Karo Tribe 🇪🇹 Real Life | सिर्फ़ एक हज़ार लोग बचे है इस जनजाति के | Bansi Bishnoi in Ethiopia

The cameraman brother behind me is also his brother, so he told me that you are also our brother. There is a small door to enter this house and look, some work is going on inside. Look, there is full body painting here. They have painted their entire body,

Food is being cooked and this child is sleeping here, they are grazing cows and they also have a 47 gun. Have you seen a specialty of the cows here? Look at their tails. One, two, three, they are like this. Good morning friends Bansi Vishnu, once again you are very welcome, currently

I am in Tumi city of Ethiopia, Tumi is not a very big city, it is a small town and 60 km away from here is the Karo tribe which is present all over the body. There is body painting here, here, here and their village, their house, their area.

Now we are going there, so you must be aware that this is a four by four car . If you are a driver then please like the video and tell me

How you like the video by commenting on it. And we will meet at the end of the video. And these small children are saying biscuits, so give them a little biscuit, one doti four, give Mahim biscuit four five. Six Seven Three Eight Two

Three You Give Me 11 More Okay Ya So These Little Children Are Happy Bye Go Children Man, We Are Going To Meet Many More On The Way So I Carry A Little Extra So That I Can Give To Them Too And you get to see very hungry and thirsty children,

So friends, now you can see that there is a deserted road here and you will see forest all around, tribal people live in this forest, people of our tribe, mostly these people want to live their lives in Nirvana. Almost everything is dependent on cows and they do a little farming,

So some plants are similar to India but most of the rest are different. Look at this, such cows and small calves take them to the forest to graze and those small calves There are vines and we sell them,

So right now we are in the forest, Abram and I both and we are going to show you one thing. Look, what you see here is Uday Uday in Hindi, Uday is called Uday, he has built such a big house. Brother, you

See how big a place it is now inside the forest. Look inside it, there are many wild animals here, they come to eat it, so they even put a jeep inside it and

Take it out, but this much You have built a big house so big that even if it falls down, now you are standing here and if it falls down, you may get harmed. You have built it so big that

Now in this forest you can see that this tribal is living far away alone in this forest. Look, there is no one there, she is going alone, she must have brought some luggage etc. and is going towards her home. Look brother, a scene like this happens. Earlier, maybe

Our life was like this, but now we have improved a lot. People , look at how many cows are there here, brother, there are hundreds of cows here, all these are tribal people and they graze the cows here, they sell the bulls and if they do not sell the cows,

Then friends like We entered the Karo Tribe Village, some children were playing in the village and a few trees were also visible, some tin sheds were also visible and as soon as we reached the main place of the village, we saw many women

With The upper body parts were not covered with clothes and this is the beginning of what went wrong. We came to know later when we reached back to the city from here, 60 kilometers away, after spending thousands of rupees, we reached here but the audio was not

Recorded in our video. And the second thing was that all the women there were there who were not wearing clothes on their body parts above the waist, so I could not show them much, but there was one woman who was painting on my face, she was wearing clothes. So I

Liked it a lot, so what I did was that the next day I came again with a motorcycle, again spent thousands of rupees and then I recorded this village again, so let’s take you once again on the journey of this village. I will either take you

Or friends, currently I am in the Omo Valley of Ethiopia. I am far away, that is, there is a town 40 km away from it. I have come here by this road and now I

Will go from here towards the forest, 26 km where there is no There is no road, the road is ending here, the road is going ahead but I have to go in this direction. Right now there are some Sarvas here who are

Grazing cows here and they also have a 47 gun. This is their culture and the government also likes them. These people don’t speak anything, they don’t use fire wire, they keep it with them only to protect their cows, they are not hunters, they are just normal people and

If you keep this gun for your safety, then it is a normal thing here. Now we will go in this direction. This path is going towards the forest. I will go through this path for 26 kilometers. There are no people on the motorcycle, you will see only these tribal people. So

Now let’s go in this direction, now you can see behind me, all these cows belong to these tribal people and the name of this caste is Karo Tribe. They are people of Karo tribe and these people are just

Using milk for household use. They take it and the rest, these people sell it, they sell it, they sell goats, they sell sheep, they all make a living from these and also do some farming. Women stay at home and men, they are men, they graze outside. And

