ハンターカブ 2023北海道ツーリング第七話 | 脚の痛みで大ピンチ!苫小牧でツーリング継続が不可能に?ホテル駆け込み、埼玉帰省の危機⁉️ カブじいさんVol.100

An important announcement from Old Man Turnip. Ladies and gentlemen, this video is the 100th video on the Kabujiisan channel . Thanks to everyone’s warm support and comments, we have been able to make it this far. Thank you for your continued support of Cub Grandpa Channel

. The highlight of this trip was that I rested overnight in a bungalow and departed in good weather and good health. I am comforted by the horses, but something is wrong with my body! What the hell is happening to the old man’s body

? ? More trials will come. Will he finally give up on touring? What will happen to the old man ? Good morning. We spent the morning of our 6th day in the bungalow. I feel like I slept

Well and slowly . My back hurts, but it makes me feel like I’m going to do my best. It’s just a bungalow . When I open the curtains and look outside, it’s foggy and hazy. This is inside a bungalow at

Lake Kanayama campsite in Minamifurano . Yesterday, I spread out my belongings in the bungalow, dried out some things that were a bit damp, and went to bed. Yesterday, when I left the campsite in Kamishihoro, I put away my tent, which had gotten wet from the night dew, to avoid the rain, so I

Let it dry here and went to bed. I’m going to go to the water source to get some water. From this Hokkaido touring, I covered my bike with a vinyl cover to prevent it from getting wet from the night dew. This will shorten the preparation time for departure. This

Is simple, but I highly recommend it. On the way back from the water hole, I looked at the ground and saw deer droppings scattered all over the place. If you step on this, you will be outraged! Today

Is Minamifurano, the 6th day of Hokkaido touring. On the first day, from leaving New Chitose Airport to Churui, Lake Akan, Lake Abashiri , Kamishihoro, and finally to Minamifurano, I have posted a link in the summary section.

Please take a look from there. Today I’m thinking of leaving Minamifurano and going southwest, if possible as far as Muroran. If you boil it inside the bungalow , steam will come out again, so I started preparing breakfast outside. I use the concrete steps at the entrance of the bungalow

As a table to reduce the strain on my back. Breakfast is miso soup, oatmeal, and coffee. Oatmeal has more calories than rice , is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein, and also absorbs water and increases in volume, making it a great fast food for an easy camping breakfast. That’s right

. So this time I focused on this and brought it. It’s very convenient. It’s bland , but I eat it without worrying about it. How to decide where to go today is to prepare a map of reputable campgrounds like this, run in that direction, and

When you arrive at a campsite that looks good at the right time, stay there. That’s how I spend my days. A viewer told me about this campsite, where the lavender blooms beautifully, so next time I’d definitely like to stay in a tent.Which

Tent site in the campsite would be good?Location, etc. I’m currently taking a walk while checking this out . Waiting for the sun to come out, drying out the tents and putting them away before heading out. In the end, it was already 9:30 . When the sun shines like this, you can

See blue skies, white clouds, mountains, crystal clear lake surfaces, green camp sites, and trees. It’s really nice here. I want to come again. Yes, I’m a bit reluctant to leave, but I’m leaving. I’m going to finish the reception administration building out now. Yes, I have checked out now . I’m leaving now.

Let’s go, old man turnip. I throw the trash in the trash can, check out, and leave. This is a very well-planned campsite, so I thought it would be quite crowded during the high season, but I was lucky that it was empty this time.

We are heading west on Prefectural Route 465 along Lake Kanayama . After a short drive, I came across this lakeside observation deck, but there was no one there, so I guess it’s empty in the off-season. When the weather is nice like this

, I feel better, forget about the pain in my lower back, and run with a feeling of lightness. Lake Kanayama is an artificial lake where the Sorachi River was dammed by Kanayama Dam

, but it is a very attractive place. It seems that the dam has an unusual dam structure with a hollow interior . Yes, I’m going to pass through some kind of railway. Bridges like this are also exciting.

