
Can you imagine the fear of being targeted by someone who can’t get through to you when you tell them to stop? On February 23, 1988 in Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi prefecture Wow, a lot of them today too. Beside the large number of cars parked in the parking lot.

Juvenile “K” said as he smoked a cigarette. He was visiting Kinjo Pier, a famous spot with a night view of the Port of Nagoya, with his friends, a boy and a girl, in tow. Kinjo Pier is a popular place for dating with more than 100 cars on weekends Many couples came there

To spend a romantic moment. Juvenile “K” was also enjoying time with his friends with such a beautiful night view in the background. And then Let’s get that one. Juvenile “K” stopped walking for a while in a parking lot along the beach and suddenly muttered to himself The boys and girls who accompanied him

Smiled meaningfully and nodded. Their gaze fell on a couple huddled together in a car. They did not visit Kinjo Pier to enjoy the night view. Their purpose was to hunt for couples By boys and girls who still have an innocent look, hunting for couples They also committed murder for fun after this.

Perhaps the most frightening are, with no sense of right and wrong, the boys and girls who are left out in the open. Osu! Osu! We’re looking for the best personal trainer. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know in the comments section of the instagram or youtube. Ken chan here.

I want to play horror games but I’m still a girl, so I’m too scared to do it. Yami Yamiko here. You were set up as an asexual organism, weren’t you? beacause I’m a girl at heart, If they yell at me, I get scared. Today I would like to introduce

A heinous case in Japan’s criminal history, the Nagoya avec murder case (avec means a couple, made from a French word meaning “with”) This is an old case which was occurred more than 30 years ago. However, at that time It was reported much in the media every day. In this case in particular,

Public opinion was divided on the merits of the juvenile law. The name Nagoya Avec Murder Case itself, because it has a little catchy word in it: avec, I remember it, but I don’t know all the details. And the juvenile law was considered a problem? Was the case that bad? That’s right

At the time, the case was so heinous that there was a public opinion that the perpetrators should be given the maximum punishment, regardless of the Juvenile Law. Well, it is certainly quite shocking to learn what happened. So I am sure many of you are familiar with this case.

The contents are… really… quite egregious. The incident was discovered by one car parked in the park. And numerous traces revealed the brutality of the boys and girls who committed the crimes. Crimes by teenagers On February 23, 1988 in Midori-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi prefecture This is even worse than we expected.

When the police arrived at Otaka Green Park that day, they saw a vehicle. The windshield was shattered and bloodstained purses and underwear were scattered around. It was obvious to everyone that some incident had occurred. The next day, the family of the couple in the broken car filed a missing persons report.

It turned out that each of them had disappeared. On the same day as this incident, another couple was robbed of money and goods at Kinjo Pier, about 10 km away from the site. On this day, there were a series of incidents targeting couples on late-night dates.

Couples who choose a secluded time to date must have been easy prey for the perpetrators, who didn’t want to leave any witnesses. By relying on the paint film of a car that had fallen at the two crime scenes and eyewitness accounts of the surrounding area, the police then identified the perpetrators.

On February 26, three days later, Asked to voluntarily accompany the five boys and girls, who were still minors. When the interrogation began, they readily confessed to the crime. Yeah, we’re the ones who “Bakkan” them. They called the act of attacking couples and robbing them of their money and belongings “Bakkan”.

They committed the crimes as if they were enjoying a game. Was “Bakkan” a slang word or a popular term among delinquents at that time? Whether this was a popular term in the so-called delinquent circles or a common term among the general public at that time, we could not determine from our research.

So, if there is anyone out there who knows about these things, or who can tell yourself was a bit of a delinquent 30 years ago, please let me know in the comments section…. There seem to be a number of theories on this. Of concern was

That one of the couples that the boys and girls had attacked had disappeared. In response, the boys and girls made even more unheard-of statements. The couple we “bakkan” in the Odaka Green park, we killed and burried them. They were not satisfied with just taking money and belongings for fun,

They were even committing murder. After receiving statements from the boys and girls, the police immediately began a search for the bodies. The bodies of a couple were found buried in the mountains of Ayama County in Mie. They did this even they were still minors? Police officers in an uproar over the couple’s bodies.

