尾道水道の絶景散歩コース!(後編)渡船でショートクルーズ体験! / Discover the breathtaking Onomichi Channel in Hiroshima, Japan (2)

Discover the breathtaking Onomichi Channel in Hiroshima, Japan ( Part 2 ) Onomichi is a port town located in southeastern Hiroshima Prefecture. Onomichi Channel, a strait separating Honshu and Mukaishima, extends from east to west. Onomichi has thrived as a distribution center for maritime transport since ancient times.

And has been recognized as a “Japanese Heritage” as a “Miniature Garden-like City”. This time, we will introduce a superb walking course along the Onomichi Channel! We will walk along the 2km promenade from ONOMICHI U2 to Onomichi City Office! Don’t miss the famous Onomichi ferry ride along the way! ONOMICHI U2

The starting point this time is “ONOMICHI U2”. It is a tourist complex renovated from a shipping warehouse. There is a promenade with a good view around U2. It is one of the best viewpoints from which you can overlook the Onomichi Channel. A “barge” is sailing on the Onomichi Channel.

Barges are auxiliary vessels used for marine transportation of materials and heavy cargo. In Onomichi, where there are many shipyards, barges transporting goods are often seen. This “Aimaru” is a white oil tanker manufactured in 2004 It carries gasoline and kerosene to various places in the Seto Inland Sea.

This time it happened to be moored at the quay of ONOMICHI U2. Usually, we can see the Onomichi Channel from this promenade. The inside of ONOMICHI U2 was introduced in the previous movie. The sea side (south side) is an open deck with many benches.

It is also a good place to take a break from strolling along the Onomichi Channel. A yellow high-speed boat can be seen on the Onomichi Channel! It is the “Citrus” connecting Onomichi with Innoshima island and Ikuchijima island! The Citrus is equipped with storage space for bicycles and

You can start and end your Shimanami Kaido cycling tour from any of the islands along the way. Onomichi Station Port Parking Lot” is on the left. There is also a bike rental station in the parking lot. The parking lot is also a convenient starting point for Shimanami Kaido cycling. Onomichi Station Pier

Onomichi Station Pier is the main port of access to Onomichi by sea. The Citrus, mentioned earlier, also arrives and departs from this pier. The “Lazuli” is a unique bicycle-shaped cycle ship. Like the Citrus, it is a high-speed boat that connects Innoshima and Ikuchishima, where the “Shimanami Kaido” passes, with Onomichi.

It is a popular ship for cyclists with ample space for storing bicycles. The Citrus is operated on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays only. Ships on the “Onomichi Suido Cruise” and “Tomonoura” routes are also moored. The “Onomichi – Tomonoura” route operates on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays from March to November.

Enter the “Onomichi Waterfront Building” in front of the pier. It is a complex facility with a hotel, restaurants, and an observation deck. The first floor is a waiting room for the Onomichi Port Terminal. Sightseeing guides and pamphlets are available. The Citrus departed for Innoshima and Ikuchijima after turning around.

There is an observation deck on the second floor of the building. The pier for the ferry connecting Honshu and Mukaishima is now in sight. Onomichi Station Ferry In fact, there are three ferry routes operating on the Onomichi Channel. These boats are only available for people on foot and two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles and mopeds).

Enjoy a short cruise on the Onomichi Channel by ferry! The ferry has just returned from Mukaishima to the pier on the Honshu side. Another ferry is sailing in the back. Because of the ocean currents, the ferry goes a little too far before applying reverse!

The boat lands perfectly on the shore, great maneuvering technique! Once the customers are loaded, the ferry will immediately set sail! The crew goes around to collect the fare. The fare is 100 yen for adults and an additional 10 yen for bicycles and mopeds. Even though it’s a local living passage, it’s surprisingly inexpensive.

The use of a ferry is recommended for cycling along the Shimanami Kaido! The Onomichi Ohashi Bridge over the Onomichi Channel is a narrow road with a lot of traffic. It is not suitable for cyclists due to its narrow width and heavy traffic.

