Рысь каждую ночь приходила к ребёнку. Узнав причину, родители были в ужасе!

Stepan Sergeevich wanted to quit this job every morning, because he was already sixty- four years old. It’s time to rest, but every other day he goes to the forest, working as a huntsman. They still won’t find a replacement for him .

And then he will lie down some more and think – what else should he do? And why didn’t he like the forest? After all, his whole life was spent in the forest . Just as he came back from the army, the district

Forestry enterprise persuaded him to take this job – to look after forest animals. No, he loved his work, he could no longer imagine himself without it. It was in the forest that he met Tanya, his future wife . Tanya had just arrived to visit her grandmother; she lived in the city .

She went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. Sits on a stump, crying. And then Stepan came out of the spruce forest . He sees the girl sitting. He came up, reassured me, introduced himself, and then the two of them returned to the village.

And Tatyana never left for her city again; she married Stepan . Her parents were shocked – she exchanged life in the capital for a village in the Far Eastern region. She left her rich suitors for some simple huntsman. But Tanya and Stepan were happy and lived their whole lives in perfect harmony

. They raised their daughter, she now lives in the city, in the same apartment where Tanya left many years ago. Recently, my daughter Lyudmila got married and works in a prestigious trading company. And everything was fine, the parents were happy, and then suddenly disaster struck, Tanya died, the doctors discovered

The tumor too late, nothing could be done. It was hard for Stepan the first time after his wife’s funeral. His daughter invited him to live with her, but he didn’t go. Where is he from his wife’s grave? And everything here is native and familiar. And the forest…

After all, it was he who brought him back to life, calmed his thoughts, even quelled his longing for Tanya. No, Stepan will not quit his job. The forest is his life! That morning, Stepan Sergeevich, as usual, left the house. The

Warm wind just hugged me, the birds chirped in the bushes. It’s going to be a good day! Stepan decided to visit a distant village. Strangers were seen there two days ago . Maybe it was just someone who came to the forest , or maybe they had bad intentions. Need to check.

The old man started the old motorcycle and pulled out onto a dirt road. I rode and enjoyed nature. There is no better place on earth ! He was in the city several times – he didn’t like it: the noise, the bustle, the air was heavy. That’s the case here. There is

Space and it’s easy to breathe! And then a distant capture appeared. Stepan Sergeevich turned off the motorcycle and rolled it up to the nearest pine tree: “Wait, friend, no one will touch you here .” Everyone in the area knows the old huntsman’s motorcycle, and if they see it

Near the forest, they immediately become more disciplined – they don’t make noise, don’t break branches, and don’t throw garbage. The old huntsman walked through the forest, everything seemed to be in order. Stepan had already turned back, but suddenly from the bushes he heard either a groan or crying.

Taking an old gun, he carefully moved towards the brown forest. He approached and was stupefied – a lynx was sitting ten steps away from him. Large, young, beautiful individual. Only the tufts on her ears drooped, and there was silent pain in her eyes . The old man glanced down and groaned in frustration:

Both front paws of the lynx were tightly clamped by a huge trap. That’s what the newcomers did here yesterday ,” Stepan Sergeevich guessed, “ they set traps for the bear. The old man swore and took a step towards the lynx. The iron vice grabbed the paws tightly and dug deep

Into the animal’s flesh. It looks like the bone is broken too. Stepan didn’t know what to do. The poor thing is suffering, we need to finish her off. It is unlikely that she will let him near her. What’s the point? With such wounds, the animal is unlikely to recover.

And now it’s hot, there are flies, and an infection will quickly appear. It will be a painful death for a lynx to die. Better right away… Stepan had already raised his gun. His eyes met those of the lynx. She watched and waited for death as a release from torment.

But suddenly the animal twitched and looked to the side, as if saying goodbye. The old huntsman also involuntarily looked in that direction. In the bushes he suddenly saw a small muzzle. Little lynx! Huddled in the branches, he froze in anticipation of his mother’s execution.

