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Hello, everyone is heartily welcome to the Inspiring Barkat channel. Today we will tell you a story on child marriage. If you are new to our channel, then please subscribe to our channel, like and share the video. This happened some 4050 years ago. When child marriage was very prevalent, Shyama Prasad of Lalpur village

Was a very big landowner. He was considered a very rich man in the surrounding areas. He had two sons, Ram and Shyam. His wife’s name was Sunaina and his father’s name was Jamuna Prasad. His mother was Yashoda and the boys of a big family should not get spoiled due to pampering,

Hence Shyama Prasad used to send his children to the school which was two miles away from the village. Even at that time, he had his own jeep which was used to drop the children. Ram used to go to school

, he was 10 years old and Shyam was 6 years old. A little distance away from the same village, there was a village named Harpur, in the middle of which there was a river in which boats used to run. Sukhi Ram lived

In the same village, he was a farmer, he also had He had 10 bighas of ancestral land but it gave less yield. Some of the fields fell on the banks of the river. There were crops in them, but they

Were destroyed due to floods. He had four daughters, one was a boy, his elder daughter was Durga, the second was Ketaki and the third was Suniti and fourth number was Mansi. He also used to teach his daughters. He used to take Durga and Ketki to school on a bicycle. Suniti and Mansi

Lived at home. Sukhi Ram’s wife was Girija Devi. Their father was Mangatram and mother was Rohini Devi Durga. Ketaki was 10 years old, Suniti was 6 years old and Mansi was 4 years old. The elder daughter Durga was now of marriageable age as per that time.

Sukhiram used to go to the nearby village to look for a boy for his elder daughter but when there Whenever they went to see a boy, a long demand for dowry was put in front of them. It had become necessary to get Durga married within a year because at that time the daughter

Had to be given a ‘kanyadaan’ by placing her on the thigh. They were very troubled at home. Now they go to every village . In search of a boy, Sukhiraam roamed from village to village but

Could not find any boy suitable for him. He was tired and next to him was another village called Nol Khawa. There lived a farmer named Kesu Ram. His son was Manohar Lal who was He was 12 years old and was studying in the fifth class. Now Sukhi Ram liked his son Manohar Lal.

Now when Sukhi Ram asked for a relationship for Manohar, Manohar’s father Kesha Ram said that he would get a chauka flower pot and a chauka in dowry. A brass vessel, a

Pair of bulls, a cow, a baniharin and a bed and chair were also to be given as dowry. It was decided in the dowry that 10 Ashrafis and Kanthari in the liver were also to be given. Sukhiram agreed to give everything but Sukhiram did not have this much money.

Sukhiram had not even thought about where it would come from. Now the people of the village explained to Sukhiram that Sukhiram, you have paid the dowry, so do one thing, daughter, to arrange the money, mortgage your land to the landlord Shyama Prasad. Thinking that Sukhiram will get the money by mortgaging

His farm, he went to Shyama Prasad and said, “Master, mortgage our farm and give us some money. Our daughter is getting married. If we get our daughter married, we will gradually repay your loan.” Sukhiram will get rid of his land.

Shyam Prasad started saying to Sukhiraam, look Sukhiram, we do not take mortgage of the farm, if you sell the land then I will definitely buy it. Do this Sukhiram, sell me the land that is yours adjacent to my land. Now was the poor farmer Sukhiram helpless? What to do, what not

To do, now he was under compulsion, he did not want to sell the farm, but it was his compulsion, if the farm will not be left then how will he marry his daughter? Now under compulsion, he sold one

Bigha of his land to the landlord for Rs. 000. Ram is happy in Durga’s marriage. She gave Manohar’s father Kesu Ram a pair of bulls, utensils, Ashrafi and all the things that were decided as dowry.

In the wedding procession, the groom came in a palanquin and all the wedding guests came in a bullock cart. The marriage was arranged well. After the marriage, Durga Farewell took place with Haran in a palanquin, Durga was also still a child, the wedding procession started from the morning of only 10 years.

Reached her home in the evening, next morning Durga was picked up and made to sit in the puja pavilion. Manohar Lal asked his mother, Mother, I am hungry, can I eat something? Then Manohar ‘s mother said, Son, you both have to worship God, still you If you are hungry, then

Eat some fruits and sweets. When Manohar’s mother started giving the plate of food to Manohar, Durga also said, Mother, I will also eat, I am also hungry, bring it to me too. Baniharin silenced her and said, “Daughter, shut up.” Okay, this is your in-laws’ house, at this time you

Have to do puja, after that you have to eat only what they will bring to you. Durga started crying and said, my mother used to feed me food in the morning itself, this is not my house, it is Manohar’s house,

So I have to eat it. Manohar’s grandmother was sitting in the courtyard listening to Durga’s words. She came from the veranda and silenced Durga and said, “I am also your grandmother Durga, say whatever you like, I will shake you, but son, keep quiet for a while until

