
Today, we will use a scientific perspective to explore the complex truth behind the meteorological event. According to the latest news from Japan’s Kyodo News website, on February 5, as the low-pressure system passed along the southern coast through the Kanto Koshin region and surrounding areas, severe snowstorms were encountered,

And the highway was emergency closed by the authorities. Warning: The transportation network is severely disrupted. All of Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture and parts of Chiba Prefecture are under heavy snow warning. The Tokai region, including Fu and Shizuoka prefectures in central Tokyo , and Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region are also affected.

Residents going to work or going to school encountered severe conditions with icy roads on Tuesday morning due to heavy snowfall . The Tokyo Fire Department said many people slipped and fell due to the heavy snowfall in eastern Japan . As of Tuesday, more than 140 people were sent to hospitals in Tokyo

. Reports said the injured were aged between People aged 4 to 92 years old have no life-threatening injuries. More than 30 people were injured in neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture. More than 70 people were slightly injured in Saitama Prefecture. Thank you for liking, leaving a message, subscribing and turning on the little bell. We update

The snowfall in the Northern Kanto region and other areas every day. 40 centimeters of snowfall in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Tama in western Tokyo. 30 centimeters of snowfall in areas such as Tokyo’s 23 wards. 8 centimeters of snowfall is expected in Tokyo’s 23 wards . All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines

Have canceled at least 100 flights in total. More than 11,000 people have been affected. JR East said that including large The suspension, including several other lines in the metropolitan area, has affected a total of more than 190,000 people. East Japan Railway Co. has decided

To suspend some express train services on the Chuo Line starting Monday night. Six express trains were stranded at the station for more than 10 hours at night , forcing 1,600 people to Several passengers stayed on the bus overnight, one of whom was taken to hospital after feeling unwell. According to the operator,

Major highways running through Tokyo and its surrounding areas, including the Tomei Expressway and the Metropolitan Expressway, have been partially closed as a precautionary measure. Drivers are required by law to Use snow tires on snowy roads As of Monday night, Maebashi City in Gunma Prefecture recorded the highest snowfall of

11 centimeters . Central Tokyo and Saitama City each received 8 centimeters of snowfall. The reasons behind the frequent severe snowstorms in Japan are complicated. First of all, most of Japan The region is located between 30 and 45 degrees north latitude . According to its geographical location, it has a temperate maritime climate,

But the area north of Hokkaido is close to the subpolar climate zone. In winter, under the influence of the cold air brought by the northeast monsoon, the average temperature north of central Japan is below 0 degrees Celsius. The area along the Sea of ​​Japan can even reach minus 10 degrees Celsius.

The low temperature can easily lead to condensation of water vapor and precipitation, which is an important basic condition for the occurrence of snowstorms. Secondly, the intersection of the northeast monsoon and ocean currents can easily cause disturbances.

There is an obvious difference between the prevailing westerly belt in the western North Pacific and the northeast monsoon. The difference in air quality and the contrast in temperature. Their intersection often occurs in the coastal waters of Japan. The intersection of warm and cold air intensifies convection and upward movement,

Providing dynamic conditions for the occurrence of snowstorms. In addition, the warm Kuroshio Current and the cold Tsushima Warm Current converge in the offshore waters of Japan. The difference in sea temperature Reaching above 10 degrees Celsius also enhances convective instability . At the same time, Japan’s mountainous terrain

Is conducive to enhanced wind and precipitation. Japan is surrounded by sea on three sides in the central and northern parts of the country. The terrain is complex and a series of high mountains such as the Northern Alps exist. When a snowstorm system enters Japan,

The mountainous terrain It can force the air to move upward, exacerbating the instability within the system. At the same time, the uplift and slope differences of plateaus and mountains will also produce mountain wind effects , which will significantly strengthen the increase in wind speed and precipitation. In addition, cyclones and fronts will influence

The weather to become more severe. When winter cyclones or fronts affect Japan, the weather often changes dramatically . Some strong winter cyclone centers are formed in the sea near Japan. The increased wind speed and water vapor transport brought by the cyclones , as well as the interaction with the land,

Can quickly intensify the snowstorm fronts. Dramatic temperature changes produce forced upward motions, resulting in increased precipitation. More importantly , climate change leads to an increase in extreme weather. Research shows that affected by global warming, Japan’s warm temperate zone in winter has shifted northward, and the intensity and frequency of extratropical storms have increased,

Adding to Japan’s weather. It has brought greater uncertainty. Extreme cold events, severe cold phenomena and blizzard disasters have shown a significant growth trend. This is an important manifestation of the abnormal climate change. When a blizzard occurs, it is particularly important for individuals to take some risk avoidance measures.

