
1461-1 [Park] [Chairing] [4K] Barbecue garden available! Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture, Yachiyo Regional Park & Yachiyo Sports Park Introduction I’m heading to the park I’m going to for the first time. The location is Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture. The name is Yachiyo Regional Park. ■Basic information about the park

This is an urban park that takes advantage of its lush green space. There is a promenade and a parking lot. There is a general ground within the area. There is a central library and a gallery. There is information on the website. There is a barbecue garden.

The cost is 2500 yen for one adult. Children are 1500 yen. Children under 3 years old are free. Reservations are required for the barbecue. You can make a reservation from the website. Events other than those listed above are also held. Relaxing on the lawn and doing yoga.

The Shinkawa River flows across the park. There is a swinging bridge that allows you to move to the other side. It is currently closed to traffic. The other side is currently under construction. Will dock runs be possible in the future? Yachiyo Sports Park is nearby. There is a gymnasium and skateboard area.

There is a tennis court across the road. There is an adventure plaza at the very back. I go for a walk in the park and then do some chairing. Check the website for details. ■ Head to the park The park came into view. Turn right and proceed.

Although it’s morning, I can see people. It was a paid parking lot. Go through the gate and go straight. Park near the barbecue garden. We arrived at Yachiyo Regional Park. ■ Head to the barbecue garden Aim for the back left. Get out of the car.

The parking lot is large and has plenty of space. There is also a parking lot in the back. The building is the Yachiyo Central Library. Head to the BBQ garden. People are gathering in the square. There is a temporary parking lot on the right. On the left is a grassy field.

The ground is well maintained and easy to walk on. I could see the stadium in the background. It has a big light. We will bypass the stadium. The grounds were under renovation. There is a forest on the right. Sometimes I pass people walking by. This is what the stadium looks like.

The road on the right is off-limits. Take the left path. This is a request to park users. We arrived at the BBQ garden. ■Check the guide map Check as you go along. Basically, the square is expanding. I came to a place made of round stones. There is a guide map of the park.

Your current location is on the bottom right. The bottom center is called General Ground. The parking lot on the bottom left is the first one you enter. A river flows through the center. The one above is under construction. On the upper left is the neighboring Yachiyo Sports Park. ■Check the barbecue garden

There is a covered bench. It’s safe even on rainy days. It looks like it would be nice to chair here. The center is open at the top. This is a signboard for wildfire prevention. It seems like I can’t go through this area. I regained my composure and spun around.

There are people walking their dogs in the garden. I want to see the park as far as this area. There are good toilets in the garden. There is a drinking fountain next to the toilet. There are no stoves in the square. There is a vending machine in front of the toilet. Go deeper.

There are circular benches and tables. The top is open here. Shinkawa cycling road. A river flows ahead. The area across the river is under construction. The road continues all the way. Turn around and return to the original path. The barbecue garden is a lawn. Some small trees have been planted.

There was no washroom in sight. Basically, you need to prepare the equipment. ■Return to parking lot There are bicycle parking lots around the stadium. There was also a bicycle parking lot ahead. This is a guide map of the stadium. This is a management facility for the stadium.

I turn around and head to the bicycle parking lot. I came to the other side of the library. There is a bicycle parking lot next to it. Head to the right and look at the bridge. Yurayura Bridge is currently closed. Looks like it’s in a maintenance shop.

The building in the center seems to have been there for a long time. It looks like you can do some chairing around here. It’s near the entrance to the library. Continue along the path you first entered. It looks like there is a gallery attached. The parking fee was 300 yen.

Also check the buildings near the entrance. It looks like a security company building. There are benches lined up a little further ahead. There is a toilet near the entrance. Next to it is the entrance/exit road. I’ll go down the stairs. It is a plaza made of bricks.

It’s also nice to relax by the river. There is a vending machine. Beyond the bridge is the General Sports Park. This is a guide board for the cycling course. That’s all for Yachiyo Regional Park. ■Chairing I went back to the car. I moved and took out my folding bike.

Move to the chairing spot. Cross the road and go down the hill. It will be near the bench you saw last. I’ll park my bicycle. I put down the backpack I was carrying. Drinks and snacks. I poured hot water into the bottle. A mini table and a low chair.

I set it up next to my bike. Sit on a low chair. Spend time admiring the nearby bridge and river. Prepare drip coffee. Put your trash in a bag and take it home. Unfold the filter and place it on the cup. Open the bottle lid. Pour hot water into the filter.

Keep the lid closed to prevent spills. Remove the coffee filter. I’ll have some coffee. Relax in your own space. Coffee shop style Kokura butter toast. Red bean paste is on buttered toast. I’ll enjoy having this. It’s a moment of bliss (*´ω`*) Eat while admiring the view. ■Summary

This is a summary of Yachiyo Regional Park. I drove in and parked in the parking lot in the back. I checked the barbecue garden. A river runs along the park. The other side was under construction. There is Yachiyo Sports Park next door. I traveled by bicycle and chaired.

You can relax in front of the river. It will continue to the next. ■Walk around Yachiyo Sports Park It’s a bonus. Walk around Yachiyo Sports Park. We crossed the bridge and arrived on the other side of the river. We pass through a cobblestone square. You can see the baseball field in the distance.

Turn left in front of the baseball field. After a short walk you will come to a parking lot. Because it’s free, this place is full. Cross the pedestrian crossing. The building in front is the gymnasium. This is a display of Yachiyo Sports Park. There are vending machines nearby.

Bicycles can be parked across the aisle. Go deeper into the park. There is a fountain on the right. On the left is the soccer ground. There is a toilet in front of the ground. The soccer ground is crowded with people. The right side is under construction and cannot be accessed. Go deeper.

It also has a large light. I have come to the end. Fires are not allowed in this area. There is a guide map of the park. On the right is the first baseball stadium I saw. I crossed the road and passed by the ground. Aim for the adventure plaza at the back.

Turn left and proceed. There is a roller skating rink down the road. On the left is a plaza with benches. It has a nice atmosphere surrounded by trees. I could see the tennis court in front of me. There are wooden stairs on the right.

If you go further, there is a bicycle parking lot. There are many tennis courts. There is a reception for the tennis court. Turn left on the way. This is what the tennis court looks like. There is a covered rest area on the right.

When I went up the stairs, I saw the playground equipment. The bench was under maintenance. There is also a rest area in the center of the sandbox. There are slides and athletics. It’s quite authentic. There are toilets nearby. Find an adventure plaza. The park ends here. Is the adventure plaza above this?

It seems difficult to climb from an athletic standpoint. Turn left and go to see the river. A river runs parallel to the park. If you continue down this path, you’ll likely be able to return to your original location.


#チェアリング #公園 #千葉県

0:00:00 ■はじめに
0:00:22 ■公園の基本情報
0:02:25 ■公園に向かう
0:03:03 ■バーベキューガーデンに向かう
0:04:50 ■案内図を確認する
0:05:43 ■バーベキューガーデンを確認する
0:07:51 ■駐車場に戻る
0:10:14 ■チェアリングする
0:12:31 ■まとめ
0:13:19 ■八千代総合運動公園を散歩する

No.1466: https://youtu.be/svuT_EEDB30
No.1461-1: https://youtu.be/6Vc0_XQQcD8
No.1461-2: https://youtu.be/UJsyX9RBd54
No.1462: https://youtu.be/7sRrYpH1-j4



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1 Comment

  1. まさしく、ここはミニベロの聖地?私だったらミニクルーザー(スケボー)で移動したところですが、最近色々と問題ありなんでダメなんでしょうね…きっと。キックボードとかも。


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