The couple was covered in snow, as if regretting their eternal separation, and buried in an embrace. The two bodies showed, including injuries, burns, and marks on their necks where ropes had been tightened around their necks, signs of having been tortured extensively. Their bodies were themselves

A testament to the brutality of the boys and girls who committed the crimes. The next day the police arrested a 20-year-old man, the only one of the group who had not been caught. The six members who committed the crime, with robbery, murder, and abandonment of a corpse, were going to be charged.

Five out of six were minors, and they killed and buried a couple just for fun which is seriously dangerous, right? And even the only man who was an adult had just turned 20. So he was almost like a minor too. What you might be curious about is who they were.

They were told they were social outcasts who had gone astray at an age when they couldn’t even judge right from wrong. Children with no place to stay The central figure in the group that murdered the couple was a juvenile named “K”. In fact, there was nothing unusual about his childhood.

His father was a public officer and his mother a nursery school teacher. He was particularly influenced by his strict father, even though he sometimes felt antagonistic toward him, whose masculinity he admired. He was just a normal, healthy boy. In middle school, he had a problem with theft of a moped,

His middle school was particularly rough, and the crime was carried out by his fellow delinquents around him. The teacher at the time also described “K” as a quiet student, and even though he was a bit mischievous, said that he was never a bad boy at heart.

However, K had a strong sense of affection for his friends, and this was not always a good thing in his school life. It was at the vocational training school he attended after the middle school. So I told you he didn’t do it. K shouted furiously

Was about hit the teacher in front of him with a ferocious fury. He was furious because a friend of K’s was suspected of a suspicious fire that had broken out at the school that day. K was so angry at the teacher’s attitude that he assumed the culprit, despite his friend’s protestations of innocence,

That he finally beat the teacher. Thus, K was expelled from the school less than two months after entering. Beating teachers is not a good idea. All this talk makes me think he’s got a strong sense of justice. That’s right. K was a righteous or compassionate kind of guy from that aspect.

However, it was his character that led K down the wrong path later on. After leaving the vocational school, K worked as an interior contractor, helped out at a tavern, and moved from job to job. However, people said that he worked diligently at each of them. Then one day…

Please! Please give my brother back. K came to a room in a building that day. He bowed his head frantically to the gaggle of men who had gathered there. The place he visited was the office of a gang that runs this neighborhood. K’s brother was being held by this gang.

This was because when K’s brother had a car accident, his friend who was a passenger in the car used the name of a gang member. The friend was probably trying to avoid trouble with the other party by mentioning the gang’s name in a threat.

If the gang finds out about it, they will not just get away with it. K then went to the gang’s office to get his brother back. It was at this point that he received unexpected words from a gang member. Brother, you got some balls. I’ll give you back your brother. If you’re

Gonna be one of us. Thus, a juvenile”K,” who has unintentionally become a member of a gang. As he spent time in the gang, he became increasingly bad. He was arrested twice for frequent thefts. K left the gang after about a year. By this time, he had

A new place to gather with other boys and girls who had also lost their way Hey, guys! doing it today too. On that day, K came to Central Park in Sakae, Naka-ku. Gathered there was a group known as the Funsui zoku (means fountain tribe), who are gaining notoriety in the area.

What is Funsui zoku? I’ve heard of the Takenoko zoku (Bamboo shoot tribe) Many people do not know about the Takenoko zoku either. In Nagoya, at that time, I don’t like to use the word cocky. but the delinquents were so cocky that they called themselves Funsui zoku. Like, we’re Funsui zoku (means fountain tribe)

So this leads to today’s keyword, Funsui zoku From 1987 to 1988, the Funsui zoku was a group of delinquents who hung out in Central Park in Naka-ku, Nagoya City. They were a group of teenagers who gathered at the park’s fountain tower and repeatedly drove their cars dangerously while inhaling paint thinner.