If you let your guard down, a deer may suddenly appear. When I thought about it, I saw a deer on the side of the road that had probably hit my car. I feel sorry for her. Yes, you will cross the Nemuro Main Line here

. It’s still double track here. I know it’s the aorta. From here, we entered National Route 237 and headed over the mountain pass to the town of Shimukappu. This mountain pass road is also

Said to be a road where you need to be careful as there are quite a few deer. There are many bridges that span the tributaries of the Sorachi River around here, so it’s very varied and fun. Even though this is a mountain

Pass road, there are long, rolling slopes, and after just a few curves, it becomes a peaceful and gentle mountain pass road that starts to descend. Something like this. Yes, it’s been a long time since I passed a motorcycle and

I was so excited. This time I wave and say hello to the tractor. Sounds good . I entered the village of Shimukappu. The Ainu word means a very quiet, spacious and calm place upstream. I thought that made sense. Shimukappu Village is

Located almost in the center of Hokkaido and is a key transportation hub for Sapporo, Furano, Obihiro, Tomakomai, etc. There is also a JR expressway, so it is easily accessible from outside Hokkaido. Turnip old man past Shimukappu After passing Shimukappu village, we continue heading south on National Route 237. Now,

Along the Hidaka Mountains, the road is gradually starting to climb again. I’ve been driving on the main roads for a long time , but the truth is, it’s deep in the mountains and there aren’t any back roads, side streets, or side streets. Yes,

While I was doing this, I entered Shinmachi. We will continue to pass here and continue heading south toward the Pacific Ocean. This is Ryumon Bridge. Here we crossed the Saru River. Right now, Route 237

Is heading south along the Saru River. It’s a big river. I remember a picture book I used to read to my children about a picture book in which one’s own shadow leaves oneself and starts walking on its own. I remember that it was an interesting picture book. We’re almost on the Pacific coast.

I came to the town of Biratori. This is where your body changes. Introducing the Cub Grandpa channel. The main theme of the Turnip Old Man Channel is that my life changed when I met a Cross Cub, and I, an old man who has passed his 60th birthday, talks about

Touring, camping, hiking, mountain climbing, travel, various tools, and stories about life. It’s a loose channel. I sometimes get scratches from chewing so much, but don’t mind!! Please subscribe to the channel,

Give me a high rating, and leave a comment. Yes, I came to the Neburinai Railway Memorial Museum in the town of Biratori. There’s this passenger car that can also be used as a rider’s house, and a D51, but something strange

Happens to its body here. I have no strength in my left leg, and as I walk, the pain gets worse and worse, and I’m dragging my left leg as I walk. I finally got on the bike. I’m like, what the hell is going on? I had exactly the same symptoms 12

Years ago, on March 11, 2011. The day the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, I was returning to Japan on a long-haul international flight from an overseas business trip . When

I got up from my seat to get off the plane , I couldn’t even walk because I couldn’t put any strength in my left leg. The airline company prepared a wheelchair for me and took me off the plane . As an amateur, I was imagining that this

Might be due to blood flow problems caused by staying in the same position for a long time, the so-called economy class syndrome , but I’m disappointed. You can ride a bike, right? However, when I get off the bike and walk, it hurts and I

Can’t do anything about it. It was a bit of a problem to have to walk on my feet. Twelve years ago, my leg healed after a day’s sleep, so I’m a little optimistic that it will heal after a night’s sleep this time as well . It was just around noon, so I

Stopped by Seico Mart’s Tanno branch and enjoyed Hidaka kelp rice balls and kusa mochi . Just for Tanno. At first I was thinking of going all the way to Muroran , but my lower back hurts and I can’t move my legs, so I’m in a dizzy state,

So I think I’ll stay in Tomakomai and wait for my recovery. I’m thinking that it will work out somehow. Yes, while I was driving, I came out to the Pacific Ocean side. This is Tomikawa Town. Crossed on the left on the first day