They monitor them, this is all their job. Look here, there are a lot of sheep too. One thing you might find strange here is that Uday has made it. Everywhere you will see big mud pillars, so these are everywhere. Uday Uday Uday. Everywhere in the entire forest they have erected

Such big ones, look at this, look there, see a specialty of the cows here, look at their backs, these people have planted something and behind them are some big ones. It looks like a lump like this on the back of every cow,

Isn’t it some dung? Just like this, they have put something like this on the back of everyone to identify them, so this one has also been made like this for identification. We

Have been walking in the forest for a long time. -In between you will see some people of the tribe who are grazing cows and in between three or four junctions come together, you do not know which way you have to go, hence there is so much confusion, but in

This forest The good thing is that there are no animals here, only you will see cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep etc. and the herdsmen are tribal people and apart from this you will not see anything in the forest, so now we have to travel almost 20 kilometers.

After this, we have almost reached near the Tribe Village, from here, about two kilometers more are left and you can see this view ahead and now it is 2.30 in the day, there is very hard sunlight and we are in this Saasi. We are doing the trip for you. We

Have already come once before but in the previous trip, we were cheated a lot that what happened was that we completed the trip and when we went back and checked, there was no audio recorded, something. There was a problem with the mic, so today we have to come again.

Last time we had come with a car and this time we have brought a bike. It is not possible to come with a car every time. The cost of coming here once is around Rs. 00, brother. And the nearest town is 60 km, there

Is no vehicle to come here from 60 km, there is no means here, if these people fall ill then there is no arrangement for them, only this big bike is there, otherwise these people are tourists when they come here.

When we come, we sit in his car and go, this is the arrangement and if there is no arrangement, we have also borrowed a bike from some brother and on this trip it is 120 kilometers to and fro, so I will pay around $

300,000. If I had brought a car, I would have had to pay tax, so I have brought a bike. Again, this is costing twice as much. Brother, understand that some people say that you are having fun, not fun, we are looting. Come on, we are almost a village. I have probably reached

Here, a village can be seen a little ahead, so it is moving on a medium, one or two, three, look , let me show you a little view of where we have come, let me tell you, look at this, it is completely

Sloping downwards. There is an area and this is the upper area, on that side you can see the mountain in front, on this side there is Omo River, nearby here, this Koso village is situated on the banks of Omo River and all these people live here, so now we are Koso Village.

I will show you that we have come here, it is very hot here, hence the phone camera gets hot after some time and after some time it gets switched off, so now we will continue. This is the house of the villagers, neither the government helps us here. Is there any NG comes, NG

Prepares something and gives it, it is bad during the day, look, there is something here, today we have come again, look, we have already come to this village once before, look, this is a village hut, we will show you They will take you inside the huts and

Show you how these people live, how they live, how they maintain their houses, what they do, they will also explain everything to you. Hi Hi, the goat is sitting here and we have almost reached the village. Brother, almost reached the village, all the people are missing because the heat

Is very hot, so we came, let’s set, but okay, still redo redo, and here is the river brother, look, this is the river. These people live on the banks of the river. Oh brother, we have now come to the village. We

Will meet the head of this village and I will show you how we meet. Come on hello hello one to three, this is how they meet. And then sometimes we do it even four times but we

Have to do it three times, so we are almost here, we have come to the village, look behind, there is Omo river which comes from this side and go to this side, snow matter or this. The river has a lot of

Water flowing in it, it comes from Ethiopia and on this side it joins Lake Turkana in Kenya and further on this side is South Sudan and on this side is Kenya so right now we are meeting in this village Red to Red Red or Red, they can call this village meaning a head

Or whatever they can call it, they also know English, so now let us tour you the village with them and show you a little, here also everyone is sitting on the banks of the river. It happens that when you come early in the morning, there are a lot of ladies etc. here, so

I will show you a little bit of the scene, I have the video but there is no audio, so again I have come to do it, okay come on, so in the specialty of this village. Let me tell you

That these are the people of Karo tribe and the name of their village is Korso. Well, there is a population of about 300 to 400 people here and how do these people live here. I have shown you a little hut that this people’s hut. Hut people, don’t worry, it’s okay in

India in my village also like this, this is the meaning of keeping the stuff, whatever ration they need, they keep it here because when the water rises below, it gets eaten, hence this wood is the wood at the bottom. No, Uday cannot eat it, they use that thing

And fill it with paddy and decorate it from above, so in a way it is a hut, it can be called a storage and then there are separate enclosures for tying goats etc. And this is a hut of their house and there is a whole village like this, so these

