Šta Sejemo u FEBRUARU? Za Sve Klimatske Zone!

February is very dynamic, all three climate zones have their own calendars. Finally, the mountains are getting ready for their first transplant for this season. All balconies follow their climate zones and now you will see the calendars, which are set for February in the “Reading Room”.

Continent for February, coastal America and Jerusalem for February, mountains for February. We begin. And the most important thing is to set up your early spring zone. The early spring zone for the continent should be ready by March 1st, but the coastal ones enter open field sowing as early as February 1st.

So your early spring zone is, I hope, already ready. Look at Lesson 2, how many should you actually have for some kind of optimal food balance, perma model for the early spring zone, As you can see, I have 28, but I recommended to you that it should be exactly 6.

First we start with the continent. Let’s see what the continent is doing in February, and what the continent should have already done based on the calendar from December and January. And what was the continent supposed to do? Enter the “Reading Room”, look at the calendar for December,

The calendar for January, download them, do the sowing. For all of you who are not on the platform, watch the episode: “What do we sow in January?”. In front of you are cabbage, leeks, and celery that have sprouted.

As far as peas, chickpeas and broad beans are concerned, let’s take a quick look at Lesson 1. When it comes to sowing peas, chickpeas and broad beans, it is done in a completely different way. So we won’t be doing germination here.

You need to fill the 200 ml cups to the top with the substrate and water them well. This means keeping it moist and not swimming in water. Then you will take 5 peas or 5 chickpeas or one bean seed. You will distribute those seeds as I do, to get one nest.

Now press it 2 cm deep and close these holes. After that, you will water it lightly and put it in the crate. There are 24 glasses in one crate, that is, the first round. That much fits in one crate. A foil can go over that crate or not.

But the whole crate stands in a warm part of the room until it germinates. When the plants sprout, when you see the first plants appear, the whole crate goes outside, on the balcony, to some extremely low temperatures. But I will follow that in “Classroom”.

As for potato sprouting, the continent enters the sprouting story. Coasters have already done that. You have many ways of sprouting potatoes on the “Trag Biljke” YouTube channel. I will show here 3 very effective ones. The first one is not present here, it is very simple, you just arrange the potatoes in the crates.

You spray it from time to time, put it in a warmer place and it will germinate very quickly. And these are two ways that we put together in the episodes about sawdust and what we sow in January, where I germinate some old varieties, which are important for multiplication. So you can in sawdust.

Here is the purple variety ‘Purple majestic’. And you can in the country, as you can see, this is from the episode “What we sow in January”. And as you can see the potatoes have already sprouted. When it comes to herbs or medicinal plants, most spices are perennial crops, so their seeds are stratified.

That’s why growing from seed is often difficult for you. When you buy a bag from a pharmacy, it is very difficult to grow a seedling. I have a suggestion for you. First, buy a ready-made seedling, place it in your garden, multiply, that season from a cutting.

You will have a lot of medicinal and herbs in your garden next season. Not everything has to be difficult. Second, many of these herbs or medicinal plants are found in nature. We start with thyme, mint, chamomile. Transfer the seedlings and multiply them in your garden.

Next season you will have a field of chamomile. As for peppers and tomatoes, let’s go briefly to Lesson 2. As for tomatoes, it’s the same story, 80% of it should be food. I have selected some varieties that can really feed you throughout the season. “Jabučar”, “Phantom” or “Sant pier”, this is your

Real school round tomato that is ready for harvesting earlier. Ox heart, any type of sherry. Here is a very good variety “Rio grande”, a really good variety, you can buy it. I bought all these, although I have more than 1200 varieties in my collection.

So I don’t need to buy the seeds, I bought them for you. Because it is enough to have 80% of these varieties, and 20% should be some colored varieties, something you want to try. These varieties will provide food during the season and winter.

As far as peppers are concerned, I advise you to choose three basic varieties, namely “Amanda”, “Slonovo uvu” or some ajvarusha, and babura “Shorokshari”, all varieties are old. So when you buy this variety, you can multiply. I also talked about sweet potato in the episode: “What do we sow in January?”.

You can buy sweet potatoes in the market, germinate them in water, or put them in the ground, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you start with germination, so that we can get a high-quality number of seedlings by the month of May.

Now you can look at some newspapers on my beds. These are buried crates that are covered with foil. I want to tell you that it’s a new kind of February nursery, so I’m going to invite everyone to watch the February nursery episode.

And to see what you can actually sow in the open field, because nurseries in the garden are very important. The February nursery that we use now for cabbage and for salad, I had a huge amount of seedlings from the February nursery.

Here, too, only lettuce is sown everywhere because I have a lot of cabbage seedlings. Therefore, that February nursery was later used as a May nursery, and the May nursery creates an autumn and winter zone for us. So without him, we certainly cannot go further into the season.

