ラジコンカー用 変わったトリガーのプロポ【KOプロポ EX-LDT】入手したので試してみた。

This time it will be a promotional video. I finally got the propo that I’ve been curious about for a long time. This is KO PROPO EX-LDT. This is my personal opinion, but I think it’s No. 1 in coolness and sense in the propo world.

I was looking for it because I like unusual things and because I have trouble moving the first joint of my fingers. It’s not just the brakes, but the steering as well. LOL

I was worried about whether I would be able to use it properly, so I was looking for something that would give me a sense of what it would be like even if it wasn’t the latest version.

Since I’m going to make a video of it, I’m also lining up the proposals I had at home so I can have them appear in it. The story of other radio systems will continue, so if you want to see the EX-LDT in action quickly, please skip to around 5:07.

You don’t see many radio-controlled cars anymore, but when I was little, almost all of them were stick-type. I have a lot of 27Mhz radio systems that I don’t use for some reason. Is this something that someone who enjoys radio control as a hobby might say?

For those of you who have recently started, the 27Mhz band and 40Mhz band were the mainstream, and this radio was operated by attaching a crystal to the transmitter and receiver with the same number.

I think there were many people who knew about this era who were panicked because there was someone nearby who was using a crystal with the same number, and the number was rejected.

This is the proposal I received when I received the MINI-Z. Of course, if you match it with crystals, you can use it for other things as well. This is a nice little proposal. You can set the functions in detail, but I didn’t use it much and it was put away.

If you replace the module on the back, you can use it with the receiver in the 27Mhz band, 40Mhz band, and 2.4Ghz band. Nowadays, modules are not only hard to come by but also expensive, so I only have one in the 40Mhz band.

I made a Hornet with a mechanical speed controller based on the old image, so please take a look at that if you’d like. I think 2.4Ghz is the most common method at present, but the style of external silver antennas has disappeared, and they are now built-in.

Futaba’s 4PX is an old high-end radio that is quite damaged, but I still use it. I think I will continue to use 4PX in conjunction with this EX-LDT. Thank you for waiting, we finally get to the main topic.

Regarding this EX-LDT, perhaps I wasn’t looking for it properly, but there wasn’t much information about it, and I couldn’t find a video that would show it in action. There may be someone out there who has the same concerns, so I hope this will be helpful to them.

Just like the first stick-type radio, you can press it with your fingertips and it will act as a brake. This is a completely personal opinion, but in my case, I didn’t feel much discomfort at this stage, probably because I wasn’t able to press the brake with my fingernail.

As a place where you can move a lot, you can easily adjust the position of your fingers according to the size of your hand. There is quite a range of adjustment, so it is safe for people with both large and small hands.

The width of the trigger part can also be adjusted by inserting or removing a spacer. I was concerned about the amount of front and rear stroke at this point, but in my opinion, it didn’t bother me at all while driving.

This area is common to EX-2 RR NEXT etc., but the parts can be divided into 3 parts and can be combined freely to some extent. So, if you don’t like the LDT trigger, you can just replace the grip and use a regular grip, so it’s a little safer.

This is my first time using the split type of KO PROPO, but I found it to be fun to actually get my hands on it and learn how to remove the parts.

I can’t explain the functions as I haven’t fully used them, but since it’s a high-end class, there doesn’t seem to be any inconvenience. However, personally, I would like to try out the handbrake function of this radio.

A long time ago, I used to use the handbrake in a real car to drift and have fun, but I’m hoping that with this function, I can have fun drifting even if I don’t have to use the handbrake.

I brought it to the Hyakkengawa radio-controlled course, and I’m thinking of trying it out on the on-road course. The machine used for testing is a shaft drive 4WD ABC Hobby Genetic. I previously made a video about this machine, so please check it out if you’d like.

