【真似したい】イタリア車が似合うシックで温かみのあるガレージ 【愛車のある暮らし#1】

A chic and warm garage perfect for Italian cars . Stay safe, everyone. This is YU. Living with your favorite car Casa Garage I came here because the garage of a customer I helped produce was finally completed.This bag is a bit dirty

When I bought it at the Alfa Romeo white goods store in Italy.LOL The tattered bag is really nice. It’s a very quiet place so I can’t really speak. It’s a great location and it has a really cool garage! The shutter is cool! ! We are also relocating the REMCO metal flat shutter intercom

. Is the time okay? Wasn’t it early? Huh? I hear the sound of a car engine coming back from behind. I just came back ~ I’m sorry, but thank you! cool! It’s too beautiful. Please just put it in now. Thank you very much for today . We finally have a wonderful garage

. Thanks to you. No, that’s outrageous. It looks like it’s a combination of garage and Stelvio colors.It’s amazing. All Italian cars available. It’s a grown-up garage. Thank you very much for this small present. Thank you for giving me the GRIOT’S GARAGE car wash set. It’s full. It ‘s full.

The contents of the present are… A large capacity car wash coat. I have a nice car, so I want you to wash it sparkling clean with this GRIOT’S GARAGE. Hey, that’s amazing.By the way, I don’t care, but my new calendar is included, thank you very much. I bought it last year too.

A! That’s right! Thank you very much. Thank you very much. By the way, the bag is in tatters, but it’s a shop bag from the Alfaromi Museum in Arese . No, I’m really happy… it’s an Italian bag. He had a strange reaction. LOL The finished garage looks really mature.It has a chic feel.The

Sofa is in the back.There are glass windows, so it feels like one with the house. This is the best. It’s also a good source of light. It ‘s pretty bright because it’s there. His shy child is wandering around outside. I was really looking forward to your sister coming today! Is that true?

Good ^^ How old is he? He’s 3 years old . He’s already wearing a car T-shirt. I see. He really likes cars . I’m really looking forward to his future! LOL My family consists of 3 people, a sofa large enough for all of them to relax, 2 cars, and a motorcycle.What

Kind of motorcycle is this? This is Honda’s CB1000 SUPER FOUR Oh dream garage life! I already know why I chose this color for the Stelvio , and the interior is red.If I were to drive a Stelvia, I’d want to ride with this combination.Wow , the seats are beautiful.It

‘s a stylish family to have a child seat in a Stelvio . I think the coolest part is the shutter, and is it okay for me to talk so much? It’s okay, I wasn’t planning on talking today. Lol I’d like you to open and close the shutter one more time.

Thank you very much . Upper and lower? That’s right, I only use the top and bottom buttons. Apparently you can operate four shutters, but there’s only one. I registered the top and bottom. Oh, I’ll lower it soon. quiet. The wide shutters are constructed so that there are no gaps between the

Insulated shutters and the ground, making them highly livable . Gaps between pillars are also filled with rubber. Our partner construction company is good at garage construction. REMCO is It opens and closes with one touch.There is no on/off button.Ceiling height is 2700mm.It ‘s cool.Come check out the specifications.The exterior walls are K-Mew (simple dots)

And the walls are painted.Yes , this is really nice. The wall I painted with my kids Yes, the characters have come out, but no, I like the characters.Painting the walls with the whole family makes memories.An outlet for an electric car.Next, here’s the green Tonare. Maybe it

‘s good. It felt like a garage after all. It’s bright and there’s a nice , early breeze.The faucet looks like a fan.KAKUDAI sash LIXIL Dusk grayGarage Full of equipmentIt is recommended that the light bulb of the downlight is replaceable.It is an IKEA

Smartphone.You can dim the light and adjust the color using the remote control. The floor can be finished with concrete. It looks like it will be fun to paint the floor myself in the future. Air conditioner outlet

In the winter, thanks to the insulation, when you drive home, the heat will keep you warm even after a night. The door is glass. cool. I’m worried about kids running into the door, but I think it’s cool. We prioritized coolness and chose a tall glass door. It’s quite expensive.

And the flow of coming back from shopping and going to my mother’s house is smooth. wonderful. Thank you for watching until the end today. I will continue to send out videos about living with my car and garages, so please subscribe and like my channel.

It’s been a while since I said something like this. yes. We are always available for garage consultations, so please feel free to contact us from the homepage in the overview section. It’s cold season, but please stay warm and stay safe.

お気軽にご相談お待ちしております。▶︎ https://casagarage.jp

株式会社 愛車のある暮らし
Casa Garage(カーサ・ガラージュ)🏘🚘🏍💨🏡



魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

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📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



通算100回以上続いているカーくる新舞子サンデーなどの車バイクイベントを主催するメディア カーくるに記事をアップしています。

→ https://covo.site/_users/16922374
→ https://carcle.jp/blog/carcleyu

『parcferme (パルクフェルメ) 』
→ https://parcferme.co.jp/article-tag/yu/

『Motorcyclist (モーターサイクリスト)』
→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338


  1. Yu. That is some Fantastic work that you do. I have been enchanted with the way you work and your results for quite some time now. Thank You for the Hard Work.

  2. 施主様の想いをYUさん始めカーサガラージュのスタッフさんが、とことんに拘り抜いて型にされたガレージ。母家との一体感があってガレージの中は清潔感に溢れて、まるで第二のリビングルームのようです。



  3. ステキなガレージ✨

  4. 알파로메오와 피아트 그리고 개인차고 제 로망❤ 지금은 전기차를 타고있지만 마지막 내연기관 소장용 으로 알파로메오를 소유하고 싶네요.

  5. オーバースライダータイプのシャッターは頑丈なので強風時も割と安心ですね!

  6. 不好意思打扰您啦!我是华人,就近期几个吃狗粮的中国人在西太后餐厅闹事,给你们带来的麻烦深感抱歉!中国人不都是共产党!请你们驱逐或者抓捕那几个在西太后闹事的杂种!

  7. J’espère que vous allez bien, est-ce que votre pays a eu un gros tremblement de terre ? J’espère que vous et votre famille sont en sécurité.

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