【福岡再発見】博多コネクテッド急速進展で天神ビッグバン独走に待った!激変した博多駅の再開発がこちら!福岡 博多イーストテラス  筑紫口駅前広場  西銀  九勧 #HakataStation

〇For this rediscovery of Fukuoka, let’s focus on the area around Hakata Station, which is undergoing redevelopment along with Tenjin Big Bang. 〇Hakata Connected is an urban development plan around Hakata Station in Fukuoka City’s Hakata Ward that has been implemented since 2019.

In addition to the expansion of transportation infrastructure, such as the extension of the Nanakuma Subway Line and the redevelopment of Hakata Ekimae Street within a radius of approximately 500 meters (approximately 80 ha) from Hakata Station, the construction of advanced

Buildings with high earthquake resistance has been achieved through the relaxation of regulations such as floor area ratios. This is a redevelopment plan to rebuild the building. ① Miyako Hotel “Miyako Hotel Hakata” opened on September 22, 2019.

Located a 1-minute walk from Hakata Station’s Chikushi Exit, the new hotel is a rebuilt Hakata Miyako Hotel that operated from 1972 to March 2016, and has the concept of “a hotel of green, water, and light.” .

The hotel’s floor structure includes commercial facilities on the first and second basement floors, a reception, lobby, and cafe on the third floor, guest rooms on the fifth to 12th floors, and a restaurant, bar, and natural hot spring spa area on the top floor, the 13th floor. It is equipped with a pool, jet bath, footbath, indoor bath and sauna.

It has been certified as the first in the “High Quality Hotel Construction Promotion System” promoted by Fukuoka City, and all rooms are over 30 square meters and incorporate the traditions of Fukuoka and Hakata into the interior decoration and facilities, including carpets with Hakata-ori motifs and small stone walls. Equipped with grilled teacups.

② THE BLOSSOM HAKATA Premier “THE BLOSSOM HAKATA Premier” opened on September 25, 2019, located a 7-minute walk from the Hakata Exit of Hakata Station. This hotel, which was born as JR Kyushu Hotels’ top brand hotel, has 238 guest rooms on 14 floors above ground and 1 floor underground.

➂ Kukanjotenji-dori Building The Kukanjotenji-dori Building, which opened in April 2020, the year after the launch of Hakata Connected, is a Joten building that connects the Hakata business district near Hakata Station and the historical zone near Jotenji. It faces the temple street.

This building is based on the concept of “New Japanese Design,” and uses thin frames with Japanese motifs, such as shoji screens, on the upper floors to express the progressiveness and high quality of the office.

⓸Hakata Fukami Park Building The Hakata Fukami Park Building, completed in February 2021, is Mitsubishi Estate’s first office building in Fukuoka City.

The pedestrian deck connected to Hakata Station, which was constructed in conjunction with the arrival of the Kyushu Shinkansen at Hakata Station, has now been extended to the second floor of the Hakata Fukami Park Building.

⑤ Hakata East Terrace “Hakata East Terrace,” the first deregulation project in Hakata Connected, was completed and opened in August 2022. Hakata East Terrace, located a 2-minute walk from the Chikushi exit of JR Hakata Station, is a 10-story office complex developed by NTT Urban Development and Taisei Corporation.

Hakata East Terrace is built on the site of “Hakata Star Lane,” which used to be a large bowling alley and was also called the “Sacred Land of the West” in the world of professional wrestling.

Connect Square Hakata is currently under construction on the site of the former Fukuoka Prefectural Fukuoka Higashi General Office Building in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City. The building, which is targeted for completion in March 2024, has a site of 2,688 square meters and a total floor area of ​​21,535 square meters.

⑦ Nishinippon City Bank Main Building A groundbreaking ceremony was held in January 2024 for the reconstruction of the Nishinippon City Bank main branch building located in front of JR Hakata Station in Fukuoka City.

The building scheduled to be constructed will be reborn as a 14-story building with four stories underground, housing the Nishi-Nippon City Bank headquarters, commercial facilities, and offices, and is targeted for completion in January 2026.

⑧ Hakata Ekimae 3-chome Project This is a building currently under construction by the Chuo Nippon Land and Tatemono Group, scheduled to be completed in June 2025. When rebuilding an existing building, we plan to leave the pillars on the lower floors and some walls and floors intact and incorporate them into the design of the new building.

⑨Hakata Station Street. This is a project that is almost complete. Hakata Ekimae Dori, a city road that connects the area around Hakata Station and the Tenjin area, will be reduced from 5 lanes including the right turn lane and sidewalks on both sides to 3 lanes. Securing bicycle lanes and expanding the sidewalk

⑩ Chikushi Exit Station Square This was implemented as part of the public-private partnership project “Hakata Connected,” which aims to connect the charm and liveliness of Hakata Station to the surrounding area.

The sidewalks in front of the Chikushi Exit and the sightseeing bus stop have been widened, creating a spacious and comfortable space for walking. In addition, in order to make transfers from the Chikushi Exit to vehicles smoother, we have separated the general car and taxi stops and installed a new roof.

JR Kyushu has begun construction on the Hakata Station Sky City Project, which will utilize the space above the conventional lines on the south side of the Hakata Station building, and aims to complete the project by the end of 2028.

