Buraya Gitmeye Değer Mi? Nasıl Gidilir? Kelingking Beach Bali (53)

Funeral I thought it was a ritual, they do it all the time Was this a funeral? Yes friends Welcome to the new video Now in this video I became a slave to popular culture And the one you see in the thumbnail is that view or should I say beach?

They call it a beach, but it’s actually famous for its view and the crooked shape of that rock. I don’t know, people always have beautiful photos there. I left the island of Bali and I’m going there right now just to take photos there.

Or to take photos of it. I’m on this island right now I’m on the small island of Nusa Penida off the edge of Bali That view is on this island. There is a road like this, I passed here with my motorcycle

I also took my bag, my big bag. I left my other items to my host. Maybe I can camp here, I have to stay here one night Since I might go camping, I brought my equipment and everything.

Now I did some research to come here. Now they’re taking you from Bali to this island After passing to this island, it is very far from the port. It takes 45 minutes by motorcycle and car, so you need a vehicle to get there.

And there is no public transportation. So I asked what needs to be done. They said you need to rent a motorcycle from there. I already have a motorcycle, I rented it anyway. I asked the men how can cross to the other island on a motorcycle.

They said you can’t go by motorcycle, it’s impossible, you have to rent one from there. I said how is it impossible? After all, don’t these people go there and back on their motorcycles? Never mind the tourists, don’t the locals come and go? After that, I searched, looked and asked.

Normally they bring tourists to this island by Speed ​​Boat for 10 dollars. So you pay 10 dollars for go and 10 dollars for come back. You go back and forth by speed boat. And then you will come and rent a motorcycle here.

There are not many rental places here either. I think they want at least 10 dollars a day. So coming here and getting to that view point costs around 30 dollars in total. I later found that a ferry leaves from another port an hour away from the city. There is a motorbike ferry

I found it, I went there and there were scammers too. It’s not a thing, it’s not about selling something to tourists for too much money. I think they are straight scammers, I don’t know how they did it because I didn’t believe it.

I went to the port and there was someone like an official there, I thought he was an official. I thought he was a port officer dressed in blue or something I went there yesterday to check it out, I was thinking I would go there in the morning today.

The man right there surrounded me. -Where will you go? +Penida. -You have to do this, you have to go like this Will you go by motorcycle or without a motorcycle? Ok go by motorcycle He gave me a card saying “you need to buy this card”, I said how much? 150,000

There I realized that the man was a fraudster They give you a card to get on the ferry at the Padang Bai port there. The fee for that card is 30,000 rupees Then, if you want to take the ferry, you pay 30,000 for one person.

If you want to ride on a motorcycle, you pay 60,000 for the motorcycle. So, in total, you can come here with your motorcycle for 120,000 including your card. On the way back, I loaded 90,000 into it again… How much is the total? You can go back to 210,000

So normally this tour will cost you 30 dollars It costs 210,000 rupees or $14 If you already have a motorcycle, because this motorcycle costs around 4-5 dollars per day. It is impossible to rent a motorcycle from here for 4-5 dollars. There are many in Bali, so it’s cheap.

There were very few here, so it was not possible to rent them for that price. Look at the cars passing by. They are all tourists. But what’s the downside to this? Normally, you can travel in half an hour and 45 minutes.

It took about 3 hours because you took a car ferry and not a Speed ​​Boat. It took an hour and a half to load and unload the vehicles onto the ferry. It took him a while to wait for the ferry, but it was pretty cheap.

And I never bothered to look for a motorcycle here again. So why did I call the sellers there fraudsters? You know, he sells you something worth 100 thousand for 200 thousand, okay? You say he’s just a local trying to make money from tourists?

But here’s what I realized was that it was possible to load money onto that card. After purchasing the card, they withdraw money from it when entering the Port. I looked at the receipts there and understood the prices from there. I tell the man I’m going to Penida

He says okay, you have to buy this card for 100,000. I say no, but I will go with my motorcycle. He says okay then 150,000 He says take the card. He gives me the same card? The man says everything is okay 😀

So it’s a nonsense thing. I realized there that they were fraudsters. If he sells that card to you, maybe he will say something afterwards You have to put money into it, it will say “This is just the money for the card”, you never know what will happen.

