J’ai fui l’Indonésie pour éviter la prison

My name is Guillaume Lhotellier I am a journalist director And there we are going to talk of a road that we filmed in Sumatra. I don’t have any tools on my bus. I had to take this pick. There are large stones blocking the wheels. Indonesia, they like to control

All the images that come out of the country. For fourteen days, everything is going well, there aren’t too many red flags. And when I film the bus on this road, I’m not paying attention and I am filmed by a local influencer. Many people see this video, especially the local police.

“It’s good ! It’s good !” My repairman’s phone started to ring a lot. It was the local police station. Until then, he was always very serene, my fixer. And then I saw that he was worried. He said to me, “That’s scary.” “We have to escape, we have to get out.”

You’ll see, there is mud everywhere. The road looks like porridge. For fourteen days, everything is going well. There aren’t too many red flags. There are some police checks, but hey, tourist status is not not called into question. And when I film the bus on this road,

I’m not paying attention and I’m being filmed by a local influencer who actually has many followers in the region, approximately and he broadcasts these images where you see me filming the truck trapped in the mud. Me with the drone. “It’s good ! It’s good !” Many people see this video, in particular

My repairman’s phone started to ring a lot. It was the local police station who asked him to bring for a check. Until then, he was always very serene, my fixer, and there I saw that he was worried. He told me : And so we took a motorbike, we cut across the fields

To avoid controls and we agreed on a meeting point with my driver. So obviously, I had put on a helmet, an anti-covid mask. I had covered my skin so as not to be identified as a European. And I jumped in my car and we drove 6 hours to get out of this region

And to reach the town of Madang from where I had to get back on my plane. And so I thought I was almost quiet. And arriving at the hotel in Madang the hotel doorman said to me: “Oh I saw you on YouTube yesterday!” So there, I see that the video has become

I called Patrice my editor-in-chief and I told him “I have to leave very quickly.” He said to me: “you have to take the first plane” So I looked, I took the first flight, it’s an AirAsia flight at 5 a.m., telling me that at 5 a.m. there would be fewer controls. to immigration.

So I took the flight from Madang to Jakarta and once I arrived in Jakarta, I have right away crossed the border to enter the international zone Hoping that my name doesn’t flash too much at the immigration office. Everything went well. Afterwards, I took the first flight to Singapore

Today are there no more risks? At worst they will ban me stay in Indonesia. We’re going to get through this thanks to the chain. Well done !

Mon reportage a failli tourner au drame


  1. Un influenceur locale vous filme en train de filmer et la video sur YT devient virale. OK. Y a quoi d'interessant pour les locaux de voir un blanc en train de filmer son séjour ?

  2. On m'a toujours éduquer à laisser l'endroit où je vais en voyage ou ailleurs "propre", propre au niveau des gestes et de ce qui reste : éloge des personnes locales, bonne nourriture goutées, conseils et non pas satires pour ceux qui voudrait y aller.

    c'est bizarre que vous étiez poursuivi que pour une vidéo, après quand on va dans un pays en général on se renseigne sur le politiquement correct de la région, vos documentaires sont très bien, cependant ayant été en Indonésie plusieurs fois chez des locaux et n'ayant jamais eu de probleme sauf un jour où j'ai commencé à vouloir un remboursement et là j'aurais pu y laisser la vie (il y avait un mec qui m'attendait) puis une autre personne m'a demandé de ne pas faire de vague puis tout est rentré dans l'ordre, Européen ou arabe ou autre n'a aucune importance dans ce pays , par contre il y a des tabous comme dans tous les pays du monde meme occidental, et oui meme en occident votre vie peut etre en danger si vous denoncer la corruption qui vous met au chomage pendans des années… vous etes journaliste donc je pense que vous avez plus de bouteille pour éviter un doc sale au lieu de montrer la positivité Indonesienne qui n'a rien à envier celle de pays Europeens.

  3. Непонял о чем конкретно говорится
    Перевод плохой
    Он какой-то криминал случайно заснял?

  4. COVID illegaly detain people. You see 2 years later, covid is miraculuse disapeared, OR…… it was a set up by the pharma industry, by WHO, to take world in hostage. Since covid EVERYTHING went up 50% to 100% in price……..

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