✨Law of Devil EP 01 – EP 18 Full Version [MULTI SUB]

Law of Devil Episode 1 Step aside Step aside Step aside I’m from Rowling’s family Step aside Congratulations to the Earl on his triumphal return How is everything at home? How is Madam? Everything is fine at home The countess has given you a son Already 3 years old son good But But what

The young master has not spoken a word until he is 3 years old Can’t cry or laugh Be in a daze all day everyone says Go on They say the young master is an idiot Master Du Wei Go and look for it over there Master Du Wei Master Du Wei

Master Du Wei Master Master Du Wei Master Du Wei Master Du Wei Master Du Wei Master Du Wei Madam, be careful Du Wei Inexplicably thrown into this strange world God I Master Du Wei went crazy again Come on, come on, Master! Help the young master back quickly Temple of the Goddess of Light

Benevolent goddess of light Please protect my son Du Wei Stay away from evil spirits Anti-travel experiment No. 281 fail Lightning strike is ineffective The time-travel novels I read in my last life were all lies. Goddess bless you, Du Wei, you’re awake. My whole body hurts Made(curse words in Chinese)

Madam, my name is Made There are some servants named Mad There is only one groom named Ma De My son calls your name in his sleep Made Although I don’t know why he called you Maybe this is a sign from the goddess of light?

From today on you don’t have to feed your horse anymore Transfer to the young master’s side Why don’t you thank me, madam? Why does it stink so much? Goddess bless you for speaking. Great, madam, the young master has spoken. Made will be rewarded with 1,000 gold coins for his meritorious service.

So Master Du Wei spoke like this so thin It’s really my Raymond’s son This is the planter Haven’t shown up for three years, scumbag This look doesn’t look like that of a 3-year-old child This kid Fighting Skills only available to knights of level three or above weak constitution chaotic heartbeat

It seems there is no hope of learning martial arts Your body cannot inherit the fighting spirit of the Luo Lin family The Luo Lin family established their empire with martial arts But I wouldn’t mind a decent magician either. magic Roland Continent Thousands of children want to learn magic every year

But there are very few people who can become magicians. Although I promised your father to teach you magic But only if you have magic talent Emblem of the Magic Guild Finally a real magician comes Mental strength is a measure of a person’s One of the criteria for whether there is magic talent

Now let me test your mental strength Magicians perceive magical elements through meditation Then drive these natural forces through spiritual power Simply put, mental power is a lever This kid is so smart How could you be considered an idiot? Put your hand on the crystal ball then try everything possible Arouse your strongest emotions

This is This powerful spiritual power you surprise me my child You have twice the mental strength of an ordinary person twice Maybe it’s because I have the spiritual power of two lifetimes Then am I qualified to learn magic? After all, this is the only thing I’m interested in right now Don’t worry kid

Let me check your magic sensitivity again lord count I’m very sorry your son He doesn’t have the talent to be a magician He has amazing mental power God knows what the magic element is Atom, proton or quark? How do you sense this thing? But I want to be a magician

You can also try the potions field forgive my presumption In my 36 years of studying magic I have never seen anyone like your son He’s never seen you like this. What? A talentless idiot? Why is it my Raymond’s son? Heir to the Luo Lin family Potions

This is how the young master was sent back to his hometown I must be very unhappy The family territory in Luolin Plain needs someone to look after it. Go ahead Your Majesty, Lord Count elder brother Take good care of your mother Gabri Anyway, since I can’t go back to my original world

Then let yourself live a freer life Master Du Wei Ahead is Jumu Town Shall we find a place to rest? It’s getting a little dark young master young master big sister Here comes a little nobleman Nobles are stupid and cowardly

If you scare him a little, he will obediently hand over the gold coins. Right Your Majesty the Magician young master this way please This way This way, this way Isn’t this the young master from Count Rowling’s family? Damn it, old Jeff, you should stick your stupid mouth in a pig pen. Shut up

Do you all want to be hanged? Made relax relax Respect the idiot young master Sorry for the hijacking Episode 2 young master You poor bunch If you don’t want to die, get out now silver leaf badge First level magician It’s a magician. Why did he come?

You look like a young master from a rich family You are unlucky if you meet us today Bring the magician out to rob lit. kill a chicken with a cattle knife Since you know magician, don’t resist Be obedient and give all the gold coins you have to sister. All right

Kid, are you kidding me? No free coins But your legs are really nice If you dance for me I can consider rewarding you with some silver coins Hooligans Master, be careful The armor is blessed with magic young master avoid catch her Spell of Slowness Don’t give him a chance to recite the curse

I’ll go for instant Gotta find a way to get closer You defeated a magician Goddess bless this is not true this is not true This is how you treat a magician Aren’t you afraid of offending the Magic Guild? If the Magic Society knew I helped them teach a lesson to a self-destructive scum.

Maybe you’ll even thank me you If you obediently answer a few questions for me I will consider letting you go When you cast the fireball spell just now I didn’t see you chanting the incantation. Could it be that You have mastered the skill of instant casting Those who can do this

Almost all of them are famous magicians on the mainland. you A low-level first-level magician it’s impossible so You should have mastered one An alternative to instant casting It seems I guessed it right You see, I actually don’t have any ill intentions. I’m just a boy who is very interested in magic

If you are willing to answer the question I just asked I’ll let you go and your baby badge, how about it? I reject Then there’s no need to talk about it Keep an eye on him and don’t let him run away Master it’s ready Mad’s expression Why it’s so obscene? Abominable magician

Aren’t you blowing very well? It’s not like I fell into the hands of a brat Ruolin, Ruolin You have today too Ruolin Ruolin Quickly use your little cleverness What kind of girl would this kid be soft on? Pure cute spicy radish pure love Right innocent little girl Please let me go

Damn no response Coming Please don’t The shoulder armor is normal. Only the breastplate has magical value Oh no, no, no, he won’t come, right? Too direct Just think of me as eating young grass. Yes, eat young grass This rune writes two blessing spells interesting Your throat hurts

My charm is worse than that of an iron lump You little devil What are you planning to do? When I’m doing serious things If there is a half-naked woman watching next to you i will be distracted I thought your performance just now was terrible. Now I have other things to do

If you still want to seduce me You might as well take advantage of this time Think of other tricks Since you’re so interested in my breastplate Then I’ll give it to you I’m of no use anyway Let me go exactly I’m very curious about your three pieces of equipment.

The nobles are really greedy The pattern on this armor is a magical pattern Blessed with strength and agility Stuttgart An ancient family in the north The age of this armor I’m afraid it’s bigger than you and me combined. this machete Weapons of the Northwest Clan Wind magic pattern Plus this magic crystal

People with strong martial arts skills can release wind blades it’s a pity that This is not your real weapon I noticed your hands just now The index and middle fingers are covered with calluses This is what a standard archer should have. Damn it, how come this kid knows so much? Demon Breaking Bow

If my guess is right This is your weapon Put it down, take your dirty hands off what is the reason Causes an archer to abandon the Demon-Breaking Bow Choose a machete that you are not familiar with You want to hide your identity I I’m just an ordinary person

Go out for a walk, eat, drink, rob, etc. well To an ordinary person trying to seduce a noble whether if I should give a small punishment Don’t mess around I’m very fierce Yeah Then I’m looking forward to it Good guy, the young master is right. Don’t be careless for a moment

This is how you treat a distinguished magician God will punish you If I didn’t treat you like this The young master will punish me sooner than the gods Brother, please calm down. The young master said As long as the magician’s mental power continues to be weakened, You are just an ordinary person

He is simply a devil Abnormal You and the big guy can go But the magician must stay You let me go That’s right All your things can be taken away rest assured I’m just interested in magic not interested in you

There are not many people left in the Mu En family in this world. Take care of yourself How did you know The diagonal stripes on this bow represent the power of the moon Your ring finger is longer than your index finger There is a slightly raised bone at the back of the head

This all shows that you are from the Mu En family Do you want to deny it? great Mu En family Used bows and arrows to dominate the Roland continent we both aristocrats I should show enough respect to his descendants Did you still think it was the former Mu En family?

You are like garbage now I am now like garbage Does it matter what the world thinks of you? The key is yourself Are you willing? Want to restore the former glory of the Moon family It will be very hard for a girl to be alone and helpless

It’s better to find a big tree to lean on for example one who knows a lot Not so lustful aristocrat Master, she is really here Master Du Wei Can you recruit honorary knights? It’s really nerve-wracking It seems I can only recruit 10 people Me Jolene Mu’en Allegiance to Your Excellency

I want to be your subordinate for the remaining decades of my life I will give my blood and life Come and protect today’s oath Why do you want to be loyal to me? I need to find a big tree to rely on And you are destined to become an extraordinary person

I accept your allegiance from now on I make you my first honorary knight Female Knight Jolene Mu’en Thanks Now that I have pledged my allegiance to you Then please tell me the identity of the owner. My identity? The eldest son of Count Raymond, Vice President of the Empire Du Wei Luo Lin

Almost forgot I also have a resounding nickname in the empire they all call me idiot idiot Episode 3 Master, we are home Welcome Master Du Wei home Home? Master, I am the housekeeper here, Hill Rowling. please let me show you the way That is the seventh generation head of the great Rowling family.

For his wife the female astrologer Samuel astrology tower Master, you are the eldest son of the current patriarch, the Earl. according to family tradition On the first night at the castle I must spend the night in this study Use this to motivate yourself may i ask you tonight Tradition is tradition

I must also obey This collection of books Enough to keep me occupied for a while Master, the earl wrote to say Although you are young, you are very smart Told me to keep the account books of the family property this year Check for you Put it on the table It’s the young master

These are the contents of this year’s accounts Yes, Master Du Wei This guy definitely did it on purpose Hill Here about grape taxes Taxes on grapes remain the same as last year. 20% As far as I know, the actual grape production this year 20% more You said taxes will remain unchanged So please

It’s because the tax rate has been lowered on its own. There are still some people hide the grapes Maybe the servant remembered it wrongly Maybe I should ask about your private warehouse Mr Hill. I don’t like people around me when I’m reading. oh Obey, young master Can see through it at a glance

This is the idiot young master mentioned in the letter From these accounts Rowling family almost entirely Controlled the taxation and sovereignty of the territory When the central government of a country When you gradually lose your authority It is often a sign that unrest is about to begin.

It seems that he wants to hang out in another world Still have to make some plans ah Just now I feel like I’m being watched Is this castle haunted? Hey, maybe I’m too sensitive It’s just an oil painting hey i see you No need to pretend I know you are looking at me

Because I was also using this thing to look at you just now Don’t you know it’s rude to peek behind your back? not talking Oh well Tell me what you are same question I don’t like to ask a second time If you don’t speak out

Do you think I will burn you with a fire? Don’t make any sound It seems that he really can’t speak Listen boy, I’m just a magical creature. Wait a minute, the midnight clock has ended I can’t speak anymore Oh, this setting is interesting Don’t interrupt Why Where did I say it? midnight bell

Oh, yes, yes, yes No time to explain There is a secret room in this study One of these treasures can break the spell that’s trapped me There is a revelation in row 7 of the bookshelf on the left As long as you’re not a fool You should be able to find it

Oh treasure interesting Just to pass the boring time Hey, it has something to do with magic It’s Semmel’s relic If the treasure you are talking about is a pile of scrap metal, Just wait and burn your ass The silver spoon in the night sky guides the way silver spoon Big Dipper?