First, it is necessary to Pay close attention to weather forecasts and judge the accuracy of extreme weather warnings. The accuracy of extreme weather forecasts such as blizzards directly affects public behavior arrangements. Individuals should pay close attention to the monitoring data of the meteorological department and similar climate history

To judge the accuracy of weather warnings within an effective time window. Adopt appropriate and thorough response plans. Excessive worry or carelessness may lead to irrational panic or serious disasters. Secondly , store sufficient daily necessities and backup equipment indoors . Snowstorms may cause interruptions in power supply, heating, and transportation systems

, and may also cause serious damage to the system. It has become extremely difficult for people to get in and out of the house, so we must ensure the basic safety and comfort of the living environment before the snowstorm hits. Check the roof structure and the firmness of windows and doors,

Clean up outdoor debris, store enough food and drinking water, and store mobile power, fuel, and backup power generation. When the meteorological department issues a red warning for a snowstorm, individuals must agree to treat it with a scientific and rational attitude, thereby arranging travel and shopping plans

To avoid irrational panic buying. Rather than panic, it is safer and more efficient to travel on foot in extreme weather when traffic is paralyzed. Hoarding too many daily necessities may not be wise enough to plan a reasonable life for 3-5 days so that you can survive safely

. In addition, it is necessary to stock up on medicine and first-aid supplies for precautions. Health and safety risks For those with weak constitutions, such as the elderly and children, it is very easy to get sick in severe cold environments without electricity or heating. In addition, snowstorms can damage roads, trees

And bury ground obstacles , increasing travel risks. Therefore, individuals should stock up on necessary medicine and medical items such as thermometers and antipyretics. , band-aids, bandages, etc., and the whole family should have an understanding of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic first aid knowledge to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the surrounding environment

To prevent falls and injuries . On the other hand, community and municipal management departments must also take corresponding measures. First, the meteorological department must strengthen Early warning monitoring predicts possible heavy snow conditions and impacts in advance so that relevant departments have enough time to prepare response measures.

The city management department must quickly launch a snow prevention plan and establish a headquarters to coordinate and dispatch the city’s snow prevention forces and coordinate with transportation, communications, electricity, heating and other infrastructure. The department maintains close contact and requests them to inspect equipment and facilities to prevent operational failures caused by heavy snow.

Secondly, each district is equipped with professional snow-clearing vehicles and personnel to clear snow on main roads and public places. Pay attention to bridges, rooftops and other places with a lot of snow. At the same time , volunteers are organized to conduct road patrols, clear blockages in a

Timely manner , open necessary temporary shelters for the homeless, and prepare emergency food supplies. More importantly, each community must quickly establish a snow prevention team through bulletin boards, radio, the Internet, etc. Tips for residents on countermeasures Help residents check the snow pressure on their roofs, clear the snow in front of their doors,

Distribute anti-slip blankets, salt and other supplies, open necessary shelters for residents to take temporary shelter , and contact supermarkets, markets and other merchants to support them in increasing their stock levels to ensure the supply of residents’ daily necessities . If heavy snow causes traffic control,

It is necessary to issue an announcement in advance based on the weather forecast and evaluate the control time to reduce travel pressure. Correctly set up warning signs on both sides of the main road to avoid traffic jams. Set up temporary traffic diversion points to guide trapped vehicles out of trouble.

What is easily overlooked is during and after snowstorms. The roads are particularly icy. All districts must increase the intensity of road de-icing, spread salt to melt and distribute calcium chloride for residents to clean in front of their own doors to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

Doing all possible to prevent traffic paralysis in the city during heavy snowstorms can avoid traffic paralysis in the city to the greatest extent. Secondary disasters such as the lack of people’s livelihood guarantee the normal operation of the city. When a blizzard occurs, the most direct impact is on traffic

. First of all, the blizzard will seriously affect road transportation . Strong winds will cause icy roads and snowy roads, which can easily lead to traffic accidents; it will blow down trees and telephone poles. Secondly , the damage caused by snowstorms to railway transportation is also very significant.