The puja is over.” Later, I will feed you. Pandit ji came and got the two married couples to do the puja. While doing the puja, Manohar fell asleep in the lap of his mother and Durga

Slept in the lap of her sister-in-law. Both the children were taken and made to sleep on the bed. After waking up, Durga slept in the lap of her mother. Then she started crying and said, this is not my house, I will

Go to play. Manohar’s grandmother then came to Durga and said, Durga, daughter, will you eat milk and rice? Durga said, I am hungry. Grandmother brought milk and rice in a bowl and fed it to Durga. Durga Then she said to grandmother, “Grandma,

Why did you wrap me in dhoti and I fall down? Give me a frock.” Grandma brought a frock and made Durga wear it. Seeing this, Manohar’s mother said to her mother-in-law, “Amma ji, you will spoil your daughter-in-law’s habit from now on.”

Later, she will go to her head, she will not respect anyone, Manohar’s grandmother said, daughter-in-law, when you also came, you were a child, today you have to take care of the house, she is still a child, she doesn’t understand like adults, right now she doesn’t even know this. What is marriage? What

Is in-laws? Who is husband and what is husband called? Manohar ‘s mother said, ‘Okay Amma, you will see Manohar’s daughter-in-law. Saying this, Manohar’s mother left from there. Manohar’s grandmother now makes him wear ‘firak’ every day and decorates it with a ribbon. She would tie two braids of whatever Durga would eat

And feed her. Grandmother’s time would be spent with her in playing Goti and telling stories. After coming to her in-laws’ house, Durga had left her studies. Manohar would go to study. Both of them would always fight with each other. Grandmother would reconcile them. She does this and says to Manohar,

Manohar son, this is your daughter-in-law, she is a daughter-in-law. Manohar says no, Bapu, I don’t know from where she has brought her. Grandma has been living in my house since then. Manohar says, she snatched my mother and Bapu and you too. Grandmother, this one has snatched away none of mine,

Manohar gets upset and on the other hand, Durga’s sister Ketki has also turned 9 years old. The weight on Sukhiram’s shoulders has increased again. Sukhiram was satisfied with one thing that then the fields will be saved and Ketki will marry Ketki. Sukhiram also

Started looking for a groom for his daughter Ketaki. Sukhiram, while searching for a groom for his daughter Ketaki, reached a distant village called Jhanjat. There he liked Radheshyam’s son Sohan and fixed a relationship with him. Radheshyam had three children, two boys. And one girl, the elder boy was 9 years old, whose name

Was Sohan, the second son was seven years old, who was called Rohan and the daughter was younger, who was called Ganga. Radheshyam’s wife was Paro, who was not straight, she loved her children but was concerned about others. Radhe Shyam did not think well of Sohan’s marriage with Sukhiram’s daughter Ketaki

Because Sukhiram’s fields were visible in front of her eyes. Anyway, Radhe Shyam was a little greedy person. Radhe Shyam got five Ashrafis, a cow and a chauka in the marriage of Sukhi Ram. Radheshyam had to give utensils, bed and also a bigha of land. Radheshyam

Wanted to increase his wealth. There was no longer any question of Sukhiram delaying his daughter’s marriage. Now that his daughter would cross 10 years, it was difficult to get a boy. People are of the same age here Those who were getting married, whether they were poor or rich, farmers

Or businessmen, those whose children were above 12 years of age, their marriage was stopped. In a way, the community looked at them as inferior. Those who could not afford it, the villagers together married them. Sukhiram gave one bigha of land to Ketki’s father-in-law Radheshyam for Ketki’s marriage. He sold one

Bigha of land to Shyama Prasad for the marriage. Did he give any information to Shyama Prasad that Sukhiram had given one bigha of land to his second daughter’s father- in-law? He did not like the land going out of the village. He sent his Tehsildar and called Radheshyam. Shyama Prasad

Said that Radheshyam ji, you are a part of our area, you cannot take the land away, you cannot even do farming by staying here, so please give the land to me. And take the money which will come in your wallet and you can easily go away with it. Radheshyam

Agreed to Shyama Prasad’s advice , in this way two bighas of Sukhiraam’s land became Shyama Prasad’s one bigha of land, he had given it earlier also. Seeing that the day of Ketki ‘s wedding also arrived, Durga was also brought home after seeing

Off her at Ketki’s wedding. After coming home, Durga ‘s grandmother Rohini and mother asked, daughter, how are your in-laws, then Durga said, “Mother, grandmother, they are fine.” Manohar’s mother loves me, scolds me and gives me food after everything. When I cry, grandmother

Feeds me. Durga’s grandmother told Sukhiram that Sukhiram should not bid farewell to Durga immediately after the marriage. She will stay with herself for two years. Keep, when she grows up , we will send her. Sukhiram said, okay Amma, I will tell Keshram. Durga said mother, you are also sending Ketki to

Another house. Mother said daughter Durga , we are marrying her. Daughter Durga said mother Ketki is younger than me. There is no grandmother in her house too, so who will give her food? Then Ketaki said, Didi, don’t think, I will take my own food and eat it.

