캐나다에서 자전거로 한식 배달장사 시작해 45억 짜리 집에 사는 한국인

Covering stories of people all around the world, Human Story. [Ontario, Canada] [Niagara Falls] The store, right now, is running in about 15 locations. I’ve been living in Canada for around 17 or 18 years now. I came as a student, but there were no places that deliver late-night snacks in Canada.

Well? Then I’ll do it. So, I set up a few burners at home and took orders, delivering on a bike. With that, I paid for tuition and living expenses. – What’s this place? – The backyard. – This is my favorite spot. – Oh! There’s a screen golf in the house?

This is a theater. Isn’t this a normal guy’s dream? Exactly. But I’m curious, to buy a house like this in Canada, how much does it cost? About $4 million to $4.5 million. [The store full of customers] The white carbonara sauce. – Oh yes, there we go. – This one?

– Do you like Korean food? – Yes. How long has it been since you came here? To Canada. It’s been 6 months now. How is it? Now that you’re here. It seems to be going well. People are nice, too. I’m curious about your monthly salary. It’s 6 million won in Korean money. [Astonished]

When the servers work during the day, [300,000 won] They take home around $300 in tips each day. Young friends in the food industry in Korea, please come out. At your workplace, if you earn around $3,000 to $4,000 per month, don’t hesitate and definitely give it a try, don’t waste this opportunity.

It will be the best time. I believe in that, and I’ve been through it myself. Even without permanent residency, you can still run a business. [Human Story] [Toronto, Canada] [Ding Dong] – Hello. – Yes, hello. – Come in. – Hello, yeah. [Surprise] The house is The house is really spacious, huh?

Yes, it’s quite big. – In terms of square footage here… – Hello. – Hello. – Ah, yes. In terms of square footage, it’s about 760 square meters. Wow, it’s really big. – Is she your daughter? – Yes. Hello. [Hehe.] Is today your first time filming? – Yes, it’s the first filming. – Right.

[Please] Briefly introduce yourself first. I’m running a food company called Y-Bros, operating restaurants like Katsuya, Pizza Maru, and Saemaeul Sikdang. Currently running around 15 stores. – In Canada only? – Yes. And now, we are also working on three more locations. We’ve been in business for about 7 years.

You’ve been in Canada for 7 years? I’ve been living here for a long time. Lived here since 2007, 16 years. – 16 years? – Yes. – You must speak English well. – Not really. – Ahahaha. – Haha. I don’t have much occasion to use English. After living in Vancouver for about 5 years,

I moved to Toronto and started my business. – Is this Toronto now? – Yes. It’s early in the morning now, but everyone’s awake, huh? Yeah, my girl has to go to school by 8:15 am, so when she wakes up, we all wake up together. The kitchen is really spacious too?

Yes, it’s the kitchen and the living room. – This is the living room? – Yes. – What’s this place? – The backyard. [Admiring] Playing with the kids here, having meals, – Barbecue parties and all. – Right. But I’m curious, to buy a house like this in Canada, how much does it cost?

About $4 million to $4.5 million. So you’re incredibly successful in Canada. Ah, you could say I’m in the process of it. I still haven’t finished preparing, – so I’ll go upstairs. – Oh, you need to get ready? Yes, I’m in the middle of preparing. Is there a second floor?

Yes, there’s a second floor, and the lower level is the basement. – What’s in the basement? – It’s my space. I created a space where I could enjoy my hobbies and such. Do you have a little time to show me the house today? – Sure. – What’s this?

– It’s the bathroom. – The bathroom? Yes, the front is the master bedroom. You didn’t mention your name and age when introducing yourself, so… I’m Lee Young-joo, and I’m 42 years old in Korean age. So, you came to Canada very early then? When I was 25.

I used to run a business in Korea as well. After about a year and a half or two, I came to Canada for a trip, and there was an upsetting incident at that time. An upsetting incident? The guide looked down upon me because I couldn’t speak English well.

I lost my wallet in the hotel, and when I asked the guide to help me find it, he said, “Oh? Young-joo, you can’t even speak this much English?” I got really angry, so I wanted to get my revenge. So, I went back to Korea, sold everything I had, including the business,

And came here right away with the money I saved. – Oh, you were running a business in your 20s? – Yes. – What kind of business did you have? – It was also in the food industry. Chicken, skewers, and a pub. But you sold all of that, and decided to learn English here?

Yes, that’s right. I lived in Yangsan at that time, and I thought I was living quite diligently. But when I came here, it seemed a bit different. When I met friends at my age, they were already planning for the future. For example, if there were friends going to Yonsei University,

They would say, “After graduating, I will go here or there.” It was so fascinating for me at first. I felt very small. Because everyone had goals? Yes, at that time, I thought, I just need to do well in business, make enough money and that’s it. But as I met more international students,

They encouraged me to aim higher, so I decided to go to university. But as Canada showed me the potential to make money, so I decided to start making money again. So, I dropped out of university in the middle of my first year, and started working again to earn money.

When I was a student, back then, there were no food delivery services. So, I used to cook at home and… At that time, in Korea, I used to ride mountain bikes (MTB) a lot. So, I brought my bike with me from Korea. I rode it, with a basket in the front, and delivered.

– You did delivery business? – Yes. – Cooking at home? – Yes, during the day, I went to English academy. How old were you then? I was 26 at that time. While studying English, and cooking at home and doing deliveries? Yes, with that, I paid for rent and tuition.

Cuz the business went well. There were no delivery services at that time. It went well because there was nothing. Due to COVID-19, Canada must have seen an increase in the delivery culture, right? After COVID-19, it settled completely. People use Uber a lot here. They use Uber Eats a lot.

If we look at our revenue, before COVID, delivery revenue accounted for about 25 percent. Now, delivery revenue is around 40 to 45 percent. So, it seems like people’s culture has changed a bit. More towards delivery. So the delivery culture has changed a lot after COVID-19. Yes, it has changed a lot.

So, are you having a meal now and heading to work? Yes, just a quick bite of bread, and I’m off. Today, I’ll visit the store, and in the morning, I’ll go to Costco. Here, unlike Costco in Korea, there’s a Costco specifically for business owners.

I go there once a week to check the ingredients. Check the ingredients, check the prices, and that’s how I’ll start my day. – You have multiple stores now, right? – Yes, yes. Where are you visiting today? I can’t visit them all in one day.

Usually, if I visit in a day, it’s usually on Fridays or Saturdays. Usually on weekends. So, typically, I visit about three to four. About four places I guess. So you divide to check around? Yes, visit the stores and… Tomorrow, I also have to visit Vancouver.

– You’re going to Vancouver too? – Yes, tomorrow morning. Well, then can I also film in Vancouver tomorrow? Yes, sure. It would be good if you went there, too. Cuz Vancouver is a bit different from here. I came from Vancouver to here. I started my studies in Vancouver.

During my student days, I said, ‘I will definitely open a store here.’ So, while doing business in Toronto, I found a spot in Vancouver where I wanted to open a store That’s the thing, self-satisfaction, you know. Right. In a way, you’ve achieved your goal. Yes, but now my goals have changed.

I get new goals now, so I have to do well again. Here, there’s also a luxury storage safe. – Nah haha. – Dior, Chanel, Also Rolex and many other things. – When did you buy this house? – Gotta close it quickly. It’s been about 2 years since we bought the house.

While we’re here, if you look, this is the laundry room. Oh, there’s a separate laundry room? Yes, there’s a separate laundry room. – This is an elevator. – An elevator? – Is there an elevator in the house? – Yes. – And – There are lots of rooms, huh?

Yes, there are quite a few rooms. In total, 8 rooms. Including the study, there are 8. – What room is this? – All guest rooms. Ah, the rest are all used as guest rooms? Yes, originally, this was supposed to be the kid’s room, but now the child stays in the master bedroom, so.

– Together? – Yes. Isn’t it scary for the child to sleep alone? Yes, yes. Well, I find it scary to sleep alone too. [lol] Luna, are you eating? What are you eating? – Oh! Is this soy sauce egg rice? – Yes. How long have you two been married? 12 years?

We got married in 2011. But we’ve been friends since high school. Oh you knew each other in Korea? – Yes, yes. During school days, who liked each other first? Of course, he chased after me. Ah. So you were friends, then when did you start dating?

We were close friends until around 22 or 23, then it just happened. Did you know you’ll end up in Canada like this? I had no idea at all. How is it? Now that you’re here? It seems like a good place to live. Especially with a child, I feel less attached to Korea now.

When we didn’t have a child, I wanted to go back to Korea. Is it okay to raise children? How is it in Canada? I can’t really feel the differences well between Korea and here. Educationally, you don’t have to go to academies as much, so that seems good.

Because kids can learn English more naturally here? That and also they do much less extracurricular studies here. There is no pressure at all, she just has to play, literally. – What are you eating now? – Bread. Just bread? Yeah, just plain bread. Egg bread?

