Learn Spanish – #podcast – 5

THE WEATHER IS CRAZY Next, we are going to discuss the vocabulary and expressions used to talk about this topic. And then do the corresponding exercise. Has the weather gone crazy? Or has climate change driven you crazy? It is a fact that weather phenomena are more extreme every year and put the world

To the test. In Spain, last winter surprised us with a historic snowfall so far this century, and in Madrid, unprecedented since 190 In northern and central Europe, a polar front froze the spring beginning of the month of April with a snowfall unexpected. The four seasons are increasingly atypical,

With shorter winters and springs and summers that go from the usual storms and heavy rain to heat that sometimes reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Climate change is causing these drastic and irregular changes; and, therefore, it also influences the duration and start dates of the seasons.

We spoke with the Spanish physicist and meteorology expert Juan Luis Suárez about the consequences of climate change and the extreme effects of meteorological phenomena . Mr. Suárez, why has the weather become so extreme? The weather has become so extreme because of climate change and because there is more energy

In the atmosphere. That energy comes from the oceans, which accumulate 90% of the heat retained by greenhouse gases. The energy rises and condenses, which causes a succession of adverse phenomena. In Spain, for example, torrential rains and twice as many heat waves

Occur more often than in previous decades. And this is linked, of course, to global climate change, since, as the average temperature of the planet rises, the climate becomes more extreme. Therefore, periods of drought and rain are longer and more common.

In turn, global warming causes a change in the seasonal cycle, which is why summers are increasingly longer and hotter, while winters, in general, are shorter and less cold. It is estimated that by 2100, winter will last less than two months and the transition seasons, spring and fall, will also be reduced.

The normality will be to have six-month summers in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, it is important that all governments and countries become aware of climate change. It’s fundamental. Respecting the environment and taking action against climate change is a moral responsibility of governments around the world towards the planet and future generations, but also of

Each of us. Therefore, it is very important to continue raising awareness among people and, especially, the youngest so that they continue to support international movements such as Fridays for Future. We must also continue doing small daily gestures, such as collecting and separating garbage into containers for plastic,

Glass and organic waste, or planting more trees in cities. What consequences do these extreme atmospheric and climatic changes have on the environment? For both vegetation and fauna, they can have very negative and serious consequences. For example, in Spain, in a recent study on birds and vegetation, it was observed that

There are plants that are flowering in different seasons, which creates imbalances in ecology and agriculture. And in the case of some non-migratory birds, climate changes have modified their migration pattern, a fact that endangers their survival. Climate change is also causing serious problems for human health. Every year the increase in pollen causes

More serious and chronic allergies. And in the near future, mosquitoes carrying diseases such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever, originating from other countries, could reach southern European countries, such as Spain. The outlook, in the short and long term, as you see, is not at all rosy, if we do not stop climate change.

The phrase “The weather is crazy” is a phrase that is used regularly both in Spain and Latin America. This expression arises in any trivial conversation, such as, for example, when we meet a neighbor in the elevator. Phew, the weather is crazy. Yesterday it was cold; today, heat, and for tomorrow

The weatherman has announced storm and rain… One no longer knows what to wear. I always dress in layers, like an onion… Yes, yes, the same thing happens to me. And it seems that the weather forecast for the coming weeks will continue to change just as much.

The weather is crazier than a goat. Yes, and you say it… Goodbye! And may your week be light, despite the weather! In figures According to scientific studies by the United Nations, the increase in global temperature, greenhouse gas emissions, extreme weather events and rising sea levels are the main culprits

And the maximum consequences of climate change and warming. global. These studies predict that the global average annual temperature will likely rise by at least 1 degree Celsius over the next five years, compared to levels over the last century. And, according to the forecast of experts from the World Meteorological Organization (

WMO), the average global temperature is expected to increase by up to 1.5 degrees Celsius between the years 2030 and 2052; a figure that exceeds the reference value of the Paris Agreement. Likewise, according to the 2021 Global Climate Risk Index report, from 2000

To the present, more than 475,000 people died worldwide as a result of extreme weather events. And, in economic figures, the climate disasters of recent decades have caused global economic damage of more than 1.07 billion euros. There has also been an annual increase

