Hello, welcome to our weekly video, friends, another day we are in Tokyo, we are in Tama Sakai, it has been 2 months, where are we going, my dear, we will pass from there, we will pass from here, we will do a few months of shopping, since I have a video about costco,

I will show it in series. In Japan videos, days pass very quickly. There was a shop where pokemon cards were exchanged. I went in and bought a few things. I’ve been obsessed with pokemon cards lately, so nothing came of it. I’m trying to circulate money from there.

Bread is important. We bought a four-pack of bread for 7 dollars, 7 dollars for 14 dollars . I’m in a department store right now. I’m going to spend money to buy something for 2 months. Fruits here are expensive in Japan. But there

Is a tangerine here. It’s 5 kilos, 1698, and it’s almost 10 dollars. Let’s say it’s a must. Salmon is Antarctica. Come on, 1145. Even if we don’t buy anything, we buy this salmon every time we come, it’s incredible. It’s a perfect taste for 10

Dollars. We’ll also buy these Melo golds called Melo Gold. Whoops, he wasn’t buying much fruit from here, so this time we focused on fruit, look at the price of cherries, 20 dollars, this one is 25 dollars, these cherries are incredibly expensive, how much are strawberries, 12

Dollars 200. We are almost here to the dollar. Are we in Tokyo? Let’s buy salty kajo. That’s all we are. It’s very likely that we will see a 500 dollar price. My guess was that we will see a 500 dollar price. I was right, it cost exactly

4991 dollars. 70.3 23 yen will take a few months. We came here 2 months ago anyway. People here are eating cheap ice cream, sausages and mousse like this. The food is way below the standards. There was the same conversation in Ika. These big sausages. Coke is unlimited. By the way, it’s a dollar

Now. You can drink as much as you want. We’ll finish it and buy a travel allowance. Japanese Coffee shop [Music] sin [Music] sinon [Music] Day places because it smells You can buy second-hand products like this, and you can find them for a cheap price. Products where you can find everything from A to Z can be found a little cheaper. In Japan, for example,

These are generally pokon cards, they are 500 yen, here they are 300 yen. Of course, I will buy them, for example, this and that whiskey are expensive. There are also things, of course, trinkets, jewelry, gold malt, whatever you want, keep in mind, if you come to Day Koku, take a look,

There are pokemon cards in it, I bought this from Day Koku , there are 4 cards in a single package, if I try to sell them, it would be around 1000 yen. Total of these, we have 10 packs. There are about 36 more cards among these,

I gave 3,000 yen in total and it turned out to be 1000 yen. Can I explain more? This is this sector, friends, it is an incredible sector. I mean, what kind of money is going on, collectors, moleks

Oncul, MIT, there is a lot of price fluctuation, these are like 500, that is, 600. We can make you read it for 3 or 4 dollars for 4 dollars. You don’t have anything to do with it, do you? My dear, how

Japanese are you with Pokemon cards? Let’s play stones with you one day. While walking on a flat road in Tokyo, we can come across interesting things. The monkey is talking. I’ll give this monkey 500 like this. [ Music] Sarya worship, we came to the temple to get our year cards, our nature cards,

We will open the old year’s cards, this is the place where people throw all their papers and prayers, their wishes, good and bad, from the previous year, they will all be burned and destroyed along with the past year. Of course, you throw money here everywhere in Japan. As it is, there

Is a very calm and peaceful view here, they have placed the sakel men, there are religious officials coming out from inside, there is an orange tree there, it is a very calm view. Even the sound of these stones while walking here relaxes you a little. I

Also bought a prayer paper this year, so that you can be successful in your work. I bought it for 3 dollars. Shake it. There are sticks in it. You come across one of these numbers. Check it out. Let’s sing it. Show us an example of the Japanese art of folding

How you do things like this. Let’s see, he ties the paper like a rope. Well done, well done. I couldn’t resist. I opened a package. The value of this card is currently around 2000 yen. In the video, they say that all purchases are given a big profit . Music] We left the cinema, well, it was the first one, to be honest, it was the last hour. It wasn’t bad either, but it wasn’t a good one, but it was the first movie starring Johnny Depp. Of course,

It’s priceless, it’s a place to spend money. I can’t allocate any budget for these right now because I’m obsessed with pokemons. Girls. Girls. I’m sorry, we are indispensable to end the day. We came to Shiro, the most expensive plate of the day. Oy caviar and Seafood myrrh is such a strain,

