
Rebirth 1996 I made 730 yuan a day by selling wild vegetables. Then I bought Charlotte snacks and new clothes. Xiao Zhuang, are you looking for falling snow Aunt Zhang You know where the snow is. Xiao Zhuang is not aunt Zhang’s talkative You need to use more snacks on Loscher.

She’s beautiful and so virtuous Easily abducted by other men. Aunt Zhang earnestly advised for three minutes and then tell me A handsome young man came to see Charlotte Snow. Seems to be Senior high school of his classmates Two people talking and laughing Didn’t talk for a while

The two of them went to the river. Xiao Zhuang, they said they were going for a walk. Then you ‘d better go and have a look Don’t get your daughter-in-law running away with someone else. God, I know. You ‘d better cook. Lest you lose and nag again

You ‘ve been out there all day, snowing on the spot. I ‘ve loved you for years Even though I went to college I ‘ve seen a lot of good girls. I still think they are inferior to you When I graduate from college next year Assigned to a good job can give you happiness

I really like you Will you marry me? Classmate Zhang Tong Thank you for coming to play with me. And thank you for liking me But I already have someone I like. And already engaged I’m getting married soon. What is she who How could Liu Dazhuang be him

Doesn’t he like Chen Mei from Chenjia Village? I remember not long ago she and many Senior high school classmates said She’s getting married Liu Dazhuang has divorced Chen Mei Now I’m his fiancee No, how can you be with him Liu Dazhuang is not worthy of you

He’s just a country kid who didn’t even go to college. I am also rural. I just graduated from Senior high school You also despise me No, no, no. That’s not what I meant I mean, he can’t give you happiness. When I graduate from college next year

The worst can also be assigned to work in public institutions. Stable work unit There are many social benefits If you marry me, you can live with me in the county. These are not Liu Dazhuang He can give you the words of Zhang Tong Charlotte Snow Silence

It was not that he was attracted by Zhang Tong’s offer. But he felt that Zhang Tong’s thoughts and he were not an event. Charlotte even felt that this old classmate had changed. No longer as simple as before Zhang Tong was afraid that what you said would not come true.

In the end, you’re not even as strong as me, a rural boy. I have nothing to do with Zhang Tong You don’t misunderstand my daughter-in-law what kind of person Can I still not know I believe in you Liu Dazhuang What did you just say

I promised to give the happiness of falling snow can not be realized I’m a college student at the provincial capital university. I’ll be able to assign jobs when I graduate next year. And the worst is the distribution of houses and cars in public institutions. There are also high wages and unit benefits.

What makes you say I’ll end up inferior to you I looked at him like a fool. If it was a college student in the 1980 s or early 1990 s It’s really popular Package allocation work is also divided into rooms All kinds of unit subsidies get soft

But now it is the middle and late 90 s I remember starting this year Colleges and universities across the country began to pilot College students are no longer assigned jobs. Begin full roll out next year Abolishing the assignment of college students What if you assign jobs after graduation?

What is the average wage in state-owned enterprises now? 500 500 per month A day’s deposit is worth a month’s salary. What do you compare with me Zhang Tong saw a pile of money in my hand My eyes are almost straight. It was the first time he had seen so much money.

Big strong, let’s go Okay, when you get back to Dashiki Village I noticed that Charlotte’s beautiful eyes were staring at me all the time. I can’t help laughing Falling snow What have you been staring at me My face is dirty Big Zhuang I feel like you’re a different person

It’s like a middle-aged soul in his 40 s and 50 s lives in his body. Maybe Charlotte Snow saw that I was reborn. My grandfather used to say Men will become mature and stable after experiencing ups and downs. That’s what you should be But I kind of like you Now like this

At first, I was afraid that you and Chen Mei would propose to me after you broke up. Just think of me as a substitute Now I won’t be thinking Liu Dazhuang I will marry you soon You must be good to me Don’t let me lose the bet Lu Xue You remember me

Liu Dazhuang proposes to you I don’t think of you as a substitute. The one I love is you In this life only love you I will give you the best things make you happy Happy every day every day I believe in you Why do you have so much money on you?

I took a look At least there’s a 400 or 500 Fortunately, that’s 1000 much. The owner of the teahouse and I ordered a batch of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls. gave the advance payment Charlotte’s snow showed a sudden color Immediately say You have to save this money. Don’t spend You know?

