반전실화사연-갈곳없던 여고동창을 시부간병인으로 내집에 들였더니..퇴원날 안방문을 연순간 상상초월 광경에 입을 틀어막는데 “평생 간병할게!”_사연읽어주는여자썰맘 천지개벽 충격실화연속

Nice to meet you all who visited Ssul Mom. Today’s story is about how I, a prosecutor, grew up under Horabi, and my mother-in-law, who said she had no choice but to make a living and support herself, was startled and sat down with my father, and she fainted on the spot

. So, today is the story. Let’s read the story. Hello, I am a woman in her late 30s who recently had a successful pregnancy and is currently attending prenatal education in a peaceful environment. The story I will tell you today was actually resolved well

With the appearance of my father . However, no matter how much I think about it, it is a very surprising story that is difficult to hear around people. So today I decided to send my story to a story channel I often watch. I was raised by a single father. My father

Was a former police officer who is not retired, and my mother passed away early in a hit-and-run accident. So my father, who had to leave the house often, had no choice but to tell my grandmother. He left me in his care, and my father and I didn’t visit much

. Of course, I didn’t have a friendly relationship with my father, who I only saw every few days at night, so there were many times when I hated my father like that during my school days. One time, my father went out to eat with me. When I wanted to go out, I

Refused and said I was tired . Why is this happening now? A person who normally wasn’t interested in me said something to my dad. It’s because my dad is busy. That’s why I feel sorry for myself. I ‘m busy without my mom. I knew

How difficult it was to be with my dad, so there were days when I slammed the door shut. But when I got to high school, my menstrual cramps were so bad that I left school early and went home . My dad came home early too, and I saw something shocking.

That was drinking. My father was crying in front of my mother’s photo, saying he was sorry. Honey, I’m so sorry. It was all because of me that made you end up like this. If it weren’t for me, Iseul could have done better in my mother’s arms.

I want to see her die in vain like this after meeting her police officer husband. Honey, my body became weak after hearing such stories for the first time, so I dropped the indoor slippers I was carrying, and my father, who was startled by the sound, turned around and looked at me and

Said, “Iseul, how can you take control at this time ? Dad, what is that now?” That’s what I heard, uh uh, that’s because my dad was a little drunk right now and was just talking nonsense. Don’t worry about

It and go to your room. Don’t lie to me and tell me to believe it right now. Everything I heard is true. My mom died because she was sick. That’s not true, that’s how my dad and I After a long standoff, my father finally took a deep breath and opened

His mouth . That’s right. After my mother died, everything was my fault. It was my father’s fault. The accident wasn’t a simple hit and run. However, he suffered from mental illness and was released from prison early.

Even so, it is a mental illness that confuses reality and imagination, and it is also a disease that requires mandatory treatment. However, there is no way the government will manage it, and you have to manage the disease yourself. I wonder if there is any way that

A person without a family can receive treatment on his own. You held a grudge against me for putting you in prison, and in the end, you took your mother away from me. Why are you telling me this now? You were too young to explain it to me,

So I didn’t think you could handle it. And I want to be a good father to you. I was afraid that you would hate me when I heard it. I’m sorry. I’m only telling you now. My reaction when I heard that was the opposite of what my father expected.

As soon as I heard the story, I realized how much guilt my father must have lived with. I was so upset that tears flowed , and I hugged my father tightly and said this. Dad, I’m really sorry. I

Was wrong. Dad must have had a harder time than anyone else, but I’m sorry for not knowing that and just wandering around. What does that mean? Iseul thought it was something you shouldn’t know. It’s just that Dad didn’t say anything. It ‘s absolutely not something you should be sorry about.

I’m old enough to have things to think about now. So you can share these things with me. Let’s live happily together. I’ll be a really great daughter. Dad was also unexpectedly surprised by my behavior, and soon after, he said, As we cried together, our relationship as father and daughter became much stronger

Than before. And I began to dream new dreams. Before, because my father didn’t spend so much time on me, a job like my father’s didn’t seem cool at all . There was no freedom, but compared to that, I didn’t think it was cool. I thought the price was too little.

However, when I became interested in my father and learned more about the police, I realized that it was a very respectable profession and that my father was a police officer, which made me feel quite proud. So, even among proud occupations

Like the police, I realized that the price was high in its own way. I had a dream of becoming a prosecutor. In fact, my grandmother was very kind and had an excellent education, so I grew up under her and always got good grades.

All I had to do was get a license, and you can’t tell me how happy I was that I had a dream that was just right for me. Of course, more than before. I had to study a lot more, but it wasn’t difficult at all because it was what I wanted to do.

That’s how I became a prosecutor. No matter what anyone says, I am a person who is very proud of being a female prosecutor . So, no matter what blind date or meeting I go out to, I act like I’m the best. Then one day, a man who was perfect for me appeared. He

Was an office worker and he respected me more than anyone else. He was a giving person . Not only did he respect the profession of a prosecutor, but Bob was always on time for me, and above all, he was a person whose personality matched mine very well. But

Strangely enough, he was someone who loved, cared for, and respected me so much. Since I had him by my side, the habit of praising myself disappeared. In fact, I changed into a person who values ​​my inner self more . I think I was greatly influenced

By that person in a positive way. So, I want to marry that person even more. I thought that we could live well in a relationship where we both respect each other and have positive influence on each other in the future. That’s how I proposed to my boyfriend first

. Of course, my boyfriend was very happy and frantically said that he would take me to my parents right away. I was excited, and I still vividly remember how cute it was . But the problem came from an unexpected place. My boyfriend’s mother , or future mother-in-law, was a person

Who had completely opposite thoughts from my boyfriend. I guess I was the man. I don’t know if it was because I thought my boyfriend would get caught and get arrested because my salary was higher than my friend’s and my social status was higher, but it was

Obvious that he was trying to discourage me. When I introduced myself as a prosecutor to my parents-in-law, he said this to me with a tearful look in his eyes, not my mother’s. Yes, well, I heard about it from time to time, but let’s listen. No, he is older than our group by

Four years. Yes, that’s right. So I think it’s better. We are meeting each other with more respect. What do your parents do? My father was a former police officer, but he is now retired, and my mother is me. She passed away when I was young

, so does that mean I grew up under Horabi ? My paternal grandmother took care of me. If I do well without my mother, I will get a lot of points even if she gives me housekeeping. At the same time as I said those words, my boyfriend got angry and

Said hello to my mom for the first time today. Why did you say that to the person who came ? This person is not someone who should be treated like that. Then, the mother seemed to be angry at her son for showing such an attitude and came out even louder

. Oh, then, what kind of person should he be treated? Why should I even pretend to be a prosecutor at this age ? Who? It would be good if you just looked at it positively as you wanted. What is a prosecutor? A prosecutor is like a woman with a good heart

In a job . My boyfriend, who was offended by my mother’s indiscriminate remarks, screamed, but I held his hand and consoled him to stop . I also said this with my eyes straight open. I understood

What my mother said. But I was so proud of my father, who was a police officer, that I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become someone someone could be proud of. I guess he would be proud of me if I judged many

Criminals as a prosecutor and freed those who were wronged. I thought there might be people who would be offended. Of course, I also think that jobs have no gender. I tried my best to make my mother understand , but she didn’t like

Me from the beginning, so I guess she didn’t like anything I said. Even when I said that, all the answers I got back were criticisms of me . In the end, my boyfriend held my hand and left. But I

Know that my boyfriend is a good person, so when I was preparing, my parents didn’t know what kind of character he had. I don’t think it mattered , so I didn’t have much sensitivity, and in fact, I used to visit my in-laws more often to look better. But whenever I visited, my mother

Would unreasonably link my family affairs with my job and say mean things to me. Then, one time, I couldn’t stand it anymore. There was a day when I prepared a meal for my soon-to-be parents-in-law. I took expensive Korean beef to a restaurant to protect my health. I didn’t care about the price

And ordered all the expensive parts I wanted to eat and was eating well. Suddenly, my mother-in-law looked at the side dishes next to the meat and asked me this. Try some of the side dishes. Maybe it’s because it’s an expensive place, but they seem to have been made without using

Any seasoning . As expected, maybe it’s because my mother is an excellent cook, so she cooks it quickly . That’s right, I heard that this house makes all the side dishes themselves. Daughter-in-law-to-be, you don’t know how to make side dishes. Here are some

Of my favorite things. Besides that, there are many recipes on the internet these days, so if you just follow them, you won’t have any problems. As expected, I knew I would do that . The recipes are not so tailored to modern tastes. My Hyukjun

Has been eating only the food I made for Jeong Seok-kwon since he was very young. It’s tricky, so I’ll try my best. Mom, but you don’t have any parents to bring you side dishes, and you did well without your mom . You wouldn’t have learned anything about cooking or how to help

Yourself, but I don’t like it anyway. I learned a lot about cooking from looking over my grandmother’s shoulder. My grandmother’s cooking skills are really amazing. And as for my wife, even though I lost my mother at an early age, that’s why I

‘ve matured at a younger age than others, and I’m confident that I’m really good at housework. You’ll have to watch and see . You live in the house every day, and I wonder if you and your dad have normal thoughts , and it’s just Horaebi. If the child had stopped at

That point, I would have tried to endure it , but now that he was trying to insult my father, whom I really respect, I couldn’t get angry anymore. He told me to endure it, so in the moment, I uttered a strong word. Mother, not only me but also my father,

Is the one who risked his life to protect the country. Please don’t talk so carelessly . No, did I say something wrong? The psychiatrist faces mentally ill people all day, so the doctor also takes medicine.

They say they eat, but it’s not like being a police officer or a prosecutor. Do you not like my job that much ? No, it’s easy for a woman to become a prosecutor like a maid. If you don’t like it that much, I’ll pretend I never got married. Well, you

‘re threatening me now, so I said that, and only then did my boyfriend and father startle. Started to stop me. My boyfriend and I also told my mother to stop in the beginning. It kept happening over and over again, so now I can move on, but I feel so sad. My boyfriend

Said to me, “Sister, what does that mean? You’re going to pretend the marriage never happened, literally. ” Hey, to be honest, I’m a person who doesn’t care about appearance, wealth, or fame. I can’t stand it anymore when I and my dad are treated like that after coming here

. Marriage is with you, not your in-laws, so I tried a lot to get over it somehow, but it ‘s so hard. Father, please stop saying a word in front of me. Baby, just calm down and if we are affectionate like this

, you won’t be able to sleep at all. You too, just stop and stay still. Father, your father also agrees with what you said . No, no, but why did you never protect me even once? They won’t do it

. I’m still doing this to this day, but I’m not confident that I’ll continue to hear these mocking words for the rest of my life. With those words, I left the restaurant . Of course, I was already thinking about ending it, so I didn’t pay.

My boyfriend only told me a week later that he had paid. That’s why my father, who heard the news, told me that I had made the right choice. He knew that we had worked harder than anyone else, so he told me not to marry a family that insulted me

Like that, and I also made up my mind. But my boyfriend came to see me every evening, knelt down and begged me and said, “Baby, I’ll do really well . You know I only have a sister. Yes , I can never even say Paon. It’s already spilled water. I’m so tired

.” Even so, I hate it when my dad is treated like that. Moreover , if you find fault with various issues even after we get married, then what about my grandmother who raised me with care? I’m really sorry. After that, I put a bad finger on my mom.