According to plans, the new building is expected to have 12 floors above ground and one floor underground, with a total floor area of ​​approximately 50,000 square meters. On the first floor, the embankment that supports the conventional line rails has been removed to create a space that

Will accommodate commercial tenants, as well as a new passageway and plaza that will connect the Hakata and Chikushi exits. The investment amount is expected to be several tens of billions of yen.

【博多駅周辺再開発】博多駅周辺地区は 今世紀最大の大改造が進行中です!大規模ビルで街の風景が大変貌を遂げます。福岡再発見➡
Hakata Station is the largest terminal station in Kyushu and the gateway to land. In addition to being in a good location, about 5 minutes from Fukuoka Airport, there are 6 lines available including JR Kyushu’s conventional lines, Shinkansen (Kyushu/Western Japan), and municipal subway. The number of passengers getting on and off the station per day is approximately 400,000 (as of 2020), and many people use it every day, including tourists, business travelers, and locals. Around Hakata Station, a project called “Hakata Connected” has been launched to further connect the bustle and vitality of Hakata Station to the surrounding area.
博多站是九州最大的終點站,也是陸路門戶。除了地理位置優越之外,距離福岡機場約5分鐘路程,還有JR九州常規線、新幹線(九州/西日本)、市營地下鐵等6條線路可供選擇。每天進出車站的乘客量約為40萬人次(截至2020年),每天都有許多人使用該車站,包括遊客、商務旅客和當地人。在博多站週邊,啟動了名為「Hakata Connected」的項目,進一步將博多站的繁華和活力與週邊地區連接起來。

In addition to the expansion of transportation infrastructure, such as the extension of the Nanakuma Subway Line and the redevelopment of Hakata Ekimae Street within a radius of approximately 500 meters (approximately 80 ha) from Hakata Station, the construction of advanced buildings with high earthquake resistance has been achieved through the relaxation of regulations such as floor area ratios. This is a redevelopment plan to rebuild the building. Fukuoka City has a goal of rebuilding approximately 20 buildings in the 10 years until 2028, and as of the end of February 2021, 15 buildings have been rebuilt or are in the process of being rebuilt.[1] According to estimates as of 2018, the total floor area is approximately 1.5 times larger to 498,000 m2, the number of employees is approximately 1.6 times larger to 51,000 people, the construction investment effect is expected to be 260 billion yen, and the economic ripple effect is expected to be 500 billion yen/year. ing. “Hakata East Terrace,” the first deregulated Hakata Connected project, was completed on August 5, 2022.

博多駅前の西日本シティ銀行本店、26年竣工 広場も整備
西日本シティ銀行は30日、博多駅前に位置し建て替えを進める本店本館ビルについて、福岡市の再開発促進事業「博多コネクティッド」による容積率の緩和対象になったと発表した。2023年11月をめどに着工し、26年1月ごろ竣工する予定。敷地には広場や緑化空間のほか、400人規模のホールを設ける。新たな本店本館ビルは、地上14階、地下4階建て。延べ床面積は7万5678平方メートルで、容積率の緩和の効果で旧本店本館ビルの約2.9倍になる。西日本シティ銀行の本店営業部や本部機能が入るほか、オフィスや店舗を貸し出す。博多駅に面する敷地の北東側に広場を設け、回遊性向上につなげるほか、イベント利用に対応する。コンサートやセミナーなど複数の用途に用いることのできるホールも地下に設ける。デンマークを拠点とするデザイン事務所「3XN Architects(スリーエックスエヌアーキテクツ)」が、日本の建築物としてはじめてデザインを手がける。




〇天神ビッグバン 2023年夏

〇天神ビッグバン 明治通り

〇天神ビッグバン 総集編第一弾

〇天神ビッグバン 2023年 地下街大全集1

〇天神ビッグバン イムズ消滅


〇親不孝通り最新映像 夜

〇親不孝通り最新映像 昼




  1. 【博多コネクテッド】


  2. Hakata Station is the largest terminal station in Kyushu and the gateway to land. In addition to being in a good location, about 5 minutes from Fukuoka Airport, there are 6 lines available including JR Kyushu's conventional lines, Shinkansen (Kyushu/Western Japan), and municipal subway. The number of passengers getting on and off the station per day is approximately 400,000 (as of 2020), and many people use it every day, including tourists, business travelers, and locals. Around Hakata Station, a project called “Hakata Connected'' has been launched to further connect the bustle and vitality of Hakata Station to the surrounding area.

  3. 博多駅から半径約500m以内(約80ha)での地下鉄七隈線延伸やはかた駅前通り再整備など、交通基盤の拡充とあわせ、容積率などの規制緩和により、耐震性の高い先進的なビルへと建て替える再開発計画である。福岡市は、2028年までの10年間に約20棟の建て替えを目標としており、2021年2月末時点で15棟のビルが建て替え完了または進行中である[1]。2018年時点の試算によると、延床面積は約1.5倍の498,000㎡、雇用者数は約1.6倍の51,000人、建設投資効果は2,600億円、経済波及効果は5,000億円/年が見込まれている。博多コネクティッドの規制緩和第1号となる「博多イーストテラス」が2022年8月5日に竣工した。

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