視界觀992「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(68)騎行本拿比圖書館途中閒聊溫哥華天氣 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, you have to take advantage of every opportunity when riding. In the morning, I took a look at the weather and it was raining all day , but it seemed that the rain stopped for about an hour and a half or two

In the morning . At this time, I quickly came out to exercise and stopped by the Burnaby Library. I had already arrived at the Burnaby Library that day . After a long time, I went around again and briefly took a few shots to share with you the current situation of the Burnaby Library.

The Burnaby Library is like this city. It is also relatively low-key. This is a relatively smaller city. It doesn’t have the feeling of a big city like Vancouver, but it actually has some humanistic resources and everyone should be well-matched . For example, the community center basically doesn’t care about you. In Canada

Or in the Greater Vancouver area, if you go to any street in any city , we Chinese people talk about streets and they talk about communities . In some communities like this, there will be their own community center libraries , but as a city, they must There will also be a larger library.

If we say that in downtown Vancouver there is a huge library that looks very spectacular. The Burnaby Library is relatively similar to this city. It is relatively low-key and does not look so huge. But it is also better in that there are many libraries (branch libraries) scattered in various communities.

I believe they all have some mature == subordinate relationship with it, so their books can actually flow with each other. Today, there is actually no special goal. I just wanted to go to the library to see what kind of Chinese books there are now . I used to see a lot

Of books published by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan that are not available in the mainland . Of course, many of them are in Traditional Chinese , but Traditional Chinese is very important to us. It should be familiar to everyone of the generation , and it looks very familiar. In a sense,

Many of China’s traditional culture or grammar have been relatively completely preserved in these books written in traditional Chinese. Since I came to Vancouver to conduct research, Cycling actually gave me a new understanding of the weather in Vancouver , especially this winter , where rain is forecast almost every day,

But it will clear up for a day or two from time to time , or there will be a few hours of no rain between rains every day. This kind of weather makes people feel a little uncomfortable at first. After a period of time, you get used to it

And know how to adjust your travel according to the weather. If you find some riding periods like me, I don’t think it’s a big problem and you can stay a little longer. After a while, you will find that this kind of rainy day also has many benefits. First of all, whenever it rains,

The temperature is generally not very cold. Today I checked the weather forecast. Although it will basically rain today , the temperature actually reached 9 degrees, you have to know that this is winter, which means that even if you ride outdoors on the road, you don’t need to wear gloves at all because

It’s really not cold . These are some of the benefits that this rainy weather brings to everyone. Even if the weather is humid , it does not make people feel humid and never feels moldy. I feel that it is because the weather is constantly changing. The change between hot and cold

Is due to the contrast between hot and cold air. The overall climate is moderate and dry. There is no musty smell everywhere during the rainy season in China. Another thing is that the temperature here is not very low, but every household has the heating on , and the heating

Is based on the day. The temperature control is a kind of constant temperature adjustment , so there is no humidifier like the one in northern China that is used at home if you turn on the heating at full speed. There should be no such need here. Another point is that you basically

Do laundry here. It has a drying equipment , so you don’t have to worry about drying your clothes when it rains , because the daylight hours here are really very short in winter and it rains every day, so you basically can’t expect to

Have a place that can dry your quilts. The weather is good, so as for the weather in Vancouver , especially the rainy season in winter, as long as you live here for a little longer, you won’t feel that it is all bad. There are still many good places that can be used.

The only problem is How can you find a suitable time to travel in this season where the daytime is relatively short ? In other words, only by adapting to nature can you get more feedback from nature . This is probably me. I have gained some insights about the local climate after staying

Here for two months. Now I went to the Imperial road again. There is no cycling path on this road , so I had to use a section of sidewalk to ride in front. Yesterday I was on the road. At the end of the ride, I shared with you that I

Regard this ride as a daily exercise to give myself more opportunities to get closer to nature. The other thing is to treat it as a daily diary through video. I am very grateful that there are some such platforms. For example, the YouTube platform is almost the only platform I use now

To post my videos. It is completely inaction and I have no idea . I just took out my diary expressed in videos and shared it with me. Friends of the same age and younger than me will retire one day . Every age group has a need. I also give you some reference

Or let you learn some lessons. That’s all, but over time , I have accumulated a lot of experience . The editing method is not very clever and the content selection is also like a running account. I have accumulated about 1,000 of this kind of video content. Sometimes

I just give it to some new friends and old friends . You can watch it when you have time to understand my whereabouts every day. Doing something can be regarded as a very alternative way of socializing. I am also very grateful to some of my friends

Who often leave messages and greetings under my videos and share some of their current situations. Whenever this happens, I feel a little warm in my heart. I think being without desire is just the beginning. If you don’t take these things seriously, then it will be the opposite.

It allows you to have some small surprises from time to time in a relatively peaceful life . Although I don’t know how long this method can last or whether it will continue in the future. Sometimes it is really difficult for people to say whether they can maintain it except

Themselves. In addition to a passion for life, one’s physical condition and financial conditions, and more importantly, the freedom to upload to websites like YOutube is also a very important thing. Some of these things are controllable by oneself , and some are not. I’m completely sure of it

, so I’ll just leave it to fate. But as long as it’s okay, I ’ll continue to upload some of my videos to share with everyone. In a blink of an eye, I’ve arrived near Metrotown. I’ve already seen the Skytrain track. I believe it’ll be a long ride from here.

We will soon reach the Bennbi Library , so I will make this section the first half of my ride today. Then I will go to the library to learn about some books I want to find, etc. But I will just do some simple sharing because Last time I went to the library

And took some pictures of the environment inside the library. Today I won’t focus on the library itself. After passing the Skytrain, there is the library across the road . So I would like to say goodbye to everyone here. Let’s go to the next section. Goodbye riding

#溫哥華 #本拿比 #溫哥華冬季天氣

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

Hi guys! I am Dr.Chin, a retired dentist. If you are watching my videos as the first time, you are very welcome to follow my channel and turn on the little bell, so that you will not miss every video I continue to update. Thanks for watching!

觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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