Know the daughter-in-law You’ll be in charge of our family’s money after we get married. That’s not what I meant If snow has one thing I want to discuss with you Don’t let Grandpa Xia go to the town market to sell bean sprouts in the future.

I want all the bean sprouts your family planted. I’ll give you a piece of a kilo I’m making 300 sprouts today Pig rice rolls used for nearly 20 years Ten catties of rice noodles and bean sprouts The two jars of bean sprouts cultivated by our family have been used up.

Shiloh cigars are grown with bean sprouts. Fuck him is full of good Water does not flow Outsiders can’t do a piece of field a kilo this price is too high Grandpa won’t agree You don’t tell grandpa I urgently need this bean sprouts for breakfast. demand is large

It is difficult to find other suppliers in a short time. Our two families are so close Looking for you to buy I can also save a freight Neither does Grandpa Xia. I worked hard every day to transport bean sprouts to the market and sell them.

This is a matter of killing three birds with one stone Then according to the purchase of thirty cents a kilo Drink too much Grandpa’s temper will certainly not promise I also don’t want others to say that I take advantage of you When you say this last sentence Charlotte Snow slightly bowed his head

Cold red lip Face stubborn I just remembered that falling snow is a very strong girl. Let him sell bean sprouts at a price higher than the market price The fifth is impossible. Snow, do you think this is OK Bean sprouts are still purchased according to one kilogram.

But you have to help me make bean sprouts every day. Pig rice rolls Raw Materials I sold more bean sprouts Even if your wages Make bean sprouts and pig rice rolls But that’s still too much money. So it was decided Tomorrow I’ll teach you how to make bean sprouts and pig rice rolls

You have to do at least 200 points for me I don’t give Charlotte the chance to hesitate Tuck the bag in his hand into his arms. This is the dress I bought for you You see if it fits Say that finish also do not wait for Charlotte snow reaction

I turned around and left Charlotte Snow gawked at the bag in his hand The face can not help but bear a touch of happiness Son of Shy After returning home It’s already over four o’clock in the afternoon I haven’t cooked yet. The three dogs each carried a big sack.

Walk in with a smile on your face I came back from the mountains after picking wild vegetables. Liu Ge, this mountain is really good. Not ready enough today No straw hat and kettle Otherwise, we can still pick for two hours. Cousin, everything we picked is here. You go through the motions

I weighed all three of their wild vegetables. The soldier picked 50kg Huizi picked 55kg Three dogs picked 70kg Three dogs. You fight hard enough One breath to pick 70kg Did Liu Ge pick too many I said how much you pick How much do I charge My face is full of smile

Take out 70 yuan and put it into the hands of three dogs. Three dogs, this is your money for picking wild vegetables. Hui Zi, keep your 55 yuan Make up your 50 yuan Three people see their hands of real money The eyes are staring straight Picking wild vegetables can really make money.

The eyes of the sickly soldier suddenly turned red. He is sick because of infirm No one wants to move bricks to the construction site. He can only do some loose work You can’t make ten dollars a day. But now he’s only been picking for one day. One made 50 bucks. One month

That’s $1500. Five months more work than he used Read Liu Ge You are my parents. The soldier knelt down with a splash Xiao Bin’s family is dependent on her and her grandmother. Because to take care of grandma She can’t go to the provincial capital to work

Can only stay in the village to do electricity But that little money can’t support her and Grandma. I remember that the houses of Xiao Bin’s family are still only tile kings. Heavy rain will leak Grandma Xiao Bin has rheumatism again I can’t be tortured. And now the soldier just has to work harder

You can also repair the tile house. At least it won’t leak in rainy days If it weren’t for Liu Ge Batman and Grandma Batman I don’t know how long I can hold on in that shabby house. What are you doing? You earned the money by selling wild vegetables. I didn’t give you alms

Why do you blame me Pick more wild vegetables Repair tile house Taking care of your grandmother is what you have to think about now. Batman eyes red Face of gratitude choked his head Dog made money today. Let’s go to town for a good meal. Your boy made money

I don’t know how to marry a daughter-in-law after saving up with big money. Making so much money for the first time Is the heart happy Three dogs after they left Liu Chan and Liu Cuihua also came back from work Xiao Zhuang, why do you collect so many wild vegetables?

