死ぬまでに行きたい旅の記録、四国総集編。Japan Travel Omnibus

Stay safe everyone. This is YU. It’s been quite a while, but this is a compilation of my trip to Shikoku where I enjoyed SR and Japan more than a year ago.This time I’m going to go to my beloved Shikoku, a mysterious place that makes me want to go again and again.First

Of all, let’s take a look at this bridge. Break through! With a total length of 3,911m, it is one of the world’s largest suspension bridges.It also has one of the world’s largest crosswinds.A beautiful service area where you can see whirlpools.The 80’s-style motorcycle Ferris wheel is a sight to behold from below.After

Landing in Shikoku, we arrived at our first destination. This place is like Ghibli’s Laputa: Castle in the Sky, just like the world that Pazu’s father found in the sky.The cafe owner built the building himself by stacking up bricks.It ‘s an amazing place where time stops It has a very cool exterior.At first glance, it looks like a ruin, but let’s go up there.There was a cute Mini car parked there, and there was also a parking lot , so we carefully moved around the SR.It ‘s cool. Apparently it’s not Japan.

The stairs are also amazing. It has a more realistic view of the world than a theme park. Is there a cafe over there? Is the entrance over there? Photography is prohibited inside the store, but you can take pictures of the food. Soothing music and delicious-looking rice. Deep-fried ASMR

Crispy, meaty and juicy, very delicious. Is my favorite lemon delicious? I slightly customized the SR hair while I was drinking ! I tried to make the grip with a focus on the texture of the genuine leather.This is an easy customization that even someone like me who is clumsy can do.What do you think?

SR now has a more vintage feel! Currently, there are 7 color variationsCustomizing SR never endsKiii KiiiiToday , SR talks to me a lot.Ah … Even when I come to Shikoku, SR is still kicking the road . Championship (1 participant) I was glad that the engine started right away. I regained my composure

And started. When I’m riding an SR, things don’t always go as planned. LOL Well, that’s also fun, so it’s okay. Today we’ll be talking about “Greece in Japan.” I’m going to the place I’ve been called to. Today ‘s inn is said to be exactly like the Aegean Sea (?). I’m so excited. I

Made a mistake. I’m driving as if nothing happened. The sound of a single-cylinder engine is nice. Traveling and motorbikes. are very similar.We both don’t know what’s going to happen.Sometimes it’s tough , but I’m always looking for this excitement.The weather is questionable, but I’ll manage somehow.A mysterious terrain rider.Safe Ride.

Raise your hand and say hello. I don’t do it because it’s embarrassing, but I pray for their safety.By the way, what is a “cool bike”? Everyone has different standards, but what I’ve been thinking lately is that I ‘m moved by the way the bike and rider become one.

Those people have a deep love for the vehicle. I want to be like that too. A bike only has a rider. We will arrive at our destination shortly after completion . If we climb this slope, will we find the Aegean Sea in Greece? ! TRUE? I started to see something in Greece

, though I’ve never been there. Lol , but even though I’m in Japan’s Kochi Prefecture, the scenery looks like Greece to me.This is the new building. The construction method is a little different from the one below. You can enter the room with your shoes on like you do overseas

! It’s amazing! The sea is so beautiful! It’s nice to have some greenery.The view from the room.I won’t jump into the pool.It looks cold today, so I won’t go into the pool.The plates are cute.As the sun sets, I slowly enjoy the atmosphere.I like beer, so I started with Greek beer. Cheers.

You can scoop it up with a spoon, but if you can, drink it like you would drink matcha. The aroma will circulate and you’ll feel happier. The soup was too hot, so I used a spoon.It was delicious.At the end, I drank it matcha style and was happy.I was struggling with the camera, so

I couldn’t do it. That’s impossible. I can’t take pictures that quickly. wait a minute. here you are The waiter was kind, so he gave me a little extra. Another difficult dish arrived. How do we eat it? The liver is stuffed inside the crepe skin. different?

Yeah! This is a dish that goes well with alcohol.A second helping of wine is probably Greek wine.They seem to use very rare Wagyu beef.I thought it was Muscat, but it turned out to be liquid.Thank you for the meal.A cute angel came.Ah , you ‘re good at being spoiled.

Is this the cat here? The fur is so smooth, the back is so smooth, so cute~ It ‘s Hachiware-chan! Good morning . There are many places I want to go to today. Admission fee for adults is 800 yen. There are also rare vehicles that can only be seen here. Everything is shiny.

Rabbit is. I like the color. It’s cool that Honda works racers dominated from 1st to 5th place in the 125cc class of the Isle of Man TT race . I want something like this, can I buy it? A 1964 Continental GT . The angle of the clip-on handle and separate handle is amazing.

