Bridge Tour Nakanoshima FullVersion「中之島橋巡りフルバージョン」 #cycling #diabetes #walking

This video supports Japanese and English subtitles . Diabetic walker. This time we are heading to Nakanoshima again. When I went around the rose gardens of Nakanoshima, I took pictures of Tenjin Bridge and Naniwa Bridge, but there are so many bridges on Nakanoshima that

I thought I could waste a whole day just taking pictures of them . Next time I’ll come here and try to get my blood sugar levels down. With that in mind, today I’m going to take photos of all the remaining bridges on Nakanoshima

. For now, I’m heading towards Lion Bridge, which I saw last time . There was a stone monument here that said Taihei Bridge . Taihei Bridge ruins. A long time ago , an irrigation canal flowed into the Dojima River from here, and

Taiheibashi was said to be a bridge that spanned that irrigation canal . We arrived at Lion Bridge. First, head west from here and take the bridge on the north side of Nakanoshima. Diabetes Walker ‘s little adventure. This is called Hoko Nagashi Bridge, and as the name suggests

, it is the place where the ritual called Hoko Nagashi is held during the Tenjin Festival. Cross the bridge and land on Nakanoshima. Osaka City Central Public Hall. From here, walk west along the north side of Nakanoshima . Nakanoshima is home to the Japan Tourism Agency, trading companies, and

and financial industry head offices . When a diabetic patient with a camera wanders around , a police officer calls out to him . Now, the next bridge is in sight. suishou bridge. It is said that it was originally a gate for river purification . It is said to be

A very beautiful scenery at night when it is lit up . I would like to visit there at night sometime. Oebashi. There were so many people that I couldn’t post any photos I took. Thank you for your understanding. The design is based on the Seine River in Paris . On the other hand,

If I were to make this now, I think it would be difficult to do. I wanted to continue along the river, but there is a parking lot on the promenade along the river , so I can’t seem to get there by bicycle . I give up and cross the street,

Walking along the north side of the Bank of Japan Osaka branch. A diabetic patient with a camera is wandering near the Bank of Japan Osaka branch . Hey siren. Ambulance, police car. No way it’s doing nothing to me . He’s the only diabetic with a camera everywhere .

It’s scary to hear sirens in a so-called avant-garde town , but it’s also scary to hear sirens in a town where the elite gather . It makes me wonder if terrorism is happening . As I thought about this, the next bridge came into view. Nakanoshima Garden Bridge This bridge is relatively new.

Apparently it was hung during the Osaka Flower Exhibition. Although the exposition took place more than 30 years ago, other bridges have existed since the Edo period and ancient times, so I wonder when Nakanoshima was called Nakanoshima. Diabetic walker adult excursion. Now, let’s head to the next bridge.

How many bridges are there on Nakanoshima? In fact, there are some bridges whose names cannot be confirmed on the map, so I walk on them without knowing much about them . Well, I’ll see if I go anyway. The next bridge is now in sight. Watanabe Bridge.

Although the exact location does not seem to be here, there are references to Watanabe Bridge in ancient documents from the Yamato and Heian periods . It seems that when bridges were rebuilt after being washed away by typhoons or floods , or when new bridges were built in modern times,

they were deliberately named after bridges that had existed in the past . Now, the next bridge. The number of people is increasing from around here. No, as I said earlier, most of the footage from the trip is unusable.

If you take care not to show people, you won’t be able to tell what ‘s going on , so cut it like this. While cutting, it becomes. Thank you for your understanding. Tamino Bridge. It is said to have originated from Tamino Island, one of the Yasoshima Islands in Naniwa. However, it is not

Certain whether Tanyojima existed at this location . I thought I could walk straight along the river , but there was a parking lot , so I guess it’s not impossible to go, but it doesn’t seem like bicycles can pass . Return to the south side of the street. There are

Many pedestrian-only promenades along the river on the north side of Nakanoshima . Next time I come, I think I’ll take the train and walk around . Well, walking all the time might be tough. Nakanoshima is quite a distance if you think of going around it

. The next bridge is now in sight. Tamae Bridge. This bridge seems to have existed since the Edo period. At that time, it was said that the five-storied pagoda of Shitennoji could be seen from this bridge. I’m cycling across the street instead of entering the promenade along the river, so

If there’s a small bridge, I might have missed it . I’ll try comparing the map and video later to confirm . I will come back if there is a leak. Now, the next bridge is in sight. Dojima Bridge. Originally, it was a leg connecting Dojima and Nakanoshima.

The current one was completed in 1929 and improved in 2020. It seems that some parts of the building that were burnt out by the war were intentionally left in place . It looks like there’s a promenade ahead. However, there are no guardrails for cars, so

You can probably walk if you push your bicycle . yes. I wanted to walk along the river like this. It’s so quiet that you can’t believe there’s an office district right next to it. As a country person, I find it a little difficult to breathe

When I work in the city . On my days off, I want to see mountains, rivers, and the ocean. The sound of the river flowing, the chirping of birds, and the wind rustling through the treetops. I guess I’m a country person at heart. Now, the next bridge is in sight. Kamifunatsu Bridge

Was newly established in 1933. The current one was completed in 1981. It seems like. I’m relieved because the other bridges are ancient or from the Edo period . Diabetic walker adult excursion. Please subscribe to the channel. This is the west side of Kamifunatsu Bridge. Looking downstream, you can already see the next bridge.