Looks like this is it Danger If you die here That’s so frustrating It seems there is another secret to opening this door. Reversal Beidou trap life or death Reverse the star time in Beidou that can meet this item Too tall. I really miss my 1.2 meter long legs. I can only wrong you

If you guess wrong, you’ll be dead. ah come over It turns out that the door with heavy mechanisms in front is It turned out to be fake This is the real secret room Rowling blood will lead you to everything I left behind

But do you have the courage to open the taboo realm of mankind? taboo areas In another world, such words are except for Chuuni usually means great power Of course you have to open it May the great Rowling family prosper because of my husband I fell in love with this family

The person who opens the message I am your ancestor The wife of the seventh generation patriarch of the Rowling family Semmelzilla Rowling This is what I left before I died The last magic message Semel The greatest female astrologer in the empire for nearly 200 years everyone

They all thought that astrology was just a form of prediction. But they are all wrong Astrology is actually a kind of magic a powerful and profound Magic with the power of the stars Star Magic six years ago Changes in the stars in the night sky There are stars falling

It took me three years Travel to the northern tip of the continent Finally found the fallen star It looks like a stone I only have a small piece knocked out in my hand meteorite and where it fell The woods were burned to ashes The plains were smashed into valleys Such destructive power

I’m afraid there are only the top forbidden spells in magic. can do it Could it be the magical energy of the stars? It is derived from various rare elements abundant in meteorites. The temple tells us Everything in the world is created by gods including stars I found

The texture of the stars is unprecedented It doesn’t belong to our world at all I began to wonder if the stars were created by gods I even began to doubt the so-called god Interesting, with a meteorite Dare you question the gods that this world believes in? and

Some aspects are close to scientific facts To deceive others I’m in the oil painting in the study Created a magical creature I left all my star magic to him This is exactly what I want remember this mantra Use it to unlock the oil painting It will obey your orders unconditionally

Wait for the magic spell Why What’s the way to unlock your seal? I see It’s a simple magic spell You can come out soon Very happy But I don’t know magic Clearly guarding a huge treasure Even the door has been opened to me But just can’t get in Hum hum

Semel didn’t expect that I would be so energetic. But he lacks magic perception By the way, I also captured a magician. Little Nobles on Solskjaer No need to plead for him As long as he obediently answers a few questions from me I’ll let him go How about you, dear Mr. Magician?

Are you ready to tell me your little secret? gentlemen A nobleman of your status To treat a magician so badly. If it’s spread I am afraid It will be difficult for your family to make friends with magicians anymore Oh, is it so Then if word spreads A little first-level magician

He actually mastered the top instantaneous attack Spell. What will be the consequences? Will become the prey of magicians across the continent Say it Even if I imprison you for life magic society will never offend a big noble For an inconspicuous first-level magician You know, I uh Can I be of some use?

This is related to my identity as a magician But you still don’t understand your current situation Ah I My qualification as a first-level magician was deceived. cheat Can you cheat on magic exams? certainly Since I can’t Use meditation to extract the magical essence of nature So so I’ll use the pharmacist’s method

Extract magical elements from the enchantress It’s the powder in these bottles That’s right, since my perception is poor I will increase the magic elements More than I can feel Then I can use magic Yes, it took 20 years Only then can I finally use magic Although It’s just the lowest level fireball technique

If we continue to study Maybe it can release advanced fire magic instantly This guy is a genius How to use this Just put in a little mental energy and that’s it this It’s the element of fire It’s like a hungry beast thirsting for the food I you

You don’t want to. – Of course I do. Just let me feel the spiritual power of my twin lives. Mental strength Entering too much What is the fire element? little aristocrat little aristocrat Hahaha I succeeded I sent a fireball Hahaha oh my god This feels so exciting hahaha

Little noble, are you okay? I’m okay. Did I forget something? Saul. Him. Come and see my personal magic consultant Genius magician Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Your decision is wise you what do you mean Solskjaer I know you want to be treated like a great magician with respect Be my personal magic consultant

I, Duwei Rolin, can satisfy you I am willing to accept your solicitation But I need to go back to the south where is my lab no problem Joanne, get ready Let’s go to the south together yes Master, we have arrived at Banjiao City. I heard it’s very prosperous here

Why are the city gates closed in broad daylight? Don’t worry, you’ll know soon Hello everyone, I am Si Pan, the local garrison officer of Banjiao City. Due to lack of military strength Your escorts are being requisitioned for a mission. Sir, I am the Captain of Master Du Wei’s escort team

The eldest son of Count Raymond of the Rowling family. Fourth level knight Robert I’m sorry that you don’t have the right to recruit nobles’ private armies. what the Hell. The eldest son of Count Raymond of Berlin family Why did he go south to Banjiao City? No news at all terribly sorry

Dear Sir, I dare not offend you. But now a monster appears halfway up the mountain And the soldiers garrisoning the city They all went to the imperial military exercise 200 miles away. you say There are monsters Yes, Master Du Wei That’s why we came to recruit Not asking for your help

I agree to your request Mr. Spann After all, we can’t sit back and watch a monster wreak havoc thank you for your kindness Master Du Wei May the goddess protect you So Mad You and the other servants stay Others, please come with me into the mountains. You have to go no matter what

Nonsense careful Robert Have you ever hunted monsters? Sunset Swamp in the South A group of us have met A group of griffons God, how did you survive? The family rescue team saved us. But that time I lost my biological brother Ah sorry robert knight I don’t know No, nothing

This was many years ago robert knight I have a question Please tell me, Lord Jolene Knight as far as I know Because I need to replenish my magic power Warcraft will only live in places filled with all kinds of magic Continental margins with plants or special minerals

How could it appear in the ordinary woods of Banjiao Mountain? Jolene, you are right Do you know a lot about Warcraft? I used to follow several mercenary groups Been to the frozen forest several times Hunting monsters I have only fought against monsters Don’t understand their habits If what Knight Jolene said is true,

Then we should be more cautious Yep, as good as her skills are I have entered the frozen forest several times Maybe I can use these long legs to dance The Warcraft master was so fascinated that he was fascinated by it. you You two boys

Believe it or not, the eldest sister will kick you all into bitches enough You guys are going to be arguing here all day Still have the strength to catch the monsters? we spent the whole morning to search Forget about the traces of monsters I didn’t even smell a piece of Warcraft fart. Jolene

Why are you here, little noble? I know some people will think you’re bragging. But I happen to know The Munn people have a talent Even if you encounter a lot of monsters There won’t be much danger little aristocrat You also know this Didn’t you see it today?

They also regard me as a burden So me and my first honorary female knight But you have to work hard to show off something. Otherwise you will be looked down upon Jolene will never let your honor be brought to shame. Robert what happened? be careful It’s a storm wolf Already beheaded

Worthy of being a fourth-level knight give a like What likes This is Warcraft Why is this gone? Jolene Will the body of this monster disappear after it dies? Won’t After the death of the Storm Wolf, the corpse will disappear. I’ve never heard of it Something’s wrong. Be alert. Protect Master Du Wei

How come But I will never forget this sound It’s senior brother A group of people came God, I just want to see Warcraft Are you packing it for me? Evacuate quickly disappeared again careful Are you okay? Jolene eldest sister Mental attack magic Master, go quickly It’s not good Robert you Solskjaer

Where is your fireball? What are you doing Du Wei You can do nothing but give orders? beast You succeeded in irritating me Robert I’m going to turn you all into bombing chickens little aristocrat Rush up in a moment You take the young master and run down the mountain. Must be fast

I’ll leave the young master to you. I know gryphons too well They are bloodthirsty by nature Do not kill all prey It will never stop There’s no way we can escape like this But But what Jolene Knight My injury is too serious Can’t run fast anymore Otherwise

I won’t choose to let you escort the young master away either. Do you want to be a real knight? Then prove yourself But you have to work hard to show off something. Otherwise you will be looked down upon Robert, take the little nobles to retreat. What are you doing

Sister, you need to stop the bleeding Can’t stop bleeding My spells need my blood to sustain them Jolene Although the time we spent together was short But you are the first person to respect and trust me Farewell little nobleman I really want to live Lord Robert Rewind and take advantage of now

Protect the retreat of the minor nobles Protect the young master Everyone retreats leave here Calm down, Duverolin. Think carefully about what is going on Demon Breaking Realm The disappeared monster There are also unusually delicate power fluctuations here. I know the answer Don’t worry, young master Robert I have a solution

What are you doing, little noble? my female knight Thank you your courage today respectable I thank you all for your sacrifice. but We seem to have been tricked by others Master, what are you talking about? careful dream It’s time to end What back to normal All restored The gryphon is coming Master me

Sorry Robert I just had to do that Because you are the source of this illusion everything It all comes from the terrible memories you experienced Only you die in a dream The illusion will disappear Fantasy But Lord Jolene Knight The Demon-Breaking Domain of the Munn Clan Although the nemesis of all magic

But it needs to be paid with blood When he used his secret technique to break the demonic realm, I’ve broken the magic and jumped out of this illusion So only the injuries on her hands are real get out Are you looking for what I fear? Want to use me to recreate the illusion

So I’m afraid you will be disappointed Because what I’m afraid of is not in this world but me Doesn’t belong to this world at all my God Look at the horns on his forehead This is not the legendary thing that has been extinct for hundreds of years Dread Phantom Demon?

I heard that the horns on his forehead were dug out carry on body Can be immune to most mental magic This scourge is actually a treasure. Protect the young master Master, be careful This is high magic Ice flame teleportation Oh my God, golden wormwood

This is the badge that symbolizes the identity of the great magician. Why would a great magician above level 8 come here? I am a knight of the Rowling family Dear magician please tell me your purpose My name is Vivian Yang Demonic Magic Society Level 8 magician Me My name is Vivian Yang

Magic society Eighth level magician I came here to find it It’s my teacher’s pet Can you give him back to me? please I really want to pinch it calm Don’t lower your negotiation requirements just because the other party is being cute. Your Majesty the Magician You are the master of this high-level monster

But he didn’t take good care of him Let it flow here and cause chaos should not be responsible for this sorry A simple sorry What do you need the police for? Police What is the police? can compensate The blood and sweat of my brave soldiers?

Me Is there anything I can do to compensate you? It depends on your sincerity in making compensation. Me, I have a piece of aquamarine here Yes, this A gem that enhances the power of water magic this Could it be that the blood and sweat of my brave soldiers

It’s worth just this little thing This aqua blue diamond Still middle grade this this this I made it myself wall fire beads wall wall wall wall fire beads So Where is my female knight’s injury? So many magic cores And what about the fright I received?

All is the magic scroll that is the ultimate magic Oh my god This is enough to cause a duel between two magicians This is all I have our little master Simply Devil Dear magician These compensations you give I think my guys are very satisfied then you but I have a small additional condition

But I no longer have it No no no no Not material compensation I personally yearn for the splendid and great magic culture I don’t know your kindness Your Majesty the Magician Vivian would you like to give a pious People who want to learn magic A little guidance?

For example, a few more advanced magic spells magic spell But the life of a magician The young master’s appetite is also too big No, no, absolutely not The teacher explained young master Can’t tell others But this fear phantom Your teacher should have told you you can’t put it out right

As a result, you also violated And we help you catch this little thing I also suffered a lot. Make some compensation to me for this Shouldn’t it? Almighty God Dear teacher What he said seems to make sense. Okay But I can only teach You one one one one

You tell me one one one one There are 4 in total, right? No, no, it’s 1,1,1,1,1,1 stop, stop, stop Exactly ten no no no Okay, Shitiao is a little embarrassed for you. But one is too few Just compromise and settle on six items. Could it be that people outside

Are they all as scary as this little noble? It’s better to resolve this matter quickly and go back. After I go back, I never want to come out again. Okay let me think about it Don’t worry, since the conditions have been agreed upon It’s getting dark and I’m tired too

Why don’t you come back with us? Think carefully and choose slowly Let’s see which 6 magic spells you want to teach me. Thank you This little silly girl This little silly girl doesn’t stutter when she recites the curse. Vivian my dear sister Hand over the fear phantom now elder sister how come

It’s just a replica of Semel Here comes another great magician I am Robert, the knight of the Rowling family. Your Majesty the Magician please tell me your purpose Does the name of the Luo Lin family scare me? Instant Sister, please don’t hurt anyone.

