
“Misato’s Journey LOG” begins. hello everyone. This is Misato. This is JR Shikoku Takamatsu Station. As shown in the previous video, I just came from Naruto in Tokushima Prefecture on the Seishun 18 Kippu. This time, it will be a video of the way back from Takamatsu Station. Please subscribe to the channel.

Now, come to Takamatsu. I thought I’d go home after eating some udon noodles, but on the way from Ikeya to Takamatsu, there was an audio and display guide at an unmanned station warning me that the Seto Ohashi Line might be suspended due to strong winds that day. I learned that there is.

By the way, today is December 31st. It’s New Year’s Eve, but if the service is suspended, you’ll have to spend the New Year in Takamatsu. I thought that would be a good idea, but since I was preparing for Toshikoshi Soba at home, I decided to hurry home before the Seto Ohashi Line stopped.

The train you will be riding is Rapid Marine Liner No. 44, which departs from Takamatsu Station at 3:40 p.m. I was taking pictures in front of the station, but the 17 minute transfer time flew by and I hurried to the ticket gate and boarded the Marine Liner.

This is a reserved seat in a regular car on the lower floor of the Marine Liner. Reserved tickets are issued at Takamatsu Station. The e5489 ticketless ticket is cheap at 210 yen to Okayama. Shortly after departure, we passed by the Takamatsu driving office. Sunrise Seto is resting before leaving tonight.

The view from the lower-floor seats is a little unique, and when you pass oncoming trains or arrive at the station, you feel like you’re half underground. Departs from Sakaide Station at 3:54 p.m. This time I stayed in Shikoku for about 5 hours. I’ll come again. Broadcast: “Thank you for boarding.”

“Rapid Marine Liner No. 44 bound for Okayama.” “We will stop at Kojima, Chayamachi, Hayashima, and the final destination, Okayama.” Just before entering the Seto Ohashi Bridge. The area around this complex is said to have been reclaimed from a shallow area called Banshu, and the two islands that used to be there,

Shamijima and Seijima, are now connected to each other. The Seto Ohashi Line ran through there. So I will cross Seto Ohashi Bridge. The view of Seto Ohashi Bridge from the downstairs seats. You can see the view of the Seto Inland Sea.

The windows of the downstairs seats are angled to follow the tail of the train, so I think it’s easy to see the view directly below the Seto Ohashi Bridge. The view from the top looks like this. This type of interchange is the Hachiishijima interchange.

Once again, I looked at the surface of the Seto Inland Sea below, and the next land I approached was the Kojima Peninsula on Honshu. You can see Mt. Washu, but the Seto Ohashi Bridge will soon end and

Become an elevated bridge, and the view of the lower-floor seats will be blocked by a soundproof wall. This is Kojima Station. The JR Shikoku route ends here, and from here on JR West. The crew will also be replaced by people from JR West. This is Chayamachi Station.

This is a transfer station to the Uno Minato Line. There was no one at the platform, perhaps because it was the evening of New Year’s Eve. If you leave the next station, Hayashima Station, you will be in Okayama in 9 minutes.

Broadcast: “We’re almost at the last stop, Okayama, Okayama. The exit is on the right…” The next train is the Sanyo Main Line. Departing for Himeji at 16:44. A yellow 115 series JNR train was waiting for us. While I was waiting for the train to depart, I heard

That the limited express train No. 20, which stops at Okayama, was coming to Platform 3 next door, so I decided to take a photo. The first one to arrive was the 213 series, the previous generation rapid marine liner. The train now has a two-car train and is still working hard for local transportation.

And the 20th issue has finally arrived. It was a super crazy formation. There were several other people taking pictures of it, and since it was the last Japanese National Railways express train, you can see how popular it was. From spring 2024, it will be replaced by a new model

, so this may be my last chance to see it. When the time came, my train bound for Himeji also departed. It takes 1 hour and 25 minutes to Himeji. The sun will set on the way, but I’ll do my best to take pictures. The 115 series train I’m riding now has also

Begun to be replaced with the 227 series 500 series, so it may have changed by the time I release this video. 3rd station from Okayama Station. Higashiokayama station in 9 minutes. This is the station where the Ako Line branches off. As I exited the station, I could hear the

Roar of the MT54 motor . This motor sound suits well at twilight. The Sanyo Shinkansen, which ran parallel to the train on the left until near Joto Station , now separates. I passed Seto Station and arrived at Mantomi Station. The route up to Mantomi Station is within Okayama City.