Funatsu Bridge A bridge built after the mid-Genroku period. It is believed that it was located a little further east at that time. This is the westernmost bridge on the north side of Nakanoshima. There is also a bridge on

The south side, next to the Hanshin National Highway, but we were unable to access this bridge due to construction. I would like to visit this bridge again someday. Nakanoshima Nishi Park is on the south side of the street, so let’s take a short break. It’s finally time to turn around.

After this, we will go around the bridge on the south side of Nakanoshima. Minato Bridge. During the Genroku period, the surrounding area was actively built and maintained, and a bridge was built. At that time, the area was lined with warehouses belonging to powerful feudal clans , and the warehouses had docks,

Making it a veritable port where commercial ships were crowded . There are still ships and docks . The current port is still quite far away, but I was thinking about transporting it by car , when the chain on my bicycle came off. This is quite difficult. It was quite difficult.

My hands are already black. I got dirty. Oh, I’m already dirty. I’m cured. I’m going to regain my composure, leave Nakanoshima and head for the next bridge from the south side of the Tosabori River . It is on the south side of the Tosabori River. This area

Has long been home to many warehouses , so there seem to be a lot of trading companies. Tosabori Bridge. Hypothesis in 1921. Although it was built 100 years ago, it feels new compared to other bridges. I crossed the Tosabori Bridge and returned to Nakanoshima. What came into view was Etchu Bridge.

This bridge is a pedestrian-only bridge and is said to have already appeared on a map in 1657. Etchu Bridge is a really normal pedestrian bridge and I couldn’t find the name on the railing. Was it on the other side? I’d like to check it out again someday ,

But since the number of people moving in is increasing from here , there will be a lot of cuts. Please pardon. The Joan Bridge came into view. This bridge is said to have been built by a merchant named Yodoya Joan when he developed Nakanoshima in the early Edo period . A sudden mosaic.

Very sorry. After this, we will pass through one of the most prominent office districts in Osaka city . Worst of all, it was lunchtime, so a huge number of people were reflected in the shot. As a result, most scenes are unusable and have to be cut. You’ve already made a mosaic, haven’t you?

Wouldn’t it be nice to make a mosaic? Yes, you may think so, but it was on a slightly different level. I was in a crowd, so I got a close-up of it, and even though I put a mosaic on it, if it was him, it was me. I understand. But

Everyone , it’s a diabetes walker. There’s a diabetes walker. where. Where can I catch it? Grab it and hang it up. They gave me a warm welcome. Now, let’s pull ourselves together and move on to the next bridge. Chikuzen Bridge.

A warehouse belonging to the Kuroda clan in Chikuzen in the early Edo period . It seems that it was heading towards the mansion. It seems that at that time it was a lot more upstream than it is now. Even if the area was reorganized through modernization , they probably wanted to

Keep the name intact . Yes, I’m sorry that there were so many people who had to cut out so much. This is Higobashi. As the name suggests, this bridge was built during the Edo period towards the Higo clan’s warehouse . It seems like it was in a slightly different location

than it is now . There were so many people that I had no choice but to point my camera downwards and take pictures of the sky. I had no choice but to come out to the street on the south side of the Tosabori River . From here,

We will aim for the next bridge. Nishiki Bridge. Originally a movable weir for purification. Currently, it is a pedestrian bridge. I was told that there was that tile painting in the center , but it had become a place for lunchtime relaxation in an office district, so I decided not to photograph it anymore.

I will definitely get revenge here. It can’t be helped because it’s an office area during the day, but if we’re going to continue making this video in the future , we’ll have to think about ways to prevent crowds . Now, the next big intersection will be Yodoyabashi. It was hung by Yodoya

, a lumber merchant during the Edo period . Currently, 70,000 pedestrians and 60,000 cars pass through it every day. I wonder if this Yodoya is the same Mr. Tsuneyasu from Tsuneyasu Bridge mentioned earlier . Or maybe it’s a different generation. It ‘s difficult to make videos because it’s crowded , or i can’t

Use them even if i do . However, it is. So, when I was moving around a lot , my blood sugar level dropped dramatically. thank you. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to edit and release the cycling videos I’ve been taking . I’m going

To take shape and upload it little by little , so please continue to support me. Now, it’s the last spurt. The next bridge, Sendannoki Sandalwood Bridge, will be the last bridge of this excursion. Sandalwood Bridge As the name suggests, there was

A large sandalwood tree on this street . That’s all for this video. If you like, please subscribe to the channel and wait for the next video. Thank you for your viewing.





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