You can see Sarukawa Bridge. Old man turnip with strange legs. I’m going straight to Tomakomai and staying at an inn , but I’m feeling a bit lonely, and I’m worried about the pain in my legs, but I

‘m looking for a little solace in the vast meadow area in front of Tomakomai. I entered Mukawa town, a little out of the way. This area is a very nice place where horses are grazed . I came to a place near the road where I could talk with the horses

. Yes, I’m glad that the horse came close to me. I felt relieved for a while. During last year’s Hokkaido touring, I rode along the main road along the Pacific coast to Tomakomai , but I never expected

That there would be such a wonderful, vast, beautiful, and relaxing place in Mukawa town, just one road away. Well, I didn’t know that. It’s nice to find something like this when you go into a little bit of a secluded area. Feel Hokkaido.

And a big tractor running on this public road. Scenes like this also make you feel Hokkaido . According to a Dosanko viewer, this road on the Pacific coast, which deviates from the main road, is famous locally as a loophole. The ocean shining in the sunlight is a special scenery for

People from Saitama Prefecture who have never lived on the ocean . Yes, I’m heading back to Route 38, the main road, and headed towards the inn where I made a reservation. Due to the condition of my legs today, I felt like I might be staying another night

, so I found a very convenient place to stay right next to the station . I told the hotel staff about the situation with my lower back and legs, and although it was only two hours before check-in, they told me I could go to my room now. Thank you for your help. At

This point, the cat’s left leg was like this, and as you can see, it wasn’t working, and I was in trouble because I couldn’t get my leg to straddle the seat. I managed to get down. Old man turnip

With his left leg out . I somehow managed to get into the room, dragging my left leg, and lay down on the bed, moving my legs a little, massaging and rubbing my cat, and watching what was going on . It’s really pathetic. The hotel owner couldn’t see what I was doing

So he put my bike under the eaves. It was helpful. After entering the room, I lay down for a while and slept soundly, and then, dragging my left leg like this, I decided to go to Chokotto, a restaurant in front of the hotel, and eat dinner. . Speaking

Of Tomakomai, this surf clam curry rice is apparently a specialty. I thought about having it, but since I’ve been eating cutlet curry every day, I thought it would be a good idea to have some curry tonight, so I decided to have this grilled fish set meal.

It was really delicious. The person next to me was from Sapporo. Where did you come from ? I didn’t hear anything like , “Yes, I came from Saitama,” or that I hurt my lower back after falling, or that I can’t move my legs right now

. She told me not to push myself too hard and gave me warm words that really touched my heart. I had dinner for the first time in a while , and it was a delicious meal. After dinner , I limped to the Seico Mart closest to here ,

Thinking that I might not be able to move tomorrow morning even if the situation got worse, so I stocked up on breakfast, snacks, and water. I decided to go back to my room. On the way, I tried Neko’s Hokkaido Melon Monaka ice cream

. Old Man Turnip loves Yubari melon from Hokkaido, and I really wanted to try Yubari melon all at once, but I was able to enjoy it with this iced monaka. As I was walking towards my accommodation

, I noticed that there was a big hospital here, so I was wondering if I should go to the hospital tomorrow morning . I went back to the hotel thinking about this. I’m going to rest early today, praying

That my leg will recover quickly . Today’s mileage was 160km. That’s around 100km for 3 days in a row. Good night and praying that your legs will be better by the time you wake up tomorrow morning . What did you think of this video?

Please subscribe to the channel, give high ratings, and leave comments . Weekend updates have become a bit difficult for the old man, so I will update on weekends and Saturdays as much as possible. Nice to meet you .