If you say something like that even once, I won’t end it with you. I said I was going to end things with my mom , but she said she understood and said she would n’t do it anymore . That’s it. It must be difficult

. You’re the same in the end. What did you do while I was listening to that ? So, I’m sending it back. He was supposed to be my life-long companion, but I guess I just sat on the sidelines too much. I’m sorry, sister. The side I showed this time

Was only fragmentary. You know how good I was when I was dating you, but I promise that even after I get married, I’ll only show that side of myself . Yes, what you said was true. I’m not that young, so

I met a lot of men, but I didn’t have a boyfriend . He was by far the most homely and kind man I’ve ever met. So in the end, I gave in to my boyfriend’s words and went ahead with the meeting as planned. I tried my best to persuade my father as well

, but fortunately he respected me the most. Because he was a giver , he was someone who believed that no matter what choice I made, I made the best choice. So he said this to me , and Iseul, your father always says, but you are a very

Smart child, so you will believe that the path you chose was the best choice. So my father understood. If you can understand the person you bought, your dad should understand too, so what can you do? That’s why I really like my dad who thinks like this. But there’s one

Thing you need to know . Even if there’s a problem with the choice you made, then go back to your dad. You just have to make a choice to come back. And you shouldn’t think that it was you. I know, that’s what my dad always said. There will come

A day when I regret whatever choice I make. I just have to make a choice that I will regret a little less. That’s how it is. Dad has lived like that all this time. So, I don’t have any regrets or regrets

In the life of my father, which was created by the path he chose himself . You do the same, so of course. Then, let’s proceed with the meeting as planned. At the meeting that was so difficult to arrange, I arrived with my father

About 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled time, father. I could see that he was very nervous, so I helped my father untie his chest, but in fact, I was nervous that my mother-in-law would say the same thing in front of my father. But the situation ended up becoming

Even more dramatic. My father-in-law was surprised and pulled my father to sit down, and my mother-in-law said, I ended up fainting on the spot. The incident went like this. First, my prospective parents-in-law opened the door and came in with my boyfriend. My father got up

And greeted my parents-in-law. Oh, hello. It’s my first time meeting you. I’m Iseul’s father. He is a human. However, my father-in-law stood still and looked at my father for a while and then suddenly said this. No, aren’t you Detective Choi Myeong-gil? Oh, what is my name? Oh, it’s

True. That’s right. How can you do this? Then, my father-in-law came up to my father and told him to come, hugged me and got angry. He introduced himself like this. It’s me , Detective. 20 years ago, you came to my house. You stayed undercover for a week and

Caught the conman who took Jae-Sang Jeon. Thanks to that, you saved my wife and son’s life while they were left alone on the street, but I don’t remember you. It was 20 years ago. At that time, you held my hand and showed your tears.

He asked me to catch him and save him. Yes , yes, that’s right. At that time, my wife was accused of something strange and was scammed. Oh, but I survived because of the detective. If it weren’t for it, I don’t even want to imagine

What would have happened to my family. Thank you so much for remembering. Now that we have a personal relationship like this, I have to remember, of course. I went to the police station to look for him a few times, but when I saw the detective,

He was so busy that I always thought about him so much. But it is an honor to meet you like this . After realizing how a human relationship can be so special, I found out that my in-laws’ family was the victim of a scammer caught by my father

20 years ago , and that the cause of the damage was none other than my mother-in-law . That means I should be grateful to my mother-in-law and my father for the rest of my life. They said she was the one who would do it , but she was

Swearing at me and my dad so much . After she figured out the situation, my mother-in-law was sweating profusely throughout the meal. So, with a fake expression of concern, I asked my mother this, “Mother, are you uncomfortable?” Why are you sweating so much ? Oh, that’s not it. Don’t worry. How

Can you not care? If it’s hot, should I ask you to turn on the air conditioner? No, it ‘s okay. Let’s just eat quickly. But my father and I knew why my mother-in-law was sweating so much, so my father was a little worried.

I spoke to my mother-in-law like this with the intention of giving it to her, and I heard a lot from Rai. He said that he was very honest about what he heard about me. Oh, that’s right. Then, my father-in-law sitting next to me noticed and

Apologized to my father. He made an expression of “yes” and continued talking like this. Yes, I was just about to apologize after seeing you today . My wife and I are truly sorry for the harsh words we have been saying to your daughter

. Besides, now that we know that you are our lifesaver, we will never do anything like that again. There won’t be. I ‘ll ask you a favor too. Then, my father got angry at my mother and said, “What are you doing if you don’t apologize quickly ? Oh, I’m really sorry.

[Applause] I have no excuse. My mother-in-law couldn’t say anything that hesitantly, but we all did it. She was sweating so much that it was visible to the naked eye. But she didn’t know what to do and suddenly fainted . Everyone in the room was shocked and went into chaos

. They urgently called an ambulance and her mother was taken to the emergency room. I, the prosecutor, called in. I have a mother-in-law who grew up under the rain and said that even if I took care of her, she would have suffered a loss. Who

Would have thought that she would faint like this at a meeting ? Fortunately, the reason why my mother-in-law fainted was simply because she suddenly collapsed from shock, and the doctor said that she would be fine as soon as she wakes up after a training session. My father was relieved and

Went home first. And out of courtesy, I felt like I had to stay where I was, so I asked my father-in-law to ask if my mother would wake up. That left my boyfriend and I alone. At that point, my boyfriend said this to me. Thank you

So much for staying with me . I know you must have done a lot to prepare for today’s funeral, but I guess I was really surprised when your mother suddenly collapsed. But I guess it’s probably because he felt sorry for me and my father-in-law.

Even though I was young. I roughly remember everything. My mom was fooled by a scammer and was on the verge of losing all her money. At that time, their relationship really

Went to the sea and they were on the verge of divorce. Since they didn’t have money, they made a fuss and even asked me to take them away , and my mom felt guilty. After suffering, the fraudster was caught in a really dramatic way . But fortunately, we had money left

, so what does my father-in-law mean to our family ? It’s a moment that makes my father proud once again. When my mother wakes up, I will be nearby, so the two of us can talk. I think it would be a good idea to do it . How about that? I

Will do that. About an hour passed. When I heard that my mother-in-law had woken up, I carefully approached her side. As soon as she saw me, my mother-in-law was so upset that she started crying and asked , “Iseul , how are you feeling

?” Well, I don’t deserve it. Why do you say things like that? Do you know how surprised we were? I was so surprised that I remembered the times I slandered and slandered you, one by one , and I don’t even know why I did that. I just feel so sorry that I

Honestly apologize and only apologize. I want to know my mother’s more honest feelings. Why does she hate me so much? Maybe I was just crazy for a moment. You were so much better than my son that

I was worried that Hyeokju would get caught by you. Of course, I know that this job is really great, but on the other hand , it’s a job where you get a lot of threats, and besides, Hyeokju. I heard it from you. The reason your mother died.

What if my son does the same thing? My anxiety grew. I was really going crazy, and I kept hating you in my heart because of my lack of qualifications. You may have heard it before , but I was also the one who tried to ruin our family. To begin with, I

Was also an uneducated person, so when I wanted to get married, my in- laws were against even just sleeping with me, so I treated my in-laws harshly. Then, one day, I thought I couldn’t take it any longer, so I thought I wanted to be of help to our family.

So, in response to the scammer’s words, I made a judgment so foolish that I fell for it. If he said it would have been a moment for my family to become rich thanks to me , but in the end, I was caught in a scam and barely

Survived thanks to your father, but for that reason, I was treated even more poorly. I had to receive it . That’s why my problem now is that I have an inferiority complex. In that state, I met an amazing woman like you, and I couldn’t help but feel angry.

This is why I hated you. It’s really childish, I know. That’s why I’m so sorry. I’m a shameless wife and mother. Next, my shameless mother-in-law, I’m really sorry. When I heard that, I didn’t know what to say, so I

Just stared at my mother-in-law in silence for a while . But in the end, after realizing that what I should have done was comfort, not revenge, she continued speaking like this . You’re not without shame. There’s something strange about the person who committed the mistake in your mother’s words.

What does that mean? I’m a prosecutor, so I had to pinpoint the perpetrator. First of all, it’s nonsense for a daughter-in-law to be without shame. The ancestral rites that my mother offered as a daughter-in-law at her in-laws went on and on. There are only a few dishes that were

Cooked and ruined by men sitting on the sofa watching TV, but they are shameless. And the second shameless wife and mother. Likewise, if the mother was defrauded, she is the victim. How can that make her the perpetrator who ruins the family? The perpetrator is not the mother. The

Fraudster is the perpetrator, and your mother is doing her best as a mother and wife to this day , so it is impossible to say that she has no shame . And finally, a mother- in-law who has no shame. Is this honestly

True? Lee Seul-ah, your mother is the first to be a perpetrator rather than a victim . You are the one who bullied me for no reason. But now you have confessed your mistake and asked for my forgiveness . I am asking you to please treat me a lot from now on. I think

It will work. You are always smart, pretty , and cool. I envy you. You are my daughter-in-law. Thank you so much for being my mother-in- law. I will work hard to become a respectable mother-in-law from now on. Thank you, mother. Our very eventful incident

Has come to an end. Since then, my boyfriend got married and we became husband and wife, and as expected, my husband As expected, he was a great husband who always gave me a positive influence. And we continued our smooth married life.

I had a lot of worries about pregnancy due to my age, but recently, I finally succeeded in getting pregnant and am having a very peaceful prenatal care. Of course. My husband is very good to me , but the biggest surprise is my mother-in-law. After my mother-in-law and I reconciled,

My mother-in-law treated me like a precious daughter and acted as if she would do anything I wanted and was the best mother-in-law by not making me do anything. Thanks to that, if there’s a side dish I want to eat, they quickly make it for me and feed me

To them. We go shopping and eat out together like friends, and even my acquaintances praise me a lot and listen to me calling my daughter-in-law an idiot. That’s how I receive a lot of love from my parents-in-law, and

Thanks to that, I’m sure there’s a lot of food in my stomach. I think my child can be born very healthy too . This is the end of my story. I was wondering what I should do during prenatal education, and what I found was writing down my story.

As I was sleeping, I was writing down special things that happened to me. I feel like I’ve lived a very good life . So thank you very much for listening to my long story so far. I hope everyone is happy this year as well. Today’s

Story is about a mother-in-law who was paying 200 in child support, sending her granddaughter away under false pretenses, and the clothes she wore for her daughter. This is a story that says, ” The moment I saw it, I hugged my mother-in-law and opened my eyes.” Let’s read today’s story.

Hello, I am a woman in her mid-40s who is raising a daughter. Today, I sent the story because I wanted to share what happened at my house . My husband and I are a dual-income couple . I am

Working at a public enterprise in Sejong City, and so much time has passed that I have the title of manager on my business card. [Music] My husband is in his mid -40s and works at a leading semiconductor company in Korea,

And he also has the title of manager. Both of them are married. Still, if you say you have a pretty good job, everyone will say that and you won’t have to worry about money at home. But we are

Not in that case, and we are a newlywed couple who started life as a newlywed in a rented room without receiving any help from our parents . We started from the bottom and lived up to what others thought. It took a lot of hard work to create a normal family.

