it is amazing and  just here behind me we have an 8K TV when  

Do you see AK TVs they have so many in  different sizes too it’s really really [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool  so we are right outside now the   akih Haba game Panic this building is  seven stories filled with arcade games   so let’s go check it [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Out so up the top they have a full arcade  gaming area so this is really cool they   have different anime games and all different  types of games to play here so yeah and then   the other levels they have vending machines  they also have prize winning games and all  

Different things so when you come here  you should definitely check this [Music] out D as you can see here they have these tapping  games where you got to test how quick your   reactions are to the different lights and colors  this is crazy some of these guys here are really Good so you can even win different little anime  dolls and stuff like that here with these Co   machines I’ve seen a few people try it but their  luck sort of runs in out I think there’s a little  

Trick to it and most people don’t win so across  the street we have gigo which is pretty much the   same as game Panic except some different games  and you can win a few different prizes but this  

One in game Panic pretty much the same directly  opposite so yeah if you come here check out both   so just behind me you have love Mercy this  is a adult shop with a whole a whole heap of  

Anime themed costumes and yeah you could use your  imagination for the rest I won’t be going in here   today but it’s good to know that that’s here  if that’s something you’re interested [Music] in so we just came into media World which is  on this Main Street this place has anything  

From anime key Rings keychains costumes  d d magazines everything anime yes this   place is crazy insane for example we  have anime David D everything anime CDs they even have little anime dolls and  different statues and figurines 365 as well  

If that’s what you’re interested in so yeah  as much as I’m not really too cultured on   the whole anime scene there a lot of different  DVDs magazines books figurines you can all get   in this shop so definitely check this one out  just behind me we have may dreaman Cafe this  

Is one of the made cafes we won’t be going  in here today but if that’s something you’re   interested in you should definitely check it  out they have Maids dressed up fully hair done   makeup and everything like that and they  serve you different sweets and lunches and  

Drinks so yeah this is something really cool  and it’s quite popular here in Japan okay so   we’re now out the front of ataki HRA radio  kkan probably saying that wrong but this is   full of anime and manga figures figurines  comic books so let’s go in and check it out [Music]

So right now we are at Hobby station where you  can get a whole heap of different trading cards   for example Pokémon Yu-Gi-Oh and that type of  thing so yeah this is really cool as well one   thing thing I did not realize about anime though  is how sexualized everything is for example a  

Lot of the figurines of the girls it’s very  sexualized which I sort of knew that I didn’t   really have an idea of how big that was and yeah  it’s really common theme here I’m not too sure  

Like why that is or or the reason behind it but  yeah I just found that interesting So speaking   of trading cards they actually have dedicated  cafes to come and sit down and play with your   cards and ver people so yeah this is really cool  they really support the community here so right  

Behind me we have this statue here called auma  correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that that   means Eastern winds in Japanese so yeah that’s  sort of interesting isn’t it for example just  

To give you an idea of the price this doll behind  me is 80,000 yen I’ll put up the conversions here   but yeah these things don’t come cheap they even  have playing card vending machines how cool is that we’re going to an ow Cafe just  around the corner here to check  

Out some cute hours and sort of see  what it’s all [Music] about [Music] [Music] sh [Music] Unfortunately today  is our last day in Japan so we decided   to pack in a few activities and do  some unique catch and cook eating   which you’ll see towards the end of this [Music]

Video get and good morning guys and  welcome back to another day here in   oaka Japan I am so excited to take  you around here we’re right outside   now at the hemp five Ferris wheel  so uh let’s go and check it [Music]

Out so this Ferris wheel is actually in this  massive Mall here we have to go all the way up   to the sth floor you can see it actually just  above me here so uh let’s go up and check it

Out so that’s another thing that I’ve noticed in  Japan is everyone cues to the right hand side of   the escalator so anyone who wants to come across  they just go in the left hand side and they can   pass everyone so it’s really efficient as  soon as you just get on the uh escalator  

People just go to the right and if you’re in  a rush you go to the left so makes [Music] sense okay so we just came into the  ferris wheel we just scanned   our amazing passes which we used  yesterday so uh let’s jump [Music]

On another bonus is no Q we rocked up early this   morning no que straight on so uh that’s  good too let’s um see what this view is Like wow this is super nice just like sitting up here  chilling I’m not sure how long we go around for   I think it’s once but we’ll soon see if we get  to go around again but wow this is cool anyone  

Who is afraid of heights probably wouldn’t  recommend it or just don’t look down but uh   yeah this is pretty magical okay we have just  reached the top oh my gosh this is amazing for  

Only 3,600 y so good so as well in every single  cart when you jump in they have these little uh   information stickers that show you what’s on each  side north south east and west so when you get in  

Here have a little read cuz it actually is quite  fascinating to sort of see what you’re looking   at this Ferris wheel is a great way just to see  the whole of the city and it’s fun [Music] too Right guys so we are now in front of  the fishing restaurant I will put the   name here because could it is way too hard to  pronounce so uh yeah let’s go in and um check it out yes uh yeah can we catch our fish oh okay  fishing yes fishing fishing fishing cook yes  

Okay okay okay no Japanese uh no Japanese ah  okay yeah [Music] okay wait wait wait [Music] so I’ve just been given a list of instructions  just bear with me guys in this video there’s a  

Lot going on here so I believe here we have our  bait but I just need to read these instructions   and work out how we’re meant to fish and  what we’re meant to do none of the staff  

Here speak very good English at all so we got  to try and work this out but we’ll work it out so pretty much what we have to do is there’s  only one type of fish that uses the bait for  

