JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #8 六章やってくよー!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

Hello everyone, it’s been a while. It’s been a while. I’m taking a break. I ‘m very sorry for taking another break without contacting you. Everyone who’s been waiting. Thank you very much. It’s been a little over a week. I’d like to check the sound first. I’m

A little nervous. Even just one day off makes me nervous, but now that I’ve taken another week off, my mind is completely blank. But will I be able to play properly? As a member of Kanazawa, please wait for a moment.Check the sound.Ah, it’s okay.Game is fine.It ‘s okay.Then please wait a moment.Um,

Please.I’m sorry it took so long.O , then, I’d like to get started right away. It’s been a week since I last played. I’m sure some of you are wondering how far I got last time, but don’t worry, it’s fine. Well, the synopsis at the beginning of the game

Is about 10 seconds and 20 seconds so far. It will be summarized and played, so I hope we can all wrap it up there.It’s starting from Chapter 6.Today, I want to do as much of the sub-quests as I have time, and I want to enjoy them. That’s what I’m thinking

, so I’d like to go right away. Let’s go to Chapter 6 Fixer. Ah, here’s the synopsis. Wait a minute . Why, please wait a moment. I went back. Let’s try it again. Let’s start over in Chapter 6 . Right, while I was searching for Mogu and gathering information, Yagami, a detective ,

Went to the drug discovery center to gather information. Well, who is the detective ‘s name? The name of the detective is Detective Kuroda. Detective Kuroda. Detective Kurokawa. Well, Yagami is a somewhat important reference person, and that’s when I felt like I was in love

With him. Last time I did that. Hmmmm Hello. Thank you, I’m sorry, I haven’t streamed for a week now, and I think I forgot Japanese. I’m a little surprised myself, but I guess I forgot Japanese because I haven’t talked to many people. I’m surprised. Yes,

I just loaded this content a little while ago. Yes, I wonder if it’ll work. Yes, I did something just a little while ago. Ah, here it is. Lawyer Shintani, who became the latest victim of Arasu Kura, last time before his death. Kubo, a suspect who was exonerated by defending Yagami

, an inpatient patient who was taken from the hospital and buried in a mountain, learns of the incident that destroyed Yagami from the call history of Yagami.He then stabs his girlfriend Emi Terasawa with a kitchen knife and sets her on fire. Wow

, this was shocking.I’m sure it wasn’t Okubo-kun, but I thought the culprit was actually Terasawa-chan, who worked for the same patient, as an important witness in the Okubo Kamiya defense murder case. As for what I’m going to get, I’m actually Hoshino from the current law firm. Go Hoshino-ku Go Kei-san

. This means that people are the same. Yeah, Mr. Yagami. What should I do? I refuse. That’s why it’s important that I pick it up. If you don’t want to do that, you should come with me.I’m currently living in second place.You can’t be a lawyer

At that age.Can you do something like that?I don’t have time either.I’m a lawyer who ran away from the emperor. That’s understandable. You’re full of pride. Follow me calmly. If you take the tag, you won’t be able to draw either. If you can take it, take it.

There’s no reason to doubt me anyway, so why don’t you make one? Please do it. It’s true. From this person’s point of view, you’ll regret it. Mr. Kuroiwa Glared at me like a bullock. You guys should leave too. Before we do that, could I have a talk with Mr. Nagano ? Shintani. That’s why Ono doesn’t have any idea why he received a phone call.I said that earlier,

But I already understand that you’re picking him up.It seems like you can’t force him to do anything since he’s so busy.There’s something strange about forced testimony during an investigation. I don’t know what you’re saying about him being an important reference person, but

For some reason it was obvious that we were here.Now that I think about it, how did the police find out where we were? I didn’t notice it, but now it’s a little smaller than that. I’ve come this far and I

‘d like to talk to you directly. I’ll ask at the reception desk where I can meet you. That’s right, my goal is to get here before that new senior gets killed. I was calling Mr. Ono at work to contact him, and he came to check on me.I was visiting the center

‘s training room a while ago.Ah, yes, I must have forgotten something, but I’m sorry it’s so sudden . Actually, I would like to talk to Mr. Ono from Addec 9, so where can I meet him? Well, I think it’s the development research floor. I think it’s the abnormal research floor. Maybe it’s

The place where the gold card key is. Yeah, but in Center Town. If you agree, I can lend it to you. I’ll ask you about the one from earlier. Excuse me, but if you ask me your name again, it’s fine.

Mr. Kido was busy earlier, so I’ll come again. Is it okay? I asked you to come out. If Center Town hears about it, they’ll definitely stop us, but we now know where Ono is, so what should we do? I heard that Ono is in the Research and Development Center.

Yeah, if there’s a bulletin board or something, it’s for the bulletin board. The ground is sticking out. Let’s go and see. Oh, I can’t run well. There’s a signboard over here. It’s over here. Yes, yes, it’s suspicious. The research light is here. Hey, I’m investigating the drug discovery center. What is this? Wait

A minute . Menu, uh, I kind of forgot the operation, so I’d like to check the operation in the menu . But you have to have your card key, right? This is your current location. This is your current location. It’s the reception lobby of the center. What’s that? What window are

You using ? Did you go through the window ? There’s someone from the research lab here. I said it was a floor with abnormal characteristics, but on this bulletin board,

I was the first to look at the details, so I had to look at the big picture and then look at the small details . I forgot to use the controls and was messing around, so I looked up the detailed map of the floor first.I’m sorry

, but this woman at the reception desk is a field staff member, and I’m about to return to research and development.My name is Hashimoto, and if you’d like. I’ll take you to Ikuno.Is it okay to have a gold card?Please, please.I’m lucky.Mr. Hashimoto just passed by here, so thank you.Here, I’m lucky.The

Girl at the reception is curious. Thank you very much for your help.My name is Hoshino and I currently work at NAT Law Office.Thank you very much for your kindness.I am a customer from Center Town, so this place is quite large

, so there will probably be someone to guide you, so I apologize for the inconvenience. He was a rather unwanted customer, but I didn’t know that we were the ones who worked there, but what kind of Addec 9 development unit

Does Mr. Hashimoto belong to here? Yeah, the unit leader is Shi, so I’m the one doing the most. Come to think of it, what does Addec 9 mean? What is it? Addec is the initial of Advanced Drug Development Center. It’s the 9th drug developed there, so

I said Addec 9, but I don’t really understand it at all , but I don’t understand it, but Matic Heaven is the only one. There is no medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease.Currently, we are doing our best to suppress the progression of the disease.That’s why Addec 9 is expected to cure Alzheimer’s disease.There

Are many people living with dementia in Japan. Do you know how many people there are? Well, it ‘s probably 100,000 or over 1 million. Well, in terms of the year, it’s 420,000 people. In fact, in 2025, if you include the 70,000 reserve army, there will be 13 million people. However

, there are cases where people over 60 are caring for their parents with dementia at home, and there are 100 million patients worldwide each year. 35 million people, in other words, what Addec 9 is trying to save is the future of the whole world. We

Were just saying a lot of rude things to Mr. Kido, right? It was a bad idea. The people in Center Town probably have a long history.3 He’s gotten a lot of promotion since a few years ago.He’s been acting bossy on the street.Here, here ,

Here, there’s a huge number of people with dementia.Is this the laboratory over there?I never thought I’d come to talk to you directly. I’m sure you wouldn’t expect that, Mr. Ono is also the main person who wrote this paper for Adtech 9, but

He’s working in the lab with everyone like this normally. Mr. Ono seems serious. Mr. Yagami, how did he get here? I’d like to talk to you for a moment.If you’re a bad person, you’ll be in trouble.I don’t know the center director.What happened to you, Mr. Ichinose?It’s unusual for Mr. Ichinose to give up.I

Saw you in the lobby earlier. I’m from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and I’m giving political support to Addec 9. I’m from that country. Kaoru Ichinose’s office hours are high. Mr. Ono is giving you office hours and

Mr. Ono is bothering me. When I say wiping is office time, it’s the top government official.I’m sure a bureaucrat would listen to what you say, but I’m not.I see, Masano-san, let me talk to you for a little while.Once that’s done, I’ll go home right away.No need to worry. So, why

Did I call you when the center director wasn’t around? I’ve never heard of Shintani before. It’s important. There must be something in mind. There’s nothing, so I’m going to pick you up. Please, I’ll contact Center Town. Okay, then just one last thing please.

Yes, it’s been a long time since I’ve made a choice. Are you scared of Center Town ? There’s a lot of money going on in Atec 9. I’m suddenly trying to convince you something like this. But I ‘m looking for a mole to find out why Shintani-senpai’s Ne was killed, so I

‘m not talking about Adtech 9. I’d like to ask if you know about the Kamurocho murders or are you scared, but that’s the purpose here. Let’s follow the story.Do you know about the murder in Kamurocho?This was the main purpose.After lawyer Tani was killed, both of his eyes

Were gouged out by the criminal.Before that, three similar incidents had occurred in Kamurocho. Mr. Ono knows about the incident, of course he saw it on the news, but he didn’t really know anything when he received the call from Tani

. Let me get back to work. What are you doing here? The center manager came out and asked if he had already gone home. What was he doing secretly? I’m sure Ono said he didn’t know anything about the phone call from Shintani. I wanted to find out for sure from Shintani’s own mouth.

You contacted security. I’m heading home now. Let’s go. Hoshino-kun . I’ll file a complaint with the minister’s name at the bar association. The minister, Minister Ahakaze of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, has high expectations for our new drug. I’m sure he’ll put your actions aside. I don’t think

He’ll call him.He’s hated.Minister Kazami’s name came up a lot.In the end, he didn’t know.Why did Dr. Shintani call Mr. Masano?Mr. Yagami, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare has been talking a lot lately. I heard about it in Muromachi.When

Was that?That was the name of a minister I met a long time ago.Well, it wasn’t Mafuyu, it wasn’t Genta-sensei, but it was when I talked to Ayabe.When I was drinking with Ayabe and Ayabe at a tender. Minister Kazami was talking about why the Kansai association came to Kamurocho in the beginning

. Apparently, Kajihira was used by a major general contractor, and Kajihira lived in Tokyo for a while. One of the negotiating partners was the Minister of Wind of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare,

So it must be black. If it was urban development, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism would be the Minister of Labor . It’s true that ministers sometimes pass the word around, but does that have anything to do with our case? Is it

Just a coincidence that the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare’s name keeps coming up, or is that amazing? A lawyer is a lawyer. I mean, the detective, Yagami , is always thinking in his head.I really do n’t understand how it feels to connect the sky and the dots with a line.It

Depends on what Kajihira and Kaze were talking about.If that’s the case, my Kaji. The person in charge of Taira may be investigated. It’s Mr. Sugiura. He used to be an employee of Kaji Taira. That’s right. Also, he seems to have a grudge against the Kahi Group.

Well, it would be good if we could find out the connection between Taira and Kaze Minister. Noun I wonder if Sugiura can find out something, but I’ll look into it. That would be helpful. That place is still a drug discovery center. Give me a little time. If I find out anything, I’ll call

Him. He’s that smart. Everyone’s smart, Yagami. My friends are going to edit Mr. Yagami right away.I’m going back to the office for now.I got an email from Mr. Sao.It seems that some people are coming in right now.He

Wants to interview Mr. Yagami. It seems like he’s sniffing around Shintani-sensei’s case. He seems to be amused by it. I’ll chase him down instead. Hoshino-kun is the ace of the current agency. That’s fine. That’s really what’s expected of me and my sense of responsibility. That’s why I

Don’t like being someone’s second best, or if I’m best suited for it. So when will I stand alone? I don’t want to do it forever. I want to stay like this for the rest of my life, being second best.

