Telaga Sarangan Part III Full Perjalanan Tawangmangu ke Sarangan

Hello brothers, asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu wabarakatuh, back again with me Kholil I wish you a happy holiday. Happy weekend. Enjoy the national holiday wherever you are. This time I will invite all my brothers to enjoy the beauty of Jalan Raya Tawang Mangu towards

Sarangan Lake. I will start from the Assalam mosque on the side of Jalan Raya Lau, we will enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of Jalan Raya Tawangmangu towards Sarangan. Coincidentally, today’s road condition is Sunday, but we don’t know when we will go to the front of the Tawang Mangu market area,

Then at Cemorokandang, then at the border of Central Java Province. In East Java, the roads are usually busy there because there are lots of tourist buses parked on the side of the road or adventure cars among those who take tourists to and from the tourist attractions in Tawang Mangu and also around

Sarangan Lake. Take you to Kemuning Sky Hills then go to Lawu, usually you just go back to the two tourist spots or to Jumuang waterfall, maybe just go around in that area, the road here is winding, nice and very beautiful, of course if friends visit. and

Take a walk to the Kawang Mangu tourist area then continue to the Telaga Sarangan tourist attraction, friends, you won’t regret it if the tour here is really very good. The condition of the road. I headed to Telaga Sarangan from the west from the direction of Karanganyar City from the direction of Surakarta City

. I Heading east to East Java to Magetan Regency, I will end up in Sarangan because I want to be there after Sarangan . After a long time since I was little, I have never visited Telaga Sarangan again .

There’s already a GoJK, friends. So friends, if you’re going on a picnic to Tawang Mangu or Telaga Sarangan, friends, you can just order a GoJek, friends, but I don’t know whether you can order it or not because usually there aren’t any in that village, yes, in the past usually

The L300 cars or direct Jaya buses from Solo go to Rang Mangu to the Rawang Mangu Terminal and then at the Rawang Mangu terminal continue back to Telaga Sarangan by LF L300, maybe if you are traveling now, the transportation seems to be going to Telaga Sarangan. It wasn’t there, yes

, when I was little, there was one when I was in elementary school in 2009 or 2011, now it’s 2024, maybe it won’t exist anymore because now everyone has their own monorail, unlike in the past where everyone used public transportation. changing here,

The view is very beautiful, you won’t lose if you take a walk on Jalan Raya Tawang, heading to Telaga Sarangan, it’s heading to Telaga Sarangan. It seems like it’s still far away, maybe around 1 hour from Jan Raya Lawu. Reading

Motorized vehicles on Jalan Raya Lau. It’s a very cool way to go around. – it’s winding like a motorbike road, it’s really fun, but you have to be careful, don’t rush too fast if you ride a motor vehicle on the Tawang Mangu Sarangan highway because the road

Goes up and down and also on the right and left edges of ravines, sometimes cliffs, so friends, you have to be careful too. Be careful if you go for a walk, ride a motorbike on Jalan Raya Laut Telaga Sarangan Tawang

Mangu, the main thing is to keep praying that we will have a smooth journey. We have started to come up with the welcome to Tawang Mangu sign almost there. We have been greeted by a temporary gate and then we will go straight there.

Maybe you will get to the writing when you come to Tawangangu even though you haven’t reached the road yet. The best spots on Jalan Raya Lawu Tawang Mangu Telaga Sarangan . – the fog will also start to appear if we continue to climb to

The top, the view is really beautiful, we just got here and saw a very beautiful view, especially there it must be extraordinarily beautiful at the corner, this usually happens accidents, so be careful, friends, if you ride a vehicle here, there are usually cars going into ravines, just be careful,

Friends, because the position of the road is up and on the side of the road there is a ravine under which there is a river and it bends, so you have to be

Careful for another 100 m. there was a bamat or alphamat in the past, I think there was also a petrol station on the left side, so the public facilities on Jalan Raya Lawu are complete. If you run out of petrol, there are lots of petrol stations here, don’t worry if

You are walking or traveling on Jalan Raya Lawu heading to Telaga Sarangan, Alhamdulillah we have arrived at the Tawang Mangu tourist gate, which means that almost soon we will arrive at the Tawang Mangu tourist area, maybe it’s like Dojokan Sewu, we will get there, Grojokan Sewu, the waterfall

Is very nice, the city is under the hill, it’s very cool, friends, you can go there later if you pass by On Jalan Raya Lawu, to be precise, the Sewu grejekan is after the Tawang Mangu terminal or Tawang Mangu market to the east,

A little bit, you will definitely find it straight away, just turn left to the Kojokan Sewu waterfall which is a tourist icon of Kawang Mangu and also the Sarangan traga. I’m not satisfied. If you’re walking to Kawangmangu, don’t visit Kusukan Sewu, but I’ll just go