Fishing if we choose that fish then we can use  the bait and use the fishing rod any other type of   fish we use a yellow fishing rod to just hook them  and then we um catch them in the net and then tell  

The staff what fish we need I think so let’s see  if we can do this see how we go fishing in [Music] Japan sa that right here we go here  we go oh oh oh oh we got one I got one [Music] okay we’ve got our

Fish so now we have to do is give this  to the staff and tell them how we want it cook number uh seven yes um so we can get it in  shashimi grilled hampura deep fried skew maybe  

That’s good uh two CH oh two okay um and uh salt  grilled righto so uh that’s how you catch a fish   and get it cooked here in Japan so uh let’s  sit down and see how the uh fish come out so  

When you come here you can actually sit in a  boat as well which um is another option too   okay so we have sat down and they’ve just put  um this like little taster thing in front of  

Our plate called a to now I don’t know if it’s  meant to be had with the fish or by itself um   if everyone starts laughing at me it’s meant to  be with the fish but let’s just taste it without

It it’s sort of like um it’s just a type  of seasoned vegetable really nice so we’ve   obviously we’ve went for fried deep fried  stewards for our fish and we also got salt   grilled as well so I’m really excited for  this to come out so all together including  

We’ve got two draft beers as well and  the fish all together should come out   to be about $40 Australian or about um $30  us beautiful thank you yeah in saying that   here come our beers now so cheers guys oh  that’s lovely lovely draft beer can’t beat

It Okay so we’ve just had our salad and  deep fried fish come out I was going to   wait for everything to come out so I  could film it but this fish is hot so   we’re going to give one a taste right now  so I’m just going to try it with the black

Sauce oh my God M oh that is so good as soon as I  crunched in the whole thing just   melts in your mouth I’ll try it without the sauce now you know I’m not normally a massive lover of  fish but when fish is good I love it like it has  

To be really good for me to love it and this  is great as well another thing I love about   this is the batter isn’t even that heavy it’s  like so thin it’s like crazy so [Music] nice  

Wow definitely come here I’ll leave the Google Map  Link in the description if you’re coming to Japan   you need to come to one of these restaurants it’s  so good one thing realized as well the reason why  

This is so fresh is cuz I literally just caught  it when can you ever catch something and get it   cooked pretty much straight away bya a chef in  a full ready prepared kitchen with everything  

To go you just can’t even if you cook it yourself  and and fish at a beach and come home it’s still   not as fresh as this it’s literally from water  to plate in literally 10 minutes so awesome so  

With any good piece of meat fish main course  dinner you want something to come with it in   that case we have salad so uh let’s give this  a shot it’s got some lovely mayonnaise croutons   um red onion and H sword so let’s get this a  [Music] go really nice and fresh compliments  

The fish well can’t complain so nice oh my gosh  so take a look at this fish wow so this is the   salt baked fish so I’m just going to pull back the  skin here and get some of this meat just bear with

Me gosh right I might have to use my  hands for this oh look at that oh man okay [Music] all well yep that’s it no bones too only Bones on this  side which is really nice actually wow so I’m just  

Going to put a little bit of seasoning on it too  a bit of lemon so we’ll try some of the skin as well o M oh wow it’s like slightly pan fried on  each side it’s really crunchy Super Fresh too so

Fresh that with the lemon on top beautiful so  we’ll just dip some in the sauce as [Music] well   W having it with the sauce 10 out of 10  now anyone in the comments can you let me  

Know what this is cuz I have no idea  um I’ll just give it a try I [Music] guess I don’t know it tastes like a vegetable  I think let me know in the comments so I’m  

Just about to try the tail of the fish which I  have been told is actually the nicest part of   the fish so let’s give this The [Music] Taste  yeah they’re not wrong wow M so good so good I  

Got to say this is a very amazing experience  if you’re coming to Japan you want something   a little bit different you know from the  classic ramen shops or um or your sushi   shops as well definitely come here and try  something like this it’s really fun as well  

If you have kids bring them take lot of photos  it’s a really good experience so we’re going   to dig into this and uh finish this one off  [Music] yes right guys so that ends today’s   video thank you for coming along I hope you  enjoyed the feris wheel and I also hope you  

Enjoyed this restaurant as always guys keep it  real and I’ll see you in the next one cheers

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  1. really bad title. for starters, you shouldn't use perfect as a comparative, and its pretty distasteful to call it more perfect (whatever than even means) than other Asian countries. Japan is a looong way from perfect. you should probably learn more about a place before declaring it perfect.

  2. Enjoying the video Jack. Great information. I need to go to Japan. It would be fun to have a Japan vs China Video. I know you have been to both. I am sure you will be the king of travel vloggers soon if you keep making video like this.

  3. Nice video!
    Glad you enjoyed Japan, come back when you get a chance.
    Japanese people love their friends abroad who love Japan.

  4. アジアで一番??じゃあ世界では100番目くらいか??一番はどの国だよ?? 完璧な国の一番はあるのか??、アフリカ?イギリス?米?お宅の産まれた国??誰も全く興味無しワハハハ、、🥴

  5. 日本を紹介して頂き、ありがとうございます。

  6. Glad to see no pollution in Japan, but Japanese motorcycles are a huge source of pollution in Pakistani cities like Lahore. Should stop making 2 stroke engines to help heal the earth.

  7. Capture the experience and observations through lense. Don't over explain(destroys mystery & curiosity – essence of traveling) and interrupt the video. I guess minimal oration & maximum visual story telling could be the key to good traveling contents.

    Just an observation. Keep doing what you love✨❤

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