2023清邁天燈節全記錄🇹🇭萬人塞滿清邁古城放天燈|花車遊行|皇家煙花秀|清邁天燈節|清邁旅行|清邁攻略|泰國旅行|小馬馬克Mark|LOY KRATONG 2023

Friends, it is very, very chaotic at the scene because all the reporters came to this location to take pictures of the Prime Minister of Thailand. I want to take a photo with him (Prime Minister) Sawadi Kasawadi Hello everyone, I am Mark, the pony. The position I am in right now is the Tha Pae Gate in Chiang Mai. Friends, if you look at it, it is really exaggerated . I feel like people from all over the world are now coming to Chiang Mai. Come on, you know,

They are all full of people. I haven’t seen so many tourists at Tha Pae Gate in Chiang Mai for a long time. Because today is the first day of the Loy Krathong Festival, there will be an opening at Tha Pae Gate. The opening ceremony of the Loy Krathong Festival is held here

And is about to begin. But we don’t have a strong position. How can I take a picture of the stage for you ? (Is it Teacher Mark?) Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. I have watched your video , right? Haha, have fun. Goodbye. Haha, I met a friend of ours

. I also want to stand on it. Let me take a look. I can’t stand in a favorable position. My friends, I’m 83 meters tall. But if you look at the whole audience, I think it’s basically like these European and American tourists. Stand in front of you

. You really are. You can’t see anything (you can’t see anything even if you jump up). I heard the people next to me say that they can’t see it even if they jump . Is this true ? It’s not in front (the two girls on the side).

It’s true that you can’t see it even if you jump up. Do you know, friends , I really stood here for an hour. I felt like my waist was about to break. Thanks to the little brother next to me and the two of them, they gave me a seat , so I am

Sitting here now. Inside this venue Three! two! one! whoa Hello everyone, I have now reached the vicinity of the Loy Krathong Bridge. This side is actually a normal highway , but now there are all the roads on both sides of the road. There are a lot of small vendors like this . Haha, there is a Ferris wheel. My friends, let me show

You , there is a small Ferris wheel. Look at what is written on each door of the Ferris wheel . Hahaha, it is indeed Ping An . Peace should be welded on the forehead (ferris wheel). The place where the ferris wheel is now is like a food market. It’s

Right next to the Kraitung Bridge. It’s so spicy . Look at the food outside. The water lantern, what is this? This one is very similar to the one we ate when we were young. (Gesture: Is it food?) fish fish, oh yes, yes

, he told me that this one is put into the river and then that one. Fish will eat, fish will eat. Then I just gave him a sign and asked him if he thought I was eating it. He said no, no. He said it was eaten by fish

. Wow, there are so many people . Wow, there are so many people under this bridge You see there is a voluntary person below. I don’t think he is a staff member. He is directly below. Then he helped everyone carry the water lantern to him in this way . Now it is in the river. You see Savadika Now we have to rush to the Chedi Luang Temple because the light show at 7 o’clock will start in 20 minutes. Well, we have now arrived at the door of the Chedi Luang Temple . Go in immediately and you will find the Chedi Luang Temple. Really There were so many people

That it felt even more lively than during the Chinese New Year. Everyone came to this temple just to see the 3D restoration of the pagoda in front of us that we are going to see next. This pagoda is the coolest in the ancient city of Chiang Mai. The pagoda (one)

Because this pagoda has a very, very long history. Today we are going to take a look at its 3D restoration. The one in front of us is the big pagoda of Chedi Luang Temple. It is because of the previous (earthquake) hello. Hello, hello, hello , hahaha, hello

, I met our little friend (viewer of the show), hahaha, hello I ’m so happy to meet our little friend. It’s great, great. Hello, welcome to Chiang Mai. Have fun. Thank you. OK, then I’ll start shooting. Well, okay, I’m so happy to meet you. Our little friend thinks that I need to set up a camera now because I

Really want to fly a drone if I wait. I am just thinking about how to balance this picture. Sweat is already flowing from my head. I will put that camera now. After placing it in this place , I prepared to shoot the 3D projection of the current Big Buddha Pagoda.

Then I quickly went to the side to fly the drone , and then I hoped that he would be obedient and take the photo for me at this place I just parked the bicycle inside this temple , and now we are going to walk on Kray Krathong Street. Because it is now 8:06 and the Royal Fireworks Show will start at 8:30, so we will go to the bridge to show you that it is full of people. Basically, cars cannot drive here

, although it is not closed. There is a road , but this bridge is full of people. Then you see that there are sky lanterns all over the bridge. Many people are putting up the Kongming lanterns. Now the sky is full of sky lanterns. It really feels so romantic. Woho, it

’s changing over there. It’s a bonfire festival. I think it’s so interesting. Wow, there are really too many hidden dangers. The current situation is like this. I’ll report it to everyone. Now I’ve arrived at this bridge where everyone gathers to release sky lanterns. Everyone’s