The scale is the same as the TAMIYA M chassis S size, so I used the Mini Cooper 94 Monte Carlo.Ver. I created a 360 degree video using GO PRO MAX so that both the driving and the radio are visible, so the horizon is round. LOL

I turned the radio to the side so you could see the fingers, so please understand that it’s a little strangely oriented. I wasn’t able to run much due to a mistake in charging the battery, and I was only able to complete about 3 laps.

My fingers didn’t fall out, but I felt like the brakes were working too hard and I was a little confused. However, there seems to be no problem here with getting used to it and setting it up. How was that? I would be happy if it was helpful for those who are interested.

“*This is my personal opinion.Effects vary from person to person.”LOL. I think it would be possible to operate it more smoothly if the finger positions and gap widths were determined a little more. I often heard that LDT brakes are good, but accelerating is difficult, and I thought this might be the case.

Also, since I drove it on-road this time, I’m going to try it out on an off-road course and enjoy the radio control. I plan to continue shooting various videos in the future, so if you want to watch it again or support me, please like and subscribe to the channel.

Thank you for watching until the end.

長く使ってた フタバの4PXと同じく一昔前のハイエンドプロポ【KOプロポ EX-LDT】の動きを詳しく動画にしてます。

近藤科学 EX-NEXT LDT ブラックSP MINI-Z EVO レシーバーユニット付きセット

最後に走行テストとして、タミヤ Mシャーシと同じサイズのABCホビー ジェネティック(ミニクーパー・94・モンテカルロ.Verボディ)を使って岡山県百間川の河川敷ラジコンコースでテストしてます。

GoPro MAX 360度アクションカメラ

他 プロポ
DEERC DE1213・9200E
バンダイ ダートストライカー


メガテックジュニアMJ T2PHKA


JR RACING(日本遠隔制御)
COBRA (コブラ)



00:00 初め
00:21 今回の動画紹介
00:50 新しくプロポ入手した理由
01:32 自宅でだぶついてたプロポ紹介
03:44 機械式スピコンとEX-1
05:36 KOプロポ EX-LDT 動きの確認
06:28 手の大きさでの調整 スライド式
07:37 前後ストローク量チェック
09:26 百間川ラジコンコースにて走行テスト
10:14 360度動画
10:38 全体像走行
11:02 使用感・感想
12:17 終わりのあいさつ


DT-03(ネオマイティフロッグ レーシングファイター系)
M-07(mini Cooper)
スコーチャー 当時もの
TA-05 ミニコンバージョン


カクタス PRO

フェザーレイジ VEI 



#KO #hutaba #sanwa #ラジコンカー #近藤科学 #ラジコン#deerc #tamiya #grasshopper #ツーリング #グラスホッパー2 #互換機 #RJチャンネル#abc #ジェネティック #ジェネリック #mini #minitruck #ゴープロ #360度動画


  1. EX-NEXT LTD私も使ってますが、いいですよ、詳しい調整方法とかは、KOのユーチューブチャンネルで詳しく紹介さえれてるんで、見てみて下さいね~~~

  2. 私もLDTがどうなっているのかずっと気になっていましたが、見たいアングルで撮影してくださりやっとLDTがどういうものかわかりました。ありがとうございます!

  3. 僕の通っているサーキットでレイダウントリガ-を使っている人がいるので少し触らせてもらった事がありますが、正直に言ったら僕は無理だと思いました😅

  4. 指の腹で操作させて奥の爪側は外した方が自然かな、滑り止めのシールを貼ると滑りません。ここ一年使いましたがブレーキの感覚が長年使ってるタイプと違うので慣れるまで少し大変と思います。あまりブレーキを意識せず慣れるまではステアリングとアクセルワークに意識を集中した方がいいかもしれません。

  5. スティックタイプてサンワの後継機がいつまで経ってもでないので、どうせ変えるなら全く違うもの、ということてLDTにしました。一年経ってようやく慣れましたが、アクセルワークは微妙な操作が出来るようです。私はブレーキ側の爪の当たるところもつけていますが、調整次第で活かすも殺すものようです。

  6. 殆どの動画で正面からの映像しかなかったため、LDTがどういうものか初めて知りました。

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