On the day of Ketaki’s wedding too, Radheshyam arrived with a wedding procession. Sukhiraam prepared a lot of food for Ketaki’s wedding. The gift was beautiful, it was very tasty, it was well decorated, all the things that had been decided to be given, had given Ketki

A doli and sent her off with the bride. When Ketki reached her in-laws’ house, the mother-in-law welcomed the daughter-in-law with her. When Ketaki was made to sit in the puja pavilion, Ketaki took the prasad and ate it, then Ketaki ‘s mother-in-law Paro said that Sukhiram

Did not teach her daughter anything about how to live in her in-laws’ house. Then Bani Haran said, Mistress, she is still a child, Mistress. After a year or two, you will also marry your daughter. Mistress, you will be able to teach your daughter how to live with her in-laws.

Sohan’s mother became silent after listening to Banihar. Ketki’s sister-in-law Ganga became Ketki’s friend. Whenever Ketki felt hungry. So she would tell Ganga that Ganga would also keep her friend Ketaki’s food in her plate and go to the house around the corner . Sohan was also not concerned about both of them eating together.

He definitely knew that he had brought a girl along with Bapu, Ketaki. Following her mother-in-law, who asked Ketki to accompany her, Ketki said, ” Why do you make me work? I don’t know how to work, that’s why all the work of her mother-in-law was done by Ketki’s maid

And she also asked Sohan’s mother Banihari to do the work for her. Baniharin loved Ketki after teaching her the work , hence she herself did all the work for Ketki. Ketki playing with Ganga in the verandah. When Sukhiram came to see Ketki, Ketki’s mother-in-law Paru said, Samadhi ji, take your daughter home

When all this is done. She will learn the work only when she grows up, we will call her Sukhiram. Poor guy, what to do? He also brought home Ketki, his son Abhi Mu

Had just turned two years old, he too had started speaking in a broken language, Durga and Ketki. Both the brothers were playing with each other and Now both the younger sisters had stopped going to school.

Mansi used to say to Sukhi Ram, Bapu, I will study a lot. Don’t send me to someone else’s house. Sukhiram would laugh and carry her in his lap. Mansi had the fear of Durga and Ketki in her mind. It was understood that those who go to other’s house do not get food.

Meanwhile, Sunita had also turned nine years old and now Ket and Durga had started teasing her that Suniti, now Bapu will send you too to someone else’s house . Sunita’s worries are happy, Ram. Ko and Abhim were also growing up. Sukhiram now

Had only seven bighas of land left. Sukhiram’s only source of income was farming. Sometimes, while coming, Sukhiram came face to face with Shyama Prasad, so both of them inquired about each other’s well-being. Used to be like this, one day Sukhi Ram faced Shyama Prasad, the landlord.

Shyama Prasad started saying, Sukhiram, you seem to be very worried. Brother Sukhiram said, yes brother, we have to marry two daughters, now we have only seven bighas of land left, only one . He is a boy and after marriage, he will have only a small amount of land

Left. Zamindar Saheb said, don’t worry, Sukhiram, we all are here, we will help you, time changes for everyone, brother, and yours will also change. Saying this, Shyama Prasad moved ahead in the jeep and Sukhi Ram Had seen a boy in another village for Sunita and

Was going to talk to him. That village was Bihar. It was at a distance of 5 kilometers from Harpur. There was a master whose name was Hari Narayan. Master ji’s wife Lakshmi and his son. There was Kanha who was mischievous. Master taught in a school. He was not very rich

But was not poor either. Kanha had curly hair and was a promising child. His playfulness fascinated everyone. Hari Narayan loved his son very much. Many relations had come for marriage but Hari Narayan used to refuse. When Sukhiram reached him, Master Sahib asked how did you come here, then Sukhiram said,

Master, I am a farmer living in Harpur village, I have four daughters and one son . I have married two daughters. The third daughter is Sunita. For her, I have come to ask for the hand of your son Kanha. Master Sahib said, Look brother, first you

Drink water and then Master Sahib said, Brother , I will marry you, but my Kanha is a little naughty. If you like then tell us. Sukhiram felt that this house is perfect for our Sunita and he fixed the marriage there. When the fixed date arrived, Sukhiram

Gave all the things to Sunita which he had given to his two daughters. Now he felt that So that later Sunita does not get this thought in her mind that father loved both the sisters more than me, hence he gave them more respect and gave me less respect. Even in Sunita’s

Wedding, the jewelery along with the utensils went to the bed, all the things which are given to a daughter. Sukhiram wanted money to spend on the wedding, but the house he saw belonged to Shyama Prasad. He then

Went to Shyama Prasad to sell one bigha of land. Shyama Prasad started saying to landlord Sukhiram , So I will give you the money, Sukhiram, and you will give me the land too. Sukhiram, I don’t like this, I am not a daughter, I am also a landlord, but along with that,

