Episode 35 – Hanspeter, pioneer of tiny house living in Germany (Amsterdam to Lisbon by Brompton folding bike and train) In memory of Hanspeter Subscribe Another wonderful day friends Honestly, it would have been so long if there had rain Program of the day: 40 kilometers to get to Hanspeter’s house.

I’m going to visit it. He has lived in a tiny house for several years. He is one of the pioneers in living in a tiny house in Germany. He lives at the beginning of the Black Forest and he welcomes me for two days at his home. So I am very happy

To go and visit it. It’s so cool. So we are on the way. And there, I rolled on glass, and after I said to myself shit, I rolled on glass there was a broken bottle on the ground and frankly, it seems okay. It stresses me.

Damn, but the Marathon tires, I’m sure they’ll hold up. Honestly, these incredible tires are amazing. Maybe I should keep quiet, but it seems okay. Earlier, on this cycle path, I saw two people on Brompton folding bikes. I swear it’s true and I said: Ah Brompton bikes.

But I think that people from afar, they don’t see that I have a Brompton bike because it’s a bit I’ve made several updates on the bike so from afar then, with the big front bag (Tbag) we don’t see too much. So I’m always sad because they don’t stop

I start saying oh a Bromp…ton but they’ve already passed. I can’t make new Brompton friends on the road. I want lots of Brompton friends When I was a teenager, I was already fascinated by certain people who lived minimalist lives. All that, even monastic life, fascinated me and at the time, we lived about

600 to 800 meters from the Rhine near Basel so I could go on foot to the Rhine and that happened to me. to bring a little something like a little gadget, something that I liked about myself and to bring it to the Rhine

And to see what it would do to me to throw it into the Rhine? I was intrigued. How does it feel to let go of things and I feel like my whole life I’ve always asked myself to let go. This happened to me with a separation.

This happened to me with the house too. It happened to me with the tiny where I really can’t take everything, my collections… etc… When I made this professional change, it was in the year 2000. I resumed studies in carpentry and cabinetmaking,

But there, I had already built my first wooden house for my family so, that means construction has always interested me. And there, I said to myself if I have the possibility of changing profession, I want it to be in the wood sector and so of course carpentry

Interested me even more but I realized that I was too old already to go on the roofs. The second option was fitting carpentry and cabinetmaking. And there, I was lucky to have an apprenticeship and a specialized school. Afterwards, I supplemented again with the money I had left from

The sale of the house that I lost following a divorce. With this money, I allowed myself to complete the training with a year in Provence, in the cabinetmaking school in Avignon. For the whole house, it took forever. We often worked during the day and in the evening, before going to bed,

I did research on the Internet and each time, I found solutions. But it took forever. Today the internet is full. If someone wants to build a tiny house today, there are lots of tips too and workshops. There is also literature. There are also explanatory videos, all that. But before, there was nothing

In 2013, 2014, even 2015. Nobody knew what it represented in Germany, for example, I explained I don’t know how many times what a tiny house is to people. had no idea what it was, especially a tiny house on wheels. I finished the tiny house here on this location where I am currently,

Because in the company next door, I had rented premises for my wood workshop and so I knew that a few steps from here , I could work and what’s more, there was electricity there. And the head of the company here told me: you can stay there, you can build.

You can even live there because you’re part of our family. Yeah, it’s very nice, very very very nice. My tiny house is the first tiny house in Germany. I started construction in France with a friend, but since 2014 I have been in Germany and I continued to tinker to finish this tiny house.

The idea and inspiration came from Jay Shafer from his book: The Small House Book. and afterwards, I even contacted Jay Shafer by email. I was inspired by his house I think this model is called EPU and so it looks a lot like the tiny house he had built at the time

I bought plans at the time of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company Unfortunately, at that point Jay left the company, but still, I got the plans at a bit of a flat rate and converted everything to metric. But I also transformed the plans a little on European road standards, the highway code.

And at the time, there was no tiny house trailer that you could buy. So I bought a car trailer and converted it so we could build a tiny house on it. This is why this tiny house is only 4m20 long by 2m50, 2m55 wide.

Which means that inside, there are only eight square meters of floor space. I realized while building that the tiny house will be too heavy for the trailer. So if everyone makes steel roofs, I realized that it’s not going to work. So what you see here is the same system, but in aluminum.