Then quickly hand over your fear and exchange it for a demon If I get its horn, it will leave No, no You want to kill Jiu Jiu teachers meeting That old thing People all over the world are afraid of him I’m not afraid Give him to me quickly don’t want my dear sister

You are very skilled in the Jade Flame Moving Magic. But you are such a timid guy You can only use it to escape, right? Sister, sister, don’t force me I just want to force you Girl, I get angry when I see you crying. No, no You can’t use that kind of magic here

You should know There is nothing in this world that I dare not do Run quickly My poor little Vivian Could it be He is your little lover The young master of the Luo Lin family My identity is barely worthy of you. no Vivian, give me the phantom quickly

Otherwise I will use your little lover to feed my little pet Actually, I haven’t showered in a few days. I’m afraid I’ll get a stomachache after eating it. Shut up. Sister, please stop. Why do you feel distressed? Then give me the phantom elder sister Then you can collect his body. in iceberg

What exactly is Look, the Luo Lin family boy my sister’s little lover Maybe this is your life The first and last time I saw a living dragon little aristocrat eldest sister head Everyone can still move Search everywhere immediately to find Master Du Wei Pretty cow

You go back to Banjiao City immediately to deliver a message to Luolin Plain Castle. yes my silly sister In order to save this little nobleman To avoid hurting innocent people You actually spent so much magic power I made a teleportation magic circle and came to the top of the mountain.

How can you beat me next? This little silly girl Please help me take care of Jiu Jiu I can’t believe that old guy I actually passed on the Red Flame Dragon to you. well My ice and snow dragon froze your red flame dragon Just cry Go ahead, scorching sun

Is this the dragon of this world? It’s a pity that I don’t have a mobile phone Your sister is right You’ve wasted too much magic, Vivian If this continues, you will definitely lose. Give her the phantom Just leave me alone Run quickly No I am not a righteous sacrifice

It’s just that even if you lose, I have to feed the dragon. You might as well run away with the phantom demon Maybe I still have a glimmer of hope How did such a simple silly girl survive to this day? That’s all You still have leisure and affection Oct, it’s dinner time

You’re so naive to sneak up on me Oops The mountain collapsed Half of the mountain collapsed Oh my god Master Du Wei, please don’t let anything happen to you. Deliberately causing the Red Flame Dragon to be injured and fall near me A powerful blow from close range Forced me to retreat

You guys take the opportunity to slip away again What a plan Vivian, how dare you lie to me? It must have been instigated by that damn little nobleman Wait until I catch it You must feed him to the dragon Du Wei, the traitor

He left the Luolin Plain without authorization as soon as he arrived in the territory. Go to Lin Province to cause trouble Lose family face Alpha can be announced to the public Deprive Du Wei of his right to be first in line of succession Yes sir madam Alpha tell me quickly

Did something happen to Du Wei? Young Master Kidnapped by a magician What is life and death uncertain about? madam Du Wei, my poor child has only been away for a few days. I ordered you to go down and sell my jewelry. The empire-wide reward for Du Wei is Mrs.

Du Wei, where are you? Goddess of light Please keep my son safe and sound I’m actually riding a dragon Too bad I don’t have a mobile phone Please, please, please stop grabbing his scales, okay? The burning sun is still a child He doesn’t like others scratch his scales

Where else could I catch him but by his scales? Well, how about I make him a rope? Sorry, your dragon seems to be dying. wake up quickly I gave you all my things There’s nothing I can do do not Cry I’ll fall to death if I cry again dad mom

Although it hurts all over But fortunately still alive Silly girl Are you OK My magic doesn’t work anymore What did you say The magic no longer works Not working anymore I was counting on you to quickly cure this dragon. Leaving here you what are you doing Wash my shoes

Then use it to hold water filled with water use shoes Stop frowning This is our only way We must go back to the beach If you think my shoes are too smelly You can also use your own hurry up Unless you want to drink the water from my shoes tomorrow But

Do we really want to drink this? Wait until tomorrow when you are so thirsty and smoking Even water 10 times dirtier than this You will drink it without hesitation alright let’s go back Women are trouble Come up But but Hurry up don’t waste time It’s getting dark Thanks Listen, little silly girl

We need to hurry up Return to the dragon before dark Now you and I have no ability to protect ourselves. This island is so weird God knows what the hell is on this island. Carrying me on your back for such a long time Must be very tired He looks quite fierce

Actually, he’s quite nice that that What’s up I’m fine that explain shoe The shoes also fell off Didn’t you tell me earlier? Come on Ocutt I can already smell that damn sulfur dragon on her head stinking smell They must be on this island What are you afraid of? Ice Storm Counterattack Damn it

This guy also set up a magic barrier Fortunately, my fire element didn’t get soaked. So, so awesome I don’t know what grilled dragon meat tastes like No, no, no, you can’t eat it. The scorching sun This is a gift given to me by my teacher That Absolutely not Just kidding

I found some edible plants Just eat it You’re attracted to me, so I won’t give it to you. scorching sun what happened I have no idea It seems to be frightened by the scorching sun. Just now What roar can scare a dragon? I want to go and see

The ground is covered with frost The sand below is still moist and warm This piece of frost It was instantly covered with magic. Could it be that Can’t eat, have to wait for him to come back my God But it makes me exhausted sister sister sister elder sister

Do you want to save her? elder sister You decide Sister, wake up, sister elder sister Wake up, sister Are you OK elder sister elder sister my face what happened I you Why are you here? why am i here It was you who saved me OCTO No Oct my dragon he died

It’s all your fault If it weren’t for chasing you My dragon will not be eaten by monsters I want you to bury him with him you are looking for this rat please We are enemies, not friends Should I obediently wait for you to wake up and strike first? Come on Vivian

I can defeat you even without dragons and wands You haven’t beaten me since you were a kid Sister no elder sister my magic suppressed don’t use magic Will malfunction Why are you so kind? Tell this hateful woman It seems that the reason why the magic failed is not your fault.

But because of this place There is some unknown power Suppressing all the magic here How about it, Mr. Magician? What other magic do you want to cast on me? Freeze me into an iceman Oops Even without magic You think you can bully me casually This kick will remind you Except the magician

My sister also has an identity Sixth level swordsman I’m not a weak fool like Vivian No, sister, no, don’t hurt him Protect him like this This hateful little nobleman is your little lover No no It was he who saved you you can’t hurt him you saved me I owe you once

So now I spare you But you’d better not piss me off again Wonderful I’ve seen a lot of unreasonable women But she’s pretty and can be as unreasonable as you are. I really haven’t seen it You opened my eyes do you have any opinion No that’s fair Now you are better than me

I deserve to be bullied by you Whoever has the strongest fist is the most reasonable This has always been the way in the world Your speech as a little nobleman is very interesting. Not so hypocritical I seemed to hear the cry of a monster Don’t you want to eat? Are you hungry?

Eat something What the hell is this? It would be good to eat some Picky eaters are not good children what are you eating I want to eat that of you It tastes terrible. I advise you not to grab it. I want to grab it You can even eat such a disgusting taste

Are you still human I tried to persuade you but you didn’t listen. Sister, drink some water What kind of water is this? My foot wash So you gave me delicious tree roots to eat But he keeps eating Eat such unpalatable fruit Little silly girl, I’m the only man here

I should take good care of you The little villain who kidnapped a girl Female robber who steals other people’s belongings you listen You need to understand our current situation We are on a desert island The water and food you just spit out It’s the rations Vivian saved throughout the day.

No one is aristocrat here You and me Vivian neither want food and fresh water Find it yourself No one will take care of you I I see I did not do it on purpose I duverolin The current patriarch of the Luo Lin family

Vice President of the Imperial High Command, eldest son of Count Raymond May I ask your name, please? My name is Joanna You can also call her Qiao Qiao That’s what family members can call you You are not allowed to bark This is a spoiled young lady Okay Miss Joanna

Now we already know each other Next it’s time to work Work What kind of work do you do? We have to find a way out of here i have a plan In the waters of the province of Lille The eldest young master and the two female magicians completely lost their whereabouts sea

Are there any islands nearby? No. No continent has ever been discovered here. or island Also, this sea area is a bit weird. Go on Ships often go missing there Legend has it that in the sea There is a devil May the goddess bless my child for his safe return no no

I don’t want to abandon my scorching sun my scorching sun Don’t rush, give her more time No need to be surprised I just lost my spirit too I can feel this little guy’s sadness The forbidden area of ​​Alcatraz Island will not be very large.

If you use a raft to mark out the boundary You can use magic to get out of here What’s wrong A sudden change in the direction of an ocean current strangeness There is a whirlpool Are we being eaten by monsters? What are you doing? Get away Why are you so nervous?

I didn’t mean it either The lustful little aristocrat If you look around again, I will gouge out your eyes. who Welcome to Devil’s Cave You are the only guests for thousands of years Excuse me who are you where are we my name is chris Not the owner here I’m just a servant

For my master Guard here My name is Du Wei This is Joanna Vivian Excuse me your master is My master You must know his name Although he is in various books has many different names But the world has a general name for him that is devil devil

Please take a seat, my little guests. I have been observing you these past few days i’m especially interested in you young aristocratic gentleman please answer me a little question Please say I remember you and the sorceress There was a dispute on the island Whose fist did you claim was stronger?

Whoever makes the most sense That’s right, throughout the ages Successful kings and defeated bandits have always been like this Contact you with this interesting perspective my question is What are the so-called gods and demons? God is God God created everything in the world lie God in your mouth

All the power in Xuancheng comes from him So you magicians are all followers of God Right certainly But I am a servant of the devil I’m not a believer in any god May I ask where my magic power comes from? this Teacher Little Vivian’s brain is not enough Can’t answer very simple

Because of the god you believe in he lied So you ask this question Is it just to clear your name, the devil? young noble please tell me what you think in my opinion war between you It’s just a fight between two beasts The winner gets the right to live and write history

That’s all you crazy How can beasts be compared with gods? I don’t believe in God you very good great master I finally found another disciple of yours No I’m not a believer in the devil I’m no one’s believer I don’t believe in God Don’t believe in the devil either

Then what do you believe? I only believe in myself And you Mr. Chris It’s your turn to answer my question where are we We’re in a monster’s body you say We can find Count Raymond’s house That idiot son? I heard that there are some in that sea area Devil

Don’t think about those things that are there or not Think more of the Countess’ huge bounty. This world People are born different Someone buys his life with money Someone took his life in exchange for money makes sense Look

There is a group of holy knights from the Temple of Light over at the port. What Shut up if you want to live No stopping heading north yes how can we get out trade with me Make a contract with the devil I said I don’t believe in God

Don’t believe in the devil either The last person I traded with That’s what I said at the beginning is a man named aragorn roland guy Aragon Roland Aragon Roland He is the only one in history bring weapons and magic Legendary strong men who have cultivated to the top level God oh God

Great founding emperor His Majesty Aragon Dealing with Demon What was the original deal between you and Aragorn? what did you do to them rest assured Just let them sleep for a while When they wake up, they will forget everything here including me I gave him half the magic

And a body without a fatal weakness What price did he pay? I ripped out his heart so No matter how fatal the injury is, it can’t hurt his heart heart What do you do with your heart? Did you bake it and eat it? Create a king with your own hands

Then hold his heart in your hands The fun in this is unimaginable Damn it, you don’t want my heart too, do you? no no no I don’t like to do repetitive things Besides, I can give you some sweetness to taste first. But I won’t give you all the benefits at once Then

Play installment plan with me Then it depends on whether the bait you give is enough. How about a pair of charming eyes when you stare at any woman The other person will definitely fall in love with you wholeheartedly It seems that I don’t need it very much

Give you the heart of a dragon Let you become an invincible warrior on the battlefield Beating and killing is not healthy Then I give you the right to let you No no no no I am the eldest son of the Vice President of the Imperial High Command.