Straight to Telaga Sarangan because I didn’t stop at the Grojokan Sewu waterfall. I’ll just continue to the east which is nice from the Gerojokan Sewu waterfall, the waterfall is very high, in fact In my opinion, it’s better than Jumong waterfall, but Jumong is also very good. The Sewu area is even better. The

Grojokan Sewu tourist spot is also challenging because we go down and when we go home, there are lots of stairs so besides traveling, you can also exercise. The place is very Very cool. If you arrive at the bottom of the

Grojokan Sewu waterfall, you will definitely see that there is also a swimming pool that you can swim in and children can also swim there. Basically, it’s a really cool place to take photos and also travel with the family. Don’t miss it if you visit I have made a video about Grojokan Sewu waterfall,

Previously I traveled to Grojokan Sewu waterfall , but if you visit there, friends, you have to be careful because there are lots of monkeys. If you bring food or drink, the monkeys will definitely ask for it, so it’s better not to keep it in your bag. It will be displayed and then

It will be eaten by the monkeys, be careful sir, the driver is going up, in front there is a Cbat Iubisi truck going up, maybe after this, you will get to Tawangmangu market or Tawangmangu Terminal, I don’t know either because

It’s been a long time since I’ve been there. It’s been decades since I ‘ve passed Jalan Raya Lau Telaga Sarangan. I haven’t passed it since Keil was still in grade 5 or grade 4 elementary school. I think I forgot the way but now I remember again because

I’m passing by and I remember the memories. Because this way is good, the road is extraordinary, the view of the mountains is really good. apart from the view of the beach, you won’t regret it if you take a motorbike ride on Jalan Raya Kawang Mangu to Paga Sarangan,

You’ve already arrived in front of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangmangu, maybe you’ll go there a little later, you’ll arrive at Tawangmangu market or at Tawangmangu Terminal because it’s already here. Very busy, lots of houses and people on either side, perhaps indicating that you are almost at Tawangmangu market or at Tawangmangu Terminal, because here

Is probably the center of the sub-district, so it is very busy in front, there is a very big travel area, the color is black, if you go up, it can probably accommodate 15 people. Maybe 1 person

From one neighborhood can go up and have a picnic, all of them go to Tawang Mangu or Telaga Sarangan. Well, I’ve arrived in front of the Tawang Mangu market and the Tawang Mangu Terminal. It’s very busy here, lots of food and vegetable sellers, suitable for friends

Looking for something to eat. because at the Tang Mangu terminal there is satay and glle, suitable for friends whose stomachs are hungry and then after eating their fill, friends can shop for vegetables at the Tawang Mangu market because at the Tawang Mangu market the vegetables are

Fresh and still green, maybe straight from the plantation. vegetables in the resident’s plantation area in the Tawangmangu Telaga Sarangan area, here in front on the right side there is Pakur goat satay, the best-selling goat satay in the Tawang Mangu area , the price is cheap, Rp. eat at

Pakur Goat Satay, R.000, get 10 skewers, lots of them, goat satay or beef satay, they are all there. The satay is delicious and is very popular, especially on holidays, there are so many visitors, so friends, you have to

Order in line to be able to eat there 1 Hours later, it will be served or 30 minutes later, the satay will arrive in front of my friends. But if things are quiet, it’s fast, at least 5 minutes, 10 minutes,

It will be served straight away and ready to be eaten. The Zimbabwean goat diate is complete. There is Gle Tongsen satay. Everything is there and very complete. Suitable for friends. -friends who love and like meat and satay. So if you pass by Tawang Mangu, don’t forget to eat Takur goat satay,

It’s very delicious, cheap, if you can’t get goat in the city for R. -Friends , turn left and go straight to Grojokan Sewu and can tour the Grojokan Sewu waterfall which is very beautiful and famous in Tawang Mangu, Central Java, East Java and in Yogyakarta and throughout Indonesia, of course Airokan

Sew is very famous as an Indonesian tourist attraction. Also in Tawang Mangu along this road there are also many homestays or hotels or inns so friends who visit Tawang Mangu can stay overnight if it’s too late in the Tawang Mangu tourist area. There are lots of

Hotels, guesthouses, homestays, temporary residences for you. stay overnight so that friends don’t get tired when they want to go on to the next trip or want to go home but it’s too late after the tour to the Grojokan Sewu waterfall, you can rest or rent a room to rest and sleep and continue

Tomorrow and then continue on the next road to your friends’ house if you want to go home or take a trip to Telaga Sarangan, in front of you there are horses, friends, and there is also a truck. The horses might go to the Grojokan Sewu waterfall for horse rental. So

Friends, if you visit the Grojokan Sewu waterfall, there are horses, so friends, you don’t need to be tired of going there. Sewu waterfall village, friends, you can rent a horse so you don’t get tired on the trip, friends, turn left, there is