The fresh salmon I always eat, these are the ones I always eat, friends, ginger, I’m obsessed with these these days. Our seafood shiro with salmon. These are my wife’s plate. When I come across them, I drink a glass of them. nihon I’m trying to drink this [Music] All of them

Have Pokemon cards. Guys, the average price of these is around 35 dollars right now. I mean, they are sold outside for 5000-6000 yen or something . Let’s take a red one [Music] We came home and

Look at all of them. I went crazy in Japan. I swear I went crazy. There are 8 in total. The value of the card is quite high, that’s why there is a red mark on them. Of course,

In order to come across them, you have to be crazy like me and buy them all. From now on, this will not continue, if the video goes somewhere else, know that I found the money from here, friends, thank you to those who came. Osman brother,

Thank you for coming. Thank you, Cansu. Thank you, friends. I thank you too, Yiğit. Thank you very much for coming. You did not leave me alone in this cold Tokyo weather. Thank you. I bought it. Don’t worry. I paid 200 dollars to buy

It. I hope you will take me to Thailand with Zyla. Let ‘s see, you are a Thai person. stay with me You want to go to Thailand Exactly I can’t go without you You took me from me now let’s go Narita I think I should close the video right now

Let it be the subject of another video what’s going on here Girls what’s going on What the hell something’s going on something’s going on around here welcome to our weekly blog Friends, we are sick this week. We are in Tokyo, Japan. We went to the clinic. There was a

Clinic right next to our house. We are coming from there. The doctor wrote a bag of things. My goal is not to get sick for 2 years. I haven’t been sick for a year and a half in Japan.

I don’t understand how it happened. I have Sinusitis at the moment. Did it happen that I had the flu? What happened? I suddenly got the flu. It always relaxes me. Domino’s is expensive in Japan. Look at the shape of the latest pizza. Fuji mountain themed volcanic

Mountain Japanese cakes. A slice costs 5 dollars, 6 dollars. It ‘s like this: 20 dollars, 25 dollars in Japan. Cakes like this are expensive in Turkey, and this is in front of a restaurant. You can see what you’re going to eat outside.

It looks like the real thing. I swear, I baked it myself. We sat down somewhere to make it. They bring it to you. It’s optional. They make it in front of you here. It’s optional. These are filling, but look at these kinds of things. Your stomach fills up quickly. Let me see. [Music] Kay, this is its latest version, its name [Music] what is it, it contains kidz meat and vegetable type things, you pull it in front of you with a tiny spatula type thing, it’s hot, it’s hot,

You put it in front of you like this, they love to eat everything small and small like this, I ate economy hiroshima It’s the best economy keleri I’ve ever eaten. If you go to Hiroshima, it’s economy. Definitely Hiroshima is good. It’s best eaten with

A spatula. Friends, the economy is similar to this. It’s delicious. It costs 10 dollars. So, for two people, it costs 20-20 2 dollars. You can get out of here with drinks, but it fills your stomach like this. Monaki comes with a traditional dish of Tokyo, I don’t know, but

It was definitely made in the Edo period. This is a delicious and delicious dish. If you come to Japan, try Monc supplement in Tokyo. Economy supplement has arrived. There is something like this. Mashallah, the plate is also beautiful. I liked the plate too. Now

We put it in a warm place. It contains shrimp and some powdered vegetables. Friends. They have mayonnaise sauces, friends, they have economy sauces. There is also the sauce that is added to the takoe, and this is little by little, little by little to suit your mind. I love sosy. Among the dishes you can eat when you come to Japan. It really gives an incredible feeling of a full belly. It’s nice. I love seafood. It has a lot of seafood in it. It’s delicious with its sauce. I did it well. I swear, it’s nice.

We came to Unik Cola. It’s a must during the winter season in Japan. One of these underwear comes for around 12 dollars. These are new, I bought one in 2004. It’s amazing, you buy this one recently. It’s called Ultra Warm Warm Extra Warm. They

Come in different varieties, but if you come here, you can choose one of these. Buy one and put it in. These are also underwear. They are Japanese underwear. I don’t have one of these. One of them is 2 dollars, 4 of them are 7 dollars.

