Inde / Philippines : l’enfer des grandes villes

In Asian megacities, road traffic is systematically synonymous with chaos. Truckers must deal with daily with 1001 obstacles who seriously put their working days in danger. In India, Ashwin must sneak through an anarchic traffic where vehicles do not hesitate to drive in the opposite direction.

A situation that makes it difficult the three daily deliveries that he must carry out to feed his family. In the Phillippines, Marc-Anthony is also confronted terrible traffic conditions who systematically make him late. A delay that could simply cause him to cancel his deliveries. Every day, our two drivers must be patient

And in cold blood to transport their goods and complete their deliveries. Essential qualities to cross obstacles what do they have in store? their ultra-urban environment. We are in the heart of Ahmedabad. Ashwin Lana must achieve to get out of the city to make his third delivery of the day. It’s 6 p.m.

Ashwin is tired. This delivery is far away, but he has no choice. He needs these few rupees to complete your day. Ashwin drives trucks for several years. In 2010 he purchased his own vehicle and started his delivery business. He’s doing pretty well, but his situation is very precarious. The traffic situation exasperates Ashwin,

Which never stops to grumble behind the wheel. People don’t know how to drive. They talk on the phone at the same time. Ahmedabad, 7 million inhabitants, the largest urban area from the state of Gujarat, in northwest India. She is ranked third in the world fastest growing cities.

The traffic there is confused, traffic never overflows. Ashwin knows well his city and its difficulties. So he has the perfect truck. My truck is a tempo. It means elephant. An elephant that doesn’t always happen respect on the road. Just go ! If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere.

It must be said that on Indian roads, there are all kinds of vehicles. Carts are bulky. They cause problems in traffic. Come on, can’t you see Are you slowing us down? There’s traffic inside and outside the city. In fact, traffic will not be smoother for Ashwin when he leaves the city.

As soon as I am in Dholka, there will be animals on the road, camels and buffaloes. In the villages, we let the animals wander in the street. So they are everywhere and it slows us down. It’s not easy for us. It’s also this kind of traffic which bothers us.

Come on, come on, let me pass! All these obstacles are extremely problems for Ashwin because without a minimum number deliveries per day, his company will literally collapse. I absolutely must make three deliveries a day to be able to pay for my truck.

As soon as I have 1,000 rupees, I deposit them in the bank. If I miss a payment, I have a penalty. When the daily wage of Ashwin is lower, it’s less money to support his family. Sometimes I don’t even 500 rupees to take home.

I have to make payments of the truck as a priority. Ashwin is still stressed because his bank is intractable. If he misses a single payment, she will immediately seize her truck. In addition to arriving late, Ashwin now has to find his client. A challenge that is not won in advance.

What should I do first? is to meet my client. I have to find it, then load the truck and take him home. Then you will have to unload everything there. Ashwin meets Ishan, a vegetable fritter seller. He must carry all his equipment at his home in Ahmedabad.

Ishan also wants to take advantage of the truck to transport his whole family. Ashwin has no choice but to accept even if he does not have the right to bring people up in the box of his truck. If he refuses, he will lose his client. The sun is setting slowly over India.

Ashwin and his clients are heading towards Ahmedabad. It’s already dark in the city, but the streets are still congested. I’m coming back to town. It’s very late, but there is still lots of congestion. You have to wait at least five minutes at each traffic light. It wastes a lot of time.

We just brake and go again. It makes the engine work and it requires more maintenance. After more than two hours in the chaos of traffic, Ashwin’s patience starts to wear thin. Even I’m tired of driving here. To earn a living, Ashwin is obliged to increase his working hours.

Yesterday I had to go out to load the truck around two in the morning. The truck finally parks in front of Ishan’s house. Ashwin gets his money. There you go, it’s for you. – THANKS. The amount negotiated is not sufficient. Ashwin accepts anyway

Because he knows that this customer will undoubtedly be faithful to him later. In the Phillippines, Marc-Anthony Nocum is on point to make his last delivery of the day. The businesses will soon close, hurry up and they have a large number establishments to be supplied. Additionally, Manila traffic harms him enormously.