Balikambang tourist park, usually there is a tourist spot for children, there is a swimming pool and the place is good, suitable for children traveling and on holiday, of course it’s educational. for children to get to know the environment and interact

With the environment and nature. For younger siblings who want to have a picnic at Tawang Mangu, the Balikambang Park tourist spot is very beautiful. It’s still 12 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s probably still about 1 hour to reach Sarangan Lake. yes, because it’s still quite far, we haven’t reached

Cemoro Kandang, then at the border of East Java, Central Java, it still seems a bit long, but it’s okay, the view here is good, don’t regret it, just take a walk on the monorail to Lagaga Sarangan from the direction of Tawang Mangu, Karanganyar towards to the east

, besides traveling to the Grojokan Sewu waterfall or Telaga Sarangan lake, friends, you can also climb Mount Lawu or several posts for climbing Mount Lawu. At the beginning, to the west, we can climb Mount Lawu via Candi Ceto, the most beautiful route and also maybe if you go via

The longest Candi Ceto route, if you want to climb Mount Lawu rather quickly, you can climb Mount Lawu via the Cemoro Kandang climbing post and also Cemoro Sewu in Magetan Regency which we will later pass on this trip if we pass these two routes. It’s very

Fast to reach Lawu Peak, especially if you pass the Cemoro Sewu climbing post, perhaps departing from the bus camp at 12:00. This morning at 12 o’clock. Having reached the top of Mount Lawu, it will be very nice. If you reach Mount Lawu, this

Is because Mount Lawu is one of the seven highest mountains on the island of Java and is also a favorite mountain for climbers. climbing on Mount Lawu, so there are a lot of tourist attractions here and it is recommended, friends, you can go hiking and

Camping, everything here is very suitable. For friends and fellow nature lovers, go play to Tawang Mangu to Mount Lawu, the traffic jam to Taga Sarangan is very extraordinary The beauty of this is that I was confused all the way to the front of Pawang Mangu Subdistrict,

I should have turned right, instead I went straight if we turned right we would go to Cemoro Kandang or to Magetan, maybe if we were too late, we turned to the left, there was a big green sign saying Pang to Cemoro Kandang e Magetan If we go to the right, we turn

Again and go back to Tawang Mangu or Solo city. The further you go up, the better the view here. There are already lots of cafes on the side of the road because the best spots in the Tawang Wangu area, Telaga Sarangan, are starting to appear at cemorokandang area around

Cemorokandang heading back to the border of East Java Central Java then to the cemoroswu climb there are lots of stalls and cafes and nice and cool cafes the food is also complete starting from rabbit satay fried noodles boiled various grilled foods everything is available there, toast, there are also strawberries,

They are also sold on the right and left side of the Tawang Mangu and Sarangan main roads, and later when you get to the area almost to East Java, there are lots of butterfly sellers, my friends,

Delicious rambak butterfly. There are lots of them and the prices are also quite cheap, plus there in the Coroseewu area or on the border of Central Java, East Java, there are lots of sellers of pentol or mini meatballs which can be used warm, really delicious. Pentol is my favorite food. I always miss

Pentol because cabbage is delicious. There aren’t any in Semarang because I live in Semarang. In East Java, in Madiun, there are a lot of them. It’s delicious, the meatballs are the most delicious. In East Java, the meatballs are delicious, friends, there are lots of them. It’s cheap. 3000 can get

A lot of pakso, if it’s original pakso IDR 15,000, if I have 3,000 or R5,000, my stomach will be full so that’s the reason why I like pentol, whether it’s tofu pentol or soup pentol. cheap, now the road is starting to be very beautiful, turn right, turn left,

Plus cafes are lining the right and left of the road, plus the fog is starting to appear and descend here. It’s beautiful and very complete. The view in Gun La is very cool. Chicken riding on a motorbike on Jalan Tawangwangu towards Sarangan Village is an unforgettable memory for all of you, of course,

Taking a walk to Jalan Raya Tawang Mangu and Telaga Sarangan is the most beautiful memory with people you love or with your family and friends. traveling in Sarangan will never be forgotten and you will definitely want to come back here because it is really very beautiful, the view is extraordinary,

Riding the monor with your girlfriend, Sarangan Lake is very nice and cool, plus in front of the view of Mount Kaput which is clearly visible and the wind is very gentle, the atmosphere on Jalan Raya Tawang Mangu, with a cold wind, not hot, not Seti, a

Nice city, monor on Jalan Raya Lau Tawangangu, Kangan, the mood is cool and calm and the army in front of the sea mountain fog makes you addicted and you want to linger here, you don’t want to go home, it feels like it’s because it’s

Really very cool, beautiful and the view is extraordinary if you go to Telaga Sarangan. I really want to go home or go to Mbah’s house in Madiun, but maybe after this I won’t be able to go back to Madiun, I’m going back to Semarang because tomorrow I might work, if I