Our family can’t eat so much. This wild vegetable is used to sell money This morning, the three dogs sent 60 catties of wild vegetables. I took it to the county teahouse and sold it. It changed hands and made 180 dollars. How many 180 blocks Liu Chan heard this My eyes are almost straight

This wild vegetable is so valuable You’re not kidding us, are you? Mom and Dad, why did I lie to you? this is also a dish I and three dogs they said a piece of a kilo The teahouse in the county town charges me three yuan a kilo. Hear me this

Both Liu Chan and his wife gasped Darling, collect wild vegetables at three yuan a kilo It’s almost up to the price of pork. Are people in the city so rich? This is called meat and vegetable collocation Work is not tired People in the city are very particular about food.

Liu Shan and his wife looked at each other and smiled They’re just rural people Don’t know so many bends around Can make money is good Can make money is good Xiao Zhuang, what is your income from setting up stalls today? Not bad

Today, I set up a stall to sell bean sprouts and pig rice rolls and made 400 yuan. Sold 100 copies of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls Earned 150 yuan for auspicious teahouse a total of 550 yuan 550 block Hear this number. Liu Shan and his wife both stared wide-eyed

This is almost enough for both of them to earn a month’s work. Brother, you are too good One day’s income is 730 yuan. Exactly. I earned $1130 today. Jixiang Tea House ordered 200 copies of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls paid me $400 in full My God, the stall makes so much money.

I want to follow the song to set up a stall Nonsense You are small now Reading is your first task. Just leave the money to my brother. I’m still waiting for you to become the first college student in our family.

Xiao Zhuang, I have already asked Mr. Zhuang to calculate the birthdates of you and falling snow. You two fit well. The wedding day is also calculated. The 25th of next month is a good day. And there are only two wedding dates this year for you.

If it is too late, it will be delayed until the end of the year. 25 next month. My brow slightly wrinkled Although it’s only the beginning of the month There are almost two months before the 25th of next month. But if I want to get married and live in the villa with Charlotte.

The wedding house must start construction early next month. In the 90 s in the countryside. If you want to build a three-story red brick villa with a yard At least 50000 yuan Plus 3.1 turns At least 60000 blocks are required In other words I have to make 60000 bucks in a month

Only in this way can we start building a new house at the beginning of next month. Back to the 90 s I made a fortune selling wild vegetables that no one wants in the mountains. The next day The dog drives a tricycle With three groups of 600 bean sprouts pig rice rolls

And a big iron pot The newly developed pot porridge Go to County After coming to the county I went to the auspicious teahouse first Pour the 200 portions of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls that Liu Ying asked. After the process of three large bags of wild vegetables, a total of 175kg

According to the purchase price of wild vegetables agreed by Liu Ying yesterday I got 700 bucks Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother Count in yesterday’s advance for your bean sprouts and pork rice rolls. You made 1100 bucks early this morning. In this small town You’re a little rich. Liu Jie is joking

If you want to be rich, you have to be rich. What else does Liu Ying want to say A sudden shock in the pocket I saw Liu Ying take out a Nokia phone Eyes slightly one After Liu Ying connects the mobile phone Not a few words His face showed a dignified color

Then it seems that they promised to help them find something. Just hung up the phone Excuse me. There are more important things It doesn’t matter Business matters Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother I remember you saying You’re from Oshi Village What is it? I heard that there are many rare herbs in the rural mountains.

Can you keep an eye out for me See where there is the ginseng of the year. I bought the ginseng of the year at a high price. I have an elder who is not well I need a good ginseng to mend my body. But Cheng Lin, you know

A good life is hard to find. Only in the mountains can you be found. If you help me find I will never treat you badly Liu Jie rest assured I’ll keep an eye out for you After leaving the auspicious teahouse I don’t know where my mind has gone.

Liu Ying’s words remind me of one thing That was the time There was a rich businessman in the county whose father was ill. Belongs to the need for precious medicinal materials to replenish the body The big rich businessman let out the words As long as someone can get here Treasured herbs

Not only high-priced acquisitions He will also get a favor Later it was this Liu Ying Sending a rich businessman in a hundred years of life. Got the favor of the big rich businessman. Therefore, Liu Ying laid the foundation as the county catering king And the hundred-year-old ginseng he bought came from the master.

The hundreds of years of ginseng should still have not been dug up in the mountains. No matter who was in a previous life Such good luck digging up this hundred-year-old ginseng Now all the 100-year-old ginseng belongs to me. When you come to active service, you will have ten bosses in one day.