The meter is embedded in the headlight.I like this kind of thing, so my SR also does it.My SR also leaks oil, but it would be nice to have a tray like this !The DeLorean Illumination is next to it . is Tom’s. Moreover, it is Petronas car No. 36. Mr. Tojo , chief engineer

Of the vehicle whose Petronas Toyota Team Toms, led by director Sekiya, won the series team title in the 2018 Super GT500 class.I like the display method, where you can clearly see the back of the car because it’s a mirror.There were two Dino cars lined up, but it was popular There’s this 246GT

, but I like that one too because it has pretty eye-catching eyes.It feels like a creature of the water.It has a displacement of 7000cc. It’s an incredible monster, and this is a beautiful seat from a Countach. It doesn’t feel old at all. I wonder if it’s a collection from someone from Shikoku.

It’s a great collector. When I looked into it, I found out that this museum is managed by Nets Toyota Nangoku Co., Ltd. There were a lot of rally-related items as well. I’m not familiar with it at all. But I never get tired of looking at it.I

Guess I like Italian cars, British cars, and Japanese cars.It was opened in 1990 for the purpose of regional revitalization.It has the Pininfarina emblem. It looks like an axolotl waiting for food, so cute. I want to feed them everything.The Abarth emblem looks completely different from today.I

Was happy to see so many good old things.I will come again. thank you very much. Shake Hand, Ryoma At the time we were filming, there was a coronavirus pandemic, so handshaking was prohibited.Actually, I’m a fan of Ryoma Sakamoto, so I was really looking forward to this.Ryoma was here too, and his

Face was huge. Is your cute height as tall as me? The cat is running.It ‘s time to have lunch.It ‘s raining when we arrive.Wow , that’s amazing . The heat is more powerful than I imagined, so I’m worried that it might burn my bonito.

She looks delicious with a warm smile . I love fish. There was ponzu sauce on the table, so I used it. “Katsuo Fune” 201-2 Niida, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture It’s very close to the tourist spot Katsurahama, so it’s very easy to stop by,

So I was able to eat there without a reservation, and it’s a pretty popular restaurant.I was disappointed that I couldn’t drink sake, so I just ate it. It’s also delicious with green onions on top. What is this with a little bit of salt that might go well with whitebait ? Wasabi?

Onion slices. Is this ginger? No, it’s garlic. One slice is big and delicious! ! ! ! I want to eat food. I’m happy. I close my eyes when I eat something delicious. Oh, you saw it, right? Ryoma-san There was also a building where you could see Ryoma from a close distance.It

Looks like you can go all the way to the beach.It is said that Katsurahama was the place that Ryoma Sakamoto, who was active at the end of the Edo period, loved most in his hometown of Tosa (Kochi Prefecture). This is the place to come.

The rain has stopped and the air is refreshing. I washed my mind. The sea breeze , the blue sky, and this is what I’m riding my bike for. Shikoku is great. A sudden pit stop to use the toilet . Taking a break and starting again

I don’t know the area so I want to go to the toilet when I can ^^ I turned right and left the sea.The sea is nice, but the mountains are also nice.Oops, I’m going to turn left here.Today ‘s destination is my first time going here. I’m looking forward to seeing what

The place is like.I finally arrived at a cozy lodge with a hot spring surrounded by a river and nature.I was tired, but since it was a great opportunity, I got lost in the heated pool because it was too big.The low sound is rare even in Japan. A vast pool with hot spring water Is there a penguin behind it? ! We have a big family and it’s been a long day, but today we plan to stay overnight without meals. Savings This is a souvenir from Villa Santorini from yesterday. I bought some salt-yakisoba noodles at the shop here . I’ll drain them . Cheers

. Good morning. This is YU. In the morning, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping.It ‘s the morning of my third day in Shikoku . I moved west, but today I want to go to a spot on the royal road in Shikoku.The

First place I headed for was the submerged bridge.Shikoku is dotted with many small bridges that are low and have no handrails, but my purpose is I stopped by this bridge along the way. I came to Kawakaku Bridge.I

Think it’s pretty minor, but I’m attracted to bridges that aren’t famous.I had no choice but to go here.It was a more ideal bridge than I had imagined.It’s very low, close to the river, and natural. It’s probably one of the top submersible bridges in the world.I’ve

Loved mountains since I was a child, but I really love rivers more than the sea.The main reason I came to Shikoku is because of the submerged bridges. Enjoying a sense of unity with nature for a while. SR is the best at cooling off. Why are submerged bridges so low and have no handrails?