In the displacement of people in their own countries of origin as a result of climate disasters , such as hurricanes, floods, etc., that devastated their territories. Do you know how a typhoon is different from a hurricane? Hurricanes and typhoons are names given to the same type of storm, which

Originates in the ocean. The only difference is that hurricanes occur in the Atlantic and typhoons occur in the Pacific. Therefore, the designation of “hurricane” and “typhoon” helps meteorologists immediately know the area of ​​the ocean where the storm is occurring. The fact: A report carried out by various

Global scientific organizations has indicated that the covid-19 pandemic has not stopped climate change. And that the emission of greenhouse gases, which decreased due to the confinement of the population at the beginning of the pandemic, has returned almost to previous levels in recent months.

Next, do an exercise. Say if it is true or false. Climate change causes the planet’s average temperature to rise and weather phenomena to become more extreme. The global average annual temperature is expected to rise by at least 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next five years.

Climatic phenomena and meteorological curiosities Why do we give so much importance to time? Usually, the first thing we do when we wake up is look out the window to see what the weather is like. We also automatically look at our cell phone to know what the weather will be like during the week.

And why this interest in the weather? Well, because many of our decisions will depend on it. For example, what clothes to wear, going to the gym to play sports or going for a run outdoors, taking an umbrella or putting on snow boots, riding a bike or taking the subway.

Also to prepare a trip, a getaway or an excursion, it is essential to inform ourselves about the weather: will it be sunny or rainy? Will a getaway to the beach or to the mountains be better? Spain has a great geographical

And climatic diversity… We will tell you about some of the most frequent meteorological phenomena in Spanish territory so that, in this way, the weather does not catch you off guard and you are prepared for any meteorological eventuality during your trip through Spain. The central zone: cold, frost, fog and heat waves

The autonomous communities of Castilla y León, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura belong to the central zone of the Iberian Peninsula. Winter in this central area is especially characterized by frost, morning fog and very low temperatures, up to 10 degrees below zero. On the contrary, during the summer months, they suffer strong

Heat waves, which can reach 48 degrees Celsius. Spring and autumn are the best times to visit these communities, due to their warm and pleasant climate. Did you know that…? Rasca and biruji are two of the many words that are used colloquially in Spain to refer to the cold and windy winter; Rasca

Means “intense cold” and biruji “very cold cold or wind.” For example: “It’s very scratchy today, I’ll put on the scarf” or “Ugh, it’s really cool today! I don’t feel like leaving the house.” The Mediterranean coast: the cold drop or DANA Along the Mediterranean coast, especially

In the Valencian Community (which includes the provinces of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia), as well as in the Region of Murcia and in some towns of Almería (such as Níjar and Cabo de Gata), during spring and autumn it is common for some DANA (

Isolated Depression at High Levels) to occur, more popularly known as the cold drop. The DANA or cold drop occurs when a current of cold polar air collides with warm Mediterranean air. The result of this crash is strong storms with intense and torrential rains, sometimes with hail and electrical activity (lightning,

Lightning and thunder), which cause significant flooding in some municipalities, as well as damage to crops and great economic losses. Sometimes, we also have to mourn the death of people and animals. Tell me what wind is blowing and I’ll tell you where you are.

Trade winds, which blow between the tropics, are common in the Canary Islands. These winds retain the clouds in the north of the islands and make the Canary Islands have wonderful weather. The Tramuntana is a cold wind that blows quite strongly in the Balearic Islands

And Catalonia, both in summer and winter; In Spanish it means “beyond the mountain” and can reach two hundred kilometers per hour. The terral blows in Malaga, especially in the months of July and August, and it is called that because it is the air that moves from the land to the sea.

