
This already feels magnificent, and we haven’t even gone in yet! It’s a magnificent piece of art. We’re in shock! It’s beautiful. Such a special place! Wow. Cheers. Kyoto, Japan (Day 1) Good morning, people. Today we’ll be another special day for our guests.

If you missed our previous videos, Ori’s dad and his wife came all the way from Colombia. We’ve made it to a place Ori’s dad has been wanting to visit, Kyoto. Kyoto. Let me tell you about today’s plan. Okay. We’ll be staying 3 days in Kyoto. Today we’ll be visiting the Nijo Castle,

And the former Imperial Palace. Sounds great. We’re going to go across the shopping district. It’ll take us about 30 minutes to reach the castle. We’ll loose Pao. We’ll loose her. Pao won’t make it to the castle; she’s staying to shop. Look! Starbucks! Okay. Excellent plan for the day. Thank you.

My love, this place has a romantic vibe, doesn’t it? Yes, it does have a romantic vibe. You made it to the right city. A city to fall in love in. You got to stay on the left side. I’m on the left side. Order is maintained by staying on the left side.

People can walk on the right side if they want to. He got already accustomed to the Japanese culture. We’re here. The castle’s right there, Gross. We made it. I see we’re here. Just look at this! Wow. This is a big thing. Wow. Magnificent! Look at that! Wow. Look at the pine trees.

Look at those walls! Look at those walls! Rocks are nicely laid. Especially the corner, right? The corner. They fit pefectly, yeah. Look at that house with this view. Wow. It seems like an old house. The experience of visiting a Japanese castle for the first time is truly magnificent.

This already feels magnificent, and we haven’t even gone in yet! We haven’t gone in. This water around the castle and those massive Japanese pine trees are just magnificent. Look at how those rocks are laid at an angle. It’s just spectacular! You can already tell is a big castle.

Four hundred years of history right here. Are we going in this way? Yeah. We got to go buy the tickets there. Ah, okay. What do we have here? The entrance tickets to the Nijo Castle. Nothing more and nothing less, guys. Let’s go. This door hinge is huge. Huge. It’s really huge. The gate.

My gosh. What’s this? It’s one piece of wood. It must’ve been big trees they brought to do that, man. It’s one sole piece of wood, these pillars there. The shape is like a torii gate, right? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Only with one piece. Guys, we have to take out shoes off here.

– Okay. – Where should we put them? At the entrance. Well, we couldn’t record inside the palace. What do you think about it, Grossito? It’s a magnificent piece of art. It’s overwhelming. Yes. Truly overwhelming. The aging of this wood. Huge piece, massive pieces of wood. How they built this.

Yeah, that was impressive, right? The size of the wood. Very impressive. The size and spaces inside, the paintings, although they are not original paintings but they resemble the original paintings which are held in the palace. How they lifted a rock that size and put it up there?

How could they afford to do that? If someone knows, tell us in the comments. I really don’t know. To think of how these people did it. I don’t know if the original floor was here or not. But obviously this is high. That massive rock there weighs probably several tons.

I’m imagining how possibly could they have lifted this rock and place it up there, and sort of make it fit on the wall there. Guys, finally we got to a place here where we can get a Coca-Cola moment here. Cheers. It was a rewarding moment here. Cheers. Delicious. Oh, these are the gardens?

These are the emperor’s gardens. These are like five times bigger than the green areas at the Nijo Castle. Incredible. It’s huge. We could walk there too. There’s a path. We’ve got these pastries in this bag and we’re going to discover what this is about. These are cream puffs.

We call them “repollitas” in Colombia. Look. Let’s see. Beautiful. Very good. Look. It has lots of cream. Delicious. It’s really good. Our friends have invited us over and have prepared something special for us. This willl be their first time trying “Sukiyaki”. Your first time trying “sukiyaki”. Wow, yeah. First time “sukiyaki”.

How is it? – Excellent. – Delicious. – Thank you. – It’s really good. Well said. It’s good. DAY 2 It’s our second day in Kyoto. We’re in Ohara now. Our friends from Kyoto told us we should absolutely come visit this place. So we came here to visit the Sanzen-in temple.

I haven’t visit this temple. This temple is called Sanzen-in. Sanzen-in. Okay. Okay. 9 minutes to Sanzen-in, 11 minutes to Shorin-in and 13 minutes to Hosen-in. Okay. Mom! We’re in shock. It’s beautiful. The shops, the path coming up here, everything is small and well-organized. It’s beautiful. Spectacular!

My love, what do you think of this place? Lots of emotions. I’m so happy you’re here. Such a special place, man. Wow. Beautiful. This place evokes a lot of emotions. What a beautiful place. I’m going live, guys. I’m going to go live a couple of times today. They nicely do that here. There’s someone carefully taking care of this. Yeah.

Look how beautiful. Watch your head. Okay. Look at this garden, Grossi. Wow. It’s my first time here and it’s truly beautiful. It’s truly amazing that you can come here and enjoy this beautiful Japanese garden while sipping on a cup of matcha. This is 100% matcha and it’s prepared by hand here.

And this is a bean paste sweet. You eat it with the matcha to balance out its bitter taste. You can take a sip of matcha and have a small piece of the sweet. Bean paste sweet. Cheers. Delicious. It has a mild flavor. Really good. It’s mild. Yes, exactly.

This is nothing like that ‘spinach’ she ate yesterday. Yeah, man. Oh it’s very soft. Really? Yeah, it’s good. Cheers. Cheers. You cut it with this stick? Yes. It’s made of beans, right? Delicious. A bean paste sweet. Matcha. Matcha and bean paste sweet. What a beautiful place. Truly beautiful. Amazing. A couple minutes later…

It’s raining heavily! Look! We’re soaked! Heavy rain in Kyoto. There are several dishes, and you can choose whatever you want. This is miso soup. You can bring the bowls. This is lemon chicken curry. Ori, can I take as many as I want? Yes. One or two. One of each? Yeah. They look beautiful.