When the bridge sinks into the water due to a typhoon or flood, there are handrails. It seems like this is a way to prevent things like driftwood and other objects from getting caught and causing flooding.A bridge that coexists with nature.Using the weight of the kick pedal, I’m looking for top dead center.Press the

Record button . ! Did you forget anything? Okay! The next destination is the Shikoku Karst.It feels like the scenery is different from what I remember…I ‘m checking the amount of gasoline left in the tank.Well, I guess it’ll work out somehow, I guess I’m wrong after all. That’s right

, this road is the correct one.The gentle corners continue for a long time.It feels good! It’s spacious and easy to run. Sometimes there are people driving at high speed, so I pull to the left and yield to them.Yes , I’m going to turn left at a place like this.Are

You sure you’re going to turn left here? That’s what I thought, but then there was another crossroads, and I ended up going the wrong way. It’s a clip-on handle, so I have a hard time making a U-turn.The atmosphere of the road changes completely from here.The road suddenly becomes narrower.It

‘s in the mountains, so there’s gravel and fallen leaves rolling around.Please be careful , but in the middle. If you pass by, an oncoming vehicle will come. If you hit it, it will hurt. It hurts your body, but it also hurts your mental health. As

You enjoy climbing up the winding mountain road, suddenly the top comes into view . There were a lot of lively bikers . Everyone was heading for this place. We arrived at Karst . It was really beautiful. There was a Karst Cafe. I wanted to drink a different kind of cult coffee, so I

Had my camera rolling during the meal. Let’s eat too. I haven’t eaten anything since morning, so I’m pretty hungry. Eating breakfast on the top of a mountain makes me happy. Milk ice cream is nice. I’ll also have ice cream . I’ve completed the entire menu! Where should we eat?

The ice cream had a lot of milk flavor . Thank you, Mr. Cow. I want to see cows closer. The best part of Shikoku Karst is that you can see cows up close. There are drinking fountains. Cows can drink gulps of water. You

Can spend time in Shikoku. There are only a few left , so let’s go to the famous famous spot for the last time.We arrived at Dogo Onsen.It ‘s a must-see spot when you think of Shikoku.The main building of Dogo Onsen, which has been designated as an important cultural property,

Was undergoing renovations at the time of the photo shoot. However, instead of this blue tarpaulin, it is covered with a work of art.The symbol of Dogo, a white heron, is depicted on it.It is a valuable sight that can only be seen during renovations.

You can enter the hot spring even though it’s under construction , but I only decided to look at it from the outside.I wasn’t expecting to get a shot with the bike, but there was a parking lot right in front of it.Yamaha MT? Yamaha R25 ? Ninja?

Dogo Onsen has a 3,000-year-old history that is said to have been loved by Natsume Soseki and Ambassador Shotoku.I wanted to soak in that feeling… There was a facility I didn’t recognize.It was more touristy than the last time I visited. Is the way you used it correct? This looks three-dimensional. Today’s hotel, Oku Dogo,

Welcomes us with a gong . I was a little surprised, but this is an inn called Ichiyu no Mori, which is quietly located in Oku Dogo, on the mountain side of Dogo Onsen. The parking lot is also very large.There is space to park several cars.Since

It is Oku Dogo, it is about 10 minutes by bike from Dogo Onsen.It is surrounded by nature and I think it is very nice.The mandarin orange and ginger looks delicious and the welcome juice is Ehime. Let’s try wearing the mandarin yukata ! It will get you excited! Tonight’s dinner is all-you-can-eat.The

“robata-yaki” that you cook yourself is so good~ I’m sure this will make you drink a lot more.Well then, thank you for your hard work today! The all-you-can-eat food is of a high standard.I do n’t usually eat a lot, but today I had to refill it many times.There was also sashimi , and beer.The

People of Shikoku really understand the accompaniments of sake.They wear yukata. I’m loosening my belt. I’m pretending it’s water, but it’s Japanese sake. It looks like there’s going to be live music here. I’m tired and I’m going to sleep, but you can listen to it while having a drink here . Alcohol is free!

It seemed like it was starting at just the right time, and my sleepiness was blown away by the beautiful tone! It’s amazing! Congratulations on the new roadside station that just opened. There are many customers coming to the roadside station. What is this? How should I take a photo of a

Large sweet potato or sweet potato sliced ​​into rounds ? 5480 yen! What kind of person would order it? I see, the whole family eats together.I ate Sanuki udon at a resting place on the way home.Tsuda no Matsubara service area.Everyone loved the warm udon.Cold zaru udon.I could eat two plates by myself. LOL

It’s long! Once you cross this bridge, you will return to the real world. Shikoku was a dreamland. Thank you Shikoku! I’ll be there again! Enjoy your bike trip through Japan Check out our other series!