The first in line of succession to the Rowling family Will I lack power? So what do you want? I want to go home What I said you can leave after signing the contract No I mean can you use space magic Take me from this place to another world I know some space magic

But I can’t use Yes If only I could use space magic You’ve escaped from here long ago Then I want to learn magic I’m mentally gifted But I can’t sense the magic element fluctuations this is very simple I grant you devil horns Your magic sense will be far stronger than other magicians

In addition Your request is too simple as a transaction I can’t let you suffer my little friend So I give you an extra pair of charming eyes Facchetti Cabridi Maldini At this moment the soul is possessed he Represents the long history and tradition of Italian football at this moment

He is not fighting alone he is not alone The entire audience’s focus was on him It’s Totti Totti faces this penalty What a mess He untied his shoelaces What kind of Serie A broadcast has created a commentary for the World Cup? He is facing the eyes of Italian fans all over the world

It’s so comfortable. I haven’t drank happy water in a long time. There are no such carbonated drinks in the Roland Empire what am i talking about What Roland Empire? very noisy It’s so noisy Leave this to me You can do whatever you want with these two. Don’t even think about touching my sister

Still sisters What’s going on where are we? You, you, you finally woke up I we are on a pirate ship Chris you bastard Why don’t you use magic to kill them? I was still very weak just after I left the island. Need to restore

So you used your remaining mental power to restore me Stupid You stay here obediently Enough Abominable All the strength has been drained away You stay in the back Asshole, let me go Do you think you can still order me? Get out of my way, don’t block me look at me

Go and stay behind Why does this boy have such beautiful eyes? His voice is irresistible knew What’s wrong with me Why should I listen to this guy? Then you will become my guinea pigs You kid, go home and feed yourself. You know how to mess with a magician?

What price do you have to pay? magician Just a little kid with no hair at all take him down We are the pirates who defeated the magician. Yeah, kill him Forget it, I’m a servant of the secret fire Arno strange magic spell What are you doing? Give it to me.

How can this be boss What does it mean when a magician throws weapons in a fight? Two beauties, please watch the fireworks This is our new flag I’ve never seen such a strange flag what does that mean Hmm like like a bunch of crickets happy Black Mountain sets sail is the master

There’s work, Captain Jack Sparrow. is the master Why let them go? These pirates should all be killed Then what Will it take the three of us to sail such a big ship back? Stupid my respected master I am your most loyal servant Mad Goddess bless You finally came back safely OK OK

Get up Mad Why is there only you and Ruolin in Mader? Where is Robert? Lord Robert He was demoted and And the young master lord count It was announced to the public Removed your right to be first in line of succession besides expected As for Robert

He will be reinstated as officers at the end of the year I know Count Raymond Ruolin, how is your recovery? better than ever What I promised you You can start the first step Joanna still remembers The plan to annex the pirates I mentioned on the ship?

Now I need you to help me assist Ruolin to complete Boy, I do owe you a life. But you remember Just once The plan is all there I’m looking forward to it in three months You can bring back a whole fleet yes Me I’m leaving Count the days The teacher is back

Where can I find you in the future? The teacher doesn’t allow me to say Even I can’t say it? I I can’t bear to leave you so much Can OK OK little silly girl You have to grow up I think

Your teacher will not let you make friends for the rest of your life Isn’t it? Then you are not allowed to tell others I live in good I see This is what I promised you A total of six magic spells These are the six most powerful mantras I know.

If you don’t have enough magic power, don’t use it Did you know that I was blackmailing you at that time? Know stupid what are those people doing Are they saying goodbye? Okay, it’s time for you to go back Damn little liar The goddess favors Our young master has grown up

Master, you are back I have received a personal letter from the Earl. Grounded for one year Do not interfere with family business Cut back on pocket money Only 300 gold coins per month Is it right Do you have any other instructions? My Mr. Butler young master Who dares to give you orders?

It’s just an order given to us by the Earl. Okay, let Solskjaer know Ask him to wait for me at the cabin tomorrow morning Also there is no order from me No one is allowed to come to the study to disturb me Yes, Master It’s time to open Samir’s treasure Learn star magic

Why is it this face again? I never thought you would seal yourself in a painting great master semel Or my great-great-grandmother. None. I am not Semel himself. just a copy I am a Inherited part of Semel’s knowledge and memory magical creatures body without substance Only closely connected with your spiritual power

Others can’t see me Then what should I call you? CYClone CYClone Just call me Semel My lovely handsome little master All right Semel Can you teach me star magic? Star Magic Star magic again Why everyone likes to learn star magic If it weren’t for star magic Semel wouldn’t have died so early.

What did you say Semel is not because of the death of her husband Did you commit suicide because you were too sad? Feel sorry This is the only secret I can’t tell you Unless you learn the last one of star magic the hardest spell Then start quickly my little master

Don’t be so impatient long night we can take our time magic Oh My God Master, you can actually use magic It’s a blessing in disguise. What about you, Mr. Magic Consultant? How is the refining of the fire element going?

We currently have enough materials and should be able to make 3 bottles a day. very good But I spent seven to eight hundred gold coins purchasing the materials. Mr. Butler said You can only withdraw up to three months in advance. That’s why I’ve only been back for one day and I’m penniless.

Look at that just now 300 gold coins were blown up. Burning money Made Do we have any valuables that we can sell for money? Master, you forgot I was here before I left the imperial capital. 1,000 gold coins given to you by the Countess

She is the only one in the world who thinks about me like this Master, the countess’s birthday is approaching Why don’t you give me a gift and go back to the imperial capital? write another letter The lady’s plea to the count Do you think your mother never asked Count Raymond for mercy?

If the young master buys all these things, Plus hiring these craftsmen Then I’m afraid we won’t have much money left. Go ahead Mad in this world I only owe my mother so much I should also express her birthday Yes, Master Ah, right Find me a maid who can needlework Yes, Master

Hit him up Come on Making trouble for no reason Run 50 laps for me Dear Robert Knight The vegetable market is not as lively as yours Master Du Wei Training has been less rigorous recently Discipline is a bit loose I don’t discipline well please punish Spring drills just ended

During the rest period, everyone has nowhere to put their energy. It is indeed inevitable that some body friction may occur accidentally. This is the best horse in the whole castle Why are you bald? What is this young master going to do? Master, if you want to hunt

I can send a troop of cavalry to accompany you. no no no Not hunting I came here today to play a game with you all I call it football Do you understand all the rules? clear Then start Master, your ball No, Robert sorry old man

If I had known I would have had to catch a ride on your tail Play a ball You two, get off here Substitution Next I will be the referee Anyone who doesn’t play football well should stop playing. Red team wins Do not worry Let’s fight again tomorrow

But we went to the Colosseum in the city for an exhibition match instead. Everyone, go back and have a good rest. Yes, Not Bad The carving is better than I imagined Just call it Forgiveness of the Dawn Goddess I hope my mother likes it luv’t Must like it

The young master spent so many gold coins Just like the statues that can be seen everywhere on the street Goddess, please forgive the behavior of this prodigal young man. This is the forgiveness of the goddess of dawn It feels like nothing special No matter what the young master is doing Must succeed

The Goddess’s Forgiveness That’s It Do you forgive me for smoking? He is indeed an idiot young master Master, this is too much of a joke. Miracle, this is a miracle The goddess is on top Goddess Bless Goddess above, forgive my sins

If the little silly girl sees it, she will also like it very much. Who is the little silly girl? Can you please stop eavesdropping on my thoughts? I live in your spirit If you want me not to listen Unless you don’t think about it Who is this little silly girl?

You are too nosy Who is this little silly girl? I’m going to learn star magic Who is the little silly girl? Remember to only sell tickets for the first three rows Claim to be a limited edition after the game Tickets allow you to shake hands with your favorite players Sold in batches

Sell ​​10 pieces at a time Grab it before buying it I call this hunger marketing Master, your method is amazing after that Ticket prices are getting higher and higher The most expensive one sold for 300 gold coins very good Next, sell the team naming rights to major store owners.

The one with the highest price gets it Master, you just talk so casually Earned tens of thousands of gold coins again Don’t report everything to me Don’t miss it if you pass by limited edition poster limited edition Go. If you miss it, it will be gone.

It’s been so long since I’ve been in this world Today is probably the most carefree day I have ever had. You, a little nobleman, will enjoy it No star magic tonight I have been studying for so many days Mental strength is very effective when exercised

But I still don’t understand the power of the stars Why don’t you relax first? tasty delicious such a pity You can’t eat such delicious food No need to make a joke It seems that your senses are very keen Mr Duverolin Your Majesty the Magician comes to visit you late at night

It’s not just passing by, right? look This scroll was made by me Item returned to its original owner Who are you Vivian’s teacher Come to collect debts good It turns out that this is my purpose But I changed my mind after seeing you devil horns chris Is he okay?

Hey, where are you taking me? On Alcatraz Island I take good care of your apprentice. You have to take your things back too What else do you want? you have many doubts But I can’t answer it now Magicians in this world are really willful I can kidnap a nobleman casually Hello

If you don’t want to provoke a war between the magic union and the royal family Better send me back Child, you talk too much mean old guy He actually controls my body Make a fire Semel Semel Where the hell did he go BBQ Abominable I This is

It is a wine made from a mixture of bell pepper fruit and datura seeds. Give you some extra ingredients Maybe you are more suitable to be a chef Chefs are not kidnapped by magicians How about we talk about Chris? Have you been to Alcatraz? sleep you Damn it, wait

Small sesame with drunken pepper fruit Don’t even think about waking up until sunset tomorrow Quiet run back What child I should praise your talent in Potions Make seasoning with sesame seeds You are probably the first person in Roland continent have to say taste good

However, the simple mixture of Xiao Ma Xiang and Drunk Pepper Fruit Does not produce paralysis effect Mount your horse Young Master Young Master Today’s football finals are waiting for you to award awards. I was taken away by the magician Duve Rollin What The young master was captured by the magician again

This is indeed written by Master Du Wei himself. this symbol It’s like a magician’s personal mark Report it quickly The eldest young master who wants my life What How long has it been since Du Wei was kidnapped by the magician again? Even if my son is no longer useful

It’s not these guys’ turn either Repeatedly provoking our Luo Lin family I don’t know whether this time is a blessing or a curse. Look at that mark That’s it Even if he takes away the prince His Majesty the Emperor has nothing to say

As a descendant of the Wuxun family and the Luo Lin family That boy Raymond must be very disappointed in you. child I’ll teach you only once You bastard You bastard What good will it do you if you break me? Isn’t it cold anymore? Keep going, kid.

There is a breath circulating in the body My body is getting hot I can’t seem to feel the cold anymore The further north you go, the colder it gets Do it every day during your break from now on Don’t think I’ll thank you These are all thanks to you No not me

It’s fate Abominable This old guy disappeared early in the morning I have to think of a way Otherwise I’ll freeze to death here Put it on A magician as powerful as you where do you want to go Can’t we just fly there? The place we went to was special.

Flying long distances consumes my magic power And before I reach my destination Must keep the magic power strong Say so much Don’t you just want to tell me your final destination? Cross this hurdle It’s the legendary frozen forest where you can never return.

