
So called super volcano Refers to the kind of volcano that can cause extremely large eruptions Although humans have not yet had a clear and rigorous definition of the scale of such volcanic eruptions, However There is no doubt that

Any supervolcano eruption will completely change the earth’s terrain and global climate environment in a short period of time Next We will introduce you to some of the world’s most famous volcanoes in detail Hope it inspires you The fifth Sakurajima volcano Sakurajima is an island composed of active volcanoes

Located in Kagoshima, southern Kyushu, Japan Area 77 square kilometers It is composed of three volcanic bodies: Beiyue, Zhongyue and Nanyue. Sakurajima is only 4 kilometers away from Kagoshima city Sometimes you can see the smoke coming out of the crater White clouds floating over Sakurajima Similar to the clouds on top of Mount Fuji

Called volcanic cloud The daily changing smoke of Sakurajima Crater is the most important scenery here It can be said that Sakurajima made Kagoshima beautiful July 24, 2022 Sakurajima volcano eruption The local disaster prevention department issued the highest alert level of level 5 for the first time for Sakurajima Volcano

Until 3 p.m. that day A total of 4 eruptions occurred at the crater on the top of Nanyue Mountain. The eruption of smoke reaches a maximum height of 1,200 meters Know based on understanding This is not the first time Sakurajima volcano has erupted this year As early as January 28th

Sakurajima volcano also experienced a major eruption in just ten years Sakurajima volcano has had hundreds of major eruptions in total. It is precisely because of the high frequency of eruptions Therefore, each eruption will not bring particularly serious effects. But Japan is a volcanic country

The two volcanoes, Mount Fuji and Mount Aso, are about to move. Mount Fuji has entered a 300-year eruption cycle. No one can say whether the eruption of Sakurajima volcano will awaken the sleeping Mount Fuji. The Fourth Mount Fuji Volcano Mount Fuji is located in the south-central part of Honshu Island, Japan

3,775 meters high Covering an area of ​​approximately 1,200 square kilometers The straight-line distance from Tokyo is about 80 kilometers Mount Fuji is one of the classic symbols of Japanese spiritual culture Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2013 The largest volcanic eruption on record occurred in 1707

Said in the memoirs Origōshiki written by Shiraishi Arai. Its sediments cover almost the entire southern Kanto region After the eruption of Mount Fuji volcano, a parasitic volcano, Mount Hoei, was formed on the slope. Mount Fuji volcano is the largest active volcano in Japan There are three craters

The top of the mountain is the First Baoyong Crater The Second Baoyong Crater is located in the middle of the mountain The third Baoyong crater is at the bottom of the mountain Mount Fuji has now entered a 300-year eruption cycle

The Japanese National Police Agency has begun comprehensive preparations for a possible eruption of Mount Fuji Some scholars believe It doesn’t matter when Mount Fuji erupts It is concluded from the observation data The number of craters on Mount Fuji has increased nearly 6 times compared to the past For a dormant active volcano

The longer you sleep The more energy magma is accumulated inside, the more energy magma will be accumulated inside. Therefore, the possibility of Mount Fuji erupting at level 6 or above is very high. Once Mount Fuji erupts Volcanic ash will reach Tokyo within 20 minutes

It will also cause serious damage to the local area. Will the eruption have any impact on our country? Mount Fuji is located in the westerly wind belt of the Northern Hemisphere The wind blows from west to east Since our country is located in the upwind zone of Mount Fuji,

So the volcanic ash produced by the eruption will not be blown over But once Mount Fuji undergoes a super eruption Its volcanic ash will enter the stratosphere By then, it will not only be our country that will be affected. will have a serious impact on the world

It may even bring the world into a year without summer But according to historical records Mount Fuji has never had a super eruption So you don’t have to worry Third Vesuvius Vesuvius is an active volcano Located on the east coast of the Bay of Naples in southern Italy

It is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world 1,281 meters above sea level A panoramic view of Mount Vesuvius from a high altitude That’s a beautiful nearly round crater Because Mount Vesuvius has always been active