0:00 🇯🇵 四国 総集編
1:40 ☕️大菩薩峠 廃墟風カフェ https://onl.la/Uc8nEwW
4:25 クラシックバンテージのカスタム https://yusr500.com/items/6286fc1ad17513416d19964a
9:40 🏨Villa Santorini ヴィラ サントリーニ https://a.r10.to/hMJzYu

14:52 四国自動車博物館 https://gazoo.com/feature/gazoo-museum/museum/13/08/13_5/
19:19 坂本龍馬記念館 https://www.city.kochi.kochi.jp/site/kanko/sakamotoryoumakinenkan.html
20:25 かつお船 https://www.tataki.co.jp/
23:00 坂本龍馬像 https://www.city.kochi.kochi.jp/site/kanko/ryomazou.html
23:49 桂浜
26:14 🏨 宝泉坊ロッジ https://a.r10.to/hUWdXW

29:00 お気に入り沈下橋
33:00 四国カルスト https://kuma-kanko.com/spot/spot398/
36:30 道後温泉 https://dogo.jp/tour
38:35 奥道後 壱湯の守 https://a.r10.to/hMSTO2

41:01 くるくるなると道の駅 https://www.kurukurunaruto.com/

Ep.01倉敷編 →https://youtu.be/jPQO0WaWAik
Ep.02しまなみ編 → https://youtu.be/jVl9CTOdU0Q
Ep.03 尾道編 → https://youtu.be/3xoW4kFtCkE
Ep.04 四国上陸編 → https://youtu.be/PUoBCbN61NQ
Ep.05 高知編 → https://youtu.be/3hExJV2HKkI
Ep.06 四国名所編 → https://youtu.be/Wi6KirVz7PY
Ep.07 念願の北海道編 → https://youtu.be/mv8aFnWman0
Ep.08 北海道の食と自然 → https://youtu.be/uiHh8XVPVvE
Ep.09 思い通りじゃなくてもバイク旅は最高 → https://youtu.be/olymDdxBMpo
Ep.10 SR500と人懐っこポニー → https://youtu.be/k4sqVJyqNhM
Ep.11九州上陸編 → https://youtu.be/eTOqDgBgKEs
Ep.12 長崎&福岡 → https://youtu.be/I0lfHbq7Vv0
Ep.13阿蘇でキックスタート → https://youtu.be/oF6xabrZblA
Ep.14 最後 → https://youtu.be/nmV2CiHOaSM

しまなみ海道 https://youtu.be/ZvTCa1wLCxg


YU official site
→ https://yusr500.com

⛑ヘルメット SHOEI Glamster→ https://a.r10.to/hF4mmT
🧤グローブ→ https://yusr500.com/items/620d00d2acbcb02364779117
👚バイクウエア→Maxfritz https://a.r10.to/haVt4J

魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

Google meetで一時間限定のリモートトークしてます。


Instagram ▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/yu.sr500/
Twitter ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
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Facebook ▶︎ https://m.facebook.com/carcle.yu

📍本日のロケ地 四国


📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



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→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338


  1. I had the XT 500 when I was a young . It was a beast ! It had the same engine as your RS 500 I believe . I have much respect for you kick starting your bike. Thank you to you and your partner for your hard work and for sharing these lovely videos. 🙏

  2. 高知、食べ物最高〜焼き鳥もうまぜヨー、カツオのタタキは日本一かも〜沈下橋懐かしい、、タンクが容量有りそうですね!どこまでも走る!!

  3. カルストでのすれ違い
    フォっフォ!って音のチョイスが抜群です 笑

  4. YUさん、おつかれさまです😮四国編の総集編ですね😮確か、イギリスなんかを感じたり、とにかくヨーロッパを感じることが多かったですね🤔泊まった所もとても雰囲気かいい所が多くてYUさんが好きになるのもわかります🙂そして自分が目に留まったのは、四国自動車博物館ですね😮思いのほか、いいバイクや車が展示されてて、興味深かったです😮あとは、YUさんの好きな龍馬さんかなぁ🙄それにしても四国って海も山も素晴らしいですね🙂いい所であるのは、何となくわかっていたのですが、こうやって、ちゃんと映像を観て、改めて素晴らしを感じました🙂

  5. เรื่องราวน่าสนใจ การถ่ายทำตัดต่อ เพลงประกอบ เยี่ยมยอดครับ

  6. Obrigado por mais este passeio de motocycle, nesse lugares diferentes e bonitos. Agradeço por poder acompanhar através de teus vídeos, por onde tu passa, como os locais, a comida e tantas outras coisas interessantes. A cada momento tendo várias paisagens diferentes cada uma com suas belezas singulares.

  7. シングルあるあるエンスト。寒いと止まるね。エストレア乗ってる時そうやったかな

  8. 아름다운 일본의 경치 와 명소 잘보고갑니다. 한국에서도 공도에서 라이더를 만나면 손인사를 하고있습니다. 서로의 안전을 기원합니다.

  9. 這是真正的騎車 享受著各地特色文化,沒有競速沒有比較那是休閒,我不再喜歡速度感,妳讓我愛上這種緩慢步調的舒適感受!

  10. 編集〜上手だし綺麗な動画ですねぇ〜

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