So you just normally eat this light for the morning? Yeah, just light breakfast. Because meal times are irregular in the food industry, I have to at least have a simple breakfast before going out. I get too hungry otherwise. – Where is your child going now? – To school.

Is your child an elementary school student now? No, she’s in kindergarten. So, does the school bus come to pick her up here? There is a school bus, but I personally take her. – Is there a reason? – The school is closed. Let’s go, Luna. Kiss for Daddy. 100 times.

How long has it been since you came to Canada,? I think it’s been about 17 or 18 years. Do you ever miss Korea or anything? I go to Korea once or twice a year for business trips. When I go, it’s usually for about 3 weeks. Because I used to really miss the food.

Also, because our parents are in Korea. Is this another entrance? Yes, this is the garage. – Garage? What is that? – A garage. It’s connected to the garage like this. Yes, and here is the basement. – Is this the basement? – Yes, directly from the garage to the basement. Go in. Luna, bye.

Your wife drives a Porsche. What car do you drive? I drive that white car. – Is this the car you drive? – Yes. So, do you go to work every morning like this? Yes, but in the summer, I leave earlier. Because my only hobby is golf.

I usually wake up around 5 in the morning. You play golf before going to work? I usually go hit the first tee. Since we are in the food industry, we usually open a bit late. So, I usually hit the first tee and go to work around 10:30 to 11.

When you work in the food industry, you usually don’t have much personal time. Yes, so I have to wake up early. So you probably don’t do much fieldwork anymore, right? I just occasionally go in and do inspections. But if there are no people to work, then I go in to actually work too.

For example, for my brand, Katsuya… – Katsuya? – Yes, Katsuya. – Is that your brand? – Yes, it’s a specialized tonkatsu restaurant. We made everything from scratch. I used to be on-site all the time back then. Even now, I believe I’m better than anyone, including the staff.

That’s why I can tell the employees what to do, like this and that. And they listen to me well, too. Also, since the base of my cooking is Korean cuisine, I can do well even in places like Saemaeul. Well, is that the one by Baek Jong-won?

Yes, that’s right. There’s only one in Canada. We started operating it for the first time, and it’s been almost a year. For Pizza Maru, we’re the sole distributor in Canada. We are the only ones in Canada who sell Korean-style pizza. But you have your own brand.

Is there a reason for joining franchises of other brands? Initially, I wanted to run my personal brand. – The goal was to open 10 of them. – In Canada? Yes. So, we launched the second brand, and all. But making a second brand turned out to be really difficult.

Since the main purpose of this business is to spread Korean food to foreigners, To make them enjoy Korean food better. I thought it would be better to bring in established Korean brands. And promote them widely in Canada. Tell them that this is Korean food. In the past, when I first immigrated,

Korean restaurants sold everything: Korean, Chinese, Western, and Japanese. They sold gamjatang for $5 and gave you a lot. To foreigners, the Korean food was like… cheap, a lot, and messy. That wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to show what Korean food really is. But for Pizza Maru, it’s not exactly Korean food, right?

But it’s Korean-style pizza. I want to introduce Korean food to Canada, and want to make a difference in Canadian food industry. Not just among the immigrant community, I want to go in to the local Canadian industry, you know? Become Canada’s Baek Jong-won? I’ve heard that expression a lot.

But I still have a long way to go. My goal is to open around 200 stores across Canada with ten different brands. Among the stores you currently manage, which one has the highest sales and is the most successful? I received reports on revenues. I don’t personally check all the sales details,

But I receive reports on weekly and monthly revenues. Last month, the store with the highest sales had around $150,000 in revenue. Is that in Canadian dollars? Around $150,000? Yes, that’s right. $100,000 is approximately 1 billion won. I don’t really have the sense of it. Is $150,000 in monthly revenue considered high in Canada?

Yes, it’s quite high. Since it’s not a large store, the rent is low. – We gotta take the rent into consideration. – Ah, the rent. For a store with a monthly revenue of around $100,000, If the rent is around $10,000, it’s considered reasonable. But for this place, the rent is around $6,000,

We consistently achieve monthly revenues from $130,000 to $150,000. And for downtown areas, with a rent of $10,000, we can maintain steady revenues of around $130,000. Currently, we have 13 stores, and our total revenue is around $1.5 million. I’m genuinely grateful for what I have now. It’s more than I deserve,

And I’m thankful for everything. What I want now is for my friends who started with me to succeed. So, I’m making efforts to help them succeed. So you’re grateful to them. Yes, if it weren’t for those employees, none of this would have been possible. I started business pretty early, you know.

I’ve been in business since my mid-twenties. And even before that, I never rested during breaks. It’s not because I was poor, but I had ambitions. I’ve always been hustling, doing labor, ever since high school. So your family wasn’t poor or anything… No. We were just ordinary.

We were middle-class, but I wanted to live in the upper class. Now, it’s time for you to prepare and go out? – Yes, I’m ready to go out now. – Right. While we’re at it, I’ll show you around the house. Sure, that sounds good. This side is our backyard.

Here is the play area for the little one. Any plans to have more children? Originally, we had until last year. But my sister-in-law had a second child recently. And seeing that made me realize, “Oh, I forgot about that for a moment.” Ah. Lol. Yeah, we went through that.

– It wasn’t easy. – Right, it wasn’t. But when our child was born, my wife and the kid spent almost three out of four years in Korea. That period was crucial for the business. I lived alone during that time, focused a lot on business then.

– So you grew the business a lot. – Yes. I did nothing but work back then. I focused a lot at that time. Now, I’m trying to live more stably. Setting things up like this makes my daughter happy. She comes here to play after school. – With friends, too? – Yes.

Creating a space like this must have cost a considerable amount? Yes, it costs about 100 million to set this up. – In Korean won? – Yes, Korean won. Are the neighbors all living here now? Yes, everyone is living here. This house is still under construction. And this side, we moved in together.

– So, everyone here is a foreigner? – All foreigners. No one in this line is Korean. Is there anything like Korean culture? Like giving out rice cake when moving in or anything like that? – No. – Oh, really? There’s nothing like that. People passing by might say, “I’ve moved in here”

Or “I’m moving in here,” just basic greetings. Since we’re not speaking English, conversing in English isn’t that comfortable. We usually invite friends over to this side to hang out. Is this where you hang out? Like barbeque parties? Yes, we have barbecues and parties here. – Is this a barbecue machine? – Yes.

We barbecue, have some drinks, and have fun. And on this side is called a fire pit. We do campfires here. It’s quite enjoyable, especially at night. – Like this? – Yes. This side is the living room. We use this area as the living room. So you watch TV and movies here?

No, we watch movies in a different space. What does that mean? I have my space for watching movies. I’ll show you if we go downstairs. This area is the kitchen, and I really like it in this house because since I cook a lot, so… Here’s the dining room.

When guests come over, we have meals here. So this is just for families here? Family meals over there, and dining with the guests here. And typically, I handle a lot of work at home. When I work at home, this is my study.

– You have a study too? – Yes, this is my study. I use this area as my study. – What’s here? – It’s a bathroom. – A bathroom? – Yes, there are 8 bathrooms in total. Each room has one? – Yes, you can say each room has its own. – Wow.

And if you go downstairs… What I said to my wife when we bought the house, that the basement is mine. Don’t touch the basement. It’s all mine. – It’s your own space? – Yes. [Surprised] There’s a fitness room downstairs, like this? Yes, quite minimal.

When I don’t have time to go to the gym I mainly work out here. And here’s the space I love. Oh! – You have a screen golf in your house? – Yes. In winter, I always wake up and play for about two hours before going out.

– Looks like you played today too? – It’s always on. My girl likes it. She likes it, so she plays a lot here, too. I’m trying to teach her a lot, but it’s not going that well. [lol] You’re also trying to teach golf to your kid?

Yes, this side was intended for a room as well, but I changed it like this. When I first came here, I was determined to have a golf screen. Because I didn’t have much time to go out, but I wanted to play. Now, it seems like if you want to do something,

You must get that. Yes, that’s true. But it’s heavily influenced by my parents. Since I was young, they always told me to do whatever I wanted If I could do it, they encouraged me to do so. When I was young, I earned around $4,000 to $5,000 from the business.

They were like, ‘Spend. It’s fine.’ Do whatever you want. You can earn more when you grow up. Spend in order to learn. Try things to know the taste of that. So I guess that’s why I try to do everything I want. – What’s this? – This is… the theatre.

Isn’t this usually a normal guy’s dream? – Exactly. – Yes, having a golf course at home. A ping-pong table here, a pool table there. And a theatre like this. It’s so lovely. Usually, it’s a collection of things men want. So you watch movies here?

Yes, I watch a lot of Netflix and movies here. Oh, like this? So, you lie down here and watch a Human Story sometimes? – Oh, yes. – Have you watched Human Story a lot? I’ve watched a lot. For self-employed people like me, it’s helpful, and there’s a lot to learn.