I am also a human being. Sukhiram said, but what to do, brother, I don’t have any other solution. Father is old, son is still small, I can’t leave the family and go out to earn money, this is my compulsion, I have one more daughter, she is the youngest,

She is naughty, now I will marry her after two years, by then she will grow up a bit, I know that She loves me very much, Shyama Prasad said, I have a condition for this, this year I am marrying my elder son Ram, she is also the daughter of a landlord, Sukhiram, if

After two years I marry my younger son Shyam, then I promise you that Shyam’s marriage will take place from your place. Your daughter will study as much as she wants, I will educate her and I will also get a daughter. Saying this, Shyam Prasad brought the money and

Gave it to Sukhi Ram. The marriage of Ram and Sunita was on the same day. Ram was married to Shano Shaukat. Ram and his younger brother Shyam were there in a luxurious palanquin, there were elephants, horses and jeeps in the wedding procession, many

Vehicles and Rashmi Bai’s dance too, Shyama Prasad spent lavishly on the wedding of his elder son, Sukhiram left no stone unturned in Sunita’s wedding. No Kanha’s father Hari Narayan Master Saheb had brought everything for his daughter-in-law, clothes, jewellery, sweets and fruits. Naughty Kanha had come with his father in the wedding procession, but

He became friends with his sister-in-law Mansi in the in-laws house. Mansi started saying, Kanha, if you have come. Okay, but don’t take my sister, Kanha. Kanha said, no Baba, no, I will not leave anything, whatever

Your father gives me with love, I will take everything, Mansi said, how will I meet my sister ? Kanha then said, I will tell my father to meet you in the year and Mansi said,

“Okay, will you let me stay?” Kanha said, ” Yes, I will let you stay, but I will also stay with you. When I go back, I will take her with me because your sister will lose her way alone. ” Mansi said, “Okay, I agree, but

Don’t forget this.” Will you go Kanha ? Kanha said no . Lessons are memorized after being beaten by father. Similarly, this will also be remembered. After performing all the rituals of marriage, the moment of Sunita’s departure came. Banihari was also with Sunita.

Everyone made Sunita sit in the doli with love. All three sisters were crying along with her and Abhim was also crying. Mansi said why are you crying Abhi Mu Abhi Mu said Didi all of you are crying that is why I was also crying After Sunita’s departure Sukhiram

Took a sigh of relief. That now he will not marry his daughter for 2 years, till then both the children will study, Sukhiram then started taking the children to school, both Mansi and Abhim were smart in studies, Mansi ‘s eyes were so beautiful that everyone

Got fascinated by Sukhi Ram. The days would have passed peacefully. Ram had his own fields and could harvest grains for the whole year. Durga was called from her in-laws. She was now 16 years old. She was not that smart,

But she was able to understand this. It seemed to me that this is my in-laws, this is my mother-in-law, this is my husband. Durga’s mother and grandmother used to teach her that to respect elders, to feed everyone, to eat food, to obey elders, to be in everyone’s mind.

Farewell to Durga after a month. In the farewell of his daughter, Sukhiram gave clothes, sweets and fruits to his family members and all the things that are given in a farewell. Manohar was also beautifully dressed up. This time he realized that he was going to bid farewell to his bride

At his in-laws house. Sister-in-laws are also there to bid farewell. When Manohar came, brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws were also ready to welcome him. This time Manohar also liked his in-laws’ house . The next day, Manohar and Durga bid farewell.

Samaan was in one bullock cart and grooms-in-law were in the other bullock cart. This time the in-laws had arrived. But Durga greeted everyone by touching their feet , getting up in the morning, taking bath, doing puja, cooking food while paying obeisance to the elders , this had become Durga’s daily work.

Here, Mansi had now topped in the sixth class, Abhim had just passed by, here was Shyama Prasad’s son. Shyam was also nearby. Shyam was good in studies but he was more mischievous. The boys of a big family tend to get spoiled when pampered. Seeing

His father running the house like a master, this habit had also developed in the evening, he used to talk to his friends and the orderly. He used to behave in a possessive manner. Two years passed without even realizing it. One day Shyama Prasad and Sukhiram met again on the way.

Shyama Prasad said, brother, the children have now grown up a bit, what do you think about getting married? Sukhiram said, brother, we will get married at your place, let Mansi pass the high school exam, after that we will get married, our happiness is in the happiness of the children. Shyam

Prasad said, okay, I will also wait for that auspicious moment, Shyam Prasad. The boy Shyam had now reached college. Mansi was also nearing the high school exams. This was going to be the first marriage of Lalpura Harpur village, which was of adult age for Shyam. When Sukhi reached the door of Shyam Prasad,

A meeting was held there. When he saw Sukhiram, as soon as he sat down he said, “What’s the matter?” Shyama Prasad allowed the people of the meeting to leave. Sukhiram said , “Brother, now we should get married and also have children.” Now that you have grown up, after this

You will study in college too, so it is as per your wish. If you have any wish in marriage, then say, we will try to fulfill your wish. Shyama Prasad said, Sukhiram, I had everything, only a daughter was missing which you She gave it to me, what else do I need?