You are also slow to get out of the stall today. We’re all starving Hurry up. The class is coming soon I also want to eat a few more Hear the words of these students I can’t help laughing Prompt stand-up Send them a piece of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls.

That’s when someone noticed my tricycle There’s a big iron pot on top. Boss, what kind of porridge is in this iron pot Special breakfast in the provincial capital dried shrimp with lean meat Scallops and other side dishes boiled intestine Sweet taste Smooth taste I introduced while opening the iron lid

A scent suddenly spread The eyes of the students all around are straight Boss, how much is this seafood porridge for a bowl Two pieces a bowl So expensive is not expensive Lean dried shrimps and scallops are not cheap Those students also feel reasonable Hesitated for a few seconds

He was immediately asked for a bowl. Eat a few mouths After tripe Every student’s face is full of satisfaction Less than an hour’s time The 400 portions of bean sprouts and pig rice rolls I brought sold out. Profit 800 block

I looked at the hot pot porridge inside the iron pot after it had bottomed out. Sold 200 bowls Profit 400 block I can’t help but be a little surprised. I didn’t expect this pot of porridge to sell better than bean sprouts and pig rice rolls.

The most important thing is to save worry and effort Counting the 700 yuan for selling wild vegetables today I have $1900 on me. The whole person is a little floating earn 2000 a day The moon in 60000 does not seem to be a dream. Then I took the only bowl of porridge left.

Come to the front of the security guard Old man, I set up a stall there to sell student breakfast. The students are in class I have a bowl left here for you to taste. I can’t afford to buy Please eat without money Uncle Liu’s eyes brightened I looked around

I didn’t take my porridge until I saw no one. eat up A few mouths down His whole person is sweet Young man. You can taste this porridge Pencil bags on teahouses and hotels are all made of lean meat. Boiled scallops large Real Material The taste is naturally not bad. Doing Student Business

People have a conscience Well said Doing business with a conscience. Young man, for the sake of you inviting me to eat this bowl of porridge. Let me tell you a piece of news Our county No.1 Middle School will comment on civilized campus these days.

You ‘d better put your stall away these two days. So as not to be targeted by school leaders. I’ll tell you after the review You buy it back again The classical Chinese eyes a bright I didn’t expect that I invited Uncle Liu to eat a bowl of porridge.

To have access to such important information Uncle Liu Thank you for telling me this after I treat you to porridge every day What kind of person do you think I am, young man? I’m telling you this for your bowl of porridge. Is this? Yes, yes, yes I misunderstood you old

I brought some this week. More salt and coriander tomorrow After leaving reality I have a small 2000 dollars. And did not go to the bottom of the test but to the elevator market in the county I have to advance every day now. Buy the ingredients you need the next day.

The weather is not hot now Ingredients can be put the next day But in a few days it will be hot I’m afraid to buy the ingredients back It was bad the next morning. So I decided to buy a refrigerator and go back. Moving to Shiloh Cigar

Complete the day of 3.1 turning in the bride price You can also put down the ingredients you buy. Drop Cigar Hello, sir. You want to buy something I want to buy a refrigerator Have a good recommendation Mr. Refrigerator. Our common here is the sea of fragrant snow

Single door refrigerator and double deer brand double door refrigerator One is 685 blocks One is 1200 blocks Are there any imports? Yes, but imported refrigerators are more expensive. Panasonic single-door refrigerator to 150 billion sets Panasonic single-door refrigerator is about to be used. Move to the tricycle outside and tie it up. Good sir.

If you are sure to buy Our shop provides door-to-door service of electrical appliances. It would be safer for us to carry the goods on a three-wheeled motorcycle. Rural also home delivery Free delivery within 20km That line You send me to dashi village After leaving the detailed address I rode away on a tricycle

I earned 1900 dollars today. After buying a refrigerator There was only 400 yuan left. At this time, the next door of Dashicun is very lively. Many villagers gathered outside the house. Look outside the house The three-wheeled motorcycle is with the police. On the three-wheeled motorcycle stood a piece of red cloth

Don’t know what’s hidden inside It is impossible to send the wrong goods The address is clearly written This is the place But we don’t have any money Can’t afford such a big object The money has been paid. It’s just that your family bought electrical appliances. I haven’t had time to tell you

