【バイク女子】 免許取得後の初公道でハプニングと涙の連続で返納を考えた日

I can’t speed up. It’s my break time. I’m walking with my cheeks jiggling because I’ve gained weight. I’ve gained 3km. Today, I’m going to get my graduation ticket. It’s my first two bikes . I’m riding a Ninja 250 for the first time in over a month. I’m dazzling. That’s cool.The

Viewers also told me that the first action was dangerous and that I should have someone with me, so today I decided to have a senior at work come over.I’m thankful for the helmet.This is the first time I’ve been wearing a helmet in over a month. I’m confused.

First of all , I’m wearing a helmet, and my hair and cheeks are thicker than before , so I look like a cream bun. Well, thank you for your help today.

I’m looking forward to working with you. When I say that, it’s a company and it’s a good name. My junior and I, my senior, got it right.Okay, we were talking about the company, let’s stop.We were really upset.Okay, let’s move on.Please don’t rush too far.If you go too far,

You’ll get a traffic light. I’m afraid I’ll get caught, so I want to be careful when I go.It’s strange to meet outside of the office, and I’m really nervous.Let’s do our best.Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule today.I’m really scared when I get on the train.And

When I leave, I won’t be in my seat. I’m really worried about it, but it’s no good if I ask my friends to help me. I don’t have any friends, so

If I take it at work, won’t my face dry out? Or will my face dry out and cause an accident? Yes, the transparent part of my helmet

Is windy. I think it’s going to be a pain, but when I put it on, it fogged up and I couldn’t see in front of me.It’s a hard mirror , but I had to wait, I had a strike, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to overcome the difference.The

Steps are scary, but I managed to make it.It’s scary. I wonder if there’s a beginner’s mark.The linker has arrived.I don’t have much time to think about it.I’ve just staged it.What should I do?He’s waiting for me at the Senpai bridge.It’s okay.The intercom voice was actually supposed to be included in the camera. However,

I forgot to buy the special adapter , so this time only my love is included.It’s rubbish.The brakes are already panicking, and my usual soliloquy has become even louder.Oh, I’m so scared, I’m going to die.Umi is the brake! Oh,

This, wow, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to have to go at this speed. How fast should I go with the car? I have my helmet guard up, so I can’t hear the voice on the other end of the intercom.

It’s a bit far away. Wow, what a road surface. The road was not good and I finally caught up to him at a red light. It was scary, scary , and I started to feel like going crazy . I ‘ve never driven this fast at driving school.

Somebody cut in. Someone just got in between the bikes. I feel nervous , but I can’t go. I’m scared of every turn. I wish all the roads were easy. Why did I get a motorcycle license? People who ride motorcycles

Often feel really good when they ride a motorcycle. It’s stressful. I thought it would be a waste of time, so I tried adding a new one , but at this time I was quite nervous and mentally broken,

So I’m not sure if I’m going to do something like this. It’s not my senior’s fault, but the place I said I wanted to go to turned out to be a winding road.It was my mistake in setting the destination based on what I thought that morning. No ,

No, no, it’s finally here. What should I do? It’s coming from next door. I’m starting to forget when to change gears, so I went to the place I wanted to remember and saw my senior there. I was really nervous, so I looked behind me.

I feel like I’m going to cry just by looking at the gears.My shoes are floating, so I don’t feel the gears getting stiff.I respect the people who drive hot bikes.I’m glad I didn’t eat anything today. I ca n’t stop .

This is my first time changing lanes. The car is starting to stop acting like Migrip Amigrip 2, not 22, not 2. I can’t make eye contact anymore. The store in my eye is going somewhere else. I was talking about something nice. I decided to shut up,

Taking full advantage of my remorse as if I were an idiot who had just stopped again.Even though he wouldn’t give me any help , it was the easiest thing to do, so I only did it

After I got off. It’s fast, but why did you stop it in 1st gear, so just turn it up? I’m not going to do it. Let’s do this first. I just bought a plum rice

Ball for now. I look a little hopeless, but I’m really in despair. I’m worried if I’ll even be able to go home from here. Everyone is taking a break at a distance.Oh , it might be cold.I’m really sweaty at the driving school.How was it