I think that’s fine. That kind of road also feels like my younger brother, so I’m fine with that. I waited for a while until I heard from Sugiura. Nate and I are going to go to Kami-machi and have some fun. Okay, so everyone’s doing some research on Shintani-senpai. Where

I am I’m in Kamurocho Kamurocho I want to play a little bit I want to play I want to play I want to play I mean, I want to play, I want to play. Isn’t it possible

? Please catch the underwear thief. Well, now that I think about it, there was a little bit in the middle, but it’s a little bit here and there and a little bit here and there. I’m sorry for this person. Why should I stop? That’s a little good. Really? Me, Fujimori.Are

You interested in investing ?This person is suspicious.That’s for people who seem to have a little more money.No, even though I call it investment, it’s easy for the average person to do it now if they have a smartphone. We live

In an age where you can do it. Do you know what crowdfunding is? You can do it with your smartphone. It’s a method of soliciting investment from people all over the world over the internet, and it’s been popular in the last few years. The

Color of this cat’s shirt and the jangle on its neck are a bit suspicious. Well, I’ve prepared this cloud capa app to make it even easier.You can invest any amount you want in any project you want, whenever you want, from your smartphone.It sounds easy, but in the end. Does it cost money? No,

We are collecting money from all over the world, so it doesn’t matter if the amount you invest is small. If the total amount of money collected reaches the target amount, the project will be a success. At that time, we would like to thank

Everyone who invested in the project. You can receive the service on a priority basis.Services include things like what kind of products will be sent to you, new facilities available for use, etc.Your eyebrows are suspicious, your eyes are also suspicious, it might be an inch machine. I don’t know, hmm, sounds interesting, right

? I have experience in business, but I had trouble raising funds, and at that time I was helped by overseas crowdfunding.So I would like to help people who are trying to start a business just like me. I created this app because I wanted to help someone.

Mr. Fujimori. So, is he the president? It’s a small company , so it’s not that big of a deal. His eyes are untidy, and his beard looks a bit like that of a military commander. There’s a bit of

Unshaven hair on his face, which is a bit suspicious. If you’d like, please use Cloud Campaign. Yes, I understand, try installing it. Thank you very much. Well, maybe I ‘m not a bad person. I thought I’d be criticized more,

But I wasn’t. Maybe I’m just an adult who doesn’t like fashion or how to dress well. Maybe that’s it. I’m glad. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for Kasan to come back . I’m sorry, I’m back safely. It’s been a while, so I’ve forgotten a little bit of Japanese,

But please be gentle with me. Well, more and more. Please let me know in the comments. I’m wrong. I’m making a mistake. If I make a mistake, here and there. Is n’t it here? Is it M Side or M? Are you inside the M Side Cafe? Where is the M Side Cafe? Wait,

This isn’t the place where Catch Catch hangs out. It’s not here. It’s not here. I wonder if Nagasaki has a champagne ringer hat and is no match for him.Who is this guy who is homeless?What’s wrong with Yagami Detective Agency?The Yagami Detective Agency has a lot of free time.Just now, Kaito’s husband

Was making a fuss in a loud voice. Hey, it’s at the back of Nakamichi Street. If you go there, you’ll know right away. I haven’t seen Mr. Kaito for a while. Wait a minute. Can’t you see the details of this, this, this ? Let’s take a look to see

If he’s in here. Isn’t it here? I can go down a little. I can go down. It’s not even here. I’m fine with where I was earlier. Wait, wait, wait, where I was earlier. That

‘s the underwear thief quest. I’ve always wanted to do it, but I can’t do it at night. It wasn’t there, so I’ll wait a little bit. I’ve already done it in the evening, so I’m a bit of a jump person. It seems like it’s here or there. After all, it’s

Just as it is. I’m not scared. Thank you. It’s here. It’s here. That’s not it. It ‘s not a cafe. Hey, wait a minute, it’s already evening Hey, here’s the underwear thief M-side cafe Hey, I’m going to go to the request

, I’m going to go to the request, young men and women, uh, brothers I’ll be there right away We can meet at the site, it’s not here, it’s a landmark I guess it’s not there. Let’s go over here. M side cafe. It’s not

Here. It’s at the back of the first floor where you can get off by the elevator. Well, it’s at the back of the first floor. Thank you. It’s on the first floor. It’s at the back of the first floor. Let’s go. We’ve arrived at the first floor. This is this. This

Is it. Excuse me. It’s definitely these two. I’m sorry, Mr. Sasa. Hello, what the detective agency calls a boy with an idol face. Mr. Yagami has come. I’ve been waiting. Thank you. My name is Yosuke Sa. This is my younger sister Tsuki.

Please take care of this girl’s underwear. All I could see was her swollen mouth, so I thought she was a crazy girl, but you’re the one in the middle of the day. I feel like I shouldn’t do that. I’m sorry. Thank you. They look a lot alike.

Are they twins? Wait, wait, wait a second. The suspicious older brother is more beautiful. The girl looks more like a boy. Oh, they look alike. They look alike. That thing is kind of big. So, right away, could you tell us the details of your request

? When I play this game, a lot of things start to look suspicious. Before that, Mr. Yagami, do you know about Hentai 30 Musketeers ? Are you a perverted 30 musketeer? I’m interested in that.These

Are three perverts who have been causing a stir in the town recently.The underwear thief, the molester, and the others.It seems like they’re an order of magnitude more perverted than the previous perverts.Does such a person exist ?Yes. Apparently one of them is a pervert called the Panty Sect. Mr. Panty Professor and

Mr. Sanya don’t look happy at all. He has an expression on his face that he can’t control. He ‘s called that because of his abnormal obsession with panties. That’s amazing.The perverted Three Musketeers’ Panty Professor.Actually, the other day, my younger sister Tsukino was victimized by this Panty Professor.I’m sorry,

But I’m sure you feel sorry for her.That’s why I apologize to Mr. Yagami for his younger sister. I want you to catch the pervert who stole the panties. I wonder if there’s something about the fact that they’re called panties instead of pants. I can feel the pervert sleeping inside of you, Mr. Yosuke.

Please, detective. If this continues, I won’t be able to sleep at night . [Music] So, first of all, could you tell me about the specific damage situation ? I can’t stop being excited. You finally did it. I finally got to do this subquest.

I’ve been wanting to do this. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. What was stolen was my clothes, which I hung out to dry on the balcony. What do you mean, it’s panties? It’s exactly the same situation as when my house was burglarized a few years ago. I

Was drying them inside the house instead of on the balcony, but it’s the same thing. All my money is stolen.It ‘s been stolen many times.He’s called Professor Panty, so he seems to be very particular about it.By the way, have you seen the culprit?Well, I guess the culprit

Is actually a drone. I saw Professor Panty take away the panties. Drone Drone It seems that Professor Pante is using a drone to steal underwear. I see, it is Professor Panty who makes full use of IT technology. Oh, I see, so I thought the culprit was Professor Panty. By the way,

Have you filed a complaint with the police? Of course. However, it seems like it’s having a hard time because it can’t seem to catch its tail. It seems like the Trone is so fast that it’s

Hard to catch it. Yeah, it looks like we’ll have to come up with a way to catch it. So, what’s going on? Yagami-san , you can take it on. I asked for 50,000 yen, and yes, there’s no problem, but since you’re a

Student, can you afford it? I’m fine with that, so I’m worried, but how will I get hold of it? No, big brother. That’s his face type, right? When I look at him as a girl, my brother’s face type is more girlish. No matter how you look at it, let’s try it. He’s having

A little fun with his panties. I see, so I need to know what the panty professor likes. That means

I need to know what kind of panties this girl had stolen. That means I need to know what kind of panties this girl had stolen. That means I need to know what kind of panties her sister likes.

It’s necessary, but it ‘s for research purposes, so I don’t have any hesitation in asking.So Mr. Tsukino , could you tell me what you like about the panties you usually wear?I’ll tell Mr. Yagami from Etsuki that the way I ask is very straight. Is it white

, black, or eye-legged? What do you think, brother? I’m laughing, but if possible, please give me more details. Ah, it’s fine to be detailed. Don’t be shy. This is for the length. Mr. Yagami is a pervert, so I asked him. Please, I’m not asking this for personal taste.I’m

Not asking this out of interest.The shell of my panties is amazing.Rainbow. I thought it was different, but it’s lace panties.The color is red or black.I also like ribbons , so these are red or black lace panties with ribbons.It’s amazing

, so please don’t say it.Thank you for your cooperation.I see. Thank you very much.The good part about it is the red and black lace panties with ribbons.Oh, I say it firmly and make sure.It’s a surprisingly mature hobby.I’m looking at it, panties.The professor’s favorite underwear is

Hanging out to dry on the roof of the office. If Shoso’s pervert has territory near Yacho, he might show up, but will he be able to catch it? It’s a drone, so he can’t run away. Even if he does run away,

I’ve put a GP transmitter underneath so he can be found. I’m sure I’ll be able to catch her in that case. Thank you Mr. Yagami. Professor Panty. Please definitely catch me. Yes, leave it to me. My sister’s bowing

Habit. Now, I’m going to buy some panties at Le Marche. I thought it was over there, over there, or at Donkey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, I’m a little too excited, uhm, this is just the one time. I can just come out like this. I’ll leave the clothes that

Are coming out like this. Um, black panties with black or red lace ribbons. First, come out. Le Marche. I’m sure it’s around here. Yeah, yeah, I’ve been there a few times, oh, this is here, this is okay. [Music] Well, I guess I can’t use a taxi.

There aren’t any taxis nearby, so I guess I’ll just dash there as usual. Um , black or red lace. Lace panties with a black or red ribbon.My first time wearing lace panties with a black or red ribbon.

That’s what I feel like. I’m trying to remember, and I’m going to try something with black or red lace. It’s been a while. Hey, hey, yes, yes, yes, I’ll use this. I’ll take a moment. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, try it as a shield. Good. [Applause]

Eiora. Black, red, or lace. Let’s sleep for a while. Lace panties. What kind of panties are Ao-sama’s panties ? What kind of panties are Ao-sama’s panties? I’m curious about people’s panties right now. Yes, this is here. This is right here. Welcome to Room Arche

. Oh, what do you mean? What do you mean ? High-class panties are mixed in with the high-class accessories. This is it. I have a lot of things to buy, so I can sell them here . He’s just a pervert, that detective. Detective, I was a detective. Don’t forget.

Hey, what should I do ? Let’s use something like this . Let’s use this area. Use this area. Well, we’ll have to change this. Ah, we’ll have to set it to 0. Nao, thank you very much. There were

3 pieces, but I just reduced 1 piece, so it’s no good. Wait, wait a minute. I want to go to Nanaya and sell it , but wait, I’m sorry for the operation. I completely forgot. Um, anything is fine

. I want to use it as soon as possible.Anything is fine, just once I don’t get tangled up in encounters.Is this okay ?I can get one less item.Okay, welcome.Give me some panties.Panties with red lace ribbons.These are exactly what I have.Thank you so much for all my

Belongings. I have a lot of belongings. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I have a lot of belongings. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I have a lot of belongings. If there was a hand in it, it

Would be caught. That would be completely caught. It’s out. Where did it sell? I think it was sold once, but it wasn’t a restaurant. You can tell by the name of the facility. It’s not a restaurant. It’s not Donki, it’s Ebisu Ebisu and Nanaya

Is here. It’s close so let’s go and see. It’s a bit close so can we go ? Apologies, sister. The girl from earlier is the type who wears sports bras. Those sporty pants. That girl from earlier is already thinking about all kinds of people’s panties. Where

In the world did this alarm sound come from ? What did it explode? Ugh, police [music] Run away! What’s the point? But maybe it’s another terrorist attack. Is this the sound of an explosion? Where did

The explosion come from? There are too many incidents happening in Kamurocho. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

For Kamurocho, this is the only thing I can do. I’m just a pervert wearing shoes and a head. I’m busy with my pants, but wow, mom. Why is my child here alone? It’s bad. Also, the timer has several tens of seconds. I

Don’t have time to call for help. I don’t have time to think about what to do. I just have to turn it off . 15 seconds I’m sorry for this, but I don’t have much time anyway, so I stopped at the beginning [Music] Oh , it stopped, maybe I was saved Mom, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was saved. I seriously thought I was going to die. Who’s on the phone ? Moshi, Moshi, Moshi, Moshi, Moshi, Moshi, Moshi, Moshi,

You planted a bomb in town. You planted a bomb in Kamurocho. There were three bombs in total. The first one was the one that exploded. The one you just detonated was the second one, and there’s one more. Wait a second, who are you?