Sukhiram started laughing. I will spend everything in this marriage as per my own. You don’t have to do anything , bid farewell to your daughter in two clothes. Sukhiram shook his head at us. Mansi was his youngest and most beloved daughter.

How could Sukhi Ram send him off empty handed at his wedding. Sukhi Ram had borrowed Rs. 000 from a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper had said that if he did not repay his loan in a year, he would take away one bigha of Sukhiram’s land. Sukhiram said yes to it. Sukhiram

‘s daughter’s marriage was fixed. Sukhiram now called his daughter and son-in-law for his younger daughter’s wedding. He also invited the entire village. Mansi was given a cow with a square utensil, 10 Ashrafi anklets, a girdle, every earring, everyone was happy. Ram gave

Clothes to son-in-law Shyam to Mansi, gave clothes to his son-in-law, watch, ring and chain, apart from the girl and son -in-law, he also gave clothes to his parents and family members. Shyama Prasad

Brought the wedding procession to the door of Sukhi Ram with full pomp and show. Sukhiram also showed his status. Apart from this, Shyama Prasad had also left no stone unturned in taking care of the wedding procession . Everyone was very happy because of providing food to five-six villages. Shyama Prasad

Had made a girl from an ordinary family his daughter-in- law, erasing the difference between poverty and richness. On the second day, Mansi was bid farewell with great pomp and show. Sukhiram bid farewell to his daughter with all the belongings . After reaching the in-laws house, everyone

Welcomed the daughter-in-law very lovingly. Some of the new daughters-in-law were welcomed with criticism. Mansi was a child and she paid attention to all these things. She was not giving in . She remained happy and tried to keep her family happy too.

Mansi’s sister-in-law was the daughter of a landlord family. Mansi was nothing compared to her grandeur. She used to humiliate Mansi all the time and her husband Shyam supported her . Shyama Prasad and his wife used to give a lot of love and respect to Mansi while keeping her happy.

Tehelka’s news came on the day Mansi’s exam result came out. Mansi had stood first in the entire state. On the contrary, Shyam’s exam result was The only thing close to him was his wife’s results against his honour. His college friends, taking advantage of his weakness,

Had developed the habit of giving him drinks in the evening. When Shyama Prasad came to know about this, he got Mansi admitted in the same college. Mansi was in trouble from the very beginning. She was quick in studies but

Had no interest in the outside world and her friends. Both of them went to and from college together. Mansi’s whole day was spent in studies and Shyam’s whole day was spent in friends’ gatherings and in giving drinks. Mansi tried to convince her several times.

But Shyam did not listen to Mansi. Mansi told Shyama Prasad about Shyam, but Shyam had gone out of his control. Shyama Prasad said to Mansi, daughter, you can bring the reputation of my house and children on the right path, Mansi. Said, father, I will try

Further, God willing, Mansi tried to console Shyam by becoming his friend, but Mansi always failed to free him from his bad habits. Shyam was so entangled in the web of illusion of his friends that Mansi’s words hurt him. Mansi Shyam

She used to come and go with Mansi and also kept an eye on her, yet Shyam used to drink two-three pegs out of sight. Seeing her, Shyam Prasad started getting worried. In college too, Mansi passed with good marks and Shyam had failed. Family

Some people taunt Mansi that it is not right to read too much about Bahuriya, which job she has to do, to take care of the family, to cook , to serve the elders, this is the job of the daughter-in-law. One day, Mansi asked her father-in-law and her father-in-law said yes. Mansi,

If you say son, then Mansi said, father, I want to become a teacher, if you say yes then only I will be able to become one. Shyama Prasad said, daughter, there are many more competitive exams, you have told her. Why did you leave and choose to become a teacher? Mansi said, Father, I

Want to become a teacher because as long as I remain in service, I will be able to improve the future of many children. In this field, I will be able to work for the country and society. Shyama Prasad said, daughter, these are good thoughts. Go ahead, Mansi has now

Taken admission in B.Ed and she started going to class every day. After Mansi went to college, whenever Shyam Prasad would see Shyam, he would say to Shyam, Shyam, look at your wife, look at her dedication and hard work, that work . You are ahead in the field of education as well. You

Leave him and do patrolling and live in drinking and drinking. Father’s words also used to excite me in the evening. And if I have studied and got a job, then for how many days will I stay, father? I

Cannot leave the company of my friends. Shyam put oil in his ears and went to sleep and Mansi had passed the B.Ed exam. Now Mansi also got a job which was in Hyderabad. It

Was necessary for Mansi to go to the job. If Mansi will go to the job, then I started thinking in the evening. I would have slept comfortably. There will be no one to talk to if I stay here. This thought started coming in Shyam’s mind. Shyam had more

