視界觀1045 龍年春節前夕再遊沙灣古鎮 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, I am in Shawan Ancient Town. Anning Middle Street is also a main street and a main commercial street. You see there are many ancient houses here . Of course, some of them have been renovated and renovated. There is a big tree here. The banyan tree

Should also be a big banyan tree at the head of the village. There are many local people sitting and chatting , and there are some traditional Chinese snacks and handicrafts for sale. There is the He Shiliang Art Museum in front of you . There is also an elderly

Academician’s home. There are local people sitting on these steps passing their time in peace . Directly opposite is a village chief’s teahouse. I believe there will be Cantonese refreshments. This is the east gate of Shawan Ancient Town. We can just go and take a walk.

The herbal tea here is called Fan The ghost herbal tea decoration is quite fun. Only the ginger milk tea ice cream costs 13 yuan a piece. The Shawan Guangdong Music Hall is here. There should be performances during the festival. Tickets are 40 yuan a piece. There is a stage next to it.

It should be in the countryside. I am quite keen on these traditional cultural activities , but people nowadays don’t understand first and secondly, I’m afraid they are not so elegant. It was quite fun to come to the Dairy Queen and see the streets full of children wearing ancient clothes . This town

Should be It can be said to be a local internet celebrity. There are many coffee shops and perhaps many B&Bs. There are also many small shops selling various traditional food, medicinal materials and souvenirs . Now a good business

Is derived from wearing the clothes of ancient people. There are also some murals like those in Penang on the photo wall . In fact, there are many local foods and snacks that are quite good. Not long ago , my friend in the UK lived in Sevenoaks, which is an ancient town. I

Guess it is also an ancient town. I lingered there for several days. Now I have returned to the small town in Panyu, China, to see that it has a more contemporary and historical feel and a different style. From far away, I can hear the sound of whips slapping those cheap bones.

This is the kind of thing we loved to play when we were kids. This is a gadget we call a cheap bone. This is a large ancestral hall of the He family called Liugeng Hall. It is very famous. It looks really open. Behind the gate is a well-known middle school . Hi everyone,

Behind me is Liugeng Hall. The large ancestral hall in front of Tangtang and Liugentang is a square. This should be the most central area of ​​Shawan Ancient Town. It is surrounded by restaurants and many shops . On the opposite side , there are people beating those things called cheap bones.

There are still a lot of them left in this place. Some inscriptions left by scholars in the past, etc. Now let’s take a look at this Liugeng Hall. This Liugentang should be in the Lingnan area. I believe it is also a rare private residence in the country and

An ancestral hall with the widest door. A porch in the lobby , so we can imagine that in the past, this family should have produced many talented descendants, many of whom were officials and rich. Here are some houses of ordinary people , but most of them are used for commercial purposes.

There are also a few flowering trees. It ‘s very beautiful . Let’s take a look around. This is Liu Geng Hall. In fact, it’s the He Family Ancestral Hall. Today the sun shines very well on my face. Behind me is Liu Geng Hall. Behind Liu Geng Hall is Xiangxian on the mountain.

I went to a famous local middle school and rode my bicycle here for a while. It felt like it was a festival. In fact, it was almost the Chinese New Year , so the children were on holiday. Parents brought their children out to play here, too. It’s a pretty good choice.

Look at how beautiful the tree opposite is. I don’t know what tree it is. The pink flowers are very beautiful . There are actually a lot of trees here in bloom. In the spring, there are more flowers, but The most pleasing to the eye or the most historical tree on the side

Is the banyan tree. There are many restaurants and delicacies here . If the family comes to taste the food and relax here, I think it is a very good way to vacation. Below is a small lake or It is said to be a pond , but in fact

There should be a lot of lotus flowers here in the summer. But now it seems that this area has been renovated and there are many such shops. So if the people here have been living here for generations, they are very used to it. And while enjoying the culture here

, if the family has a few old houses like this left over, then I think it would be very comfortable to live here . Now we will ride out of the archway of Shawan Ancient Town and plan to leave. A new road back. People , especially retired people like me,

Just do what they feel comfortable with. I think as long as I don’t disturb others and my body and wallet can bear it, I just want to be happy. It seems that there are a lot of cars parked today , so today There should be a lot of tourists

, and the surrounding open spaces seem to be being sorted out . It should be said that the environment is gradually getting better . Okay, now I started riding back from this Fubei Road. This Fubei Road should be expanded. In the earliest times, there was no

Driving school on the left side of this road . There are many driving schools nearby. If you want to take the driver’s license test here, you must go through the driving school and take the test for subject one, subject two and subject three. It

Seems that you should take the test several times. This road is still under construction. It should be a thoroughfare or a landscape avenue. There is a Chungbian village opposite. I have been there before . Now I turn to Pingshan Chung and walk along a big river.

It seems that the river here is flowing. There is also a Wanxiang School in Panyu District here, which should be a vocational school. I don’t know why when I saw Wanxiang, I thought of Lanxiang. When I turned out, a big river gushed out on the left.