So it’s a third of the weight of steel and I’m very happy with this construction. The wood for the frame is pine or fir which comes from Austria or Germany. At the time, when we started building with a friend in Auvergne, we started three months.

We wanted to make a series of this tiny house , it was planned as a prototype and we came across a lumber merchant and found a pile of Canadian red cedar. And as it is the lightest wood and the wood which is the most resistant. But as you see, it has now been

Three or four years since we used a paint system that comes from Norway. And that didn’t work, it didn’t last over time. It’s falling apart and I need to renovate the facade. I definitely asked 25 companies from all over Europe to have small windows that open outwards

Because I didn’t want to waste space inside. And I finally found an importer in Northern Germany who imports windows from Denmark, which open outwards. I was impressed by Jay Shafer. He talked about sacred geometry. He said that he had built his tiny house according to this sacred geometry.

It impressed me a lot and I too followed this golden rule. . So we see the proportion of the tiny house. It follows a little this golden rule, this proportion of the golden rule which comes to us from nature and from ancient Greece. The golden ratio is all about relating proportions

That are pleasing to the eye. That means that this proportion, multiplied by 1.62, gives this proportion here. So this window follows the golden rule, almost this one too, and even the whole facade. If we put it on this side. We find approximately the same proportions here in the facade.

A house with this roof that I built. today the tiny houses have abandoned this roof a little to have more space on the second floor. It rather corresponds to this archetype that we all have in us, especially in the West, of a house, of a small house.

Ask a child: Draw me a house, it will look almost the same: a door, a window, a roof, a chimney, a little smoke, the sun to the left or right shining on this house. This is the archetype that all children will draw if you ask them: Draw me a house.

That’s why children love this house. If you want I’ll follow you inside and you explain to me what you want on the inside. So we’re going to go inside, follow me. This is the inside of my tiny house. She’s really tiny. It’s so tiny that I

Don’t have a sofa or anything here to lie on. To heat the tiny house, I also use a wood stove that I brought from England. It was a Shepherd’s Hut, a wood stove which is made by Blacksmith in Devon. I opted for that firstly because I like it.

It’s the same principle as Norwegian stoves. This means that we burn the wood completely here, in a small bed of sand, which means that there is very little ash remaining. And what’s more, he only weighs fifteen kilos. I was able to receive it from England by post. I find the mechanism of

These Danish windows really good. And at the same time it provides extremely well thought-out ventilation . And I was lucky because the manufacturer offered me this installation. It’s called ventilation suction cups. This means that even with the windows closed we have a kind of ventilation here where fresh air can enter.

And it works a bit like a ballpoint pen. You push and it goes out or in. That’s an interesting thing. This was an office that I found next to the road that went to the trash and I saw an office. So there were two sides of the desk and the middle

And a plate on it. And it was next to the road and I asked the people in the house. I said can I have it back? They said okay. So that’s what you see here, that’s it. This is one side of the office.

And this, and this is the other side of the desk that I got here to make this set of drawers. It opens like this and it opens here. I haven’t had television for ten years now and I’m fine without it.

I have the radio, I have the news, if I want to listen to it. No point in having the images, especially since the news on TV always shows us that the world is not doing well. and I find that we need to fill our heads with positive images

Rather than negative images, especially because we now really have problems in the world everywhere, violence, war, climate problems, etc… so it’s It is essential that we remain positive, not to deny facts but also to also have an alternative in mind. And I believe the tiny house is one of these alternatives.

As you see here, it’s the kitchen and what’s more, it has a bit of the aspect of a peasant kitchen, in fact. It also has a bit of a Scandinavian aspect, perhaps, it almost seems. So I have a small 40 liter fridge, so really very small.

And I have here three burners and a small oven. So all of this is a cooker that is made for yachts. Jay Shafer in his house which was about two feet shorter than this one. Jay Shafer only had two burners and a small sink and that was it.

But I don’t think Jay Shafer wasn’t a great chef who really loved cooking. I like cooking and I said to myself from the start that I need a little more space. The house was designed to have 85 liters of water reserves. I have a large tank. I don’t use it at the moment

, I bring the water nearby, I have the possibility of looking for water and there, I fill seven containers, there, twice a day. So that means that roughly I use between six and ten liters of water per day. I have 12 volt outlets and 220 volt outlets.