How do you know my number? We don’t have time to talk. There’s only five minutes until the bomb goes off . If you don’t want to cause any damage, you’ll have to hurry and find the bomb. Where should I look for it ? I’ll give you some hints.An

Angel in the city of kings.An angel in the city of kings.I don’t understand what you mean.You can think about it yourself.5 It’s going to explode in 5 minutes . It’s going to be a big deal. If we don’t hurry,

We’re the angels in the city of champions. Where’s the champion of Kamurocho in this city? Yeah , yeah, it’s about to start. Wait, wait, wait, while I’m doing this, it’s stopped, it’s stopped, it’s stopped, it’s stopped, it’s 53 seconds, right? Wait, it’s stopped.

Who’s the king of this town? The king of this town isn’t here. It’s not this building. After all, there’s a statue of an angel, the king of this town, isn’t it? It’s stopped. Thank you. It’s stopped. Leave your panties in again. Leave your panties in again.

I haven’t even changed my panties yet. Oh wait. 5 bombs left first. Wait a minute, uh , I’ll definitely stop. Wait a minute, uh, I want to take a closer look at the map . Even if I zoom in, it

Doesn’t mean there’s an angel statue or anything like that. Wait a minute. It says it’s this town in this town. If you look at the map, you’ll see. Wait, wait, wait, an angel. An angel, the king of this city . An angel. An angel. An angel looking for

An angel. I wonder if an angel is a statue or something. It’s possible, but I wonder if it’s Zo. Um, look here instead of this. Isn’t it in the name of the facility? An angel like a goddess What is an angel?

In English, it’s a name like Club Amour Angel. No, I wonder if it’s a private name Comma Wife An angel in a sense that has nothing to do with angels A gathering of angels in a sense A gathering of angels from all kinds of people Yoshida It’s not a batting center

Hey, Bantam Bantam It’s not a Lullaby Club Sega It’s not a drone race It’s Paradise Angel Ah, Tenka Ippin Street It’s Angel Angel, which has nothing to do with Angel. Angel Angel Isn’t there Angel Street? Angel Street is unusual. Ringer Hut Smile Burger

Smile Looks like it has something to do with Angel. Wait. The facility name has angel or angel in it. I looked to see if it was there, but it wasn’t.Ah, first of all , the king , first of all, the king, the king, the king, wait ,

The king, the king. I see, I see, wait a minute, it’s not an angel, it’s a champion.Hmm, wait, what did the culprit say? It’s not an angel sleeping on top of the champion of the king, but

What? I forgot what the culprit said. Tae, an angel in the city of kings or an angel in the city of kings What kind of king is this? Wait, wait, wait, wait, even though time isn’t moving forward, the

Angel in the city of kings gets impatient when you’re told you only have 5 minutes. What kind of champion is this?It’s not this, it’s what kind of champion, or the angel of the city of kings.If you look at the map, you can tell what kind of champion

It is.Here it is.I found this.I went there once. Right, hurry, hurry, let’s dash. Sorry, just avoid everyone. Hey, I can’t afford to get lost at a time like this. Just avoid everyone, please, please , please, everyone. Oh-chan, Champion, Champion, uh, Champion outpatient clinic,

I have 4 minutes to go, uh, here I am, I’ve been here once, I’ve had a drink, I’m talking about the angel in the city of champions, the angel outside of champion, where’s the bomb ? Well, it must have been the same type of bomb, so

Just cut the cord. It’s really bad , and the cat stopped . It’s a good thing. You’re going to make it work, right? What’s your purpose in doing this? Well, don’t panic, you’ve been chosen. You’ve been chosen. Either you stop it, or I blow up Kamurocho. There’s

Only one chance in two. Behave and wait for me, Rokuoi-kiri. What the hell is this guy saying that it’s still going on? What should I do ? [Music] Somehow I managed to clear it Somehow I managed to clear it Thanks to everyone’s support, I

Managed to clear it Somehow, there was a red mark glowing near the sushi restaurant. But for now, I ‘m going to Nanaya and selling things I don’t need.I’m fulfilling my purpose.A lot of things are going to happen.But she’s beautiful.This girl looks like a fortune teller.Wait for me,

Brother over there. Hmmm, is this some kind of suspicious salesman? I’ll try to listen to the story, but if it’s too long, let’s hear it.You’re a beautiful woman.What ‘s wrong with you? I can see the layers of happiness in the water.Be careful, Ahaaah. I’m not interested in fortune-telling, but

It’s not a fortune-telling, it’s a prediction that will never be able to escape.That’s right.It’s such a shame.It’s such a shame.It’s been a week, so I can’t read all the kanji anymore.Moe Hiragana 50% I don’t think I can read it very well. Katakana is probably the atmosphere. Everyone, please follow me. Everything is

As it is. Sooner or later, water will come and steal you away. My advice is to be careful with water. You’re probably trying to stir up anxiety and attract customers by doing that.Are you aware of the water disaster ?Are you aware of it or not?Brother,

The water disaster is a prediction that came true.No, it’s just a coincidence, isn’t it? It’s fate. There are no coincidences in this world. Everything is inevitable due to cause and effect. Oh, I understand. You made the guy on the bike hold your money. That’s how you’re trying to make me believe. You

‘re going to resist. Because of my prophecy. As long as you ‘re prepared for it, that ‘s fine.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauh What I can see is the shadow of the future.I can’t decipher the contents of the future.It’s a wish that won’t come true.I trust this person, Kurokawa- chan.I’m already scared of this person.Is

He the type to believe?His name is Kuro-san, and he’s my regular customer. I’m a very unfortunate person, and I’ve been in trouble many times. Fortunately, thanks to my prophecies, I was able to avoid a lot of trouble, but it’s a violation to say that

I’m useless. But there was a layer of black misfortune appearing on him.It seems like he was frightened when he saw your black clothes.Maybe the poor guy couldn’t stand the pressure of cause and effect and lost sight of his future. I wonder if you’re feeling anxious because you’ve been worrying

So many times. That’s a valid point. I’m a little worried , brother. I have one request for you. Please follow that person and protect him from the black scourge . Can you help me? I think you’re a customer, you’re a regular, but according to your logic, the prophecy is absolute. Even

If I accompany you, it won’t change anything. Even if the unfortunate event itself is unavoidable, as long as you are prepared, you can deal with it. It ‘s possible. For example, if you know that housework is going to happen, you can take measures in advance,

So maybe that’s true. You have a very well-groomed face, and aren’t you good at beauty, Detective? If you understand the cause and effect of that, it’s not that long.What should I do?I’m the type of person who doesn’t refuse.If I

Get a lot of requests, I’ll take the request fee.If I lose a little bit, I don’t care if it’s 15,000.I understand, I’ll accept it. Well, I’m copying you . You’re Yagami. I’m asking for your help. The way you speak is nice. The way you speak is a bit sticky. God,

You should be careful. Black is the scourge. Be careful of black things. I have to be careful, too. That person is black. Don’t just be careful of the disaster, that guy over there, that guy went to Pink Street, try to find him.This is what I have to do now.This is a sub-event.Damn,

When will I be able to wear pants?Pants pants. Okay, I really want to see what kind of person Professor Panty from the perverted 30 Musketeers is. I want to see it today. There’s something a little weird about it. There are people in Alpai who are thinking

That real girls are not good. I’m sorry, but it’s already lust. It’s a city full of crime. There are so many people here, one after another. I came here to sell my belongings because I can sell them. I don’t know what to sell.

I want to sell a lot of things. Oh, I think I can use it as a drone part, so I’ll leave the drone parts behind. I might do a race. I think drone craftsmen are good around here. I’m not talking about this.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I don’t know what year it is. I can’t sell it anymore. I can’t sell it anymore. What do you mean you can’t do it?

I’m keeping things that can be used for quiet, slightly different thumb turns. I’m keeping things that can be used for detective work, like drone parts. Did I buy too much alcohol and things that I don’t need ? Is it okay to use them around here? 2000 years ago. Is this the case with

Life and machines ? Thank you very much . Is this the fate of things like this? My operation was a little wrong. Well, there are also copper plates. I do n’t think I need any of those plates that I do n’t recognize. Did you sell the plate? Looks like I sold

It too . It’s okay. No, no, no, no, I’ll cancel. Thank you very much . Well, I received that request. Even though I received that request, I went straight to the bottom. Yes, I can finally buy it. Isn’t it sold out? Yes, there it is, there it is,

Uh, I can buy it. Thank you, thank you. Thank you very much.Hmm, will you be broadcasting the gift?No, it’s okay because I’ll be using it right away.I’m saying something rather embarrassing.The customer who will be using it right away has unusual hobbies.Hey,

It’s different.I’m the one who’s going to wear it. No, well, everyone’s hobbies are different, so I was thought to be a pervert.Anyway, let’s attach a small GPS transmitter to this guy and let it dry on the roof of the office.Oh, we’re making progress, we’re making progress,

One step at a time. I feel like I’m taking one step forward. Wait, where’s the office ? Is it here? Is it here ? [Music] It was near Ebisuya’s Shichiya. It’s been a week and I’m home . I forgot, I haven’t been home for a while lately, and a lot of things happened,

So I went to that office, and now I’m here, and the GPS has added more keys to the roof. Isn’t it over there? You can go from here. Maybe something like this. You can go to the rooftop. From here, go to the rooftop. Around the poop area , it seems like it’s

A place where it’s easy for drones to find you. Please, where did you set up the GPS? It’s so thin. If you look at it like this, it’s almost like it’s a trap. Well , I guess I’ll

Keep an eye on it for now. It’s been scratched and looks suspicious. It’s here. Let’s get some water. It ‘s here. It’s coming . It’s eating this drone. It’s exciting to think that Professor Panty from the Perverted 30 Musketeers is controlling the drone. I want to see his face quickly.

It looks like he’s at a batting center. Let’s go to the GPS transmission game right away. I went to the batting center once. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the batting center where the kids were stealing those uh, yellow bags from the homeless.

The place to hang out is not around here, isn’t it around here , near the hotel area? The batting center is the Yoshida Batting Center. So let’s go dash dash.

I think we talked about how my butt is more important than my front chest. I tried to think about why people say they’re so big on butts , and I finally understood why.People who can see their chocolate breasts by themselves, but can’t see their butts, get

Excited about things they can’t see. I thought it was something like that to memorize something.Yes, what was it about ?Next up was the news about the bombing incident that occurred in Yagami Town the other day.According to the announcement by the police chief over there, the bomb was used in an explosion.

It has been newly discovered that the Taesho bomb was equipped with a dimensional device.The police chief is said to be conducting an investigation to see if there is any evidence linking him to the culprit.Also, if you find anything suspicious, please

Report it immediately. Next up is a baby panda that was just born last month.In short, I guess they haven’t gathered any clues yet.Yeah , I don’t think they’ll get involved again if the bomb squad shows up, but what can I do to get them to answer the phone? I’m going to show up.