It is a very warm wind that considerably raises temperatures, so much so that the thermometer can reach more than 45 degrees Celsius. The east wind is the typical wind that blows in the province of Cádiz. In Tarifa, the east is ideal for practicing

A wide variety of sailing and surfing sports. But when it blows hard in the summer months, the beaches and beach bars are deserted by tourists, due to the amount of sand it raises. The people of Cádiz often say that when the east blows, the province goes crazy. On the Cantabrian coast, gales are

Strong gusts of stormy wind from the northwest that suddenly cause a drop in temperatures. The gales arise during the summer, autumn and spring months, and especially affect the eastern coast of Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque provinces of Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa. Historical event: 80th anniversary of the

Santander fire A hurricane-force wind and a spark caused the most serious fire in the history of Spain. This year marks 80 years since the great fire in Santander, the Cantabrian capital. In the early hours of February 15 to 16,

1941, a fire started in one of the buildings on its most central streets, due to a spark in a chimney. What would have been a news story in the local newspaper became one of the biggest catastrophes of the time. A storm, with gusts of hurricane-force south winds that reached over 140 kilometers

Per hour, was responsible for the flames spreading at high speed throughout the city center and firefighters did not have the means to put out the fire. Santander was on fire for three days and the fire destroyed 95% of the buildings and businesses in the historic area. Four hundred buildings, more

Than 1,700 homes and forty streets, with their shops, hotels, guesthouses and bars, disappeared. Thousands of families lost their homes, although there was only one victim in this tragedy, a Madrid firefighter died while carrying out firefighting work. In short, the flames caused part of Santander’s history,

Its architectural and artistic heritage to disappear forever, and it took several years to rebuild. the Cantabrian capital. Canary Islands: haze In the Canary Islands haze is common, especially in winter. It is a meteorological phenomenon that is characterized by air and dust storms in suspension that originate on the

African continent (mainly in the Sahara and Sahel deserts) and move towards the Canary Islands. The haze causes the air to become denser; This makes people breathe hard and there is a lack of visibility, especially when driving cars or piloting airplanes. Furthermore, when the haze mixes

With precipitation, the so-called mud or blood rains occur. Did you know that…? Blood or mud rain occurs when raindrops take on a reddish color. This is because the dust or sand from the Sahara, raised by the haze, mixes with the rain clouds and dyes the precipitation red.

Popular wisdom and weather predictions In Spain, the inhabitants of the towns, who work in the fields and livestock, are usually very accurate in their logical weather predictions. Even today, older inhabitants continue to use sayings and sayings that are based on the observation of natural phenomena.

For example, the popular saying “When the rook flies low, it is damn cold” has a scientific explanation, which is that when autumn-winter arrives, the cold air masses are denser and remain stagnant at ground level. ; This makes rooks (from the crow family) or other birds take advantage of it to glide without

Having to make much effort. Its low flight therefore announces that the cold has arrived. Next, do an exercise. Say if it is true or false. Cold gout or DANA occurs especially in the Valencian Community during summer and winter. Galernas are blasts of sand from the Canary Islands that head towards the Cantabrian Sea.

Idioms An idiom is a fixed expression whose meaning cannot always be deduced from the words that compose it. It is a linguistic use that allows you to concentrate an idea in a few words and transmit said concept to all those who share the same language. Next, we present

Some idioms related to the theme of the month. Choose the correct definition. “Enduring the downpour” refers, in this case, to… a. get wet from the rain. b. bump. c. put up with a fight. “Drinking the winds for someone”, in this case, refers to… a. a person who is very in love with another.

B. run away in a hurry. c. drink very quickly and without pause. Spelling Pills Do you have problems with spelling? In this section we give you some practical and very brief tips so that you can learn spelling effortlessly. Made with ho echo without h? Do you know how to use them?

“Echo without h” Echo without h: comes from the verb “echar”. All forms of the verb “echar”, which is synonymous with throw, put, deposit and expel, etc., are written without h. Examples: I’ll give you a hand. Add salt to the salad. Put the letter in the mailbox.

You deserve to be fired from work. The verb ecar, without h, is also part of the phrase seguir, which means year to rar. Examples: I miss you. Have you missed me? Likewise, the periphrasis throw a + infinitive indicates the beginning of the action expressed by the infinitive.

Examples: He bursts into tears whenever he sees his father sick. Fish spoils if you don’t put it in the refrigerator. “Made with h” The forms made, made, made, made, which are written with h, are the participle of the verb “make.” Examples: Have you done everything I told you?