That means with my son who is a mechatronics engineer, we decided to create an entire 12 volt and 220 volt network in parallel. I have a shower head here to save water. It hasn’t worked once. Yes, I have never used it because I am lucky here,

A few meters away, to use a shower below this company. I am lucky but on the other hand, it means to say that it has become my storage room. And the dry toilet that was provided here, I never used it. Besides, it’s not quite finished yet. There you see, but hey,

That’s a bit… we close like that, we don’t see it anymore. It’s not bad because you can sit on your bed if you ever want to sit. Yes, but I hardly ever sit down. but here, I can It’s okay, It’s the right height. I don’t need more.

Of course, there are others that have skylights that come out like that and you have the side light because there are already windows here, but I don’t know. There, the exterior appearance with the roof, it still changes if we make another slope here, behind there.

And in addition from the waterproofing point of view, it’s still a challenge if you still make skylights, there There is the passage of the chimney and already that, it hurt my heart to cut into the aluminum , this hole that we find to pass the chimney. I don’t know if you’re still filming,

But there’s something there if you can see the floor of Pin des Landes. We made the mistake of taking that. It’s very pretty, but it’s too heavy. Because that’s what was at hand? But that was when we were in Auvergne. we said wow this parquet flooring was second choice.

And once we had placed it, we had nailed it with my friend in Auvergne it had a Canadian thing besides you know when they put nails like that in it We would have had to remove the roof, remove that and everything . I said to myself too bad, it stays.

At first, I started collecting all the bills and kind of kept track. Afterwards, I gave up. Afterwards, I also had sponsors for example. There for the fridge and also with the piping for the stove. I estimate roughly between €20,000 and €25,000 that went into the materials, not counting the hours of work.

The most difficult point and the most difficult problem to solve is where do I put my tiny? and where can I live in peace? So I’ve been here for three years, even more than three years, it’s because my neighbors wish me well, everyone knows me, we’re nice

And we don’t make too much noise . That’s why I was always afraid when there were press articles or if there were also little things that were on TV. I was always afraid that in a few days, perhaps, someone from the administration or the municipality or

The department would come and tell me: what are you doing here? It’s not legal what you’re doing… Well, I’m not asking for official permission to live here either. As long as it works, I’ll stay. And then if it doesn’t work anymore I’ll have to find another solution.

Have you seen any developments at the regulatory level? How is it ? What do you think about it ? It’s true that things are currently moving in Germany. Thanks also precisely because the tiny house movement here has also exploded. When I was in the press, every now and then

Someone would try to contact me. And so they contacted me and he said I also built a tiny house. So like that, I found someone who started the year after me. But we became friends. And he had the idea of ​​founding a Facebook group called Tiny House Deutschlands. This group still exists.

At the time, we had around forty subscribers. Afterwards, there were 400 of us. Today, there are 70,000 subscribers. I was always someone who liked to think outside the box and wanted to experiment with something new even if I was told it was impossible. or when people told me it’s too hard,

You don’t have any experience Well yeah, experience can be acquired by doing As they say in German it means the path is the goal you, you know very well Well, what am I talking about , you’ve come a long way and that’s also the goal. There you go, that makes sense.

In my opinion, the tiny house is still a small piece of the puzzle to make the world a little better than before from a carbon perspective , that means saving energy, building your own tiny house, that, that changes the view of this consumer society. For me it was really striking.

I started to build, continued to build here on this site there and I realized , while shopping in the supermarket, that I was tempted to buy one thing or the other. And I asked myself: Do I have something that looks like this? do I want to buy this now?

Or that does the same thing as something I already have? Do I have space? Do I really need it? When this happened to me for the first time, I said to myself, it’s strange what’s happening to me , I take something, I’ll put it in my shopping cart,

I take it out of the shopping cart, I put it back and I leave. But that was an awareness that came with the construction of the tiny house. It was very weird. Suddenly, I changed my way of consuming and that doesn’t mean that

It doesn’t still happen to me today, that one thing or another tempts me. When I see, I see this or that I say to myself it’s good to have it yes it’s good to have it but there is the word have it means to have it, to have space .