On the left, we can see the coastal promenade that we walked along in the previous video. In just a few minutes, Mukaishima Island on the other side of the channel is getting closer and closer. Another ferry and pier can be seen on the Mukaishima side of the island.

The “Fukumoto ferry,” which can also accommodate cars, departs from the pier! These two routes are almost parallel and cross each other on the way! Passing the pier of the Fukumoto ferry, we will continue onward.

Actually, there is a canal in the Mukaishima island, and the pier of this ferry is at the back of the canal! In other words, if you take the Ekimae ferry, you can also enjoy a river cruise! The canal curves and the Onomichi Channel is out of sight.

The pier on the Mukaishima side can be seen in the foreground. At this point, there is almost no influence from ocean currents or waves Once disembarked, we will re-board the ship! The ferry runs incessantly from early in the morning without a break.

Boarding time is about 5-6 minutes each way, and passengers are almost never interrupted. Even if you miss the boat, the next one will come soon after you wait for a while. The Onomichi Channel is in sight again, and the Fukumoto ferry is returning. And a colorful ship can be seen up ahead.

It is a ferry between Onomichi and Momoshima. From the bow of the ship, you can see the entire coastline of the Honshu side. The Momoshima ferry is arriving at the Onomichi Station Pier. It’s only a 15-minute cruise You can see many boats passing by on the Onomichi Channel.

You can also experience the charm of the Onomichi Channel from the sea. As when we boarded the boat, the ferry goes a little too far and then reverses the course. It was a very enjoyable short cruise. The ferry will turn around and sail away soon after loading the passengers.

This is an everyday scene on the Onomichi Channel. Boats passing through the Onomichi Channel proceed after letting the ferry go. I guess the ferry boats have priority on the route. The Momoshima ferry also turned around and departed for Momoshima.

Momoshima is a remote island to the east of Onomichi, and there is no bridge over it. Basically, it can only be accessed by this ferry. The work of Katsuzo Entsuba (a sculptor from Onomichi), “Goddess of the Shore,” also stands here. This wooden deck is made of Brazilian Ipe tree.

Mukaishima Island on the other side of the channel is lined with shipyard cranes and docks. Onomichi is famous as one of the leading shipbuilding cities in Japan. The wooden deck leading from ONOMICHI U2 ends here Fukumoto ferry Next, the pier on the Honshu side of the Fukumoto ferry comes into view.

The ferry has just returned from Mukaishima Island. The ferry is quite large and can accommodate passenger cars and trucks. After loading the waiting cars, the ferry immediately turns around and departs. The ferry is a true Onomichi channel tradition! Leaving the ferry pier, we continue to the east.

There is a pathway on the ocean side of the embankment, where we can walk while looking at the ocean up close. Naoki Tominaga’s sculpture “Tide” You can see the ferry of the third ferry route (Onomichi ferry). The quay wall that looks like a staircase is called a “gangi”.

It is a convenient structure for loading and unloading cargo at the pier. The ferry of Onomichi ferry is leaving the port. Along with ferries, there are many piers and jetties like this one along the Onomichi Channel. They are one of the main attractions when strolling along the seashore.

Small boats and pleasure boats are moored out to sea. A ferry is coming back from Mukaishima on the other side of the channel. Another pier comes into view. Onomichi Central Visitor Pier (Onomichi Sea Station) Onomichi Central Visitor Pier is the entrance to the sea in Onomichi.

It is a “marine parking lot” for yachts and other vessels coming to Onomichi from the sea. A small shrine can be seen in the foreground. Sumiyoshi Shrine is believed to be the guardian deity of Onomichi’s port.

Warehouses and vessels of shipping companies are moored here, and the view is typical of a port town. A large parking lot and the Onomichi City Office building are now in sight. The parking lot is for visitors to the city office, but can also be used for sightseeing purposes. Onomichi City Office Observation Deck

Onomichi City Office will be renovated and reopened in 2020. The area around the building has been developed as a wooden observation deck. It is truly a city office facing the sea! Don’t miss the first part, which also takes you inside City Office!