Instead of receiving help from the family, we ended up helping both families. Perhaps because we grew up as the eldest son and eldest daughter in the same situation and with similar feelings , there were no problems between the couple. After the birth of our daughter, Hannah, we became even more

Attuned. Since I work in a rural area, I only come to Seoul on weekends to spend time with my child. It’s a shame, but it’s something I can’t help but my family understands. However, my daughter is so kind and

Lovely that I can only spend time with her. Instead of using it once, she worries about my mother. On weekdays , my mother-in-law, who lives near the main house in Seoul, comes every day and takes care of the child on behalf of my busy husband. I have never experienced

Living with an in-law. Even before we ask, my mother-in-law understands the situation first. She said that she would take care of the child. My husband’s father passed away when he was young, but

He grew up with a mother who loved children and had a good personality, so we thought he had a gentle and kind personality. So, out of gratitude, we gave our mother an allowance of 2 million won every month. I’m giving it to you. People

May ask why I’m giving so much, but those who are parents know that it’s much more comfortable for parents than to leave it to a stranger. Entrusting your daughter’s daughter to a complete stranger in the hands of her loving and caring mother-in-law has more value than pocket money. We have already felt this

. The mother-in-law sticks close to the child’s side, not only taking her to and from school, but also preparing her husband’s meals when he comes home from work . From my point of view, I am so embarrassed and grateful that I don’t know what to do.

I have a normal life with my husband. We met , dated for about 3 years, and got married in our early 30s. There was no conflict with my in-laws, and my husband was very kind and easy-going, so we never fought

Much. There was only one thing that I felt strange while marrying my husband, and that was my husband’s younger brother, Shinwoo . In fact, I am embarrassed to say that CNU exists. I saw him only once in

The 10 years that I got married and lived with my husband. According to my husband, CNU went to Australia as soon as he turned 20, went to college, and married the foreign husband he met there. He said he did. He said he only held weddings in Australia and

That’s why he rarely came to Korea. My sister -in-law, who is five years younger than my husband, I didn’t see even when she was a bier, and I met her for the first time at her wedding. She had a pretty face for a child, but strangely,

She seemed more awkward with her family than me. One day, I asked my husband this. Could it be that my sister-in-law is not my biological daughter ? My husband shook his head , asking what kind of nonsense I was talking about and not

Seeing that she looked just like my mother. CNU, who had not set foot in Korea for over 10 years. I came to Korea after a time of changing times to see my brother’s wedding. Then, the next day, I bought a plane ticket and went back to Australia.

After the wedding, all I did was give him a few quick eye contacts . After that, of course, there was no contact with us . Fortunately, my friends were envious of me, saying that you didn’t know how hateful Shinwoo was when he was rude. Other than that, I

Was leading a normal married life. Until one day I received a call from my daughter’s homeroom teacher, I had no idea that I would have any trouble in the future. I did n’t think there would be one. As we entered fall and Nana was busy with various events, I received

A call from an unknown number. Hello, Hannah’s mother . This is Hannah’s homeroom teacher. I was quite surprised because I had never received a phone call from her before. Yes, teacher , hello mom. I’m contacting you because I think you should know because it’s not about anything else but

Because Hana had a problem with her classmates. My heart sank when I heard those words. My daughter wasn’t the kind of kid who would fight with her peers, so I immediately felt like she was being ostracized. Hannah I’m not the type to fight with anyone.

Are you being ostracized ? I’m so sorry to tell you, but I think so. It made me hate my mother. I knew how big the feeling of alienation would be. But what the teacher said after that was even more shocking than that. Hannah was not managed.

It seemed like I did n’t do laundry for a long time, so I often wore clothes that smelled, and the girls I hung out with used that as an excuse to exclude Hanal. No, no matter how hard my husband and I tried to save, even if I had to wear a straw bag,

We I was worried about saving money on my daughter’s clothes. I was very embarrassed and said I didn’t know what that meant. Teacher Daim answered quite firmly. I would have passed it up in a day or two, but I also asked Hanna a few times . But I heard that her paternal grandmother

Was taking care of the child. I called my mother because I thought she didn’t know. From then on, my heart was racing like crazy and I couldn’t get any work done, so I took annual leave the next day and the day after that and went straight

To Seoul . I didn’t understand what this meant and thought it was ridiculous. My house The person with the most clothes was me, and even though it was unreasonable to do so, I bought a lot of pretty clothes for each season that

Could only be worn at that age. Like a one-piece gentleman , I wear the same clothes and carry the same bag every day, but I still wear pretty clothes in yellow, blue, and orange. Seeing my babies was the joy of my life. That day, I ran home and

I comforted my daughter, who was downcast. It had been a difficult time for me, and I’m sorry that my mom didn’t know. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there for her. As I said those words while patting the child, I burst into tears several times .

And the next day, my mother-in-law came home without saying a word. She was surprised to see me. When did you come up ? Yesterday evening. Mom, I ‘m going to take her to school and do housework today. Mom seemed to be having a hard time, so I just

Came up. Actually, that was the busiest time at work , but I wondered if there was anything more important than my daughter’s work. And that day, I wore pretty clothes. I tied up my child’s hair in neat pigtails and took him to school. I also went to the school and

Met the teacher and talked to him. I told him that I would like him to pay special attention to my child because it would not happen again in the future. And the next day, when I had to go down

For work, I was paying attention here and there. Maybe I was tired because I didn’t get much sleep, so I overslept. I woke up not because of the sound of an alarm, but because of a strange feeling. When my daughter

Hurried out to the living room to tell me that it was time to eat breakfast, I saw my mother watching my child eat breakfast next to me. I was shocked. Oh, mother, what are Hannah’s clothes? As soon as I saw her, I couldn’t help but frown.

To put it a little harshly, it was a knit with a stretched neck that seemed to have been given to my daughter when she was buying used clothes. It was much bigger than this size and ended up dragging on the floor.

She was wearing shabby pants that were dragging on her. I could almost believe she was a different person from yesterday when she wore a pretty dress. I was so upset that I took the child into the closet and changed his clothes. Then , I left the house with

The child, saying that I would take him to school . When I returned home after taking my child to school and calming down , my mother was sitting in the living room watching TV. Mother, I have something to tell you. Okay, don’t dress Hannah like that. You can tell just by

Going into her room. You ‘re a genius, and it’s not like we can’t earn or live like that, so you don’t have to worry about that . Hannah was bullied at school, and she was wearing strange clothes. So, Mom, I don’t want you to be embarrassed , but I’ll ask you a favor.

I went down in a hurry because of work without even being able to see my husband’s face. My mother was not a person with no common sense, so I went down believing that she would listen to my request. However, that trust was broken the very next

Week . After that, I called my daughter every day during my lunch hour, but she seemed a little depressed that day, so I asked her to take a picture of what she was wearing today and send it to her mom. [Music] And what caught my eye was the picture

I saw at home at that time. The daughter was dressed like a girl and had messy hair, but Haneul played and called her husband. But it seemed like he couldn’t call her. Honey , I’m at work. I can’t call you right now. I have to go to a meeting.

The meeting is n’t important right now. Hearing my crying voice, my husband said he knew right away and asked me to wait for a moment. Then, I saw the picture he sent me of a drama where he was probably on a rooftop or falling down an emergency staircase. How could you not know

? My child goes to school like this. How can you not pay attention like it’s someone else’s meeting? I asked. I screamed for evil. I have never been this angry before, from dating to marriage with this person. My husband was so embarrassed that

He couldn’t say anything and just screamed at his parents. Oh, I was the first one to come out in the morning, so my mom made Hannah get ready and went. I didn’t see it. When you enter the house, you look

Into the child. So, of course, as soon as you get home, Hannah’s room is full. But I didn’t know this. You said it doesn’t happen for a day or two, but I didn’t tell you last week because I was afraid you would

Worry about me because I was busy. I spoke well to your mother so that she would understand. But what is this? While my daughter was being bullied and hurting, what did the father who lives with me do? My husband became completely dumb. He started getting angry and said, “I ca

N’t do it. I need to give my mother more pocket money. ” How can you say that to your mother? I know what my mother did to you and me . Actually,

There was nothing wrong with what my husband said. I also got emotional and said that, but I kept doing what I did back then. I’m regretting what I said. My brother’s mother wasn’t the kind of person who revealed money like that, and she certainly wasn’t the kind of person who would threaten

Her children against her granddaughter. So I was speechless because I thought I made a mistake, but my husband took a deep breath. That’s right, I’ll pay more attention to it. I didn’t know it was to this extent. I expected that my mom wouldn’t be able

To decorate my child as stylishly and pretty as you because she’s older, but I didn’t know she’d send my child to school in false clothes that aren’t even the clothes we have at home. I’ll pay more attention to that.

I’m sorry. My husband said he didn’t know why my mother was like this. Even when I went down to Sejong City and my husband started paying attention in the beginning. I added that I was sorry, saying that it was never at this level,

And that it had probably become like this recently. I don’t know what I was thinking as I sat at work after that. I felt a sense of regret and self-destruction, wondering why I was living like this, and it was something I couldn’t put my finger on. After that , as if to keep

His promise to me, my husband withdrew from the project he was working on and went home at 6 o’clock. It was a project that involved a promotion, but my children’s work was more important than that for both of us. We all had the same values.

Plus, with the addition of working from home every other week, my husband was now in charge of taking care of our daughter. Even though he had to work early, I felt sorry and grateful to my husband, who was always responsible for getting the child ready and ready for school.

I told her that since I worked for a public company rather than a private company, I could see that my husband had sacrificed himself for me, who was not free to coordinate. He said he was sorry for making me live alone and that he would pay more attention

To me. I called teacher Dani. I was in charge of receiving feedback on my school life. Fortunately , they said that I was getting along well with my friends again. When I was the only one left on the weekends, they started to cry. On Mondays, they suffered more than me because

They didn’t want to go to work. The times they hit me for not wanting to go to school gradually decreased a lot. I also felt that it was getting better. I felt that all the problems were returning to normal. Then one day, I got

A call from the management office of the apartment complex where my mother-in- law lived. I was working at the company with a relaxed mind, but I was once again shocked by the noise I heard. There was no choice . Now, the old ladies were caught abandoning the gambling table.

Yes, you are the daughter-in-law of the lady in room 312. I was told that I could call this time, but the police officers also came out from the police station here. Oh, it’s not a mess. I can’t understand the mother who causes accidents like a teenager in puberty.

There wasn’t. I couldn’t bear to call my husband, so I told him that I had an urgent matter at home and quickly came up to Seoul. When I arrived, it was already late at night and I went to the management office.

Then, did you come back now? He asked me as he always did. No, mother. It seems like you live alone , so please pay attention. It’s not like there’s a lot of stake at stake, and I know it’s just a place for

Local residents to kill time with each other, but I guess the house below reported the noise to the police station . When I came, there were 10 people abandoning the gambling table , so the police officers just did it. I couldn’t get over it. So what happened to my mother? I was

Just interrogated briefly and it was over . My daughter-in-law warned me that I shouldn’t do something like that. I lowered my head and said I understood. Then I called my husband after work and told him the whole story. He also went straight to my mother’s house. I ran to take her with me

. I reassured my husband and told him not to worry as it wasn’t a big deal. I went to see my mother. She was okay. She was very surprised. When I said that, my mother took a deep breath and asked me to go and ask her if she was busy.

I was still worried. How can I hug her? It’s okay. It was only then that my husband said something because he was embarrassed to see his children . Mom, why are you acting like this? These days, you don’t even look at Survival Hwatu and Gambling.