Have a long time, I want to go straight away. I just went home to Grandma to Adiun to my birthplace, it’s close to Telaga Sarangan, it takes approximately 1 hour to get to Mbah’s house, rather than me going back to Semarang, it’s far, honestly, going to Semarang to Telaga Sarangan

Takes 5 hours 6 hours and if you go to Madiun, right? 1 hour so I want it once went home to Madiun but I couldn’t because tomorrow I work and I sent greetings to my families in Madiun Hello asalamualaikum I’m sorry I can’t go back to my hometown to

Mun. Sometimes I also want to go to Sragen for my families in Sragen has limited time so I can’t go back there. So after going to Telaga Sarangan I will go back to Semarang. So it’s karep or my wish if I visit Telaga Sarangan. After

That I go to Madiun and stay there like Idul Fitri there for a long time, I don’t go back to Semarang, when I come home satisfied at my grandma’s house after being satisfied in Madin, I just went back to Semarang because I really missed my grandma’s house in

Madiun or my grandma’s house in Diragen. I also missed my grandma’s house in Diragen, which is close from Pagetan to Sagen because my grandma’s house is also on the border of East Java. In the middle, a little more, I’ll be here and I’ll

Enter East Java, near the border of Central Java and East Java. So if you go to Sarangan to Tawangmangu, you’ll want to visit Grandma’s house at the same time. That’s very wise, but nowadays it’s taught me that holidays don’t last long, unlike before when school holidays

Took a long time, you can 2 weeks 3 weeks if it’s Eid, if you’re older, you’re already working, you’ll only have a holiday for a few days at most, 3 days, 4 days, a week at most. If you’re on holiday together with

Eid, but sometimes it doesn’t last, that’s what being an adult is, but being an adult is nice to get paid money. When we were small, we asked for paychecks and sometimes we asked for permission or shame from our parents when we were older, so we could get

Our own sustenance, we could give support to our children and also give allowances during Eid, it felt really good, so we didn’t ask for it. – keep asking, so that’s the story, a little story as we go along. Sorry, I’m venting, Kara. I’m also confused about what you’re talking about. There’s a lot.

The journey is very long and the views are beautiful, everything here on the right and on the left is extraordinary. The views from the Tawangmangu tourist area are very beautiful. Heading to Taga Sarangan is really cool if all Indonesians really want to travel to

Lake Sarangan and also to the Tawangmangu area, it is really beautiful, including the tourist icons of Indonesia, maybe apart from Jogja, Malyoburo, Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple, then Mount Promo in Dieng, the mountain area. The Sarangan fighting sea is also the most favorite tourist attraction in Indonesia because the views are truly

Extraordinary and cannot be found in other places, only here is the most beautiful place and a memorable place that maybe when you go home, friends will want to come back here in front of there. there’s a truck, there’s a molen truck, friends, maybe there’s

Construction of a new cafe, friends, we’re almost there, it seems like this, friends, is at the theawu Park tourist attraction, yes, it’s a tourist spot or park, actually it’s also a cool tourist spot on Mount Lawu in Sampu There are lots of right and left because every tourism destination

Definitely stops here, they visit because it is good, suitable for education and also taking photos. Here in this park there are also lots of food and drink available as well as cafes, of course lots of coffee. This is where it’s very suitable for traveling

In Diamar. I’ve never been there, but it seems good because it’s busy. There’s lots of tourist buses . The htm is also cheap. I read the big advert for R. 000. Yes, it’s affordable. You can travel to Delawopak with beautiful views.

But we just go straight there because we want to take a walk at Telaga Sarangan delawupak. This is still in Central Java province I think and in Karanganyar Regency. Because I haven’t crossed the East Java border, Central Java, maybe it’s still a little straighter there, almost reaching the

Java border. East and Central Java provinces, the border between Karanganyar Regency and Magetan Regency there, makes it good for young people and tourists to take photos because it is very busy there, usually on Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, lots of adult children and parents of children.

Took photos there and on the side of the road, there were lots of snacks, coffee, kentol tea and grilled satay, meatball satay, lots of them there. So apart from taking photos, there were also lots of snacks, so it was very busy

There. We’ll see what the situation is like, but of course it was busy because it was Sunday. My friends used to travel to Lake Sarangan when they were little with my father, mother and sister, I really miss the memories of being able to travel with my father and sister when I was little

And even as an adult, but now I haven’t gotten to it. It’s really cold here with them, of course, because it’s really a memory of Lake Sarangan. it’s very beautiful , friends, and unforgettable, so when you come here you definitely want to

Be with your family and friends and also be there with your relatives, of course with your biological family, siblings and all of you are invited, you definitely really want to see Telaga Sarangan with them. Yes, it’s not a lie, it’s definitely in my heart Everyone definitely wants that. Nothing is different.