Wind and snow cause ice and snow to accumulate on the rails, making operation difficult; extreme low temperatures can freeze and crack the rails; heavy snow can crush rail cables and signaling facilities, all of which can cause serious damage. Delays and accidents At the same time,

Air transport is also prone to paralysis due to snowstorms. Heavy snowstorms seriously affect the takeoff and landing of aircraft, leading to flight delays and cancellations; poor ground traffic affects passengers’ travel. The snow on the airport runway needs to be cleared , which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

This cannot be ignored. Snowstorms will also have a negative impact on port transportation . Huge waves caused by strong winds will prevent ships from berthing; ice on ship equipment; reduced visibility and increased navigation risks. These will seriously affect transportation efficiency . Therefore, the transportation department is normal in cities

When encountering snowstorms . The key to operation is to take timely response measures. The first step is to strengthen road traffic supervision and command. Set up a road traffic emergency command center to be on duty 24 hours a day to grasp road traffic conditions in real time.

Communicate information with public security, meteorological and other departments to track real-time road traffic flow, speed, road ice, Snow conditions , the number of traffic accidents, etc., draw a traffic situation map, implement traffic control or closure when necessary, arrange traffic diversion, organize temporary parking spots for large vehicles,

And guide the transfer of trapped vehicles. Secondly, we must fully invest in road snow removal and ice removal, and refine the snow prevention plan to the module. Strictly implement responsibilities and decompose tasks at all levels, purchase sufficient de-icing equipment and materials, and arrange 24-hour duty personnel

To ensure that the main roads are unobstructed. More importantly, reasonable planning and placement of traffic signs must be used according to the snow thickness and icing conditions on the roads . Use traffic cones, Warning signs have been added on both sides of the road to warn drivers to slow down and drive slowly.

Sufficient amounts of ice-melting chemicals have been sprinkled on bridges, ramps, intersections and other slippery areas , and signs on the road have been used to warn of possible dangers. They should be appropriately set up at intersections with heavy traffic pressure. In addition , it is necessary to manually direct traffic.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen snow prevention measures for motor vehicles and public transportation. Issue reminders and urge drivers to replace ice and snow tires and not take the initiative to travel if necessary during heavy snowstorms. Increase bus and subway capacity and pay close attention to

The dynamic deployment of passenger flow peaks to avoid congestion and rescue difficulties. On the website Empty buses on standby should rescue trapped buses or vehicles in a timely manner. Snow removal and ice removal and maintenance in station areas

Should be strengthened. In addition , snow prevention measures for motor vehicles and public transportation should be strengthened . Notices should be issued to urge drivers to replace ice and snow tires and not take the initiative to travel unless necessary during the storm . Increase public transportation, Metro transport capacity pays close attention to

The dynamic allocation of passenger flow peaks to avoid congestion and rescue difficulties. Empty trains on standby at the site must be rescued in a timely manner to trapped buses or vehicles . Strengthen snow removal, deicing and maintenance in station areas . In blizzard weather, the more deadly threat

Is to Damage and impact on municipal infrastructure. First, the power system is easily affected by snowstorms. Ice on transmission lines and ice on towers increase the power load, causing line tripping or collapse of towers, causing large-scale power outages. Secondly, communication infrastructure is also easily damaged in snowstorms. Mobile base stations Antennas collapsed

Due to snow; fixed and mobile communication signals were severely attenuated by snowstorms, which will lead to communication interruptions. At the same time , water supply and drainage facilities were greatly affected by freezing due to snowstorms; water pipes were frozen and cracked; snow pressed down sewer manholes; sewage treatment plants operated abnormally,

Etc. All will affect the city’s water supply and use . In addition, urban buildings will also suffer damage during heavy snowstorms. Strong winds will blow off temporary facilities and insulation layers of buildings; snow accumulation increases the top load and crushes building roofs. Infrastructure management during heavy snowstorms Departments responsible for ensuring

Basic operations such as urban power supply, water supply, gas supply, and communications should take timely response measures: First, strengthen infrastructure operation monitoring and establish a leading group to monitor and handle the operation of various infrastructures, focusing on monitoring the supply pressure of the power system,

Water supply, and gas supply . Pipe network flow changes, communication base station connectivity and related equipment operating parameters, evaluate the impact of extreme weather on basic operations , identify weak links , and secondly, check facilities and equipment to prevent failures and formulate equipment snow protection, warmth and de-icing plans

For power transmission and transformation lines, communications Anti-freeze and dehumidify the towers and base stations to increase the heat at the bottom to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Strengthen wind and snow prevention measures for overhead lines, poles and towers to minimize the impact of heavy snowfall. Develop backup equipment activation plans

To quickly switch when faults are discovered. What cannot be ignored is the priority to ensure the energy use of important facilities. If a large-scale power outage occurs , the power supply must be restored in order of priority to ensure that government agencies, hospitals, water supply plants

, airports, base stations and other units give priority to power supply, deploy mobile power generators, and other temporary power supply measures to make up for short-term energy shortages, deploy gas supply peak shaving, and ensure residents’ heating. On the other hand , the impact of snowstorms on agriculture is also very fatal

And requires early prevention. First of all, the amount of snowfall will directly crush crops, such as rice, corn and other tall crops. They are tall and have weak stress resistance. Blizzards can easily break their stems, affecting the harvest.