In fact, this school should have been the city’s main school. There is a waterway , but it is connected with Pingshan Chung. This is the Landscape Bridge. In fact, this road is the Landscape Avenue that leads to our Tianhu House in Qifu New Village.

I was wondering if I should go back through this bridge. Let’s take a break and drink some water . Guangdong is still different. You see the greenery beside a river like this. But it’s January and tomorrow should be February, right? On the eve of the Spring Festival , you can look at

The landscape bridge in front , the open water behind me. This city waterway is also called Pingshan Chung. It is still very beautiful , green, very lively and a good place for leisure. In fact, there are better cycling and walking trails on the other side of the river. I have

Cycled several times before and there are always some people fishing there. In fact, I believe that many people I don’t care about fishing. I just kill time or use this quiet time to think about life. I saw a man’s fishing rod float away. It seems that the road under the bridge

Will be completed soon. I saw that this bridge still has some There is a slope that can be pushed up . Let ‘s push it up to the bridge here. Then we can push the cart onto the bridge. Here, let’s take a look at

The front of the river, all the way to the city bridge. On the bridge, we can look around . There should be green mountains and green waters on both sides. Although this mountain is not very high , it is full of green mountains. It feels good . Now I ride under the bridge.

Now I ride on the landscape avenue towards Yushan West Road and ride over there. There is Lianhua Avenue . Walking through Lianhua Avenue, you will reach Qifu New Village. Across the road is Hengjiang Village. I seem to have ridden there last time . It seems that this landscape avenue

Is designed to be very open. There are five lanes and there are 10 lanes going back and forth . But when you get to the lotus in front, The avenue has shrunk and become very narrow , but I believe it will be widened in the future. Now, after riding on Yushan West Road,

It will continue to Lotus Avenue. This section of Lotus Avenue should be the product of compromise. This simple road was opened in the mountain. Road , but I quite like riding this road mainly because it is located in a rural countryside. There are many people’s ponds on the side, which are fish ponds

And a lot of crops are planted . Even in winter, you can see that there are bananas. There are also guavas , a lot of crops whose names I don’t know, and a lot of kumquats, which are prepared for the New Year. It feels quite good to see the mountains and clouds behind

Through this pond. It felt pretty good the last time I came here. The building on the right that is still under construction seems to have been completed. I don’t know what it is used for . It must be a village committee or an activity venue for villagers. Riding on such a mountain road

Feels not as big as in the park. The difference is that there are few people and everything is green. After all, the temperature is not too high now. It is still very comfortable to ride . It’s okay to ride up a big slope . You can still ride up .

In front of you is the real estate of Qifu New Village . Okay, so At the end of the road, I have to go up the stairs on the left . Okay, I have now entered the Tianhu residence where I pray. It has been about an hour and a half

Or two hours since I left . It is already past 4 o’clock. In the north, whether it’s Canada or the UK, it’s already dark now. It’s still bright here , so I took advantage of the afternoon when the weather got warmer.

But halfway through the ride, I still had to take off my clothes. I still feel a little sweaty. I went back to take a shower. This is what I did after I came back from riding. The longest one was probably twenty or thirty kilometers, but it was a very refreshing riding experience.

A new residential area has been opened next to Tianhuju. There is also a Yumin school here. The second battery ran out while talking. Now I have replaced a battery and will be home in a while. I feel that the sky is getting dark and there are dark clouds ahead. Maybe

It will rain today, so it is still very good to go out and ride in these two hours to catch up with the weather that is not raining. A suitable ride. Sometimes I think that I spend so much time every day posting my videos on YouTube. I really don’t have many viewers.

I can understand it because after all, it is not an introduction to a certain topic to bring entertainment to everyone. Or it’s a video of knowledge. It’s a direct expression of one’s feelings. It’s a way of keeping a diary. But this is a part of my life

, and I am willing to share my life with people who are destined to do some reference. The most important thing is I personally feel that I enjoy it. Although it is not a particularly meaningful thing , just like everyone’s life, as long as personal life is meaningful to myself,

It actually has most of the meaning. Everyone who is watching is interested. If some parts can If it gives you some feelings and some inspiration , then I think it will naturally have such a role. I am already close to my residence. Today’s long-distance riding does not feel very tiring. It feels comfortable

. I think the main purpose of riding is I exercise , look at the scenery, and maintain a certain level of vitality. At the same time, in order to keep thinking and using my brain, I will casually talk and share some insights on the road

, just to add some spices to my riding and find some fun. That’s it for today’s two rides. We ’ll see you on the next ride. Thank you all for following and watching . Goodbye.

#沙灣古鎮 #龍年春節 #騎行漫聊

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

Hi guys! I am Dr.Chin, a retired dentist. If you are watching my videos as the first time, you are very welcome to follow my channel and turn on the little bell, so that you will not miss every video I continue to update. Thanks for watching!

觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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