Parents also really want to be with their loved ones. Lovers also want to go on a trip together with them to Taga Sarangan, of course, but sometimes the universe and time don’t allow us to go on a trip together. Telaga Sarangan sometimes travels alone or sometimes with office friends or maybe

School friends. Yes, it’s really fun, but it’s even more fun if you visit Telaga Sarangan with your parents, father, mother and siblings, Bandung with your family and friends. loved one . It must be very peaceful and the desire is definitely like that. Yes, we have arrived at Cemoro Kandang,

1800 meters above sea level. This is the place where you can climb the Mount Law post via the entrance to the bus at Coro Kandang. If friends want to climb the peak to Mount Lawu can be taken via the Cemoro Kandang route and we go straight there we

Arrive at Sakura Hills, friends, yes, it is a tourist spot, friends, it is a good place and it is also famous. Sakura Hills is on the right side and on the left side, there are lots of stalls. – The local stalls are stalls that are ready

To accompany friends if your stomach is hungry. There are lots of stalls here to warm up your body, drink coffee and also eat boiled food, it’s really great. There are lots of cafe friends here. Friends, it’s good to hang out for a relaxing hangout with the family and your loved ones.

Friends and colleagues can have coffee here and enjoy the cool temperature of Mount Lawu. Oh yes, friends, it turns out that the climb is through this diemor cage. It’s here. The one that wasn’t there yet turned out to be just writing and at the top of the corral

It turns out it’s here so to register to climb Mount Lau, you can go through this corral climbing post. It turns out we have arrived at the border of Central Java province and East Java province, namely J Tengah Karangancar. Peaceful, we have entered

Magetan Regency, friends, it’s true that there was a busy atmosphere, lots of young people taking photos on the border of Central Java and East Java. The best spot for taking photos to fill your Instagram, friends, it’s good. once sugung rawuh in Magetan Regency, there was

A welcome greeting from the Regent of Magetan, indicating that we have arrived in Magetan Regency, the air temperature here is starting to get cold, friends, because it is already at an altitude of 1850 meters above sea level, usually it rains here, it’s

Cloudy, isn’t it? it’s raining but the fog is starting to show up a lot here, friends, here we arrive at Cemoro Sewu, this is the fastest climbing post from Mount Lau because it only takes approximately 6 to 8 hours to arrive at the top of Mount Lawu, the situation is also very busy

On weekends there are lots of young school children who like nature climbing to Mount Lawu via the Corosewu basecamp and on top of Mount Lau there is a Wim friends stall so there is a rice pecel and fried egg stall there so

Friends, don’t worry if you climb Mount Lawu and run out of food there are stalls for supplies, friends, the highest stall in Indonesia is very cool, Mount Lau is cool, the food is complete, the snacks are complete, so it is my favorite mountain to climb and also I

Fell in love with this mountain, the view is extraordinary, the views are amazing, and there is also a lot of food, a lot of snacks, a lot of snacks. I always want to come back here , take a walk to Mount Lawu to Telaga Sarangan and the tourist attractions in the

Telaga Sarangan area are very nice in front of the cars lined up neatly and the atmosphere is nice, the traffic is not busy like in a chaotic city , friends. Here, it’s smooth and quiet, it’s really fun to walk along Jalan Raya Tawang Mangu towards

The Sarangan fairgrounds and there are also lots of young people who are dating on new motorbikes taking their girlfriends for a trip to Sarangan, it’s really nice, the atmosphere is fun and fun, these friends are lucky. the atmosphere is bright, if it’s cloudy, usually you can’t see the road here

Because it’s all covered in fog, especially in Malang it’s definitely very dark because there isn’t much lighting and there are few lights so you have to be careful if you pass by here at night. But passing here at any time is fun. Why,

Friends, maybe even if it rains, you have to be careful because sometimes rain means mountains and hills are the opposite of landslides. So friends, if it rains, it’s better to rest first. Don’t force yourself to travel because that’s usually keeping yourself safe, friends here. If it rains

, it’s very cold, friends, even if you wear just one jacket, it still feels cold, you should wear another thick jacket, copy it or put it together, maybe there are two jackets, maybe it won’t be cold, friends, and also the fog here is usually very dark, covered in

Fog. but the gym makes the friends here addicted and miss it. The peace here, especially if you ride a motorbike, friends, stop first. Enjoy the beauty and feel the rain mist . Words can’t express it if you pass Mount Lawu on the way to Taga Sarangan. Surely everyone

Will fall in love with this place because indeed, Allah is great, he created the beauty of the sea mountains and also Sarangan Lake, which is so extraordinarily beautiful, I can’t speak but can only glorify the extraordinary beauty of his creation, friends, Allahu Akbar, Allah is

