
How cool. What do you think of these little cubicles? Oh, very personal. Good morning, people. It’s 10 in the morning and is also day two of exploring around Tokyo. Today we’re going to be visiting Shibuya. We are currently at the train station

And this kind guy offered to tell us how to get to Shibuya. I guess Kaito is not used to taking the tram anymore. These are your tickets. – First time in the metro. – To Shibuya. The first time. Yes, from Nishibai station. Here we go.

This will be their first train ride in Japan. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Don’t loose the tickets. We need them to exit. This is awesome. You can go anywhere. We don’t have this in Colombia, right? – No. – Only in Medellin. Medellin is very well equipped.

Very well equipped, but we all paid for that in Colombia. All regions paid for the Medellin Metro system. Very nice. It’s silent. It’s magnetic. Do you know why there is this gate here? No. So that people don’t jump? Is that right? Many people commit suicide that way. They could still jump across it. Yes. You know, the curious thing is they started doing the same thing in the Medellin metro. There has been several cases, man. You wouldn’t believe it’s not only Japan now.

Make the most of the chairs because once we reach the city center, it’ll be difficult to find free ones. We are the only noisy ones. Nobody speaks. Thank you. We’re ready, man. Excellent. We made it to Shibuya. We made it to Shibuya, man. Yes. You see lots of foreigners here. Yeah.

So that’s Hachi. The dog. This is incredible, man. How long ago did you watch the movie, Gross? It’s this Richard Gere movie. He was starring this ‘Hachi’ probably, what, 20 years ago maybe? It’s an old movie now. You never forget the good movies, so, wow! It’s incredible to be here. Hachi. Grossi too. Let’s take a photo there. Here we go! Hello. We’re in Shibuya! How exciting! How cool. First Shibuya crossing. Great. Should I put the coins in? Yeah, here. One, two. For Gaby. We can’t open it. It’s a small soup. Yes. This one is for Gaby. Let’s choose another one. For Gaby. One.

How much is it? 300 yen. Three. It’s out. It’s out! Something we absolutely want these 2 Colombians to try is Japanese ramen. The should absolutely try it. We’ve decided to take them to ‘Ichiran’ Ramen Shop. That will be their first ramen. We’ll be eating at the Ichiran shop in Omotesando.

You’re ready for your first ramen, Grossito? Oh, definitely. This is the right time for a ramen. Yes. We’re in the middle of Tokyo here and I’m expecting to try a good ramen. Awesome. Gross hasn’t seen a place with such a large number of people or things before, so he’s genuinely surprised.

This was one of the first ramens I tried. This one here. How long should we wait for this? No. No, Grossi. We’re supposed to pay for you guys. I guess this means you didn’t see Mt. Fuji on the plane then. Mount Fuji. Because we bet something, remember? Yes, I don’t forget. We bet something. If they saw… If they were to see Mt. Fuji from the plane,

We were supposed to invite them for their first ramen. But I guess it means they didn’t see it because they paid for the first ramen. Do we get a receipt here? We have to wait. Can we sit here? Why are these lights flickering? It correponds to the time people spend here.

Ah, the time. That’s how we know when a table will be available. When people stay for over 15 minutes, lights start flickering. It says ‘wait a second’. Ah, it says ‘I’d like utensils instead of chopsticks’. There are plenty here. Grossi. The English is on the other side. A little wooden checkboard. “It’s noisy”. You can make your request without speaking here. Yeah. What do you think of these little cubicles? Oh, very personal. Yes.

Very, very personal. I remember when we came, there was like a space for two people with a curtain. It’s different. It’s very different. Grossi. I’m gonna tell you guys why this shop has these built-in separators. Long ago, it was only men who ate ramen because slurping wasn’t considered something proper for women.

So, when this place first opened up, they set up these dividers so women could dig into their ramen without feeling judged. That’s why. So that’s why they did it. Yeah, that was this restaurant’s idea. At the mall we were at yesterday, we also saw dividers for people eating alone. You ordered it spicy.