🚑 緊急事態でのホテル滞在:

🤔 ツーリング断念の危機:

🔍 関連キーワード:
📍 ロケーション:

⏰ 動画の展開:


2023年北海道ツーリング 初日~





バンドックソロドーム https://amzn.to/3QdS9ze
ロゴスキャンドルランタン https://amzn.to/46p0Vjr
ミュニーク X Mesh ストーブ https://amzn.to/3PUqEcr
チタニウムフライパン https://amzn.to/3PQFVep
FLEX TAIL 虫よけLED ライト https://amzn.to/48RG0Hk
VARGO HEXIAGON WOOD STOVE https://amzn.to/3tvYxsP



・Cub Gsan/カブじいさん チャンネル

・You Tube 空撮と旅チャンネル

0:00 オープニング
0:50 かなやま湖畔キャンプ場の朝
2:45 朝食
4:32 出発
7:15 占冠村
8:20 平取町 脚に異変!
10:35 昼食 セイコーマート
11:20 むかわ町
13:42 宿に到着
14:00 夕飯
15:15 食後買い出し




  1. 100本動画、おめでとうございます!

  2. 100本おめでとうございます🎊

  3. ㊗️投稿100本👏👏👏


  4. 100本動画、おめでとうございます!

  5. 動画100本おめでとうございます🎉

  6. 100本おめでとうございます。

  7. 100本目ですか㊗おめでとうございます‼👏
    オートミールってみそ汁に合うんですかー・・( ̄▽ ̄;)?

  8. 動画up100本目ですか😊



  9. こんばんは😊

  10. お疲れ様です😊👍

  11. もう一つの傑作。 2 年前にあなたのチャンネルに登録し、100 本の動画をすべて楽しく視聴させていただいたと思います。 65歳になったとき、Triumph 650とNorton 750のオートバイをすべて手放し、小型のホンダに乗り換えました。 このライドで片足が動かなくなったと聞いて残念です。 今日はあなたの足が良くなるといいですね。 現在、私は 76 歳ですが、ホンダ CT125 は私にとって重くなり始めています。 でも、歩くよりも乗れるほうがまだ上手なので、まだ数年は乗れると思います。 後のビデオに英語の字幕を追加していただきありがとうございます。 大変な労力がかかることは承知しておりますが、感謝いたします。

  12. 今回のダジャレ一位は「バンガローでガンバロー」でした(笑)
    それにしても脚は心配ですねー😟 エコノミー症候群みたいな感じなんでしょうか? 私も中性脂肪199、悪玉コレステロール177の完璧「脂質異常症なので、血行にはすごく気をつけております〜 お大事に!

  13. こんにちは❗

  14. お疲れ様でした

  15. オートミール美味しそうでした🥣✨

  16. お疲れ様です。先ずは、100本目おめでとうございます。北海道のキャンプ場は、結構バンガローがあって良いですよね。ここも良いですね。ここをベースにしてゆっくり周りを散策するのも楽しそうです。鵡川辺りは、牧場多いですよね。本物のシシャモの地区ですのでまた行く事があれば、是非お試しください。足の症状が心配です。無理せず休みながら楽しんでください。

  17. 100本目の動画おめでとうございます。腰と脚いかがでしょうか?過去にもあったんなら病院でレントゲンあるいはCT検査しといた方が良いですよ。年齢ともに悪化すると歩行困難になる可能性ありますから。私も仕事がらヘルニアあるので、注意してます。

  18. 100回おめでとうございます❗

  19. こんばんは😊


  20. こんばんわ、動画100本目おめでとうございます😁

  21. オートミルって旅の朝飯にもだし中高年には健康的でイイですよね🤣のんびりスタイルのこの動画の空気感は好きです✌️今後も続けて下さいね。

  22. 100本おめでとうございます!

  23. 祝100本おめでとうございます!!オートミールで朝食、体に優しくていいですね。旅先での体調不良は不安が増しますよね。一晩寝て治っていればいいのですが・・気になります😭

  24. 100本目の投稿おめでとうございます🎊

  25. カブじいさん 

  26. いつも動画楽しく拝見しています。

  27. こんばんは~😍


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