What did he want to do by bringing me to this Warcraft lair? It can’t be that you take me to brush up the dungeon and upgrade it, right? Gentlemen I have an official document from the Magicians Guild here. Magician’s Guild Give me the privilege of entering the frozen forest Valid for 100 years

Dear magician Welcome to the frozen forest Imperial Northern Storm Legion White Wolf Infantry Regiment 27th Patrol Team salute you team leader It was signed by His Majesty Augustine V Hasn’t he been dead for 60 years? President Zuridia also died of illness 40 years ago. That document is real real

But today is the last day of validity So the identity of this old magician is quite extraordinary. At least with the former emperor of the empire The former president of the Magicians Guild is an old man of an era. We’ll stay here tonight

Hurry up and put up a tent to put out the fire. What did this old guy spread? OK OK Do not worry It’s fine This old guy Be like another person when walking the dog What is this child Better not to be curious Otherwise you won’t be able to sleep at night

I’m very curious If you don’t tell me, I can’t sleep even more This is dragon poop So we’re going to sleep in a pile of dragon dung tonight, right? You won’t mind, right? Unless you want to be like some stupid adventurers Become a dinner for monsters

Is a powerful magician like you afraid of Warcraft? I just don’t want to be surrounded by flies all night And I said it before arriving at destination I want to reduce my magic consumption as much as possible alright

If you don’t want to be frozen into a popsicle in the middle of the night Do that routine again before going to bed When will this kind of day end? Damn it, why did I get out of the circle? Friend run quickly There are wights chasing after you. Run quickly

Don’t worry, you’ll be safe at the front I can’t run away. I have to fight that monster. Why doesn’t this old guy come out yet? Are you going to die without saving me? Old thief in white robe Come out i hate trouble Don’t want to see anyone take the first step

I’ll come back to you later Invisibility Run away at critical moment Do you still have some moral integrity? This monster came here after me At this time, you still think about others Also a man Vertigo Oh my god You killed a corrosive monster all by yourself. This thing is called a snowboard

Going too fast in the snow If I had met you earlier captain him The dead have passed away The living people should inherit their legacy that’s right Your Majesty the Magician You are so young yet so knowledgeable Dardanelle No need to use honorifics Now we are companions you can call me Damn it

Fertile Mr. Walker let me help you Storier you guy Did you catch an unweaned child? Shut up I recognize these people’s badges. It’s the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group leader Caught two outsiders throw out No oil or water You are the leader here This is the leader of our Snow Wolf Mercenary Group

Commander Beinrich One of the Three Great Northern Mercenaries Son of the Storm Beinrich maybe we can help each other boy What can you help us with? Empty the urinal? Walker don’t cause trouble Dardanelle Do you want to live in a pile of monsters tonight? Feel sorry

I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with the urinal problem yourself. magician This is my private collection The best wine in the north Your Majesty the Magician Can you tell me your name? My name is Walker Walker strange name A name is just a symbol

Well said. I always like to make friends who are refreshing. You must also be here to look for monsters, right? We’re looking for golden-eyed pythons golden eyed python It is one of the most dangerous monsters in the frozen forest. It is said that any creature that looks directly into his eyes

Will be petrified Mr. Leader I am the personal bodyguard of Countess Liszt. Madam is seriously ill Some people say that using the eyes of a golden-eyed python can cure the disease Do you know where to find golden-eyed pythons? High-level monsters such as the golden-eyed python are active in the heart of the forest.

It’s a death zone No one can come back alive Your Majesty the Magician Since we are all going north Then I want to make a deal with you This is a map of the frozen forest I have been adventuring in this forest for nearly 20 years Just drawn condition

I only have two conditions We are going to Dayuan Lake If you encounter trouble on the road Please stand with us no problem What about the second condition? Although I am now working as a mercenary When the blood of adventurers flows in my bones

I plan to retire to the north of the lake Explore that unknown place Be a true adventurer You should choose to let yourself die on the most exciting journey Instead of dying in bed I’ve always respected people like you who became magicians at such a young age. My second condition is

When I left the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group If the brothers in my group need help Please give these people a hand make a deal Great Round Lake is so beautiful If you come here in summer The lake is blue That’s called beautiful Set up camp strier

You take a group of people to look around Don’t camp too close to the lake Boss, there’s fish here Let’s make a pot of fresh fish soup tonight Damn it Get out of there asshole The camp retreats another 50 meters to the outside Stay away from this damn lake

Such a beautiful place can be so dangerous You’re right You’re gone I didn’t leave That magician can explore your spiritual power he can see me That’s why I hid That’s not what I mean by being exposed. what does that mean It does not matter The old guy is gone

Why don’t you go out cut You live in a tent with that Dardanelle If I always see you acting like an idiot Talk to the air It would be strange if I didn’t regard you as a lunatic. This place makes me very uneasy feels very familiar Seems like I’ve seen it somewhere

You were sealed in an oil painting for 200 years How could I have been here? but It’s possible she Who? what happens our people near the forest The body of a patrol member was found miserable death The rest of the patrol is also missing. Is there internal strife? Those 10 people ran away

Impossible If I hadn’t met a fellow gangster and cheated on me, That means being attacked by a monster Bring more people with me to retrieve them yes Wait I have a plan Actually you can stay in the tent I’m not here for vacation something is coming It’s a zombie asshole Run, you brat.

Rush we succeeded what sound listen Du Wei Dardanelle Hey, wake up quickly wake up what the hell is this Psychedelic Lake Monster why do i know Why A lot of things suddenly came to my mind Old guy, you finally Semel

It is impossible for the magic elf Semel to have such strong magic power. Want to run Just your poor magic You dare to show off in front of us She seems to have become a different person a lake monster The grinding core is not small Zach Zach Zach Rollin Real female astrologer husbands

My great great grandfather Walker, thank you for saving me and my brothers. Commander Beinrich We are friends, right? Help between friends does not require payment Moreover we have completed the transaction This is a farewell gift my friend Once the storm stopped, it’s a good time for us to go on the road,

But it’s also a good time for hunting for the Warcraft. Wait a minute. Walker. Snowdrift grave. We can predict the dangers ahead from the dead. He will not be dead for more than two days. Judging from his injuries and the flat incision on the broken sword,

I am afraid that someone used a sharp weapon to chop the knight and his sword into two pieces. There should be a badge hanging here. Daniel, I heard that after a holy knight dies in battle, his companion will take off his holy knight badge and bring it back to the temple, right?

The holy knight of the Temple of Light. Oh my god, the scars caused by the divine oil are the temple’s baptismal mark for the holy knight. But who dares to murder a holy knight? our journey may not be peaceful. Lord Gegefit. He is an 8th level great knight.

He can kill a great knight while fighting against multiple holy knights. This strength should be among the top in the mainland. Goddess bless. When did the Roland Empire have a villain who dared to challenge the temple and had such powerful strength? Walker, please don’t disturb Master Goffett’s sleep.

I think it can tell us the answer. Lord Gophet’s diary. Diary? I like diaries. Especially peeking into the diary of a great knight. Not peeking, just borrowing. You are too gossipy, Semel. It turns out that the Holy Knights entered the frozen forest to hunt down wanted criminals. Hussein. Lord Hussein.

He actually betrayed the temple. Oh my god, it’s so terrible. Hussein reached level 9 as a knight at the age of 26 and became recognized as the first knight in the mainland. At the age of 30, he became one of the three major knights of the Holy Knights.

Such a person is highly respected by the temple and respected by the world. Genius among geniuses. Why did he suddenly betray the temple? Oh my God. One of the three most powerful knights among the holy knights of heaven rebelled and two died in battle.

It’s boring. I’ve been watching it for a long time. It’s all bloody. What are you looking for? The papal decree in the diary. Could it be on other corpses? I feel a terrible hostility. Another day has passed. This man is very dangerous. Young man, you are looking for this thing.

His Majesty the Pope’s warrant. The holy knight’s baptismal mark. You’re Hussein. The person being hunted. You are very smart. Yes. I am Hussein. Those guys will search all the nearby places. But they will not dig up and inspect the graves of their companions. Hussein. It’s a pity that you discovered it. Dan Danielle.

Is this the strength of a level 9 knight? We can’t leave. Sorry. I can’t expose my whereabouts. So you all have to die. Wait. Mr. Hou, I am not a member of the temple and I don’t believe in gods. I’m just a little nobleman who was kidnapped to this hellish place.

Maybe we can. Darn it. You are actually a magician. You recite the spell very quickly. But you are too weak. I am afraid I’m the first magician in the Roland continent to be stunned by my spell. Good archery. It’s a pity that it’s too slow. I’m sorry. I have no grudges against you. But I have to live.

So I have to kill you. Advanced magic defense. No matter who you are, you will never be allowed to hurt Zach. A powerful magician secretly attacked me. Do you dare not show up in front of me? Humble. Honor. No matter what he wants to do. Stop him, Semel. Sacrifice. Mercy. Honesty. Spirit. Justice. Bravery. This gesture shows that he has gained some new perspective. Semel, be careful. He can see you. The powerful knight. I don’t have a body that you can hurt. Yes. Semel is just a phantom and has no entity. But didn’t the powerful Hussein notice? When you hid your figure in front of me, I guessed that you might be using your magic clone to fight me. How can it be?

This hand-derived blood mark of mine is the first time it has been released on a human body. It’s too late to break your arm. You’ve already marked my fighting spirit. My next attacks will cause double damage to you. Zach, I’m sorry. He’s very powerful. Semel. I should say sorry.

If I hadn’t stayed here or I was stronger. Never have to say sorry to me, Zach. Anyone who hurt Zach must die. Sorceress, you are strong. But you can never defeat me with just a phantom clone. Semel. I said you can’t beat me. Then let’s die together. She actually turned her body into magical flames. No, I must not die. No. Semel, no, stop it. No. No, Semel, you can’t die. There must be a way. If your magic power is not enough don’t use it. Stop it. Du Wei. Please, Zach. Your magic power is nowhere near enough to wield such powerful magic. If you continue, you will be turned into a mummy by the magic backlash. This is my choice, Semel. No matter which Semel you are. It doesn’t matter if magical creatures or great-great-grandmother. I will never watch you disappear. Du Wei. What’s more, You haven’t taught me star magic yet. Zach. Just one last spell left. Traveler of time, please listen to my call I offer the infinite possibilities of the future as a gift in exchange for you to stop for a moment. Please abide by the walking agreement I will give you the ultimate magic power Please drive the time roulette Reversing the boundary between reality and fantasy

Time Trigger Return Semel it’s really you Who are you you know I do not know him But he makes me feel uncomfortable Du Wei, are you okay? I’m fine In the end what happened why do i feel so weak Just now you were trying to protect me

Duel with the strongest knight in the continent The two of them almost died together i duel Why don’t I remember anything? Could it be that this magical creature has a dual personality? The one in front of me who calls me Duwei is a magical creature. Another one who likes to call me Zack

Probably the real female astrologer in history herself Can cast powerful magic Are you Semel? Hello Du Wei I don’t like this old guy Me I just hate him She’s just a magical creature created by Semel When will he wake up? It may take a day How dare this low-level samurai challenge me?

My fighting spirit had destroyed the muscles and bones around his wounds Even if there is holy water It will take at least a day to wake up You stupid boy When can it be changed? Has a bad temper and gets into fights if they don’t agree with each other

They actually know each other You’re an even stupider boy You dare to drive the wheel of time and space with your little magic power if not me You have now been sucked into a mummy somebody is coming Haunting I’ll lure away the pursuers You take him north

There may be the truth you’re looking for there This old guy insists on taking me north What is the purpose Boy on the road If you hadn’t promised the old guy to take you with him I will have less trouble you They’re all hurt like this

Are you sure you want to take me inside? I’m not doing it for you I just have to do it You use your fighting spirit to suppress the pain The injury will continue to worsen Here’s some holy water The old guy left it behind when he left.

I am a traitor to the temple I’ve been cursed and can’t touch the holy water. Is this the temple’s usual approach to dealing with traitors? This thing might ease your pain ice berry Yes, I found it accidentally on the way You should know this stuff has psychedelic ingredients

But if you take it in small amounts Can be used to relieve pain you try Sure enough, it’s much more comfortable I was tortured by pain I haven’t been able to sleep for several days You also do research on magic potions Only those who cannot learn magic

Only then can you study magic potions That’s right I am a magic pharmacist I’m not even qualified to be a magician Oh, what’s your relationship with that old guy? Then what is your relationship with him? He reluctantly He’s my senior brother, right? Our strength comes from the same teacher Senior brother

You look to be in your early 30s That old guy is probably hundreds of years old God knows how many years that old guy lived What is your identity? He actually brought you here I’m from the Luo Lin family You don’t know what you wanted to do by bringing me here.