Hello, I love you. It’s about me. This Bakuhama is all over the place. I wonder what the police are really doing. God, is this a bomber ? How do they know my name? I did a little research on it.

I’m a detective. It doesn’t matter to you if you’re doing it. Well, let’s just have fun like that . It’s noisy. Is it okay to act like that ? I’m going to challenge you with no hits this time. I can see why the pitch of your voice has changed.

I can feel your nervousness. What’s the point of doing something like this? What’s your purpose? Kamurocho’s security is lax. It’s really Zaru. I wonder what Zaru’s country is doing. Paying taxes is stupid. I want to do more but I don’t have time. Let’s get started, Mr. Yagami. You planted

A bomb in Kamurocho. The destructive power of the bomb in Kamurocho is real. Where is the location? There’s only 5 minutes left until the cow at the post station leaves.If

I don’t hurry up and look for it, I’m going to do it again.If it’s a cow at the post station, I’ll just have to look for it.I know, I know, I know, it’s not Kim’s place.It ‘s Kim.It’s Kim. Wait a minute,

Uh, the name of the facility is food and beverage.I think there was a place where Kim’s Toro and Nishina were decorated with some kind of object of a cow cow cow.There ‘s a kiss.It’s not around here, it’s Ruko Akaushi. Is it around the area? Wait, wait, wait, this area

Is also suspicious. This is completely different. This is not this. This is the host’s hangout. It’s not this, it’s not this, it’s a beef bowl restaurant. This is also different. That’s not Gyukaku or Gyukaku. It’s not Kim’s Yoro Falls. It’s not shellac. It’s not Ring Hut.

What was the name of Kim’s Kim’s shop? Isn’t that around here? That’s Kim’s shop. I can’t go there, but I think it was in front of Mr. Kim’s shop somewhere, but I don’t remember how many streets it was.Wait a minute, it

Was in front of the Ushi-shuku inn at the Ushi-shuku inn. So I stayed at the post station, so wait a minute, then let’s look for something like the Hotel Club Amour Sauna Hotel. It’s a bit different around here, right? There’s a sauna, but it’s not a bar, and it’s not an internet cafe.

It’s a playground around here. There’s that cow object. I thought it was a restaurant, but it looks different , so Gyu-Kaku, the cow at Gyu-Kaku, isn’t this area? It’s not related to the inn. Well , let’s take a closer look at this area before we move on. It’s not because we don’t

Want to move . The sauna shop is around here [Music] Hmm , I come here in search of healing [Music] Let’s take a look here. The post town, the post town, the cow . It was from this side, right ? It’s a cow at the post station, so it

‘s not here. It’s a cow outside the hotel. Let’s go here. Let’s go. This is the only place I can think of. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. We went outside the hotel. Damn, we’re wearing panties in the batting center on the right. The professor might be there , but don’t

Do it. You’re going to let it out at a time like this. You’re going to get serious. Oh, okay, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, there’s 4 minutes left. Wow, that’s amazing. A cow at the post station. A cow outside the hotel. Red cow red red. I’m talking about Ushimaru. Where’s the bomb?

It was there at my feet. This is it. If I cut the cord like I did the other day, the number of bombs will increase by one. Until now there were only two, but now I’ve cut it. How about this? Okay, the count has stopped. Somehow I managed

To stop it. You’re doing your best, you’re doing well, you’re a wonderful, wonderful god. You bastard. Oh wait, it’s not me that’s at fault. Kamuro-cho is Kamurocho, who won’t do anything even with this shoddy security. It’s the fault of the country, the local government, and the people. Why is it

Getting hotter? They’re provoking me like they’re bleeding after the bomb was defused. It’s okay. Next time, it won’t be like before, you bastard. Is it time to keep going? What’s the point? It’s enough. They should just plant a new bomb. This culprit keeps using the same tricks

. I was looking forward to when the count would stop, but the count stopped. It stops every time. It stops using the same method every time. Are you here? Are you here? Are you here? Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. Professor Panty

. Professor Panty. Professor Panty. It’s just 300 yen a time. Not now. Not now. I haven’t heard from you for a long time. By the way, Professor Panty, there’s something in the back here. If it’s a drone that’s operating something, you can climb up on it. There ‘s someone doing it on top.

There are a lot of places, oh , this is suspicious, but I’m suspicious, but I’m going to talk to this guy once. He’s a shogi lover. How can I play shogi? Just stop now. Stop now. When you feel like it, come back again.

This guy, this guy is definitely This is a strong and wild scent. Hmm, this is the smell of sweat. I wonder if the owner will be able to get into the muscle room. Who is it? Are you the one who is interfering with my research ? Are you Professor Panty? It’s just me.

I’m Professor Panty, one of the 30 perverted musketeers.A great greeting.I introduced myself as if I were an idol.Would you like to come with me ?Let’s enjoy this fragrant scent together.I’m sorry, but that’s what I’m looking forward to. These are the panties I bought. They’re bait to lure you in. They

‘re pretty firm and have a well-prepared face . I can smell your sweat, or something like that. Hey, come on, I’m going to the policeman. I can’t do that. There are panties waiting for me to explore, so if you get in my way, I

‘ll just die. I don’t look like I can fight, but when are you going to give me a gun? Hey, panties. These are charismatic model Arisa Takeda’s panties.The smell is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This pressure is from the face of Eros, which gives me strength. Realize the power of Libi Libi-do. Hey,

Jokyo , let’s go! Hey, come on , let’s go! Attack from here [Music] Hey, that’s it. I want to use the technique you taught me. How do I do it ? Um , this , this, this, this

, this, this, this. I’m so excited. I’m doing it. I’m doing it in a very chewy way. Even though my panties are thin, I’m still a man. I can’t say anything about him, but surprisingly,

He’s the type of guy with muscles under that white lab coat, and he’s the type of person who can use the shogi version of an old man. I can’t use the old man’s shogi version.I’m sorry.I’m sorry.I’m just playing shogi.I do n’t hate you.I don’t hate you.I don’t hate you.If you

Can, please tell me the results of your research.I want you to share them. By the way, I’m being paid and asked for a commission, so I won’t let you steal a pretty girl’s panties.Okay, but I won’t let you steal anyone’s panties.I’ve powered up the key to the smell of stupid panties

. Now that you’ve broken it, be quiet, but even if I fall, the rest of the warriors will definitely defeat you . But I guess they haven’t gotten the panties back, I guess. They’re probably in there somewhere, in his lab or something, so Professor Panty has been captured. Don’t worry,

Mr. Yagami is amazing. Yagami-san, it’s wonderful that you actually caught him. Thank you, Yagami-san. Now I can sleep in peace. Oh yeah, Yagami-san, I heard that Moon has a request for me. What is that? Oh, no, what’s that? It’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed

, but please don’t hesitate to go ahead.Ah, it’s my hobby in panties, but I hope you’ll forget, so ah, that’s what you mean.I understand.I’ll try to make this face. That’s what I mean. There’s no way I’ll ever forget it.

I don’t think any other guy has ever seen me wearing panties other than me, wearing black and red lace ribbons. No matter how you look at it, I’m still a guy. Hey, big brother, hey big brother, in front of Mr. Yagami [Music],

Mr. Yagami is looking for a boyfriend for Tsuki, so this time he’s Bright. Wait a minute, don’t let me read this. I’m looking at Tsuki’s panties in private. Please do this, I was wondering what the big brother was saying, and what he was saying

In the middle of the day, but the moon-chan was thinking, “That’s a cool guy. I think I’m a cool old guy.” Considering No-chan’s age, I hope the pervert 3 or the other two will be caught soon. I want to catch them , but I want to catch the remaining two now.

Hey, pervert. Did you take a look at Professor Panty’s laboratory? What’s that red thing over here? By the way, let’s go over here for a second. I have n’t heard from Sugiura-kun at all, but normally I’d just hang around and go to the next story. I

Didn’t go here on my own. Oh, Mr. Fuji , isn’t that Mr. Kaito over there? I don’t know who he is. They seem to be on good terms, but Mr. Fuji. He’s an acquaintance of mine. This is Turbo, the guy I used to talk to when

I was in middle school. Oh, you’re so weird. My name is Adachi, and I am Adachi Estate CEO.Are you the President and CEO of Adachi Estate?It’s a small company, Mr. Adachi.I haven’t been in touch with this guy for many years, but I’ve missed him and bumped into him again

. Hey, have a drink, Turbo . I was thinking of introducing you to him. Hey, that’s right, Turbo. I’m planning on having drinks with Adachi from now on, so how about you join me? Oh, that’s fine, Mr. Yagami. Come on, it’s been quite sudden since now. It’s okay. Hey, look,

I’m going to Tender. If I say I’m definitely going to drink, I’m going to call Tender Tender. Adachi, who also has Marinade, has been smart since middle school. He got the highest grades in his grade. He was an honor student. Well, what do you think? I was able to study,

But I fought a lot, so the teachers probably treated me as a delinquent. I’m good friends with Mr. Kaito, so I guess I’m hooked, so delinquents

Have a weird kind of relationship with each other. At that time, I was fighting with people from the neighboring town, and Adachi and I often teamed up and fought together. Adachi was the smart one, and I was the strong-minded one, and I was the strong-willed one,

So we were a surprisingly good pair. I see, when I teamed up with Kaito… It was the most fun. I was also working with someone else. This person is quite nice. I have never had a better partner than you.

Even now, you still say nice things to me. It seems like I have a new partner right now. I mean, Turbo works well with Kaito, but I do n’t know if he’s a partner. I don’t know if Turbo is a partner, or rather, a colleague or a partner. I

Thought he was a partner, but Yagami feels a little like a brother to Kaito. Yagami-san, I thought you were my partner, but I’m sorry for the sudden request, but can I borrow your answer for a moment? Is

Kaito-san working? Yes, I was actually planning to come to your office and talk to you. That’s what I was thinking, but if you don’t mind, I’ll ask.What kind of work do you do ? Actually

, I’d like to ask Fuji to work as a servant boy.Are you a boy?Oh, hey, what do you mean? As I said before, I… I’m currently doing real estate in Kamurocho, and

There are a lot of troublesome people in this industry, especially in Kamurocho.Especially people like me, who are new to the mountain, have a lot of trouble with them.When I say troublesome people, I guess they’re related to gangsters, or something. I’m so miserable, there are so many people asking me what’s going on.So

, being a servant boy means you want me to protect you from those people?Yes, of course I won’t let Mr. Yagami’s hand get sick.I’m busy. Yes, I understand the situation.I don’t have a problem with it.As long as Kato-san is fine with it, I don’t mind, but

Just because I know everyone doesn’t mean I’ll lose the reward.Of course, Mr. Yagami’s request volume is 8 per day. What do you think? It’s amazing. No problem. I wonder if there is no price setting anymore. The world is like this already. Yagami Detective Agency. No

Problem. Thank you for accepting my request even though it was a sudden request. Kato. It’s been a long time since we’ve been together again, buddy. I’m looking forward to working with you. Kaito-san seems like a nice person. He’s also an acquaintance of Kaito-san, so he seems pretty good . It’s nostalgic. I

‘m a little jealous of Kaito’s partner. I’m a little jealous. Kaito-san is Kaito-san. I’m kind of close with my old partner, Mr. Jerasi. I was with an old friend of mine. I was with a childhood friend. I was with an old friend of mine. Tachi was Kaito’s partner,

Or he was from Tate’s company. The name of the location was written on the business card, so I’m a little curious to see if he’s working later. I hope there’s nothing behind the scenes, but I do n’t think Mr. Fuji will get involved in anything weird. As my current partner,

I’m a little concerned about this.I’m a bit concerned about being a manager, but I don’t think it ‘s a good job.I’m talking about casual work.This is what it looks like right now.It’s an entertainment-related job.Should I try this or that?Amount of remuneration. It’s expensive.It’s an entertainment-related job.Someone at my office

Is involved in a certain problem, and I’d like to ask for your help in resolving it.I’m sorry I can’t come to your office , but I’m at the square in front of the theater. Would you be able to come to the 6th Hotel New Deborah?

