【車中泊ひとり旅】ルーミーで行く和琴湖畔キャンプフィールド!DODワンタッチライダーズバイクインテント初張り/冬の車中泊グッズと寒さ対策/car camping/Hokkaido

I’m sorry, but I would like to know . Hello. My name is Mii. Thank you for always watching.The current time is 10:36. The outside temperature is 2℃. Today we are heading to Wakoto Lake Camp Field.

There hasn’t been much snow in eastern Hokkaido yet, so I thought I’d be able to go on a long trip today.I’d like to camp in my car for the first time at the campsite and have a warm, relaxing and relaxing time.I’ve

Been excited since before I left, and I’m really looking forward to it. I also loaded up my new friends in the car.It’s my first time trying this so I’m a little nervous, but I’d like to try it as soon as I get to the campsite.Please look forward to it! So, let’s drive safely.

It’s 11:16 am now. The outside temperature is 1 degree. After all, it’s cold when you’re in the mountains. Even in December, there’s not much snow in eastern Hokkaido, so it’s very cold. Let’s go out before the snow piles up. I’m glad I was able to do this.This is the road I drove on while saying I was scared when I went to Lake Mashu.It’s a very tiring road.[Music]I was so nervous and concentrated when I drove on it before that I don’t remember much. [Music] ] The scenery is amazing. I’m taking pictures. It’s so cold. It’s so beautiful ! It’s so beautiful! I’m glad it’s sunny. I head to the very cold campsite. I enter Teshikaga town. It’s a road I never want to drive on again. [Music] It’s really scary

. If the road were frozen, I’d never be able to do it. I couldn’t run because I was so scared. This steep road reminded me of It’s a warning sign for curves. I thought I didn’t want to pass it again, but it happened again. It’s okay. Drive slowly and safely.

Just the fact that there’s snow on the side of the road is scary. I ‘m relieved from the steep curves of the mountain pass. [Music] I’m happy. It’s a relief to be on such a straight road.It looks like we’ll be there in about 15 minutes.It took us about

3 hours and 30 minutes to drive non-stop on the expressway.We arrived at Wakoto Lake Camp Field.Today we’ll be on the shores of Lake Kussharo. I would like to relax while sleeping in the car Lake Kussharo is so beautiful I bought a DOD rider’s bike Intent.When I went to an auto campsite the other day, I had Genghis Khan and hot pot in the rain. I wanted to eat and have fun without being affected by the weather, so I bought a tent.I

Had never set up a tent before, so I was nervous, so I bought a one-touch tent.I was able to set it up.I’m sorry, but please tell me.This is my first tent. I have set it up, but

Where will I use it? I can’t fit it in because the size of the metal fittings doesn’t match ! I’ll put it here …I made a mistake here , thank you! I’ve been having trouble since it didn’t go in earlier. Just pull it through here. Thank you so much, that was helpful. Are you okay? I’m glad you were able to set it up. I hope you enjoy it. The tent is set up. It’s a one-touch system, so it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes, but it took more than 30 minutes. I looked at the instruction manual and watched YouTube videos. It’s now 3:42 p.m.

This is the view from inside the tent. It’s fantastic and very beautiful. I tripped over the tent and fell down, so I moved the tent and prepared to sleep in the car. It’s very beautiful. After arriving here. It’s been about 2 hours and 30 minutes due to various things. I’ll make a toast for now. Thank you for your hard work today. Let’s have a toast . [Music] It’s really cold. I thought I’d have a delicious lunch, so I went

To Seiko Mart and made rice balls with shrimp and mayo. I bought some hand-rolled sushi, but I didn’t eat it and just drove, so I ‘m going to eat it now. This is what the inside of the tent looks like. After I eat, I’m going back to the car, so I only have a little baggage . And this is the gas stove I introduced the other day . I brought it today because I thought it would be safe to use outside.It’s

Very warm.Iwatani-san is amazing. thank you! Without this gas stove, it would be too cold to stay outside.The scenery is fantastic and wonderful. Anyway, I had my first meal today. I’m eating rice balls. It’s cold, but I can still stand it. [Music] The rice balls from Seico Mart are delicious. I don’t usually eat out at all. I cook low-carbohydrate meals, so I only treat myself

