道に船が駐車する海水湖 湖周道路の風景は、とんでもなく風情ある漁師町だった! 福井県三方五湖 日向湖 (廃道 旧道 険道 酷道)字幕翻訳あり

This time we started from Mihama Station. I have a picture of the bike I rented, but I was worried about the wind and the blurring, so I’m thinking of taking a spare picture of the car version. Thank you. There is a rental cycle at Mihama Station, and you

Can rent regular bicycles and electric bicycles.The one I rented was a mamachari electric bicycle, and it cost 800 yen for 4 hours. I am riding an electric bicycle around the area. I hope you can see those videos. Head towards Lake Hyuga. We will go around Lake Hyuga.

What you can see on the right is the Sea of ​​Japan. It’s the border between the Sea of ​​Japan and the lake. Is there a fishing port on the right? Then cross a distinctive bridge. This will also be explained later. I guess the road has been raised so that ships can pass through.

And we’ll start from the left here. I really like this place. This is my second time as I passed by by bicycle earlier. It’s a peaceful, really nice atmosphere. I really like this atmosphere. I guess the fishing is over, but when I passed by on my bike earlier, I

Saw that everyone was holding yellowtail and other fish, but they were quite large. Everyone has one that is over 50 centimeters long. The size of the fish of the person who has the fish is quite large. That surprised me. Although it is called a fishing port, it is actually a lake, but

Is it actually a seawater lake? “The only saltwater lake in the Mikata Goko Lakes” I think the fishing boat you see on the left is basically a fisherman catching fish from the sea. The fish I had was a sea fish, so I don’t know if it was a hamachi, but

It looked like a sea fish. I’m not here. unfortunately. All the fishermen were holding them in their hands earlier. I think it’s a really good place. Very peaceful. The other side also feels like a fishing town. It’s a fairly narrow road, but there are boats scattered on the left side, and

I wonder if there are also rafts? It might be a living tank though. Raft. It’s not a very large lake, but I think that the fact that it has a sea feel to it even though it’s a lake gives it an elegant appearance.

There was a fish tied to the back of a bicycle (lol) It was the first time I’d seen that (lol) Here, on the left is an offshore fishing pond, Fishing Rainbow.There were a lot of people there earlier. There were a lot of people there, but does it end after noon?

There was no one left. “On this day, it was until noon.It varies depending on the season.” Please see the image. The synergy between the lake and this road. It’s really good. It has a great atmosphere. This view is very nice. The atmosphere is completely different from

Lake Suigetsu, which I posted about the other day, and Lake Mikata, which is large over there, and it has a great flavor. I also like the atmosphere of the other lakes. It’s a large lake, and you can feel the majesty of Oku-Biwa Lake, so this is also a fishing pond,

And although there were people there earlier, there aren’t any people around now. I wonder if it ends in the afternoon, outside of business hours. These people feel like they can go home. The area around it is small, but it’s lively, with the atmosphere of a fishing town and

A lake version of the idyllic rural setting. The atmosphere is very nice. Even if we refer to the Mikata Five Lakes as one group, just as the nature of each lake is different, the scenery is also completely different. I like this Lake Hyuga. It has taste.

I’d like to run along the edge of the lake, but I guess the only way to get there on the left side of the lake is on foot. So I don’t even go there by bicycle. Leave the lake for a while. From here, we’re on the opposite side

Of where we couldn’t run along the edge of the lake earlier . What can I say? It makes me feel numb. Each lake has a different character and is interesting. There was also a cycling road that took you around the Mikata Goko Lakes all at once

, but as you walked along the lakeshore in detail , each one had a different character and was interesting. Really. What is this place called? It’s more like a dock, or rather, it feels like you’re walking along. There seems to be something like an old road on the right, but

I guess this road is now the main street. It’s really amazing. I don’t want to call it a mess , but I think the atmosphere here is nice. What would you say? I like the fact that it’s a place with a lot of nature, but the word “chaotic” might be strange, but

There’s a lot of information out there, and the lake is beautiful. I love that kind of atmosphere. And here is the bridge at the beginning. If you use the bicycle version, you can see where the ships are passing by. So I went around Lake Hyuga. And after this, I think I’ll go

To Lake Kugushi .

湖なのに巨大ブリを持ち歩く姿が多数見られたカオスな空間だけども どこか懐かしくも癒される集落道路! 福井県三方郡美浜町日向 三方五湖 日向湖

今回の地図 グーグルマップ


一作品を40秒にまとめた忙しい方のための フェマール動画まとめ

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GoPro MAXの詳細はこちら↓


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【廃道 廃橋 廃隧道】南越前町桜橋。誰も訪れぬ明治の石造りアーチ橋と昭和の廃道アーチ橋と廃隧道











  1. 長閑な漁村を走っているような感じで、湖沿いにこのような風景(街並み)もあるのですね。

  2. 海とつながってる湖って陸地で海と隔てられているから、波が立たないので港にうってつけの場所なんですよね。穏やかな湖面、緑の山、青い空、そして漁師町。日本の原風景(大袈裟かな?)と言ったところでしょうか。風情があっていいですねえ。😊

  3. 地元周辺じゃ~ちょっと出入り口が広いですけど有明海や、長崎県の大村湾かいな?・・・・ちと違う?

  4. ちょうどあの橋を渡りきった所が県道214号の起点ですね😊

  5. ひるが湖は海水。漁しさんは朝早いから魚を持ってるのは分け魚(よ)と言って分け合って持ち帰る風習でしょうね。

  6. 懐かしいです。昔、漁網の配達で日向湖の周回路へ行きました。4トン車でしたので、もっこりの橋の方からは行けなくて(今は行けそうな感じですね)、レインボーラインの料金所の方から入って行きました。

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