Hey guys, we just left there from Andorra we walk here about 10 km and here it is full of small towns small towns are not places of seasons so there are several here at path here so here in Andorra is the part of skiing is also strong see there

We’ve been to several cable cars there back there with several several hotels here in greater Andorra here and It is and it is busy here, see this in winter here must be a lot well back there was a tunnel there I paid one toll from 450 e We leave Andorra towards tlu e

Danger that there is another path too that go PR Alicante our goal today but we authorize it here for road be more nice to ride further through the Pyrenees then write it down if you have it in Andorra from motorcycle then you put it on the GPS Alicante

Go the other way so you have to trace by tulus and by perp gan Hence it comes on this route here that we are going to take Here are some more paths mountains there as you can see there Look just show show is personal I don’t know if this is

Border already leaving Andorra or No, but I think if it’s Wow, this country doesn’t have a border not 30 km from width or length know I know it’s a little slow I don’t know if it says customs There, let me see with Marcelo Vou Pegar

Information then I’ll pass it on to you, let’s go Let’s see, let’s see, here is the border of We are leaving Andorra now and entering in France, okay, that’s it Guys, you saw what a small country it is here, right There must be here I think we ran some

30 km and we have already crossed The whole country is tax haven here between France and Spain here but we go back to France here and then Spain ok Here’s a tip and stop knowledge of you also from now on I’ll be back with you shortly Hey guys, we’ve already entered France from

New Cruz we used Donana there leaving to France it was a bit slow there some they stop some no we no no They stopped we went straight a few more cars there they stopped, I don’t know why I know if it’s purchasing control or something something that is French Duana’s part, right

Then suddenly if the French buy They will check if something is ok if you are entering France with goods from Tax Paradise there Probably yes, it seems to me that the car That they stopped There was French sign And we I don’t even think it’s random they do

There they didn’t ask us to stop anything, we entered straight but we wasted some time back there of the cars there and now we are here let’s cross another little piece of France back and then enter Spain I will leave a little more

I’m just here and I’m going to hang up here and come back where to had the most interesting place there if Well, let’s go into a little bit. shadow here I think this decision here it is good one look at the curves here we are going to run a

Good weather today still on these roads winding here through the Pyrenees and it’s beautiful see look there oh the ballet of cars and motorcycles here Oh we left there We went up a little and Now it looks like we’re at descent Although yesterday look boy Yesterday was wonderful, huh?

Day what places did we visit yesterday You saw it in the filming, there it was This is a sensational show Pyrenees driving around here is great I recommend this trip to you, see me I always wanted to visit this region of the Pyrenees here and this time I killed

Will and it was worth it, see Cada centimeter from the place we passed there was Spectacular, worth staying a few more days driving through the Pyrenees, you see like those Alps there Switzerland’s also saw there are many many paths for you to discover then you have

Who to choose from the main ones or some who you’re interested and the rest is for one another trip reason to travel again to this sideguys Look more pineus, look below where we are going pass there o and d curves I don’t know if we’ll go through there

Or we go straight but if we have to go down It’s going to be a show show Let’s see There Here we are against the morning sun here but the little place How will it start like yesterday Or is the right there for another place Let’s see, it’s not here

Our sense let’s take them all those curves there below show show another good one good footprint there from filming, see, look Just look at the road below, look at where we will pass looks snaking this one Pyrenees What a sensational little place See today we drove 700 km see guys I think

I didn’t warn you so I don’t remember if I I warned you in the morning there but it is 700 km to Alicante today will be the day of We left the road a little late because yesterday we drove a lot we went to eat dinner and

We chose to leave a little later today because we are going to stay there for two days Alicante then No, today it’s just the road and we don’t have it tour in Alicante today only tomorrow tomorrow is a day of rest there So come on, look guys, look at the these the

Ballet directly here of the French Pyrenees here the part of France will soon enter Spain Look where we came from up and let’s go through this here come with me come together he rides the grouper then takes the bed and come filming with me here Starting the day already with those with

Those with as curves I don’t know if I’m going to leave all these footage in the video there but there are some love it they don’t want me to stop to film like this, he asks you to leave us filming We are there in the swing together we want to see as

Roads and there are others who say not you You have to cut a lot to leave just one a little bit of the road and through more cities So there will be something for everyone world, I’ll make more videos Maybe people get sick of seeing so many videos in one trip but it’s

It’s worth it, see, it’s not always you Come here, you don’t need to watch either all in one day just see a piece today of morning a bit at night a Saturday then no There’s nothing to do, sit in front of TV will be enjoyed there on a Sunday too or at

Night there If you have insomnia then put video on TV, watch it there traveling with me because look at the landscapes are sensational my and up front there you can see there ski slope there huh that Green cut in the middle of forest there it’s all ski slopes here

