Amsterdam Old West, De Hallen, Rembrandt’s last living place.

Amsterdam this is the an old ter Depot  nowadays a cultural complex in Amsterdam   old west unfortunately I cannot show you inside  because there is no mobile connection there’s   no network connection inside otherwise we will  see that there’s a cinema and uh food uh food  

Store like that food Mall let’s say uh there  are different kind of Street foot options in   a complex place and and there’s also Hall that  you can find some Art Market today there was a   special performance there my friend is in a band  a music band a Turkish folk music and they were  

Singing there and I was there also it was nice uh  let me show you the picture actually from inside   so you can get an idea in the whole section there  was a music performance like this a Cher uh all  

Are Turkish people live in the Netherlands and  they are all volunteer it’s not a professional   organization so uh volunteer based music bands we  are in kinker by the way uh let me make sure that   connection is good here I think it’s better yes  hey people how are you unfortunately I couldn’t  

Get inside because I knew that the connection  will get lost inside so instead I started outside   another side there’s also an extension for the  uh the Holland the Holland and it’s a cultural   center of Amsterdam alwest and it’s a vibrant  area there are many cozy stores coffee shops  

Coffee stores and restaurants when I say coffee  shops uh Melo family get gets angry and just on   the next corner right corner there is 10 cat  Mark local market from Monday to Saturday it’s  

Open it’s a small local market but it’s a nice  one I I would recommend that as you see this a   shared road with uh bike lane and the tram and the  vehicles all together I’ll quickly continue to our  

Way we’re going to walk through Builder D Str and  then we will decide where we will continue to our   route today it’s 10 celsus but the feeling is 7  celsus there’s a strong wind and in the next hours  

Uh it’s going to be even more stronger the wind  I me so it’s going to be pretty uh chil weather   that’s why I wear like this normally intense C  weather you willn’t wear that warm things like

This anyways let me see what’s going on on the  live chat I find a peaceful Street like this   from the next corner on the next Bridge  we will be connecting to Builder D Strat   another uh important Street uh in Amsterdam  old west this neighborhood is from early 19th

Century so it’s a bit new neighborhood  uh younger than the yordan area this   is the other entrance of the Holland you  can enter from this side or the from the   tank Mark Street side tank Mark Tommy  son good morning fatak Nigel hope you  

Are also well Paul Wang Leo Angelo and  Pablo T from Argentina uh who who else Tibor Sebastian hello good afternoon fat faku  scooter springston travel AI is here again Thiago   gin Dave JJ NS Alon Doran welcome first time I  think I see your name dfer hello there and Yuri  

Preet welcome and Dage our moderators here as well  let’s get on walking to our route is a beautiful   day at least no rain at the moment uh like 2 hours  ago it was a bit rainy light rain but today I was  

Here around I’m M West area as I said uh for my  friends performance but later I will go to zandan   probably for the Latin dance party as I mentioned  yesterday but there is no train connection today  

To zand There’s A disruption until 2:00 tomorrow  so I have to find another way to go there well   let’s see maybe I will not go by the way in front  site in front facade of the Holland building it’s  

Still written uh H Amsterdam uh tram tram Depot  so the municipality of Amsterdam TR Depot see   that all these buildings are pretty new comparing  to other parts of Amsterdam I mean comparing to   the pipe or Yan area especially other side the  buildings are most of them probably from the  

19th century we can still see the old letters in  front of the buildings for example it’s written   there what is that bakery bakery not nowadays  uh it’s a BRI Bakery building and the other   side right side what is that I can’t see it just  a second fing something uh coffee or something I  

Don’t know anyway I couldn’t read that by the  way on the next Corner we just walked through   right side at the corner there’s a great coffee  place lot 61 it’s a pretty famous always there’s   a queue small place cozy most of the time you  have to take away your coffee because there’s  

No seat inside I mean not enough seat but their  coffee is good also you can buy coffee beans from there this should be Builder du Strat or I’m  not sure let’s see we’re going to see soon I  

Think it’s not the other Street might be  Builder D Strat I I came here by tram by   the way from the Central Station number 13 or  number 17 tramps they’re arriving here at the   corner of Builder D Str and then you have to  walk like 5 minutes to the Hollen area and the  

Street food options are very nice and there’s a  bar inside there’s a wine bar inside previously   I had made a vog about that you can watch  it if you wish so in that video I also show

Inside it’s a quiet day I think because of the  color of the sky and it’s pretty windy people   prefer to stay into in the bars or at their homes  what is that help us find our new apartment and  