Why are you really like this? My husband’s voice was full of disappointment and annoyance. When I first received the call, I was angry, but my mother-in-law was actually downcast. When I saw it, I felt that way. Thinking about my mother-in-law, who must have been interrogated like a criminal by the police, my heart

Soured. After checking with my mother-in-law to see if she was okay and how many times she surprised me, my husband and I returned home and slept for the night . At least tomorrow is the weekend, so I thought I could

Take a break , but I couldn’t relax as things turned out like this. I held on, and with one mind, I went to sit next to my husband, who was drinking alone in the living room, and

Talked to him. Don’t be like that too much, you can do that with your friends for fun. I came here because of the beggar noise and got caught. It’s not like he was gambling illegally there, and I was so

Confused because he was acting like that . I also thought a lot about why my mother was acting like that all of a sudden, but my hesitant husband told me to speak up quickly. My husband was old and worried that he might have dementia. Hearing

My cautious words, my husband poured himself another glass of wine and drank it. He then said that it was not something he had thought about before. That night, my husband and I had a drink and talked calmly . Our conclusion was to

Take my mother-in-law to a general hospital and get tested for signs of dementia . No matter what the results were, we were fully prepared to take her in, and we wanted to prepare as much as possible first. We couldn’t sleep well that night. Actually , speaking of it now, I

Thought about quitting my job. The pay is similar, but it is better for my husband to go out and earn more, and I also wanted to raise the child by my side . I brought my mother with me, and the next day, one of my close friends

Worked in the psychiatry department at a university hospital, so I said it separately. I contacted them, but it wasn’t easy to make a reservation, so through a friend, my husband and I decided to go on vacation next week.

I’m going to try to fit it in on a day when I can afford it. However, my friend said that it’s not difficult to make an appointment, but she wants to meet her mother-in-law first . [Music] She said she wants to meet my mother. Just because you’re older doesn’t

Necessarily mean you have dementia. A lot of older people come to psychiatry, too . But if you bring her to the hospital, I’ll go tomorrow. I’m just your friend, and we can talk over half a meal and a cup of tea. This friend was actually a friend I spent a long time with.

I helped out both materially and spiritually for my friend who was going through hard times in medical school while receiving a scholarship during college. When I said that I didn’t have to go to that extent, my friend said, “I should repay

You for your kindness, even if it’s just like this.” When he asked me if I could remember such a thing, I smiled brightly , but my friend’s suggestion was something my husband and I had never even thought about. I thought it would be worth responding to because it was a psychiatric hospital,

But my mother would also feel burdened, but if it was my friend, I thought I would be comfortable dealing with it . So I told this to my husband, and the very next day, on Sunday, my friend met my mother and said I would be by her side. She told

Me to just eat and leave. With her unique affection and ups and downs, my friend quickly became close with her mother-in-law, and while I was away, I think the two of us talked for nearly three hours. But while I was waiting at home with an anxious and anxious

Heart, I called my friend. I came here. My mother has dementia. It looks like dementia to you. Should I say this is fortunate? I guess it is fortunate. To put it bluntly, it is not dementia. Oh my God, I felt so fortunate that

My legs lost strength. It is not dementia, but there is trauma. You have depression , and those words made my heart sink again. What kind of depression do you have? In my opinion, you have always suffered from depression, but this time, when a traumatic event occurred, the depression seemed to have worsened, and

Gambling was a form of self-destructive behavior. It’s a part of it, but it’s a behavior that accompanies depression, and there’s nothing to worry about. It’s a typical depression story. It’s the same with psychotherapy. Do you have any kind of trauma ? It’s a rule to keep

Conversations with patients a secret. And I think what I’m talking about is off topic, so I’ll ask my husband. My husband knows, so I think it’s right for him to hear it from that channel. I hung up the phone and immediately called my husband and sat down facing him. And

When I told him what my friend said, my husband took a deep breath and said, “Oh, I couldn’t believe it, but it was like that. [Music] You and I.” Are you hiding something from me? Why shouldn’t I know? Tell me quickly. Mom, the only trauma in your life is that Yeonjeong

Was kidnapped. When I heard Shinwoo’s name and the word kidnapping coming out of my husband’s mouth, I wondered if I was dreaming [Music] You. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in advance. I didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell you,

And I was also worried about what I would do if my father-in -law and mother-in-law were against our marriage. My sister-in-law had been abused by her husband, so my father’s business, which had been very wealthy for our family when I was young, was ruined. It was all

[music] success, and I don’t even remember it now, but at the time, my family was one of the richest people in Seoul. Then my father suddenly got scammed, the company went bankrupt, and all his assets were taken away. That’s when my father passed away . Since I was away from the world,

I couldn’t say anything. I had no idea that something like this happened behind my adult husband’s dependable appearance. But they say that misfortunes come at the same time. When my father passed away and my mother gave me her heart, the only time I felt love

Was more than that. I think Yeon -jeong, who didn’t know about her father’s death yet, was prettier. I was worried that she would be ostracized at school because her family was ruined and it was the year her father died. So I made her look prettier than the other kids and dressed her up

In a rich house so that anyone could see her. I still had some clothes left on me . Then I was kidnapped. That’s right, I was kidnapped. came back after a week. Fortunately, the kidnapper was caught, but the family was already devastated, and my mother probably went to hell

During that week. That was her lifelong regret and trauma. For that reason, Yeon-jeong received psychiatric treatment throughout her school years, and as soon as she turned 20. After going to Australia, she left Korea to run away from that incident.

Now, it felt like all the puzzles I had been wondering about were coming together . I completely understood why my sister- in-law was living away from Korea and her family as if they were not her real family. And my mother was with us. I immediately realized why Hannah kept wearing those clothes.

Our child was pretty, so we only dressed her in nice and pretty clothes, but in her mother’s eyes, that was unsettling. She came in wondering if our Hannah would be seen by a rich family and someone would snatch her. Shinwoo , who had been buried in her heart all her life

He must have wanted to prevent it somehow as he remembered the marriage incident. He did it because he loved Hanna so much, who always said that it wouldn’t hurt even if she drew our couple and put it in her eyes.

When I found out about it, my heart was pounding and I couldn’t breathe without realizing it. I ‘m stuck. I couldn’t understand until now. I was heartbroken when my friend said that there was a reason for my mother’s actions and that she must have known about depression her whole life.

After confessing everything, my husband bowed his head and stayed still for a while , then washed his face dry. Soon after, he started sobbing. He said he was so indifferent to his mother. He was in his mid to late 70s.

He cried like a child, saying he didn’t know I was still holding on to what I experienced in my early 30s. My husband was crying and talking like a criminal. Maybe I wanted to run away too. I guess I wanted to live as if it never happened

. After you and Hannah came together, I guess I wanted to push it away because it was a painful memory so that I could treat it like that even more . I sat down tightly with my husband and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” I patted his back and

Cried. You know it’s not your fault. Where is a good son like you ? And who said that? You said that you were the only one who ran away. Even Shinwoo is not there. How did your mother endure it? She endured it just by looking at you. I comforted my husband. I headed

To my mother-in-law’s house . My husband, who said he didn’t want to go because he didn’t want to see his mother, was dragged along by force. My mother- in -law was preparing dinner and looked surprised when we showed up without saying anything.

Did you say you were coming today ? Oh, look at me. What should I do when I don’t have anything ? I said no and came suddenly, but at that moment, I remembered

The clothes my mother used to dress Hannah. So, instead of the master bedroom where my mother sleeps, I headed to a small room with a built-in closet. As expected, the wife was wearing the clothes that looked like mats that she had dressed Hannah in. There was a

Dance. And the moment I took out one of the clothes and fiddled with it and flipped it over, I broke down . I couldn’t hold back the tears that burst out . My husband and my mother were startled by the sound of my crying and came into the room.

My mother was squeezing the clothes behind me. I could see the writing written on it. It had Hannah’s name, home address, and my phone number. I wrote down all the ways to find the child in case someone took the child or got lost. That’s why

I dressed him in clothes that looked like a straw. And in the meantime, my anxiety didn’t go away, so I kept doing this. Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I didn’t even know that you felt the same way, so my husband was sobbing when he saw me.

I’m sorry, Mom, if I ever bring that up again. I didn’t know that I was nailed to my mother’s heart like a useless person. I selfishly ignored everyone just to make myself feel better . Only then did my mother realize that she knew why we came to the house, and she

Cried with us. We are all old, so it’s our fault. I’m sorry, you guys. I’m sorry for making you suffer , especially Mom. I don’t have any respect for you. Your mother actually said that she was sorry to us.

The three of us ended up holding each other in tears while the soup that your mother had just prepared went cold. Who could stop our beautiful day? She said that if they caught her, she felt

Like it was all her fault and felt so guilty that she couldn’t even die. She said she did it because she didn’t want me , who was like her daughter, to see her lose her daughter and go through the same pain she went through. I told her that everything

Was fine with me, everything was fine, so don’t worry about it. I sat down with my mother and cried several times. After that day, my mother-in-law received regular outpatient treatment from my friend. My friend told me that this year’s old wounds and

Trauma could last for a long time . It doesn’t matter if it takes a few years. My mother said that she will live the rest of her life with a happy and comfortable mind. We asked earnestly to let him live with us, and I gave up my greed

And moved to a public institution in Seoul. My salary was lowered, and it was an affiliated institution of the public corporation I was working for , so it was a condition I would never have looked at in the past, but now it’s work. I felt very keenly that

Family is more important than money. I wanted to spend time with Hannah , supporting her and the people closest to her, until she became an adult. I also cared for my mother-in-law , who lives alone, just like my own mother,

And spent a lot of time with her. I sent it to my mother to help her with her treatment. Now that six months have passed since then, my mother’s condition has improved noticeably. A doctor friend said that my mother-in-law is like the best model student in school. The doctor

Told her to try it, and she wrote a diary and sent a telegram outside. He said he has increased his activities, and is enjoying his hobbies by going to a cultural center near his apartment, learning songs, and writing poetry. I am living each day to the fullest and

Discovering truer happiness. If I were not afraid and excited about the approaching 50s, would I be able to feel how happy I am? Now that the situation is difficult due to the coronavirus, I hope that warm comfort will be conveyed to the hearts of everyone who hears my story.

Thank you for listening. Have a happy day. Hello, I am a woman in her 30s who runs a private beauty salon in Seoul. These days, the term ‘golden spoon’ is used. You know, I’m not a wealthy person, but I was fortunate enough to be born and raised by

Parents who had some financial ability, so I had a prosperous childhood in my own way. Not everything in a person’s life can be solved with money alone, but since I have money, most problems can be solved. That’s right, what kind of conglomerate family?

Even though I didn’t live like my son and daughter, I grew up without knowing that I was lacking. Is it because I spent my childhood that way, or was it just my personality that I was born with? From a young age, I had an unusually strong sense of adventure and challenge.

When something new happened, I was always the first to rush in and help others. I tried harder to do things that I was told I could never do. Of course, not everything that started that way ended well. During summer vacation in high school

, I went to Gangwon-do to go surfing , which was not well known, and ended up breaking my leg. When I was a college student, venture businesses were all the rage.

There was a time when I started a business with an item that didn’t even exist and ended up getting stuck in the car . Still, my parents always supported me. To be honest, I know that saying things like this may be

A bit uncomfortable for others to hear. I know, usually, even if you make a mistake once, it’s very difficult to bring it up again. But thanks to my wealthy parents, I was able to live without fear of mistakes. But even so, no matter how much money my parents had,

I couldn’t live doing something new like that forever. As I got older and was about to graduate, I thought I needed to find something of my own that I could immerse myself in and pursue until the end. Something that would allow me to make money while doing what I wanted to do.

After thinking about it for a while, the thing I chose was hairdressing. I’m always looking for new things, but when I try something, I tend to be completely absorbed in it. I started living at Mijigu Beauty Academy at a later age than other people. Thanks to that, I was able to pass

The certification exam in one go , although the preparation period was a bit longer. After that, my family was the same as everyone else. I actually worked as an assistant at several beauty salons to learn how to do hair in the field. Instead, the training period was

Much longer for me than other people. Although I received very little money during the training, I was able to make a living. I didn’t have to worry, and once I felt I had learned a certain amount, I could open a shop right away. So, I took a traineeship

This year with the thought that I would learn what I needed to learn properly. After completing the training and gaining some confidence, I finally opened a hair salon. At first, there were only a few customers. There really were very few, but as time passed

And word of mouth began to spread, the number of customers began to increase . I had my own secret. I always suggest new styles to those who come to our shop for the first time. In my opinion, this is the style for customers.