It’s probably a Ski Resort is So there the cable cars going up there there are two lanes there, one left and one right here, foot poems boy I’ve never seen so much ski track Our Lady is the same in these Pyrenees French part here It’s an exaggeration that people here me I think

Look, they’re Brazilians for the beach and They’re here for skiing, see why incredible, my goodness, wow, you an exaggeration me there Oh the seats there to carry the skiers the ski part of this one region is a lot strong must have championships tournaments here de Monte esse

Winter I think every clue like this there must be an attraction, a championship So the guys stay here running everything That’s why participating in competitions there having fun, imagine the boys there night go to ballad and they are enjoying this winter Here guys, we’re already down the hill from those Pyrenean Mountains there

We’re here, here, Berga Barcelona we were standing here in this they are fixing the track here and Here we are in the fast lane since we are a hundred and a few kilometers here towards Barcelona and probably soon we will take some Autopista there

And it will pay off well for the trip then Ok then there you go we are we are here hereui the city Guardiola and there are many here too mountains if you want to go sightseeing Here we have but as our objective Today is the road, right?

So we decided to play straight because back there where we were at that descent from the Pyrenees there was there other mountain options there but as we are already two days running in prowling around in mountains then we chose to play straight to ours Today’s goal, otherwise we won’t even get there

So we chose follow we are crossing here This little town here we go to berga towards Barcelona and then Alicante Ok we are passing here for these communities here small towns just for you have an idea Then I think it won’t take long Time then, let’s get a clue

We saw here we shot Um Bom Pedaço here Now on a very fast track there now we enter here to to cross This city is already slow traffic, right, but without problems there guys, let’s leave that one little town there in that slow traffic There we already took this faster track

Here we are in a valley here The place here was beautiful, surrounded by mountains and going down for sense Barcelona so there are several of us there kilometers there just just coming down coming out of the mountains and lowering the direction almost to sea level there Guys, I think we’re now in a

Highway here Hopefully crossing here by berga Hopefully from now on Now whatever, we are 95 km from Barcelona I think so now road will yield well and I hope it’s all Autopista Now guys we continue here way terrace and Barcelona and look ahead of that mountain there those peaks there one

Little bit with sawmill but look at their height look, look at pure rock, look at a show Very beautiful show that we will pay for vary one more Guys, I don’t know if we’re going to turn around right down there But if you turn around I go

Show you there look what a show that that Rock there look it looks like the towers of elal na Patagonia is not possible, I’m not going to turn here Why are you turning your head because it’s too much movement is very fast here but Hopefully we turn here

The one on the right to show you there or I hope we pass the toll booth there it was 4.50 Euro the previous one was there 3.40 the other 4.50 for a 13-something there, it’s for at least tunnel length than a long tunnel big one there

They there, look there, it was ok, ok far away but look at that show seems the Torres del Pan there my Torres del Pine not el chalet in the city of el xalt na Argentina a sensational place too I’ll leave a little bit there just to see

Oh my show, my show, what a place beautiful was worth a stop there just to visit that granite wall al very beautiful plus a toll here to break down one more thing here is all day paying toll we pay 450 again there now a little bit and now one more here

It’s personal there at that toll booth there, so much Marcelo like Eduardo, their card no no did not accept payment by card only they have that one Euro card I don’t know, I think it’s C6 Bank C6 Bank and no and not accepted here at these toll booths

And some don’t accept mine I have from C6 but I’m using the Visa card from account in real in Brazil and that’s it accepting everyone see no est no no I’m having no problem then you Bring the card if you have it at

Euro or in dollars but it is better to bring one a Brazilian card or cash those places there you have to pay at money in case they ales had to pay in cash ok Here’s a tip for Do you have places that don’t accept money is just cardno place

Accepts cards, cash only so it’s good having a little of each so as not to have problem and we are feeling Barcelona Still see, I think here we have to turn again here take the right to stop Tarragona then let’s leave Barcelona side and we will continue here to Tarragona

And lay we take the right there, right after that toll there toll of 1.47 there then we will probably get one another Highway Here it is guys, we take the Autopista biggest here Oh, four lanes, I don’t know where it goes these four clues because I think

In a little while we will have to enter another but the traffic is intense here, see we saw there with a good traffic quiet, nice to walk and here now It’s already changed but you’ve also seen the meaning there are several big cities there Valencia Tarragona Barcelona let’s see the other one there

There’s another big city there too at this junction here that that there, lay Zaragoza Tarragona and Valencia guys, we are 200 km from Alicante here we will leave the direction Valencia there on the left and take it this direction Alicante on the right here here, Morocco Algeria, everything goes