For traveling light, this is not the solution. Today, do you have any plans for the next few years? do you still want to live in a tiny house? Personally, personally, I’m a bit in an ambivalent situation, so to speak. Sometimes I come here to my tiny house and I feel very, very good.

I say: I don’t need more. It’s good, it’s cozy, as the Americans say. It’s nice, I look, it’s well done, it’s well insulated too. In winter, outside when the weather is bad here, it’s warm, it’s dry, it’s good. Often when I’m in bed, I tell myself but I’m still privileged.

But there are also other times when I tell myself a house of 40 square meters, that means five times more than that in surface area. It would also do me good to surround myself with space for books, space can be a piece of art on the wall. There really isn’t much left here.

It’s a beautiful light here, thanks to the windows, but the windows also take up space on the walls. And I don’t know personally, for me, I don’t know if that’s the solution until the end of my days here. I also always have this image of a tiny

But a tiny all the same of 40 square meters approximately that would be my tiny, it would be on a foundation also not on wheels, in a pretty place and preferably in France, in rural France. So. Somewhere with nice neighbors. To have aperitifs. To have an aperitif and cows or goats around.

This video is a tribute to Hanspeter This video is a tribute to Hanspeter for his courage, his strength, his kindness and his work which will continue to inspire the world beyond borders ok start, I will do my best but yes you will do your best. But look at this, it’s amazing Look around!

Friends, as a symbol, I throw away a small dab because I tell myself that as Hanspeter says when you throw something away, you let something go. So I say to myself, I’m leaving the Rhine, it’s time. We make a little wish at the same time. Voila, it’s done.

Salut les amis!
C’est avec beaucoup d’émotions que je vous offre ce nouvel épisode qui est très spécial. Le plus spécial de toutes les vidéos.
J’ai continué mon tour d’Europe en me rendant au début de la forêt noire en Allemagne prés de Fribourg à la rencontre de Hanspeter, le 1er à avoir vécu en tiny house en Allemagne. Quelques mois après le tournage de cette vidéo, Hanspeter nous a malheureusement quitté, c’est donc une vidéo en sa mémoire et son hommage que je vous offre aujourd’hui.
J’ai énormément de gratitude pour mon ami Hanspeter que j’avais contacté avant de partir pour ce voyage en lui demandant s’il était d’accord que je vienne à sa rencontre. Il m’a donné plein de conseils pour mon aventure dés mon départ et par la suite aussi.
J’ai ainsi pu poser ma tente prés de son terrain pour le suivre le temps de cette épisode.
Il aimait beaucoup la France et m’a donc accueilli le 1er jour de mon arrivée avec une raclette!
Bon visionnage les amis avec ce nouveau portrait!

Voici le groupe Facebook tiny house Deutschland dont il parle dans sa vidéo :

Hanspeter, tu es une inspiration pour le monde, merci pour tout mon ami!!
Merci aussi à Ambre (4 ans) pour ce beau dessin de maison qu’on peut voir dans la vidéo.

Chapitres :
00:00 Introduction
00:38 Direction la forêt noire en Allemagne
05:39 Rencontre avec Hanspeter et sa tiny house
05:44 Le début de l’histoire et sa reconversion
10:13 Visite extérieure de la tiny house
16:49 Visite intérieure de la tiny house
26:22 Coût de la tiny house
27:10 la chose la plus difficile en tiny house
28:36 Réglementations tiny house en Allemagne
29:56 Sortir des sentiers battus
30:50 Rendre le monde meilleur en tiny house
32:56 Conclusion
35:03 Hommage à Hanspeter
35:32 Bloopers

Si vous passez par là, laisser un mot sous la vidéo pour me dire ce que vous en avez pensé! Grand plaisir de vous lire!