I feel like I am holding a sky lantern in my hand , and every time a sky lantern is raised, everyone is here cheering, hello. The scene right now is very romantic, very exciting, lively and joyful , but there are a lot of things that are like this. Dragon

, because sometimes the sky lantern flies halfway and falls into other people’s hands . Then some sky lanterns are burned directly in that place. Do you think it’s okay here ? Why do I think it’s here? It can easily scratch trees or something like that . Hey

, we are going to put out sky lanterns now. It is hard to find one sky lantern at this site , so we can only succeed and not fail, okay? Okay, friends, both are lit. I wish everyone here that in the coming days and the new year, everything will be happy, and

We will release the sky lanterns of 2023 3! 2! 1! There are so many beautiful and big fireworks here. Hello everyone . The location I am at right now is Tha Pae Road. Today, the entire road will usher in the biggest float parade of the year. For this event,

There are a lot of people sitting on both sides of the road , waiting for the float parade to start. There will be many different types of floats , as well as floats of different national teams. Flooding up this street, wow, the second echelon is in place,

Wow, there is a big dancing flag behind, this kid is so cute, this sense of ceremony is really strong, the festive atmosphere is instantly lifted up in Savadika Savadhi This card is the mayor of Chiang Mai and his wife, who is a young mayor. They are coming soon .

The parade of their most iconic floats. The first float has already come over . I am excited here : Wow wow wow I see us. I watched the lion dance and watched the super energetic God of Wealth. My friends, put the words “Receive Wealth, Receive Wealth”

On the barrage. The God of Wealth is coming to my house from all directions. The God of Wealth is really energetic and greets us. The Chinese representative team is going to Oita. Friends, we are China’s float is about to debut. Consul Yang, hello. This is

Consul Yang from our Consulate General in Chiang Mai. This is our consul. Hello , and our overseas Chinese in China. Hello, China’s float has two giant ei. Dragon (meaning good weather) My friends , I am really almost exhausted. From that starting point on Tha Pae Road, I have walked all the way to this location of the White Pagoda. I have now I entered the media area of ​​the Loy Krathong Festival and I want to show you what’s behind me. Hahaha,

I feel like all the TV stations in Thailand have cameras here. Are they here specifically to film the Loy Krathong Festival? In fact, it’s not because the Prime Minister of Thailand came to the scene today . Oh my God. So this year’s Loy Krathong Festival is really super grand. Savadika My friends, it is very, very chaotic at the scene because all the reporters came to this location to follow the Thai Prime Minister . Now when we enter a stage, the Prime Minister of Thailand is going to greet the people at the scene. I really can’t squeeze in

Because there are too many people today. Look at the formation behind me now. I really can’t squeeze in. Oh my god, I can’t squeeze in . I want to take a group photo with him. Ei Savadika Savadhi and I shook hands with the Prime Minister. I ’m so happy.

Today’s trip is really profitable . What you should be able to see on my channel is the entire Chiang Mai. The most complete vlog of the 2023 Loy Krathong Festival. All the itineraries for the entire three days were participated in. It is very, very rich and very very fun.

I am Xiaoma Mark. I also welcome everyone to help me like, subscribe and forward . All the good things in Key Three are continuing to happen. See you next time. Goodbye.

今天我要帶你沈浸式感受一生中必去一次的清邁天燈節,我用三天時間參與了水燈節天燈節的全部過程!花車遊行 契迪龙寺灯光秀 泰國總理見面儀式 水燈美食集市。如果妳也想沈浸感受,那就讓我們一起出發吧!
#清邁水燈節 #loykrathong #清邁天燈節 #清邁旅行 #泰國旅行 #泰國旅遊

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泰国清迈旅行EP.2🇹🇭清迈古城必逛景点 2023古城寺庙与周末夜市新体验


泰國拜縣EP.1🇹🇭泰國清邁拜縣超強旅行企劃 一個人的絕美日落

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曼谷自由行EP.1🇹🇭開箱超便宜市區酒店 機場公交竟然只要80銖

曼谷自由行EP.2🌟曼谷最火三大寺廟超強路线 大皇宮-臥佛寺-鄭王廟

曼谷自由行EP.3🇹🇭泰國7億打造的水門寺大金佛 新火車頭夜市生吃活魷魚

曼谷自由行EP.4🇹🇭10泰銖坐當地火車 體驗泰國最危險的鐵道市場&水上市場

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新加坡自由行.EP2🎬新加坡環球影城超強攻略來嘍! 免排隊 超省時路線

新加坡自由行EP.3🦥亞洲排名第一的新加坡動物園 簡直是動物的天堂


新加坡自由行EP.5🛝全球最美機場 新加坡星耀樟宜機場大瀑布



  1. 謝謝你用不同角度讓我們欣賞水燈節的盛況,空拍真的好好看,這幾天我也在水燈節的活動中,感想就是擠擠擠~~~現場氛圍好嗨好熱鬧!! 期待2024年

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