When I tried riding?I don’t want to ride anymore.It was fun to practice, so everyone seemed to be having so much fun riding. I don’t understand what that means. It’s fun once you get used to it. For example, when you go with someone,

You stop like this, right? Stand up like this with both feet. You can’t stand, you can’t stand, you can’t stand. There’s a series of traffic lights again, and traffic jams occur here and there. I kept going and stopping and going and stopping again and again.It

Was quite a process, and thanks to the continuous red lights, I feel like it’s getting harder to do the Est.I’m heading there with the intention of making some cool thumbnails. Oh, I left , waited a minute, then entered Newtra.Ah, I’ve already said goodbye to my senior at the traffic light twice.It

Was like a dangerous Wai and it was difficult to turn, so I took a break in the park and took a thumbnail before leaving. I had a tripod with me, so I took the thumbnail by myself, and my senior took

A break as usual.How to ride a bus: Yes, I always ride with my legs up straight, even in driving school, but instead of folding it up, I ride it. He told me it was easy.The

Back of the ninja is jumping up, so I feel like it’s easy to bump into his legs.I was tired from kicking my knees and knees.I felt like I had burned about 1000kcal, so I came here to enjoy it.It’s been a long time since I’ve been

Excited by Rairai-chan. I’m going to go. My new shoes are hard to take off. Even though

My new shoes are covered in dirt from the park, they look like really old shoes. I think I’m eating gira ramen. The green onion ramen has a bit of a smell, so I’m going to leave it alone

Since I’m going to be alone all day long. Maybe, no, it doesn’t really matter. If I want to make it a little darker, I’ll go for Kara Miso Ramen and Crab. Oh, I ‘d better drink some water. It looks like I’ll get an apron,

So I asked for one, and a real apron came. I ‘m sorry, I’ll take a picture tomorrow. No, wow, what are you eating? It’s so rich and thick. The noodles are firm and have a lot of green onions. It’s my first meal today. It’s so noisy in my hands. It’s

So delicious. It’s delicious. It’s so noisy, but it’s really delicious. The smallest of the rice dishes is rice, please.Yes , yes.While I still had some left over, my senior finished eating the fried oyster ramen and rice in less than 5 minutes.I wondered what he was doing.I eat the yuyu

. I’ve been heartbroken since the first day, but do you have any stories about your first day or unforgettable motorcycle memories?I’d like to encourage you, so I’d appreciate it if you could tell me in the comments section.I’m keeping you waiting, so don’t fall behind. However, I

Couldn’t resist eating the white rice under the soaking ramen soup that I ate as quickly as I could.The rice was the last thing I wanted to eat.After that , I rescued the vegetables that were there and ate them properly.My new shoes were crunchy. When I turned the dial,

I found a way to close it.Actually, I had rented it for a 4-hour course , but my speed was too slow, so I ended up renting it for 5 hours . The clutch

Doesn’t make any noise, so you don’t have to do it, but I’ve never practiced this at a driving school and it’s my first time.I rode without thinking about it, but I was told that I had to change direction, so I did it. Thank you very much

. I want to go to see you. I’ll be back. Lailai- chan I had two cameras, but the battery at my mouth ran out, so I can only see one angle. Sorry, I don’t have a camera at my mouth, so I can’t hear the sound. I can’t hear it at all

, so I’ll send it to you in fast forward.On the way home, the traffic lights keep stopping, going, stopping, and going, but each time it stops acting, it might be because I’m too sweet, but driving at night is scary. I’m really scared of driving after dark, so I

Really want to get to the rental bike shop before it gets dark.I say I’ll get used to it, but I’m nervous until I can do it by myself. In the end, I think I’ll end up wishing someone was there, so

I’d be happy if you could tell me in the comments section whether you were able to stand alone after the first ride.As of now, I’ve performed the performance 56 times, so I’d like to do it 0 times the next time I ride. I end up shifting to

2nd gear when something should be done in 1st gear, and when I panic, I feel like I don’t even know how my legs feel.I want to do that better next time.Yes , I’m going to fill up with gas at the gas station. That being said, just when I thought I was exhausted,

A big truck came next door and I thought I was going to be pulled over, but I guess it wasn’t, but it was that windy. It was my first time at a gas station. I know where the gas is in my bike