Win €300 wow awesome that’s allow to register you  see the rental price crisis here they cannot find   an apartment so they are giving a price if you  can help them to find a rental place then you   can win 300 amazing it’s absolutely amazing I  think they are looking in this area this area  

Is pretty difficult to find the rental place  because it’s popular place check area also   the rental prices are not cheap here but it’s  closed by to fondal park Lys plane and some   other popular attraction places so it’s a place  to live in Amsterdam uh if you want to be close  

To all the central attraction Central attractions  also close to the Centum by bike only 10 minutes   something like that there’s an empada place  here Argentina Pablo this is for you virus buen   viris I think there’s a uh Argentina map over  there and we have Argentina flag it’s written empanadas bues Iris prod productos

Argentinos I tried that before it’s good they  have many different kind of empanadas oh we   can see the empanadas here here they are  see they are fresh they baked they’re not   ready empanadas they make it fresh there’s a  beautiful little Park here I like it during  

The pandemic times with uh my close Dutch  friend we met here outside because in that   times we were not allowed to sit somewhere  were inside like restaurant Cafe so we had   both empanadas and we had e in here another  good restaurant is here Caravan and there  

Should be a nice coffee place also around  here but I can’t see it no anyways poor bike fell down there’s a quite big bik Park in here at  the corner because in the summer especially   there are also tables and uh uh stores  here so it’s pretty crowded here should  

Be Builder D Builder D Strat the Builder  D is a surname of a Dutch poet and laer   Willam Willam Builder Dy the full name from 18  Century or 19th century probably must be 18th century Let’s cross the other side still you can park your bikes  on The Pedestrian Ro here I mean not  

Pedestrian Ro they are designed to put  your leave your bikes but probably like   5 years later you will not be seeing  those bikes on this place because   Amsterdam municipality continuously buil  underground bike parking places their aim   is to remove all those B bikes from the  streets to create more spaces for the

Pedestrians Harding hello you’ll be back on  next week wow enjoy your trip next weekend   I will be in carnival M with an ant toen oh  you see how wind is now Angelo is hungry me too Lalu welcome hello there happy Sunday OAS  orka and gu is here Terina hello all friends  

Are together again here another Monument is  here right on our on our right side let’s see   what’s written Depot for southand beer brewery Dan  haak so on the top of the building according to   that ladders still is protected this building  was used for as a beer brewery Depot in the

Past a big percentage of Amsterdam buildings in  the Centrum nowadays used as a for residential   purpose they were industrial buildings they  were Depots or company buildings in the past here in the West Side outwest area as you see   bike lanes are not totally red  they are in line with the other

Colors it’s not totally separated with the  uh strong red colors but uh you know when   we walked through Dum rock or rocking  somewhere it’s more uh uh appearance   you can see easily the color difference  between the vehicle Road pedestrian not  

And the uh bike lane look at those poor poor  bikes oh sorry for you because of the strong wind Candela actually I’m uh following the same route  that I come here there are on the next  

Corner I got off from from the tram tram  13 and I walk towards the uh the hen the   hen building so from here we will turn right  and we will be walking to our calore fondel  

Park long time we haven’t been to fondel park  but it’s about to get dark uh 5:30 sunset here   in in the Netherlands today and we have 20  minutes before sunset in this neighborhood   you can find many uh night shops night  shops means they are open 24 hours for  

Drink or some other useful things not for  fresh food Bakery albertin is here at the   corner tram 19 going to station flaughter deck  yes this is the place where I got off from the tra we’re going to walk towards here I think  this way goes to Rosen craft [Music] area oh  

We have already 103 people on the live video  thank you so much we are going the wrong way greetings to Philly Philadelphia  Sundar is here again welcome and who else Monica from Indianapolis  the UK nor here as well thank you guys for  

Coming by the way if you become a YouTube  member or patreon supporter you can get   an early ification about my live  streams a day earlier chocolate festiv there’s a coffee shop this is for  Melo a new one first time I’m showing  

This one do you know this mow family or  others cheich and chunks first time I see   this all right let’s continue there’s  a busy bike lane here probably in the   weekday on the rard it’s quite busy here  even on the Sunday on Sunday it’s quite

Busy some beautiful boat houses over there show it closer what do you think David noela from Florida hello and Dutch  farmer you were in demonstration Dutch   farmer All European farmers were  in demonstration in the previous days long time we haven’t walked around  this area you should you should have missed

This by the way in Amsterdam old west  there there are 177 nationalities   living so quite multinational this District this  neighborhood the osta the Costa here that side is Costa yeah check out the video description and  click the join button also so you can see  