It looks delicious. Eggplants. This looks delicious. Really delicious. Grossi, I see you already have two plates. How is it? This is amazing! Look at the variety of dishes they have. It’s delicious and we’re very hungry. Yugo, is it good? It’s good. Enjoy! Delicious. Delicious. It’s really good. That’s how you say it?

It’s good. How’s the curry, Gross? Oh man. Is it good? Delicious. Want to try it? Yes. – Delicious. – I’ll try everything. Delicious. It looks good. It’s really good. Highly recommend it. It has a mild spicy flavor. But not too spicy. When we eat here, we’re served around 6 or 7 different dishes,

Each with various colors and ingredients that I don’t know the name of. Whereas in Colombia, it’s just one dish. Okay? That’s a big difference. They serve lots of vegetable here too. Yeah. Delicious. This food is delicious. This one or this one? What’s the difference? I don’t know the difference. Sake shot, ¥100.

That’s pretty cheap. Dry or more dry? Dry or less dry? The less dry one. This one. I’m going have a shot of sake. All of this? No way! Little by little? Yes, little by little. As you want. How is it? It’s mild. Delicious. It’s mild. Really good. It’s really good. It’s good.

It’s good. Cheers. Her first sake. It’s good. Want to try? No, thanks. Delicious. Sake for 100 yen is really cheap. Tonight we’re having grilled chicken skewers. These are their first grilled chicken skewers since they arrived in Japan. These are called ‘yakitori’ here. These chicken skewers. These are the mushrooms.

These are basically cheese balls. Very good. Delicious. Really good. Chicken hearts. Delicious. What’s this? Chicken. It’s all chicken. It’s all chicken. How is it? It’s tender. Delicious. It’s really good. It’s really good. Really good. That’s the chicken skin. Yes, the chicken skin. Look. Crunchy. How is it? Is it crunchy? No.

It’s not crunchy. Yeah, it’s good man. This is good. With sauce. How was dinner? Delicious. Amazing. ‘Yakitori’. Small bites, but absolutely delicious. Not big portions. Delicious. Delicious. Chicken skewers.




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#初来日 #海外の反応 #京都 #日本食


  1. 二条城とかまた渋いとこ行くなと思ったけど、植物関係なのかな?桜の時期だったらパパン卒倒するんじゃ…(笑)京都の桜だったら醍醐寺お薦めです。病気から復活したしだれ桜が圧巻です。秀吉が愛した桜がいっぱい。あと八坂神社。

  2. Al construir un muro de piedra, amontone la tierra a la altura de las piedras para crear un andamio. Una vez que se complete el muro de piedra, se eliminará toda la tierra.

  3. 日本人でも気付かない所に感動してくれてなんか嬉しかったです!もう二十年位前、高校の時スペイン語四年間とったんだけど喋ってるの理解できてなんか嬉しかった!メキシコのスペイン語で習ったんだけど何かメキシコの方の話すスペイン語はスラングとかが多すぎて何言ってるのか分からなくなるけど、コロンビアのスペイン語は発音が綺麗なんですね。

  4. 日本人なのに、京都は修学旅行で行っただけです。

  5. In the past, when I visited an unknown and old church in the suburbs of France, I suddenly experienced tears😅.

    I'm often surprised because emotion works in a different place from reason.

  6. 三千院は日本人でも衝撃的な美しさ。

  7. 京都大好きです。

  8. これは薄茶ですね。お茶席だと、先にお菓子をいただいてから、お茶をいただきます。コーヒーでいうとアメリカン。濃茶がカプチーノですね。

  9. ご両親を招待された貴方方御夫婦mとても素敵です。日本に来られた両親も素敵なお父さんとお母さんです。それでいて可愛いと言ったら失礼かもしれないが両親のお二人共可愛いところが良いですねー面白く拝見しています。ありがとうー

  10. 重い石などは大きい木でやぐらを組んで木の滑車の上に縄で何十人もの人で引き上げて置く、大きいものは船で一番近くまで運んでから丸太を何本かでその上に石などを置いて転がしながら、3年ぐらいで城を作るようですよー日本語で解るかな?

  11. パパママの考え方や感じ方、表現の仕方がすごく素敵で、そんな風に感じるんだなぁって嬉しくもなるし勉強にもなるし視点も広がります☺️❤

  12. パパさん本当に可愛い❤やっぱり外国の方って表情豊かというかストレートなのでそこが日本人は、中々真似できにくい所。私の夫もアメリカ人ですが京都に行ってお抹茶を頂いた時に「薬なの?!

  13. はじめまして。昨日ぐらいから急にオススメに上がってきて、いくつか拝見させてもらっています。三千院のところでお父さんが胸が詰まるくらい感動しているのをみて、私も目頭が熱くなりました😢✨とてもクリエイティブなお父さん。一緒に居ると学べることが沢山有りそうなお方ですね。

  14. 日本人として、京都在住として日本の文化、歴史、食事などに感動していただけることはとても嬉しいです。

  15. 他のコメントでもありましたが、確かにトミー・リー・ジョーンズとアントニオ・バンデラスに似てると感じました

  16. 通訳案内士を目指しているのですが、お父様がどんなことに着目するのか、どんなことが気になるのか非常に勉強になりました❕

  17. 知識と教養が無ければ素晴らしさは解らない。今まであらゆるモノを正しく見てきた目が無ければ感動できない。人生を辿ってきて見るからこそ美しい。

  18. 優しいお父さんですね。見ていてぽっこりします。


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