I’ll buy a few colored ones like this. Unicol has a system like this, you put your clothes in the basket and it shows how much it costs. Muji, we are here in Japan. Muji is one of those places where the food and drinks are generally simple and look simple. Muji

Has a very simple shop around the world. He comes here from time to time and buys these kinds of chocolates for a small dollar. I have tried these fruit juices, from his food with plums, plums, hazelnuts and pistachios,

To his drinks, to his dishes, to his clothes, to his clothes. I mean, it’s normal. It’s the same as the dollar one. These are also my favorite, the strawberry and chocolate ones. I brought them to my parents for a while.

These ones with spades are nice. How much are they for 2 dollars? Look at the weather. It’s February. Let me check the weather. We are doing sampo in the streets of Tokyo on our weekly blog. Welcome to our classic sampo day. sampo means walking in Japanese.

Short walk. Long walk is the normal walking style. Let’s go out, get some fresh air. It’s a Japanese term meaning friend. We’ll go to the jeans. We’ll walk around for a while . We’ll stock up on whiskey. There’s a Kawasaki engine bay here.

Let me see if the police have come. The police must have come. Let me show you some engines. I get sick every time I pass them. I think they seem too big for me. Do you know which one appeals to you? Kawasaki’s engines

Are handsome, they are a bit dusty, but can you check it out? I think it belongs to BMW. Take a look at it. It can drive this. It will eventually get me a driver’s license. Can I take the English driving test here? I just

Learned that too, he is handsome. Look, this one is also handsome. But I like this one. It is right next to the Mazda shop. Whatever village or town you go to, there are small and small places like this that you can mostly see

During your bicycle tour of Japan. Whichever village or town I passed through, there is at least one . I’ve come across places that sell this type of car. Most of them are Japanese companies. Those who want to buy it for cheap, bring it second hand.

They chase after it. We’re out of place with Mazda. There’s a Lexus here. There ‘s also a shooter here. There should be a Suzuki Subaru in the future. It’s surprising. Actually, that’s the beginning of the name. It is very interesting that the automobile industry has places dedicated to

Automobiles, automobiles, cartoon characters, an incredible world. Japan. Here is a Suzuki. I always say Suzuki’s cars. I love them. Look, this Suzuki costs 2 million yen or so, but it’s a little small, I haven’t seen any customers, but

It’s right here. There is a place for a Mini Cooper, there is a place for Mercedes China in the future. These are always step by step. You can easily see 56 car brands wherever you look at an average distance of 200 to 300 meters. Isn’t it incredible ? There are condoms here, Japanese

Condoms, I found them, whiskeys. It is affordable. It is always the type of whiskey you can drink to make it last longer than other places. Is this vodka worth a dollar? What does this vodka cost? When I went to Ukraine, I bought a few years ago,

It was around 20 liras, it was incredibly cheap, it has been around for 10 days, without a runner. It costs around 30 dollars. This is something. It’s expensive if it’s in a plastic container. The Japanese have started. I found a looking whiskey. Sant Mon Says. We did our shopping again. As we walked through the streets, one of the things I like most about Japan is that people who have vineyards and gardens sell their products in every corner. And it’s nice that it’s priced. Let’s throw it here.

We threw it away, it’s a summer fruit. Most likely, it’s a bit harsh. It’s called Summer Orange. In fact, these are what they are. It’s a hundred percent anyway. It’s impossible to find this in Tokyo. Children are leaving school or something.

They say these things. I think the announcement was made by the municipality. The little children will be leaving school soon. Please everyone be careful, the headman elections are approaching, something has happened here, my dear,

They love to break glass things around here, I have seen it all over Japan. Is it Ar Steel? What Ar steel ? It is small. It is a Japanese product. We found a car and a kite. My wife said, ”

There is a kite here in the name of it.” They call it Tako, we call it kite. Well, I said this. We have it too. It’s a kite. The Japanese kite is different. Their lives are different, but it’s the same thing, just the names are

Different. These are kites. They call it Tako. We call it kite. Kite, kite, kite. There are so many things in one word that the Japanese cannot say. Don’t fly a kite again, fly a kite, it’s something else. Today we are in Tokyo, it’s sunny again

, it’s a little dry and cold. It’s a northern city, we don’t have the slightest idea when it will snow. I hope it won’t rain during Sakura time, it won’t kill the flowers. Most likely it will be like that. I started acting like what’s going on during Sakura time ?