Especially because I’m overseas, I watch a lot to see what’s happening in Korea. It’s essential. What thoughts does this CEO have? What kinds of businesses are thriving in Korea? I had to physically go and see for myself. That’s really good, I think. If there are good business ideas in Canada today

Or things worth trying in Korea, please share a lot of information, too. Also, considering there are quite a few people who want to immigrate to Canada, – right? – Yes. Sharing some information to those people, – would be so good. – Right. My real experience. Real experience as a student.

I’ll share everything about that. I guess just house tour alone will be the end of episode 1. Ahahaha. Well, in a way, running a business alone would have been crazy, you still invested in your personal time very well. – It’s our dream. – Right. All men’s dreams.

So if we look at the top floor, is that the end? Yes, that should be enough house tour. Right now, a close friend from LA is visiting and sleeping in this room. Oh, sleeping now? Yes, due to the time difference with LA. Do your parents visit from time to time?

Yes, about once every 1 or 2 years. This is the master bedroom. It’s especially beautiful in the fall. It becomes like a picture frame. – Like a painting? – Yes, especially when you see it from the bed. It’s just plain mountain behind, huh? Yes, this is the ravine.

When we were buying a house, having a ravine was our first condition. A house with nothing behind it. Are you leaving now? Yes, gotta wrap up and get going. So you’re going to Costco first, for ingredients? Yes, we plan to stop by Costco first and then head out.

The neighborhood is beautiful, isn’t it? Yes, the houses around here are all pretty, and it’s really peaceful. It’s so peaceful because there are not many people around. But, in all these houses, there are people living, right? Right. You can see some people during weekends. Taking walks and all. German Shepherds. Cute.

– Cute? – On weekends, it’s all dogs’ party here. – Do many people have dogs? – Yes, lots. Canada is rather peaceful, right? People immigrate because of that. But starting a business in Canada might have some challenging conditions. It’s not something anyone can do, right? That’s correct. Not just anyone can do it,

But if you have the determination, there are many directions you can take. If you want. The most common question people have is whether you need permanent residency. Even without permanent residency, you can still run a business. If the husband is attending school, the wife can get a work visa,

And children get free education. Healthcare is of course free. It takes some time, but it’s free. So do you have the citizenship? – No, it’s just permanent residency. – Ah, permanent residency. [‘Yeongju’ means permanent residency in Korean.] Because your name is Yeongju?

I always joke that my name is Yeongju, there’s no way I can’t get the residency. LOL. But it was challenging. – It took a while. – How long? Around 7-8 years. So when I was running a business before, while I was a student, my wife got the open visa.

So I ran some businesses under my wife’s name. So, if you get permanent residency, does your wife automatically get it too? – Yes, just apply for it, and that’s it. – Wow, that’s cool. So, back to what we were discussing earlier,

You mentioned that you can start a business here if you obtain permanent residency. Yes, there are several ways. You can either qualify from Korea, apply for permanent residency, wait to receive it, and then start a business. Alternatively, you can come here first

And get a job at a company like ours, and get a visa. – Work visa? – Yes. There are people who start by obtaining sponsorship like that. Obtaining permanent residency is much easier than before. In terms of business, Toronto does not apply, but for example, in places like Vancouver or Calgary,

Those without much population, there’s a chance to apply for permanent residency while opening a business. Well, let’s say you got it, after you get the residency, if you want to start a business, isn’t it complicated, like registering or something? It’s a bit complicated, not as easy as in Korea.

“So, currently, many people operate their stores by acquiring existing businesses. It’s challenging to start from scratch. Honestly, but after a few tries, it gets easier. It’s not that difficult, but it’s scary. – Oh, at first? – Yes, it’s also time-consuming. That’s how you normally do. To easily explain,

First, you either go to City Hall or an accountant to establish the company. Then, you find a location, make a contract with the landlord, and handle the lease agreement, and the business plan. After that, you go to the bank to apply for a loan. Let’s say you need 500 million won,

But if you have around 250 million won in the bank, you have a high chance of getting the loan. Typically, banks ask for a 30% balance. But there’s a chance that you won’t be able to get the loan. If you have a house, it might be used as collateral.

It’s getting stricter these days. Well, to brag a little. If you’re affiliated with a brand like ours, it’s easier to get a loan. Due to our track record and transaction history. – When you franchise, huh? – Yes. So, for instance, if you have a certain amount of capital in Korea,

And it’s hard to visit Canada often, is there a way to remotely run the business in Canada by hiring workers? Yes, you can run it remotely. In such cases, you can partner with us. If you have the financial flexibility, and your goal is to obtain permanent residency,

Even if the profit margin is not significant, you can still run it remotely. Or if you plan to settle here and live with your family, it’s highly recommended for couples to work together. This way, you can save a lot, from labor costs to supplies. So you were studying abroad,

And now you managed to get the permanent presidency. There must have been many twists and turns, and somehow, you managed to establish a business. I’m curious about how you could succeed like this. So, to put it simply, this is the only thing I know how to do. – Just business? – Yes.

Before that, I also did business in Korea. My parents always ran a food business. From when I was young. So, I grew up seeing and learning only that. And my mother is really good at cooking. Among the people I know, my mom is the best at Korean food. – Your mother? – Yes.

So, even now, I seek a lot of advice from her. No wonder you seem to have had a lot of home-cooked meals. I sure did, hahaha. Whenever I go to Korea, I go to eat. So, when setting up new stores, I seek a lot of advice from my mother.

Initially, I did other businesses here. Like trading, marketing, and media advertising. Things like that. And even ran a car wash. I tried many things that weren’t available here. Brought a steam car wash machine from Korea. Learned it there and brought it here, but eventually sold it. It was too challenging. Continued like that,

But eventually, I came back to what I was good at. Well, I hadn’t done it (food business) for a long time, but smelling the oil and holding a knife again, it was so good. Almost to the point of swearing. Oh, that’s great. Yes, now that I’m back in the food industry.

Doing what I’m good at and what I love. Started anew like that. But as I mentioned, I did a lot of other things. It was very helpful. – You gained a lot of experience. – Yes. Like trading, or marketing. Doing those things allowed me to make this more professional.

So, there’s nothing that isn’t helpful. From my experience in life, whether it’s hard labor or washing dishes at a restaurant, there’s truly no work that doesn’t help in the end. Because eventually, everything contributes, so you should try things out while you’re young, then. Yeah, you really should.

Young friends in a restaurant in Korea, definitely consider coming out. It doesn’t have to be our store. Try working out here, abroad. Lots of those in the food industry don’t have much money in Korea. But here, if you work, It’s not a problem at all to eat, live, and sleep.

– You can earn that much? – Yes, you can earn and live. When I was young, I never thought about living abroad because it felt expensive. People say it’s expensive. – But it’s not like that. – If you come out and try? Yes, if you manage your expenses a bit,

You can have enough to enjoy on weekends, go out and have fun, travel around. The restaurant business in Korea is really tough, actually. These days, media portrays chefs nicely, but it’s tough work, long hours. When friends like that come abroad to work, they will get decent treatment for their efforts,

So they can live well. That’s why I highly recommend it. If you work in the food industry here, how much is the salary? Salaries are often calculated hourly now, but for a full-time job, on a monthly basis, you can earn over 5 million won for sure.

– Then you can even save money? – Of course. But rent is a bit expensive here. Unlike Korea, there’s no concept of a lump-sum deposit here. So, many people go for shared housing, or something. – So, they save some money. – Yes. You can save as much as you want.

Young people like that can save money, – learn some English, as well. – Exactly. And if their English skills improve, there’s a chance to get permanent residency. Definitely. Even if you don’t immigrate, just coming out and living for a while teaches you a lot. Because you’re living alone.

Living abroad for a while can be a significant experience. So, instead of just thinking about it, before the age of 30, for 1 or 2 years, it’s not a big deal, you know. It’s nothing, really. Before the age of 40, it’s still worth considering. – In terms of time? – Of course.

Don’t think of it as wasting your youth? Wasting? It’s the best time. That’s the best time indeed. The current job you’re in, if it pays around 3 to 4 million won per month, Don’t feel it’s a waste, just come out. It’ll be the best time for you.

That’s what I believe, and I went through that myself. So, among our viewers, if anyone wants to come and learn while working with you, and make an effort to obtain permanent residency, – is it okay to come like this? – You’re always welcome here. Especially for friends in the food industry,

Since I also have a background in the food industry, if young friends come, we help out a lot. I obtained a permanent residency as a student abroad, so I know how challenging it is. Now, if someone wants to contact you, do you have an Instagram? Or any contact information?

I’ll pin it in the comments. Yes, I’ll create an Instagram account and leave the details. And of course, living is challenging anywhere. But once you adapt, life is a bit more relaxed here. Children here don’t study much. I don’t have the heart to force them, just let them grow up lovingly and healthily.

– That’s something to be grateful for. – Brightly? Yes, studying a lot doesn’t necessarily lead to success. Did you study a lot? I failed miserably, ahahaha. If I could go back to when I was young, I would only study foreign languages. Be good with money, quick with calculations, understand how business works.