When I sleep in the car or go on an adventure trip. It’s a reward, so I eat whatever I want without getting sick.I love rice balls.I don’t usually eat white rice, so it’s a reward for myself.This is a reward for myself for working hard all week. The food is

Already cold and hard, but it’s very delicious. I ‘m not going solo today, so I can spend my time with peace of mind. It’s a wonderful campsite. I’m so happy. I’m glad I chose this campsite. [Music] I didn’t have time to take photos inside the campsite, but

I’d like to introduce them again tomorrow morning. It’s 4:35 p.m. and the temperature outside is It’s 6 degrees Celsius. This is a mille-feuille hotpot with Chinese cabbage and pork belly. It looks delicious. I’m going to have it. [Music] It ‘s so delicious. It’s hot. It’s delicious and warms my body . [Music]

It’s delicious. I want to drink this hotpot soup, but I can’t because I don’t have a spoon. It’s delicious and warms your body.It’s 5:14pm.The outside temperature is 4℃ .Next is Ajillo. After I finish eating, I go inside the car. I’ve been using the gas stove ever since, and it’s very warm. If I didn’t have the gas stove, I wouldn’t be able to spend time outside . I have a rechargeable hot water bottle, and it’s very warm. It looks like I’m sitting under a kotatsu. I’m relaxing and drinking beer while making ajillo. Cheers, everyone! The delicious-looking ajillo was ready. Iwatani’s gas stove keeps it warm. It looks delicious . After cleaning up, I came back to the car and relaxed. It’s 7pm now. It takes 4 minutes.The temperature is 8℃.It’s 8℃, but it’s not so cold that I’m shivering.The rechargeable hot water bottle is very warm.The hot water bottle, lap blanket, and blanket are very warm.The

Cold air comes from my back and I feel cold, so using this warm board will be fine. The cold air is blocked and I don’t get cold.It started snowing while I was eating dinner in the tent , but I didn’t notice it at all because the tent had a roof.I

Put chairs and a table inside the tent. This is a lantern that has become a companion this time.I like it because it’s sparkly, cute, and bright.This is the EcoFlow portable power supply that I’ve been using.It doesn’t have enough capacity,

So I use it for cooking, charging, and electric blankets. The capacity is small and it won’t last until the morning.I bought an electric heater to prevent the cold, but I can’t use it. Actually, I took the plunge and purchased another EcoFlow portable power supply.I

Think having these two units will give me peace of mind.I do n’t think I’ll be able to drink hot coffee because I can’t use a portable power supply like before.Two units I still have it, so I can still use it and feel safe.I’ve eaten, my stomach is full, and it’s warm and

Relaxing.It’s soothing.I turned on the electric blanket now, and the output is about 40, so it can be used for 10 hours, so I can use it without worry until morning.My body is warm. It’s warm, but my face is cold.It ‘s 8 degrees Celsius, so my face is cold.Tonight

‘s lowest temperature is -2 degrees Celsius.When I sleep, I think I’ll be fine with an electric blanket, hot water bottle, blanket, and sleeping bag [Music] ] I connect a 400W electric heater to the EcoFlow portable power source. It blows a warm breeze. It’s very warm. But if I keep using the electric heater, the portable power source seems to only last 2 hours. I’m happy. I bought an electric heater and was able to use it for the first time. Up until now, I couldn’t use it because of the small capacity. [Music] It’s 9:04 p.m. The temperature is 8 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 57%. It’s almost time to go to bed. Good night everyone.

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  1. おはようございます、こんにちは(^^)


  2. みぃさん、こんばんは!

  3. おつかれ様です。
    テントとポータブル電源は、増やしたのは、正解です。気持ちに余裕ができるので、good です。

  4. 山道で後ろに速い車が来た時は、直線になった所で左ウインカー出して端っこに寄り後ろの車を先に行かせると良いですよ〜😅

  5. 🔰初めましてみぃさん

  6. 冬の車中泊は寒さ対策が大事ですねぇ~🌈温かいご馳走をいっぱい食べたので、新しいテントで無事に眠れるといいですねぇ👌🌟

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