Friends than before. Ram was also happy in his life. Yes, his wife was a little irritated. He definitely liked someone’s good habits. She somehow supported Ram till death. Ram’s job was in a bank. He had to come and go from home only. When Mansi went to Hyderabad,

After a few days, Shyama Prasad asked Shyam to go to Hyderabad. Shyam was not ready to go. Shyam Prasad said that Shyam, if the daughter-in-law stays alone there then everyone in the society will make fun of us, son, it is necessary for you to go, I

Will get your shop opened there and you go there and see your shop . Shyam could not ignore father’s words and he also went to Hyderabad and She didn’t feel like sitting at her hardware shop, but

She had to obey her father too. Mansi would prepare breakfast in the morning and pack two tiffins, one of which she would take with herself and the other she would give to Shyam and go. Shyam’s drinking was a bit of a task due to missing the company of friends.

Now he used to sit at the shop for some time and then he would leave the shop after the salesman and go home. Now he did not find Mansi’s words bad to explain to him. He would listen quietly but would not do or say anything

. Shyam had changed a little from before. Still , Mansi continued her efforts. To improve Shyam’s habits, Mansi made Shyam follow the policy of price discrimination. Now Shyam also understood that father had got the shop built so that he too could become a worker and fulfill his duties . When Shyam

Started sitting at the shop every day, his income also started increasing. Happiness had returned to some extent in Mansi’s mind. She did not leave any stone unturned in her love and truth always wins. Love can make even a bad person a good person. The same thing

Happened with Mansi too. In Shyam’s life too, the cup of love for Mansi got overflowed. There was a time when he did not even like to see Mansi, whereas Shyam had become crazy in love with Mansi. So it would be long before he would stop drinking. While looking after the shop,

Mansi also helped in the household work. Meanwhile, Mansi also started working for social reform. She started telling what is wrong and what is right for a woman . The public was impressed by Mansi’s thoughts.

Mansi started talking about child marriage. In protest, they started holding meetings in the public community and expressed their views. Child marriage takes place at an early age. A girl child suffers from mental torture at the age of playing. Forget about respect, she does not even

Get love from her elders. The mental torture she has to endure by staying away from her family but she cannot say anything , Mansi put all these things in front of the society. Shyam was also influenced by her words and changed. Meanwhile, Mansi went to his village on the birthday of Ram’s daughter.

When Sukhiram came to know that his daughter Mansi had become a teacher as well as a social reformer, he became proud of the marriage of his four daughters. Out of which three daughters did not face any problems, among all the daughters, Mansi

Was the happy one. Mansi said to her father-in-law, Shyama Prasad, that father will educate Lakshmi who has come to our house well and only after that we will marry her. Shyama Prasad supported Mansi because she would not marry him. People started celebrating Mansi’s witchcraft. Gradually, the practice of child marriage started to stop.

Mansi also got rid of the sufferings she had faced in her life with her ability and wisdom . She started emphasizing on educating daughters in Mansi society. As an example, she brought her sister’s life in front of the society.

At the same time, women’s education was only in name. Only those girls studied whose families were prosperous and people were against the practice of purdah. They were opponents but had started becoming supporters of women’s education. On the other hand, Mansi’s sister Ketki’s mother-in-law Paro was greedy and did not consider her younger daughter-in-

Law as a child. She looked at Ketki as an elder and intelligent daughter-in -law and did all the household work herself. Ketaki used to get hungry very often after serving food to everyone. Sohan’s sister Ganga used to feed food by hiding it from mother. One day when Ganga was taking out food,

Mother asked Ganga for whom is she taking out food, then Ganga said, Ganga said straight away. Told her mother that she was hungry for her sister-in-law. Paro beat Ganga and also scolded Ketki. After that day, Ketki forgot to eat.

When everyone had eaten, the child would eat raw and sometimes had to remain hungry. She had not been able to study much, she had studied only for three classes and only after that she had got married. Sohan was also growing up slowly. Now his friends told him that Ketaki

Is his wife. Now he also felt sorry for Ketaki’s condition. Paro had long since thrown out the baniharin given to him by Ketki’s father. Sometimes Sohan would bring something to Ketki and feed it to him, hiding it from his mother. He did not earn money. Paro used to give

Ketki from the things father brought to the house. One day Sohan said to his father, father, I want to earn, father said, ok, but what will I do, you will not get proper work, you are not very educated, you have studied only nine classes, you will get only one work, son

Of a laborer, so he said, okay. Father, I will do the same. Sohan became a laborer. Whatever he earned, Paro snatched it from him. Despite wanting to, Sohan did not give anything to Ketki. Ketki’s dress was also very simple, whereas Paro used to wear nice saree and jewelery and

Used to eat paan. Ganga was married after seeing a family eating. One day Ketki remembered eating Jalebi which her father used to bring in childhood and feed it to all the sisters and brothers. Ketki