Pour voir, l’épisode ou je te présente mon vélo : https://youtu.be/CZ4d90Kmcw4
🚲Je filme avec l’A7III et la Go Pro 8
🚲Les musiques je les trouve ici : https://www.epidemicsound.com/
🚲Le voyage continue ici : https://www.facebook.com/Laptitereinv… icihttps://www.instagram.com/laptiterein…
🚲Mon vélo Brompton est un M6R (C line)

#germany #bromptonbicycle #tinyhouse #allemagne #eurovelo15 #Europetour #foldingbike #missioneuropeenvélopliant #vidéossuryoutube #initiativespositivesetengagées #réinventerlemonde #laptitereinventerie #brompton #bromptonbicycle #bromptonlifestyle #BromptonLife #folding #bicycletouring #bicyclelife #bromptoncommunity #prendreletempsdevivre #routeduRhin
#filmeràvélo #vidéastenomade #europe #europetravel #tinyhouse #germany #bromptonbicycle

Abonne toi et A+ pour la prochaine vidéo! Aurélie

Pour m’écrire : laptitereinventerie@gmail.com


  1. Hi friends! For subtitles select CC 😄It's a special video, it's the tribute of Hanspeter, the 1st person to built a tiny house in Germany that I met during my Europe tour! He is an inspiration for his kindness and minimalism. He lived in a tiny house (8 square meters) inspired byJay Shafer in US. Sadly Hanspeter passed away in avril 2023. I'm glad today for capturing these images! Good listening friends! Let me a comment if you visit the channel!

    Salut les amis! C'est une vidéo spéciale, c'est un hommage à Hanspeter, la 1ère personne à avoir construit une tiny house en Allemagne, je l'ai rencontré durant mon tour d'Europe en vélo pliant. Il est une inspiration pour sa gentillesse et sa vie minimaliste. He vivait dans une tiny house de 8m2 inspiré à l'origine par Jay Shafer aux US. Tristement, Hanspeter nous a quitté en avril 2023. Je suis heureuse d'avoir eu la chance de capturer ces images.
    Bon visionnage les amis! Laissez moi un message si vous passez par ici!


  2. Mémoire éternelle à Hanspeter et tu lui as fait un bel hommage pour l éternité avec cette vidéo !
    Il m a beaucoup plu de l écouter et il est certainement un exemple des gens qui savent changer de vie , changer de vie ce n est pas si facile, ce n est pas si simple et j'ai cette expérience pour le comprendre ))
    Aurélie d une certaine façon tu réinventes une nouvelle façon de vivre mais surtout de réfléchir et de penser les choses autrement car pour changer de vie il faut d'abord penser autrement )))
    Amitié de Petersbourg !

  3. Quel Bel Hommage. Aurélie comment te remercier pour ce beau cadeau de noël que tu viens de nous offrir, et quel bel hommage tu viens de rendre à Hanspeter, son savoir, sa gentillesse sa bienveillance sa philosophie de vie me touche beaucoup et e aussi beaucoup à continuer dans cette voie. Tu viens de partager des moments unique sur une personne merveilleuse. Je suis sur que de la haut il te remercie encore et encore pour cette transmission. Merci Aurélie. RIP Hanspeter

  4. Quelle magnifique video et quel homme inspirant. Ce partage est tellement riche. On sent la bienveillance, la simplicité et le plaisir de l'echange.
    Merci de nous avoir partagé cette video et bravo pour ce travail et ce voyage enrichissant!

  5. BINGO une fois de plus! Feu Hanspeter était manifestement un homme qui vivait de ses convictions et de ce qui l' "allumait". Son départ est très triste — même pour ceux et celles qui ne l'auront connu que par cette vidéo — n'empêche que ce document audiovisuel pourrait faire des émules. Autrement dit, quantité d'autres personnes pourront s'inspirer de son effort de simplicité et de sa gentillesse toute naturelle. Aurélie, autant c'est triste qu'il ait quitté ce monde, autant il sera passé, même virtuellement, dans nos vies, telle une comète, grâce à la rencontre que tu as initiée avec lui. C'est tout à ton honneur… et vive Hanspeter et sa philosophie de vie!

  6. Wow Wow Wow 😍 My dear, that was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful and pioneering person. It was clear to see that he always did what he believed in and what he loved. RIP Hanspeter.

  7. Despite being a video about a tiny house, it felt very big — big ideas, big aspirations, big courage for him to make it and for you to do your solo travels and storytelling. I'll be thinking about this for a long time. Thank you & thanks to Hanspeter, wherever he is <3

  8. merci pour cette belle rencontre, je suis très attirée par les tinys , mais finalement je vais acheter une petite maison en pierre, simple, où je pourrai décorer, et fleurir, et surtout résoudre le problème du terrain et de la législation car la France est compliquée, je choisis un joli petit hameau de France, serein , où l'on aperçoit des biches et une faune sauvage, l'habitat léger restera un rêve , cet homme est très inspirant, je suis heureuse de pouvoir apprécier sa gentillesse grâce à votre vidéo

  9. super jolie le reportage.les images , l'histoire a travers laquelle ton ami a passé. je te souhaite mes symphonies que les anges accompagne du clairon et des tambour la venu de hanspeter. a bientot dans une nouvelle aventure. joyeux temp des fetes a toi.