As you pass Kumayama Station in Akaiwa City, you will see the flow of the Yoshii River , one of Okayama Prefecture’s three major rivers, to your left . The main stream of the Yoshii River has separated and becomes a tributary, the Kongo River, and you can see the orange girder bridge.

This is the Dowa Mining Katakami Railway Line, which was discontinued in 1991, and the ruins of the line have been turned into a cycling road. Wake Station was a transfer station to the Dowa Mining Katakami Railway. The former Katakami Railway platform has been turned into a bicycle storage area, and

Some traces of the platform seem to remain. This is the Katakami Railway platform at Wake Station taken in July 1995. By the way, Wake Station is also the area where the Sunrise Seto/Izumo sleeper express runs its good morning broadcast. It’s already dark at Mitsuishi Station. The area up to this station is Okayama Prefecture, and if you pass through the Funasaka Tunnel to the next Kamigori Station, you will enter Hyogo Prefecture. Then, it stopped at Kamigori Station. I’m back in the Kinki region. Thus, we arrived at Himeji Station at 18:09.

Opposite the same platform was the next train, the special rapid train bound for Yasu, which departed at 6:10 p.m. Speaking of Himeji Station, there is “Ekisoba” on the platform. It was 6pm and it was perfect for dinner, but

As you can see at the beginning of the video, I had already prepared “Toshikoshi Soba” at home, so I decided not to go for it this time. So I departed Himeji Station. It will still take about 2 hours to get home, so I will eat the dango I bought at Takamatsu Station.

It was written as Kochike, so it must be Kochi’s dango. The size of each dumpling was large, and I was able to fill my stomach with just this one. The new rapid train runs 130 km, and runs east along the JR Kobe Line at night. Nishiakashi, Akashi, Kobe, Sannomiya.

Arrived at Osaka Station at 7:13pm. At Osaka Station, there seemed to be a little less crowd at this time of New Year’s Eve. Then take the Osaka Loop Line to Tsuruhashi. This time, the Seishun 18 Kippu started at Tsuruhashi Station. It took about 11 hours to get back to the starting point.

After a long trip, I usually take the express train from Tsuruhashi, but at this time on New Year’s Eve, it was pretty empty. So I’m going home by express. This is how the fourth day of my Seishun 18 Kippu trip ended. That’s all for this video.

Thank you very much for watching until the end this time. Thank you for subscribing to our channel. I would be happy if you could rate it as well.





#青春18きっぷの旅 #快速マリンライナー #115系 #381系 #japanrailway
 ○You and Me / しゃろう様 https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play13806.html
90年代鉄道旅行などの動画「みさと 旅のアーカイブ」


  1. 大みそかまで旅行・動画撮影ご苦労様です。今年の元旦はご自宅で迎えたんですね。

  2. 以前、児島駅から遊覧バス🚌に乗車して瀬戸大橋の橋脚を見学したんですが、あまりの巨大さに恐怖感を感じました😱


  3. お疲れ様です  🙇
    運休で帰れなくなると、焦りますね。 💦

  4. お疲れ様でした。


  5. 『やくも』キレイな色だけど電車では珍しいのでは?

  6. 5:27あたりの表現で、『このモーター音は黄昏時に、よく似合います。』って、メッチャいい表現をされていますね!!
    さすがはみさとさん、Vlogの奥行きの深さを垣間見た気がしました。   (参考にさせていただきます)
    出来れば、ショートでもいいので、お蕎麦の『食レポ動画』もUPしてくださいませ。  m(_ _)m

  7. 高松駅周辺は、意外と美味いラーメン屋も多いですよ。和気は駅前の役場出張所で自転車借りられます。片鉄の線路跡走ってうがいだに温泉、柵原まで行けますよ。そして和気にも、美味いラーメン屋あります。❤

  8. うどん食べに行ったら絶対瀬戸大橋線止まって高松で行くとこ行くとこ正月休みの動画になったと思います!😂(雪はないけど)

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