From the Luo Lin family It depends on your age Are you the idiot son of the Luo Lin family? Huh, you’ve actually heard of me too In the past few years, the aristocratic circles in the imperial capital were talking about you. what did they talk about Luke’s uncle was a nobleman

He originally planned to marry into the Luo Lin family After hearing this rumor, I was so scared that I didn’t dare to mention it again. Who is Luke? Luke was killed by me What is this Not afraid of dragon dung Earth Dragon, a magical beast with extremely high defense It’s just a cub

What are you looking at? Run quickly There is a cliff ahead Boy, can you fly? I don’t know how yet you know it now Hussein It looks like Stallone is carrying a rocket launcher. Stallone hold on His mouth is his weakness I aim my gun and go

Could it be the hallucinogenic effect of ice berries? Hussein Hold on steady Come on baby, it’s time for a feast Hussein wake up Hussein Luke Hussein The genius warrior of the temple You will definitely become the leader of the Paladins in the future Congratulations on passing the exam

Become a member of the Order of Paladins Defend the Temple of Light Defend the authority of gods on earth The strongest man under the starry sky All this is fate Good morning This set of actions How long have you been without sleep? My body is exhausted to the limit Keep talking in sleep

What did i say Ah, I’m just curious Who is the strongest person under the stars? For thousands of years The only one who is qualified to be called the strongest person under the starry sky Aragon Roland Your betrayal of the temple has something to do with Aragorn. what else do you know

In fact, what you said in the dream was not clear. I also heard it confusedly you don’t want to say I don’t want to know either This set of moves was taught to you by the old guy Why don’t you continue? continue Already done

I knew the old guy only knew the basics of this set of moves. Big brother can’t do it can’t do it Isn’t this bad? If you can master this set of things The body’s endurance will exceed its limits At that time you can practice fighting spirit Fighting

It is said that this set of things is actually the basis for practicing fighting spirit. This is no ordinary fighting spirit It’s a pity that your health is so poor Even if you learn it I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to become a top warrior in this life. Hum top warrior

I am not interested Are you interested in learning new and advanced moves from me? It’s all about fitness The gears of fate have begun to turn good There are actually stone sculptures here Wow The carving is so exquisite this This doesn’t seem to be a stone statue

It’s like a real person was petrified golden eyed python I have that nasty feeling again Something is watching us in the dark Could it be a golden-eyed python? No The Golden Rock Python is a solitary monster There are a lot of these guys tree man Don’t act rashly

If you piss off a tree person They can wake up all the trees in the forest I know tree people are kind-hearted but Hussein They are obviously going to attack us. retreat into the canyon The entrance to the canyon is blocked Get out of the way Good thing these huge guys

Moving very slowly Dardanelle Let’s keep up Just keep going cut a way Hide behind the rock first They are calling for more companions these endless monsters If it were the past That sword just now You can kill those guys If it were the past We’re not here at all deal with these guys

Preferably a large-scale magic attack It seems I have to use all the fire elements to blast a way out They didn’t attack Instead, he is retreating What They seem to be waiting for something It’s the tree man boss here. I am the leader of the tree people of this land

Bearer of nature’s horn Wood He can actually speak human language very good Finally someone who can communicate is here Why did you massacre my people? Evil eye tyrant Are you going to start another war? Please calm down, tree leader. We don’t know the evil-eyed tyrant you’re talking about. look

We are just kind, harmless and weak humans. Humanity I remember humans A long time ago a human came here He taught me human language I remember He is a human king Aragon Roland Aragorn again Why every bizarre and legendary thing I encountered It’s all about him So you should ask your people

Why attack us who are innocent? Please forgive my fellow treants. They don’t know humans You appear at the mouth of the canyon I will treat you as subordinates of a slant-eyed tyrant. Since it is a misunderstanding Then we can go No You hurt my comrades It was your companions who attacked us first

We can’t just stand around stupidly Get smashed into a pulp by your companions But You hurt my comrades The tree people are notoriously stubborn. I’m afraid they won’t let us go easily. What should I do? Cut it down Burned too All turned to gray compensation compensation Use gold coins?

God, what’s the use of a tree man asking for gold coins? In the final analysis, this is all because of the Evil Eye Tyrant So be it, Mr. Wood Not as good as First, tell me about the matter between the tree people and the evil-eyed tyrant. Maybe we can do something as compensation

The evil and powerful Evil Eye Tyrant Taking away the treasure that our tree people depend on for survival Drive us out of the canyon What is the treasure in the canyon? fountain of youth fountain of youth What an unexpected bonus Could it be that this spring water can make people immortal? No

Longevity is only effective for tree people The other monsters drank Can heal any injury Can also inspire magic Realize advanced Then I have a proposal This ice storm This should stop them from tracking you. Everything is as fate has arranged it Shuren accepts your compensation kind human friends

Regardless of whether you can defeat the evil eye tyrant We will all remember it I hope it’s not a wrong decision to deal with the Evil Eye Tyrant. That’s where Aragorn has been I must go and see Maybe the evil-eyed tyrant is the golden-eyed python I’m looking for.

This is what our Liszt family spent a lot of money on. Made of black crystal Can defend against the petrification technique of the golden-eyed python Sunglasses What Nothing. Thank you, Dardaniel. No I should be the one thanking you if there was not you There’s no way I could get here

No matter who you are I, Dardaniel, owe you a huge favor. Sorry Dardanelle I didn’t mean to lie to you My real name is Du Wei I am from the Luo Lin family Count Raymond is my father I do not care who you are Du Wei, too Walker too

You are all my friend and benefactor, Dardanelle Dardanelle You are me too, Du Wei Friends who have had a life-long friendship Then let’s go and see it together It’s so uncomfortable here This should be the lair of the golden-eyed python rude outsider

Dare to set foot in the territory of the Evil Eye Kingdom Hurry up and offer your eyes to the great King of Evil Eyes in apology. That’s not okay We still have our eyes Where is the evil-eyed tyrant who comes to meet you? you are human Turns out to be human

Yes we are human what are you I am the Prime Minister of the Kingdom personally appointed by Your Majesty. All humans who can come here are strong But don’t be too confident The restraint technique makes so much noise I thought it was a physical attack like the tree man

The result is magic for me Are you afraid? Trivial skills mouse magician Still in white robe It turns out that this guy controlled the petrified tree man to disguise himself as a stone monster. Kill him first Next is the evil eye Spare your life, spare your life Hero spare his life

Hero, spare your life What’s the reason? Give me a reason to spare you I count to 3 You can’t tell We will kill you I have an 80-year-old wife Has a 3-year-old son one I surrender I surrender I turn from darkness to light We don’t need pet rats 2

I can work for you I am hardworking Eat less than chicken More work than oxen I have plenty of servants 3 please For the sake of me being human too What You say you are human Me, my human name is Gargamel Gargamel, I still have Smurfs Gargamel Level 8 Magician

Gargamel, the board member of the Magic Guild That’s right, that’s right It’s down there He’s such a mean-spirited person Still a great magician The weakest and most cowardly magician in history These two historically great nicknames It was very famous 20 years ago My shapeshifting skills are still very strong.

No matter how powerful the transformation is No need Just keep looking like such a wretched rat. Show mercy It’s all the fault of that damn great magician Az. And what about the Aziz cat scene? I came here with Aziz 20 years ago Being chased by the evil eye guarding the fountain of youth

Everyone else turned to stone after just one look at her. So I became a mouse Run and run with eyes closed all the way One look will turn you into stone Is this evil eye really a golden-eyed python? This warrior, Evil Eye, is not a golden-eyed python.

He is the final advanced state of the Golden-eyed Python series of monsters. queen medusa I really don’t want you to die in vain To tell you the truth That fountain of youth is a harmful thing Queen Medusa drank from the Fountain of Youth Although she evolved from the golden-eyed python into Medusa

But because of this, he lost his ability to transform. I can never turn back into a snake body. Is this your masterpiece? Queen Medusa is the only monster that can transform into a human form Her eyes can instantly turn enemies to stone Hair can transform into millions of golden-eyed pythons Facing Queen Medusa

It’s the same as facing an army of golden-eyed pythons Queen Medusa is a woman Right? right Since she is a woman That’ll be easy It’s not clear who is more dangerous. Benefits that the Fountain of Youth can bring to mankind In addition to healing wounds It’s just anti-corrosion everyone is dead

Does the body rot? What’s the point We are not here for the spring water We want Medusa’s eyes Are you crazy? There are three doors here There is one door on each front, left and right There are exactly 3 of us Is it too much of a coincidence? Such an obvious trap

Do you expect us to be fooled? Du Wei What’s wrong nothing Since Medusa has set up this magic circle to entertain us, Or follow the master’s wishes Let’s go separately Just do it I’m going to meet Queen Medusa do as he says you go first Choose a door welcome Luke

There’s a new magic soda in the store try it Since you summoned me here Why are you hiding? queen medusa want to see me You must pass my test first Defend the Temple of Light Luke you are still alive brother I have to live until I finish drinking your stash of wine.

Kelly was not so lucky. Only half of his body was left But can’t stop breathing Hussein If one day I become like that I hope you Kill me with your own hands There is a very strange world hidden in your heart I’ve never liked humans But the world seems peaceful

The people here have real smiles Because people here believe Destiny is in your own hands so they are free Can they live as they wish? as a snake you can live however you want can be human You must know what you are living for Is it all worth it?

I don’t even know why I’m standing there What are you looking for in a day like this? Hussein You are the best holy knight in the temple Where is the honor in your heart? Bullshit honor It’s all a scam As long as you believe in the temple We’ll still be friends Luke

Nothing can go back Thank you for giving me the opportunity to revisit the past You can stay here forever if you like You are out of an illusion I can’t feel it anymore Originally I thought I had forgotten Didn’t expect

It turns out that I still remember these things so deeply in my heart. most of the time Human beings are always addicted to illusory beauty Inextricable If this is your test Then I tell you Human nature is more complex than you think Why not enjoy it a little longer Aren’t you enjoying it?

It took me a long time Just let yourself forget these things So I won’t let myself indulge in vanity anymore Hussein you betrayed us It wasn’t me who betrayed It’s temple betrayal You have let me down too much I get it now Queen Medusa who scares everyone Why do you avoid seeing outsiders?

I hate humans It’s not just that You are forced to become human Facing something completely unfamiliar You must be scared inside Don’t you think we are similar? you don’t like humans But became human I don’t belong to Roland Continent But I can only stay here Why I don’t see any fear in you

Queen medusa we can’t change the environment But we can change our destiny You should learn how to be human Humans are too complex if you trust me I would like to teach you a lot about human beings can i see you now Come here You should light some big lights

At least a little warmer It won’t seem so lonely lonely what is that Loneliness means whether you are sad or happy No one can share it It’s like everything about you has nothing to do with this world You even begin to doubt the meaning of your existence

If loneliness is like what you said So I’m very lonely You showed me the interesting side of human nature but Your friend is not as strong as you His current situation is very dangerous Hussein How long will you continue to resist? Why am I not his opponent?