Old man. Our time is precious There are many electrical appliances to send Why don’t you let me move the appliances into your house first Waiting for your family to come back You ask again slowly Scared more confused Their family is just themselves and their granddaughter. Where there are any relatives

But also willing to buy them such a big electrical appliances Master, what kind of electrical appliances are on this car? how much money The car is imported Panasonic refrigerator 1500 yuan each something so expensive You think someone will pay Wrong address? This word out Everyone was shocked. 1500-piece fridge

They can’t afford such expensive things without eating or drinking for months. I haven’t seen anyone write the wrong address. send p to my home Wrong address certainly not wrong Someone sold it to Grandpa Xia’s family. Who is so big Spend more than 1000 yuan to send a refrigerator to grandpa Xia

Something so valuable Whoever bought it I can’t even take The faces of the delivery workers are embarrassed. When they collect the money, they have to deliver the appliance to the address given by the customer. But the old man won’t let them move electrical appliances in the door. They can’t take each other

Just when the crowd is deadlocked I drove the refrigerator on a tricycle. delivered so quickly The efficiency is quite high This word out I have Kunming’s eyes are looking at me Look experience big strong You bought the fridge. Yeah This is grandpa Xia I bought for Loscher

As long as the 3333 bride price I can only give Loscher more subsidies on 3.1 bricks. It’s just the fridge In the next few days, I will buy a color TV for Falling Snow. Air conditioning and motorcycles This word out The whole village is the Book of changes

They didn’t think I ‘d be so ambitious. Make a promise of falling snow Not only than the bride price I also want to buy three pieces This is a big killer in the countryside. It turns out that this refrigerator was bought by Liu Dazhuang for Charlotte Snow as a bride price.

I told you before This kid has a lot to offer Yeah. 1500-piece fridge Buy when you say buy Aspirated The next page is blessed with falling snow. By Big Zhuang The child grew up Big strong how can you spend money It’s not easy for your parents to make money.

You should return this refrigerator quickly. Otherwise I won’t let falling snow marry you Spend money before you get married. What to do after getting married? Hear that Shade The faces of many villagers show strange colors. Although parents have some savings But you can’t spend it like this. Don’t buy a motorcycle.

The rest of the money is enough to buy air and color TV sets. He’s going to spend all his parents’ savings. It seems that Liu Dazhuang hasn’t grown up yet. The villagers around the more excited Looking at me a little more In the last episode, I sold wild vegetables and breakfast.

I made 1900 dollars a day. Then I spent 1500 I bought an imported Panasonic refrigerator for Charlotte Snow. Da Zhuang really earned the money for buying the refrigerator yourself. Yeah, I’m selling breakfast And the acquisition of wild vegetables Sell in town. make some money Grandpa Xia We can testify to that.

Liu Ge, let’s go up the mountain to pick wild vegetables these two days. He bought it for us at the price of one dollar a kilo. We have made dozens of dollars in the past two days. Yes, Liu Ge is really trying to save money. Marry Snow Sister-in-law Liu Ge has really changed

When the owner of the dog suddenly let all the villagers are a burst of what A piece of a kilo of wild vegetables When did wild vegetables become so valuable I said three dogs, Hui Zi and Xiao Bin, they have not wandered around the village these two days.

It turned out that I went up the mountain to pick wild vegetables. So many wild vegetables on the mountain Three dogs, they can’t finish it. Can we also pick wild vegetables? Sell money big strong You can’t be selective We and three dogs, they’re all from the same village as you.

You can’t forget me about making money. Other villagers see also can’t Chen Jianguo, the village chief, also came to Da Zhuang If you have a portal to sell wild vegetables Why don’t you take the villagers with you? Chen San came to make trouble before. Take away the falling snow

They have people from every family to protect you. I know that the purchase of wild vegetables will spread in the village sooner or later. The people in the village have not been good to my family these years. If you only think about three dogs to make money He will inevitably make people angry.

Today, I took the opportunity to bring the villagers together in uniform. Aunt and uncle. It’s not that I don’t want to make money with the big guys. It is true that the channel for me to sell wild vegetables has not been opened yet. the amount needed is not large

But since the village chief said Let me make money Don’t forget everyone. So starting today Each household can purchase up to 20kg Wild vegetables I can’t sell too much Big guy can arrange good people to go up the mountain to pick The villagers in Guizhou heard my words Eyes are the same

Only buy 20 pounds a piece of a kilo That’s 20 bucks. That’s a lot. My man works in it for just over ten dollars a day. Then don’t I earn more than my man Or the public to make money Nor do we forget those prudent Aunt and uncle.