And, you know, actually, history! Remember any of that? I don’t. You don’t seem to have studied much either. Ahahaha. – When did the 625 War happen? – 625? – What year? – A! 625. My wedding anniversary is on June 25th. Ah, I asked about the year. 1… 19… [Human Story]

So, you mentioned earlier that the revenue is around $150,000. Where it’s doing good. – Ah the best ones. – Yes. [Monthly Revenue] So basically $100,000 at least. So for $100,000 revenue, what’s the profit in Canada? The most important thing is if the owner actually works or not. Assuming that he does,

And has some background in the food industry. Managing costs well? Yes, if you say that, it goes from 30 to 35 percent. What if it’s operated remotely? If it’s automated, it varies, but around 20 to 25 percent. But this margin tends to increase if the sales exceed a certain point, right?

But if the revenue itself doesn’t reach a certain point, forget 20 percent, it could even go negative, of course. – So if it surpasses the break-even point? – Definitely, yes. The food industry is a double-edged sword. If it goes well, there’s no limit. Just having one popular restaurant feeds three generations, they say.

But it’s also easy to fail in the food industry, When we first opened Katsuya, for about a year and a half, we went through a lot. I practically ate and slept at the shop for about a year and a half. I made all the tonkatsu bread myself, grinding it and using it directly.

You might have heard about it. Back when Baek Jong-won was doing the “Top 3 Chef King”, there was a place that came out as one of the Top 3 Pork Cutlet Kings. It’s called Yongmani Donkatsu. I went there and learned. They really taught me without taking a penny from me.

“Do well in life.” they said. I’m still very thankful. I learned a lot about running a business as well. So, having gone through that and came here, I struggled for about a year and a half. There’s a popular food media here called Yelp.

They selected us as one of the top 100 restaurants in Canada. – For donkatsu? – Yes. It was almost the first time for a Korean brand. But after that, we continued to be selected for about four years, and we started getting featured in news and newspapers. So this tonkatsu brand here,

It’s a good thing that it runs so well. But you have the goal of promoting Korean food through various brands, say about 10. So you’re running Pizza Maru and SaeMaEul Sikdang – and other various brands, huh. – Right. Some things might do well, and others might not. But we’ll keep trying.

Whether it’s chicken, pizza, or ramen, if there are good items that sell well in Korea, we’ll keep investing as much as the company earns. So, our company doesn’t have much capital, we literally put everything we earn back into it. For example, the new store we opened in Vancouver cost around $1 million.

But since I’m still at an age where I can recover from failure, so I keep trying and investing. – Because you’re young? – Yes. If I want to open a new company, after thinking about it all night, once it starts to take shape,

I’ll go to the city hall and just open the company. Start with the paperwork, and just establish the company first. You have to take at least one step, something, anything. That’s how you can achieve something. That’s a unique mindset. – Your mindset. – I guess so.

So, in every moment of your life right now, thinking about them as helpful experiences, that’s good huh. There’s nothing that doesn’t help. Because even if it doesn’t help directly, it’s like, “I shouldn’t do that,” “I shouldn’t do it like that,” that’s also helpful. If it’s good, “I should try it too,”

That’s also helpful. Here’s the entrance to Costco. – Oh, are we there? – Yes, yes. – Is this it? – Yes. [Costco Business Center] So all these people here are running businesses? Yes, even those running small businesses, people who operate local supermarkets, and so on, come here a lot to make purchases.

– Hello! – Yeah, park the car and come in. – Okay, got it. – What car is this? It’s a Sprinter, the car we use for deliveries. – Both of you are from Korea? – Right. All the headquarters staff are composed of Koreans. Oh, so this is the vehicle for distribution?

– That’s right. – Yes, yes. – We’ll park and come in. – Yeah. The car’s really big, huh? Yes, there are two of these cars. We deliver with two of those. We load the sauces, meat, breadcrumbs, everything, and distribute them to each location. Why are you carrying so many carts?

Because we have a lot of items to purchase. We usually use about 4 to 5 carts. – The carts are quite large? – Yes. The store is really huge. Other Costcos don’t sell these kinds of items. These kinds of hardware items, they only sell them here. These are kitchen appliances. Yes, kitchen appliances.

Fryers, grease traps, and machines like dough mixers. And there are also refrigerators. Ah, I see. So today you came for ingredients? Yes, today we’re mainly focusing on food supplies. – What’s this? – This is for Pizza Maru. We tested all the flour that comes into Canada. Literally every flour.

And we selected this flour after all the testing. – It might taste different compared to Korea? – Yes, it’s a bit different. We localized it a bit differently from Korea. In Korea, Pizza Maru is known for being budget-friendly, but here it’s more mid-range to high-end. Don’t worry too much about the unit price,

Just make sure to use the best-quality for the cheese and toppings. This is what we’re currently using. This guy is shopping for Pizza Maru, and that one for Katsuya. – Separately? – Yes. If you buy like this, is it for about a week’s worth? No, it’s for 3 days.

This is just for 3 days, and we actually get more delivered. But for items that are only available here, or for good-quality ingredients, we purchase them here. Ah, so you buy stuff you need to see for yourself, and the rest comes through distribution. Yes, we get a lot through distribution.

Is it cheaper to buy from the Business Center than from a regular Costco? No, what Costco sells is similar. Whether it’s a regular Costco or here, the price is about the same. There are many products here that aren’t available anywhere else. When you come here, you find many new items.

So, it’s good for discovering new menu items, and also for checking seasonal fruits directly. You gotta check them out yourself. For Katsuya, we use a lot of fruit-based sauces, so we try to buy good seasonal fruits. It’s already decided what to buy? Yes, we receive requests from each store a day before.

Franchisees buy separately on their own, – and we buy for those directly managed by us. – Ah, this? Yes, we have an order list like this. So each store puts their order, and we buy stuff accordingly. Is this everything? Yes, we’ve finished purchasing. Our staff will distribute the rest. Since you came today,

The weather is nice, you should go see Niagara Falls. Oh, Niagara Falls? Yes, Niagara Falls. Isn’t it in Nigeria? Nigeria is too far, maybe next time. Is the time okay? Yes, it should be fine. Since you came all the way here, work is work but,

You’re in Toronto, so you should see it once. – You must see it. – Thank you. [On the way to Niagara Falls] Here is… – is it the sea? – It is. – It’s the sea but not salty. – What does that mean? – It’s a sea-like lake. – This is a lake?

Yes, it’s Lake Ontario. It has waves, a beach, and many seagulls. When people come here and say it’s the sea, they just assume so. if you tell them to taste the water, they’d say it tastes salty. Ahahahaha. – When it’s not? – No. Is this lake connected to Niagara Falls?

Yes, it’s connected. Since it flows out from Niagara Falls, How much more to Niagara Falls from here? About 40 minutes. Here, no matter where you go, it takes over an hour to get there. – Because the land is vast? – Yes, like the well-known Quebec.

– Quebec? – Yes, the place that appeared in the Goblin. People know it’s near Toronto. It’s about 8 hours by car. – That’s quite far. – Yes. Are there chauffeur services here? – No. – How about drinking? If you drink, you have to use Uber. It’s like a taxi service.

– Do you leave your car and go? – Yes, you leave your car and go. Then you have to come back the next day. – What do you take then? – Uber, too. [lol] [Arrived at Niagara Falls] Is it your first time in a while?

Yes, it’s been a while. It’s been 3 days. – 3 days. – Ahahaha. A few days ago, a friend from LA came to visit. – The one sleeping at home? – Yes, yes. So, if guests come, will you show them around here every time? When guests come, this is the course.

On a day like today, with such great weather, you really must come at least once. And don’t just look around, definitely take a boat ride. Taking the boat is totally different. You must come to Niagara Falls at least once. – Absolutely? – Yes. – The boat is like that, huh. – Yes.

It goes near the falls, and it’s really fun. Majestic. And a bit thrilling too. It’s still exciting every time I come here. When you’re stressed, your heart feels a bit open here. Become more composed, and you start thinking more. It always feels like that. I hope the viewers while watching the falls,

Really have a great success. I know it’s tough right now for everyone. But I still think everything will work out well. Wishing you all the best. [Human Story] So, are you going to inspect the store now? Yes, I’m going to check the downtown store now. When we first opened the downtown store,

It wasn’t so much about earning a lot. It was more symbolic, you know. We had to have a store downtown. Is it like Gangnam in Seoul? Exactly, it’s the central place. So, it’s like having a store in Gangnam?

Yes, that’s right. However, the downtown store turned out to be a lucrative one for us. Even though it’s smaller, it generates around $140,000 to $150,000 in monthly sales. $140,000 to $150,000, so. – Is it a tonkatsu store? – Yes, it’s a tonkatsu store. So, after checking the downtown store,

I’ll be moving to North York, which is a place where many Koreans live. – Rolls-Royce? – North York. South, North. We have five stores in North York. I’m planning to visit about three of them, check how things are going with customers on the weekend, and then finish the day.