Therefore, vegetation on the new volcanoes formed later did not grow on the top of the mountain. Mount Vesuvius erupted many times in history The most famous one was the great explosion in 79 AD Hot volcanic debris destroyed Pompeii, a city of 20,000 people Because the volcano is an active volcano

Volcano experts and scholars have issued warnings many times recently Mount Vesuvius is very active and designated a certain area around the volcano as a red danger zone. The local government has formulated a plan to relocate residents from risk areas To take measures to gradually evacuate local residents

Mount Vesuvius is 20 kilometers away from Naples, Italy’s third largest city Its crater is located 1,280 meters above sea level Although he has been asleep for more than 60 years But scientists fear the next major eruption could be close to the severity of the one in AD 79

The Italian government has a plan That is to organize the rapid evacuation of more than 500,000 residents in 18 towns within 7 kilometers of Mount Vesuvius. It is expected that all personnel can be safely evacuated within 7 days At the same time, the Campania regional government has developed a long-term plan

Implement out-migration of the region’s population Spend money to arrange relocation For example, each family can be given a subsidy of 30,000 euros to cover the cost of moving outside the volcanic danger zone. Plans to relocate 100,000 residents over the next 10 years The ultimate goal is to reduce the area’s population to 150,000

But not many people responded to this government call Local residents are unwilling to leave their homes Abandoning the home where one has lived for decades Many construction developers only care about immediate profits. Completely ignore the threat of Mount Vesuvius Construction is still going on around the volcano

Maybe it’s because Italy’s overall land area is so small. The second Changbai Mountain volcano The Changbai Mountain volcano is located in the eastern part of the three provinces of Jilin, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang in China and at the junction of Liangjiang Road in North Korea. The altitude is about 2,750 meters

Its formation is related to crustal movement According to historical records Changbai Mountain has erupted three times since the 16th century After a volcanic eruption ejects large amounts of lava A basin is formed at the crater Over time accumulation of water into a lake It became Tianchi

Every eruption the Changbai Mountain volcano experiences produces a large accumulation of volcanic material These accumulations caused the Changbai Mountain volcano to undergo terrain uplift. A single eruption can increase height by 200 meters It is said that the largest eruption ever Volcanic material was ejected more than a thousand kilometers into northern Japan

Starting from the Ninth Five-Year Plan period my country Earthquake Administration conducted key observations on Changbai Mountain volcano The results so far can be concluded Changbaishan volcano shows no sign of eruption Now the volcano is a famous tourist attraction There are many natural landscapes and unknown creatures there in 2012

Hiroshi Taniguchi, an emeritus professor at Tohoku University in Japan, once boasted that Haikou said Affected by the East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 The probability of a volcanic eruption in Changbai Mountain before 2019 is 68% The probability is 99% before 2032 But judging from the observation results

The Changbai Mountain volcano shows no signs of recovery Everyone’s worries are unnecessary but There should be some connection between Changbai Mountain and Mount Fuji’s activity in the past 10 years caused by the 2019 East Japan Earthquake. The First Yellowstone Supervolcano

The Yellowstone Park supervolcano has had three super-large eruptions in more than 2 million years. There are periodic eruptions about every 600,000 years. It has now entered an eruption cycle It is one of the largest volcanoes in the world An eruption would bring unimaginable disaster to the world

Volcano located in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA In the heart of America Huge shallow magma reservoir hidden beneath Yellowstone National Park The volume is equivalent to 1,150 times that of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Known as the world’s largest powder keg According to data released by the National Geological Survey of the United States

The total number of earthquakes around the Yellowstone supervolcano in 2021 is 2,773 Compared with 1,722 in 2020 More than a thousand times So is the Yellowstone supervolcano really about to erupt? Is there any way for humans to escape? based on assessment Once the Yellowstone volcano undergoes a super eruption

The magma stored in a magma chamber 70 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide will burst out in an instant The United States will definitely be the first to die. Volcanic ash will cover three-quarters of the United States in about 5 days Sulfuric acid gas will cover the world in two weeks