This is the goal of the 2-km promenade that continues from ONOMICHI U2. Two bridges, the “New Onomichi Ohashi (Shimanami Kaido) Bridge” and the “Onomichi Ohashi Bridge,” can be seen. Onomichi is the starting point of the “Shimanami Kaido” on the Honshu side. Shimanami Kaido is famous as a “Mecca for Cycling”

Cycling along the coast of the Onomichi Channel is also recommended! http://www.healing-japan.tv/ Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to our channel.

今回は尾道水道の海岸沿いを歩く絶景お散歩コースをご紹介!後編では「ONOMICHI U2」から「尾道市役所」まで続く、約2kmの遊歩道をご案内します。途中で、尾道名物の渡船にも乗船しますので、お見逃しなく!
(※前編はこちら → https://youtu.be/_BbY3nHWxc4 )


Onomichi is a port town located in southeastern Hiroshima Prefecture, and is recognized as a “Japanese Heritage” site as a “box city from the Middle Ages. Onomichi has long flourished as a distribution center for shipping, with the “Onomichi Channel” stretching from east to west, separating Mukaishima Island from Honshu, where the city center is located.
In this video, we introduce a superb walking course along the coast of the Onomichi Channel! In the first part, we will guide you along the 2-km promenade that runs from “ONOMICHI U2” to “Onomichi City Office”. Don’t miss the chance to board Onomichi’s famous ferry!
(*The first part is here : https://youtu.be/_BbY3nHWxc4 )


00:00 尾道と尾道水道の概要
04:53 シトラス号
05:41 尾道駅前港湾駐車場
06:35 尾道駅前桟橋
10:29 尾道駅前渡船クルーズ
25:55 百島フェリーと尾道駅前広場
29:10 福本渡船フェリー乗り場
32:45 海岸遊歩道と渡船
39:45 尾道中央ビジター桟橋(おのみち海の駅)
42:26 尾道市役所 展望デッキ




海運倉庫をリノベーションした複合観光施設「ONOMICHI U2」には、グローバル自転車ブランド「GIANT」のストア、瀬戸内の日常をコンセプトにした雑貨店、瀬戸内の食材を楽しむカフェやレストランなどがあります。自転車を持ってチェックインできる「HOTEL CYCLE」も併設し、「しまなみ海道」の魅力を体感できる施設です。


「尾道ウォーターフロントビル」の裏手には、尾道の海上アクセスの主要港である「尾道駅前桟橋」があります。この桟橋から百島や因島・生口島へ船でアクセスできます。また、主に土日・祝日に運航される「尾道水道クルーズ」や「尾道 – 鞆の浦」航路の船も係留されています。






◇尾道市役所 展望デッキ


・尾道水道クルーズ 乗船体験!(360度動画)

・千光寺公園 – 癒しの国 日本.TV

・チャンネル登録をお願いします ↓


Music : DOVA-SYNDROME : https://dova-s.jp/
Composed by ゆうり, shimtone, のる, yuhei komatsu


#尾道 #尾道水道 #クルーズ #散歩


  1. <動画の内容とタイム・インデックス>

    (※前編はこちら → https://youtu.be/_BbY3nHWxc4


    00:00 尾道と尾道水道の概要

    01:40 ONOMICHI U2

    04:53 シトラス号

    05:41 尾道駅前港湾駐車場

    06:35 尾道駅前桟橋

    10:29 尾道駅前渡船クルーズ

    25:55 百島フェリーと尾道駅前広場

    29:10 福本渡船フェリー乗り場

    32:45 海岸遊歩道と渡船

    39:45 尾道中央ビジター桟橋(おのみち海の駅)

    42:26 尾道市役所 展望デッキ

    ・尾道水道クルーズ 乗船体験!(360度動画)


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