What benefits you can get if you become a  YouTube member or patn supporter it starts   from monthly 2 if you can make it but otherwise  I share videos I mean I’m I schedule videos like   30 minutes before the actual live stream but  for members we have members on the videos or  

You can know the exact live stream time and  location one or two days earlier this one is   clerk Strat so in odw this is one of the things  I love in the street names uh top of the street   names also there’s a historic information  why it’s named about the about that street  

Name for example this one is Willam de Clark the  name the street name dried from that important person should be poet I can’t I can’t read  fully now you can check later maybe anyway   let’s continue as I said at the beginning of the  video there are many nice restaurants in this area  

One of of them is here manoto restaurant there  is no bad restaurant around this area there is   no tourist restaurant they should be all good  because these restaurants are serving to the   locals or that 177 nationalities living in this  neighborhood burito Mexican restaurant how about  

The prices let’s have a look uh Mexican burger  14 ranero beef stick beef steak € 221 not bad   burrito is1 16 fitas fitas € 20 I think steak  42 wow it should be a special Steak and sordo  

Pizza it’s a special pizza place looks nice and  Indonesian food is here buo uh it’s a takeaway place sorry there’s a bike store like  everywhere you can see in Amsterdam it’s quite common and the Kiwi what is that a bar I think the Kiwi okay on that side you can see the  water count building in distance   so the museum plane and fondal park in that side actually and light plan is straight ahead   if you go onto this direction uh  from the next street I will turn right it’s a very long traffic

Light there is no sense about  this long traffic light here   because it’s not a busy uh cross  here to be honest at least on the weekend there is a popular restaurant  not a tourist spot but it’s a good one   despite I have never been there  I know that it’s a good one Ms  

It’s a special place Daryl our supporter  had recommended that one before and they   have been there with his wife uh it’s  all homemade food homemade dinner and lunch as you see slowly it it’s getting dark   I think this traffic light  is not working and finally green it was a long one

Probably there’s something wrong with the  signal more boat houses it’s not budget   friendly to liveing in that both houses you  have to pay a lot for the maintenance and   the taxes also itself is not cheap it’s  also expensive buying it I mean MERS is  

Over there at the corner and their logo  is a rose as I see Ms means mothers by   the way so they are serving homemade  foods just like your mother’s cook for you so the rose was not their logo it’s also here  I think it’s Street decorations sorry for that  

Their logo is but still their logo is something  with flower as I see not Rose maybe but still a flower ggm is here good afternoon  hello there no you’re not late it’s   okay we still have time G hello there  wow you stayed in a houseb in costaa Paul tanas is here thank

[Music] you uh this is uh fire fire guys fire brand te brand wear fire trucks are departing from here that bar has a slogan  over there save life Seas fire everywhere that’s right I support  that it’s a Cafe Restaurant BR St  

The name of the restaurant is also about fire  because it’s next to the fire department over there yes as I guessed we we have arrived to Rosen C Rosen me Canal my regular Watchers know  it’s already so it’s a field canal in the  

Past it was a canal by reading its name I  can understand that it was a canal in the   past but for the automobile uh automobile  invention they fill the canal to create a   more vehicle Road nowadays it’s  just the streets Alibaba shaa is

Here somewhere around here uh rembrand  house somewhere here I mean he lived here   but let me see if I can see that it’s it was  a tattoo store nowadays maybe a bit [Music] further so after rembrand went bankrupt  they moved to this area and they stayed  

Here in a rental place when he went  Bank cupt after selling his house uh   in water loop line because he couldn’t  pay the mortgage amount I think this   is the place yep nowadays it’s a tattoo  gallery an antique tattoo it’s a very good

Name this is not the same building he didn’t live  here the building was demolished and rebuilt so   this not the same building but he lived here and  to remember remember him there’s a plate here rbr   rbr’s l living places here 14 October 1669 it’s  written so rbr’s last living apartment is here it

Says so then he passed away and he he was  buried in a in Western Kirk but in the area   where homeless people or poor people were  buried and nowadays I think no one knows   where he was buried exactly after uh after the  western church this building is from 1744 it  

Says it’s a Rosen hfia so by going through that  gate there should be a garden yard at the other   side in many houses and building complexes in  yordan area this part and this part uh they have   backyards beautiful yards with beautiful gardens  but not not all of them open to public nowadays  

Only some of them are open to public this one  is close to the public probably because it’s a   big one shaar M it’s open until 4:00 it’s very  rare some restaurant is open until 4:00 in the  