Preventing sunlight from entering the earth’s surface Global temperatures will drop by 12 to 15 degrees The ice age will come Most people will die from cold and starvation Although it does not yet have all the elements for a complete eruption But once it erupts Its destructive power is astonishing

The first Mount St. Helens Mount St. Helens in Washington state, USA The largest outbreak known to mankind occurred in 1980 The eruption of Mount St. Helens triggered the most famous and destructive volcanic event in U.S. history According to local reports About 57 people died in the incident Hot volcanic ash causes forest fires

Large amounts of lava melted the snow on the mountains It even lowered the altitude of the top of the mountain to nearly 400 meters. The pieces it lost in altitude rolled down the hillside A large number of houses, roads and bridges were washed away

This volcanic event is known as one of the most tragic volcanic eruptions in history. As a young active volcano American geologists also believe that Mount St. Helens may erupt at any time And once it breaks out Likely to be more destructive than last time Second Kilauea volcano

Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawaii, USA It is one of the most dangerous, active and youngest Huashan Mountains in the world. Kilauea volcano eruptions are a daily occurrence for local residents Because Kilauea volcano has never stopped erupting since the end of the 20th century. Its most recent volcanic eruption was in 2018

At that time, volcanic ash once reached an altitude of 2,400 meters. Covering the entire Hawaii Island What is even more puzzling is that When Kilauea volcano erupted People around are not hiding everywhere Instead, rush to go sightseeing Aren’t these people afraid of death? Not really

Because the eruption of Kilauea volcano is a smooth eruption of highly fluid basaltic lava. It is not an explosive volcanic eruption like other volcanoes within the past 150 years This volcano has erupted many times But only one unlucky person died in the Kilauea eruption

But the destructive power of this volcanic eruption cannot be underestimated. it swallowed up a lot of cars and houses It also triggered the largest earthquake the island has experienced in years. Seriously affecting the stability of residents’ lives The third Campi Flegrei volcano it is located below naples italy Like the Yellowstone supervolcano

Rated the world’s most dangerous volcano Why is it so dangerous? There are two main reasons The first volcanic eruption was extremely destructive Will produce large amounts of burning volcanic ash Ultra-high temperature toxic gases and rock fragments All consequences resulting from this are unavoidable And another reason is

The area it is located in is a high-density population gathering area Therefore, even a small eruption can trigger large-scale evacuation of residents. in history This volcano has erupted three times Two of them resulted in devastating disasters The first eruption caused Europe to enter the Ice Age.

Due to the long-term sharp drop in temperature extreme cold and food shortages All Neanderthals became extinct at that time It can be said that every one of his outbursts will cause the loss of life. causing irreparable losses According to recent research findings Campi Flegrei volcano appears to be changing

Maybe even preparing for an eruption It is too early to evacuate residents The best way now is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the volcano and be alert to any abnormal changes it produces While eruptions may not necessarily occur on the scale we mentioned It might just be a small eruption

And now all we can do is wait and pray it doesn’t explode The fourth Mount Rainier Mount Rainier is located in Washington state, USA The tallest volcano in the United States Also known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world Why is this volcano so dangerous?

It has nothing to do with its height Due to the special geographical location Rainier volcano is covered with ice and snow all year round Has huge glaciers Therefore, once the volcano erupts will produce extremely destructive volcanic mudflows What do lahars look like?

In fact, the lahar is like a concrete mixer discharging concrete pouring down. Because Mount Rainier is located near a densely populated area Once an eruption occurs May result in the erosion of a large number of arterial roads Causing food and supply chain shortages

Directly threatening the lives and property safety of 80,000 local residents What’s even more frightening is that the volcano is most likely to erupt in a quiet state without any warning signals or signs of eruption. Therefore, once Mount Rainier erupts The damage caused is simply unimaginable The fifth Mauna Loa volcano

Mauna Loa is located in the National Volcanoes Park on the island of Hawaii in the United States. It is not only the largest active volcano on the island of Hawaii It is also the largest independent volcano in the world. Its main body is conical Emerging from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

The part hidden under the sea is more than 6,000 meters The mountain on the horizontal plane is about 4196 meters above sea level. The combined altitude from the bottom of the sea to the top of the mountain is more than a thousand meters higher than Mount Everest.