Great. It’s Sunday but the atmosphere isn’t that busy. If Sunday is a national holiday accompanied by days like Eid or New Year, usually you can’t walk here, friends, traffic jams are very bad because there are lots of tourists from abroad who want to travel

. Enjoy the beauty of the end of the year or at the time of Eid in Telaga Sarangan Wow, the traffic jams are really bad, friends, but you pay for it with very beautiful views like this, friends. Don’t regret visiting Sarangan Lake, the view of the fog that descends

And is clearly visible before your eyes makes you Yes, it’s amazing to be teary, it’s amazing, God created this fog and also this green forest which is so perfect. Previously, the motorbike rider also shared the moment of the fog. It’s really extraordinary, the view of the fog in the mountains

Is not like in the city, yes, here the view is beautiful. the fog is extraordinary and of course clean here the air is very cool, friends, well in front of S, the fog is getting more and more friends,

The atmosphere is getting better in the direction towards Sarangan Lake, the fog is starting to fall, it is clear that we are in the middle of the fog, friends. -Friends Wow, it’s fun and also cool, cool, friends, but in my heart it’s really cool, so the mind just passes by,

There’s no thinking about going anywhere, the mind is so peaceful, so it’s really refreshing, friends, come here if you have a holiday, travel to Sarangan Lake, the atmosphere is Nothing can be bought with money and the natural beauty created by Allah is truly extraordinary

Usually can’t be exchanged for anything, can’t be paid for anything, friends, it’s very peaceful. The car in front of the Avanza is very good, friends. I really want to have an Avanza car like that, but I haven’t achieved it yet, friends. But riding a motorbike, I’m also

Very, very grateful, friend. -Friends, it’s nice to ride a motorbike, there’s no traffic jams, friends , and the petrol is cheap, it’s not a hassle, and if there’s a traffic jam, you don’t have friends. Be careful, friends, in Black Spot areas or accident-prone areas.

So if you pass through here, friends, be careful if it rains because it might Sometimes there are landslides here, friends, and the road also goes down, so you have to be careful so that there is no safety, so go up slowly, friends, don’t speed at 20-30, just

Go fast, are you chasing slow people? slow down and on the side, why do you have to hurry? Yes, friends, just relax here, friends, slow down so that your mind doesn’t go anywhere and safely get to Telaga Sarangan because this is where

Our goal is to travel to Telaga Sarangan. Enjoy the beauty. Telaga Sarangan, eat rabbit satay, then ride a speedbot, that’s what you want to visit here. So you have to be careful on the road, friends, don’t rush each other, so that we are given

Safety before we arrive at the Mojosemi tourist attraction. Friends, open 00 to 00 in the afternoon there are dinosaurs there, friends, it’s a good tourist spot so we can see dinosaurs, very nice, very big animals that probably existed millions of years ago, maybe during the time of Prophet Adam, maybe but I don’t

Know because I’m not alive In that era, if you want to see dinosaurs, you can come to Mojo Semi Pakradi, friends, the lights of the stalls on the side of the road have started to be turned on, friends, because the fog has started to thicken and here it is also a favorite place

For children. -children or young people taking photos of friends with the green hill landscape and in this place facing east to west, it is the best landscape to fulfill friends’ Instagram RS posts. Yes, this is the best place to take photos in On the left side there are many stalls and also

Snacks behind it, friends, you can take photos with the beautiful mountain landscape, friends, here you can just check on Instagram, Jalan Raya Lawu Sarangan or on taga Sarangan, this place will definitely appear, cool friends. This is the place to take photos for the brothers and sisters, everyone

Will definitely get more glowing, friends, taking photos or making videos here will definitely increase the number of fans who like to lag and also the comments from friends here will definitely be friends

Of friends. All my friends will definitely comment Ih, it’s really nice to go for a walk like that. Didn’t invite you to something like that, Sarangan, like that, why didn’t you invite me like that, I’m sure my friends are like that because Lau really misses the friends on the left side, that’s

A friend’s cafe or resort. There is a nice swimming pool, friends, at Bah Jo, the swimming pool behind it is a view of the hill from Mount Lawu. If you take photos there, it’s also cool, friends. Just go to Mbah Jo Resort, order coffee or buy tea or don’t buy it. Just

Like that, you can have a bonus of taking as many photos as you like, the place is also suitable and also Instagrammable, friends. Beautiful views, lots of friends here, cafes with beautiful landscapes, so you won’t regret taking a walk on Mount Law, especially In the direction to

Sarangan Lake, in front of there is a Yogyakarta plate car, friends with fire plates all the way to Sarangan Lake, you definitely want to enjoy the beauty of Sarangan Lake , indeed Sarangan Lake is famous throughout Java, friends, of course in Central Java and East Java, for sure. everyone really wants to