Yeah, mild spicy. Bye. How’s the smell? Oh, great. Lovely. What did you get? The mild spicy one? The mild spicy one. It’s the red thing in the middle. I got pork on it, the green onions also. Very good. It’s very good. And Pao order it not spicy, right? Yeah, not spicy. First ramen.

I want to see his reaction. Grossi. Look at him. Too hot? Good taste. How’s the soup? Great, man. What a flavor! Grossi, you need to practice your slurping. Okay. Pao’s already an expert. You’re an expert now. How is it, Pao? Delicious. Where are the napkins? Napkins. Here they are. What a flavor! Delicious.

What a flavor, man! Delicious. Like this and you slurp. Delicious. Delicious. It’s honestl delicious. Really good. We might be trying other ramen in other shops, and then we’ll get these two guys to rate the ramen from 1 to 10. – Delicious. – Super good. It’s good.

But I think my favorite will be either the miso ramen or soy sauce ramen. Initially, the sound of people slurping while enjoying ramen used to bug me, but now I’m totally cool with it. But it really gets on my nerves if people do it while eating pasta. I just can stand it.

It’s different if it’s with pasta. It’s funny how you get used to those things. Hello everyone. We’re coming out of this very fine place downtown Tokyo. The best ramen around here. It’s a very, very great tasting ramen. We had a wonderful lunch here with Kaito, my wife Paola, and Ori.

I really recommend this place. It’s beautiful. So happy you liked it. Well, How’d you rate it, one to ten? Ten! Ten, for sure! This is the best ramen. We’ll take you to try some others. Really? Yes, there are different flavors. Flavors range from pork-based to miso-based and even soy-sauce and salt-based. Okay.

We’ll try them all. I love it. For Coke, it’s either zero or the original one. Right? You can choose between lemon or melon coke? What?! There’s melon and lemon coke! Look. Let’s try it out. Just press the coke sign. This one’s lemon and that one’s melon.

It’s going to taste just like rum and coke. Just press here. Can you believe there’s lemon-flavored coke? Delicious. Let me try it. It tastes like rum. That one’s mine. It’s good. It tastes like rum. Those two are just like kids. Delicious. It’s like drinking alcohol without drinking alcohol. It’s good.

That one with lemon is good. What did you order? – A margherita pizza. – It looks good. Bye robot. They need less employees at this restaurant now with that robot. Looks good. Look at that. It has eyes. Yeah, it’s a cat. A cat. How cool.

We started the day at Shibuya, then went to Harajuku and ended in Omotesando. We walked for a total of 13 kilometers today. Because of that we’re really tired and it’s only 10:30 p.m. Ori’s dad, Grossi, is already sleeping. If you guys liked this video,

Please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. Stay tuned for the next adventure. You won’t want to miss what Gross and Pao will experience here. Stay tuned! See you in the next video.




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#初来日 #外国人の反応 #日本食


  1. アメリカのラーメン屋で食べたけど、現地の若い女性がひとりで静かに黙って食べていたが心の中では美味しくて泣いていたのか。

  2. 飛行機って磁気カード持ち込めるんだっけ??


  3. ハチ公を見て思わず、パパママが涙涙😢してるのを見て、私ももらい泣きしました🧓なんて、心優しい人達なんでしょう❤

  4. 鉄道ホームの柵は視覚障害者が線路へ落下しない様に設置されました😅現在では多様性を保って活躍しております😊民間企業が利用者に無償で安全を提供してくれてる😊凄い企業努力ですよね😊

  5. こんな方々には本当に日本に来て楽しんで欲しいですね。

    ¿Disfrutaste de tu viaje a Japón? Por favor, vuelve cuando tu hija tenga más familia. Te estaremos esperando.

  6. どんぶりが小さいね、値段を上げてこの量では?ラーメンなんて素材の価格なんて微々たるものなのに、これではね・・。

  7. カイトさん?オリさん?日本人より日本語が美しくて綺麗!前世はきっと日本人に違いありません❣️素敵なファミリーですね‼️

  8. 初コメです。
    北海道生まれの僕ですが、ジンカンとかも海鮮丼とかも、豚丼とかもおすすめなので是非!!お2人に食べて頂きたい!! 北海道は美味しものたくさんありますよ!!

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