With his assistant, he arrives in a shady neighborhood. Marc-Anthony carries large sums of money on him and he is not reassured, he must proceed with caution. They arrive just in time. Fortunately, the trade is still open. Hurry up ! We’re finished, finally. After another crazy day delivery to Manila,

It’s time to return to the warehouse to bring the truck to safety and calculate the day’s income. Marc-Anthony comes home very late because of traffic. However, he must get up early the next day So he won’t have much hours of sleep. The day is barely dawning and Marc-Anthony has difficulty waking up.

Come on, come in. He has to get up early, otherwise Manila traffic will be way too intense and he will not be able to surrender to his truck on time. It’s a day busy that awaits him. If it does not deliver at the scheduled time, his orders will be canceled.

Marc-Anthony cannot allow yourself to disappoint your boss or lose your job. Mounted on his motorcycle, he learned to outsmart traffic. Greater Manila, ultra-urban agglomeration par excellence. 25.5 million inhabitants, which make it the region the most densely populated on the planet. The capital also holds another world record, that of the worst traffic jams.

This is without forgetting the constant threats robbery and assault because it is also the city the most violent in the Philippines. A violence caused by overwhelming poverty. To avoid traffic, some colleagues of Marc-Anthony made the trip much earlier. They are having breakfast in the warehouse canteen. It’s homemade and it’s very good.

His wife loves him very much. At the same time, Renato Villanueva, Marc-Anthony’s assistant, arrives on board a jeepney, the local shared taxi. He rushes to join his partner. Trust reigns between the two men. They are effective and complement each other well. This is Renato, my assistant. How long have you been here?

Three years – Three years, and I six years. Time flies. Marc-Anthony and Renato must prepare deliveries for the day. Impossible to leave the place before checking that the goods described in the purchase orders agree with those provided for their truck.

They will pay for it themselves if something goes wrong. in the expected profits for the day. There is also the vehicle to check, a routine task that Marc-Anthony never neglects. I just checked the oil and put water in the radiator. So when we leave, the truck is in good condition.

So much the better, there are a lot of deliveries to make. The tires are correct, filled with air and well balanced. The truck that Marc-Anthony drives is a Suzuki Multicab. In Manila, a heavy goods vehicle is a vehicle which can only support a ton, but which is very practical in an ultra-urbanized environment.

We will make several deliveries in Metro Manila. Ideally, there will not be too much traffic in the region. We can come back early without being slowed down by traffic police, or thieves. That’s what I hope. Goods to be distributed are products of the Unilever company, soaps, shampoo and household products.

Marc-Anthony refuels 28 different businesses in Manila. He absolutely has to deliver everything before the end of the day. Let’s go. Already, the traffic is heavy and they are late. To make the situation worse, a motorcycle accident occurred a little further down the road. Immobilized with his truck, Marc-Anthony is annoyed.

We’re already late for our delivery. There are businesses that will close, others will cancel their orders. These are problems that we risk to meet if we deliver late. It’s six in the morning in India. Ashwin gets up with difficulty, but waking up is even more painful for his son.

He never wants to get up in the morning. Before hitting the road again, he takes advantage of this rare moment with his family. He works hard to provide to the needs of his family members. So he only has very little time to devote to them.

Thanks to my delivery company, I was able to repair our house. My wife helped me. Ashwin earns his living with difficulty, but at least, he has his own vehicle. He is proud of his truck and he takes good care of it. I bless my truck. I pray in the name of my goddesses.

Every morning, before leaving, Ashwin performs a small ritual very important to him. All drivers do this type of prayer, essential to be lucky and that money abounds. This is how we pray. Lime and chili are lucky charms. Now it’s time to get started.

Like all truckers in the world, Ashwin has his little habits. I let it roll so that the oil rises to the engine. Next, I check all my mirrors. Even before you can start your day, Ashwin must spend money at the gas station. Even if his truck do not consume much,

It always costs him too much when he’s stuck in traffic, Already in a bad mood, he has a bad surprise upon arriving at the gas station. The prices really increased today. Ashwin has only 500 rupees with him. Today he will not be able fill up. 500 rupees.

500 rupees is a lot of money. He is now heading to his favorite place. He hopes that customers will already be there waiting. Look where you’re going? He must not hang around. If he arrives too late, another driver will leave with the customers. Come on, let me pass!

With all this confusion on the road, he still has a long way to go. There is a driver in a hurry who is honking behind me. In India, the horn is king and we even encourage people to use it.