It’s January 28th, this is my December sowing of celery, and you see they are such small and tender plants, and you often ask me in the “Classroom” the question: “Where am I wrong, how should I push my celery? Celery is actually such a crop, all perennial the crops are somehow

So small and tender, then they grow into real giants. And that’s what I want for you all, look, the young and the mother plants in one place. And a lot of celery in the garden in the middle of January that will wait for the new generation.

And what we are seeding the seashore, sowing in the open field, sowing seedlings, a lot of work in February. The seashores are entering the sowing of rapid cultivation and putting peas in their beds. I remind you from Lesson 2, it was emphasized that we have changed the system,

We no longer have soil beds for rapid cultivation cultivation, we already exclusively do everything in perma models. To understand why we are sowing and transplanting peas, see the lecture “The Power of Nitrogen Fixation”. But the most important thing is that from February 1, coastal residents insert pea seedlings into their gardens

And do direct sowing of all varieties of peas. Since we have changed our relationship with onions, which I explain in many lectures, it is very important that you plant all the onions from the beginning of February and put in the peas. For details, see Lesson 2.

Coasters got the signal to plant basil, but we’re actually talking about herbs you can add to your garden. We have already sown celery, parsnip, parsley. Now you are sowing basil, and remember that basil does not deserve its place in the garden, but we put it everywhere, because it participates in the protection system.

What I will add this season is lots of cilantro and you sowed the cilantro in December. Then the spices are sown now, chives if you want them and fennel. Coastal citizens are entering the sowing of rapid cultivation, there was a lot of talk about it in the previous days.

So watch Lesson 1, Lesson 2, if you’re on the platform, if you’re not, the episode “What do we sow in January?”, and you’ll understand that these are placeholders for the main crops. More bows are added to them. If you want to set up a dynamic, see Lesson 2,

Where I talk about culture shift dynamic systems. If you’re not on the platform, just check out the “Rapid Breeding Models” playlist. In February, the coastal areas begin transplanting the December and January transplants. If your transplant is not mature, do not worry. You will wait until it grows,

But it is important that February is the beginning of the transplant. So, if you have seedlings, you can already insert them into your garden. In the calendars for the coast, you see that you are starting the sowing of siderate flowers. So what goes into our siderates?

These are sunflowers, amaranth, zinnias, dahlias, marigolds, marigolds, marigolds. You buy amaranth at a health food store. I grow a lot of Lagenaria because I use it a lot in my diet. You can also pickle them. All kinds of things are really made from them in cooking when they are ripe like this one.

You can gently remove the seeds and turn them into containers for growing seedlings. You can eat from them. Then, you can store seeds in these containers or make lamps out of them. That’s what my friend does, that’s why I didn’t want to cut this one because I’m going to give it away.

I cut a small lagenaria that is completely dry, to show you where the seeds are. You see, the seeds of Lagenaria are right in this membrane. You see how interesting the seeds are and best of all, lagenaria seeds are best kept in the lagenarias themselves.

They are sown like all squashes by taking two seeds and placing them in a glass. And now we will do the sowing here. So, just press the two seeds, as with all zucchini, at a depth of 1-2 cm. And that stays outside now, because you are on the coast.

When it comes to choosing varieties of long-vine squash, I advise that 80% should be a proven variety, so food. 20% you can multiply some exotic varieties that you want to try. Accordingly, at the last meeting with the “Biobaštinari Banja Luka”,

The community that was set up in Banja Luka on the “Trag Biljke” platform, I talked about why I chose only four varieties for this season. Those varieties are “Cinderella”, see the picture, “Big Max”, also a picture because I ate them. And in front of you are “Pennsylvania Dutch”

And this is a variety that, you won’t believe, I bought in the market because I liked it. These are pumpkins of the same shape, they are small like this, slightly bigger than this one, and extremely sweet. I was wondering if it would multiply. I haven’t tried a sweeter pumpkin, it’s a baking pumpkin.

And of course, these are her seeds and she enters the selection for the next season. All the cucurbits that are in the calendar , squash, gourds, melons, cucumbers, loofahs, lagenaria, and then watermelons, are grown in the same way, that is, transplanting is done in the same way.

Fill a 200ml beaker with a mixture of compost, manure and soil. Place two seeds that you will press down to 2 cm, water and leave outside. This transplant is growing outside, because you are on the coast, so will the continent when the signal is given in the calendars.

And you will only enter if there is any danger of frost. This type of transplant is actually the easiest to grow. You can also be very smart when you buy unroasted pumpkin pie at the health food store. Put it to sprout and very soon you will see the face of the sprout.

As you have seen in the calendars, the coastal areas are going to sow the first turn of high and low green beans. That first cycle will be ready for harvesting earlier, and after that we do direct sowing in the garden.