Night in the Netherlands most of them close  at 10:00 and uh the latest one you can find   in the night it can be McDonald’s like until  3:00 if you if you are in Dum Rock somewhere   but in this area probably it’s the only  one open until 4:00 even feo close at 12:00

Something okay we go this side this Pesca  I think it’s a fish restaurant never been   there but it’s popular and next to that  there is Boom Chicago comedy theater and a club well comedy theater probably it  was a chapel or church in the past sorry all [Music]

Right in distance we can see  the western church Tower Wester torran this is one of that company buildings I  mentioned like 15 minutes ago all the company   buildings and Industry buildings Depot  their windows are like this because they  

Were bringing the goose through that windows  in the past there was a canal here and they   were bringing the goose and uh other things  by ships and they were getting inside with   some elevator system still is intact and  downstairs there’s a good steak restaurant

Sala electric electric is a  ebike and E car it seems and E scooter uh let’s continue with the  sharper lens because it’s getting dark thanks gido thanks thanks for the feedbacks  are you hearing me no I haven’t seen the previous  

Messages I was busy by talking and seeing around  sorry I can’t see all the messages sorry Miranda hello oh Lalu is planning to going go  go to rmon oh it’s nice it’s close by to   Germany border German border and after  R month you can go to dor for cologne

Easily that’s the trm it brought me to the H thanks for all the feedbacks and comments it’s  always useful to hear your comments and feedbacks guys another historic buildings on the  other side let’s see what’s written there   the first Holland’s f k bank the insurance  life insurance bank and counter Ka cra so  

The office was in cars is crack not here  it’s written there it’s an old letter like   probably 100 years ago the first Holland life  insurance company the name of the company is   like that so these logos are this decoration is  because of the Rosen Ro Rosen means roses roses canal

[Music] I talk a lot today another  bike store it’s still open that’s   good not everywhere is open on Sunday  but this one is open this bike store in   Rosen craft and in 1 hour I think they  can repair your bike here it is bike

Market also they have luggage storage  you can put your luggage here for a fee do you drink a beer later in the  video G well it’s not a plan but   probably we will we will do it at the end  of the video cosso from cosso Maga hello there all right let’s continue

It’s uh 35 minutes that’s  good today I think I walk   fast so we still have time so following G’s G’s opion I’ll find somewhere and we’re going  to end up this video with a little bites B go here the colors are beautiful today  it’s sunset time now 5:30 exactly sunset  

Time 532 so because of that there are  mellow colors on the sky and around it’s   the between yellow and blue this side is  the I’m I’m Canal but Canal prin the last canal and here is the West Church the Wester K is  over there behind the Wester Church there is  

Anna Frank house and this is wester torren  under renovation probably we will not see   the the Wester torren tower for a few years you  will see it like this in blue renovation colors okay where we go now oh it’s screen

Light let’s go this is a beautiful place it’s  not bad weather you can still sit here outside   but I think most of the people prefer to  stay inside there there’s also Barrel here   that you can sit but uh most of the  time tourists are visiting that bar  

In so tourists uh prefer to stay inside  most of the time the Dutch people prefer   to stay [Music] outside steakhous and next  to Steakhouse there’s a Turkish restaurant   sea it’s it’s not bad it’s good 100% Halal  if you are looking for Halal this one of

Them let’s once again take a look  to Western Tower Western Tower   and western church the rbrand was  buried here uh to the poor people section and his wife uh passed away  before rembrand saskia she was buried   in the old church she was lucky when she  died rbrand was still Rich so she could  

Be buried in the old church I think when  you visit the old church the inal you can   still see the name of Sask over there  but you cannot find [Music] [Applause] rembrand this is the last live stream  video until next Saturday probably so  

Enjoy our last uh 10 or 20 minutes  here together don’t forget thumbs UPS so you can give motivation wow nightbot ggm are  becoming good friends I’m I’m happy for that not Everyone likes nightbot  he’s a bit aggressive oh [Music] my beautiful day still no rain I’m glad about

That there’s a brave guys is coming there it is sporty day unique experience kayak K in Amsterdam canals oh this way goes to dump Square by  the way we are slowly going to the Dum [Music] Square [Music] the trayer Strayer thanks for the blue Super Chat another Renta bike story is here also  it’s a luggage store storage if you have   only one day in Amsterdam for example if you  don’t want to carry your luggage or backpack  

You can leave it here for a fee or there are  many similar shops stores around but before   here before those stores there is already  a a luggage store a good one in inside of   Amsterdam Central Station the small loer fees for  24 hours around €8 the bigger ones around1 14 as I