On the road, I honk to say that I am here and that I am coming. On the back of the trucks, we write: Honk, please. If anyone wants to come by, he honks to warn us. All delivery vehicles have this. The horn makes it easier communication between vehicles,

But it does not eliminate traffic jams however. Ashwin gets impatient. He may not have customer this morning. Now I have for 15 or 20 minutes here. Back in the Philippines, Marc-Anthony directs that there is a problem with the truck. The truck is so low he touches the wheels, especially when there are bumps.

Driving is difficult and the truck’s steering responds very poorly. Marc-Anthony immobilizes the vehicle and go see what’s going on. The tire touches the side of the vehicle, That’s why we can’t continue. It’s too heavy, even the frame hits the side of the tire. The problem is major. The exhaust is very low.

This is the problem. The spring is flat, when it should be curved. Marc-Anthony and Renato are forced to turn back and return to the warehouse/ They overloaded the truck and the weight takes its toll. We’re going to turn around to go seek advice from the supervisor. You may need to change trucks

Or transfer the load on other vehicles. Whatever the solution, it jeopardizes the 28 deliveries what they have to do before the end of the day. Marc-Anthony drives slowly and hope the truck holds up. Return to the garage will waste his time, therefore orders. The supervisor assigns him a new truck.

Now you need to transfer the goods from one vehicle to another. To make the situation worse, this new truck is not in very good condition. Renato does his best to start, their delivery day depends on it. That’s it, it works, At least for the moment.

I’m not happy, It’s almost the middle of the day. Normally, we would have already left but we had to change trucks. If we can get everything on board, today, we will have to go in around thirty businesses. We should get there. Marlon Fernandes, the boss of Marc-Anthony and Renato,

Was made aware of the incident and is not very happy but Marc-Anthony is a good driver and Marlon knows he can count on him. Anthony is very important and very honest. I trust him when it comes to money. Money, Marc-Anthony, sees some pass in a day.

It supports between 30,000 and 50,000 pesos cash per day. If we miss a delivery day, sales will definitely drop because the shelves will be empty. I supervise deliveries of more than 2000 businesses. 2000 businesses, that means 2000 customers who are waiting for their order, Some orders which take time to arrive.

You know, the traffic in our country is very important. Particularly in Metro Manila. I always ask to my drivers to be patient. We padlock the door and we say a prayer before leaving, because the danger is very present. When driving around Manila, you have to be alert and careful at all times.

We could get robbed. Our lives could be put in danger. It is so hot. No, they are repairing the road. That’s why that traffic is so important. Frustrating because they are very close to the goal. It’s there, after the traffic lights. There is a lot of traffic. Are we going to surrender?

What time is it ? It’s already 11 o’clock and no delivery has been made. Businesses that Marc-Anthony supplies are called sari-sari, which means variety. You can find everything there : food, cigarettes, household products, telephone cards. They are in every neighborhood, rich or poor, and are an integral part of the country’s economy.

They depend on work by Marc-Anthony to earn their living. It’s okay, I’m reassured. We can finally make our first delivery. Hello children! Smile. They are very late. Marc-Anthony must apologize to them. Mr. Madam, we are sorry to be late. We were slowed down by traffic. Please excuse us.

On the way to a second delivery, but the truck won’t start. We are doomed. This is completely crazy. It’s annoying. Great. Vehicle instability which was attributed to him penalizes Marc-Anthony. One more breakdown and his day is ruined. Back in India, Ashwin finally arrives in its usual location.

This is where I sit every day and I’m waiting for customers. They know where I am. But this morning, no customers are waiting for him. However, Ashwin must find transport to take, otherwise he won’t have enough money to repay his loan to the bank. He is not the only one city ​​delivery truck

And the competition is tough. Sometimes I spend my whole day to wait for customers. In the evening, I’m just going home. I hope the fact to park my vehicle here will attract customers. In the meantime, with my truck, I also do advertising for my business. You are available ?

Ashwin’s luck seems to be changing. The first customer introduces himself and the discussion turns immediately around the price of transport. Is 600 rupees okay with you? Perfect. It is said that the first delivery lucky day in India. For Ashwin, it is therefore very important. The first delivery, I never refuse.