We will also do a variety tour, this will be discussed in particular in Lesson 3, in the practical part when we go over the calendars. For now, you need to choose two varieties, I recommend “Jerusalem Buttercup” and a low variety, it can be “Piedmont Miracle”, it is recommended to you in your calendars.

I put on the table what I currently have with me. And you will plant in the following way: a 200 ml glass, 5 seeds that you will lay like this on a glass that is of course filled with a mixture of soil, compost, substrate,

Water it and just press it down to a depth of 2 cm. That’s all, this should be inside, somewhere to germinate, and after that it is thrown out according to the temperature. If it is cold or there is a forecast of frost, you will bring this inside,

Watch the short video about the blue and red transplants, and everything will be clear to you there. And finally good news on the platform, the mountains are starting to sow their first seedlings, I suggest everyone to watch the lecture about gardens in the mountains, which is on the YouTube channel “Trag Biljke”,

Because it is important to produce the highest quality and ripest seedlings, the vegetation on the mountains is shortened. Next, refer to Lesson 1 as soon as you download your calendars.

Pronađi video: https://tragbiljke.com/pronadji-video

#trag_biljke #seme_znanja #baštovanstvo #baštenska_zajednica #bašta
Šta Sejemo u FEBRUARU? Za Sve Klimatske Zone!

https://youtu.be/r6L4OG09GAw – Projekat za vašu biobaštu

≡♪ VODIČ ZA POČETNIKE – https://bit.ly/3OW2FdD
≡♪ RADOVI U FEBRUARU – https://bit.ly/3TBQnb3
≡♪ MODELI ZA BRZI UZGOJ – https://bit.ly/3EFKxOv
≡♪ PERMA MODELI – https://bit.ly/3uFfUW4
≡♪ BALKON BIOBAŠTA – https://bit.ly/3vgwjPS
≡♪ TEKUĆA BILJNA ĐUBRIVA – https://bit.ly/3rq7nnZ
≡♪ RESURSI – https://bit.ly/3y1Tv6V

https://youtu.be/yOfOt2EkY3Q – Napravi svoju zemlju za presadu
https://youtu.be/wGJiBBKitz8 – Šta sejemo u decembru/prosincu?
https://youtu.be/8nDiT4MWIpg – Šta Sejemo u Januaru/Siječnju?
https://youtu.be/wjufXj0wknk – Krompir – umnožavanje i presadnja
https://youtu.be/YbVgebAIwfM – UPOTREBA PILJEVINE U BAŠTI I VOĆNJAKU: 6 Korisnih Načina
https://youtu.be/mlraVryJpGc – Ključni Razlozi Zbog Kojih Vam Ne Niču Semena!
https://youtu.be/hjUTOqdxgwk – Kako naklijati batat
https://youtu.be/f8hx89dkXoc – Februarski rasadnik
https://youtu.be/x6AvKK-6s5c – Sideratno cveće – ozima setva i presadnja
https://youtube.com/shorts/aFfRQpCY2LE – Otporna i neotporna presada
https://youtu.be/bIvyj7cIKdE – Moć azotofiksacije – predavanje 2
https://youtube.com/live/T8-e3qwVhV8 – Bašte u planinama – predavanje 4

🔔 PRISTUP YouTube zajednici : https://bit.ly/3VQau5j

MUZIKA: “Trag Biljke”

📝 – Projektovanje biobašte – tragbiljke@gmail.com
🛠️ – Konsultacije – tragbiljke@gmail.com
🎓 – Online zajednica – tragbiljke@gmail.com
🎓 – YouTube zajednica – https://bit.ly/3VQau5j

👥 – FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kadifica/
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💬 – e-mail: tragbiljke@gmail.com

“Trag Biljke” promovišu ideju biobaštovanstva u skladu s prirodom. Cilj je upoznavanje čoveka sa znanjem i veštinama koje ga vode do vlastitog nezavisnog domaćinstva, upoznavanje sa značajem svih bioloških metoda, resursa prirode, veštinama koje čoveka čine samostalnim, te buđenje potrebe za proizvodnjom vlastite hrane kroz prizmu motivacije.

Biljana Banović
Goran Pivašević
Sanja i Jan Rakić
Jovan Banović


  1. Verujem da smo svesni, koji je blagoslov biti na Vašem kanalu draga Biljka 🙏💕🙏 Hvalaaa od ❤️ za Vašu toliku volju, ljubav i pomoć!!! Već neko vreme sam u Nemačkoj i nisam u situaciji da pratim setvu, ali sam pre polaska pripremila dosta gredica za april kada se vratim.. Ubacila sam lukove, grašak, spanać, paškanat, peršun, salate i td. Hvala 💐

  2. Ja sam batat krompir vec ozilila i posadila u case. Kod mene je sneg na polju ,ali u saksije moze sadnja. Hvala puno obozavam ovaj kanal.Zivjela nam nasa Biljka ❤❤

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