Go on a picnic to Lake Sarangan in Magetan Regency, East Java Province, friends, I also saw on the left side like rose plants, friends or typical flowers in the mountains that can grow in the mountains, so there are flowers. Id too me Look here at Mount Lawu, there are lots of extraordinary friends,

Good friends, we have started to arrive at Taga Sarangan, our friends have started to enter at the entrance to Telaga Sarangan, uh, the exit, friends, that was the entrance, but now the entrance has moved to the east again, friends, that way, actually you can also

Get to Telaga Sarangan, but maybe now it has been moved to the east, friends. So this is true, my friends, just go straight there. Luckily I didn’t turn that way. I can just go straight, actually I can also go through there

Because I saw on Google Map at Telaga Sarangan, just turn like that, but I just follow the people L, it seems like everyone is going east so I don’t turn right, I’ll be there for a while, my friends. on Google Maps it’s been 3 minutes until

Now. I was lucky that I came here, not on a big national Sunday, so the road was still quiet and nice. Usually it’s very busy with friends here. I came here and really wanted to take my mother to Telaga Sarangan because my mother went there. Sarangan Lake was decades ago when

I was little, my father had been here on a picnic with his friends at work, my younger brother had also been here with his school friends, so I really wanted to take my mother on a trip to Sarangan Lake, if Allah permitted, he

Had time. one day because it is really nice in Telaga Sarangan, besides and after that you can also MTI to Mahdiun, friends, because it is close from Telaga Sarangan to Mdiun, my village. My mother’s village is in Madiun, in the east direction, a little close to It’s definitely fast from Telaga Sarangan

So fast that I really want to take my mother to Telaga Sarang and after that I go home to Madiun. Oh Allah, I hope I can achieve it, Amen, I’m grateful to be able to invite my sister and also my father and all my family and friends, friends. I’m

All traveling to Telaga Sarang together with friends, brothers and sisters, friends, friends. I’m online on YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp and other mobile applications, TikTok and everything else. I hope we can stay in touch and greet each other. go on a picnic directly to Sarangan Lake together because it is very beautiful,

Friends traveling in Sarangan will not regret visiting Sarangan Lake. I guarantee it and my friends also know 100% that you will never regret going on a picnic to Lake This Sarangan has started to reach Sarangan Lake, friends, you can see my previous video on Sarangan Lake,

The coolest lake in East Java, which is a piece of footage from my previous video traveling to Sarangan Lake, the coolest lake in East Java. So there’s a clip there first. friends, you can see this is a repeat or complete video of my journey to AG

Sarangan. We turned right, actually the entry route was to the east again, but instead I turned right first, but that’s okay. Later the route will be the same. It’s the same. there, we both go to the counter at the entrance to Telaga Sarangan. Telaga Sarangan is starting to look

Beautiful. From here, the views of the mountains around the mountains around Telaga Sarangan are starting to appear and it’s very nice, friends, isn’t it, the view is really cool here is extraordinary, well, there is a T-junction, just go straight there and arrive at the entrance counter of Telaga Karan. The houses you saw

Were homestays or inns or hotels around Telaga Sarangan and also the houses of residents in around Telaga Sarangan, you could see it there when you passed the road before the T-junction, the houses in the mountains are beautiful, the view is really cool, great, friends, before the entrance counter to Telaga

Sarangan, there is also a light blue mosque, friends, you can pray first at there, friends, before traveling, the facilities at Telaga Sarangan are very complete, from the entrance there is already a mosque that can be used for friends to pray before friends travel to energiar

And finally we have entered the Telaga Sarangan tourist area, friends. The entrance ticket price for Sarangan Lake is Rp. 20,000, friends. Here the atmosphere is red and white, friends. Because I came here on the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, maybe in August.

Friends, because there are lots of Red and White installed in this Taga Sarangan, well, and finally we have arrived at the lake, friends, the lake, Taga Sarangan, is beautiful, green, friends, the water and the water is clear, friends, it is very extraordinary. Creation from Allah subhanahu wa taala. This condition is

Also crowded here, friends, but not as busy as during Eid, how come friends are still in a normal condition and fun to travel in Taga Sarangan? I also apologize to my mother, I haven’t been able to take you to Telaga Sarangan Engineering

Together because my mother wanted to Once I’ve been there, I haven’t been able to take my mother here. In fact, I really want to come here with my mother because I really want to enjoy the beauty of Sarangan Lake and relive the memories. When I was little

, my mother, father and sister invited me here. I wanted to come here with them. Actually, but I haven’t achieved it yet, if not, with my family, my extended family, my family and friends, I also really want to come here with my boyfriend. I also really want to come here to Sarangan Lake

With him, my love, who I really love. Even though I’m single, I I don’t have a boyfriend yet. Never mind, I’m going to vent again, friends. It’s quiet here, friends, even though it’s Sunday, but it’s not a big national Sunday. Maybe there’s still a lot of activity because