I’m seeing it here for the first time, it’s just opened. I don’t know what they called it. R This is Chinese dumplings, they put it like this, it’s unmanned, 3 of them are yen money, you come here, you throw it here, there is a camera, here and there, something worth

200 yen. y eaten. They dropped everything to keep the coldness away. Look, they even put the bags. This is the detail. This is Japanese detailism. This tape is interesting, I won’t say these are now one of the beauties of Japan.

I said, Come on, let me drink, we came to the cafe, the view is beautiful, we are looking at the wall, there was no other place. Two hot ones. We bought chocolate for 10 dollars.

It is called an art cafe. Actually, this place is a place where you can paint whatever you want and take it away. It has such a free feature. There is a man who makes art with his shit. The world is such a place. It is a very relaxing environment. Friends,

Something like this came out. We come here from time to time. Our view here is like this. If it had the colors I wanted, it would be nice. Write in the comments how it was, especially the sakuras. With the cherry blossoms blooming, this place is lively

, which means tree in Japanese. Have you gone crazy ? Another thing I love about Japan is that there are not all of these trees. They usually put a QR code on the explanation like this, you can learn the history. These must be plum trees. They opened small. Japan

Is looking for soldiers. Cetay. The Japanese are looking for soldiers. You can become a soldier from the QR code . It looks like a nice place. Let’s show you Ramen with Hokkaido Miso. The meyn with cheese attracted me from the beginning.

I already said look, I won’t see anything else. I’ll buy this. It’s an authentic Ramen restaurant. It’s a place where we can eat ramen from all regions of Japan. Even the music calms you down . They cost around 67 dollars on average. It’s like a dago with dough inside , Chinese

Dumplings on us Don’t let it splash on us, it’s not bad [Music] [Music] work, look at my heart. By the way, Here you go, even though it’s hdo, hdo hdo It’s pulling us, it’s pulling us, look at the beauty of this It’s beautiful, I swear, it’s a beautiful one There is also this one. How nice. Yes, friends. We have come to the end of our weekly blog [Music]. Our weekly blog was like this. I will try to make weekly vlogs like this as much as I can.

Don’t forget to like the video, share, like the video, share, subscribe. See you in the next video. Let’s eat these colors, very nice and delicious cocktail dame. number one Take care see you [ Music ]

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  1. Uzun zamandır Cemukun abimizi izlemiyordum, Cemu Kun abimizin kanalı maşaAllah baya büyümüş çok sevindim. Her zamanki gibi çok iyi güzel bir video, ayrıca eşinizle olan ilişkiniz birlikte güzel zaman geçirmeniz eylenmeniz çok tatlı, mutlu olmanıza sevindim. Sevgiler saygılar.

  2. bir sey dikkatimi cekti parmagında yüzük yok sen mi sevmiyorsun takmayı yoksa genel olarak herkes mi yüzük takmıyor ayrıca ben yüzük takmayı sevmiyen biriyim eğer öyleyse tam benlik bir ülke japonya

  3. Abi click bait yapmışsın yine farketmedik sanma. 🙂 Ama elbet bir gün yengeyi göstereceksin bize, o günü çok merak ediyoruz. O günün şerefine 10.000 TL bağış atacağım sözüm olsun.

  4. 28:30 Kiwotsukete! Ben bu kelimeyi sadece kendine iyi bak anlamında kullanıldığını sanıyordum demekki dikkatli ol anlamında da kullanıyormuş 😃 bu video da yeni bir şey daha öğrendik, haaa bu arada babayiğit cem sen ve eşin Japonca öğrenmek isteyenler için ve kanalına içerik açısından arada böyle ufak Japonca kelimeler öğretebilirsiniz isterseniz, kalın sağlıcakla

  5. Selam o ses olmayan video yayınını ses yok diye yayınlarsan ne kaybedersin o kadar emek vermişsin izleyen çikmazsa kaldırırsın .Eşinle birlikte güzel günleriniz daim olsun 🎉🎉

  6. Öncelikle İngilizce yazdığın şeyin manasını bilmiyorum
    Hem şehirde hem de huzurlu düzenli yaşamak nasıl bir şey merak ettim Japonya sıkıcı geldi gözüme
    Gezmeyi tozmayı çok merak ettiğim halde

  7. Artık ramen gibi erişteli kase yemek kısımlarını geçicem sanırım, ağzım sulandı gecenin köründe yemek yemeye gidiyom şimdi boşuna..

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