So it usually ends at night, huh? If it gets late, around midnight. Sometimes even stay till the store closes. Today I’m moving rather quickly. But still, I think it will end at around 8 pm. – Are we there? – Yes. So this is downtown? Yes, this is downtown.

– Where is it? – That building on the corner over there. The one over there is Pizza Maru, which is opening next week. And right next to that is Katsuya. Certainly, there are a lot of people here. Yes, downtown is different huh?

– There are a lot of young people here. – Right, I see. There’s a university right in front, and it’s quite large. – It’s young, and it’s vibrant. – Right. – Is this the place? – Yes. If you go up this way, this is Katsuya. This is Pizza Maru.

– This is the tonkatsu restaurant. – Yes. Hi, Katsuya. – Hello. – Yeah. – Hello. – Hi. Hello. There are quite a lot of employees. How many are there? Including servers, we have about 8 people. But it seems like all of them are Korean? Yes, all of us are Korean.

Are they all international students? Some of them are students, and some have immigrated. So, each of them is working in different sections? – Yes, that’s right. – So the customers them… This place has lots of foreigners. – It’s not that big, right? – Yeah.

– How many square meters is this place? – Around 130. So you sell $150,000 in this place? Yeah, about $130,000 to $150,000. This place seems to be quite profitable. – Is it busy? – Yes, it’s crazy. This is our store manager. Been working here for about 4, or 5 years.

He’s one of the best among us. He’s really handsome. – He used to be even more handsome in the past. – Ahaha. – How are you? – I’m good! What do you usually check? I usually check things like whether the meat and dates are labeled properly. If there’s anything not so fresh here.

– So, ingredient management is the most important? – Exactly. Has the delivery not arrived yet? No, not today. Delivery? The ones you bought from Costco? Yes that, and things like bread crumbs, meat, and sauces from the main store are delivered here. Currently, the inventory seems to be quite stable.

Actually, if I come during busy hours, I can’t check properly. [lol] You arrived a bit later than usual today? Yes, I was planning to come around 2 or 3 PM, the least busy time. But somehow, I ended up arriving right at the start of the business.

– The place is already packed with customers. – Yeah, it seems. How long have you been working here? – 2 months. – How did you come to Canada? I came here to study. Are you attending a university in Canada? Yes, I’m currently attending a university.

– Hanbyeol, I’ll go check the next door. – Yes. I’ll check the next store for a moment. – Are you going to Pizza Maru? – Yes. How much is one tonkatsu sold for now? Usually, the average customer spends around $25. – About 25,000 won? – Yes. So, if two people come,

Including a tip, it’s around $50. For example, they usually give 10 to 15 percent to the servers as a tip. – Separately? – Right, right. – If you don’t want to give, you don’t have to? – Ah… – That’s awkward. – Ahaha. So, it’s not good to disrupt the ecosystem like that.

In places like downtown Katsuya, when servers work during the day, the top performers sometimes work alone. They can make around $300 a day just in tips. Here, the place is small, but many customers come in, so there’s no need to distribute tips. They take it all for themselves.

Do servers get more tips if they are kind and good at their job? If they are really kind, there are customers who double the tip. So, in Toronto or abroad, servers who work full-time, for about 50 hours a week, can easily earn $5,000 to $6,000 when tips are included.

– It depends on their abilities. – That’s right. So, while serving, if they also dance, sing, and showcase their talents, – they can earn even more. – Amazing. Beatbox a bit, and show some talents. That’s game over. – Ahahaha. – LOL. – I’m going in here. – Sure. Is this place under construction?

Yes, it is. We’re confirmed to open next week, so I’m checking the last furniture and stuff that arrived. Do you have something like premium here? – The premium is high. – Oh, there is? Because it’s really challenging to open here, the premium is really high. Then, for opening a store,

Including premium and all the interior, and all the appliances, how much does it cost? Usually, this is the size I most recommend. About $400,000. Or if you really want to emphasize the interior design, make it super pretty, then maybe about $500,000. So between $400,000 to $500,000,

– that’s about the opening cost. – Right. Usually the maximum amount of loan here is about $350,000 you know. So let’s say you get a loan of $300,000, you can put in the rest of $200,000 and start. It’s still under construction, huh? Yes, it’s almost finished. How many square meters is this place?

It’s the same as the next door. About 130, including the kitchen. Is this considered a good location within downtown? Yes, it’s considered a prime location. So the premium is higher in a good location. Right. So, now we need to check the hood. The inspection isn’t finished yet.

And the machines are all arriving today. This place, I kept the original design, the wall and such. So you kept the same design that was here before? The walls are the same, just cleaned up a bit. For things like pillars, we installed new ones, but we preserved things like these bricks

For a bit of an old-fashioned feel. North American style. It must be exciting to open new ones like this. It’s a mix of excitement and fear. Half fear and half excitement. Right, you’re doing it in a foreign country, eh? Exactly. Building something step by step is satisfying though.

Is this place a franchise or a directly managed store? It’s a bit different here. This place was set up by our employees. So the employees saved up their money to invest, if the employees do well, they take away the profit, huh? Right, it’s like that.

The way I can offer a bit more benefit to the employees is by having them contribute a bit for the store. If you guys put in a small amount of money, I’ll take care of the rest, .and in return, I’ll give you shares. That’s how we started this branch.

And now, for most of the directly managed branches, I’m planning to change them like this. Can I put in like $10,000 in there? Sure. I’ll give you 100 servings of tonkatsu per month. – Ahaha. – Haha. Is the security system just a regular lock? Hehehehe. – It’s quite analog. – Yes, it is.

It’s very safe, though. Just a quick greeting, and we’re off. Hanbyeol, I’m off. – Yes. – Goodbye. – Goodbye. – Yeah, take care. – Take care. – Goodbye. Where are you going now? Now, I’m heading straight up to Saemaeul. Is this a gas station? Yes, this is a gas station.

Is gasoline more expensive in Canada, or is it similar to Korea? These days, it’s similar. Today, it’s around $1.6. Only one gas pump, huh? Yes, there’s only one pump. You press to choose the type of fuel you want. [Human Story] [Arrived at Katsuya Main Branch] – Oh, this is… – Our main branch.

– The main branch? – Hi, Katsuya. Hi, Katsuya. Hi, Katsuya. – It’s quite spacious here. – Yes. – How large is this? – About 230 to 260 square meters. – 230 to 260? – Yes, yes. But here, the basement is also about 230 to 260 square meters.

Since the Pizza Maru is also next door. The basement is like a complete factory. Is this also attached to Pizza Maru? Yes, together. Over there is Pizza Maru’s first branch, and here is Katsuya’s first branch. So do you always open them together? Not really. But it’s convenient to run, and it’s really effective.

So we try to acquire spaces like this if we can. – This place is also full of customers. – Right. Most of the people dining here are Asian? Almost all are from Asian countries. But there aren’t many Koreans. They make up around 30% to 50%. The rest are mostly foreigners.

What are you doing now? We’re taking a waiting list. – A waiting list? – Yes. How many people are currently waiting? – About 20 people are waiting. – 20. How long have you been working here? – It’s been about 5 years. – 5 years? It’s been quite a while.

At first, I worked part-time while going to school. I found this job fitting and enjoyable, so I became the manager. And after graduating from university, I’m now working as a team leader of the dining area. Our kitchen team leader is over there.

– That person is the kitchen team leader? – Yes, the kitchen team leader. What are you making now? It’s loin donkatsu. It’s the most popular menu at this time. – Oh! Back at Costco. – Yes, right. – They mentioned the kitchen leader. – Yes, right. What role does the kitchen team leader have?

I personally manage all the kitchens in every branch, including franchises and directly operated branches. I handle ingredients management, and how the food is presented. Since we receive feedback through social media, we manage all those aspects at the headquarters. – So, do you personally go to buy ingredients? – Yes, that’s correct.

Then, the dining area team leader… The dining area team leader is responsible for services and is dedicated to that. There are quite a number of staff. How many are there? If we include the basement, there are currently about 12 people working. What are they doing in the basement?

Like ingredient preparation, vegetable cutting, sauce making, and various other tasks. So, they prepare them downstairs, and then it’s made here? Yes. Right now, business seems to be thriving here. Is there something special about the taste of the tonkatsu, or is there something unique to Katsuya?

First of all, since we are a tonkatsu specialty restaurant, we directly purchase and handle the meat and even make the batter ourselves. Our original sauce, made with a fruit base, is what sets us apart. – So the sauce is good? – Yes, you can’t experience it elsewhere.

It reproduces the unique flavor of fruits exceptionally well. Goes really well with the tonkatsu, so it’s really popular. What kind of tonkatsu is it? This is loin donkatsu. – Is it made from loin? – Yes. [loin donkatsu.] Are you going home now? Not really. I’m going to check on other branches. Goodbye.