I left the food ready before leaving. The masculine noun “the fact,” with h, is used with the meaning of “thing that is done or that happens.” Examples: It makes me happy that you come to my wedding. We must analyze the fact that poverty is increasing every year.

The phrase “in fact” is also written with h and has the meaning of “effectively”, “in reality”. Examples: In fact, we have finally achieved what we had set out to do. I didn’t want to see her again; In fact, I never called her again. Now, choose the correct option. The company’s report was

Made in a hurry. It’s our anniversary and I miss you a lot. “The Condor Passes” Do you know the origin and history of the musical composition “The Condor Passes”? Here we tell you. Listen carefully to part of the Report text: “The condor passes by” and then do an exercise about it.

It is the second anthem of Peru. A hymn, let’s say, that is closer to folklore. And that should suffice as an introduction, but we also know a few other things. It has been included in a list, prepared by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),

Of the fifty songs of all time that any human being can recognize. It has been performed by artists as different as the tenor Plácido Domingo and the salsa singer Marc Anthony, the soprano Yma Súmac or the Chinese musical group 12 Girls Band.

It is estimated that there are more than four thousand versions of the song in almost all possible genres: rock, opera, metal and even Korean pop – you can do the test on YouTube. In 2004, the song was declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation in Peru, along with the Peruvian paso horse and the

Scissors dance. That global fame turned El cóndor Pasa… into a symbol of Peru for export and a cultural icon. However, few know that this song is just the musical closing of a zarzuela from the first decade of the 20th century that has the same name.

If it is a song as universal as Cocacola or Macarena, why then do we Peruvians know so little about the origin of that melody that premiered in a Lima theater in 1913? Lima, 1913 As in all stories, there is a protagonist and an antagonist. The first is called Daniel Alomía Robles

And he was born in Huánuco, in the central mountains of Peru, in 187. Since he was a child, he was interested in music and even sang in the church choir. At the age of thirteen, he traveled to Lima, settled in an uncle’s house in the center of the city

And took classes with singing teachers. When he finishes school, he becomes a recognized musician and for several years he tours the provinces of the Andes to gather the melodies that were played at festivals and popular festivals.

Their mission was to put together a large musical inventory that could be traced back to the time of the Incas. According to historical data, he managed to collect almost a thousand melodies that were heard in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. But what was happening in Peru in 1913?

Guillermo Billinghurst was the president and had won the elections with the popular support of the working class sectors of the country. Many of these people worked on railroads, on farms, and in mines. That same year, journalist Julio Baudouin wrote a fictional story about a conflict between

Indigenous workers and the owners of a mining company. That is the plot of the zarzuela called The Condor Pasa. It was Julio Baudouin who asked Alomía Robles to compose all the music for the work. You have heard part of the theme of “Report: The condor passes”. Then choose

The correct option. The song “El condor passes” is… a. the national anthem of Peru. b. one of the 50 songs in the world that anyone can recognize, according to the BBC. Dialogue – I like the organic supermarket Listen below to the dialogue “I like the organic supermarket”, from the “Easy language” section.

Chari likes the new organic supermarket in the neighborhood, Paco doesn’t. We have already arrived! This is the ecological supermarket, Paco! You have to be responsible, recycling is not enough… Look, you are a novelist, Chari. But I tell you one thing, ecological, okay; vegetarian, no, and vegan, less so.

I have limits, ham and loin are sacred, Chari! Shut up, caveman! How cool is this, Paco! I like this supermarket, look at the beautiful carts and recycled plastic bags, paper bags… I like to see everything so organized, there are the sprouts, here are the

Organic cosmetics… This is a scam, Chari, look how much these strawberries cost, six euros per 100 grams…, it is a seasonal product, it cannot be So expensive. And the meat is from New Zealand… But what do you say?!

I say that in the food market, next to the house, you buy the same, in bulk, they wrap the products in paper and we carry our own cart, the products are local and they have organic fruit and vegetables at normal prices.

I like to go to the market square… Do you know what I’m telling you? You are right. But admit that everything here is so beautiful… Well, yes, a lot, ecoglamour, Chari… Next, choose the correct answer. What does it mean to “be a scam”? to. Be a deception. b. Be very cheap.