Was sitting and crying in her courtyard. At the same time, Sohan had come into the house. Ketki. Seeing Paro crying, he asked Ketki what was the matter, then Ketki told that she wanted to eat Jalebi. The next day, Sohan bought Jalebi worth four annas for Ketki and brought it home secretly, but

When Paro took the money from Sohan, it was There were four annas less. Paro asked Sohan where are the four annas. Sohan started saying that it was late in leaving the house so Malik gave four annas less. Paro became silent

After some time. Sohan and Ket were eating jalebi at the same time Paro called Ketki. She came and said, “Are you sitting, aren’t you washing the utensils ? ” What is he doing? Meanwhile, Sohan became the mother of Ket’s child. He became a victim of

Typhoid while working. He got married at a young age and could not bear the hard work and domestic turmoil. At that time, there was not even a doctor in the village. There was only one Vaidya Ji, his medicine was It was going on but there was no benefit to Sohan

, he had fever for more than a month, he took to bed, finally one night Sohan left Ketki and the children and left the world. Paru put all the blame on Ketki that she had turned out to be a witch.

Happy Ram who lost his son, after hearing the news of Sohan , was very sad to see his daughter Ketaki and grandson Madhav, he said to Radheshyam and Paro that my daughter is very very She is sad and I want to take him home for a few days, so before Radheshyam could speak,

Paro said, why take me away for a few days forever, she has eaten my son with a heavy heart, poor Sukhiram Ketki and her grandson Madhav. Ketki ‘s smile seemed to have disappeared. When she kept crying, her mother would console her.

Don’t cry, daughter Ketki. We are all with you. Now I had just turned 10 years old. One day Mansi wrote a letter to her father, father, sister. So she hasn’t studied, she can’t get any work. Teach her to sew, she will get some normal income from it and she will also be interested.

Sukhiram asked, should my daughter learn sewing? Ketaki nodded looking at the future. Sukhiram asked Jamuna uncle. Girija Devi was taking care of her grandson Madhav. Both Sukhiram and Ketaki were suffering the pain of child marriage.

After learning tailoring, Ketaki started sewing clothes while staying at her father’s house. She did not get that much money. So that she could survive, Ketaki did not want to be a burden on her father

. There was only one face in her sight and that was Mansi ‘s face. She asked her father to write a letter to Mansi in which she said that she should come and meet her once. Mansi could not refuse the request

And she took leave for a few days and came home. She told her father-in-law Shyama Prasad, “Father, I want to go to my father’s house for a week.” After so many years of marriage, Mansi decided to go home. Shyama Prasad had never asked for it, Shyama Prasad

Had also never sent it to him, today for the first time he opened his mouth and said, then how could Shyama Prasad refuse ? Shyama Prasad, as per his capacity, provided clothes for Sukhi Ram’s family along with sweets and fruits and a driver. After reaching there, Mansi met her mother and father.

Both the sisters hugged each other and cried wholeheartedly. Mother prepared the food, then Mansi and Ketki sat together and ate the food. Today, after a long time, Sukhiram made Jalebi of the girls’ choice.

Mansi had brought home the jalebi and ate it with love , but Ketaki took it in her hand and put it back. She remembered Sohan, because of this jalebi, she had scolded and beaten him. Mansi said, Didi, you like Jalebi very much. You took it in your hand. Why did

You keep Ketki crying? Mansi was very sad to hear this. Ketki said, Mansi, I am the one who has called you. Mansi said, why didi? Ketki said, Mansi, I do not want to be a burden on father.

I have learned tailoring but I am still in the village. It is not possible to meet Madhav’s education and household expenses by staying here . Father has become old now. Brother is also studying. Ever since I came here, my in-laws have not come to see me even once.

Sister, please find a way for me where I can be at peace. The next day Mansi went to the city with the driver, there she took a decent house on rent which was a sin, there she kept ration in the house and a sewing machine and a small

Shop next to it. After doing all this, Mansi came back home and Meanwhile , she had given her brother Abhim’s 10th class exam, after that he too had to go out. Mansi said, father, I

Have taken a house on rent in the city. Didi, Abhi Mu and Madhav will live in it. Didi will sew in her shop and Abhi Mu will live there. Madhav will go to study, when everything is fine, then these people

Will spend their own expenses. Till the time their work is not going well, I will send them the money order. This matter will remain between you and Didi. More on Mansi Didi Ket another day. Ketki had tears in her eyes after seeing the sewing machine that Madhav left

With her in the new house in the city in the car. Till now she used to sew clothes by hand. Ketki started crying and said to her sister, Sister , you only understood the pain of my unfortunate sister. After two days, Mansi’s leave was about to end. According to his capacity, Khiram

Sent clothes of Mansi’s family along with fruits and sweets to her in-laws. Sukhiram also used to go to the city from time to time and bring rice from home to see the children. Used to deliver pulses and flour to Ketki’s shop with the help of Mansi.