– Take care. – Yes. – Good job. – Goodbye. Bye. So now… Are all the people here now waiting? Yes, these are waiting seats. Currently, the seats are full. But the turnover is fast, so the wait for this number of people is usually within 30 minutes.

How do you feel seeing the business doing so well? It feels really good. It’s great to be busy, but it’s even better when the employees are cheerful. It helps a lot when everyone works well together with a positive mindset and shares laughs. That’s how we grow. Where are you heading to now?

I’m going to Saemaeul. It’s the weekend, and it’s a larger establishment, so I pay a lot of attention to it. You said you’re going to Vancouver tomorrow. Yes, I’m heading to Vancouver tomorrow. How long does it take? It takes about 5 hours by plane. How long does it take to walk there?

I looked it up on Google, and it’s around 36 days without stopping for an hour. 36 days without stopping for a minute. By car, it’s about 5 days without stopping once. – You’re taking a flight, then? – Yeah, right. I have to go there and come back quickly.

Which store are you visiting in Vancouver? There’s a newly opened Katsuya store in Vancouver. I’ve put a lot of effort into that branch, and it will be my first visit after its opening. After that, I’ll check on the current stores, and meet with potential franchisees who are interested in joining us.

So, your main business location is in Toronto, – and you’re expanding to Vancouver. – That’s right. The store is right in front here. – Right here? – Yes. Saemaeul restaurant. The parking lot is quite spacious. Yes, it’s very spacious. Nowadays, the location and size of the parking lot are crucial,

So I’m happy with the large space. Hello, this is Sae Ma Eul. Hello, this is Sae Ma Eul. There’s waiting here, too? Yes, we might have a bit of a waiting list now. – Hello. – Hello. – It’s really spacious here. – Yes, it’s quite large.

– How many square meters is it? – About 500. The kitchen is very large. The kitchen and the dining area have the same area. This is the largest among the stores I’m running. So, are the menus here the same as those in Korea? The menus are a bit different from those in Korea.

There are many additional items that are more suitable for this market. Such as beef, tailored to the local market. And the prices are also a bit different. Was it busy? – Was it okay? – Yes. Hello, for two people? Yes. You can place your order with T-Order.

– They also use T-Order here. – Yes. I thought it was only used in Korea. It’s used abroad as well? Yes, we introduced T-Order for the first time in Toronto. It’s been a little over a month since its introduction, and the satisfaction is beyond imagination. It’s challenging to find people these days,

So we’ve reduced labor costs by about 15 people. Most importantly, there are no missing orders. – What’s that? – For example, the order goes in wrong or something. Here the alcohol is really expensive, so we have to manage that well. Usually on weekends, we miss about 5 to 10 bottles of drinks.

And that’s about $150 to $200 just in costs. Now we don’t have any missing drinks. So we’re testing it out in another branch in Vancouver. How many staff members are working here? Around 10 to 12 people at the moment. Hello, this is Sae Ma Eul restaurant. Hello, this is Sae Ma Eul restaurant.

What are they saying for a greeting? Hello, this is Sae Ma Eul restaurant. We greet in Korean here. Because this place is a traditional Korean BBQ, we greet in Korean, even though foreigners might not understand. They ask about the meaning if they come here frequently.

And they like it when we explain to them. Hello, have you placed your order? Yes, we have. If you need anything else, you can place an order through T-Order. – Sure. – Enjoy your meal. Right. What’s the monthly revenue here? Here, it’s around $150,000 to $170,000 per month.

So most of the stores are selling really well? Yes, for established stores like Katsuya, the sales are quite stable. This one is relatively new, but it’s doing well. – Is this the basic… – Ahahaha. Is this the basic menu? Yes! How long have you been in Canada? It’s been 6 months.

– What brought you here? – Working holiday. What did you do in Korea? I worked in photography. Why did you decide to come for a working holiday? I was curious about Canada, so I wanted to come and see. How is it? Now that you’re here.

I’m adjusting well, and I like it here. People are nice. – Oh really? – Yeah, everything’s good. How about the salary for a month? – Here only? I work 2 jobs. – In total. It’s around 6 million won. Wow, that’s a good amount. Yes. Welcome to Sae Ma Eul! Wow. [Applause, laughter]

So, you rent a place to stay – and work two jobs while traveling? – Yes, that’s right. I’m going to New York in December! – Wow. – Wow, wow. [LOL] – Ah, it’s embarrassing. – But you’re saying whatever you want. Well, I’m busy right now. Is cash payment common here?

Yes, we have a lot of cash payments. Did you make a lot of money today? Oh, yes, we made quite a bit. It seems like business is good today. How did you come to Canada? Originally, I came as a student, graduated, and have been working here ever since.

Thank you, have a good day. She’s in charge of the meat section. What do you do then? Usually, I cut the meat. – Are you handling the meat? – Yes. It’s often a job done by men, isn’t it? Yes, I ended up in this line of work. [lol]

Why did you come to Canada? I wanted to immigrate, and I was doing the same job in Korea. I got a chance to work in the same field here. Did you work in a meat shop in Korea? Yes, I did.

– Excuse me, but may I ask your age? – I’m 32 years old. – What is this? – This is cucumber cold soup. – Cucumber cold soup. – Yes. Did you make it yourself? It’s prepared by the kitchen staff. Ah, in the kitchen. – What’s this? – This is marinated pork. [peek] [lol]

I’m going. Bye. – Take care. – Goodbye. Yeah, good job guys. – I’m off. – Goodbye. The staff seem very lively. Yes, it’s tough working in a restaurant. We always say, let’s enjoy our work even a little bit since it’s already hard. So, we try to make it enjoyable and work hard.

So on average, a store sells $150,000, then what’s your net profit? Even though it’s corporate profit. I’m curious about the net profit. With about 10 directly operated stores, a monthly revenue of around $1 million. So, the profit for the company is around $200,000. – So you’re earning $200,000 a month. – Yes.

Is your workday over now? Yes, I’ve finished my work for the day. After work, I’ll play with my daughter, have dinner together, and prepare for my business trip to Vancouver tomorrow. Are you leaving tomorrow morning? Yes, I have a flight at 8 a.m,

So I need to be at the airport by 6 a.m. Okay, then. I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. – Yes, thank you. Have a good night. – Yup. [Human Story] [On the way to the airport on the next day] [Toronto Airport] – Hey. – Hello. What time is your departure?

It was 8:30 today, but it got delayed, so it’s now at 9:30. Then, what time are you expected to arrive? It’ll be around 11:30. – Around 11:30? – Yes. [Boarding the flight to Vancouver] [Vancouver] Have you arrived now? Yes, I just arrived in Vancouver.

I have my luggage, so I’ll pick it up and head out. – This is your first time in Vancouver, right? – Yes. Vancouver is beautiful too. – Is it quite different from Toronto? – Completely different. Even though it’s the same country, there’s the time difference, and atmosphere, everything is different.

If you like camping, nature, mountains, and the sea, Vancouver is a great place to live. It’s much warmer here. It feels like it’s already summer here. There’s about a 10-degree difference compared to Toronto. [Heading to the store] Have we arrived now? Yes, we’re at Pizza Maru 1st store in Vancouver.

– Welcome, this is Pizza Maru. – Hi. – Hello. – Hello. Hello. There seem to be quite a few staff members here too. The kitchen is very spacious, isn’t it? Yes, it’s well-organized. – How have you been? – I’ve been well. How long has it been since you last saw the owner here?

I think it’s been about 3 months. – You don’t get to see each other often. – That’s right, he’s busy. When you come what do you usually look at? He usually looks at the ingredients a lot. There’s also a headquarters staff member here, so meeting those employees, having meals and talking, you know.

So staff management as well. Yes, that’s right. Cuz that’s the most important thing. Is it mostly Korean customers here? If there are six Korean customers, there are usually around four foreign customers. Many people see the ‘green tea dough’, and come in. – Green tea? – Yes.

Because we put green tea in the dough, many people come in like that. Among the local customers, there are also quite a few regulars. – Local customers? – Yes. – Real Canadians you mean? – Yes. But there are Canadian pizzas here, right? Yes, that’s correct. So it’s quite different.

Some people say it’s a bit sweet, and some like it because it’s sweet. – Sweet? – Yes. What’s different? Between Korean pizza and Canadian pizza? There are generally more toppings than foreign pizzas. And the dough is a bit chewier. Many people who like it find it very enjoyable. Are you here to study?

No, I came on a working holiday, and I’ve been here for about 10 months now. Many people want to come on a working holiday. If you have something to say to those people who want to come here… The natural landscape is so beautiful, and there are more job opportunities than in Korea.

So, it’s really good to come here. – Is it good? – Yes, because this is a tip job, when a lot of people come, you can earn a lot in tips. It seems like it’s better than in Korea. So you saved up some money as well?

– No, not really. – You spent it all?? Yes, I spend it as soon as I earn it. [lol] The person wearing the helmet there is delivering here, right? Yes, he’s an Uber driver. Are there many deliveries? It seems like there are more deliveries. Pizza? Thank you, bye.