So here, let’s leave that one left lane there that goes to Valença and catch here Oh one more Autopista Hello guys after all day on the road today everything Highway 700 km we did about 100 km there track simple then everything track double Highway sometimes with three lanes at

Times with four but most with two and now we are there, 20 km from Alicante we drove almost the whole day there on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea road is It’s close to the sea, so it’s up ahead I don’t know if the camera catches it but it’s already the sea Mar

Mediterranean and here we will spend today and tomorrow here at Alicante there guys to the right there you go for murcia and left here Alicante Wow, I didn’t have time to film my but We now pass here on the right side there a festival there some stages gigantic and thousands of tents

There in the courtyard like that with people camped cars from all sides probably or is it a big show by a band famous sang famous is a festival with several singers from several days there because Look, there are a lot of people huh, it’s an exaggeration of people camped there

There in that place a very place large, very good infrastructure also now Taking the right exit Here we are, 6.2 km from the hotel and there at against city ​​o big city Hey guys coming BMW engine Fan here in Alicante let’s park there and see if there are the famous new GS there

Let’s see here V see if we can see here I already saw something here 310 and I probably don’t think it has the New, huh, it doesn’t look like it, but Come on let’s go in there and visit there in a little while I’ll be back with you Hey guys, we’re here

Alicante beachfront full of people there on the beach, we are here 1 km from hotel Not very heavy traffic here Avenue you can walk around calmly Fi there na BM, I bought the glove there but they didn’t have it a bigger number wanted a bigger number Unfortunately, I didn’t have it

That one right there but it can be done Let’s continue our journey with her, let’s go make one Outline Here we are 800 m from hotel I don’t know if the hotel is by the sea but look what a beautiful fountain here, what a place It’s lit up at night, it’s a show

Huh, you can see it there but look guys intense pedestrian movement there I saw there a Marina there full of boats must have lots of rides boat here also and Marcelos we stopped there at BM and o and o Edu followed Edu he wanted his wife he wanted

Going to the hotel I was already a little tired, right so we chose to take a break there Marcelo buy gum from him, me and heI also wanted to see the change of rear tire of his motorcycle al na bmu Del wore out a lot more than mine

But there was a service there on the 24th scheduled So you’ve seen it right, we don’t have way 450 m from the hotel and the place huh Look What a beautiful place this is, what a show this is Port here from Alicante my one show show show this is night

With these illuminated Sources it must be Too beautiful, wow must be one show let’s go Here we go, we’re already arriving there we are there is one of these here on the right here Oh, next one here, this one is Meli Alicante really, Marcelo spent the his card, see

We’re going to be fine here by the looks of it imagine Mel Alicante this will be the top of the Top Vamos see where I park here I go Park over there also unload your bags there afterwards let’s see where the garage is ok then

Okay, we arrived here in Alicante for two days n



  1. 03:12 – Um amigo morou durante dois anos na Suíça, em Lausanne, perto da fronteira com a França. Ele fazia tudo na França (manutenção do carro, supermercado, compras em geral, tudo enfim) por ser mais barato e porque proporcionava uma oportunidade de fazer turismo. Na época, havia um limite de CHF 300 (não sei quanto é agora). Ele conta que nunca foi parado.
    Uma curiosidade que lembrei agora. Certa vez, ele viu um carro rodando com um colchão no teto e os ocupantes com os braços pra fora, para conferir se o colchão não estava caindo. A placa do carro era da Suíça!
    Outra história que ele contou foi que havia um banco no alto de uma ladeira, na Suíça e que uns caras foram roubar. O que os ladrões esqueceram, durante o planejamento, é que só havia uma rua saindo deste lugar, então a polícia nem subiu a ladeira. Preferiu ficar esperando por eles lá embaixo.

  2. Boa tarde amigo Milane, aqui em Caxias do Sul RS agora são 16:03 do dia 09/12/2023, ao assistir mais uma brilhante video, fiquei muito curioso quando você visitou a loja da BMW em Alicante você consegui-o ver a nova BMW 1300, e se sim qual foi a sua impressão da mesma.

  3. Caro Milane, quanto material tem neste seu canal, América do Sul (vasto, de norte a sul), Europa com muitos pontos importantes, me admiro como pode ainda ter alguém que reclame de qualquer detalhe que possa encontrar. Venho por esta agradecer novamente pois canais como o seu são uma raridade, não mude nada, se for para mudar algo só camaras, drones e edição cada vez melhor e na sua opção e possibilidade (que nota-se ser grande) pois seus trajetos, ensinamentos, dicas e seus comentários sobre as viagens estes sim são o essencial. Forte Abraço, saúde e muitas estradas para o ano novo.

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