I thought this would suit me better, so I said, would you give it a try? In fact, even when I say that, most people just say please do as they ask , but sometimes there are people who accept my suggestion. Then, I get really excited and

Do the hair and the customers do it too. They are always satisfied , and as the number of such people began to accumulate one by one , the shop I run became so famous that people came from far away. I think I worked full-time for almost five years

With almost no days off. As a result, I expanded the shop and added several employees. But no matter how good it is, if you do it every day , you can’t help but get tired of it. Moreover, since it’s something you do to make money,

I started to get more and more tired. And from a certain point, I started to feel more and more lonely, and one day, when I looked back, I saw that all my friends my age had friends, and even some of them were already there.

I had friends who had become parents, but I was the only one who was busy with work and living alone . Then one day, I still had a deadline left, but I felt strangely tired. I had no motivation to suggest new hairstyles like before, and I didn’t even want to receive more customers.

There wasn’t, but at that time, a male customer came into the shop. With that in mind, we only accept customers coming in now, and let’s go in early today. With that in mind, I grabbed the scissors again.

It was my first time seeing the male customer, but he seemed to have a very nice impression. Is this your first time at the shop ? Well, I was introduced to it by a co-worker. Oh, that’s right. Welcome . I’ll give you a nice haircut. Her attitude was hesitant, but

She had such a nice and good look that she even looked cute. Then, her tired mind gradually disappeared and she lost her motivation. This rose up . When was the last time you did your hair ? I don’t remember. When you ask men, they

Usually say they did it about a month ago. But seeing as they say they don’t even remember, it seems like it’s been a long time since they had their hair done. They oiled their hair on purpose. It didn’t seem like it, but

It was a bit messy overall, so I suggested a new style to him as usual. Sir, if you don’t mind, may I recommend a style to you ? I recommend it. If you look closely, it seems like

The hair of a really handsome man doesn’t make up for his beauty. I’m a handsome guy. If you don’t have a particular style in mind, trust me. I’ll make it look really pretty. Then

, please ask. As soon as I heard the answer, I got motivated again as if it hadn’t happened before. The fastball went up. The man had a good impression, but overall, he was either a good-looking guy with thin lines, or the word ‘handsome guy’ was popular. He had that type of

Face. It may sound strange to say this, but I was even more excited because the material was so good. I spent a lot of time getting my hair done like that. I permed it a bit and it was already time to close.

The customer’s hair was already finished. It was done. What do you think, customer? Do you like your hair ? This is really me. The man looked genuinely surprised. He didn’t get it done for a long time, so it was shaggy. After tidying up my hair and adding a bit of styling, I became

A handsome man who could be put anywhere . I came here after receiving a recommendation from Jik, but I didn’t expect him to be this good at it. Thank you so much. What’s more, I’m even more grateful because I can style someone like a customer.

It was fun. The man looked in the mirror and admired his new appearance again and again, as if he wasn’t used to it. Then he arrived at the counter to pay. How much is it? 15 Please give me 5,000 won. Isn’t that a cut fee? I think I also had a perm earlier

. That’s just something I did on my own. It’s not what the customer wanted, so I can’t get paid for it. But it’s really okay if you didn’t pay for it even though you did it so well. Just seeing the customer change like this is rewarding enough. Of course, I would never

Say things like that in normal times. I don’t do it. It’s all about making money, but you don’t get paid. No matter how much I suggest a hairstyle, I tell everyone in advance how much it will cost if the perm is included. But customer Lee Won

Was an opportunity that gave me energy again when I was exhausted. It was a good idea, and I was so smart that I just felt like it. But there, the customer said something really unexpected. No,

It’s not right to not repay you in return for being so kind to me. It was late anyway, so if you haven’t had dinner yet, I’ll do it. Is it okay if I buy it? It’s dinner . Have you already eaten it? No, I didn’t.

Even though I had prepared it, my heart sank when a handsome man came in like that. So, without realizing it, I huffed and told the staff to close the store, and then I went to dinner with myself. We had

A meal , and after that, we met a few more times and our love for each other grew. At that time, I was already over 30 , so the topic of marriage couldn’t help but come up. Before, no matter what I did, he didn’t say anything. When

My parents told me that I was seeing a man over 30, they made a fuss and told me to come home and say hello to him. I guess they thought I might not get married and live alone. So, after only 3 months of meeting,

My boyfriend said hello to my parents first. But there was a problem. I didn’t know much about it because our relationship didn’t last long, but my boyfriend’s father wasn’t there . My boyfriend had been raised by his mother alone since he was in middle school. But my parents didn’t seem to like

That at all. As soon as my boyfriend passed away, my mother You called me and said something . Are you really thinking of marrying that person ? He is a good person. He has a bright personality, but he also has an easy personality

, and above all, he is sincere. As you said, he seems like a good person. Why has my father not been around since I was young ? Even if it doesn’t seem obvious on the outside, it’s bound to show up somewhere that you don’t have parents. Besides, the family’s situation isn’t that good

, so when you get married, you won’t be able to do anything and your mother-in-law will have to take care of you. I guess that’s because of your personality. Hey, Mom, you’re married and all that stuff is old news. It’s a certain time these days. And to be honest,

I earn several times more than that person, but even my mother-in-law would say that. Oh, but that’s not the case. Anyway, Mom, it’s kind of like that. You don’t have to worry, mom. If you look at the sky and see that person who knows the heat, you must be a good person too.

Yes, you should be. My mother was worried in many ways. Basically, she was also worried that we spent our childhood without our father. You were worried that she might ask you to live with me, but I wasn’t that worried

. A few days after my boyfriend came to my house, of course I said hello to his mother. Yes, I found her. We haven’t eaten yet , but dinner is ready, so let’s eat it . My mother greeted me very warmly when I went to say hello

. When I entered the house, there were all kinds of ribs and japchae on top. She said she was thinking of marrying Min-gyu. It hasn’t been long since we met, but we are both old and quick to do things when we think we are the same person. I thought

It would be good too . My Mingyu likes it that much. I heard, he’s kind and sincere and, above all, he’s handsome. That’s right, I’m not saying he’s my son, but it’s not like our Mingyu is some kind of stranger that gets

Left out. The atmosphere was very lively. My mother welcomed me so much, and I didn’t hate her like that. But it’s true. Since I was there to say hello on the premise of getting married , I thought I should talk

About it. It was a problem immediately after marriage. What my mother was most worried about was living with my mother-in-law, so I brought it up right then and there . I told her this when I first met her. I’m really sorry for this, but my mother is so adamant about this that I

Can’t help but ask her. So don’t worry and ask. Your mother, are you planning on living with us? Yes, the mother in question is visibly embarrassed and that’s it. The same thing happened to my boyfriend who was next to me. Not long ago,

I heard that your mother also worked, but since her boyfriend found out about her dream, I heard that she no longer works and lives only on the money her husband earns. Even after getting married, Min-gyu said, I will continue to provide living expenses . I earn money, so that

Is not a big problem . Besides, I have a new home that I bought, so I will use it. However, my mother is worried, so I will try to make my boyfriend and

My mother feel better as much as possible. I said it well and not in a bad way. To be honest, I don’t feel very uncomfortable living with my mother. However, there are some things that my mother is worried about, so I wanted to clear up that issue before leaving. Yes,

If that’s what my in-laws think, I ‘ll follow suit and don’t worry about it. Mingyu. It’s because he was so rude. I also worked and did everything until a while ago. We exchanged a few more words after that, but that was practically the end of the day’s greetings.

I know I’ve grown a little crazy, but I’ve worried about the worries I’ve caused my parents my whole life. I didn’t want to get in trouble while getting married, so I asked at the risk of being rude. Luckily, both my boyfriend and my mother understood my intentions, and we got married

With everyone’s blessings. It’s not like I didn’t have a boyfriend until then. Even though I was living a hectic life, I did everything I had to do , but marriage was different. We had different things to do and were very busy, so we didn’t really have time to see each other, but just

Having someone to eat with and sleep in the same bed with was very calming. But my husband was with me. Unlike him, his expression got worse as time went by. Of course, it wasn’t that he didn’t like spending time with me, but he said he kept getting worried

Every time he thought about his mother who was alone . After getting married, his mother was planning to start working again anyway. Since we had decided to live separately , my husband couldn’t tell me about it . But this time,

I stopped him. Even though he is older, I thought it would make sense to get my son married and start over again. So, all the money my wife and I spend is on me. I had to pay for it and use

The money my husband earned for my husband’s allowance and my mother-in-law’s living expenses. Even if my husband was an ordinary office worker, he would have earned 300 per month, so there would have been no inconvenience for my mother living alone. However, I think that wasn’t what

My husband was worried about. Her mother had raised her all her life alone, but now that she deserved some care, she felt guilty for living separately. Seeing that made me feel a bit sad too. Honey, I ‘m very worried about your mother. As you know, my mother

Raised me through hardships alone. It’s time for me to carry the stone, but being away like this makes me feel very uncomfortable. What’s there to be so uncomfortable about? He’s paying enough for my mother’s living expenses. I’ll give her living expenses and plenty, but my mother is older and she often says things

Like “I’m in pain,” but she’s alone. I ‘m worried about not being able to contact her if something happens. Seeing my husband with tears in his eyes as he talks about his mother hurts my heart. My mother is worried that I might end up living with her husband, but my mother-in-law doesn’t seem

Like that type of person. I made up my mind and made a decision. Honey, should I take your mother to my house? Oh well, you’re so worried, but I think it’s my heart . Your mother isn’t the kind of person who wants you to get married, so let’s just

Take her for now. It’s okay. Yes, I thought about it for a long time. It was a decision I made . It wasn’t an impulsive thing, so you don’t have to worry. That’s how we started living with my mother-in-law. Of course , my mother was also

Worried . She sighed, saying that no matter how good things are, the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is difficult. And a few days later. My mother-in-law cleaned up her household chores and moved into our house.

It wasn’t the house she had lived in for a long time, but maybe it was because it was a rented house, so she didn’t have a lot of money to live on . That day, I quickly packed up my belongings with my husband, who had taken annual leave, and the new family

Gathered together and ate Jajangmyeon. Honestly, I listened to my mother. I had no worries until you came It wasn’t. No matter how much I tried to make it comfortable, I didn’t know what it would be like to live with my mother- in-

Law. But when I actually lived with her, there were no inconveniences at all. There were only good things about it. First of all, after my mother came in, my hectic household was cleaned up. To be honest, I’m not good at managing a house. It’s not my style

. I go out and do the things I want to do, but when I come home, I tend to be a mess, so I’m so busy washing and sleeping that I don’t have the time to take care of the housework. So after I get married, my husband usually comes home earlier than me,

And he cleans and does the laundry, and sometimes he cooks dinner. I prepared and ate it, but since my husband also had a job at work, there was no time to pay attention to the details. But my mother’s attitude has completely changed. Since

My mother woke up early and prepared breakfast, which I would normally skip because it was a hassle, I started eating it regularly and the messy house became tidy. I lost. Plus, my husband’s expression suddenly became gloomy. No matter how much he was with me,

He would get depressed sometimes when he thought of his mother. But now that he was resting and living, his face couldn’t get any better . When I returned home after closing the shop, I would see my husband with a depressed expression. I had a lot of

Work to do, but now I feel much more at ease just by seeing my husband with a bright expression talking with my mother . Moreover, my mother was very considerate of me. Although I make a lot of money

, I can see that I am lacking in many things. Even though it was hard , he never nagged me and was always considerate of me. Thanks to that, our family

Always had a lot of laughter even when work was hard and tiring. But at some point, changes began to come little by little in our lives. In fact, there was nothing that could have changed. It was just that the atmosphere had changed strangely. It was similar to the routine at my house

Every day . Since I have a lot of customers coming from far away, I tend to open the shop a little earlier than other places . I tend to leave the house at 8 o’clock to prepare for opening in advance. My husband leaves home

A little earlier than me because he has to go to work. Meanwhile, my mother is home alone . Also, the clock speed is a little later than other houses. My husband usually comes home at 7 o’clock unless there is a drinking party,

But I finish the night. After sending off the staff, I don’t come home until around 11 o’clock. In reality, I just sleep at home. I only have one day a week on holiday, so I did n’t really notice it, but one day, my mother’s clothes started to change little by little.