Small things are built here, here you can see corn, this is the main food of their food, these people also do farming in the slope on this side. And this is this corn, look , this is corn, don’t eat it, that’s why all these corn are like this, they

Are not proper corn, but they are decent corn, so they will be able to survive and this is their house, see you can see okay, this is their house Come on, there is a small door to enter this house and look at this, some work is going on inside,

Look at this, we have come inside their house and this brother is sitting in the house and look like how the house is made. They have lost so much wood and the whole house is made of this wood, stuff is kept above it, clothes are kept above it,

Buckets of water etc. are kept here, children are sleeping here, look, children are sleeping, they are resting now. Because it is very hot right now and food is cooked here brother, so this is the inside view. Now let’s go outside and show you the view from outside. Ok ready or bro, give

It a try. Sorry, these are coming out now brother, from inside because My God Good Ye Bhai Bhi Ho Be Good Keep Dekho Good Ye Bhai Good Hai Aur Abhi Ya Come Ya Don’t Worry We Coming Ya Kan Yer Ye Ghar Bana Rahe Old Ghar Hai

Dera Badar This Shelter Use For This For DSTV Footbal TV O Watching TV Ya Watching TV for DStv Football This one or ok this is like a mini theater brother when there is a football match everyone sits inside it and watches the football match inside these tribal people come

On look at these little lambs And this is a small dog and I am a dog, don’t worry, don’t speak and it’s okay, no problem, so look at this, look at this, brother, look at this, this is a village, look, I will show you around this village, this, this, this, this, this

Living house. And this one now you are not making like this or ok now these people are making a house like this there is a cat sitting inside you can see there is a cat and

Now this people you will ask why is this house like this now why are they not making a hut so there is no grass yet So what to do, these people put a leaf on top and this is

Ok and there are Neem trees here, so we would have Jim trees there, well, there are trees here too, so what do they care about, trees work, there is a house, let me show you a little. Hey, hello, are you here, look

Here, there is a rat here, food is being cooked and here is a child sleeping, if this sister comes out from inside, then the whole village is like this, brother, have you understood what is the condition of the village? This village is the same as our village,

So there is not much development here, these people just live like the old tribal people used to live, I want to tell one thing special in the video that we have not shown any wrong things in the video. hurt someone by watching a video

If you reach there, you need time for this, use your discretion, Hello Bro, Good India, this is a sitting chair, these people always keep it with them, everyone keeps it with them, they keep roaming around with it in a holding case, so this is Always carry ya yourself ya ya ya ok

Cha cha wooden use like any tree no any thi there is a special tree special tree this is lighter than a special tree the weight is very light you can sit like this o a any time you carry ya in the jungle and

AO sleeping time, if you sleep while sitting, then you can use it like a pillow, okay can we see this design, look at this, here the whole body has been painted on the whole body, the whole body has been painted, okay,

This is this In a way, this is the specialty of the Karo tribe, they keep painting like this and now all this is ready, so it is not right to talk much, okay this is okay or else they know where the light comes from so

Go around from there. These people are telling me to do photography from here, this is the whole village, now I think there is no need to show much, enough is common, don’t worry

, we will take you here, so now we are going a little towards the river, let me show you. They give a view of the river and these people, which is a drink that cools the Indian mind, it is as if they have drunk it,

Then they have become a little gun-chakkar babu, so look now, you will see a farm house on this side, all of them do farming. On the bank of the river, you can see the mountain in front and you can see this entire area.

Here, guns cultivate maize and sorghum, there you can see that you can also see some cows, see, all these things are there. Now we are going down to the bottom of the river to show you

What work these people do near the river and these people keep horses, I have told you earlier also that they keep horses for the protection of their cows and for their own protection. Horse is used to protect the family, horse

Meat, you understand, horse, I will show you, now these people keep roaming around with the horse around their neck, that horse is fine, so let’s go, he is red, he is the head of this village and You can come with Raid anytime,

Raid is here to help you, he will also help you in camping and if you give him Rs 1000 in this village, he can roam with you the whole day in the village

And Rs 00 will have to be given to you at the camp side. So 00 and plus of daily food and drink, if you do these things, then Red is with you, you can stay here for many days, three days, four

Days, five days, there is no problem, so to come here to this village, you have to take a bike from Tumi and come here. You will have to get a bike on rent, no one comes here like this, so