The courage and fighting spirit in his heart were fading little by little. He feels guilty for killing his companions So in fantasy It’s impossible to beat your own guilt let him come back Once the test begins The ending can only be chosen by himself i’m tired

Tired of the days of raising a butcher’s knife against my companions Although I know you are just a phantom in my heart Hussein, stop being stubborn. It’s too late to look back now look back if that night I didn’t break into the forbidden area

If I hadn’t discovered the secret in the inner hall In the inner hall Suppressing 13 undead souls sealed with evil curses These include Aragon Roland Founding Emperor Aragon His ghost was suppressed in the temple If this secret gets out The honor of the temple cannot be tarnished

Hussein I can’t let you go away from God what is god god is everything No I’ll take the temple and the hypocrisy of that god tell the world this is my mission Regret won’t make me noble from hell Because even if we do it again I will still do it

Now that I’m already in hell Then I will let God bury all the dead souls with him I can punish you in the name of God Take care of yourself brother Take care bro Congratulations on your promotion to Paladin You can see my fantasy I didn’t intentionally look at your privacy

I do not mind People who know this secret will become enemies of the temple Abominable It took a lot of effort to catch the golden-eyed python It’s actually a fantasy hold This is a hair of Queen Medusa Take it back to save your Marquise oh take it easy This is our new friend

Queen medusa She is so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off her you forgot What is Queen Medusa’s most powerful weapon? Don’t be stunned Her Majesty the Queen is taking us to see the Fountain of Youth Let’s go The spring on the left is the Fountain of Youth

What about the right side? The exact opposite of the Fountain of Youth Make life grow quickly So I call it time passing We still have to hurry Can you carry so many bottles of water? do not worry I will never trouble you on the way I’ll leave with you

You want to join our team not your team I’m leaving with you not you I’m leaving with you Oh My God The most terrifying monster in the legend Queen Medusa is going to the human world It’s a big deal now Don’t worry. I’m just curious about human nature And I’ve had enough here

Her Majesty the Queen What will I do if you leave? You can’t just leave poor Gargamel like this. keep up okay Her Majesty the Queen I’m going to pack my bags right now Snake Rat Paladin Magician What kind of combination are these? Thank you for helping the tree clan

Got back the Grand Canyon and the Fountain of Youth friend Just blow this horn of life You can wake up the big trees around you They will all do your bidding Du Wei terribly sorry I’m going back to treat Mrs. Lister. Go quickly, Dardanelle Good luck my friend Should we continue going north?

What if the old guy is killed by someone from the temple? Are we just heading north like this? Go to the Arctic Circle arctic circle Alas, I said Hussein You don’t even know exactly where you are going. Just listen to him in everything I I’m not obeying him I am following Aragorn’s guidance

His Majesty Aragon Can resonate with the magic circle I left behind You must be one of the 13 members of my Order of Saint Laurent. Follow my guidance to find your companions He will lead you to complete your mission You will get my strongest weapon Fighting spirit in the starry sky etc

Couldn’t that be the set of moves you taught me before? It is the basic part of practicing starry sky fighting spirit There are really enough surprises and surprises Oh right Doesn’t Aragorn have invincible magic? Could it be it is me The heir who inherited part of Aragorn’s magic power it is me

That’s right, it’s this old guy He is our companion Another descendant of Aragon Dear Queen Medusa hello to you You’ve been here for a long time Do humans like eavesdropping? Or is this also a kind of human nature? Humans are more complex than you think old man you came too late

The temple has sent people from the group of elders to hunt you down. This is not easy to deal with You are cherishing feathers Don’t want to reveal your true identity I can’t openly be an enemy of the temple yet You need a companion in the dark Uh wait

Do you two want to fulfill Aragorn’s last wish? Eradicate the Temple of Light right You should have already realized that the hidden dangers of the empire are deep-rooted Fulfill Aragorn’s last wish It is for the future prosperity and peace of the empire Stop. Your mission is great enough.

But what does this have to do with me? Is it possible that you want to kill me to worship God? I also want to know Old guy, you want me to take him on the road Want me to protect him Why? Du Wei Your words remind me of an old friend Semel

I guided her to create star magic back then In fact, it’s Aragorn’s star magic What Star magic belongs to Aragorn Even Semmel is a descendant of Aragorn. It should be However she refused Just like you asked me just now She just wants to live her own life Oh, that’s not fair

Then why didn’t I have the chance to refuse? you are different you can’t refuse And irreplaceable This is all destiny destiny It’s obviously all arranged by you, okay? I It is also following the arrangement of fate The magic circle I set up for those guys in the temple

It was actually canceled in advance Search for enemy marks The people from the temple found us not yet But I’m afraid now in the forest Their eyes are everywhere We have to hurry up and get on our way Evil Faced Spider Queen God, this is an evil-faced spider queen.

Quiet Evil Faced Spider Queen It was so dangerous that I almost became bald. What is this Why do you have horns on your head? Oh my God aren’t you human Of course I am human This corner? It’s just a thing to strengthen my magic sense. That’s the devil’s horn alright Come up, everyone

I will tell you everything Can’t you be smaller? Be careful and don’t move around If you dare to get under my clothes I’ll roast you Feed the spider queen Yes Yes Yes Don’t dare to move. Never dare to move. whether you like it or not Destiny brings us together

And I just know a little bit earlier than you do because This is the suicide note written in blood by Aragorn before he died. Aragorn’s last words A fable to be precise Aragorn probably mastered a Extraordinary abilities that only gods possess great prophecy great prophecy

Aren’t they just some tricks to fool ignorant believers? young people You will understand when you see it My blood will wither My brother will replace my blood How can this be Aragorn before his death He actually included the major historical events of the empire in the past nearly a thousand years

It’s all written down boy from the eastern plains Isn’t he talking about the founder of today’s Augustinian dynasty? Read on The one who truly inherited my mission He’s the boy who stepped out of the giant beast With horns given by the devil Duwei, you are the true successor of Aragorn. he is lucky

He will be protected by the last knight on the continent Follow my footsteps all the way north In the north he would have Medusa’s allegiance Will get help from mythical beasts Finally found my legacy When he pulls out the sword of king I left behind Then Why Then what? Why is it gone?

What’s behind later there is none left I found it in a grave Probably the rest of the content was bitten off by mice. mouse What bad intentions can a mouse have? That’s why I insisted on bringing you here Just ahead, all the way north There are relics left by Aragorn

There is also a king’s sword he left behind And in the prophecy only you Duvelorin Only then can I pull out that sword Aragorn’s Relics King’s Sword glorious heir Bah No one asked me if I was happy? From the moment you accept the devil’s contract Maybe from the moment you were born

Your fate is determined child Bullshit fate Aragorn’s legacy Fight with the temple Is this my fate to seek death? Hussein Cow Bar The first knight in the continent He is not a fugitive who was driven out by the temple Aragon Beef Bar Haven’t you been cursed by the temple for thousands of years?

And me He’s just a little nobleman who just wants to eat and die and has no ambition. Let me break my will for a guy who has been dead for a thousand years. ride my life no way cut You should rest too No need to guard him anymore But this guy

Look at these trees could have grown freely But was inexplicably knocked down If they had known from the beginning would be willing to accept such an order If you don’t want to accept it Just don’t accept it A tree cannot walk without legs You can Du Wei Whatever boring mission he has

Destiny is decided by yourself You’re right Semel Thanks Around Why is it missing? He won’t run away, will he? Who ran away I just want to relax Just have breakfast After all, only when you are full can you have the strength to draw your sword. We are out of the forest

You obviously don’t want to accept this fate at all Why did you accept it in the end? Is this also human nature? I didn’t accept my fate But can’t give up The bond brought about by this damn fate So I choose to give it a try Not for Aragorn

But so that I don’t regret it Let’s go and have a look first This damn Aragorn left me What kind of relic and mission is it? This ghost place is much scarier than the frozen forest I said old guy Maintaining a wind barrier will drain your mana

Why don’t you choose flying to take us away? Good at flying I agree fly This is the forgotten ice field Flying is prohibited here Even if he is a strong man from the mainland In the forgotten ice field I can only walk on the ground with my feet. Why Walk. Walking is good.

Exercise The old guy has been working non-stop for the past two days to maintain the barrier. Constantly resisting hurricane attacks comparable to intermediate wind magic I am afraid last time i came here The wind is not that strong old man you need a break Restore magic

Come, let me take your place for a while The magic of the windbreak barrier has been recorded on the wand Controlling it just requires your magic The magic power is consumed too much I thought it would last for a few hours. I really overestimate myself Underestimating the old guy Medusa fell asleep

Forget it Warcraft cannot use human magic at this speed I’m afraid I’ll be drained in less than half an hour. Eh. Aren’t you a level 8 magician? I am level 8 specializing in transfiguration. What did you say I I I Let me try This guy is catching the rhythm of a hurricane attack

If the attack is strong, inject more magic power. If your attack is weak, take the opportunity to save mana. Stinky rat thief returns to thief But he’s much better at controlling magic than I am. No more I’ve been drained Not a drop of magic left Let me catch my breath Just pretend

But you lasted three times longer than me. And thanks to your example I think I know the trick Make the most of every ounce of magic Avoid wasting mana as much as possible I have the devil’s horns Can grasp the rhythm of the storm more accurately than Gargamel

It can also be more keen to find limited openings in dense storm attacks. save mana This guy should have only recovered less than 1/3 of his magic power. It actually lasted the same length of time as Gargamel. every young magician They will waste their magic power unconsciously.

And his practical training in just a few rounds It improves the skills of manipulating magic. Almost reached the height of an ordinary magician in half a lifetime It’s time to pick up the pace The wind stopped We are out of the ice sheet That is our destination, Mount Kailash

It is home to the most powerful creatures that the gods have left in the world. dragon clan Legend has it that the mission of the dragon clan is to guard this place. On the one hand, it prevents humans from crossing here and continuing north.

On the other hand, don’t let anything from the north go to Roland continent. if anyone lives here I will definitely have nightmares every day you are wrong There was once a person Been here for a long time And he can intimidate the entire dragon clan with one person’s power Humanity Dear Lord Guard

We come according to the contract Retrieve the things stored by His Majesty Aragon Please allow us to ask to see the great Dragon Clan leader Do you want to meet the clan leader? Then follow tradition and pass me first. do not worry

The old rule of guarding the Lord is not a physical fight, but a literary fight. Best of three games That’s right, I’m already the number one warrior of the dragon clan. What I want to pursue now is the title of the First Wise Man of the Dragon Clan Come up with a question

Unless you can stump me Otherwise don’t even think about going in any questions any problem Okay, then I have a question There is a cage with some chickens and rabbits in it. There are 35 heads counting from the top There are 94 legs counting from the bottom Excuse me

How many chickens and rabbits are there in the cage? How can this be calculated? Can you come up with such a boring and difficult question? Is it also a kind of human nature? This is indeed a bit of a headache two fingers two feet 35 Have you figured it out? 94

No one can figure this out Yes, you must be lying Even you don’t know the answer yourself the answer is 23 chickens, 12 rabbits That’s awesome. It’s really this number. alright, you win It’s your turn now You lied to me last time Don’t try to lie to me this time

This time let’s do some boxing You see, scissors can beat cloth and rock. Rock beats scissors We row 10 times As long as you can beat me once Is it okay even if you win? too easy You’re going to lose this time Suddenly I feel a little sympathy for this black dragon.

I originally thought I was bullying a dragon with my Mathematical Olympiad questions. Already very evil I didn’t expect this old guy to be even more despicable and shameless than me. next time I won’t lose to you next time I want to ask the patriarch

Let me go to the human world to learn wisdom When I meet the leader of the Dragon Clan, i hope you No I’m asking you when facing him have some respect This guy hates humans Better not to piss him off And it has a weird temper

Once you fall out, no one can suppress it At least not here Neither can you If I didn’t have Aragorn’s contract I died here 200 years ago At that time, it only used half of its strength. my old friend Don’t be too modest

At least among the ranks of magicians in the human world Your strength can definitely rank first As long as the Pope does not leave the temple This is the leader of the Dragon Clan that the old guy calls Even one of the horns was broken The image is a bit casual

Old friends for 200 years We meet again Forget the boring pleasantries hope you come Can you bring me some interesting news? I’m here to fulfill the contract, old friend. oh You found the person who opened the secret room Oh let me see Is this this young noble boy? Yes, it’s him

You can actually tell it all with just one glance What omniscience skill is this? He does have the aura of the devil about him But the strength is too weak Are you sure he can get what Aragorn left behind? I think fate has its own plan Then take the key and go

My old friend But if you still can’t open the door this time, you should understand the consequences in addition You’re right about one thing I still hate humans Especially that despicable Aragorn dragon language magic It has been merciful Why are the rats and Medusa okay? Because all he hates is humans

Did you see the broken horn on his head? That was cut off by Aragorn However, even with Aragorn’s strength I couldn’t kill it back then Okay, take the key follow me Du Wei The secret room that Aragorn left here Only you can enter This is a truncation angle If this is the key

There must be at least a keyhole. I don’t know either The prophecy says that only you can open this door I believe there will always be a way oh Um Why There are two small holes here Um The size doesn’t fit Do you feel the distance between these two holes?