The man came and talked to me a lot. Then when I realized that he was a scammer, I said, “I’ll go and check it out.” Don’t bother with me. Oh don’t you believe me? says Go away, why should I believe you? Look at the maniac

Then I went and asked and learned, I’m here now Now, there are about 15 minutes left to the view point I will go to, so I thought I’d stop and start the video. I’ll open it when I get there I am a slave to popular travel culture

I’m going there right now, let’s see. That famous photo. I have seen very few places where so many photographs were taken. I’m not gonna lie, I’m going because it’s a very famous place. Normally I wouldn’t waste time with this island But I will post some of the videos I took while coming.

Even the water in the port where the ferry docked was so clear and blue. I was very surprised when I saw that Port, that’s right. I’m going, let’s meet when I get there. Okay, bye bye. Yes friends, I came, you see here.

There is a shower for 20,000, a little more than 1 dollar There’s already a small road going here. From the very beginning of the whole island You are coming here So if they build a port on this side, no one will go to the other side.

Where will I go now? Where did you put this crooked rock? Is this place going to crooked rock? tell me that How can we take photos here? ooh Come on, let’s go to that crooked rock. Let’s see, maybe the water is nice or something, we can swim.

I think this is the way to go Yes, we have to walk a lot, but motorcycles are not allowed here. They had them parked in the back, and those who entered with these motorcycles were local workers. How’s my hair? We will take photos coconut 25,000, smoothie 20,000, cheap, why?

I was waiting here expensive, where is that crooked Rock? Other members of popular travel culture Is it worth it? this line… What is this? Is this the line? oh wait I guess this one goes down to the beach. We are looking.. Yes, are we there? Have we arrived?

Look, this place is very crowded, and yes Yes friends, we found the crooked rock. Let’s go back to Bali now I expected it to be crowded, but I didn’t expect this much. So incredible such a thing cannot happen there is a monkey there Yeah that’s it.

The rock view of the famous Kelingking Beach, the photo of which you have seen thousands of times. And it goes all the way down there, do you see there are people walking from there? Okay, before anyone tells me drones are forbidden…

I saw someone flying there, so now I’m going to fly it there Let’s get this drone thing sorted out. Yes friends, I flew my drone, there are like 5-6 people flying drones here. this one flies too Actually, I couldn’t shoot exactly what I wanted because it was very windy after the rock.

Also, when I get close to the rock, the signal cuts off and I couldn’t shoot what I wanted there. So I just took a classic shoot. My plan here was not to get a classic shoot. But anyway, now we can move forward from here.

I will go too, look, they are going there etc. but I can’t go with a bag. So I’m not exactly sure so I didn’t know what to do The kid in front of her is so funny Yes friends, you can go down this road, it is difficult to go down.

They said so. I heard someone telling someone else But I want to get into this water, there are a lot of people down there. Oh, there’s a proper staircase right there. I thought it was after that, okay I’ll get off from there I can go with a bag or something.

But of course it is not possible for me to camp on this beach. Because this is a very windy, very windy place In fact, most of Bali is preferred for Surfing. It’s windy so the waves are pretty high I will enter this water. Do you see? very good

So, I think it’s like… I said slave of popular travel culture or something. But I think it’s worth coming here. it’s definitely worth it People are taking photos like crazy I will go down now. I came here, shouldn’t I come down?

I don’t care about bags or anything. I will go down with the bag now. Because I can’t leave my everything is inside Will these stairs scare me because I have a bag? I’m the guy who climb Tiger Cave and Medeu

We couldn’t see the end of them, we even see the end of this. So it’s easy But it would be so bad to fall with the bag Maybe the photos are not good, let me pose myself.

I had the photos taken there but I didn’t like these very much, I had to adjust my pose, camera etc. Where am I? Will it be like this? Heh, it will be like this, yes we are going down Friends, descend is easy, don’t come here and refuse to descend.

I haven’t gotten to the end yet but okay See there’s this side too, the side we never see Look how windy it is. I couldn’t get the drone past that stone. There was a lot of wind, it almost fell, so it was quite troublesome there.