The baby was ready to rush to help, but his mother taught him to hide in the presence of a person. Man is death. So the little lynx sat there, not daring to disobey his mother’s orders. Stepan lowered his gun. “So, mother,” he said calmly, “

I see it’s too early for you to die.” The child needs to be raised. And therefore, friend, we will decide something with you. He came very close to the animal, squatted down next to him and examined the trap. The lynx, exhausted, hardly moved.

She had lost a lot of blood and was weakened; she only opened her mouth, revealing sharp teeth. But she did this too sluggishly, without strength. It was clear that she did not have enough strength to bite a person. – How did you manage to end up like this?

– the huntsman was talking to the lynx, carefully touching the strong vice. That is OK. Now we’ll come up with something. Stepan went to the motorcycle to get some tools. With the help of a small crowbar, he managed to free the animal.

All this time the little lynx watched the actions of the man from the bushes. And only when Stepan Sergeevich freed the lynx, the cub, violating all the mother’s instructions, crawled up to her and, squeaking pitifully, poked her in the belly. -Your child is hungry!

– the huntsman said sternly, – and you’re lying down! – and then added more softly, – Well, it’s okay, now we’ll get home, feed everyone, treat everyone. Everything will be fine. He decided to take the lynx with him even when he was tinkering with the trap.

After all, there’s no point in him freeing her – she won’t survive on her own, but in his barn under supervision, she’ll quickly recover. And the little lynx will definitely be alive. Otherwise, he has little chance alone in the forest. When people in the village saw who the huntsman was carrying, they

Shied away – an animal’s face was peeking out from under the cape . -Sergeich, is she dead or what? – shouted neighbor Mishka. -Why is it dead? Alive! I just got really tired. There’s a baby with her. And the old man pulled out a lynx cub from his backpack .

He just whined in fear and closed his eyes. And what are you going to do with it? – Mikhail asked, examining the lynx, which was barely breathing, – can I finish it off? Look what a beautiful skin she has.

-Well, get out of here! – Stepan got angry , – I’ll skin you now ! I will treat her. God willing, he will get better. -And the little lynx? He’s very small, he’ll die,” the neighbor continued, “he’s also weak.” What will you feed him? He’s probably still sucking tits.

– “Yes, I’m tired of you! – the old man raised his voice, “I say, I’ll figure it out without you!” And already in the barn, settling the lynx and the cub on the straw, he said: “I’ll kill him. Survive. Where will you go! Was

I in vain dragging you through the forest, straining myself? And the little one, while he caught you in the windfall, tore off all your hands. You’ll definitely survive.” ! And after all, the old man and the mother and the cub came out!

There was a moment when he was already in despair. The wounds did not want to heal , the temperature persisted. No medications helped. The local veterinarian advised shooting the animal, but the huntsman “kindled” him so much that the doctor ran out barn.

And the little lynx was worried: he refused to suck milk from the bottle. And then suddenly Lyuda, my daughter, called, her father told her his trouble and told her. She quickly turned to the capital’s veterinarians, who worked at the zoo. They advised the necessary antibiotics. Special mixtures were needed .

And where can I get them in the village? And then the old man decided to buy the simplest baby formula. It turned out that lynx cubs are the same children and have great respect for these simple formulas. Right before his eyes, he began to get stronger and get better.

And the lynx soon began to get better. The temperature subsided and the wound began to heal. The bone was broken only on one paw. Over time, she began to get along. At first, the old man entered the barn

To see his new pets without fear, but he soon realized that one day the lynx might forget all his belongings – he would attack, a wild animal after all. He began to come in with a gun. Medicine in one hand, weapon in the other.

Only, fortunately, the latter was not useful – the lynx accepted it. Of course, when she gained strength, the old man no longer gave her injections and bandages. He mixed medicine into food. And the lynx happily gobbled up the chicken and milk, glancing cautiously at Stepan.

And the little lynx was spinning nearby, well-fed and happy. And in the fall they suddenly disappeared from the barn. Stepan Sergeevich, as usual, came in in the morning with food for his pets, and only the wind was blowing in the barn. An

Old man came out into the yard, sighed, and looked at his faithful dog Tishka, who was sitting on a chain. -What, friend, have our guests left? – Stepan Sergeevich smiled sadly , – well, thank God. This means they now have strength. Tishka just quietly waved his tail in response.