It’s about the same distance as human eyes. intruder dead i have the key You’re much slower than I thought It’s you Only descendants of Aragon are allowed to enter here Aren’t you dragons always very trustworthy? The sacred mountain is my territory I can go anywhere I want

Besides, the contract doesn’t say that spectators are not allowed. Open the coffin quickly etc I’m really too tired I don’t have the strength to open the coffin What Why not go visit your sacred mountain? let’s make friends with each other less nonsense I’ve been waiting for this moment for too long

You’d better not test my patience Opening a coffin is very unlucky. Your status is noble It’s better to avoid it Open it for me Aragon You have been dead for thousands of years But still in control Do you see what I look like now? It’s all that despicable Aragorn.

Use conspiracy and tricks to deceive me into losing my dragon body For thousands of years, I can only maintain the appearance of a human being I am a dragon. I am a dragon. What happened that year That despicable guy came here to challenge me. He can’t beat me at all

Just say that I am a dragon I have the strength given to me by God Even if we are tied I also took advantage I’m angry Turn into a human and fight with him As a result, you lost the fight Then he tricked you into drinking a spring water

Yes, you know this spring water too After I drink it, I will never be able to regain my dragon body. Lost the power to resist him He used my people to force me Signed that damn contract with him And now we can finally get rid of Aragorn’s shackles

Open the sarcophagus quickly and cancel the contract. You hate Aragorn so much If there is no contract restraint What if you want to kill me to vent your anger? As long as the contract is terminated We still have room for discussion If you talk to me like this

Well, I won’t open the coffin today. Anyway, it’s not me who’s anxious. Do you want to open it or not? I won’t drive Make you mad If I die The Dragon Clan will always carry that contract The day that never ends You ugly old lizard I lost my dragon horns

I still have the nerve to say that I am the leader of the Dragon Clan Where did you get your face to be embarrassed in the human world? I Yeah Shut up Just stay here and scold yourself. It depends on how long you can be stubborn Semel

That old dragon has such strong magic power You deliberately pissed him off So you can ask me to come out, right? I’m freezing to death Help me quickly Get out quickly Let them get out of here quickly That old dragon is not something we can deal with.

There’s no need to let them die here in vain. Go quickly. Open the sarcophagus and let me out You old reptile I won’t be fooled I’m not that old reptile I’m in the sarcophagus The old man said that this is the legacy left by Aragorn. I will draw the king’s sword besides

Mythical beast It’s now a dead end Apart from that, there seems to be no other turning point. Hope it really is a mythical beast Aragorn wouldn’t leave a dragon for me, would he? you You are what Aragorn left behind penguin oh You actually know my name except the master Everyone calls me

Ugly strange bird Don’t those guys know? We penguins are the most elegant animals Well a talking penguin Um You seem very disappointed No I am desperate That bullshit language says I’ll get his inheritance A bunch of us are going to risk our lives for this. result Please calm down first

Rage is not good for your heart My original master was Aragorn he left me here Tell me to have a good sleep When someone wakes me up again That person is my new master From now on you will be my master Rongrong What an honor Hey, can you do magic? Won’t

Starry sky fighting spirit and the like Um Won’t What will you do? I can talk You finally opened it I will rip out your heart hang on body as decoration Then throw your head into the abyss etc What is this I’m not a thing I am an elegant penguin

Aragorn left you such an ugly bird Aragorn’s messenger you want to challenge me I’m not a bird I am a penguin elegance elegance I can help you restore your dragon body you have a way You drank from the fountain of youth Just lost the dragon body

How can it be so easy to tell you Why don’t we make an agreement? I’ll tell you how to restore the dragon body But you have to swear in the name of the leader of the Dragon Clan let us go Don’t hurt us cunning humans Do you think I will still believe you?

But you can talk and listen After we talk, you kill us again It’s better for everyone to break up. good I can let you go But I want to play a game with you we have to hurry Can’t you run faster? I am an elegant animal

Even when you are running, you must maintain your grace How did that old dragon regain its dragon body? The old dragon transformed back into dragon form through transformation. Then drink from the fountain of youth It can be permanently solidified into a dragon body

It’s a pity that you haven’t learned the magic of human form yet Help him restore his dragon body But only gave us two days to escape to the frozen forest He’ll catch up with us in two days It will take at least another day So actually we have three days

There’s still a chance before he catches up Escape to the frozen forest our current speed Almost twice as slow as when we came here Everyone’s magic power can no longer support it Mana exhausted Don’t talk about old dragon The storms tear us apart Hussein stop it I have something to say

Why don’t you leave Because if this continues I’m afraid we can’t get out Gotta think of another way The hunting game begins The old dragon will catch up at noon tomorrow Those of us will lose the protection of the magic circle No one can escape my fellow knight

Only you can stop the storm with your golden fighting spirit So I need you to promise me something protect him take him away I right You are the most important person here No matter what, get out alive What kind of bullshit destiny is this? It doesn’t matter who is here

My fighting spirit can only last about a day You can’t get out of the ice sheet in one day this is the only way I mean when necessary I’m afraid even you have to sacrifice Du Wei I give you the wand If Hussein runs out of vindictiveness

You haven’t left the ice sheet yet So Du Wei You have to give up Hussein Walk out of the ice field with your magic wand Only protect one person The magic consumption will not be very high Maybe it can get you out You mean sacrificing all your companions Keep me alive alone

I’m not a good person But I don’t accept this price Don’t tell me about your mission All I know is that I can’t let my companions die. If we work together, there will still be a fight Even if there is little hope You can’t just give up gentlemen

Listen to what I have to say You are yelling like this It’s totally embarrassing for a magician No matter how desperate Also stay elegant Talk about the key points I just remembered When the master left, he said there was something strange about this ice field. what did he leave behind

Allows people to safely walk out of the ice sheet Right in the sarcophagus what I’ve been sleeping for too long I have to remember slowly Hey, you didn’t tell me earlier I took out everything in the sarcophagus What did you say Hey, fart quickly I can’t hold it anymore

The owner said it was a tall one Pointy Something that can be retracted and inserted into the ground That thing has a weird name Hmm, what’s it like to be called? shelter from wind Oh. It’s called windshield That’s it I won’t remember it wrong Master Aragorn said This is a lightning rod

Duwei, your hands are bleeding congratulations Found what I left behind This is a magically recorded message Be kind to the pets I leave for you it will help you a lot Save this gem it will give you strength besides Chris has my heart there help me find it Believe me

This is also helping yourself The current trouble has not been solved yet Are you digging a hole for me again? As for the magic circle in the ice field Its power lies in its ability to circulate magic power loop So when we use magic defense Not only triggered the magic circle

And provided him with magic power But now if the defensive magic is cancelled, We won’t be torn to pieces by the storm, will we? To break this cycle The only way is to gradually reduce the magic power. That’s right. We need to speed up our pace. There’s not much time left for us

The frozen forest is just ahead. Great. We’re almost out. it’s catching up Now the strong winds of the magic circle are attacking him Take this opportunity and leave quickly Damn it came too fast That’s too late You guys run quickly I’ll wait for him for a while What Falling from an iceberg

Don’t even think about running away star lock Aragorn’s Star Lock pity you are not aragorn he is alone maybe not But it’s not necessarily possible to add me Star Slash Star Magic Cannon Release horrible The storm has blown away There should be no chance for the old dragon now, right? No

The dragon’s aura has not weakened much. What Dragon God Armor The legendary powerful armor protected by the God of Dragons Damn it, how can we fight this? I said that you are no match for me Even if we add another paladin Hussein damn it What the hell am I the heir to Aragorn?

Nothing can be done Hate one’s own powerlessness At the same time, I yearn for strength Is this strong emotion because of their sacrifice? I don’t have the time or the mood to teach you right now Medusa Very strange Your tone should have displeased me. I seem to have some understanding look at me

Medusa Medusa I hunt humans. Nothing to do with you How dare you use the Medusa Gaze on me? Dealing with a high dragon clan Although this matter has nothing to do with me but i don’t know why hate you very much stupid medusa tiny snakes lower reptiles

You will pay the price for challenging the great dragon clan I know why I hate you Because you are hurting me companion right companion I think I’ve learned what companionship is And now I want to protect my companions Quick, cover my eyes Can’t let my eyes see the light Thank you Queen Medusa

You bought me precious time Give me enough strength to delay it Du Wei take advantage of now move This is the last chance Isn’t it already defeated? You thought it was a golden dragon The most powerful pride of the Dragon Clan Dragon God’s favorite darling Being killed so easily

The old man is right move Although I don’t want to admit it But this is our only option Are you going to use that method? Yes, my friend I’ll leave it to you from now on Are you leaving a last message? What do you want to do Look quickly Du Wei

You are a smart person Stop doing stupid things All my stuff is in there Give it to you now If you still miss me a favor Just take good care of my poor apprentice I Don’t say anything Let’s go with Hussein Bye now old man in my lifetime

To be able to meet the most legendary magician on the continent Lord Gandalf Spending so many days together I am very honored Dragon God’s Blessing can only be used once every 100 years And it will consume half of your magic power Even if you can recover from the petrified state

Will also be with me Withstand the counterattack of this ancient magic circle Just because you want to keep me Don’t even think about running away today All must die I know my magic can’t compete with you The conflicting attributes make me powerless to fight back in front of you Druid Transformation This is looking for death Is looking for death But I turned into a dragon I can drag you until the storm comes golden rule

According to the Golden Rule of the Dragon Clan Facing the challenge of the same race Neither party is allowed to use any magic We can only fight with the most primitive dragon power. Isn’t it? Dear Dragon Clan Chief The stars have fallen God, how could this happen? He actually died

Who else in the entire Roland continent can kill him? Omnipotent goddess of light Please protect my child Duwei Bring him back to me safely When he draws my king’s sword Then He will get the relics of the last magician on the mainland relic

It turns out that Gandalf had seen the prophecy a long time ago Just tore up this sentence didn’t tell me so From the moment he kidnapped me It’s ready sacrifice oneself Have you ever thought about Vivian’s state of mind? Come to this world from me The beginning of becoming Duverolin

I’ve been hiding from this world this identity this fate And he But never hesitated to compromise Du Wei When you open this letter I must be no longer in this world I know This trip will be my last adventure in this life But I don’t know how I will die

Everyone’s injuries are almost healed, right? If you are ready It’s time for us to set off That’s the old guy’s human nature What should be faced always have to face not just face in the future No matter what fate awaits me ahead I will welcome and enjoy them all

✨Law of Devil EP 01 – EP 18 Full Version [MULTI SUB]

【Synopsis】On the continent of Roland, a group of heroes are rising; magic apprentices, facing the gods. In the magic continent, the prophesied prosperity of the Roland Empire for a thousand years is about to collapse, and a Chosen One will save the day like Aragorn, the founding emperor who created the Roland Empire a thousand years ago. Dewey, the eldest son of the Imperial General Count Duley, is physically weak and is sent back to the plains of Lorraine by his family. He crashes on a deserted island by mistake and makes a deal with a demonic servant, gaining infinite power, and so begins a legendary journey to become a king…

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