It was quite warped and it wasn’t very good. oh this is rock They built stairs up to here, the rest is rock easy easy, come The weather is very good but Bali really opened me up a bit after Thailand and Malaysia, I’m cold in Bali

I have a cardigan or something in my bag because you get cold on a motorcycle. You already saw it in the temple video The places where the temple was located were 23 degrees I said I will camp, but where will I do it? I came with my tent

It would be nice if I could at least do it somewhere while carrying the tent. I will swim now Of course, you too will see how I swim. From here on it’s stone but still beautiful The easiest way to descend from here is by parachute. yes What happens after here? There was a place but I don’t remember the turn There are a lot of people. Good thing.

Do you know that you should not swim where no one else swims? dangerous So where does the road go down from? You need a baton here if you are backpacking, but I don’t have a baton. Dangerous friends, from here on out. It’s dangerous with a backpack Otherwise there is no problem Friends, there are already two roads, the downhill is the uphill. How can I not see one of the roads? Anyway, we’ve come this far. Let’s go now, we will descend from the left, the descent left behind

I opened the photo and checked the photo, I was too low. where? It’s really hard And I guess it’s pretty far behind, Where is this return? Where do people go? where that woman is How can I not see this? The men even put a huge railing there.

Look at the entrance I didn’t see. I will rest a little It looks pretty dangerous I’m tired becuse of the bag, otherwise… It’s a very narrow road. A lot of people are coming. Well, at least we’re resting. I asked the man is it worth it, he said it is worth it Don’t come here with flip-flap or anything. definitely shoes Look here. What is this?

Imagine climbing this rock completely, of course it will take a long time. We climb vertically, there is no long way They did it directly, so it’s good that there is such a way. It doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad, it’s nice to even have such a way.

Everyone is wondering when it will end I’m thinking about how to climb back out very troublesome. Do you see I’ve never seen a video of anyone descending here before If I had known it was like this I would have thought about it We’re going pretty slow

Normally I can go faster but I don’t want to go alone I might fall, it’s dangerous It’s good to have my front and back full we are getting closer and closer There are very difficult places A mobilization has now begun Because it’s really hard. Well done to those who drove these stakes here.

It is impossible to descend without these stakes anyway. They couldn’t come, did they stuck? Congratulations. We are coming from there. Why couldn’t they come? It’s on my mind, we were descend down with the girl since start Did the child can not descend down? guys! Hold the child

Oh we are finally here indeed Finally we saw the sand, everything looks so small from above Right now I’m imagining myself from above. It’s like I don’t exist at all. Don’t take risks, there are no lifeguards here. They says take your own risk, whatever happens to you is none of our business.

So they say we can’t deal with it at all. It is very dangerous even for good swimmers. We won’t go too far, we’ll just get wet anyway I wonder, I never went into the water in Bali. Because there are waves in the seas in Bali

But even if there are no waves, the water is not clear so I did not enter. If it doesn’t become clear, I won’t enter anymore. Should be clear like this I think the sellers here should ask for a lot of money for a water. This time they can do whatever they want

I already have water but.. Well, I made sure that no waves come here at night. it has an ending like this The sand is very soft, I need to change my shoes urgently Where can I sit? I saw a place to sit there Yes, there’s a dressing area over there too, nice.

It can be worn there for dressing purposes, not in a dressing room. Come on, let’s get into the water now. By the way, there is no possibility of swimming here anyway, friends, just be aware. At least, you’ll only get a little wet during these hours. now i will do the same

Now I will give information about the temperature of the water. cold. This water is cold and too cold Look here. Oh oh oh oh It’s so cold oh I can’t get into this look at It’s the first time I’m on a wave like this, it’s pulling too much

So I don’t dare to put my body in right now You know, people enter in but I can’t take that risk, it’s too much. If you go there, they can’t even see you from the waves. But where is the guy swimming. I’m already changing places where I am

It’s coming from everywhere, from the side, from the right, from the left. This is the saltiest water I have ever seen in my life. I have never come across a saltier water than this. The wave just splashed on my face There is too much salt It’s incredible, my eyes hurt so much

I’m leaving, that’s enough, my eyes hurt so much. I was already looking for an excuse not to enter, and I found it. Should not enter this, friends. do not enter But I can’t say anything about getting closer. My camera always became sand. How do I clean this?

Look at the places I just passed, people are coming What’s that? wow Wow, I came here too! I don’t say anything to myself anymore, wow. What that guys doing? They are jumping off the stone. Those guys are tumblers They keep tumbling around like pigeons, watch them now We made an evil eye

The guy slipped on his feet, they were doing beautiful somersaults just now. Come on, I’ll record of you when you can do a nice somersault. see? Anyway, I took a look. I saw a place here. Let’s look there. You need to check it completely while you’re at it, right?