It doesn’t matter the amount. Since 2005, heavy goods vehicles no longer have the right to travel within the city of Ahmedabad. This measure was applied by the municipality to improve circulation which was terrible. By purchasing your small vehicle, Ashwin found a way to take advantage of this law and stand out.

From, everyone did like him. Yes, go ahead, I’ll let you pass. Ashwin’s truck arrives at his client’s business. The latter must recover a few tables for his house. Hi guys. I also delivered bottles of water. Sometimes we get stuck in the middle of a journey and we can no longer make deliveries.

When we’re late and it becomes impossible to make up for lost time, we have to abandon delivery and tell them to hire someone else. It’s here, in the back, on the right. All right. The last house. The journey went smoothly. However, the customer refuses to hand over to Ashwin

The entire amount promised for the journey. We agreed for 600 rupees, but he only gave me 500. Since it’s my first income of the day, It should still bring luck. So, I’m not complaining. Good day. Ashwin pockets without flinching its 500 rupees instead of the 600 planned.

He accepts this reduced amount by superstition. This is the first customer of the day and it is not to be learned lightly. It’s noon in Manila and Marc-Anthony is stuck in traffic. Traffic police try to to alleviate chaos in the streets but no one respects them.

It happened to me that a man points a gun at me. I told him I was doing my job, that it was nothing personal. People insult us, tell us that we are a nuisance. Pedestrians are a problem here. There should be more bridges for them, for pedestrians. Marc-Anthony is getting impatient.

That’s enough, businesses will close We’re going to have problems. There is such a mess that even before the eyes of the agents, motorcycles are traveling in the opposite direction. The truck can finally move forward. Marc-Anthony accelerates as much as he can.

He knows that his customers have been waiting for it for a while. They are late. They had to arrive around eight or nine in the morning. It’s already past noon. We will have nothing to sell. The owners of the sari-sari, often women, have a constant turnover of money and a very tight budget.

To protect himself faced with the constant threat of burglary, traders install fences in front of their shop. There are nearly 600 slums in Manila and the majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Renato takes care of the income. He handles a lot of money, so he must be very careful.

This is also part of his responsibilities. Don’t flaunt money like that. I’m just checking if they paid me the right amount and I make sure that it is not counterfeit money, otherwise it’s me who will have to pay. The Philippines’ unstable economy and growing corruption saw the appearance a lot of counterfeiting.

Renato must ensure that he was not given counterfeit notes. Look at. If this side can be erased, that means it’s fake. They must now carry all this money, without being robbed, and keep it in their possession until returned to the warehouse at the end of the day.

Yet it’s difficult to close your eyes on the poverty of the country. Give me a peso for the little one. I don’t have any pesos. Here, we risk encountering all kinds of people. When they are children, we ignore them as much as possible, otherwise they are annoying. So.

Even if you ask them to leave, they will come back. So we ignore them and we continue to do our work. Time flies, there is not a minute to lose. What is important, is to manage to deliver everything today to avoid order cancellation. As long as we don’t meet problems on the road,

We manage to deliver everything to our customers, without cancellation. Today the road did not go smoothly. So there are consequences. The business where they must deliver is closed. Back at headquarters, I would write “undelivered” on the report. We will have to come back tomorrow if it’s still closed later.

We have a lot of deliveries to make. With all these missed deadlines, now it’s meal time and sari-sari are closed. Anthony and Renato pay the price of their delay. They have to go eat and come back later, hoping that the business will be open. Back to India.

Ashwin finds it difficult to move forward. He must speed up if he wants to find other customers. The pressure makes him anxious and, above all, in a bad mood. He growls at the traffic. This old man walking in the middle of the street. Motorcycles are the ones that zigzag the most.

There are bicycles, motorcycles, auto rickshaws, cars, small vehicles, coaches, and municipal buses. There’s a lot of traffic here. I don’t believe that the situation will improve one day. Are you going left or right? Wait a bit. Come on, let me pass. Fortunately, Ashwin will not need to go to his post.

I should be there by 2 p.m., is that okay? We call him for a new delivery. His rigor and professionalism turned out to be profitable, we want to do business with him. We must now that he recovers the lost time. I hope the store will be open. I’ll load the truck quickly.

He must surrender from an audio video equipment rental company, but a new obstacle waiting for him around the corner. In India, it is not uncommon to see elephants in the street, especially near temples. They are revered animals and Ashwin definitely doesn’t want to rush them. He prefers to wait.