, but where is it? I thought it was okay to just stop, but I followed the instructions. Cars turn off the engine when they put gas in it, so I thought I’d turn it off and turned off my bike. I had a hard

Time looking for my wallet with cold hands. I had to find water and photography equipment. Since I brought it with me, I was pretty nervous. Unlike a car, the distance between a refueling bike and a refueling bike is very close, so I looked down and didn’t know what to do. I

Tried to close the refueling lid tightly, but it wouldn’t close. Someone helped me. Thank you, I went to my senior’s place. I thought I had to do it quickly, but I forgot to put in my horns and didn’t wear gloves, so it was too late. As expected, I feel

Like I’ve gotten used to how to deal with Est. I’m sorry , my right hand is already dead. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good evening. Thank you. Oh, that’s cool. Thank you. How was it? I didn’t want to ride alone. No , but .

Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your hard work. There’s nothing I can do about it, but it would be reassuring if you did your best and asked if there’s

Another one. I don’t really have any friends. I used to have friends when I was a student, but I see that those working people are my friends. I have some friends here. I do n’t know if we’re going to have a deep conversation or not, but yeah, I’m not there. I understand, but

If you have a chance, I’d love to see you again. Thank you for your hard work. Today, it’s really like this on the gopro. I was filming for so long that I ran out of battery . Thank you for watching till the end. See you again .

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  1. 初走行お疲れ様でした😊☕

  2. とにかく事故のないように安全を願っています。私の場合、教習所のことですが初日にエンストを30回以上して教官から白い目でジトーと呆れられました。後雨の日にガソリンスタンドで給油場所の線に足をのっけたら滑ってスローモーションの様に立ちごけしたり、その時はこんな事なんでもないです,余裕オーラを強引に出しながらも周りの人がこっちを見ていて内心ドキドキ恥ずかしかったです。乗り始めた頃は自分も結構エンストしました。とゆうかかなりとエンストしたいうのを白状します。

  3. miiさん

  4. 懐かしいでしね、初公道。

  5. 50になって11月に初中免取りました。

  6. ネットサーフィンをしていたら素敵なmiiちゃんの動画に出会いました♪ 素敵なお声癒やされます。思わず登録しました。頑張って(^_-)-☆

  7. 私も初めてのバイクのときはエンストしたり、雨の日に乗って3回転けたり

  8. 初公道お疲れ様です〜!

  9. 近くに人気のない広い駐車場のある公園か家周辺で少し練習してスピードの調整ギアの基準を覚えてというか思い出して公道も少しづつ慣れた方が良いかも知れないですね?

  10. 教習所と、公道じゃまわりの状況が全く違うし、危険が一杯だから😂

  11. スタンド立ててステップに左足を乗せながら乗り降りすればコケることは絶対にありません。誰かと一緒なら気を使うので一人で練習した方がいいと思います。ホンダのモンキー125がお勧め。

  12. 誰でも初めはあんな感じですよ!

  13. 初めてでニンジャですか~レンタルバイクで良かったような気がします。




  14. 初めて見ました‼️🏍️可愛らしいですね‼️バイクの運転は‼️恐れては負けだ‼️急ブレーキはダメ‼️バイクに慣れる事‼️自分はzx25R乗っています‼️バイクも慣れですよ‼️慣れても怖い時もあります‼️🏍️人車一体になるくらい慣れればバイク乗りライダーになれます‼️応援します‼️頑張って下さい🐥🏍️‼️

  15. 初公道の運転、お疲れさまでした。😊

  16. 初公道🎉お疲れ様でした😊

  17. 先ずバイクに慣れるように広場、空いている駐車場等で練習!

  18. バイクの初乗りでニンジャ250はキツイと思います。また、旅動画なんかもUPしているようなので、旅にも使える足つきのいい操作の楽な250クラスのアメリカンとかがサイドバックなどで積載量も稼げるのでいいかと思います。ビラーゴとかエストレアとか、先輩の乗っていたレブルとか。バイクを買ったらバイク動画も待っています。頑張って貯金してバイクソロキャンもデビューしてください。

  19. 月曜日から限定解除の教習受けてます。7年ぶりのバイク軽い軽いと思いつつボロボロの自分にがっかりしています。腐らずに頑張ります。

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