  10. What a wonderful tribute to a dear friend of yours, Aurélie. He showed passion for his tiny house and the work that went into it. Full of knowledge, inspiration, and kindness. What he outlined in his mind, he worked to turn it into a reality. The end result is amazing and his memories will continue onward. Gone, but never forgotten, Hanspeter 🙏

  11. Un homme charmant et agréable qui nous donne envie de nous asseoir avec lui afin qui nous raconte, comme il l’a fait avec toi. Un bel être humain. Quant au « Tiny House », j’ai beaucoup de devoirs à faire pour arriver à lâcher-prise sur tous les objets que je chéris. Merci Aurélie pour ce beau voyage que tu nous fais vivre. ❤

  12. Excellent video, my congratulations and very very wise words from the owner of the house: "Good things are needed, not images of how the world is going wrong (the main idea)… Your video is very good. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing.

    PS: I miss the friend "Chubby".😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  13. Très touchant Aurélie, merci. Joyeux Noēl et mes meilleurs voeux pour tes aventures l’an prochain. Hanspeter a eu la veine de te rencontrer et tu as su conter son histoire et la préserver avec simplicité et beaucoup de tendresse. Bravo.

  14. Merci infiniment Aurélie pour ce magnifique hommage à cet homme remarquable et très inspirant.
    Sa sagesse et son niveau de réflexion sur notre monde actuel me touche beaucoup. Tu as vraiment su créer les conditions qui lui ont permis de se livrer avec autant de naturel et de sincérité.
    Quelle tristesse, alors qu'il parlait déjà de son projet de Tiny House de 50 m2 en France !!!
    De tous les portraits que tu as réalisés celui-ci est le plus beau, le plus abouti et le plus émouvant que tu nous aies offert.
    Encore un grand Merci pour ce merveilleux cadeau de Noel.
    Très bonne fin d'Année à TOI 🙏

  15. Bonjour Aurélie, tu as su créer une rencontre mémorable. Le montage de cette vidéo est super bien fait. La musique bien choisie ainsi que les images qui l’accompagnent. On a bien aimé le geste de jeter à quelque chose à l’eau comme un symbole du lâché prise. 🙌
    Anne & Eric

  16. Marathon tires are such a blessing.
    Your brompton looks so happy.
    I want to live in a small house that Mr. HansPeter made in a place with a view of the sea.
    Mr. HansPeter is such a happy life.

  17. Un très bel hommage que tu lui as rendu. Je pense qu'il serait fier s'il voyait cette belle vidéo.
    Il m'a beaucoup touché durant ce visionnage… Il est certain que c'est une personne avec beaucoup de savoir faire, de gentillesse et de sagesse.
    Cet épisode est, je pense l'un des plus beau… Surement dû à la disparition d'Hanspeter. Qu'il repose en Paix. Une pensée pour lui.
    Thank you Aurélie ! Thank You, pour toutes ces belles rencontres à travers ton voyage en Europe ! 🙏🏻

  18. Salut Aurélie !!! Bon, je suis un peu à la traîne pour laisser un commentaire ici MAIS MAIS MAIS, j'avais pris le temps de regarder (en compagnie de mon chouchou), ce nouvel épisode… très spécial en effet, tout en émotion considérant la situation 🥺🖤❤. Malgré tout, on sent tellement d'amour dans cet hommage rendu. Un portrait touchant qui reflète une douceur, une bienveillance qui inspire à la fois à la réflexion et à l'humilité… Merci Aurélie, tu as le tour pour créer des vidéos narratives qui nous amènent à voyager dans tous les sens du terme ! (à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur). Ce portrait m'a particulièrement émue et j'entends et imagine qu'elle a dû te faire vivre bien des émotions à toi aussi 💞❤‍🩹. Pensée pour Hanspeter, pour toi et les personnes qui l'ont connu et côtoyé ❤

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