The name of his truck means elephant, but in front of them, he is no match. They’re not in the middle of the street but they can create traffic jams. We take them out so that people can feed them. They are huge and they are scary. Nobody honks.

We do not want let the elephant get angry. We honk the cows but not elephants. The cow will move. The elephant will not move. The pachyderms’ snack is over. Ashwin can finally continue his journey. Despite his grumpy appearance, he loves his job and wouldn’t want to do anything else.

I like this work because it is not routine. I don’t fulfill a function. I don’t have a boss, I negotiate with clients. This neighborhood is not very far. I must then deliver the goods in another neighborhood, located on the other side of town. The customer says I’m late.

His client is right, Ashwin is late. Road problems got the better of his punctuality. Since it is common for customers to refuse to pay the amounts due, better not to give them a reason to be angry. He’s a good customer, he won’t be angry. We arrive. The bike !

You have to remove the bike. I have to park. It’s November and in India, it’s the season lucky charm for weddings. A good thing for Ashwin, who comes to pick up a sound system from a rental company to deliver it at the venue of a reception. Obviously, to make a profit transportation,

The customer has planned to fill the truck to the brim. Ashwin can’t help it, but he must manage well loading his truck so that all the merchandise can enter and be disposed of safely. Two assistants help him fill the vehicle. They will also accompany him to unload.

Ashwin goes once again find yourself in violation because he has to transport again people in the back of his truck. He has to take this risk. He does not have a choice, the client is king. Back to Manila. Marc-Anthony and Renato heads again towards the sari-sari, now open.

Elizabeth, the owner is not very happy. We told them we couldn’t receive delivery at dinner time. We close between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. This is the only restriction. Was it 50 or 150? They can prevent when they are late. The assistants will not be happy to be here at mealtime.

Anthony and Renato will hear about it. They will be reprimanded. Élisabeth cares the proper functioning of his business. It is a business run by women. They are very meticulous. Be careful to the small details. Many men know nothing to food products, for example. Over time, it became a passion.

You can spend the whole day there. It takes time, but it’s enjoyable. Marc-Anthony has his work cut out for him. He hasn’t delivered half yet orders for the day. They have a lot of pressure and they make deliveries as best they can. The more they do, the more money they will have.

The income is now considerable. The money received so far? 72,000 pesos. How do I feel now? It’s okay, we’re used to it to keep the money with us. You just have to be careful to be safe. You must always be alert when you have money with you.

Marc-Anthony must find solutions to camouflage it. I always hide the money in the truck. I can’t keep it in my pockets. Of course it’s stressful. We are tired. You have to hurry to return early at headquarters. Marc-Anthony and Renato are on alert. The next delivery will be done in Taguig,

One of the 17 municipalities which form Greater Manila. A place unfortunately known for its violence. They park a little apart to prepare for safe delivery. If we parked on this side of the road, we could get robbed. They would take our products and we would risk to get shot.

It happened to other teams, but not to us. I hope that doesn’t happen. The repercussions of a theft can be disastrous. If you have nothing to give them, there is a good chance let them come after you. If you resist, they will get angry

And it’s almost certain that you are going to die. If Marc-Anthony and Renato experienced a robbery, they should refund the stolen money. If that happened, it would be due to lack of caution, we never know when a thief can arrive. In the nervousness and haste, Marc-Anthony lost a receipt.

I think I lost a receipt. The amounts do not match. Nervousness is felt and it is in difficult times that you have to know how to surround yourself well. Renato and I are doing well. Sometimes we get stressed and it affects our work. I raise my voice and say “Nato!”

When I think that he did something wrong. In general, things are going well. The working day ends and Marc-Anthony is far away for having made all his deliveries. He still wants fulfill a last order. Hello, Catherine. No more deliveries, we’re done. The deadlines have passed, you must immediately return to the warehouse

Even if the truck was not emptied of its merchandise. Our men are tired, just like their truck. Marc-Anthony pours water in the radiator who suffers from the oppressive heat from Manila. Now we go back at headquarters. Then we’ll go change the currency. many of our customers pay in currency.

Marc-Anthony did not fulfill his mission and he’s stuck in traffic again. His day is not over, he will have to report to his boss. It does not bother me, it’s part of the job. We deal with it. That’s how it is, no problem. Ashwin has not yet delivered the sound system.