I’m sorry that you won’t be available after the evening, but I’m sure you’ll be able to come during the day. I ‘ll take care of everything for now. [Music] Tabo Kaito’s I thought I was going to check on Mr. Kaito’s work. I

Thought I was going to check on Mr. Ata’s work, but when I checked on the person who answered, the main story had changed. Wait a minute, look at my business card. Isn’t it okay ?

Is it in the items? The business card of the person from earlier. Well, I can’t change it now. Where is the business card ? Wait a minute, it’s not a recovery item. It’s a valuables item. Nakaa’s panties will be kept here as a valuable item.Thank you, thank you.It

‘s a mental stabilizer.Well, the item has no name.I’m working with Mr. Kaito, who asked me to voice him. I guess I’ll go check out the job preview later. I’m sure I had my business card with me as proof. Or, if I had it as evidence, I wonder if

It’s in the side story.Hmm, wait, this is the new file at the top. Hentai 3 Explosion Incident.Wait a minute, it’s in the todo.It’s in the todo. No, it’s on the bottom. It

Doesn’t matter if it’s this or that, Mr. Kaito’s partner, the new one, or the old one. The order is in the middle. Erm, this is the proof. It’s Tenka Tenkaichi Street, Ura Yoshikawa Building, 3rd floor, Tenkaichi Street. Ura Yoshikawa Building

, Tenkaichi Street. This is Urakawa Building. I guess this is the street around here. Let’s just go there. Okay, let’s go here. Sorry, who is it? Mr. Kim, my friend was beaten up by an executive from Keihin-myeon. I heard that you were looking for Mr. Yagami,

So Mr. Kim will give you a detailed report. I really want you to beat him up. The people from the Prize Alliance have come and are going on a rampage. Mr. Yagami, save the town. Please, what should I do? Is it there? Is it there? Is it there ?

I told you about this the other day. I like panties like that. You’re suddenly revealing your personal tastes, are n’t you? Yeah, I want to move on to the main game, but I’m really worried about it, so I’m not going to get hit by something like that, and I

‘m going to have something dangerous.If I don’t keep up with it, the ratings from that person will drop, and the item will go down. I can tell you that I won’t be able to get anything like that, so why not, erm, in moderation, I want to fight a little bit and also defeat

The executives, right? There’s the executives, it’s been a while since I’ve seen that guy. I was asked to beat the shit out of you . Why are you reading this? Well , it’s Koga in the saga. Regardless of the reason, I’m happy to be able to fight with you again.

There’s a lot of stories to tell, but let’s talk about the rest with my fists. I really like this guy Muscles Muscles Idiot Muscles Idiot We’ll fight in a single battle I wonder how I’m going to use this Okay, okay Okay, okay, I can’t use

This very well, but wait, wait, wait, wait, wait . Wait, let me do this, that’s fine, that’s fine, that’s it, Honda, that’s Honda, wait a minute, Honda, you haven’t taken any damage, how are you going to do this, this won’t end, run,

Run, run, run, run, run, run, you’re not taking this damage, press R and hit repeatedly. The more you get stronger, the more it becomes. Oh, it’s a bit dangerous. Wait a minute, it’s this, this, this, that, that, that, etc. Press R and press R and press

Triangle repeatedly. Thank you. Damn Honda. Honda isn’t there. Honda is gone. Wait a minute. Here, here, I’m starting to want to play with this guy. What’s going on? Why did you run away? Wait , I’m not hurting my muscles. Hey, I recovered with the medical kit . I didn’t take

Any damage from the book earlier. Top left. If R2 doesn’t shine , it won’t be Ueda. But I’m looking for a book. You guys , you guys can’t be my opponent. There are two lines of damage. I see, I couldn’t see that. Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa. Avoid. Well

, the damage has already been done, right? Where is this smoke? Are these screws here, here, here, and here ? Oh, there’s only fire. I found this fire. I’m going to blow it out. Yes, executives. Fire, this guy wasn’t a big deal, right? Let’s go in one battle . R2 and

Ralara is good, good, good, good. It’s true. The meter was yellow once, and then there was another one. Wow, I want to go without using items as much as possible. I want to open this. I want to open it . It’s nice. It’s nice.

Oh, it’s not a triangle, it’s a square. It’s not a triangle, it’s a square. It’s a triangle. It’s a triangle. It’s a triangle. R. Muscle. Muscle. Lebe. Wait a minute. Wait, uh, use an item, not a medical kit, uh, fresh, eat this, let’s eat this too.

Wait a minute, press R2 and then press triangle repeatedly . Triangle repeatedly. This, this, this, this, it’s so strong, it’s really strong, it’s good, but I’m sweating. Let’s talk about the name of the place about ability enhancement. I guess I

‘ve accumulated a lot of skill points, too. I’m taking a little break around here. Let ‘s do it during the break, and then there’s two more from Waa, and there’s two more from Waa. So now we’ve already done two of the 44 four emperors of the prize alliance. We just

Need to do two more. Aja Kim. When I get a call from you, I just need to find it again and defeat it.I remember the EX finishing blow of the battle skill is strong.Did you remember ? Wait a minute, let’s strengthen the ability. The part with the EX finish blow

Check in the battle skill is the one that was cleared. You can do it as much as you want , you can use the swing, you can do continuous attacks, wait a minute, you can do

Continuous attacks with the power released, and the finishing blow at the end is amazing. Isn’t there a dance like this ? During breakdance EX boost, during the triangle combo, press triangle R during the triangle combo and hit the triangle repeatedly.O hey, the other one is

2 stages today during that break.I plan to stream it in 2 parts. So while I’m taking a break, I’d like to use those skill points to improve my skills.I guess I’m at the top right now, right?The danger level has gone down . It doesn’t seem like there is no more.

It’s better to buy a lunch box. I definitely don’t want to get rid of it. Hey, the bento section is here. It’s popopopo popopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopoppo to. .c . I won’t break the window glass.It ‘s your store.Yes, it’s been a while.Thank you for always using my shop.I have money.I can buy anything.Let’s

Buy about 3 of these high-class yakiniku bentos.Kotobuki is 5.This is also 5.This is what I want. Personally, I’m going to buy Otoe Pizza Man too. Adults would be fine. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Ah, the donuts look delicious. Lately, you don’t see donuts next to convenience stores anymore. In

The past, you could find them at Lawson. I used to like it, but there are all kinds of donut shops and trendy donut shops, but I like it, and there was a donut at Lawson that looked like Miss Do, but I haven’t seen it recently. Oh, Mr. Kato, I see that job.

I’m scared of Mr. Kaito , who did it. It looks like he ‘s doing a good job as a servant. There’s a rumor that the real estate agent is black, and even if he’s there. It’s strange, black rumors are just rumors, but they’re rumors that can’t be ignored

Especially when it comes to Sako’s negotiations.I wonder if that’s the shadow after all.That person, isn’t he Turbo? What’s going on with him, Kaito-san , and Adachi-san? I don’t have any particular problems with my job, but what’s the matter?Turbo, I don’t think I’m going to cause any trouble.

Hear some rumors that I’m curious about. It’s after work today. Let’s go for a drink. Oyagami-san is here. Hello, I’ll go with Jaika, or I’ll just

Have the usual tender meal. But before that, please let me go for something to eat. I’m hungry. I’m a little worried because the number of Enanka-san I’ve lost seems to have been taken away, and I’m a little worried about his jealous black tricks.Maybe I should look it up, or if I ask

Somewhere in town where miscellaneous information is likely to be gathered, I might find out something. I guess I’m a host, and Mr. Adachi is in the real estate business, so I’m going to the kind of shops and clubs that people like that go to.Tonight, my wife is getting used to this town,

And it’s almost like her own garden. It’s like, uh, I’m gathering information on the estate. There’s no hint for this. There’s no hint this time. Zero hint . There’s nothing like a red circle like usual. What should I do? Let’s collect information. Search without a hint.

Please wait a moment. Hint. If you have any trouble, go to the case file. Thank you very much. Let’s take a look at the case file. It’s written so well. It seems like it’s worth checking out the dark rumored scene at the Adachi Estate. Miscellaneous information about the city. Let’s

Go to bartenders and hangout places in town. Hello everyone, welcome. I’d like to go to bartenders. Hmm, where was the bartender? They didn’t say they were going to the bartender either. But is it okay? Now that I have this business card, I’m going to go ask the bartender.

Hey, hey, some bad guys from town are following me. Oh, I took a wrong turn, so I’m finally coming. There’s going to be a shot around here. Look at this technique, this technique, this technique, I saw this technique, see it , oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, stay asleep, get 10,000 yen, ok, don’t you have more ? I also tried to increase my attack power, but during my break, I’m going to take a little break today, so I ‘m going to stream another one today, so during my break,

I’d like to improve my skills. That’s not there. That ‘s Kaito-san and the others. That’s Sana-chan. That’s a girl singing on the road somewhere. That’s you. You ‘re definitely a girl singing a really bright song. The future will definitely open up for you. It’s a song that says if you work hard

You’ll be rewarded.The girl who sang it on the street is the girl who sang it on the street.Yes, the song that feels like a continuation of a dream is Miehama.She ‘s the one who bought my CD.Heh, I remember that. Yes, I’m so happy that

The person who bought it will naturally remember it. Can I ask you to tell me your name? It’s Yagami. Yagami is a detective in Kamurocho. Yes, Detective. It’s the first time I’ve seen a real detective. It looks like you sang my song, but what did you think? Yes, that’s right.

Yes, it didn’t leave much of an impression on me, that’s for sure. I won’t say that. The lyrics were very good. Ah, the singing voice was good. It was a good singing voice. Impressive. That’s so cute. Is it true? I’m happy.

I’m starting to understand that kind of thing. Even if a young girl is capricious like this, even if it’s just a joke, I’m really happy to see her happy right in front of me. Yeah, it gets me excited. Ah, I couldn’t help but stop in my tracks. I’m

So happy. I’m thrilled that you stopped because of my song. Yeah, I think I’ll just be honest. But I ‘m here for a drink. It’s rare to see young people like you here . [Music] No, no, I’m still here to show you the store and I’m here to sing. You’re

Really biting, Na-chan, you’re biting really hard. Master-san heard my song and called out to me. Are you underage? I’m pretty sure it’s around 1818. Hey, that master seems to have really taken a liking to you.

I understand if you’d like to let me hear a few episodes. I’ll be happy to see you on the road you dreamed of. I can’t see. It’s not like you to chase after my back and give up It’s dark It’s not like you to give up The light that lights up the road

[Music] Hope is good It’s not a good song I wanted to set off fireworks right now but they didn’t show up in my bag Unfortunately it’s not like you to give up However, it’s good to see you. Thank you.

It was a pleasure to talk to you today. I often sing on the street during the day, so please listen to me again if you’d like. I’m going to be cute and honest. Who are you, Mr. Yagami, an executive of the Prize Alliance? Thank you for defeating me.

I left a lot of my items in the delivery box at Mr. Yagami’s office. Please take them. Thank you, Kim, for making me happy. I’m finally happy for you. I’ve ignored Kim for a long time now. I was worried because I thought that Kim would hate me because I was doing that, but

Because Yagami-san didn’t take care of me, the number of bad guys increased. My friends got beaten up too . That’s what I was told, so I’m glad.This time, I’m going to go to Yesika -chan.Thank you for Kamin Enjoy My Channel.Okay , then, umm, the information about the estate came out

, but even though it came out, I have to hear from the bartender.It’s the bartender. If it was Marinade, I’d think he would know something,

But I can’t talk to him right now. I’m going to talk to the manager. Kaito-san hasn’t been here often lately. He often comes here with someone who seems to be a friend. His friend, who seems to be an old friend of Kaito-san, is standing there. The name is a real estate agent.