To be honest, he didn’t really like the residents in the barn, but since the owner brought them, there was nowhere to go. And he was afraid of such a huge cat that occasionally looked out of the barn. Now the dog is calm. Again, this is only his territory.

And already in the winter, Stepan Sergeevich was returning from the forest one day, and suddenly he felt someone’s gaze from above. He looked and froze: the lynx was sitting right on the birch tree, and the old man was right under it. That’s it. He’ll rush!

The old man just shrugged his shoulders, but still reached for the gun. And the lynx carefully jumped down next to him and approached the huntsman. -It’s you. My lynx! – the old man gasped, – what a beauty she has become! Where is your son?

Apparently, he has become quite an adult, on his own. Of course, this lynx didn’t say anything to him, just looked him in the eyes, meowed and jumped into the bushes. Then the old man drove all the way back and thought about this amazing meeting – wow, his beast didn’t forget him .

And all winter he occasionally met his Lynx. She did not come close, but walked alongside when the old man walked around his property. Several times I even went into his yard. Tishka was indignant then: “There are all sorts of people walking around here… Two years have passed.”

Stepan Sergeevich never quit his job – he kept an eye on the forest animals. And along with him, the lynx also made its rounds. The people were already laughing – he got himself another dog, all that remained was to put it on a chain. -What about the dog?

Cat! – the huntsman chuckled, – but she’s not accustomed to the chain . And to human hands too. Vaughn accompanies me only at a distance . One summer, my daughter was going to visit Stepan Sergeevich. By that time, she and her husband had a son.

So the whole family wanted to visit their grandfather. Stepan Sergeevich was worried: it’s hard to travel across the whole country with a small child. And my daughter laughed – the plane would quickly take off, and then by train it was just a stone’s throw to her parents’ house.

In a word, Stepan did not convince the young people, and soon the three of them rushed over. And the old man was glad, to be honest. Little Andryushka, so funny, so tiny and looks like Stepan. Grandfather was filled with pride.

The baby is only six months old, but you can already see their breed. A separate room was allocated for Andryushka – small, but the warmest. It seems like it’s summer, but the baby doesn’t need drafts at all. Lyuda and her husband Nikita settled in the next room, and

Stepan Sergeevich moved into the hall – in fact, he usually slept in a small room, but he gave up his place for his grandson . The old man had fun with the children. My son-in-law and I went fishing and picked mushrooms.

At that time, my daughter was running the house and fussing with Andryushka. And in the evening, the whole family sat under an old apple tree and had dinner. The old man was resting in spirit. Well, after all, my daughter came up with an idea – to come.

Somehow, after staying up late, they sat and talked. At the same time, Lyuda listened to see if Andryushka had woken up in the room. -Maybe I should close the window? – she was worried, – I opened it there, Andryushka was so stuffy. I’m afraid it might leak through.

-What are you talking about! – Nikita convinced her, “it’s stuffy outside, and even more so in the house.” The child won’t be able to breathe at all . “Yes, you’re right,” agreed Luda. Then she finally decided to go and see her son.

Stepan and Sergei discussed their previous fishing trip and argued about which gear was better. Suddenly they heard a scream and rushed into the house. Pale Luda stood on the threshold . – There, by Andryushka’s crib, a lynx is sitting. I didn’t notice her at first in the dark.

Then I look, my eyes are glowing. She sits right next to the crib and hisses at me. – Lyuda whispered chokedly , – I backed away so as not to anger her. And she is sitting. -And Andryushka?!! – Nikita also turned pale. -He’s asleep, he seems to be snoring. I heard.

-Calm down, children! – Stepan said slowly and stepped into the house. -Dad, be careful! – Lyudmila whispered, – she can throw herself. At you, at Andryushka… But Stepan was no longer listening to her. He entered the room and saw a shadow flash through the open window .