The Pérez family: How beautiful spring is! And now the Pérez family is here in another episode of their tangled and lively daily life. Listen below to the Pérez family on How Beautiful Spring! Marta has had a cough, conjunctivitis and some difficulty breathing for a few days; symptoms

That have put her on alert and that worry her greatly, since she has not yet received the covid-19 vaccine. Achíssss! Oh…, what a morning I’ve had! I can’t stop sneezing. Roberto, please, pass me the clinics, which are on the table.

Take. Oops, your eyes are very red and your nose is swollen… What’s wrong with you? My nose is swollen from cleaning it so much and my eyes sting like hell, I can’t stop rubbing them… Also, I feel very tired, my head hurts a little and I have

Wheezing when I breathe. Hey, Roberto, you who have had covid, do you think these symptoms can be compatible with the coronavirus? Achísss! Let’s see, Marta, it could be, since there are so many mutant viruses… I had a very high fever, dry cough, as well as muscle, headache and throat pain.

I had conjunctivitis and pressure in my chest. Come on, the bug left me a human wreck. Yes, yes, of course I remember it; I was your nurse day and night… Achísss!, but you haven’t cleared my doubts, do you think

I have the virus or not? Martita, you never know what strain of the virus is now in circulation; I’ve lost count, it may be the Martian strain. I’m going to open the windows wide to let the house ventilate and get fresh air. Achíssss, achísss! The air, it’s the air… I’m getting terrible…

Close the windows, I can’t even breathe… Achíssss! Ugh! Now my nose is more congested , I can’t even breathe… I’m going to the ENT doctor, will you come with me, Roberto? Yes, yes, I’ll accompany you…, but take your temperature first, in case you have a fever. You must

Tell the doctor all the symptoms before he or she tests you for coronavirus. Marta and Roberto have returned from the visit to the ENT doctor and the results have been definitive. Achísss! Well, we already have a diagnosis. Yes, I have a fever, but hay fever.

So, you know, it is forbidden to open the windows in my presence; If I swallow pollen, I suffocate. On one hand I’m relieved it’s not the bug, but on the other hand it’s a bummer, I ‘ve never had a pollen allergy until this year.

On the other hand, you, who have been allergic all your life, do not have any symptoms, will you be happy? “How beautiful spring is…!, la, la, la.” Marta, I’m happy for you and me… I don’t have allergies and you don’t have the virus… Good news, right?

They don’t seem that good to me. The doctor has recommended that I leave the house as little as possible, that I not do sports outdoors, that I not open the windows… And, to top it all off, I have to take antihistamines with cortisone for rhinitis, use

Eye drops for conjunctivitis and using a bronchodilator inhaler for asthma. And if my defenses go down, I could also catch the virus… Come on, it sucks! Marta, don’t be a complainer… If you want to go out, you protect yourself with a mask

And sunglasses, and that’s it. By the way, close your eyes, I have something for you that Pepín gave me before he went camping with Coco. Since he couldn’t say goodbye to you… How cute, my boy! Can I open my eyes now? Yeah? Ohhh! A bouquet of flowers! What beautiful flowers! Achíssss!

I’m going to leave them on the balcony, achísssss. From now on, I want you to give me only cacti, which last longer and do not cause allergies, achísss! But be careful with cactus thorns, honey, they can be as painful or more painful than an allergy.

The City Council invites you to listen carefully to the following text: “Panorama Spain: The City Council invites.” Then do the listening comprehension exercise . Pintxos for everyone, Patxi! The Bilbao City Council has put its imagination to the crisis and has launched the BonoBilbao. The bonuses are direct aid of one million

Euros for the hospitality sector. There are bonuses of 10 and 20 euros. Every time a Bilbao resident buys a voucher, they pay half of it (that is, 5 or 10 euros). Thus, citizens benefit – since they only pay half of the consumption – and so do bars and restaurants.