Although the amount of wild vegetables is not much But the quality should be controlled for me. If which opportunistic secretly stuffed rotten vegetables After the leaves came in. I won’t accept his wild vegetables Don’t worry Big Zhuang is from his own village. Can’t do this wicked thing

It is to see that the villagers can make money with my help. Village head Chen Jianguo’s face showed a look of relief I was right about this big boy. Then what? This refrigerator can’t be moved Why not move? This refrigerator is a bride price for my granddaughter from my granddaughter’s son-in-law. Brother Liu

You told the villagers to pick wild vegetables. Do we still accept our wild vegetables? Yes, of course. How many do you have How much do I charge Liu Ge But didn’t you just say you didn’t want much? Does each family only need 20kg You are my good brothers Make money

I’m sure I’ll talk to you first. No matter how hard you three try It’s not much more than that Hear me this The three dogs were all moved to their eyes. While it’s still noon You pick more wild vegetables You guys wait for me I’ll go up the mountain with you

After coming to the mountain I asked three dogs to pick wild vegetables. He went deeper into the mountain. I’m looking for the one hundred years of life that hasn’t been born yet. But I don’t know whether my luck is bad or my eyesight is not enough.

After searching all afternoon, I couldn’t find any ginseng from the previous year. When I came home down the mountain The yard is already full It’s too gloomy after picking. Every family has a wild vegetable in their hands. Brother Laige You’re back The wild vegetables have been checked and weighed.

Did you see Liu Qing so well-behaved I laugh too. Then take over Ben According to the scripture recorded above, settle the money for wild vegetables for the villagers. Although it is said that the purchase limit is 20kg But occasionally buyers pick an extra kilo and a half kilo

I also buy at the price Some operation down Acquired a total of 405 gold The silver medal gave 405 out. After each family saw the 20 pieces in their hands No one is excited Light is revealed in the eyes They seem to see a way to make money.

You know, the wild vegetables on the mountain can’t be picked at all. Cut a crop and grow a crop As long as I keep collecting wild vegetables they can make money every day After the villagers leave Looking at the 405kg of wild vegetables in the yard They are a little worried again

So many wild vegetables Can you really sell it? Don’t worry Mom, this dish sells well in the city. How do you transport them to the city tomorrow Village Chief’s Home Isn’t there a big three-wheeled motorcycle? I’ll talk to him later Let him borrow me for a day After dinner

Three dogs they came in with a dusty face carrying a big bag of wild vegetables OverAfter the scale I lent them the money The most picked or three dogs 75kg Batman 30kg Will be 30kg A total of 135 yuan and three were sold.

Xiao Bian Hui Zi, there is one thing that may need your help. Liu Ge, what’s the matter You open your mouth Brothers did not listen When you go up the mountain tomorrow to pick wild vegetables Please keep an eye on where there is wild ginseng. The higher the year, the better.

Wild Ginseng Liu Ge What do you need this? Uncle Liu, they’re sick For the villagers who live in the mountains Yam such as wild ginseng is the least valuable Neither can be eaten as a meal There is no sales channel. Dig it out Also can only be hidden at home

Occasionally take some out to soak in water This you leave it alone You help me keep an eye on Is that I have urgent need If you dig up the ginseng of the year I bought heavily Liu Ge rest assured Tomorrow our brothers will enter the mountain. Specially looking for this wild ginseng

I don’t need to find you specially. Keep picking your wild vegetables Just be careful. The next morning I drove the village chief’s tricycle With 600 portions of bean sprouts Pork sausage and 200 porridge with seafood and pork and wild vegetables Go to the county Not too long

I came to the auspicious teahouse door Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother You changed your motorcycle. Borrowed from the villagers How can I afford a car? Liu Jie, I brought more than 500 catties of wild vegetables this time. I don’t know if your teahouse can’t be digested. Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother

I was going to tell you I have two branches of auspicious tea and labor. It takes a lot of wild vegetables to open these two days. Don’t say 500 jin Even 700kg I can eat too And the bean sprouts and pig rice rolls From today on, I will increase it to 400.

Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother Your craft is so good I ‘d like to invite you to be a chef in my teahouse. Liu Jie, you are joking My cooking is not as good as the master of the teahouse. Just know one or two snack recipes Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother

I ‘ve already had a special visit to the provincial teahouse. Did you invent your two wild vegetables? The practice of cold vegetables The tea house in the provincial capital hasn’t risen yet. It happens that the research is not worth mentioning. Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother

Recently, Longfeng Tea House and Sister are engaged in a price war. I can’t afford to consume this small shop. You have to help me how to do Help me think of some new snacks. As the special food of auspicious teahouse Attraction moment Don’t worry I will never treat you badly

As long as the new tea is good Do I buy recipes at a high price I’ll give you the technology to buy shares. How about a 10 percent share The catering industry has been an industry that will not decline for thousands of years.

Liu Ying is also the dining king of the future county. If this time can take a stake in his auspicious teahouse Not a few years With a dividend of ten percent of the shares of the teahouse. I can easily save up to a million dollars. As for the novel refreshment is not simple

There are many net tea spots for later generations. White Rabbit Coconut Milk Frozen Swan Durian Tart Crisp Cigar Spring Roll beef fruit Meringue Barbecued pork with milk In this era, it is not a weapon to kill. Liu Jie, I can think of some novel refreshments.

But it’s not enough to give ten percent of the shares. Sure enough, the shares are still too few. also need to add money It’s natural As long as you can make me satisfied with the recipe I bought it at a high price of 3000 yuan each.

As long as you take out ten and cold vegetables This quality specialty recipe I’ll give you a ride to the auspicious teahouse shares how line Just do as you say, Liu Jie. When I go back, I just want to think about the menu of the new special tea in the teahouse.

Although I remember a lot of afterlife network tea Net red snacks to do But if you write a new refreshment recipe for Liu Ying now It will inevitably make people feel too casual. Good things are only harder to get The higher his value

Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother is anxious. Can the auspicious teahouse explode? It’s up to you Rest assured to let Liu Jie You’re making a lot of money After the surplus of wild vegetables, 540kg was recorded as 2160 yuan. Plus 400 copies of bean sprouts and pork rice rolls

I suddenly had 2960 dollars more in my pocket. My whole look of some resistance Even the people who can enter 3000 in later generations are only very few. at this rate It is not difficult to earn 60000 yuan in a month. Liu Dazhuang’s younger brother You’ll sell him out for breakfast later.

Take your three-wheeled motorcycle back. Then take the bus to find me Good. After leaving the auspicious teahouse I drove to the county gate Already got the hungry students 200 parts bean sprouts very long Sold out in less than half an hour Get 400 pieces of seafood porridge sold a total of 198

Sold for $396 Total recorded 796 Feel the bulging pockets My face is overflowing with a smile I have a gross profit of 3756 today. A damned Liu Dazhuang, that soil turtle, dared to hit me in front of so many people. Also want me to write a guarantee in Chenjiacun ancestral hall He dreams

Chen Lei How did you become a sister? Seeing my younger brother bullied by Liu Dazhuang Don’t know to say a word Aren’t you Liu Dazhuang who has been in love for 2 years? Why can’t even hold a man? I don’t care what you do

Get Liu Dazhuang to kowtow to my son and apologize immediately. Hear the words of mother Feng Fang Chen Mei’s inner resentment towards me is a little more He doesn’t know why I licked him for 2 years Listen to him in everything

When it came to the head, he suddenly went back on his word and got married. Mom, don’t worry. Liu Dazhuang and I have been in love for 2 years. He used to say Even death can not leave me Before the marriage Probably hit by my brother. Head The mind is not clear

As long as I move my fingers It will come back to me like a dog Not the kui is my daughter Men just don’t give him face. Put him under foot Let him know how many pounds he has. He dare not resist You really should give Liu Dazhuang a good reprimand.

I heard that Liu Dazhuang has found a way to sell wild vegetables these days. make some money I also bought a refrigerator for Xiadu Snow. You go tell Liu Dazhuang Tell him to bring the fridge After apologizing to Sakhead I can reconsider Do you want to agree to continue to perform the wedding

And I have to share half of the money he makes. Think of it as beating my medical expenses. I’ll make her give all her money to my man. You shouldn’t have money when you’re married. He has to do this to get my money.





#搞笑動畫 #原創動畫 #熊孩子 #搞笑动画

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