I came here in August. August is usually busy in every house. -each friend or in the village is holding a 17an competition so the visit to Teraga Sarangan is busy but not as busy as usual on days maybe not in August Yes, it’s a bit quiet but it’s actually quiet,

It’s really nice to travel to Telaga Sarangan because you can really be satisfied going around Sarangan Lake without traffic jams and there are lots of people when it’s quiet like this, the atmosphere is calm and cool and the chickens are at peace, the view and peace of Sarangan at Sarangan Lake, friends, friends

Can also eat rabbit satay, a typical dish from Telaga Sarangan that cannot be found anywhere else, friends, you can only eat rabbit satay here because in other places there is no rabbit satay here. It’s delicious. The price is also mur. R. 000. Get 10 skewers of rabbit satay

And your stomach is full After that, drink coffee or drink delicious tea, eat rabbit satay on the edge of Telaga Sarangan Lake with parents, family, friends, loved ones on the edge of the lake while eating rabbit, the atmosphere is definitely very delicious, plus seeing the speedbot passing by is extraordinary,

Even more beautiful with the addition of Seeing the view of the lake and also Mount Lawu and the hills in Sarangan, it’s amazing, I can’t say anything. Surely all my friends have visited Sarangan Lake. There was a big writing on Sarangan Lake. Maybe at night the writing

Could come alive because it was given a light. It’s still dead during the day, but at night the life is good, so in the dark you can see the light, it says bes, it’s really good from a distance, you can see Telaga Sarangan. Wow, that’s really cool. There’s a white horse in front,

Caucasian horse friends. In Indonesia, white people are handsome, which means That’s a handsome horse, friends, and also on the right and left side of the road, there are lots of rabbit satay. There’s a lot of rabbit satay here. The price is IDR 15,000. One portion can be lontong once

, but if I don’t have enough, there should be rice. If the lontong isn’t full, it should be satay. Rabbit plus rice is like that so you’re full, friends, that’s why there are so many rich , friends . There are lots of fruit or

Vegetables here that friends can bring as souvenirs for going home and there are also lots of them at Telaga Sarangan. souvenirs such as the crackers are all here, the I love Sarangan t-shirts are all here, they can be used as souvenirs for relatives at home, so friends, the journey is complete from

The Tawang Mangu highway to Sarangan Lake and ends at the Sarangan taga , I say thank you thank you to all my friends who have watched my video from start to finish. I say thank you very much. I apologize if there are words that are not pleasing to all my friends. I apologize

Profusely and Also, if there is any error in the information, I also apologize profusely, more or less after traveling to the Telaga Sarangan area, part 3 because I have made a video of traveling to Telaga Sarangan for the third time. This is the third time

I apologize if there are errors in speech and providing information. to everyone to all my friends I love Telaga Sarangan I love Indonesia and I love more or less everything Sorry, thank you wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh see you in my other videos bye

Telaga Sarangan Part III Full Perjalanan Tawangmangu ke Sarangan.
Menikmati keindahan Telaga Sarangan dan Jalan Raya Lawu dari Tawangmangu ke Sarangan yang nganggenin. Merupakan jalan terindah di Indonesia, dengan pemandangan gunung lawu yang menakjubkan ditambah dengan telaga sarangan yang bikin candu, terasa ingin berlama – lama di telaga sarangan dan jalan raya lawu tawangmangu magetan ini ditambah dengan makan sate kelinci yang nikmat.
Ayo teman – teman Healing. Ayo teman – teman piknik. Ayo teman – teman berlibur. Ayo teman – teman berwisata. Ayo teman – teman jalan – jalan. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Telaga Sarangan. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Magetan. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Tawangmangu. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Karanganyar. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Jawa Timur. Ayo teman – teman berkunjung ke Jawa Tengah
#telagasarangan #sarangan #telagasaranganmagetan #telaga #magetan #danau #waduk #indonesia #gununglawu #travel #travelvlog #plaosan #healing #tawangmangusarangan #jalanrayatawangmangusarangan #maps #kecamatan #jalanraya #desa #kecamatanplaosan #kelurahan #healing #traveller #traveling #wisata #wisataindonesia #jalanjalan #magetanhits #magetanwisata #magetanku #wisatamadiun #madiunku #jatimku #wisataindonesiatimur #wisataindonesiaterindah #centraljava #eastjava #jawatimur #magetan #telagasaranganmagetan #cantik #keren #wonderful #wonderfulindonesia #jawatengah #hutan #kabut #gununug #cemorokandang #cemorosewu #gununglawu #thelawupark #airterjun #sungai #speedboat #sate #kelinci #satekelinci #satekambing #strawberry #pentolbakar #pentolviral #pentol #dingin #candu #mie #kopi #istirahat #desa #suasanapedesaan #suasanadesa

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