And the connection between this Funsui zoku and K, a former gang member, was actually quite natural. At that time in 1988, the general paint stores prohibited from selling paint thinner to minors. It was the gangs that noticed this. They trafficked thinner to young people to finance their activities. Among the criminal group,

All of the boys and girls, except for K, were in the Funsui zoku. After growing up in a harsh family environment, they gathered at Central Park to find a place to belong. Such a juvenile “K” and members of the Funsui zoku began robbing couples under the name of “Bakkan”

Six months before they committed the murders. That night, February 23, 1988, was supposed to be no different than any other night for them. When they say robbery is business as usual, though, that’s pretty bad. What happened to them that led them to commit murders? In fact, regarding the incident that day,

K and the members seemed to think that they had gone a little too far this time during the crime. Bakkan Midnight on February 23, 1988クリックして適用します 6 members including K visited Kinjo pier, a populer place for dating in Nagoya Somehow, we didn’t make as much money as expected.

Do we do two or three more? They had just finished “Bakkan” twice already that day. In the first of these “Bakkan”, the couple ran away from them. In the second “Bakkan” they got 86,000 yen in cash, clothes, watches, and other belongings. This alone seems like enough damage,

But K and the members weren’t satisfied with the amount. They moved to Odaka Green Park, 10 kilometers away from Kinjo Pier. As they guessed, in Odaka Green Park, a single car with a couple in it was parked. From there, the boys and girls were very familiar with the crime.

They parked two cars behind the couple’s car, blocking the couple’s car from exiting. What happened? By the suspicious car that suddenly approached them, the couple was completely upset. At the next moment, A boy approached the couple’s car and swung a wooden sword, destroying the windshield.

The couple started the car in a hurry. However, it crashed into the boys’ car, which was blocking their exit. Trying to escape in this way was the beginning of more tragedy. Do you think you can get away with that? Hey! Hey! The boys who had their cars damaged were furious.

They dragged the man outside of the car and beat him again and again with wooden swords and iron pipes. Then Please stop! She watched as her boyfriend was beaten up by the boys. So the woman was completely frightened. Hey, this chick’s pretty good. A boy with a smirk on his face

The three boys then joined together to rape the woman. In a group like this, when one person starts to do something, it is as if everyone else follows suit. And I have an image of it getting out of control. I think it’s because when they’re in a group, people are kind of cocky.

There are guys sitting in front of the local McDonald’s. They don’t do that when they’re alone. So in the end, even if they are doing something wrong or bothering others, they can’t do it alone. Then they should study for the entrance exam. Why do you recommend studying for exams?

Life doesn’t move forward if they get together in a place like that and bother people. how about baseball? Yea, baseball is also good. They just have to work hard at whatever they do. But not “Bakkan” “Bakkan” not good. Why don’t they just turn their attention to something else, even for a minute?

You all who are watching this channel, if you are aware that they are delinquents or on the verge of becoming delinquents, you better look back at ourselves once again. Something more important than life. When the sky began to lighten After being assaulted for two hours, the couple was in a dazed state.

Burning hair, pressing flaming cigarettes against them, etc. After that, K and the others tortured the couple. And then, Hey, I think this is not good. One boy murmured to the others. It was obvious that if we let the couple go home so battered and bruised, it would be a police matter.

They then put the couple in their own car and came to a drive-in in Yatomi City, 20 kilometers away. They were restless and smell of paint thinner. Even the store staff who were there were bewildered by the situation. How the group would move from here

Depended on one word from K, the leader of the group. Then, while waiting for the sandwich and coffee he had ordered K said in a very serious voice, We will kill them. Two days after the boys attacked the couple February 25, 1988, 2:00 a.m.

The car came to a deserted mountainous area in Mie Prefecture. In the opened trunk was the body of the man who had been murdered the day before. And the woman who was still alive was blindfolded there. The boys began digging. The woman realized she was going to die as she heard the sound.

Yes, K and the others were digging in the ground to bury the couple’s bodies. But.. Damn, how did we get into this mess? K, who should have been the first of the six to suggest killing the couple, was conflicted by the moment. Why doesn’t anyone say, “Let’s not do this anymore.”

K repeated it over and over in his mind, but his fellow boys and girls remained with mixed expressions. They were sticking shovels into the ground as per tat order. In the meantime, the hole to bury the couple was finally dug. Is there anything you’d like me to do last?