Only one voucher can be purchased per person. Furthermore, to allocate the money to all neighborhoods and all types of venues, from starred restaurants to breakfast bars, each person buys the voucher for their favorite venue. You have heard “Panorama Spain: The City Council invites”. Then do the following exercise. Choose the correct option:

Who invites? to. The Basque government. b. The Basque city council c. Bilbao city hall. Environment: Cerro Rico In the south of Bolivia, in the city of Potosí, there is a very special hill: it is pyramid-shaped, 4800 m high, with intense brown, red and yellow colors and a dry texture.

This is Cerro Rico, the most important silver mine in history; 80% of all the silver in the world came from here in the 16th century. No wonder there is the expression “valer un Potosí” in Spanish to say that “something is worth a lot.” Currently, mining is very limited

In this area because there have been several landslides that endanger miners and transform the landscape. Potosí has ​​been a World Heritage Site since 1987, but since 2014 it has been on the list of heritage in danger due to the terrible state of this mountain. If Cerro Rico is “worth a Potosí”, it must

Be protected and conserved. You have heard “Latin American Panorama: Environment: Cerro Rico”. Then choose the correct option. The expression “worth a Potosí” means a. something is worth a lot. b. It is worth taking a trip to Potosí. Birds of ill omen The great detective Emilia Cos is one of the

Most brilliant minds in criminal sciences and always needs great challenges. But when he doesn’t get important cases, he gets bored and, according to Gonzo, his assistant and driver, he becomes unbearable. For this reason, it occurred to Gonzo that, like Hercules in mythology,

He would find twelve cases, twelve jobs that seemed impossible and occupied his head. The great Agatha Christie also did it with her detective Hercule Poirot. Listen to the chapter “Birds of Bad Omen” from the story series The Challenges of Detective Emilia Cos. Then do the listening comprehension exercise.

Every day I go out with Dog for a long walk through Retiro Park. That afternoon there were few people because the sky was covered with black clouds, a storm was approaching . The humidity in the air aggravated Dog’s rheumatism

, so we walked slowly, which was good for me, because I needed to think a little. I was obsessed with finding cases for Emilia that resembled the mythical labors of Hercules. The sixth had me completely blocked. It was about hunting the Stymphalian birds,

Evil birds that had beaks, claws and bronze wings, which destroyed crops and devoured humans. Where would I find something similar? The clouds, like my mood, were getting darker. I decided it would be better to go back home. Dog followed me with a stick in his mouth.

There was hardly anyone left in the park, which is why it caught my attention that three older women were still sitting on a bench, who seemed not to notice the humid wind that announced the impending storm. They were dressed in black and were talking to each other

With their heads close together. When I saw them, I thought they looked like birds of bad omen, like crows. For a moment I believed that luck was sending me what I was looking for, the terrible Stymphalian birds, but as I passed in front

Of the bank, this illusion vanished, because they seemed, at first, very friendly. –Look, what a nice little dog! –said one of them with joy when she saw us pass by. -What’s it called? -asked another. “Dog,” I responded. –A dog called Dog! –said the third.

And the three of them burst into laughter. Dog seemed rather offended because he started growling. –Oops! What a bad character! –said the first one laughing. “Like poor Margarita,” said the second. “Yes, the poor thing,” the third one cried with laughter. He died! -You’re so bad! –said the first.

Laughter from the three. The laughter apparently made Dog nervous, becoming more and more aggressive. I had to carry him by the leash. There was something strange about those three women, but it was a long way from them remembering the cruel Stymphalian birds. When I returned home, I told that disturbing

Encounter to Emilia, who was observing Dog with curiosity. –And you say that Dog became very aggressive? -Yeah. And I felt uncomfortable. They were rare. That senseless way of laughing… Emilia remained thoughtful looking out the window at the storm that fell on Madrid. The next day, the sky was a

Clean, intense blue. In the afternoon Emilia put on some sneakers and told me: –We’re going for a walk! I want to see those fun ladies. We split up at the park entrance. I walked ahead with Dog and Emilia followed me at a distance, as if she were

Just another walker. I approached the bench where I had seen the three women in black. That day there were only two. -Hello dog! –One of them greeted with her bag on her knees. Dog growled again. That’s why I didn’t get too close.