This volcano has been active for more than 700,000 years Fortunately Its eruptive activity is mostly slow Therefore, the threat to surrounding residents is not too great. Ninth Taal Volcano Taal Volcano is a volcano in the Philippines Located in Badayan Province, Luzon Island About 50 kilometers from the capital Manila

It is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines Only 300 meters above sea level It is the lowest and smallest volcano in the world Since records began in 1572 Taal volcano has had 33 volcanic eruptions The 1911 outbreak killed more than 1,000 people Although tourists are warned not to approach

But many people still cross the lake to visit the volcano every year Get a glimpse of his style 8th Ulawan volcano Mount Ulawong is an active volcano in Papua New Guinea About 130 kilometers southwest of Rabaul on the island of New Britain Altitude 2,434 meters

It is the highest mountain in the Bismarck Archipelago Since the 18th century 22 massive eruptions have been recorded According to nearby residents Small eruptions occur frequently Its activity is very erratic If a large eruption occurs May cause huge damage to hundreds of square kilometers around Nyiragongo volcano 7

Nyiragongo is one of the most famous and dangerous volcanoes in Africa Located 10 kilometers north of Goma City, the capital of the five Arctic provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Altitude 3,470 meters It is an active volcano in the Virunga volcano group in central Africa.

It is near the mouth of the congo river Magma sometimes overflows from the lake Causing serious damage to surrounding areas Cracks occurred in the lakeshore in 1977 A lot of lava flows out Lava pours down at a speed of 95 kilometers per hour Attacked nearby villages Caused thousands of deaths

The last major eruption was in 2002 Resulting in 147 local deaths 120,000 people lost their homes Another outbreak in 2021 Caused 32 deaths 6th Mount Merapi Mount Merapi is located in central Java, Indonesia About 32 kilometers north of Yogyakarta Altitude 2911 meters It’s a cone-shaped volcano

It is also the most active of the 130 volcanoes in Indonesia. There is a small eruption every two to three years There is a major eruption every 10 to 15 years It first erupted in 1006 mountain top smash Destroyed a kingdom on Nakanuma Island

Buried Borobudur Pagoda, one of the seven wonders of the world There have been 68 more eruptions since 1548 Eruptions occur on average once every two to three years There are casualties every time Because it threatens the safety of human settlements

It is listed as one of the 16 volcanoes in the world that should be strengthened for supervision and research by the International Association of Geochemistry and Volcanology. Fifth Galeras Volcano Galeras volcano in southwestern Colombia It is a volcano that has been active for a long time and erupts frequently. Altitude 4,276 meters

According to research The volcano has experienced continuous eruptions for more than 1 million years First recorded in 1580 Although it was inactive from 1978 to 1988 But since the resumption of activity The momentum of its activities has not diminished 450,000 people live at the eastern foot of the volcano

It’s a huge threat to them The last eruption of the Galeras volcano occurred in 2008 The eruption produced large amounts of volcanic ash and smoke pollution Thousands of nearby residents were evacuated The fourth wave of Pocatepetl volcano Popocatepetl volcano is located 70 kilometers southeast of Mexico City Altitude 5,393 meters

It is the second tallest volcano in North America It is one of the most active volcanoes in the world The crater erupts large amounts of volcanic gas from time to time The Indians called it Popocatepetl meaning smoke mountain The entire mountain peak is very regular in the shape of a cone

Covered by water vapor and volcanic ash all year round Approximately 25 million people live within 100 kilometers of Popocatepetl volcano The last eruption occurred in the second millennium If there is no timely evacuation It is estimated that 41,000 people will die at that time Today about 9 million people