Are you going to the Katsuya store now? Yes, I will be moving to the Katsuya store. How many stores are there in Vancouver now? There are currently 3. – And the 4th is under construction. – Ah, so 4. [Arrived at the Katsuya store] Here, the parking lot is also quite large.

Yes, we are using this standalone building. Currently, it’s the largest among our Katsuya stores. Hi, Katsuya. This place is more like a family restaurant. That’s the theme for this branch. It looks more neat here? Lot more neat. It’s been open for about a month. Hello. Hello. You’re hitting the tonkatsu with a hammer?

Yes, cutting it and hitting it with a hammer makes the meat tender and helps control the size. So the meat becomes tender. Yes, it works much better than using a machine. When I asked the kitchen manager about the tonkatsu, he said you make the sauces with actual fruit.

So, the sauce tastes different, and many customers like it. That’s what he said. Yes, in our own way, we try to bring out the sweet and fruity flavors, using seasonal fruits a lot. Because of that, many customers seem to like it. There aren’t many places that use it like that.

And if you look at the breadcrumbs, they are not ordinary bread crumbs. It’s real bread. Yes, we bake bread ourselves every morning. Grinding the bread we baked ourselves makes a huge difference in crispiness and taste. So, the bread crumbs of the tonkatsu were real bread? Yes, it’s real bread.

In Korea, there are suppliers that supply to franchises. But there aren’t here, so we make them. But isn’t it too tough for the franchise owners to bake all that? – Wouldn’t it? – The head office supplies everything. Since bread crumbs and sauce are our keys,

And they are the most important, we supply everything. What type of tonkatsu is this? This is a loin donkatsu. – What donkatsu? – Loin. The sauce is sweet chili. – Here, table 7. – Yes. Enjoy. – You had pizza instead of tonkatsu? – Yes, right. How is the food here?

It’s delicious, and the kids seem to like it. – Do you want to share with me? – Yes. We’ll all share then. You go ahead. The white carbonara sauce. – Oh yes, there we go. – This one? Add to cart. [Order complete] – Is this your first time here? – Yeah.

How did you hear about this place? My landlord was Korean so, she suggested us to try Korean food. – Do you like Korean food? – Yes. What are your thoughts and impressions on tablet order system? I think this is a good way to order. Because it’s user-friendly, and there is no miscommunication.

Because you choose what you want. And you can see the pictures. So it’s really cool. So it is your first time using the machine, right? – Yeah. – Did you feel any difficulties? No, it was really cool. There is also T-Order here, right? Yes, we’re testing the T-Order system at this first store.

The employees are satisfied, and the customers also like it a lot. What is this right now? This is red carbonara sauce. It’s a sauce made with jalapeños. – Is it spicy? – Yes, a bit spicy. Since carbonara sauce is usually buttery and rich, we added a bit of spice to balance it.

Is it that all tonkatsu types are the same, and only the sauce is different? No, the tonkatsu types are all different. There are loin, tenderloin, chicken, fish, cheese tonkatsu, sweet potato tonkatsu, and so on. We offer various types. And there are about 12 different sauces.

– I saw that you also sell pizza. – Yes, right. We have a good-sized place here, and we’ve set the concept like a family restaurant from the beginning. So, we offer various menus to make it accessible to customers. We are currently selling pizza as well.

Do you make the sauces separately for these dishes? Yes. – Hello. – Hi. – Is this your first time here? – Yes. – What did you order? – We got a couple pizzas and chicken. So this is your first time – using this machine, right? – Yes.

What’s your impression on using this tablet order? It’s pretty straightforward and easy. Just like ordering on my phone. What if these machines are used in other restaurants? I think that it would be good. Most people don’t like waiting for a waiter, right? What about you? It’s good. Makes things easy.

We’re living in the future, now. – This is for delivery, right? – Yes, yes. You had a two-day shoot yesterday and today. – Yeah, right. – How was it? The shoot was very enjoyable, and because it was just my daily routine, it felt very comfortable. I got to see more of the stores,

And the employees seemed to enjoy it. Kind of like a special event. So it became a source of energy. In a way, considering you’ve been cultivating and running this business in Canada for about ten years. Yeah, right. Showing what you’ve achieved here, how does that feel? I feel quite proud.

It also makes me reflect on my journey. That feels so good. For people who are considering immigration from Korea, and those who have already immigrated, and who came here as students, I hope I can be of help. If anyone needs assistance,

Or is interested in immigration and franchise opportunities, please feel free to contact me. We’ll try to help out as much as possible. You mentioned yesterday about creating Instagram or something like that. I will leave it on the comment to communicate. Thank you, I appreciate that.

For small business owners who are working hard right now, and for those who are running a business, even if it’s not in Canada, to all the self-employed individuals who are working hard, is there anything you want to say to them? I know things are hard these days, everything’s difficult now.

But there will be good times along with the difficult ones. I believe things will get better, and I hope you earn a lot of money and live well. Stay healthy, and cheers. Lastly, you’ve been in Canada for almost half of your life now. Could you please send a video message to your parents?

Ahahaha. To my mom and dad, thank you so much for your hard work. I’ve caused a lot of trouble, but coming here and being able to show you my life proudly feels great I will work harder to show you a better version of myself. I love you. Go Human Story!

#휴먼스토리 #티오더 #캐나다

홈페이지: https://torder.com/
문의: 1644 – 2448

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영상 속 가게 정보 및 휴먼스토리 출연자 분들 칼럼을 휴먼스토리 카페에 담아 놨습니다! 그리고 자영업 정보들을 서로 공유 할 수 있도록 만들어 놨습니다! 자영업 정보 공유가 필요하신 분들은 아래 휴먼스토리 카페 링크로 들어가시면 됩니다!