This is where the shadow falls What’s over there? I wonder if there’s a place going inside Wow, why didn’t you build a temple here? This place is like a cave, you should build a temple. Did they go to the bottom and take photos? Let’s see how the photo comes out from my phone.

My hair is so bad. Yes, you saw how I took the photos. that’s it Anyway, let’s go. I was actually thinking of going camping But I have no desire left. I don’t know I can stay in the hostel but I have to get up early I don’t know what to do anyway

By the way, as you can understand, there is no internet here. So the line is zero direct Oh, there is a line, there is no internet. The drone doesn’t fly either, it doesn’t have GPS. I wanted to flight drone from here too

Maybe there is a setting that allows me to fly without GPS, but I didn’t check with it. Look, the waves have started to come here, it will go more. I mean, I think it’s at least halfway there. Look, the water has just come here. Do you see that it comes suddenly?

There are rocks here too It’s a really weird place. What the hell is he doing here alone? Are you me? I guess the version of me that I went there he has something in his hand oh he’s taking photos We have to go now it’s necessary As I said, it comes very high.

Yes, the sun is setting, so there is about 1-2 hours left until sunset. So it gets dark in 2 hours. That’s why I will go Anyway, I think it’s half an hour until it’s ready and 45 minutes until it comes out. yes, let’s go

By the way, the return will be difficult, I will not be able to pull the return. Because I had a hard time getting down with a GoPro in my hand, I couldn’t hold on or anything. There will be many people in line who will need it when they leave.

I’ll be with my bag too, so I won’t be able to film the return. See you when I get out. Also, the way back from here was full of traffic even when I was coming. It’s evening, returning to the city will be very bad, it will take a very long time.

How am I? Anyway. Don’t shout We are climbing the mountain. It looked like a staircase when descending But this is the mountain you know. But was it worth this view? Well, I think it was worth it. People. It’s really hard but nice Friends, the climbing took exactly 25 minutes and it got dark.

There is an incredible view, my bag is over there. You know what I said when I came? As I said, I have become a slave to popular travel culture and I am coming here. Out of all the places I’ve visited in Thailand and Malaysia, this was perhaps the best place. I mean, the only thing missing is that you can’t swim well, but that’s the thing about Bali anyway. It was amazing, the views on the way out were really great. It’s dark out, not much can be seen right now

But definitely this place is not just taking a photo from here as I thought. There is a truly incredible view You have that difficulty when climbing When you look back there and see the view The fatigue goes away, so you don’t even think about it.

You can see the photos I took in the highlighted stories on Instagram. It was very good, I will go to the hostel now. I will look for a hostel. I can’t camping or anything, I’m too tired. How many dollars anyway? There are cheap hostels here for around 5 dollars or less.

Even though it is a tiny island on the edge of Bali, there are cheap Hostels here. So I will go to the hostel That’s it, I highly recommend it. If you are coming to Bali, do not miss this place Don’t forget to go down to beach

No matter how hard it is, there are places to hold on So I went out with a backpack. If I climb with a backpack, everyone can climb without a bag. Anyway, I’m ending the video here shall I finish? It’s very windy too. Thanks for watching It was a little difficult vlog

Today was a difficult day, but it was also a beautiful day. I would appreciate it if you press the like button It would be nice if you comment Don’t forget to like, share, comment, subscribe etc. See you in the next video. I don’t know what to do in the next video

We’ll see you in the next video. What can I say? Everything in my mind is completely gone right now, I can’t even think. Come on, see you guys anyway. Don’t forget to like and subscribe Are these colors visible? Let me close the video with these colors. bye bye

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00:00 Giriş
00:53 Tören
01:16 Neredeyim?
01:35 Nasıl Gidilir?
06:50 Park Yeri, Kalabalık, Yürüyüş
08:15 Geldik
10:05 Aşağı Gidiyorum
16:04 En Zor İniş
21:20 Plaja İndim
21:42 Drone Görüntüleri
23:11 Suya Giriş
25:42 Taklacı Çocuklar
26:10 Plaj Turu
29:05 Tırmanış
29:29 Değdi mi?
30:25 Kapanış…


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