At the same time, heavy snow is crushing them. After melting, a thick ice cap will form, hindering gas exchange and affecting photosynthesis, leading to rancidity and hypoxia of crops. Secondly, long-term snow cover will affect soil properties. Snow-melt water will wash away soil nutrients. Long-term freezing of soil will destroy the soil structure,

Which is detrimental to later crop growth. In addition, water seepage from melting snow may also cause waterlogging of crops in the seedling or sowing stage. At the same time, heavy snow and cold currents will affect the overwintering of insects in winter and damage some insect sources .

However, it may also cause certain pests of wheat crops such as mole crickets, grubs, aphids, etc. The overwintering rate increases , and the damage to crops in the next season will increase . What cannot be ignored is that during heavy snowstorms, livestock cannot go out for food normally

, and food reserves cannot meet the demand, which will cause a large number of livestock to become sick or die. In addition, heavy snow sometimes crushes breeding greenhouses and other facilities. caused losses to the livestock and poultry breeding industry. It is worth mentioning that Long-term extreme low temperature conditions

Will prolong the seedling breeding cycle, affect early spring sowing, and will also slow down the growth of underground agricultural products and affect yields . In addition, a large number of crops exposed to low temperature conditions may aggravate chilling damage , which will have an adverse impact on agricultural production

. Therefore, when encountering a heavy snowstorm The agricultural department should take timely measures to deal with the weather . The first step is to strengthen agricultural meteorological monitoring and early warning and close communication with the meteorological department. Predict and analyze the timing, snowfall, impact range, etc. of this blizzard in advance and

Put forward targeted preventive measures and suggestions so that agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery producers have sufficient Take preventive measures at the same time to monitor the snow thickness and ice conditions in farmland and pastures to assess production losses. Secondly, make every effort to ensure the safety of livestock and poultry over the winter.

Supervise farmers to reserve sufficient feed to avoid animal tragedies in the event of food shortages. Strengthen the wind and snow prevention capabilities of livestock pens when necessary. Provide temporary shelter sites to carry out harmless treatment of dead livestock and poultry.

When necessary for epidemic prevention, government subsidies, insurance claims and other methods can be used to reduce farmers’ losses. What cannot be ignored is the need to do a good job in crop rescue work and guide farmers to use cover to keep warm,

Disperse water to melt snow, and ventilate to thaw. and other measures to reduce the damage caused by snow and ice to overwintering crops such as winter wheat and vegetables.


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  1. 造成暴風雪的主要原因來自於我下達的命令:我是人類同時也是神祇,因為世界各國幾十年來過於親近中國政府,加上中國政府的人民很愛燒搶擄虐,對於活體動物還會直接活體摘取與直接吃食,長期累積的因果與眾生的反應,讓我覺得非常憤怒,所以我才從近兩個來,我降下各類天災,無差別攻擊最近三十年來所有親近中國政府的國家,以及周遭的人事物,我也降下天火焚燒或天外隕石直接撞擊地球,並在特別區域降下超級龍捲風,超級冰風暴,瘟疫大冰雹<可以把汽車玻璃擊穿的哪一種>,沿海一帶要有大海嘯,七八級以上大地震,火山爆發加大範圍,旱災,蝗蟲啃食,瘟疫病毒,因為你們人類太不尊敬神祇,於是你們人類累積的罪業,一直到我最近天命降臨,諸多因素讓我自身覺醒,所以我會嚴重的懲罰你們中國人與親近中國人的人事物。

  2. 0451 hours thursday 8th february 2024 – good morning japan – greetings from oxford uk – hope you guys can manage xxx.X. love from 素娟 xxx.X.

  3. 弯弯,过来喷啊,怎么 0:27 高速公路说关闭就关闭了呢,6:49 是在干哈蟆呢,玩䃥䃥车吗,政府为什么不组织铲雪呢 ,机械设备呢,撒的盐和盐水呢?

  4. 喜歡你們的頻道,獲得不少有益的氣象知識。東京其實只下了數小時,翌日上午上班上學有點不便,但兩天後街上就没什麼積雪了。大陸的雪災嚴重多了才應該報導吧。

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