Because she lived a frugal life, most of her clothes were of cheap brands. However, she suddenly went out wearing expensive clothes. Without even thinking about it, I said , “Wow, mother, you look much younger when you dress like that.” I just thought that my husband

Must have been giving my mother a long-awaited gift. But As time went by, more and more clothes like that were seen. Not only that, bags and hats started to be covered in expensive brands whose names were recognizable. [Music] As I said before, my mother stayed at home most of the day. He said

It was because he didn’t have work, but he also said that he lost contact with most of his friends because he lived such a hard and busy life . However , as he started dressing more extravagantly, he went out more and more . To be honest, I didn’t think that was a problem.

No matter how old you get, if you stay at home, you keep getting worse . I was always worried about that, but I actually liked it when my mother took care of things first. However, there was a time when I felt that there was something strange about

My behavior for a year. That day was the day when I finally got a break from sin. Usually, I don’t have much time at home, so on my days off, my husband is always home with me. After I started living with my mother, my mother stayed with me too.

But that day, my mother dressed up really fancy in the morning and went out . Also, I don’t know when he bought it, but he had expensive hiking clothes and hiking equipment that I had never seen before from head to toe. Where does your mother go at the time

? Well, I decided to go hiking with my friends, so I went out for a while. Oh, my friend and I. That’s right, I’m getting older, so I just stay at home. That ‘s how it is. Today is your day off,

So I’ll take care of it and come back, so I’ll spend some time with Min-gyu at the gate. At first glance, it seemed like my mother was going out on purpose because she was considerate of my husband and I.

But no matter how much I tried to think positively, my mother said I did n’t understand the clothes you were wearing. I don’t know much about clothes, but just looking at them , there are clothes that seem to cost 3 million won in total. I kept wondering

Where they got the money to buy clothes like that . But my husband doesn’t know if he knows what I’m thinking. He stopped by and told his mother, who was going out, to have a good time and brought her pocket money. Seeing that, I thought, ” Oh, my husband must know something

.” And that day, my mother even drank alcohol, which she didn’t usually drink, and came back late at night. She took it all separately. If you look at it, it was nothing . Osia You can buy as much clothes as you want and it’s nice to meet up with friends.

That’s because you don’t drink much. If you’re with friends, you can eat it , but once I thought it was strange, nothing seemed fine . Even if my husband gave most of the money he earned to living expenses, it wouldn’t be enough to buy clothes like that. I wondered

Where all this came from, and I wondered where the person who previously wouldn’t go out even when I pushed her back suddenly made a friend and met her. A person who was not that young, even drank alcohol , and looked very similar to the mother I used to know. Then one

Day. Even now, when I think about that day, my blood feels like it’s pouring out of my blood. That day, I was at the store and had some business to do, so I came home for a moment, but my mother wasn’t there. So I thought it was just that,

And went to the kitchen, but my mother’s cell phone was on the table. So I guess she had gone somewhere far away. I was just about to leave the house after taking care of everything I needed to take with me. Then, suddenly, I got

A call on my mother’s cell phone. So I just looked at it without thinking about it, and the caller’s name was all there. So I wondered who it was that had saved it with that name, but the phone number that appeared below was strange.

There was no way I knew the number on my mother’s cell phone. I thought I had seen it somewhere before, but I was shocked when I realized it was my mother’s number. I was so shocked that my hands were shaking . What on earth did my mother have in mind for

Saving my mother like that? I don’t know what happened, but suddenly everything I believed in seemed to be falling apart. But at that time, my mother-in-law, who had been out for a while, came home. When did you come back? Did you come home early today

? No, I came to get something for a moment. Okay, but what’s wrong with your complexion? Are you sick? No. It’s okay. I ‘ll go there because the shop is a little busy. I lost my composure by pretending like nothing was wrong when

My mother-in-law suddenly barged in , but I managed to get out safely . Then, I called and said I couldn’t go into the shop, so I went straight to my parents’ house . Mom , what are you doing here at this hour? What should I do about

The ini shop ? Why did my mother suddenly come to visit me ? She looked at me with her eyes, but I dared to come. The fact that my mother-in-law saved my mother with that name clearly meant that there was something between them, so she brought it

Upon my mother. I asked, “Mom, what happened with my mother-in-law?” Then , my mother’s complexion suddenly changed. When I saw that, I was convinced that there must be something to this. What is it ? The story was so shocking. After I started living with my mother-in-law, my mother seemed to be worried about

What I would do if I, who had already lived a very free-spirited life, told my mother-in- law to win the favor . However, my mother-in-law, who usually never nagged me in front of me , told my mother that she missed out on a lot of

Things because she did not know her very well. She must have said something strange, saying that her body wasn’t keeping up with her when she was trying to start a household again at her age. She was so worried about Dal that she was so bad that she even called her, but when her

Mother-in-law said such things, her worry got even bigger. It seemed like he had sent quite a bit of money to me several times, asking me to do it for him. Why did he send it to me without telling me? How much did

He send? Please give me all the details of what he sent . Then, my mother showed me the details of the money she had sent to my mother-in-law on her cell phone . But the amount was really true. Go beyond your imagination. It was an unbelievable

Amount of money. Mom, I really sent this to you because I knew it was the cost of medicine. I heard that she couldn’t even buy clothes because she received so little pocket money, so I sent her some more, and at that moment, my mother’s blood pressure rose sharply.

Mojiri saved on the cell phone ultimately meant that he was a good person to extort money. What was even more infuriating was that my husband knew that my mother had sent money to my mother-in-law. In fact, he even encouraged it further. My mother

Not only contacted my mother-in-law. I also contacted my husband, and every time I did, he complained that his mother was very upset because of me. My mother-in-law said the same thing and my husband said the same thing, so my mother

Was even more worried , so she sent it as money. For a moment, I wondered what she was thinking. I didn’t have the presence of mind to do anything else. I was just angry. I got married out of love, but I couldn’t stand the thought that my mother and son were extorting

Money from my mother under the pretext of me. If they had asked me for money, I would have given them as much money as they wanted, but I couldn’t understand why they did it. I couldn’t do it. After thinking about it for a while,

I went back home. When I got home, my mother-in-law had gone out somewhere and my husband was alone. I started to argue with my husband . He said that you and your mother were stealing money from my mother, and suddenly I asked what was that? Sori, he thinks I still don’t know.

I just met my mom and checked everything. Then, he immediately started to argue as if he knew he did something wrong. Hey, I’m really sorry. You could have just asked me to give my mother more of her pocket money. I am the kind of person

Who doesn’t even give that kind of money. What she sees is for living expenses . My mother-in-law , who was out at that time, also came home and thought that the marriage that had ended well was going well, so I called her. Mother, how

Could you do this ? What does that mean? I just confirmed everything with this person. You were receiving money from my mother . Oh no, that’s the two of them. In the end, the

Builder probably thought he was caught and dragged him to his knees, accusing him of his mistake. At first, he just said it in passing, but his mother sent him money to buy medicine, and he said that he got greedy after receiving such a large amount of money

At once. While listening to it, I was even more absurd . As a parent raising a child , how could he use the money he spent worrying about his child like that ? [Music] I understand what you’re saying. Okay, all that aside, why did you save

My mother’s phone number like that ? My husband didn’t know that I saved the geography, so he was confused by my story. So I took my mother-in-law’s cell phone and showed it to my husband. Look here and tell me to find out what my mother’s phone number is stored in.

My husband, who was confused, said to my mother-in-law. I started looking through my cell phone. Then, I became thoughtful and looked at my mother-in-law. And I quickly took my mother-in-law’s phone and called her on my cell phone. Then, after a while, a ringtone rang and my mother-in-law’s

Number that I had saved in advance appeared, so I left it. I shoved it in someone’s face. You ‘re crazy. No matter how you do it, how can you call my mother crazy? Why can’t you? Your mother can call my mother crazy, but I ca n’t

Call your mother crazy. I don’t need someone like that, my adult mother-in-law, who took my mother ‘s money by holding me hostage . I don’t want to see you or your mother who can’t live without me, so get out of my house right away and really

Kick them out of the house. I threw it away. At first, people begged me to forgive them for being wrong, but when I roughly bought the baggage and gave it to them and pushed it into the front door, they kept asking where this thing was.

But I didn’t want to see them anymore, so I pretended not to hear them and closed the front door. From that day on, my husband and mother-in-law continued to keep coming. I called him and asked him to forgive me just once, saying I wouldn’t do it again,

But I already didn’t have a single day left for the two of us, and I told my husband that I didn’t need it and that he should just stamp the divorce papers right away. But my husband never stamped it. They came saying they couldn’t film it. I

Tried to leave easily , but they came out like that first, so what can I do? If it had been an agreed divorce, it would have ended quietly, but since they wanted to file a lawsuit, I filed for divorce, and the records

Of phone calls and money transfers between my mother-in-law and my mother are evidence. I was accepted as a divorcee and won the divorce case . Thanks to you, I received a little bit of information that I didn’t expect. That’s how my short married life came to an end. You really shouldn’t

Judge a person based on their appearance. He definitely looks good and has a good personality. Who would have thought that someone would do something like that behind my back ? And because of that, I realized how much my mother was worried about

Me even though she couldn’t tell me. I have no intention of getting married anymore. Of course, I don’t know if I meet a good person later, but right now, I’m with my loving parents. I want to live happily together. Thank you for the long story.