I’m sure the name of the company is Tabo. Oh, Estate. Oh, no doubt about that. Master, I know something. I’ve heard a lot of bad reviews. It seems like there’s going to be a lot of trouble due to the forceful acquisition of land that puts them to shame.

That’s right, I’ve heard that they use threats, harassment, and devious tactics to acquire land. I ‘ve had pushy sales people before , too. I guess they were thugs like that guy, too. Is that so? Sabo Kaito. Are you hanging out with someone like that? Is it okay?

I’m going to talk to Kaito-san for a second. Kaito-san doesn’t seem to know. Hello, Kaito-san, where are you and where are you at the moment? Ah, there’s something I’d like to talk about. I’m heading over there now.Okay, I don’t really understand, but I’m waiting.Well, it’s kind of

Dangerous.Ah, when I looked at me, they were both walking with their backs to me, but I’m going to go there.It’s the other way around. Hey, I’m ignoring Nemomi-san for a moment . I made a mistake. Um, Kaito-san, what are you talking about? It’s about Adachi-san. Where is Adachi-san

? He’s on a business trip. He’s on a business trip. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard the phrase “I’m on a business trip.” Oh, are you paying for it? No way, no way, it can’t be that Mysterop. I didn’t mean to say that he was on a business trip.

He looked like he was on a business trip. Excuse me. Good food in Kannai. I said something like, ”

Would it be better if Adachi was there too? I’m on a business trip. I’m on a business trip. I’m on a business trip. I’m on a business trip. I made a mistake in the second step. Thank you. Is it more convenient for me to not be there?

What do you mean, Adachi-san?” I heard an interesting story about Mr. Kaito, so I thought I’d share it with Mr. Kaito. Yeah, I haven’t found out the details behind the story, but Mr. Adachi’s company seems to be famous for its malicious methods.

You’re known for your way of putting your face to shame. You should be careful, Fuetabo. Is that why you came all the way to China? Well, that’s about it. You should also let Mr. Kaito know. If you think it’s okay, then you don’t need it. I think

I know what he’s doing. No matter what people say, I’m the judge. No, that’s true, but leave this to me. You’re on your own. I’m working Okay, so maybe it was an unnecessary incision. Ooh, you look worried. That’s okay. I

Understand Kaito-san’s feelings, but I’m still worried. Well, maybe it was a good thing. I’m worried. My current partner is me, so there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll leave it to Kaito-san since he’s an adult

, but Kaito-san is strong and Adachi-san seems to have been fired in Kannai, but I’ll look into it a little more. I’m pretty sure Kara isn’t that guy, he’s a thug. What kind of a gathering

Of thugs is it? It’s not a gathering of thugs, but isn’t it a hangout for the hosts? I think I’ll go and check out this area, but I’m still in the middle of it, so let’s continue. I’m sorry, I’m going to improve my skills.

I thought it was about time for a break, but the story is a little half-baked, so I’d like to continue . What is that? Yes, yes, yes , let’s strengthen the base of the picking skills and other abilities. I’m increasing my physical strength and increasing my attack power by 1800. Also, I can

Release it in one quick battle when I rush to collect Body Balance. It becomes harder to lose balance when attacked by an enemy during an attack.Ah, the amount of physical strength recovered from gourmet food or food increases by 10%.Wait a minute.Hmm, I haven’t released it in battle.Hmm

, I get up and get up from an attack down. This is a good idea to launch an attack.This is basic, but if you have the money you need, Crowdfund is that app. Or is that the app that the suspicious-looking president recommended to me on the street

? I wonder if it’ll help me save money. Shouldn’t I save money by investing money? If I pay 100,000 yen for my father’s items, I can get my father’s lawyer badge, which is among the important things my father used to have, and a skill book that fills up my father’s EX gauge

. Well, if I pay 100,000 yen for my father’s goods , I’ll buy some basic stuff around here , and then I’ll buy something like this, or rather , I’ll release it.It’s a horse riding thing. I’m going to release you, I’m going to invite you back , and I’m going to

Release you all around here, right? Let’s leave it at 847 or 847 right here. Oh, then, um, I want to go right away. Will you let me go wild? Will you let me have fun, brother? Brother, who do you think is working as a detective in this town? Chan-chan,

Who do you think is working as a detective in this town? It ‘s me, it’s me, it ‘s me. I’d like to get away from it somewhere, but I guess I’ll just let go of it for now, Mr. Morohoshi. I ‘d like to fix it, but I’ve gotten used to it now. I’ve

Gotten used to Yaya’s voice when he’s fighting thugs, so I have to get it right here, here, here, here, here. No, not here, but here. I wonder if it’s okay to go to Sekirai where it was. Okay, let’s go. I went to a yakiniku restaurant once. Here too. The host asked me

[ Music] to the guy who was on the other end. I can’t see you. I’ll try to get closer and listen without being noticed. Wait a minute. It’s the host. I’m surprised. Everyone is watching, so I’m surprised. Let’s talk about it. What are you looking at, brother?

Sorry, what’s the cost of the work assignment? I kind of disturbed you somewhere, uhm, but by the way, Mr. Tate also knows about Kawa, so if I continue carelessly, he’ll get alarmed, so I guess I’ll have to do something about it. I can’t go from here to there because of my transformation.Can’t I

Just walk normally and hide here?Okay, you ‘re making a bad face.Hey, the man in front of you.No matter what happens, I’ll keep that land in my hands. Don’t give it to the Ushigumi guys you want to join. That’s the answer. The answer is, he’s a powerful pawn. If he joins us, they

Won’t stand a chance. The problem is, that stubborn independent will obediently buy it. If you’re asking me if you’d like to help me, then I have an idea. Look at this. Who is she? She’s really cute

. She’s my husband’s daughter who just started school. She seems to be living alone, and her address is perfect . In this day and age, if you let your subordinate attack you and take even a single photo, it becomes an effective bargaining card. If you

Threaten to post it on the internet, the landlord will be angry. As expected, you’re a match for him. It’s dangerous, dangerous . I’m thinking about it.Oh, it’s almost time for the appointment.My friend is coming, so please excuse me.Oh, today’s work will decide my future.Do well.That

Guy is black, isn’t he?Ka-san, Kaito-san.Aren’t you being deceived, Kaito-san? It looks like Kamira is about to come, so I’ll wait and talk to him.I have no doubts, but he probably doesn’t want to believe it.I’m sure he has a strong feeling of not wanting to believe it.I’m sure

It’s been a little while.What’s going on this time ? Oh, let’s talk again. Mr. Yagami, the proper government offices have just been set up, so let’s make it clear. What are your intentions? You’ve

Already given up on the bad rumors, and in front of the person himself, it seems like it wasn’t just a rumor after all. You should also find out about Tate. You said it wasn’t necessary. It’s because you believe in standing, but this guy isn’t what you think he is.

Mr. Yagami, what are you talking about? It’s no use being stupid. Conversation in Kannai. That’s what I heard. You’re planning on having your daughter attacked in order to get the land you’re looking for. You’re going to use the photos you took there as blackmail. That’s what you said earlier.

What do you mean? Don’t misunderstand me. I heard it clearly with my own ears. I guess they’re trying to take advantage of Kaito-san as well. Yeah, yeah, I’m in trouble. Yagami-san seems to have misunderstood me, but Cato. You must know me very well. I… I think he’s such a terrible person. Buddy Cato. If you can believe me, I want you to follow me. Oh, I’m on a ship once. I’ll stick with you until the end. You don’t say anything. This is my problem. Mr. Kaito seems to have some ideas. Are you done talking about my problem

? I’m going to go. Oh Mr. Kaito. He’s going to use you. Don’t follow him. Dabo, didn’t you hear me? I told you not to say anything. No , now that I know the facts, I can’t keep digging. You know, I don’t need your weight.

Kaito-san, you look like you’re thinking about something, but Kaito-san, you look like you’re going to stop me even if it’s just a drop. Ah, even if I punch you

. Stop it! Have you ever beaten me in a fight even once? It’s true that the old me might not have been able to do it, but if I were the current me, I don’t think I would lose to you either,

But it’s funny. I’ve come to say that, but if you’re going to get in my way any more, I’ll punch you and let you through.I’m hoping for a fist bump between men.If that wakes you up, then I ‘m going to go seriously. Zoe-san

Looks strong, Aiji, it’s not a map, it’s not Chizu, no, I’m sorry, there’s someone who can’t come out, right now , do we really have to bump into each other fist-to-fist? Come on, I’m your partner right now, what’s wrong with you ? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I

Don’t want to use drugs, but I don’t want to use drugs, but I recover, recover, and recover. Oh, when I used the medical kit, I was healed. That’s right. Until now, my EX boost has run out. If you’re such a bastard, Mr. Kaito, why would you do something like that?

You’re here, you’re singing, you’re not doing well, Hato-san, evil is going to use this, you’re going to use this, you’re going to be angry, you’re going to use this, you’re going to do anything illegal. Oh, you raised your arm, Turbo. If you wake up

, you’re an idiot. If you’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be beaten, then you should have looked at me from the beginning. Mr. Fuji, you still don’t understand. You don’t understand. I don’t want to do this with you. Let’s get into a fight and

Get into a fight with Turbo and leave Kato alone. It’s going to impede the servant’s work. [Music] It’s too bad. It doesn’t make sense for me to continue like this. Somehow, this ignorant police chief really wants to let me go. If you want to bring me with you,

You’ll have to prove your innocence here and now.If you ‘re innocent, then what are you going to get rid of?If you can believe me, then you don’t need that, right? Hey, I myself find that I often don’t understand what you’re saying or doing, and

The more I drink it, the more I realize that there’s a dark side behind you too . Even when Tabo told me, I was wondering if Adachi had really changed. If you were in doubt, why did you decide to see with your own eyes whether Adachi

Had truly changed? That’s why I took on the job of servant boy.If I saw him up close, I’d know.I was planning to stop him even if I punched him if he made a mistake.I thought that would wake him up, but I told him

. I wish you would have told me that, but it’s my problem anyway, so you’re still sticking your nose in it. What do you think? Can’t you explain in a convincing way that what Turbo heard is wrong? Yes, that’s right, my friend. I’m grateful for that

. Why do you want to make up things about me? It makes me cry. Hey Adachi, you’re such a meddlesome person. I ‘ve been reading Wikipedia for a long time. I’ve been reading Wikipedia for a long time. There’s a saying that’s always been used, right?

You often hear it in dramas. It’s been a long time since I’ve been tapping into my intuition. Yes, I did n’t know the kanji, but I dug through the drawers of my memory and read it in shaku. I’ve never heard of you touching your intuition. You’ve been doing

That for a long time, you idiot . It’s your job to be my hands and feet. That’s amazing, Ichi’s face has changed, as if he’s been hiding it well until now. Now that you know about my plan, you can’t keep digging.

Ah, Kaito-san, what are you going to do now? Chikushi, I was wrong about your expectations. Well, Mr. Answer, this is not the time to be depressed.If you’re going to make fun of me, I’ll join you too.Oh, sorry, but please come with me.Alright, let’s go on a rampage together.I’m going

To shove a corn in this guy’s mouth.The combination of us. is disbanded, and this is the end for your duo.Are you taking a good step when you stop ? It’s growing , right? All that’s left is the small fry. Good item. Let me use this.

Let me use this. Oh, hey, I want to use this. Nice show. It feels good. The battle with Mr. Kaito [Music] I’m sorry, everyone on the street, everyone in Kamurocho. Please think again . There’s a little more money coming in. I’ll give you a reward too. Besides, we’re friends, aren’t we? We’re partners.