He is late, but the wedding planners will have to wait a little longer. Our driver is not at the end of his sorrows. A police officer calls him he asks her to move to the side. Stop. Ashwin’s truck is overloaded and he knows it. Where are you going ? I have my license.

Show me. I have to give you a ticket. Give me my license back. OK, you can go now. He looked at my license and he took the number and because my truck was overloaded, he gave me a ticket. I had to pay without 100 rupees. Now during over the next 24 hours,

I can no longer be fined for this offense. I know the law. 100 rupees less in daily income and for truck payments. This is a big blow for Ashwin. The officers always stop us because we transport too many goods. The problem, It’s the lack of knowledge.

We do not know all the laws and all our rights. That’s why we get screwed. The rich, for their part, we never give them a ticket. Like everywhere else, the more we know the law, the more we also know how to get around it. Because I have a delivery truck

And you have a nice car, You want to go before me, right? Ashwin is angry. Even if he is wrong, he finds it unfair. The police are more interested by money than by traffic. All of this has an impact on my income. Sometimes they ask up to 5,000 rupees.

They can even seize the truck, This is what worries us the most. Ashwin is right to be worried. Police officers in India are tenacious. He gets arrested again by a traffic policeman. Your belt! I have already been given a fine for overloading. It’s good. This time, the agent was friendly

And Ashwin is doing well. He stopped me because I wasn’t wearing my seat belt. The police know that we are going to give them money. It’s a hard life, a life that is not easy. If you can bear it, you will be able to do this work,

Otherwise you will have problems, but all workers have them. I’m a truck driver and I’m having problems. There is no work without problems. I like to drive. The more work I have, the happier I am. Ashwin must act quickly to avoid that the wedding begins without a sound system.

His client, already arrived on the scene, must probably be very angry. Look at them, he’s blocking the way. Why are you in the middle of the road? We always talk about traffic because it poisons our lives. Come on, move forward! We have problems when you have to arrive at a specific time.

I believe we are good drivers. Nobody follows the highway code and despite that, we are doing well. We survive. Ashwin delivers the equipment with considerable delay. Preparations for the reception are almost finished. His client announces that he won’t pay right away. Ashwin leaves empty-handed, without complaining.

He can’t pay me today, but I know him, I will come back tomorrow. Ashwin finishes his work day without having achieved its objective. Tired, he encounters another obstacle on the way back. A wedding celebration moved into the street and completely blocks traffic. Sometimes I come home and I don’t have time to sleep.

I have to go if someone calls me at one in the morning. I can’t refuse. This job is 24 hours a day, every day. Ashwin sees the bright side of things. He did not do it its three deliveries today, But, tonight, he will be able to spend time with his family.

Marc-Anthony and Renato have finally arrived to escape the clutches of traffic. They arrive at the truck company. Right now, I’m glad we finally arrived at headquarters. I am relieved. I’m not nervous at all anymore. Marc-Anthony wants ensure that the money returned corresponds to the sums planned before departure.

Nato prepares the invoices and I take care of receipts and finances. Then you have to take care order cancellations, and product returns. Account management and money is complex. Marc-Anthony and Renato share the work. It’s going well, only one cancellation. In all and for all, we raised 47,500.61 pesos. That’s all.

The account is good. Marc-Anthony can breathe. Nothing is missing. He quickly hands over the money to accounting to end his working day. Today, Ashwin and Marc-Anthony both have faced excessive traffic. Each day, achieve their goal is a real race against time.

They have a difficult job, but it is the profession they have chosen. They don’t count their hours, do not earn a very good living, but they are proud. Tomorrow they will take the wheel again, they will have to do better than the day before. They will have to avoid new caps

And face the pitfalls that the road will lie before them. This is the terrible law imposed on them their ultra-urban environment.

Dans le monde entier, sous toutes les latitudes, des routiers sont obligés de traverser des conditions extrêmes en camion afin de livrer leur marchandise à bon port.
En Inde et aux Philippines, ces chauffeurs doivent assurer coute que coute leurs livraisons quotidiennes pour subvenir aux besoins de leur famille. Mais ce n’est pas sans compter sur les nombreux dangers d’une circulation urbaine pour rendre leur journée de travail infernale.
Une course contre-la-montre commence !


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