2024 サイクルフェス- 松戸競輪場にて- Matsudo keirin Open Event

So today guys we are back at matsudo King Stadium a open Event so hopefully we’ll be back in uh summer time I think uh miabi SS here the Kawaii uh racer that’s why I’ve come here oh there he is the little statue Zan Zan a chin chin man the tining Statue be um a lot of dog stuff it’s very strange Kawaii dogs Kawai chaha French Poodle oh you can get like um an Autograph yeah show so all these are the carrying the Riders going there okay everyone’s enjoying the food oh burger stand so the this Oden shop is back I only if my caring friend will uh be coming back this stand is amazing donon what Here this is where um they have like the um the guys that give advice and you pay a bit of extra money inside information one guy here oh yeah this is the old lady I know she’s Here oh they got um hormone there yeah wantu yeah yeah oh there she is it’s so Cheap yucky Toy don’t know what that is oh um economy y so it’s like a special event day today it’s um there’s no racing going on but it’s uh just an open day who knows we might see me on the internet I don’t know oh choco Banana oh cool they got those little um planes and stuff oh you can um this is uh pretty cool cuz you can uh go on the [Applause] TRU here you go this is it this is the TRU this is unbelievable you yeah I need to get a bike let’s do a full

Lap so you can see all like the bells W it’s really steep actually I don’t know if you can see that on camera but it’s super steep man it’s kind of a bit dangerous Let’s ring the bell oh it’s a starting gun [Applause] cool that’s crazy yeah so um they actually um ring the bell on the last lap I think on the last lap they [Applause] [Applause] uh super super funny these are like Junior caring Riders super [Laughter] Loud should we give it a [Applause] go yeah this is the [Applause] Bell so go it’s so [Applause] heavy so going oh yeah this is all the [Applause] Graphics so we will walk this way so you if you haven’t seen my previous videos I’ll put them in but um K is such a a cool um spot in Japan um the atmosphere is just electric all the time you meet some like really cool funny people famous dogs

And um yeah everybody in Japan or in the caring stadium is so kind uh lots of people offer me drinks you get wasted it’s a real fun uh fun Event so yeah as you can see the uh the elevation is like really um really high so it’s actually a lot difficult um being on the ground level cuz when you watch it on TV you don’t really um get a feel for like it’s it’s actually pretty dangerous to be fair So over there is the um racing gate so all the Riders come out so basically um the Riders they have to stay here for like a few days they’re not allowed to go out they can’t use phones they’re just in rooms cuz it’s like a betting right it’s

Um they’re not allowed to like share any information it’s it’s really strict cuz there’s a lot of money involved Yeah so it’s really beautiful at night time cuz like when the sun’s coming down I got some nice photographs last time I was here but yeah it’s uh it’s it’s really it’s really insane Japan um gambling’s illegal but uh Kaden was actually started after War World War II for the government to get

Money back so they made Ken which is the basic whoa he’s [Applause] Gone they have like VIP VIP PE sweets There I think there’s some like rers [Applause] here Oh yeah so today you can rent um bicycles so you can actually do a full lap but I think you have to uh reserve the ticket as you can see every oh wow the que is huge hello so all every everyone here is waiting for the reservation so they can go around the

Track that’s how busy it is maybe next year we’ll come back is that the Oden guy it might be the guy from um kushu uh it’s nuts oh we can go upstairs and uh after last night’s um Shenanigans they sell 333 here this is the um upper

Deck and I think maybe the VIPs are like above here so you can um rent special rooms with like more pre premium menus for the rich people in summertime it’s really nice but it’s so cold today merchandise oh yeah I want that it’s pretty lit International beard so like these are all the um all the be you can bu nice even by penny so there’s nothing much that way but uh you can see the stadium better wow where’s every oh they’ve cleared everybody out okay this is like where you can um ride the bike we’re on the

Truck but you had to reserve it So Oh we got yucky SOA he’s a bit of a legend Japanese hi for so there Japanese Motu it’s like hormones tripe it’s uh really popular Japanese Nei is so nice psycho I think there’s some caring races in um Kawasaki today m very Nice see that that’s the best um Motu I’ve ever eat so good so good yo I know I know she’s cute I love her that’s why I I come to Karen because of her yeah cuz she’s like the most beautiful woman in the sport so she’s a bit like um like an

Idol so they have like this paw is it PAW Patrol PAW Patrol bouncy castle Yeah Yeah Yeah Hi [Laughter] see so at the uh back end of the stadium which is kind of interesting cuz it’s all um like factories around here it’s a real working man’s area I want that sign it’s so cool so you can get food it’s proper like old school style KATU it’s all po KATU Ramen curry

Rice Motu oh they got Motu there oh I should have got some M too man some rice very very uh affordable he’s good no tobacco [Laughter] D so Weird so this is for the VIP section well they’ve got a king bik there oh W VIP so cool that bike there Oh yeah I’ve already filmed it you want to go inside So these are their caring stuff you at it it’s so steep we when you walk on the side it’s really steep it’s it’s like that yeah and you fall over it’s crazy Yeah So so going oh ding ding ding ding ding ding Oh more Kawaii girls all the girls here today are kawaii they’re like Idols yeah it’s kind of interesting that uh Kaden because all the portions are small I don’t know why they do it like it’s all small Cola and drinks For There’s the guide so I think these businesses are always here that’s the Oden guy the guy from yamanashi Burger oh they’ve got um pork there oh my God that looks so nice look at that oh me Chan’s Finished so so that’s basically the video guys I hope you enjoyed it um this is Maturo V Drome staff very friendly I got [Laughter] tanos these are old guys it’s basically old men with lots of money they get drunk they have a gamble so yeah this is uh matso kiding

Kiding so these are the prices for the um rooms the VIP I’m surprised it’s 500 yen it’s so cheap so cool so as you can see a lot of people uh coming in from the Jr station uh K matsudo so yeah tanoshi so good and that’s I think there’s a it’s called

Ibushi Ramen Shop so there’s a another review we can do so all this block is owned by the uh the stadium


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