What a waste of who I am now. I can’t help but feel like I don’t want to see more of this. That ‘s great, Kaito-san. I’m sure he’s reflected a little bit on what happened this time. Besides, his partner made it in time,

So I’m kind of glad he made it in time. Hey, I already know that you’re on time. I pretended not to know, but now that you know, I’m so happy. In the end, I ended up losing you. Thank you for your help. I’ll continue to look forward to your continued support,

Kaito-san. Let’s hug each other. Let’s hug each other. Let’s hug each other. I pulled someone else’s hand in. It’s finally done. That’s good. You idiot. Who would do something like that with you? Isn’t it suitable for us? Well, after all the rampage , I got sleepy. I’ll go home and take a nap

. Gato-san, I’ll continue to take care of you from now on. Besides being a good buddy, ah, finally, it ‘s Sugiura, but I looked up Kuhei Sugiura’s sword.I wonder if I’ll see him soon.Urine is a fishing hole.Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know,

But is that place really that famous?It’s something that only people in the know know about.Everyone there. That’s right. When we talk about something secret, Okay, let’s just go ahead. It’s going to be a bit of a stream, but I’d like to go ahead like this . Kobo,

Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, right? I’m not getting wild enough. Somehow, Dozen. When I was walking, I saw that instead of that small triangular sword, there was a rather large one.I want to use that to fight.I can use that.This place

Looks really old. That’s why it was used in the third inning because it was a place where you felt like no one would ever get in. That was a dangerous place to go in. Yagami-san, that must have been faster than I thought

. Ah, what about Kajihira and the minister? It’s only a rumor, but it seems like there’s a good response.As expected, Kajihira and Minister Kaze were secretly talking about that drug discovery center. You know, it was preparing a big development plan in the back, relying on a large piece of land in Tokyo.It’s

Not just this drug discovery center, the surrounding area is also exactly the Medical System Industry Development Organization. Since the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was the one managing the entire site, Kahi Group was using the Ministry’s land to carry out a huge redevelopment plan,

So Kajihira is rooting for Kaze Minister. It was necessary, because in order to redevelop it, the main premise is to close everything from the drug discovery center.But it seems like that story is about

Persuading the minister to live there.That’s a waste of time.The idea of ​​closing it in the first place was It seems like the Medical System Industry Development Organization has been around for a long time.The organization was supposed to carry out research in preparation for Japan’s aging population, but it’s been a

Tax thief for 10 years with no results due to high maintenance costs. As I was told, it was originally a loose place, like a receptacle for Amakudari.I see.If the minister were to say that it should be closed, things would all go viral, but the minister’s face would also be ruined.It’s outrageous

. I don’t think he cares as long as he receives fees.In any case, it seems like Kajihira has already talked to the minister about it, and at this point the price may increase.In other words, the minister has been buying up lots of land around the center in anticipation

Of the price going up in the future. If a redevelopment powerhouse were to come out and do the redevelopment, the Kaji Group would make a fortune.Hmm, it’s easy to understand , but God is watching, right?One day, the redevelopment plan of Taira was suddenly brought back to normal . The reason for this

Is that Addec 9 has published a paper.This is why it can’t be destroyed.This dementia drug is absolute justice for the world.Minister Kaze immediately turned around and praised Addec 9 . Naturally, the talk of closing the drug discovery center disappeared, and Unpei

Pretended that there was no secret affair with Kajihira.Maybe the minister removed him from the ladder, and he was able to recover a considerable amount of money, including the investment he had made for redevelopment. I’m sure you have a lot of resentment towards Addec 9, which isn’t gone.

How did you find out about this? You just asked for it. I guess I have to say it, but everything I just said was in an article on the internet. It was an interesting article a year ago , but there was no conclusive evidence, so it became a hot topic.

It seems like it didn’t happen. Maybe this is all bullshit. The reporter who wrote this article is a really disgusting person. He’s an acquaintance. Even today, he came to the current NAT law firm. Well, you can directly ask him about the article. Talk to him right away. I wonder

If that’s going to happen? Between Kamurocho and the drug discovery center, Kahi Group’s big money disappeared. Between Kamurocho and the drug discovery center, that mess was killed by Kai and Tani [Music] New I wonder if my senior was killed by the gang. Well, then

I have to talk to that reporter who doesn’t have a chair. Regardless of how it’s written, the facts are clear. Listen, I’m sure you’ll understand. It’s been a while since I ‘ve seen Kenta Law Office. Is this there? Yagami-san is here, Hoshi is there, and Fuyu is there. They

‘ve already changed quite a while ago, but Hoshino-kun chased me away. Did Hoshino-kun really push me away? It seems like he couldn’t stand Sao-san’s silence, so I guess it’s harsh. He comes here more often than that. Mafuyu You came here to talk to Shintani-sensei, isn’t that the only reason

? If you tell Yagami-san directly, yeah, yeah, what? Let’s talk about it, huh? Hoshi is a little nervous.The current teacher is absent today.It seems like the answer is about Mr. Shintani after all, so yeah, what’s wrong with me?Yeah, Kenji Izumida moved to arrest Yagami-kun. It

Seems like he’s talking about Mr. Shintani’s case. Oh, and now that I think about it, Kuroiwa is a big name, but he’s trying to make me an important reference. What’s going on? That’s my line. I’ll listen to you, but Yagami-kun didn’t do it. I

Don’t like Shintani. Listen carefully. I can’t help it. Since I’m a sword, it’s part of my job to be suspicious of people . I wonder if Izumida has any evidence to suspect me. I feel like I’m being used as a hub, so

Even Keno Morita seems to be suspicious of Yagami, so he doesn’t like me.I’m sure the prosecutor’s office isn’t emotional enough to act on his likes and dislikes, but I’m relieved if Yagami says he didn’t do it. Still,

If something happens, please contact me and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. This really is n’t a good idea. Again, even if it’s a personal relationship, Ke

And my lawyer will work together on things like this, so don’t hesitate to tell me anything. Isn’t something like Tene no good? What do you think about Mr. Sugiura? What did you think of the harvest? Ahei was lobbying Minister Kaze to shut down the center

. The redevelopment of Kahi was using the center’s land. But then, with the announcement of Addec 9, everything went bankrupt and Kajihira was left with the Daison.So, was Kajihira really involved with the drug discovery center?According to Hatto’s article, that seems to be the case.Hatto-san just came here.

I just wanted to ask him what’s behind it, but I see that when I don’t want to see him, he keeps stalking me , but I don’t really get along with him.I’m sure we’ll meet again somewhere, Yagami-san, Sugiura, right now. A woman came out of the office

. I don’t know her name, Mafuyu, but she’s pretty . What are you doing? Are you following me? I’ll explain later. Now, Mafuyu is being followed by someone else. There are four of us, maybe more. What

Should I do? I shouldn’t leave him alone. I’m heading over there right now. Where am I? Hurry from the law office to the street in front of the theater. Mr. Yagami, I can’t do anything by myself. If it’s on the street in front of the theater, Yagami-san, please wait, wait, wait, wait, I’ve

Just left the office. Please show me the map. Map God, hurry up and go to the theater. If that’s the case, then it’s probably a strong meeting, because the key is turning around in various ways, like the drug discovery center, and maybe he doesn’t think much about Genta’s office

. Oh, I get it, it seems like the number of people who have girlfriends is increasing. Which group are they aiming for swords in ? I still don’t know, but it’s not a different group. Anyway, God, hurry up Hey, wait, wait, you hurry now. Nandako’s sister is saying how quickly we are fighting, but you guys are from the strong world, so yes , you have dangerous things . Action, la, la, la la la, this is so good, the horse riding is so good

, punching a horse rider in the face is like something, Breaking Du Breaking Dan , it’s like a street fight . Kamada, what’s the matter, Tabo? Akato-san, aren’t you doing something interesting? Kato-san, you’re going to make a mistake. It was just

Right. Please, these guys are targeting Mafuyu. Mafuyu-chan is one of these guys. Anyway , thank you for your help. Hurry up and go to Koma and aim for Mayu-chan. Then I’ll give you lots of love. I ‘m sure you’ll be okay. I wonder if Sugiura will be okay

? It’s a bit out of my control. This is also Nakamichi-dori. This is Nakamichi-dori. Hurry up, Moshimo-san, be careful. It seems like the guys have noticed us. The four of them are heading towards God. Oh, leave it to us. Hey, hey, hey, even if Germany comes. I’m with you. You’re watching the demon.

Wait a minute, take a break, take a break. I’m going to put a high-class yakiniku lunch box in the curtain. I’m going to put something in my lunch box. I’m going to go behind the curtain. I’m going to grab a bicycle. I can’t use this. As expected, I can’t use this. Well,

It’s not a corn. I wanted to use a bicycle instead of a corn, but that ‘s not it. [Music] Urara Ore, I’m good. Let ‘s dance . Let’s go to the orchestra. Let’s move on quickly. There’s probably more people out there. It’s not happening, Midwinter is dangerous, it ‘s dangerous, it’s dangerous [Music] It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, stop it, help me, the person who helped me is a god, a hero, even though I’m angry,

I’m going to stay away from you. That’s a big song Oh, there’s this , there’s this, but women’s heels can probably be used. Heels sting quite a bit. If they sting, it’ll hurt. This is a one-fight battle . Oh, you can guard pretty well. [Applause] Yuri , hey, it’s delicious, it’s here, it’s here, it’s nice,

It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s ready, it’s a bulldog, I saw it, I saw it, you ‘re the boss! It’s cool, it’s been a long time since

I’ve used my specialty item. I don’t want to use the items I don’t want to use, but I’ll use the items I’ll use the items I ‘ll use the items without hesitation I’m glad I bought a lot I’m glad I bought a lot of orchestra I’m eating my favorite meat buns and I’m

Full of energy Anpanman is so good I like it now Uora la la la I like it It’s good, it’s good to get up, it’s good to stand up faster, it’s cardboard weak, it’s one on one, I’m jealous, hey, who wants to get kicked in the stomach next ?

Where did Muromachi run away ? Hey, I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to it. Is that okay ? Yeah, they’re being targeted somehow. What about those people from earlier? I don’t know. I only came because I got news from my friends.

[Music] Kaito-san also helped me. Next time, I’ll thank you. I was targeted by a guy. I ‘m sorry. Sugiura-san. It’s Sugiura-san. It’s a girl. The person was saved thanks to Sugiura. Yes, you should be grateful. I went after the wagon I saw earlier. I put

The wagon on the pole. Hello, this is Ken Fujii, Izumida. It’s the meeting of the gods from earlier, after all. Some of the faces I saw in KJ Art are demons , so let’s ask them directly. Mr. Ya can come here right away. No, she’s safe. I’ll contact you again. I’ll be fine.

Kenji Izumida picks up the police. The reason why they targeted me is probably because you’re cute. The options are just like me and mine. That’s why Mafuyu-chan is being targeted. I can’t think of anything right now, so it’s probably Yagami who is researching Yagami Tōkai , the Drug Discovery Center, that Kahi Group

, etc. It’s probably right up my alley.Too bad, I’ve had a little trouble with Reikai. That’s why I can’t even imagine that I’m getting into trouble with Yaza in Kamurocho. It’s full of trouble every day. Why was he punching me in the face

Just now ? Are you okay? This is a little shocking . I’m trying to make sure this doesn’t happen again. This is shocking. I’m going to talk to you. Isn’t that dangerous? I’m fine with that. I’ll try not to go near Kamurocho anymore, and that’s all it takes to say it’s dangerous.