Abhi Mu also started doing well. Sukhiram stood first in class 10th exam. After being cheated in child marriage, Abhim got married. She had made up her mind to do some work only after starting a business after

Studies . She worked as a tailor in a shop and bought some goods. She had also kept it for sale after living at her mother’s house. She had given up the practice of purdah. Somehow, as the years passed, she started earning so much that she no longer liked taking it from Mansi. She

Got her father to write in a letter that Mansi She sent a message to Sukhiraam that sister, don’t send money now. Now I have become capable. Mansi also stopped sending money. Ketaki started managing her and her children’s expenses. Sukhiram was happy that her daughter

Stood her ground. When Paro heard this, That Ketki has a shop, then again greed entered her mind, now she went to her daughter-in-law, Sukhiram, Paro, saying, Brother, I want to take my daughter-in-law and grandson, Sukhiram said, the decision to go will be sister Ketki’s,

She would like to go. So I can go, I will bid farewell to Paro. Paro went to Ketki in the city. Paro said with tears in her eyes, daughter, let’s go home. After listening to Paro, all the pains of Ketki

Came before her eyes. Ketki said, Mother, now I will not go anywhere. Madhav is reading, I am my And I take out Madhav’s expenses through sewing. If you come, this door is open for you too. You can stay for as long as you want. You had sent me with father forever, now

That is not my home, Paro returned back to the village with a very sad heart. Ketaki’s rented house turned into a house of her own. Ketaki’s shop also had an identity in that area . Abhi Mu also got a job after studying. Sukhiram fixed Abhim’s marriage with an educated girl.

Sukhiram All the daughters were invited to the marriage of his son. The marriage was solemnized well. All the sisters were happy to see Ketaki. Sukhiraam sent all the daughters off to their in-laws house along with all the belongings. Mansi opened an organization called Swayam Rozgar

For the poor and helpless women, which helps the poor and helpless women. Helpless women became a means of livelihood through the organization. The practice of child marriage has stopped. Even today, there are some tribes in the tribal society where the practice of child marriage still continues, but they are

Hidden from the country and society. Friends, if you liked our story. So please subscribe our channel, like and share the video. Thank you for listening till the end.

एक पिता की चार बेटी| चारों की अलग अलग किस्मत|पिता को बेटी पर हुआ गर्व| बाल विवाह @InspiringBarkat

नमस्कार!“इंस्पायरिंग बरकत” चैनल में आप सबका दिल से स्वागत है।आज हम आपको सुनाएंगे, एक बाल विवाह के ऊपर कहानी। अगर आप हमारे चैनल पर नए हैं, तो प्लीज हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें। वीडियो को लाइक करें, और शेयर करें। यही कोई 40 50 साल पहले की बात है। जब बाल विवाह का बहुत ज्यादा प्रचलन था। लालपुर गांव के श्यामा प्रसाद, बहुत ही बड़े जमींदार थे। आसपास के इलाकों में, वो अच्छे खासे रईस माने जाते थे। उनके दो बेटे थे, राम और श्याम, उनकी पत्नी का नाम सुनैना था, और उनके पिता का नाम, जमुना प्रसाद था। उनकी माता यशोदा थी, और बड़े घर के लड़के, लाड प्यार में कहीं बिगड़ ना जाएं। इसलिए श्यामा प्रसाद ने अपने बच्चों को, उस स्कूल में भेजते थे जो कि, गांव से दो कोस की दूरी पर था। उस समय भी, उनके पास अपनी जीप थी, जो बच्चों को छोड़ने स्कूल जाती थी। राम 10 साल का था, और श्याम 6 साल का था। उसी गांव से थोड़ी दूर पर, हरपुर नाम का गांव था, जिसके बीच में एक नदी पड़ती थी, जिसमें नाव चलती थी। उसी गांव में सुखी राम रहते थे। वह एक किसान थे। उनके पास भी अपनी पुश्तैनी 10 बीघा जमीन थी, लेकिन वह कम उपज देती थी। कुछ खेत नदी के किनारे पड़ता था, उसमें फसल होती थी तो वह बाढ़ की वजह से नष्ट हो जाती थी। उनकी चार बेटियां थी। एक लड़का था। ……
Inspiring Barkat,bedtime stories,viral story,एक पिता की चार बेटी| चारों की अलग अलग किस्मत|पिता को बेटी पर हुआ गर्व| बाल विवाह @InspiringBarkat,हिंदी कहानी,नैतिक कहानी,दिल छू लेने वाली कहानी,पंचतंत्र की कहानियां,moral kahani,kahani with moral,inspiring life stories,Hindi Kahaniya,Panchatantra Kahaniya,Hindi Stories,Stories in Hindi,Hindi Moral Stories,devotional kahaniya,एक पिता की चार बेटी,चारों की अलग अलग किस्मत,पिता को बेटी पर हुआ गर्व,बाल विवाह,viral

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