Hello, I am a woman in her 40s who married into a family with a golden spoon . These days, if you are born into a wealthy and wealthy family, people say that you are a golden spoon because you were born crying with a golden spoon. When I got married,

I was the son of a golden spoon. I didn’t even know that I was getting married. When I was dating, I was just like everyone else. We paid for the dates in a way that was comfortable for both of us. We met when we had money, and when we didn’t, we didn’t date

, or when we wanted to see each other, we ate cup ramen at a convenience store . [Music] Our relationship was short. It was n’t like that. It was my second job after graduating from college. I worked at the same company when I was there. I was an employee . Then, that company

Was my parents-in-law’s company. It’s not like that either . My husband was an ordinary employee, and I was also an ordinary, ordinary employee. Anyway, we met there. Since we started dating , we’ve only been dating for about 6 years. Now, my husband and I have changed jobs and are working

In different jobs, but at the time, we were an office couple and we were secretly dating, so it was exciting and refreshing in its own way. As we met this year, we started talking about our families . You can’t not do it and you can’t know

It . You have to come from similar families and get along to a certain degree in order to get married. We didn’t meet with the intention of getting married when we started dating , but I was curious and

It would be good to know, so I also I asked him what his parents did, what happened to his siblings, things like that, and so on. My husband said that my mother passed away when I was young, my father

Was a building manager, and he has two older sisters, but we are not very close to him because there is a significant age difference between them. He answered that way, so I guessed that was just the case. I heard that my mother passed away when I was young, so I couldn’t

Ask because I was afraid of being hurt , and my father was the building manager, who worked at least as a security guard. I think he must have had a hard time raising me, the son of two daughters, so I’m sorry for asking him in detail. I think that’s why

We didn’t really talk about our family even while we were dating. I wasn’t born into a good family, and my boyfriend grew up in a difficult situation, so I didn’t have the courage or the means to offer to help him . So, I just

Acted like everyone else and was simple at times. I was in a romantic relationship and had a successful wedding. When I was preparing for the deposit, my husband paid 6,000 and I paid 3,000, so we started with a 90 million won rental house . Of course , the loan amount is included

In that 9,000 , but these days, if you pay that amount, you can even buy it. They may say there is nothing, but I think I did it normally at the time. So I thought I did well and satisfactorily. It was an incident that

Happened not long ago that made me realize that my husband had a silver spoon, or to be more precise, that my father-in-law had a lot of money. He has a blunt and stubborn personality. Even though he was widowed at an early age and

Had a hard time sending his children off to get married alone , he didn’t show it and steadfastly raised Samadhi . They say that he can’t talk or that his personality becomes sensitive when people are physically tired.

My father-in-law also has a sensitive and sharp personality. Because of this, even though I had three children, none of them liked my father-in-law. Even on holidays, we just got together as a formality , but it

Wasn’t something that had to be special. It felt like we were doing our best , or there was an invisible wall between us. Then, a few months ago, my father-in-law passed away. He got into a car accident while crossing the crosswalk, hit a motorcycle, and had to have surgery on his leg

. Of course, his family is in trouble. He is older now, and he was injured, but it will take time for him to recover, and there is nothing he can do right now, so he can’t do this anymore. We took him to a nursing hospital, and everyone in the family

Was worried. Dad , please rest now and don’t overdo it . It’s okay. Resting still is overdoing it. Leave it alone. If a person who moves all the time stays still, he or she will get sicker. You should mind your own business.

My father-in-law said, for now, take care of yourself. Because he was injured and couldn’t work, he was very concerned about that and had a hard time. Since he injured his leg, the biggest problem was that he couldn’t move. My father-in-law needed someone’s help, so the family

Admitted him to the hospital and provided a caregiver. I rescued him , but the caregiver seemed to be taking good care of my father-in-law for a few days, and then he

Said that it was difficult to keep up with the rain and that he didn’t know me, so my second older brother, who couldn’t help him, came to take care of him a few times. But it didn’t seem to be easy for my second older brother either.

He is a very stubborn person. It’s just so annoying. What kind of style is it? Men Even if you’re admitted to a nursing hospital, you don’t eat. Nan says you can’t eat cup ramen, but only eats cup ramen for every meal . My father is older now,

And this is a hospital, so he wants to eat it. You can’t do that. For your father’s recovery, you need to eat mainly the foods the doctor tells you to eat and take care of your health. Baby, I can’t stop nagging you, so Evie takes care of it. This style is so annoying

. So no matter how many times I talk to you, I can’t communicate. That’s why everyone gives up . At least my second brother listens to my father-in-law, and my father-in-law listens to my second brother-in-law a little . So, my second brother

Came to the hospital and took care of my father-in-law, but he couldn’t do it. That’s why he immediately asked me. You called me. I heard about your father-in-law. You say this is a daughter- in-law’s job and leave it to me. But since I’m working too, I can’t see my child

And send him to daycare, but he told me to take care of my father-in-law, which was quite embarrassing. Brother, I didn’t know. I’m not doing it because I want to. It’s hard for everyone and I’m working , but if everyone saved up a little bit

And bought nursing care, I wouldn’t be able to take care of my father much more professionally because there are a lot of people like that these days . Yeah, I don’t know. Let’s find out first. But I wonder if my father will try to get into someone else’s hands.

He said no, but I was also worried. But what can I do? I can’t take care of him, and he said he would be willing to look into it, so I had no choice but to search around on the Internet. So I called the company and asked for

A care worker. But I got a call less than 3 days later. Oh, I ‘ve dealt with all kinds of people, but it’s going to be difficult. Let’s find out somewhere else. What happened to you, guardian? I need to hear what you have to say, but you don’t even want to listen to

Me, and you’re so stubborn that you end up falling. I’ll take care of you first. I’m sorry this happened, so I won’t take care of you anymore. I don’t think I can do it . I ‘m afraid they’ll accuse us later,

So I don’t like that. They don’t even listen to what I say, but they keep saying sweet things. Anyway, I can’t give them more money. Find out somewhere else. I couldn’t help but sigh as I listened to the care worker’s story. He washed his hair by himself and told me not to worry

, so he put his crutches by his side and went to the shower room. While washing his hair with one leg up, he lost his balance and fell. I was frustrated when I heard that , but what can he do? The care worker kept

Saying sorry. I gave it to the nurse and apologized profusely . The hospital said they were not responsible for the accident that occurred without a guardian, so they said they would not take responsibility for it. The hospital asked me to take care of myself for safety,

But they showed strange stubbornness and sent the caregiver away. This isn’t just once or twice . But this isn’t the end. My father-in-law hurt his arm when he fell. He was fine the day he fell, but two days later it was still throbbing.

So I got a checkup and found out that there was a crack in his arm bone. It looked like he was going crazy. But to make matters worse, my father-in-law now has a cast on his arm. He says he cleans the floor and shakes the blankets

In the hospital room where my father-in-law is staying while wearing a cast, and he is so neat . He even asked me not to do that at the hospital. It’s not wrong to be very clean, but it’s true that there’s a problem because

My father-in-law does it even at the hospital. He’s always so clean, and now even at home, he wipes the floor like a mirror. He lives neatly without a speck of dust anywhere under his boss. So, in my father-in-law’s eyes, everything looked dusty and dirty, and I

Had to run away, calling the guardian. I was so frustrated and upset that I was going crazy. People around me asked me why my daughter-in-law was worried about such things, and told me to tell my husband and discuss it with the family

, but as I said earlier, it was all about it. We are not close, so my husband will tell me not to worry about leaving my father-in-law alone if he says he doesn’t need a caregiver, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving my father-in-law alone when

He hurts his arm. Because of this frustration, I am a close friend and high school classmate . I told this to my friend. Then, my friend told me that there was a friend in my class who was a caregiver, so

I should contact her and ask her for a favor. That friend and I had never been in contact before, and it had been a while since I saw her at a class reunion about 10 years ago or so. From what I heard , he got divorced after 3 years of marriage,

Had no children, and lived alone . He said it was a good year for him . I was worried that he would be lonely as he got older, but now that he lives alone, I remember him saying that he is very free and happy with his current life, and that

He is enjoying his life while working. [Music] That’s left. I don’t know how they live now. I haven’t even contacted them before, so I’m embarrassed to contact them and ask for them because they need me. But what can I do? Someone else would be better off if I don’t have anyone right now.

If our relationship is ambiguous, it’s difficult to ask for each other, and I can’t afford to take care of them more. I was a little embarrassed, but I was in a hurry, so I just closed my eyes and called and

Asked him to look after my father- in- law. Then my friend said so. Okay , I’ll take care of you . I don’t have to take care of you any more, so I hope you don’t disturb me outside of working hours. He said that he would work without any hindrance and that he

Could take care of me for now, but I couldn’t say anything. I said I would understand, but I was n’t worried when he told me not to worry. Of course, I was worried and concerned. I was also worried that my friend would say he was quitting while doing it,

And my father-in-law also said that he would quit. I was worried that he might be picky with his friend and that he would spread the word to his classmates. However, contrary to what I was worried about, the two got along very

Well . My friend also did a good job and took care of his father-in-law’s expenses. But that’s mostly the case. He was really good for the first 2 or 3 days, but now that he gets used to it and finds out what kind of

Person he is, he says he can’t do it anymore. So I was worried, too. But I was worried that the two of them weren’t getting along, but I was also worried that they were getting along too well . Just give it about three months.

I thought it would be okay for me to stay in the hospital, but my father-in -law said he needed to stay a little longer, so he delayed discharge for a month or two, and he complained. My daughter-in-law

Scolded me, asking what I would do if I gave my father-in-law a woman, and ordered me to take responsibility and kick her out . I felt like I was the only one who had no sense and was a bad daughter-in-law . [Music] But my father-in-law must have sensed

The atmosphere, and he said that he really liked the caregiver who treated me consistently and thanked me. It was the first time I heard such words from my father-in-law, so I felt a little weird . I did it, and

I told it honestly. It seemed like my brothers were worried about my father and had some misunderstandings, so I asked them to talk about it carefully. But my father-in-law told me that he knew everything. When did those guys

Get so interested in Abby? That ‘s all the fuss. Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. But still , I was at a loss as to what to do. But after a few days, things got worse. My father-in-law hired a caregiver who was my friend.

You went into the well-equipped VIP room in Daedonghae Nursing Hospital and then called your children. Anyway, if I die, you will be my wife, so you guys should pay Ebi’s hospital bills. You said thank you, but suddenly you asked me to pay for the hospital expenses, and Buldong

Even came to me. It felt like something was going on, so I wondered what was going on. I thought I should try to stop my father-in-law, so I made a fuss to my husband. No, my father-in-law suddenly asked for rain. What is this ?

I heard it too. My father asked me to give it to him, so I had to pay it. There is no way . No, you know that my father-in-law has been moved to a VIP room at a nursing hospital. It must be a huge amount of money that we have to pay,

But my husband is sleeping. My husband earns more than me , and he manages our house. Because of this, I am living without complaining , but I was very anxious thinking about unexpected hospital bills. After a few weeks, my father-in-law said he was not satisfied with the facilities

And went to another nursing facility with rooms, but it seemed like he was using the expensive and good VI rooms. However , not only my family but also my brothers found it burdensome to pay for the hospital expenses and the salary of the caregiver. They

Discussed how to appease my father and let him come and live at home, and they told me to try to persuade them as well. So, they did not contact me often . But despite my shame, I started calling you once a week. How are you feeling these days? How are you? I died

. No matter how good the hospital is, your life will be a lot of inconvenience. When do you think you’ll be born ? Don’t go in on your own. Don’t worry . Honestly, are you worried about something else? Money is your biggest

Worry . My father-in-law, who had been touring a nursing hospital for about a year, finally pretended not to be able to win and went home, and said, My brothers and I were glad that we could finally catch our breath. On the day I went home,

My friend, who is a nursing caregiver, brought my father-in-law, who was using a wheelchair, to the house. I thought that of course he was going after taking my father-in-law in , but my friend, who is a nursing caregiver, went into the main room with my father-in-law and

Saw my father -in-law, who was sitting in a wheelchair. I looked around the room without any intention of moving , but I saw that he was lying down on my father-in-law’s bed. Everyone in the family was shocked when they saw

That. Oh my, my God, what are you doing here ? But my father-in-law took him away and scolded the family . Everyone was free, everyone was busy doing their own business and looking around . But that wasn’t the end. My father-in-law spoke

In a very friendly voice, unlike the way he speaks to his family members , and said this to my friend who is a nursing assistant. I think you can put your room over there. Please go and take a look and let me know if you need anything

. When the family heard that, they went crazy. Why did you add anything to my house just because you said you were going to serve my father’s Bodhisattva in the house ? People who don’t live with me can’t meddle in my house even though I said I would serve him in my house.