Yagami-kun, too, if you leave town for a little while, the police will be there. Ah, scary police. I don’t have any intention of leaving this town because I don’t want to

Leave this town because the police officer Kabe Kabedon doesn’t eat my face.I’ve had my arm tied twice, but now I’m following it and it’s connected to an incident three years ago.3 A year ago,

Shintani was killed by the Okubo Shinpei’s Agun, and he was trying to contact a researcher named Shino at the drug discovery center. That Ono was a witness to the police in the Okubo case. That’s all. I’m still collecting the pieces of the puzzle, too.

Kuma has no choice but to move forward. I see, it ‘s been three years since Yagami-kun looked like that. Like a horse facing a carrot , he’s as lively as ever. It feels scary, but it’s very suspicious. Everyone looks suspicious. I can move now. Where are you now? Let’s

Go to the ruins. In the end, the wagon didn’t leave town. Everyone got off at the old cabaret. It’s in Honmaruen on Koen-dori. The shop Honmaru Honmaru-san is also here, so I understand. It’s nice. It’s good. It’s good. It’s good. It’s in front of Koen-dori. Honmaru-en is

Here. In front of Koen-dori. This is in front of Koen-dori. Let’s go. Let’s run. I’ll take a taxi. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Look ahead and run. I’ll have to conserve my strength in the taxi, so here we are. Well then , let’s leave . Please. When I play this game, everyone seems suspicious.

Who are the enemies and where are they hiding? I don’t know if they’re here. They might be policemen. They’re already close to the cabaret. They’re the same people who arrived in front of the store. I know, I’m almost

There. The people here are here in Kamurocho. You know about the angry murders, the murders and that bombing incident.Everyone is living a normal life.Akocchi-san, where were you looking?The wagon from earlier stopped and isn’t it Za?It’s completely a powerful horse mackerel here too. I guess

It’ll be interesting to see how many people there are in the cabaret. Are they ready to go ? Better get food, medical kits , etc. Wait a minute, let’s take a look. Wait a minute , I’ll just buy some.

I think it would be better to have one. Good evening wife. Good evening wife. Everyone’s password. The password for greeting each other at night. Good evening wife. I haven’t used it in the real world yet. First of all, I

‘m going to buy it at Popopo.I’m told that Popopo won’t get too hot and strange people will follow me, but yes, before that, I ‘ll talk to the store clerk.Before that, I’ll talk to the store clerk.Come on, let’s buy a lot. Wait ,

I’ll buy a lot more of this and this. Oden is better than onigiri. Oden is better than Ado Deka. I love it so much. When I was in middle school , this was the only drink I could buy. Max. How many

Can I buy? I bought this much. If you melt it, it’ll be fine.What can I use it for?Pocket tissue.I saved up some money for lunch boxes.Aaaaa wait, the rating in Friend Street is now 10 points.You’ve achieved 10 points.Congratulations.Thank you for getting another record.This is 1 popopo I think it’s one record per store

. I got a record at a store somewhere, but I wonder if it was this one. Wait a minute. I’ll get a medical kit as well. I’ll get one for each popopo. It ‘s a record. I also bought a medical kit

At a convenience store and bought an erotic phone. Well, I guess I’m going to buy an erotic phone after all.As a girl, I don’t have a lot of experience, so I learned how to

Fold the stairs in my own style, which I’m good at.A little bit, that Dr. Morohoshi on Koen Street was nearby, so I’ll take a look at the medical kit here. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve been sitting here, I’m sorry, I’m just half way through

I’m halfway through, but I’m not halfway through, or I haven’t done this at all. The mission to help this person is that they’re the same size, right?

I’m going to have to collect the blood of a large person and give them a blood transfusion to see if there’s a person with the same size. I wanted to find someone with the same size blood, but I guess they died lol lol lol Of course I can’t help you. I’m sorry, but

You’re leaving from here. I’m not in the mood right now. But I really want to fight right now. Okay, yes, I’m ready to go. Cato-san, I can go anytime. I’m nervous. You can always go ahead with your sense of distance

Aaah, I’m just going to put in a strategy, but I don’t understand it, I’m just going to rush in. No matter how many people are there, what I’m doing won’t change.Aaah, I ‘m not in the mood for a strategy or anything like that right now. I don’t understand, Kamayu-chan, I’m sorry

For making you laugh in front of me . Go ahead. I’ll hand over the number one glue to you. Let’s do it with our fists and fists. Ah, you don’t need to shut up when you get hit as you like . Stop Yagami, stop

Being stupid, stop being stupid. Was it the right time to bring him into a place like this ? Who was holding him back, Murase or what? And the thugs were telling him to stay back. That’s right, it’s easy. What is a total neck in a turtleneck?

People in turtlenecks look pretty, but that’s not the case right now.Hey, old men, please stay away.Yes, I’m here.Where do I want to come ? Where, where, where, here, haha, they’re one tempo

Behind. What are they doing? They don’t seem to have any sense of tension. This guy looks like a big brother or something, but he ‘s miuiuioraoraraolalalala. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuhuhuhuhuhjiin here it seems to be kidnapping midwinter here it’s a game between men and men. We’ll definitely use the items. This is the only battle that

We’ll handle from this one. If it’s just a single battle, it’s this one. I’m writing this, I’m so excited, I’m doing this, I’m still here, I’m still here, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! That’s right It’s bad, it

‘s okay, it’s okay, I’m leaving it to you. Don’t use the item . If you don’t have the right key for this door, then it won’t open until you break it. Lock, key , okay. This is easy to understand .

Throw away the keys you don’t need. You’ll never know. You’ve got your hands on me, haven’t you, Chika? Have you ever killed someone? You have to be prepared to kill someone here. You don’t have that kind of determination. I’m so jealous of you. Is it advanced

Already ?I don’t use items.Yes, yes, how many people are there? Do you know what heavy artillery is? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! This bento lunch is so big, you aimed at my head. This guy is staring at me. This cabaret is in a warehouse. Is this a maneki? I thought

It was a maneki, but it’s not a maneki . It’s you guys. There’s blood in the head right now. I feel like I want to go crazy when I climb up. I want to boost the ex action in case a strong enemy appears,

But wait for that, wait a minute, do something like this. Something good will happen if I join. I wonder if I’m going to go in. Okay, so there are items and a lot of different small rooms. Private rooms, private rooms. If this type of thing is a Sumter spin, it’s a one-shot. Okay, I’ll kill you somewhere. I’m

Looking for it. Damn, there’s no hurry. I’ve got 4 keyholes, so let’s try to open them with the thumb.It’s difficult.Here, slowly, oh yes, yes, it ‘s been a long time, okay. I wonder if the special action of the thumb turn is something that once you learn it, maybe this yellow

Width becomes wider like this, making it easier to do.Wow, severe, Okay , okay, okay, okay, okay, this well-made wire can’t be used yet . I got a manual of some kind, so let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, servo, Fuji-san, Sugi was okay, of

Course there’s no way, right? So I said, let’s go, the enemy is a gun. Hey, what’s the point of dropping something? That’s amazing. This is already scary. The opponent is also using this kind of technique. I’m killing him. Yes, when should I go? Are we going to go with this? Hey,

The old man with the battle neck is pissed. Everyone’s just… Well then, you can’t do it, you can’t do it, you can’t let go of the meat, you have a gun. Should I do it first ? Wait a minute, I want to do something about this separation of meat.

It’s a medical kit, but it’s no good unless it’s a medical kit.It’s no good if it’s not a bento box, a yakiniku bento box, or a steamed meat bun.For now, let’s recover with a medical kit.It’s okay.ItemItemItem Ashtray [Music]There are also girls I wonder if it was you, and you’re going to do it head-on. Oh god, and the number of our bonkers isn’t enough to make up for it. How many fingers do you guys want to fly tonight ? Hey, you kidnapped Mafuyu.

Those kids are sleeping with Shioya. If you just want to continue the fight with us, you should have just come to me directly. Yeah, you’re aiming for something. I want to ask you for a job. I’m going to ask you to

Do a job, so no matter what, I refuse. I thought you did that, but you didn’t want that big sister to be useful to you.You just had to get the money, but that’s not going to happen.But now that Mayu-chan has been beaten up. No matter how hard I try, I

Can’t do it.Even if I get caught, I’ll crush him, so I won’t accept it.They’re funny people, but if I get into a fight first, I won’t be able to talk about anything, so you guys are the ones doing it. Alright, I’ve got something amazing.

3 in front of me. This crowd is amazing. They’re so sneaky. They’re so sneaky. When the salt comes out, I ‘ll get rid of the small fry. Hurry up ! Hey, you have some items and you’re strong. If you’re looking good, I’ll just have to wait and see if

You can shake it off. If you want to go without using items, then let’s go in one fight instead of using salt. A little bad angle. Bad angle. Bad angle. Oooh, what are you guys doing? Netoru hey, let’s do more! You guys did it! Wait, wait, wait, wait, let’s

Use items, let’s use items, everyone is recovering, everyone is recovering, it’s okay, we have 8 more longevity left. There are 7 of them. Okay, then let’s go after the pizza man Shioya , who I don’t like . Let me punch him in the face. Hey, I’m going to make

Him punch me in the face. I’m going to make him punch me in the face. I’m going to make him punch me in the face. I’m going to make him punch me in the face. I’m going to do this

. This is so cool. This is a fight between a man and a man. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you small fry are sweating so much, they’re sweating so much, there’s so many items, there’s so many items. It’s amazing, it’s amazing, it’s here, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait , I don’t want to use the item

. Breathing Yakiniku Bento Kakeru 4 Sushi Stuffing 1 Quickly, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it’s out, it ‘s out, it’s still there , oh, it’s still out,

It ‘s out, it ‘s out , it’s nice The timing is annoying, but it ‘s nice . Hey, I’m sweating, so I’m sweating and running wild. That’s exactly what I want to do in a lawless zone . Then that old man

Can’t meet that person in a place like this Kaji Group You guys are the Yagami Detective Agency or that old man is the chairman of Kajihira, the head of all Kahi Group’s 10,000 employees . Seriously, you came out confidently Thank you. Inside the club’s store, it was a really long battle. I’m sweating.

What did you mean by “fixer” ? It’s really hot. Oh, wow, wow, wow , I wonder if we’re done with the battle already. It’s like tea time with cake, cake, and coffee. As much as I want to have tea time, I’m done with everything now and I’m calm and

Settled down.What should I do?I’ll save this and move on to the next one, so let’s just cut it here at 5:30 right now.I wonder what I should do . Then, there was a good break, so I fought really hard.I wonder how I was fighting.I

Was already fighting like nothing, so I was a little scared.Is it okay ? I’m a little worried, but since you said yes, I ‘ll try to find out what that fixer meant later.What does it mean?Jack in the Box was that surprise box last time. Jack in the Box It’s

Called a surprise box, and each one has its own meaning, but I don’t understand it at all.So, this time, I ‘ll try to understand a little bit about the relationship between the Kahi Group and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Kaze-san. I had no idea why

Shintani-senpai was killed by who, but I didn’t understand that, but the top of the top from the Kahi group showed up at this hideout of the strong Kurkai group. But it’s already clear that the Kahi Group was connected to the back of the world after all . Even after tomorrow,

I don’t know what to do tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll post it again on Twitter for the second time. I’d like to let you know about the distribution schedule on Twitter, but the trial version of FF7 Reverse has come out. Well, I’m doing it myself, so I

Haven’t watched other streamers’ streams, but I don’t really know how far I can go, and I don’t know if I’ll do it in the middle or what to do. I just want to think about it for a bit.Yes, that’s all for today.I want to eat chocolate.I want chocolate to give me energy.I

Want to get some energy right after this. Thank you very much to all of you for staying with me today for the first time in a while. I hope you’ll look forward to tomorrow and beyond. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you. See you soon. Lots of advice today too.

Wikipedia Thank you bye bye


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