You can come to this forest like this and after coming here, you will find these brothers and they will handle everything for you. There is some grass cutting work here. If we are moving , we are going towards the river

And I will tell you the location of this place. You go and see where we are. At this time, if you look, you will see many such huts and one or two permanent houses. And if you see such a winding river then

See that the tribal people who are from Kara tribe have come to the fields, how they do this farming, this is maize and this seagull, okay doing this thing, so they cultivate sorghum and maize

On the banks of the river. Pa and Yawa drink water and this one gives water to the cows and drinks it himself. This water comes from a long distance, 500-600 kilometers away. There is a dam behind and there the rain water from the mountains collects and then the water comes from there. Now

This is drinking water yes so if you drink this water then I will also drink water and show you how is the taste of water here ok this is water see brother it

Is of such color it is rain water no this is the taste of rain water only It is a very sweet water and the water is going very fast in this direction. You can see that it is coming from this side. It is a

Round and round winding river, so at a very good rate you will get to see these people live up there. But on that mound you can see there on top and there are houses

Living there on the side. Look at the trees that are visible above, people are standing there and now we have come here from there and cows etc. come there to drink water. That big pipe and tree are visible there. What is there there? There is a good place there, don’t do farming, that’s

Why brother, we have just come above the river and now let’s go . Women are doing some work here. They show you o o o o we have the same thing bro we have this one this one ok look at this moong moong hello can techy also this brother has cultivated moong see

Lo brother, wow brother, this is moong, it is my bug , I am milking and drinking, I am selling milk . Okay, so brother, this is amazing, these people also do the same thing, they are cultivating moong, they have done it, so this is selling and you. Eating

Ok, these people also eat moong, brother, I was hungry today, I enjoyed eating or taking rest, sister, there are small children here and farming is going on here, sister told me. That you have come here, let’s talk a little here, a little

Like this, he said, if possible, give me some tips, then I gave him Rs. 00 and he said that the cameraman brother behind me is also his brother, so he told me also. That you

Are also our brother, so I liked it very much and he is very intelligent and very smart too, let’s talk to him, so a new house is being built here, look at the hay being put on it and that brother is working there,

He is building something. So now we are going back out of this forest and Luko has become a sister to us. When I come next time, I will definitely bring something for Luko because now we have made this path. Look, we have made a path from here and brother, work here. Let

‘s go , brother, look at this, what a beautiful view, now we have gone down and come back up, this is the whole valley, look, a very powerful river runs from here, brother, we came up from a steep slope, hence we are tired,

Look at this, Salam, Salam, this is what, see how. Brother, you are sleeping, look, there is a shop here, so we buy water from the shop, wow , it is time to leave this village, there is a lot of heat ahead, so

We have taken full shelter and now we put on our glasses and drink water. Say goodbye to everyone and now even the local women here take me take me means take my photo and give me money. Started speaking English, never went to school but speaks tech in tech, brother

Felt good, professional ok let’s go ok brother nice to meet you . Bye Nice To We Meet Soon On Bye Wa Wa So Now Tech Ma Techmi People Are Left Behind Now There Are Left Of Us It’s Time To Leave This Village K K Two Lions Leaving The Village

Wow Crazy Very Happy We Enjoyed How is Abram killing? Good, good, good, good, good, if it is with a good guide, then everything is good, otherwise there is a problem . As brother was telling, everyone here has just gone out, some have gone out to graze cows, some have gone to

Graze sheep and goats. There are some people here, that is, they have gone for hunting, to eat and drink, everyone comes home only in the evening, so right now the village seems completely deserted .

The Kara people, who speak an Omotic language, are a small group (approximately 1,000 people) occupying the left bank of the Omo River. They are closely related to the Benna-Bashada-Hamar group and the Dassanetch-Arbore.

According to their oral tradition, the Karo believe their roots are as herdsmen who emigrated to the mountains of the Hamar and Banna peoples. They lived there for some time until one day their livestock disappeared in search of water. The livestock eventually returned, but when they disappeared again, the Karo followed them. This is how they discovered the existence of the Omo River and came to settle on its banks. However, the tsetse fly wiped out their herds and they ended up dedicating themselves to agriculture in order to survive (Sorghum, Corn, and beans).

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  1. ❤मन उदास😔 हो तो एक काम किया करो,🙏

    ❤जय श्री राम😊 का नाम ले लिया करो !!🙏

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