K said this in a tone of voice that seemed to ridicule the woman, but His smile looked like something he had forced himself to smile. Bury me with him And I want to see his face one last time. The woman just said so quietly. And when the blindfold was removed,

She gazed at her lover’s face illuminated by a flashlight, tears streaming down her face. As a matter of fact, K did not really intend to kill the couple at first. He said he wanted to kill them at the drive-in because he wanted to look good in front of his friends.

To show his friends that he had the guts to kill someone, K mentioned the couple’s murder. But the other members of the group were the same in not wanting to be looked down by their friends. After being ridiculed so much in society I figured I’d much rather join in the killing

Than be ridiculed again by the group. The girl who was a member of the group recalled the situation at the time. K says he was really waiting for someone else to call it quits, but none of the six members could say that. For these children,

It was more important what their friends thought of them than that someone should die. How is that possible? Well, after all, they have lived their lives as social outcasts, and it is highly possible that their standards of right and wrong have become out of sync with the common life.

Within that community, values were limited, weren’t they? That’s right. I’m not saying that’s all there is to it, but the incident really made me realize the importance of the family environment, especially education. Later, in the snowy weather, the boys and girls put the woman in her underwear,

Tied her neck with a rope, and strangled her slowly, pulling from both ends like a tug-of-war. K and the other boy were pulling the rope for a whopping 30 minutes. They said that as the boys and girls smoked cigarettes, they watched with amusement the women who suffered for such a long time.

The Nagoya avec murder case, which was committed by boys and girls still in their teens, because of their brutality and the young and careless motives of the perpetrators, drew considerable public condemnation. At the time this trial took place in 1989, There have only been about four cases in 20 years

In which minors have been charged with capital crimes. Even under the circumstances, the main perpetrator, K, was even sentenced to death in the first trial. In the end, K and the other juvenile perpetrator were ultimately sentenced to life imprisonment. They remain in prison to this day.

As for the other four, the maximum sentence was 13 years in prison. All four have now been released from prison. K then exchanged correspondence with the victim woman’s family from prison, and continues to express his apologies to this day.

I have no choice but to live with a firm burden of sin that I cannot atone for no matter how far I go. He saw his contribution to society as the meaning of his life. He is currently serving his sentence diligently as a model prisoner.

The boy, who could not even judge right from wrong, as he served out his sentence, finally became mature. Today’s Keyword Funsui zoku (Fountain Tribe) A group of boys and girls who gathered in Central Park in Nagoya between 1987 and 1988. They repeatedly smoked paint thinner and drove cars dangerously.

What is the date the perpetrators voluntarily agreed to be accompanied by the police? (7% Correct)



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▼『あるごめとりい』のイラストでギフトが贈れる『giff letter(ギフレター)』








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【Music Credits】
<Mysterious Space Music Gravity Sound – Portal>

<Music-AVI Poster-SOUNAK BAIDYA The Mystery Man>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDN2hEsxDWU
<Lightless Dawn Music by Kevin MacLeod>
<Adrenaline – Intense Suspense Music>

<Track: Suspense Scary Music Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios>https://youtu.be/tJkQs5xEhPU



#事件 #ミステリー #怖い話


  1. 被害男性が近所の方だった。

  2. いやいや、遅く無いから全員死刑で! 大人になんかなってないよ。 再捜査して、起訴して全員死刑にするべき。

  3. 言葉が理解できるような年齢になった時点で善悪の判断はつくと私は思ってます。

  4. これ覚えてる事件で自分で調べたりしました。名古屋も事件が多くて妊婦殺人があったりとか…ただ東京ではバッカンて言葉はなかったな〜、もしかしたら東海地方なのか愛知県だけなのか…これ首を絞めては緩めての繰り返しで本当に苦しかったと思います。彼の前で強姦されて、そんな理由で殺されて…アンパンは全国共通なのかなぁ…

  5. 閉鎖された「ク、ソガ、キどもを糾弾するホームページ 」で名古屋アベックサツジンの個人情報が載っていた、共犯の女は3回も結婚して子供3人も産んでいた

  6. 6:40 この頃って先生が平気で体罰する時代だよね、、、

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