📍🇯🇵 【初雪の降った、渋谷を歩く】⛄️Walking in Shibuya with the first snowfall


On the day when the first snow fell in Tokyo this year, I walked from Maruyama-cho in Shibuya, passing through Dogenzaka and Center Gai.
This is a scenery video of walking to Shibuya Station Hachiko-mae.

0:00 前回に続き、しぶや百軒店を雨の中歩きます  / Continuing from last time, I will walk around Shibuya Hyakuken store in the rain.
1:49 雨が初雪に変わってきました / The rain has turned into the first snow
5:11 雪の降る量がとても多くなってきました。/The amount of snow has increased significantly.
6:48 しぶや百軒店から道玄坂方面へ /From Shibuya Hyakuken store towards Dogenzaka
8:17 道玄坂の上に合流しましたが、雪の量がピークに /We joined the top of Dogenzaka, but the amount of snow was at its peak.
9:46 カメラが濡れるので、いったん休憩と雪が弱くなるのを待つことに /Since the camera would get wet, I decided to take a break and wait for the snow to weaken.
10:25 ディスカウントショップのドンキホーテで手袋を購入 /Purchase gloves at the discount shop “Don Quijote”
10:56 購入と休憩に時間をかけてしまい、雪はほとんど止んでいました。残念です。/We spent a lot of time shopping and resting, and the snow had almost stopped. It is mortifying
12:31 お腹が空いたので、かにチャーハンのお店で夕飯を食べました /I was hungry, so I had dinner at a crab fried rice restaurant.
13:05 センター街を通って、渋谷駅へ向かいます /Pass through Center Gai and head towards Shibuya Station
14:11 雪が上がったばかりの、渋谷109も見ておきます /Let’s also take a look at Shibuya 109, which has just started snowing.
15:13 渋谷スクランブル交差点へ /To Shibuya scramble crossing
16:31 渋谷駅前のハチ公の銅像に挨拶して帰ります /I greet the bronze statue of Hachiko in front of Shibuya Station and return home.

今後も夜の自転車サイクリング動画や、街歩きの動画も更新していきますので、ぜひチャンネル登録してお待ちください! / We will continue to update night cycling videos and city walking videos, so please subscribe to our channel and stay tuned!

ご視聴、ありがとうございました! Thank you for your viewing!




👉 もし良ければ、チャンネルの登録も宜しくお願い致します!


【Overview of this channel】
YouTube was launched on January 1, 2024.

In this channel, I, who live in Tokyo, will introduce daily Japanese scenery and niche places through videos such as walking around the city and night cycling.

👉 If you like, please subscribe to the channel!

You are also welcome to follow us on Instagram!


#渋谷 #snowfall #東京散歩 #snowfall #shibuyawalk #shibuya #shibuyawalk4k
#japantravel #japanwalk #tokyowalk #4kwalk
#tokyonightwalk #tokyosnow

1 Comment

  1. 【Chapters】
    0:00 前回に続き、しぶや百軒店を雨の中歩きます  / Continuing from last time, I will walk around Shibuya Hyakuken store in the rain.
    1:49 雨が初雪に変わってきました / The rain has turned into the first snow
    5:11 雪の降る量がとても多くなってきました。/The amount of snow has increased significantly.
    6:48 しぶや百軒店から道玄坂方面へ /From Shibuya Hyakuken store towards Dogenzaka
    8:17 道玄坂の上に合流しましたが、雪の量がピークに /We joined the top of Dogenzaka, but the amount of snow was at its peak.
    9:46 カメラが濡れるので、いったん休憩と雪が弱くなるのを待つことに /Since the camera would get wet, I decided to take a break and wait for the snow to weaken.
    10:25 ディスカウントショップのドンキホーテで手袋を購入 /Purchase gloves at the discount shop "Don Quijote"
    10:56 購入と休憩に時間をかけてしまい、雪はほとんど止んでいました。残念です。/We spent a lot of time shopping and resting, and the snow had almost stopped. It is mortifying
    12:31 お腹が空いたので、かにチャーハンのお店で夕飯を食べました /I was hungry, so I had dinner at a crab fried rice restaurant.
    13:05 センター街を通って、渋谷駅へ向かいます /Pass through Center Gai and head towards Shibuya Station
    14:11 雪が上がったばかりの、渋谷109も見ておきます /Let's also take a look at Shibuya 109, which has just started snowing.
    15:13 渋谷スクランブル交差点へ /To Shibuya scramble crossing
    16:31 渋谷駅前のハチ公の銅像に挨拶して帰ります /I greet the bronze statue of Hachiko in front of Shibuya Station and return home.

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