-Lynx! – Stepan Sergeevich guessed, watching the animal leave – he was limping a little on his right paw. This is exactly how the lynx, once rescued by the huntsman, now moved; the right paw, the one that was more wounded, apparently had grown together a little incorrectly .

The old man watched the lynx move away and mentally scolded himself – why did he save this animal then? Now she will clearly be circling near his house. She’s probably jealous. Is this possible? The huntsman didn’t know. But he had no other explanation. “

We need to catch the animal, ” the huntsman decided. Catch and shoot – there is no other way out. Since that evening, all the windows in the house were closed, Lyuda and Nikita walked with Andryushka only in the yard, and they stopped going into the forest altogether . The

Whole mood was ruined. Stepan noticed how his daughter looked at the calendar, counting the days. She already wanted with all her heart to leave her home as quickly as possible – she was afraid for her son. But, as it turned out, that was not what they were afraid of.

One night Stepan woke up from an incomprehensible noise. I listened and there seemed to be silence. I must have dreamed it, he thought. I turned over to the other side, but sleep did not come. The old man decided to drink some water.

He turned on the light in the kitchen, reached for the kettle and froze. His gaze fell on the stairs that led from the kitchen to the attic. There is a hatch on top… And on this staircase Stepan saw distinct footprints – large animal ones. And obviously not cats.

Since the children arrived, Barsik has been temporarily moved to the barn: Lyuda was afraid that he might jump into sleepy Andryushka’s crib and scare him. Who inherited this then? Stepan took a closer look. It’s a lynx! The old man’s heart sank. How could she come up with this idea? It was

Really possible to get into the house through the attic – Stepan missed this. The door from the roof to the attic was open in the summer to provide ventilation. There was a hatch in the attic that led into the house. Could the beast really think of such a thing ?!!

On weak legs he walked to the nursery. At the door he heard a hissing sound. Once again greenish lights sparkled in the darkness . The lynx sat again by the crib and hissed. – Lynx, what are you doing? – the old man said softly, mentally scolding himself for going without a gun.

But on the other hand, how to shoot when a baby is sleeping next to you ? – Lynx, go away! And then Stepan heard another sound – as if someone was quickly crawling along the floor. The old man could not stand it and turned on the light.

In surprise, he screamed – something flashed between the carpets… – Dad! – he heard Lyuda’s frightened voice. – What’s happened? Stepan turned his face, completely white with horror, to his daughter and with a trembling hand pointed to a small hole in the floor. -What?

– the daughter screamed, then she saw the lynx and without hesitation rushed to the crib, – my son… Andryushka woke up from the noise and cried loudly. Lyudmila grabbed him and rushed out of the room; Nikita was already running towards her with a gun. -Now, dad, I’ll shoot her!

Move away! – the man shouted and took aim. The lynx hid in a corner and just glared. -Do not dare! – Stepan suddenly shouted, “don’t shoot.” -She almost killed my son ! -She saved him! -Like this? Nikita stared at the old man and lowered his gun. -She protected him from snakes.

-From what snakes? Father, where are the snakes? -As I understand it, it’s under the floor in the old cellar. I myself saw how she climbed in there . They approached the place where Stepan pointed. The lid of the old cellar was tightly boarded up,

But next to it there was a small hole – for Barsik to dive into the cellar in winter. Nikita ran for a crowbar, and soon the lid was thrown back. They looked there and screamed in horror: at the same time, several snakes were wiggling, glittering, in the cellar.

-What to do with them? – Nikita asked confused. “We’ll catch them,” Stepan answered, “now I’ll take them all quietly.” And he went for a stick and a bag. And Lynx went after him. All this time the animal sat quietly in the corner. Now the lynx reached the stairs, calmly stood up, pushed the

Hatch with its muzzle and quickly climbed out, the hatch closed. -That’s how she comes! – Stepan grinned and thought – since when, I wonder, does she come to his house like this? Eh, but he, the old hunter, did n’t notice anything. And the snake didn’t notice. I

Almost lost my grandson. Nikita and Stepan fussed almost all night . First, they caught all the snakes. These turned out to be quite poisonous individuals. Having finished with them, the men examined the cellar and realized how the snakes got into the house: there was a hole in the foundation.