휴먼스토리 카페링크

✔time stamp
01:32 (캐나다 토론토)
01:57 집이 엄청 넓네요?
02:16 간단하게 대표님 소개 먼저 한번 (부탁드릴게요)
02:44 지금 아침 일찍인데 아이도 깨있네요?
02:52 주방도 엄청 넓네요?
03:04 캐나다에서 이 정도 집을 구매하려면 비용이 어느 정도 들어가는 걸까요?
03:21 (집이) 2층도 있는 거예요?
03:31 오늘 집 구경 잠깐 할 시간이 있나요?
03:46 성함이랑 나이는 말씀 안 해주셨는데..
03:52 캐나다에 엄청 일찍 오셨네요?
05:07 여기는 그때 당시에는 음식 딜리버리(배달) 같은 게 없어서
05:56 이제 식사하시고 출근하시는 거예요?
06:28 밴쿠버도 가시는 거예요?
07:00 명품 수납 금고가 있네요
07:07 이 집은 언제 매매하신 거예요?
07:15 올라온 김에 보시면
07:48 루나 밥 먹는 중이에요?
07:54 두 분은 결혼하신 지 얼마나 되셨어요?
08:14 이렇게 캐나다까지 올 줄 알았나요?
08:27 자녀 키우기는 좀 괜찮나요
08:47 지금 어떤 거 드시는 거예요?
09:00 아이는 어디 가는 거예요?
09:27 대표님 캐나다 사신 지 총 얼마나 되신 거죠?
09:46 여기는 가라지(garage)예요
10:15 아내분은 포르쉐 타고 가시고 대표님은 뭐 타고 가세요?
10:56 대표님은 지금 어떻게 보면 현장일은 안 하실 거잖아요
11:38 대표님 브랜드가 따로 있는데 다른 브랜드의 가맹을 하시는 이유가 있나요?
12:46 제일 잘 되는 매장은 매출이 어느 정도 되는 건가요?
13:51 (제가) 일을 되게 일찍 시작한 케이스거든요 장사를
14:16 온 김에 집 좀 구경시켜드릴게요
15:03 이런 마당은 만드는 데도 비용이 상당히 많이 들어갔겠네요?
15:21 (캐나다에서도) 한국 문화 같은 게 좀 있나요?
15:55 (오른쪽) 이쪽은 거실이에요
16:50 지하에 피트니스 룸이 있네요?
17:01 스크린 골프장이 있는 거예요 집에?
17:27 내가 하고 싶은 게 있으면 무조건 해야 되는 스타일이네요
17:54 여기는 극장이거든요
18:24 휴먼스토리 많이 보셨나요?
19:12 위에만 보면 이제 이 집은 거의 다 본 건가요?
19:45 이제 출발하시는 거예요?
20:12 동네 이쁘죠
20:36 캐나다에서 장사하려면 까다로운 조건들이 있을 것 같은데
21:04 대표님은 지금 시민권을 딴 건가요?
22:03 사업자를 낸다든가 이런 게 복잡하진 않나요?
23:01 한국에서 직원들만 고용해서 캐나다에서 오토로 돌릴 수 있는 방법도 있나요?
23:29 유학 생활 하시다가 어떻게 해서 사업체도 차릴 수 있게 됐고 성공할 수 있게 됐는지
25:04 한국에서 요식업 하는 젊은 친구들 꼭 (해외로) 나오세요
25:46 여기서 요식업 하게 되면 급여는 어느 정도 되는 걸까요?
26:48 대표님한테 이렇게 찾아와서 일도 배워 보면서
27:05 대표님 인스타 같은 게 있나요?
27:19 아이들을 여기는 공부를 잘 안 시켜요
27:56 (월매출) 1억 정도 나오면 마진은 어떻게 될까요 캐나다는?
28:38 저희도 처음에 카츠야(돈가스 매장) 오픈했을 때
30:00 저는 일단은 시청 가서 회사부터 오픈해요
30:36 여기가 코스트코 들어가는 입구고요
30:58 이 차는 뭐예요?
31:26 카트 왜 이렇게 많이 들고 가는 거예요?
31:41 (코스트코) 매장이 엄청 크네요
32:16 이건 뭐예요?
32:46 지금 이렇게 사면 한 일주일 치 정도 사는 건가요?
33:03 비즈니스 센터에서 사면 더 싼가요?
33:36 이미 뭐 살지 다 정해져 있네요?
34:06 나이아가라 한번 찍고 오시죠
34:30 여긴 바단가요?
34:53 나이아가라까진 얼마나 남은 거예요?
35:10 여긴 대리운전을 어떻게 하나요?
35:29 (나이아가라 폭포 도착)
35:46 손님들 오시면 여긴 매번 한 번씩 보여드리겠네요?
36:37 이제 매장 점검하러 가시는 거예요?
37:41 여기가 다운타운인가요?
38:23 직원분들이 엄청 많네요? 몇 분이에요?
38:42 (매장이) 많이 안 크죠
38:46 여기에서 한 1억 5,000만원씩 파는 거예요?
39:05 보통 어떤 거 점검하시는 거예요?
39:41 지금 여기서 일하신 지 얼마나 되셨어요?
39:55 돈가스 하나 팔면 (객단가) 얼마나 하는 거예요?
40:28 친절하고 더 잘하면 (팁을) 더 많이 주기도 하나요?
41:00 권리금 같은 게 따로 있나요?
41:07 한 매장 오픈하는데 (비용이) 얼마 정도 하는 건가요?
41:32 지금 공사 중인 거네요?
42:22 매번 (매장) 하나하나 늘어날 때마다 좀 설레겠어요
42:38 여기는 저희 직원들이 (자금을) 모아서 차린 거예요
43:11 잠금 시설이 그냥 자물쇠로 하는 거예요?
43:37 새마을(식당)로 올라갈 거예요
43:50 여기는 주유소예요?
44:13 (카츠야 본점 도착)
44:28 여긴 엄청 넓네요?
44:55 식사하시는 분들이 거의 아시아 분들이시네요?
45:19 여기서 일하신 지는 얼마나 되셨어요?
45:40 지금 어떤 거 만드시는 거예요?
45:49 주방 팀장님은 어떤 역할인 거예요?
46:07 직원분들이 되게 많네요
46:12 지하에서 어떤 일하는 거예요?
46:23 여기 만의 특별한 게 뭔가 있는 건가요?
46:57 이건 무슨 돈가스인가요?
47:15 팀장님 퇴근하시는 거예요?
47:32 여기 계신 분들이 다 웨이팅인 거예요?
47:43 어때요? 이렇게 장사 잘되는 모습 보면..
47:55 지금은 어디로 가시는 거예요?
48:01 내일 밴쿠버 가신다고 하셨잖아요
48:43 (매장이) 이쪽 바로 앞이거든요
49:14 여기도 웨이팅이 있네요?
49:33 한국에 있는 메뉴들하고 똑같은 거예요?
50:14 지금 이쪽에도 티오더를 다 쓰네요?
50:52 여기는 직원분이 몇 분 정도 있는 거예요?
51:01 다들 뭐라고 인사하는 건가요?
51:17 대표님) 안녕하세요 주문하셨어요?
51:45 지금 이게 기본 메뉴인 거예요?
51:48 여기 오신 지는 얼마나 되셨어요? 캐나다 오신 지
52:08 한 달 급여는 어느 정도 되는지 궁금해요
52:40 여기는 현금 결제도 많은 거예요?
52:48 캐나다는 어떻게 오신 거예요?
52:58 육부 담당이면 어떤 일하시는 거예요?
53:04 보통 고기 써는 건 남자분들이 많이 하시던데..
53:25 이건 뭐예요?
53:33 이거는 양념 돼지구이예요
53:57 직원분들이 되게 활기차네요
54:08 대표님 순수익은 어느 정도 되는지
54:26 오늘은 하루 일과가 끝난 거예요?
54:46 (다음 날 새벽 공항으로 향하는 길)
55:20 (밴쿠버)
55:34 토론토랑 많이 다른가요?
56:00 밴쿠버 피자마루 1호점 도착했어요
56:15 주방이 엄청 넓네요?
56:32 주로 오시면 어떤 거 보시는 거예요?
56:45 여긴 주로 손님들이 한국 분들이 많이 오시는 거예요?
57:04 캐나다 사람들이 먹는 피자가 따로 있지 않나요?
57:14 어떤 게 많이 달라요? 한국 피자랑 캐나다 피자랑
57:31 워킹홀리데이 오고 싶어 하는 분이 많잖아요
58:01 저기 헬멧 쓰신 분은 여기 배달하시는 거예요?
58:16 카츠야 매장으로 가시는 거예요?
58:20 밴쿠버에는 매장이 총 몇 개 있는 거죠?
58:30 여기도 주차장이 좀 넓네요?
59:03 돈가스를 망치로 막 때리네요?
59:58 가맹점주님들이 빵 하나씩 다 굽고 튀기려면 힘들지 않을까요?
1:00:12 이건 무슨 돈가스예요?
1:00:32 돈가스 말고 피자 드셨네요?
1:01:00 여긴 처음 오시는 거예요?
1:01:11 태블릿 PC(티오더)로 음식 주문하는 거 어떠셨어요?
1:01:37 지금 여기도 티오더가 다 깔려있네요?
1:01:48 레드 까르보나라 소스요
1:02:07 소스만 다 다른 거예요?
1:02:20 피자도 팔더라고요
1:02:38 소스를 따로 만들어서 나가는 거예요?
1:02:53 여기는 처음 오신 거예요?
1:03:09 (티오더가) 다른 음식점에서도 쓰인다면 어떨 거 같아요?
1:03:27 (돈가스) 이게 지금 배달도 나가는 거예요?
1:03:38 어제오늘 이렇게 이틀 촬영해 보셨잖아요
1:03:52 여기서 일궈놓은 거를 보여드리니까 좀 어떤지
1:04:24 열심히 살아가시는 자영업자분들한테 마지막으로 한 말씀 해주신다면..
1:04:42 멀리서 지켜보시는 부모님한테 영상편지 부탁드릴게요
1:05:01 휴먼스토리 화이팅!


  1. 성공하느냐 마느냐가 중요한게 아니라
    시작하느냐 마느냐가 중요한거임

    말로는 아무것도못함
    시작한사람은 이미 절반은 성공함

    세상은 성공과 실패로 나누는게아니라
    도전을 시작한사람과
    말뿐인 사람으로 나뉜다

    아무것도 안하면서 주둥이만터는것도문제고
    시작도안해보고 안된다는것도문제
    해보고 안되면 다른거 또하면됨

  2. Very true, I thought the same before I came to Australia. "It will be expensive","Hard to make a living" but then when you arrive you realize the taxes are so low and the min wage are quite high and its actually much easier living here then back home.

  3. 월급 3~400버는거 아까워하지말고 퇴사하고 워홀 1~2년 무조껀 나와보라는말이 개역겹네ㅋㅋ 지는 부유한집에서 어려서부터 10원한장 안모으고 부모가 하고싶은거 다하라고 버는대로 돈다쓰고 살면서 무일푼인적이 없이 인생 탄탄대로인놈이 자본들고 넘어가서 배달독점+코로나 특수로 진짜 천운으로 아다리 잘맞아서 돈벌고 저런말하니까 그냥 개역겹네

  4. 외국에서 서버로 600만원 번다고 부러워하지 마세요. 캐나다면 세금 왕창뜯기고 월세로 다 부어서 한국에서 300버는 것 보다 오히려 더 쪼들리게 삽니다. 제가 워홀러 출신이라 잘 알아요. 캐나다는 돈벌러 가는 곳이 아닙니다…

  5. 직원분들이 행복해하고 좋아하네요. 그것만으로도 얼마나 훌륭한 대표님인지 알 수 있는듯. 캐나다 계신 한국분들 모두 화이팅!

  6. 웃음소리 대표님
    이미 부자웃음 입니다
    존경합니다 건강하게 가족행복하세요.

    후먼촬영 고생했어요.저또한 감사드려요

  7. 사모님 학교선배… 잘 되셨다니 너무 보기 좋습니다 뭐라 불러야 될지 몰라서 이모라고 했었는데 아직 똑같으시네요 따봉

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