Emilia had approached the bench from behind and was spying on the conversation hidden behind a tree. Well, more or less hidden, given its volume. The women, attentive to Dog, did not notice his presence. -And her friend? -I asked for. “It’s just that the rain caught us,” answered

The woman with the bag. –How we get wet! “And Antonia caught a cold, ” the other added, laughing, as if it were very funny. –Come on, if he dies! –Like Margarita. They nudged each other while laughing out loud. Dog was very nervous again, as if he understood the incongruity between the words

And the laughter. Emilia signaled to me and I walked away from the women. –Goodbye, Dog! Ji. Ji. Ji. –Goodbye. Dog growled. -What’s the matter? –I asked Dog. Emilia answered me. –He hasn’t forgotten his old profession, Gonzo. Then, I remembered that Dog, before he retired and Emilia adopted him, had been a

Police dog in the anti-drug squad. I looked at Emilia in amazement. –So…, those ladies… are they on drugs? –I’m afraid so. And also that they don’t know it. The next day, we began to observe them. Nothing seemed suspicious to me. They led a rather routine life.

They barely left the neighborhood, where they carried out all their activities, shopping, walks, meetings with friends in a cafe or in the park (the one called Antonia reappeared a few days later, recovered from her cold), but nothing that indicated that they had access

To some type of drug. Until one of them, Mercedes, received a visit one morning from a boy of about twenty who arrived at the house on a motorcycle and took a small bag of cookies from the box. As soon as he got me on the block, we approached

The motorcycle with Dog, who started barking when he smelled it. –I think, Gonzo, that we already know who supplies the drugs to these women. I think those cookies are marijuana. I’m going to follow them alone, because she knows you. Meanwhile, find out the

Boy’s address. I wrote down the license plate of the motorcycle and went to make my inquiries. Shortly after, Mercedes and the boy went out into the street arm in arm. –Grandma, before going to eat, we stopped by the bank, right? -Clear. Hee hee hee. How much do you need,

Honey? –Whatever you want to give me, grandmother. Emilia followed them to a bank branch, where she saw Mercedes take out a thousand euros from the ATM, keep one hundred, and give nine hundred to her grandson. Afterwards they went to a restaurant and ate together.

When the boy returned home, I, accompanied by Dog and with a fake police badge, was already waiting for him at the door. The boy was so surprised that he confessed immediately. –The thing is that one time I accidentally gave him a package of the marijuana cookies that I make for

Me and my friends. Then, I realized that Grandma was not only in an excellent mood, but also very generous. What I didn’t imagine was that I would distribute them among my friends. Now I have to bring him cookies every week, otherwise he gets very angry. Withdrawal syndrome, I thought, but I

Said ironically: –As far as we know, this hard “work” compensates you financially. –But I won’t do it again, I swear. –No, what you are going to do is reduce the amount of marijuana little by little –I responded, thinking precisely of the withdrawal syndrome that the ladies could suffer if they were

Suddenly taken away from the drug–, until the cookies contain nothing more dangerous than sugar and butter. -And then? –Then you are going to continue visiting your grandmother every week and you are going to invite her to eat.

To her and her friends. We will be watching you. As soon as I see that you are approaching an ATM… Dog growled very appropriately. -OK OK. I understand. Before returning to the agency, I stopped by a pastry shop and bought some cookies for

Emilia, who would surely want to celebrate our success. I found her somewhat dejected. –You, Gonzo, even thought that the three old women were the Stymphalus birds, when, in reality, it was that grandson. Yes. He was the evil bird that devoured

His pension and savings, I thought. –But how come the rest of your family didn’t notice? “Because they don’t pay attention when they talk to older people,” he sighed sadly. Luckily, it was snack time and I brought cookies. She took one out and held it up to Dog’s nose

. “Let’s see, smell it, in case there is any strange substance,” he said jokingly. Dog opened his big mouth and gobbled it up in seconds. The only symptom he showed was raising his paw to ask for another one. “Let’s have a snack, guys,” said Emilia.

Next, do an exercise. Say if it is true or false The three women reminded Gonzo of birds of bad omen because it seemed like something bad was going to happen. The ladies laughed a lot and senselessly, and Dog got nervous because he noticed traces of marijuana.


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