No, of course not, but my brother suddenly became less talkative, but my husband still spoke confidently to my father-in-law. Still, you can’t talk like that to your father. We are also children, and I think our opinions are important

When it comes to bringing a guardian into the house. You should have discussed it with us in advance. Huh, that’s really annoying. I can’t wait to go, but my father-in-law

And my friend, who is a nursing caregiver , started to decorate the house by refurbishing all the furniture for the newlyweds to live in . Not only did they provide a separate room for the guardian, but also the furniture. He changed his home and

All the household chores. No matter how much the family opposed him, he remembered and insisted, and eventually the family called the caregiver separately and urged him to stop. I am grateful to the caregiver for accommodating and taking care of my father. However, my father and I

I don’t think you’re doing this, and I also helped out next to you. I asked you to help my father-in-law, so I’m really grateful, but I do n’t think you’re doing this. We’re young, so I don’t know what you ‘re saying because you’re disappointed.

Did you do something wrong ? If you’re doing it on purpose, don’t do it. But my friend, who is a caregiver, just looked at me as if he was trying not to say anything. Then, perhaps

Because he felt sorry for us being so frustrated , he said this to my husband, who was like an older brother to me. It’s not the kind of relationship you think , but my father specifically explained it to me. If he doesn’t give it to me, there must be a good reason

. I have a promise to him, so I don’t think I can tell him my opinion separately. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to help you. So he left and went to his father-in-law’s house. It was absurd , but when my father-in-law found out about it, he called the family and

Admonished them. You dared meet the teacher without my permission and told him to leave. When we met such rude behavior, my father-in -law was so angry that we were shocked and everyone was called to my father-in-law’s house. I ended up getting scolded . My father-in-law threatened not to

Contact me from now on, and the family members were shocked. I asked my husband, why did they react so sensitively to being told not to contact me when they were family members who I didn’t usually take care of ? I said it was because of the building.

As for the building, it’s the building that my father manages. That’s why my sisters are all blowing up. What’s wrong with that building? You didn’t entrust it to someone else before. After your father got hurt, you asked someone else to do it

. But what are you worried about now ? What are you worried about? Let’s say your father is the guardian and Jaewon. So does the guardian have to share the building ? That’s the problem. Hey, I was thinking about opening a cafe when I retire. Then, that big guy is your father-in-law.

No, you didn’t know that until now. No, you did n’t tell me. I wonder how much that building is. Well, it must be over 20 billion won. Oh my god , I never even dreamed that my father-in-law owns 20 billion won worth of buildings. What’s even more shocking is that there is

Another building like that. I now realize that I am a snob, but honestly, I don’t know. I thought I would have been nicer to my father-in-law if I had known. I feel like I missed it for no reason . But what can I do? It’s my fault for being dull and insensitive

. Anyway, my father-in-law told me not to contact him, so everyone started to boil, and perhaps because of that, my brothers and I and we The family members met frequently to discuss and worry about various things. We had never been in contact with each other this often and

Even went out to eat together, but my older brothers were also regretting and reflecting just like me. I never thought I would end up with a woman with my father’s personality. That guardian. I thought he was a great person

, and I should have treated my father kindly, but I was sad that I felt like I was being taken away by someone else for no reason . The flower was in full bloom, and it was so strange.

Oh, my brother’s children are all grown up, but we still see each other often, so my nieces and nephews are with us . He played well with me and took care of me and took care of me

When something happened, so it was nice to finally feel a little bit of a sense of family. Then one day, my father-in-law, who had told me not to contact him , contacted me first. It was a whopping 2 years later.

My brother and I were the only members of our family. After receiving the call, I headed to my father-in-law’s house, and my father -in-law handed the family a piece of paper. It was a wedding invitation. It was coming. My family and I had been imagining various situations

For a while , so I wasn’t surprised. However, my friend felt a little sad. [Music] It was like that as usual. We weren’t close friends, but I felt sad inside, wondering if he could have told me first. It felt strange, and I felt a little uncomfortable thinking that I had to

Welcome my friend as my mother-in-law. My father-in-law looked at me like this. As if he had read it, he sat the family down and told them what had happened. It turned out that when my father-in-law injured his leg, he

Had taken various tests with him. But at that time, he found out that there was something in his body, and through a biopsy, he found out that he was suffering from colon cancer. He said that he found out that at

That moment, he thought that life was so meaningless and that he was trying to spend his last days meaninglessly. He also said that he asked the hospital staff and caregivers not to tell his children about it , but he was not feeling well. I became much more sensitive

Than usual, and because of this , I started to fight a lot with people, so I met a friend of mine who is a caregiver . But my friend said that she had experienced cancer in the past and that she had taken great care of her father-in-law.

My friend also had cancer and suffered from cancer. I wanted to give up, but I tried hard to manage it with the thought that

I had to go crazy to get my money’s worth, and thanks to that, I was cured, so I told her to trust me and follow me. However, after my father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, he still acted sensitive and became more irritable, but my friend, a caregiver, He was helping his father-in-law and

Listening to all of his annoyances. He also told him a lot of stories about not only health but also various aspects of life . One of them was about dreams. My friend, who is a wealthy person, has

A dream of becoming the director of a nursing home. In order to achieve my goal, even though I was busy and tired, I worked hard, such as studying alone in the early morning. That’s why when I first started working, I asked

Him not to disturb me outside of working hours. I know he must have been tired after work, but I watched him study quietly alone in the dark. My father-in-law said that he wanted to help my friend, a nursing caregiver. Until then,

The relationship between my friend, who was a nursing caregiver, and my father-in-law was no more or less than that of a caregiver and a patient. Even when it was transferred to film, It was the same. I heard that there are many places with good facilities these days,

But wouldn’t it be better to experience it in person rather than see it with your own eyes ? My father-in-law suggested it first, and my friend, a care worker, used the facility together and gained a lot of information and used it as a reference.

I was worried because it cost a lot as I visited a lot of places. I guess my father-in-law told me not to worry about money. So I thought he was a wealthy person , but it was only recently that I found out that he had so much wealth. Meanwhile, my

Friend, who had completed her college studies, was trying to get a job as a nursing home manager . However, due to the tyranny of her family members who tried to separate them, the two became closer and began to share their true feelings.

Thanks to my father-in-law, a nursing home caregiver who is a friend of mine. Not only did his thoughts change a lot, but his health also recovered. That’s why he wanted to put my friend in the position of successor, and my friend also said that she decided to

Get married after falling in love with my father-in-law’s warm consideration. Maybe that’s why my father-in-law’s face looked so different when I met him after 2 years. It seemed like she was originally very thin, but after regaining her health, she seemed to have gained some weight and her personality had become gentler.

So, the two got married. My friend is now my mother-in-law, and I still feel awkward calling her by her title , but she is still my mother-in-law. Now that we have it, we are trying to accommodate it that way . What is even more surprising is that after the wedding

Was all-in, he said he would dispose of the building he had. When I heard that, I thought to myself, okay, what kind of building are you giving me for my runner? I was looking forward to it for a moment, but that dream was completely shattered.

Of course, when my brothers heard that, their faces started to darken. It seemed like they all had the same thoughts as me . But what was even more shocking was that this wasn’t the end . My father-in-law suggested that we move to a new place

In the car, and he saw a new hospital-looking car. He told me to park the car in front of the building. I wondered where this was and what kind of situation this was. I heard that my father-in-law was cured and I thought he was going into the hospital, so I was worried.

But when my father-in-law got out of the car, a person who looked like a security guard approached him and greeted him. Sure enough, the father-in-law opened a nursing home for his new mother-in-law. The faces of the residents who noticed this became thoughtful . The father-in-law said this. It hasn’t opened yet

. The opening ceremony will be held next week or the week after. But do you have any plans for what you want to do? You, the youngest, didn’t say you wanted to do a cafe or something like that. Secondly, if you want to do something like a convenience store or something like that

. Second, you want to open a bakery or something. That’s up to you. Look around. Tell me about it. The family members who heard this were taken aback by the father-in-law’s sudden words. They wondered how this all happened. They were dumbfounded.

Your husband asked your father- in-law this . My father is looking for a house in the neighborhood, but if you want to do that, you can’t do that right away. It’s going to go in, but wouldn’t it be awkward to leave it

Empty? If you’re just saying it for nothing, please stay there. Do n’t let us all have unnecessary expectations. Oh, I didn’t mention that. They also built a dormitory next to the nursing home. Should n’t there be a space

For the employees to live here now ? There’s a small park next to it. Hey, if that passes, the dormitory diet was very busy there. If I say I’ll do something like this, you’ll rebel again and I ‘ll have to report it one by one.

What ‘s the need for that? I won’t collect rent for the store or anything, so if you’re going to live, don’t do it if you ‘re going to live. My father-in-law and his family headed to the dormitory building . He had built

A dormitory townhouse. Since the nursing home and the new townhouse were also three houses , there was honestly no reason to refuse. Father, I have a cafe. Father, I want you to open a K-house. I’m going to open a convenience store like my father said.

My husband and brother talked excitedly, and my father-in-law chuckled and nodded. I’m glad you guys seem to like it. My friend, who has become a new mother-in-law, finally came next to me and held my hand . Thanks to you, I met a good person and became a family member.

Thank you. I was embarrassed and didn’t have anything else to say . I just smiled softly. My mother-in-law is still speechless. My father-in-law opened a nursing home and my new mother-in-law is working as the director . Until now, I just call him director. My brothers and my family have

All moved next to the nursing home. It’s still a long neighborhood, but it’s still good. I think it’s best that the whole family lives together. My husband says it’s a bit difficult to commute to work because it’s a bit far away

. I thought about quitting and working at a cafe, but it’s a good job, but I can’t do it. So I gave up my part-time job in the neighborhood and now I’m working as the owner of a cafe . My husband comes and helps me out in the evenings after work, or

If there are no customers, he just rests and says it’s the weekend. Leisure of life I’m so glad that I have a new mother-in-law. There were misunderstandings and prejudices about my father-in-law, but now I have overcome them all and the misunderstandings that have accumulated over the years have become more friendly. Although

The atmosphere at home is sometimes unfamiliar, I feel very warm. Now, we feel like family, and it is nice to live in. I am not old yet, so I don’t know much about life, but Still, I think that good things like this have happened

Because I have lived my best while being satisfied with what I have been given without being greedy. Thank you for listening to the story of my in-laws, which has many twists and turns, until the end . I hope that only good things will happen

To your family. I look forward to your valuable comments on today’s story. Please subscribe, like, share, cry, and set an alarm. Then, thank you for reading with us today [Music] e

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  1. 검사 며느리를 들이게 되면 가문에 영광이지요 별볼일 없는 집에 검사 며느리 떠받들고 살아야지요? 홀아버지 아래서 자랐으면 예의가 없다는데 이시모는 어떤가정에서 자랐기에 이꼴갑을 떨고 있는지요? 이런 결혼 하지 마세요 자유대한민국 검사님이 뭐가 부족해서 이런 결혼을 하나요 결혼생활은 긴 여행과 같습니다 신발이 편해야하고 짐이 가벼워야 하고 동행자가 마음이 맞아야 한답니다 상견례에서 은인을 만나 셨네요 경찰을 무시하고 우습게 알더니 그런 큰신세를 지고서도 경찰을 비난 하나요 효부며느리를 들이지 못할뻔 했네요 이리도 선한 며느리인데 감사 감사 합니다 선한 사연자분 시모 모시고 건행 하세요

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