It looks like it’s been chewed through by time or rats . And snakes snuck into this hole and lived here peacefully. -I wonder how long they were here? – Luda asked when, in the morning, all the work was finally done, Andryushka was fast asleep, and the three of them

Drank tea in the kitchen. -Several months, that’s for sure! – Stepan answered and shook his head, – but I didn’t notice anything. “ But your Lynx noticed everything,” Luda smiled, “it turns out that she has been walking through this hole in the attic for a long time .”

It’s obvious that he knows his way around the house very well. “ She, dad, first guarded you at night, and then our son,” Nikita shook his head in surprise, “what a good fellow!” And I’m at her with a gun. “It’s okay, we figured it out,” Stepan answered, “she was the one who

Thanked me so much for curing her and saving her son.” -You saved her baby, and she saved ours! – said Luda, – what a smart girl. -Animals understand everything, they just can’t say it. And as you are to them, so they are to you,” Stepan nodded. A

Week later, Lyudmila and her son and husband left. Stepan, returning from the station, sat down on a bench near the house and sighed heavily. Maybe he should have agreed – Luda called him with her again… He misses his family, but coming to visit is one thing, but living is another…

And then tassels flashed in the bushes … – The lynx came, – Stepan smiled, – No, I’m not going anywhere from here. So far I have such defenders here. Dear viewers, if you liked this video, then like and subscribe to our channel. Goodbye.

Степан Сергеевич каждое утро хотел бросить эту работу, ведь ему уже шестьдесят четыре года. Пора уже и отдохнуть, а он через день в лес ходит, егерем работает. Всё никак ему замену не найдут. А потом полежит еще, подумает – а чем ему еще заниматься? И чем ему лес не угодил? Ведь в лесу вся его жизнь и прошла. Как с армии пришёл, так и уговорили его в районном лесхозе на эту работу – за живностью лесной присматривать. Нет, работу он свою любил, без неё себя уже не мыслил.


  1. Спасибо Вам большое за этот рассказ!!! Как же это прекрасно, что и звери понимают добро и не забывают его, а люди иногда отвечают на добро злом…Вот и урок нам всем!!!

  2. Спасибо большое, отличный рассказ, иногда жалеешь, что живёшь среди людей, а животные-вот с кого пример надо брать!!

  3. Прослушав рассказ о рыси, у меня от зависти к этой необыкновенной семейной егеревской и звериной верности комом сдавило и ум и сердце! Как жаль, что мне уже 87 лет ! А лучше звериного образа жизни и во век не придумать ! А человек променял мать — природу на каменные джунгли бессмысленого бытия с пустотой жвачногого животного и ходит на цепи бессмысленного бытия — кругом !! Променяв величие ее на химическую продукцию искусственного питания !! А природа — мать все зовет и зовет его обратно , говоря , что здоровее ее лона ( то есть природы) ничего лучше — нет — только уметь это глубоко ценить и уважать ! Ах , родненнькие каменно одичавшие люди и окаменели сердцами , живя этой смертельно опасной жизнью : изолировавшись в свое гордынное одиночество в одиночные камеры заранее созданных для себя каменных склепов!! И сами становятся больными от раннего детства!! Пора селиться не в городах , а хотя бы в садоводческих селениях с мини техникой для огородничества и садоводства!! И здоровье будет долгим и счастье в трудолюбии крепче!!

  4. У прекрасного человека и поступки и дела прекрасны а долг платежей красен спасибо за рассказ и отличное прочтение 😊❤

  5. ❤❤ животните помагат на хората,но хората сме неблагодарници и често ги убиваме за да ги изядем❤

  6. Очень интересный рассказ о жизни нашей, прекрасно прочитано спасибо большое, ещё раз убеждаешься звери не люди, умнее нас и благодарнее помнят всё.

  7. Благодарю за то,что рассказываете,что звери,это любовь,что к природе нужно относиться с любовью❤❤❤

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