Remember another s shop there are hotels and  S shops on this side of the street as we are   getting closer to the Centrum side we are  living the old west and Jordan area after   here in distance you can find the Royal  Palace it’s over there it’s also under

Renovation this one is here the gentleman’s canal oh there are some shoes hanging hanging on the sky I don’t know what’s the symbol of that  why there are shoes hanging over there I mean   uh after schools are closed it’s very common  that you can see uh backpacks hanging around  

Usually in front of the houses because  someone graduate a young people graduate   from the high school University Etc they hang  out they backpacks I I don’t know about shoes   maybe it’s just for fun uh what is that  piure font oh vir font thank you so much

Angelo oh I forgot to buy a costume again  I remember that when I see this costume shop for the next weekend I don’t know  one week days I can buy one oops sorry   for the camera just a second I didn’t notice that

Oh yes it’s back so there’s a costume store  here Louis vurg it’s two two floors costume   store there are hundreds of them but I  forgot to come here because I went to B yesterday that will be nice if I  would go to Carnival with this costume SpongeBob P it’s the

P okay now our Target is finding  a beer place and I I know where it is going to go to that side [Music] we’re going to  walk through this bridge and there is a beautiful  

Bar over there we have been there in my previous  live streams at least in one of them we’re going   to go there and we’re going to get our be cross  together as usual happy ending to end of the weekend I think this bridge is temporary by the

Way normally if you go straight ahead  you will arrive to d square but we’re   going to go left this side is Central  Station side this way and this is sing Canal so actually if you follow this  canal site this route you will be ended  

Up uh around Loston Amsterdam Lunch Cafe  and also around Prince HRI so that means   pretty close to the Central Station by  the way on the video there’s no color   grading this is the original color color  you see it’s it’s a bit pinky rather as you see it’s an interesting uh evening today

Here the colors you see now it’s the original color just a second I’m checking the live  CH if I’m missing something shoot duration I   think comes from Bros like Brooklyn where kiss  to all right I will I will investigate about  

That Frankie Sono good evening wow the wind is  stronger now there’s a public run here very nice   don’t go there lady don’t go it’s not for you  okay only taking picture of the public gr just kidding we are almost there in the happy place be  

Place but if it’s too crowded I  will Skip and I will find another one yeah I think [Music] I’ll take a look just a second yeah it’s a bit I think  there’s too many people inside   let’s try our chance somewhere  else let’s walk a little bit

More I I will find somewhere else it it was  Cafe Dulan by the way it’s a nice place but   I thought it’s going to be a bit long to get my  be tree so better to go somewhere someone else

No all right oh yeah on the left maybe  there there is another one let’s have a look or in the Narrow Street next  to dump square that should be a good one here we are this is the renovated one of the  renovated streets of Amsterdam this one NE for  

Brook I think this is the new church and the Royal  Palace and the Magna Plaza former post office of Amsterdam and the melis cookies  over there Brazilian coffee is   there Central Station on this side  we’re going to go through this [Music]

Street [Music] we’re going to check  one of the bars over [Music] there   I always see one of the bars on the street so let’s we are walking around the new church here there’s a very nice part  three fles but it’s the bar oh yeah oh  

It’s a Gena place look at that SPS all  the genor the old genor and something else uh I’ll try my chance it looks nice  inside if the connection get lost sorry for   that see you next weekend otherwise I will get  my beard chair and I will come outside oh let’s try

Hello sorry I want YouTube live but I’m  not showing you I want to have old Jor   and FL can I sit there I’ll yeah yeah but  you first have to sipat at the bar yes sure I don’t know if you can still watch this

But as you see this a beautiful place first time  I’m here but the see the battles D and T liquor flower this the famous BR balls okay thank you oh I think we had that connection lost  but we survived so if you missed the  

Part I ordered the drink I got a old  gen and little beer and I show inside   but I think you couldn’t watch that  so in front of the new church we have   battels and sitting place here a nice  weather so here we go we’re going to PR

Together uh Strayer a double thank you so  much another Super Chat I think thank you   ster Pro everybody this the end of  the video see you next [Laughter] time bye-bye very nice street by the way [Music] told me

Amsterdam Old West is probably the most popular district of Amsterdam by locals and expats. Great coffee stores, unique restaurants, historic buildings and much more. On this live stream video, we will have a quick walk together #amsterdam #netherlands #amsterdamtoday

Recorded on : 4 February 2024, Sunday
Thumb sponsor : Artbaybyte (insta)

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  1. I love the Oude West, so many nice restaurants and cafe bars. You gotta try Moeders for dinner, make reservations in advance and bring a picture of your mother!👍🤙

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