Live in an area that may be affected by an eruption If a large eruption occurs will cause huge disasters Tambora volcano 3 It is located in the northern part of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia April 5, 1815 The most violent volcanic eruption ever recorded occurred here The volcanic eruption index has reached level 7

Lava flows pouring down from the crater during an eruption And accompanied by a loud rumbling sound Continuously spewing large amounts of gas high into the sky A total of more than 60 billion tons of volcanic ash was ejected The surrounding area instantly fell into darkness

Even the island of Java, hundreds of kilometers away The sky is as black as night Can’t see my fingers And after this outbreak The volcano lost 70 billion tons of mountain mass It also formed a huge crater with a diameter of more than 6,000 meters and a depth of 700 meters.

The energy released is equivalent to 80 million times the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Second Krakatau volcano There is also a powerful active volcano in the Sunka Strait in Indonesia It is Krakatau volcano Its largest recorded eruption occurred in 1883 Volcanic ash can reach up to 10 kilometers

The explosion could be heard up to 160 kilometers away However, this is not the most violent outbreak. According to some evidence Around AD 535, the period of decline of the Roman Empire Krakatoa volcano ushered in a shocking eruption This explosion was 10 times more powerful than the one in 1883

It even affected climate change that year And scientists also found sulfur dioxide spewing out of Antarctica The discovery coincides with the time of lava sulfur at that time It also confirmed from the side that there was indeed a big outbreak that year. The power is beyond imagination First Pelé volcano

It is among the most active volcanoes on the Caribbean island Small outbreaks often occur But it’s not particularly serious every time People didn’t pay much attention to it. However, on May 8, 1902 There was a violent eruption here The city 6 kilometers south of it was completely destroyed

The eruption even covered one-sixth of the island Almost all of the 30,000 residents living in the city were killed. In the end, only three people managed to escape After August 30th Two more villages were destroyed in succession Then it slowly fell silent But in the following decades

There are still reports of minor activities Druze volcano This volcano has been covered in ice and snow Although it seems that he has been hibernating But he also showed his domineering side when he exploded. on November 13, 1985 Hot volcanic gas erupted instantly Heat waves and dust instantly melted glaciers

Volcanic ash combines with melted water to form mud Flow down the mountain And the mud continued to capture dirt and rocks along the way. The volume and area continue to increase The final mudslide was as thick as 40 meters deep Rushing quickly towards the valley below the mountain

Although the city is about 74 kilometers from the crater But it only took just two hours for the mudslide to reach the city. In just a few minutes, it swept the entire city It’s true that no one is spared wherever I go. Second place Klute volcano It is located in eastern Java, Indonesia

There have been approximately 30 eruptions over the past thousand years. The great outbreak that occurred in 1586 killed about 10,000 people in total Later in 1919 It also spews nearby volcanic lakes into nearby valleys A lot of steam and heat rise into the sky Eventually, 5,500 people drowned

No one can imagine a volcanic eruption People are drowning So in the next few decades Engineers continue to dig tunnels for drainage to prevent something like this from happening again The third place Laki volcano The 1833 eruption of Iceland’s Laki volcano produced the largest lava flow in history.

The amount of lava erupted was as high as 12 cubic kilometers in the next 4 months It keeps erupting intermittently Fluorine gas emitted by volcanoes Landed in Iceland as hydrofluoric acid Eventually leading to the death of a large number of livestock And as the hot summer passes, A long, cold winter ensues

Leading to a massive reduction in crop yields A terrible famine swept across the region Society is in chaos In the end, 1/4 of Icelanders died of starvation Mount Pinatubo Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted violently It ejected 5 cubic kilometers of magma Spewing a huge volcanic ash 32 kilometers into the sky

In other words, it has reached the stratosphere The scale of this volcanic eruption Directly threatening the lives of 1 million people Fortunately, there is an advanced early warning system In the end, countless lives were saved after volcanic eruption About 259 meters were cut away there

A new crater with a diameter of about 2.4 kilometers was formed. However, the volcanic ash from this eruption still buried all nearby crops. There is also thick dust on the roof eventually leading to a reduction in food production House collapse


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