震度7地震、3m津波警報【富山避難車中泊生活】コンビニ、スーパー食糧不足、地震直後パニック状態からリアルな映像記録 | 2024年1月1日能登半島地震

This video includes footage of the earthquake and the sound of sirens. Please be careful if you are anxious. January 1, 2024, 4:10 p.m. An earthquake with a seismic intensity of 7 occurred in the Noto region. “A major earthquake has occurred.” “Earthquake early warning.” ”

An earthquake with a seismic intensity of 7 has occurred in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture.” “A tsunami of up to 3 meters has arrived.” The tsunami will start in 2 minutes. I’m coming to Toyama prefecture. “Run now!” There was another earthquake. “Beware of a major earthquake in Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures.” Evacuate.

Please bring your computer and valuables. The monitor is falling down. Turn off the lights and evacuate. Let’s lock the door. Thieves may come at times like this. It is now January 1st at 16:30. It’s Japanese New Year. It was the biggest earthquake I’ve ever experienced in my life.

It was the scariest and the shaking was the longest. On TV, they said, “Please run away now.” There is a possibility that a tsunami will come here too. My family is currently evacuating. Food is loaded into “MUSH”. Let’s go to the mountains. got it. It was a terrible earthquake. I still feel scared.

My heart feels like it’s going to explode. It’s very scary. I want to settle down soon. Let’s go somewhere safe. yes. We have just moved to Toyama Prefecture. yes. Moreover, today is originally a very happy New Year. But survival is the most important thing.

Yes. As long as you don’t die, no matter what happens, it’s just a small wound. yes. My daughter had been taking a nap before the earthquake, so I put her in the car while she was asleep. Are gas stations open? I want to refuel with gasoline.

It’s New Year’s Day, so we’re not open. I still have half a tank of gas, so no problem. However, I wanted to refuel just in case. The number of cars suddenly increased. I went out with my daughter this afternoon. At that time, there were no cars at all. This place is also closed.

I’ll go as far as I can anyway. Let’s wait there and check the situation. I found a store that is open. It’s very crowded. It’s certainly crowded. I’ll refuel. This place may also close. It looks like the store will run out of gas soon.

It seems that the tsunami has reached Toyama Prefecture. The height is 3m. really? Is another earthquake happening? Indeed, an earthquake is occurring now. This is an aftershock. The city we live in faces the sea. yes. Toyama Prefecture has plains that extend all the way from the sea to the mountains.

Since there is nothing to stop the tsunami, there is a possibility that the tsunami will reach your home. I’m scared. Let’s run away anyway. yes. Let’s go to the convenience store later. Let’s go to a convenience store if it’s open. The drug store is open. Buy what you need here. yes.

We are not open. “Due to the earthquake, we are currently closed for business.” We are sorry. Drugstores that do not have holidays have also suspended operations due to the earthquake. I was thinking of getting on the highway. However, highways are also dangerous. Really? It looks like it’s cracked. I see.

I’m going to the mountain. I arrived at the mountain. It’s a flat place. I’ll make an emergency stop here and take a look. Has your daughter gotten car sick? yes. I got carsick on a mountain road and threw up. I want to calm down. yes.

I was surprised. At first there was a small earthquake. Immediately after that, a very large earthquake occurred. That earthquake was very long. I was surprised. Many times I thought, “Isn’t it over yet?” “MUSH” and “N-VAN” were shaking a lot. I was outside.

When I looked at the house from outside, it was shaking violently. Did your house shake? The inside of the house also shook. My daughter was taking a nap. So I went to hold my daughter’s head. It was the biggest earthquake I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I was living in Osaka Prefecture when the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred. It was a very strong earthquake. In the morning, I was woken up by an earthquake. However, the earthquake was worse than the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. It was scary.

It was the first time in my life that I experienced such a big earthquake. All TV stations began reporting on the earthquake. TV kept saying, “Please run! Please run!” The announcer was yelling in the loudest voice I’ve ever heard. I heard the announcer yelling and felt like I had to run.

Thank you for saying it in a strong way, which helped me a lot. When something like this happens, I don’t know what I need. I panicked. It became clear that disaster preparedness was not in place. yes. Have an emergency backpack ready at the entrance. Nothing was ready. I’m grateful to be alive now.

I’m glad everyone is safe. I brought water from home. Check what’s inside the camper. These are the foods we always have on hand. There was retort rice. There’s a lot of food. I had cup noodles. I had wontons. This is a “rice ball” that can be made with water.

There was retort charcoal-grilled yakitori. This is delicious. We have hojicha and coffee. There seems to be enough food for two days. yes. It must have been scary. rest assured. We are preparing a litter box for the cat. The cat was very scared. The other two are hidden in the back. yes.

Look at my hands. When I tried to catch the cats, I got scratched by them. There was bloodshed. This is my first time letting a cat roam free in a camper. This child’s name is “Haruo”. he is curious yes. He’s fine. Do you want to go upstairs? A bunk bed is best.

Please sleep there. The camper’s secondary battery has 95% remaining. It’s almost fully charged. You can rest assured about the power supply. The current outside temperature is 7℃(44.60000℉). The temperature inside the car is 19.2℃(66.56000℉). I started the FF heater now, so the inside of the car is warm.

FF heater is a heater exclusively for campers. It only consumes about 2 liters of gasoline per day. It uses almost no electricity. This is a very fuel efficient heating appliance. There is a TV. Calm your daughter by showing her some YouTube videos. The TV has started. It’s the same as usual.

I hope my daughter calms down. I brought cat food. Let’s feed the cat. It was the perfect dish. Let’s feed it together. “Haruo” ate the food. “MUSH” is loaded with a lot of equipment for photography. There is equipment to secure the iPhone. Let’s film a documentary. Let’s leave a record. yes.

Viewers have been sending me worried comments on my Twitter and YouTube accounts. Let’s report your safety. There are people who care about us. Let’s tweet. This is the tweet. “It was a big earthquake, but the whole family is safe.” “

In preparation for the tsunami, we are currently evacuating to a parking lot in a high place.” It’s now 8pm. About 4 hours have passed since the earthquake occurred. I calmed down a little. yes. You brought us to the mountains. IM a litte relieved. I was checking the situation on Twitter.

It seems that there was damage in various places. worry. How many aftershocks have there been since then? It happened 3-4 times. yes. There may have been a little more. Many aftershocks with a magnitude of 5 occurred. If you were driving, you wouldn’t notice the earthquake. yes. Earthquakes are difficult to detect while driving.

Now that we’ve calmed down, let’s eat dinner. There’s a kettle. Let’s boil water. Campers are great for times like this. It’s safe. This is cup noodles. It comes in seafood flavor and chili tomato flavor. Which do you prefer? I have never had the chili tomato flavor.

So, would you like the chili tomato flavor? yes. I want to eat this. I just wanted seafood flavor. I’m glad. Line the plate with plastic wrap to prevent washing up. This is how I always do it. If you do this, you won’t be able to wash the dishes.

Water is precious when you are sleeping in your car or in the event of a disaster like this. There wasn’t much soup, but it was completed. It looks delicious. I’ll enjoy having this. Is delicious. I’m happy to be able to eat something warm. yes. relieved. My daughter’s car sickness has been cured.

I’m glad. I was surprised. She got car sick for the first time. I drove on a mountain pass road. yes. I think that’s the reason. If you have any leftover soup, use a toilet-grade coagulant to solidify it. Then take it home and throw it away.

When the three of us were eating in the car, it reminded me of the time we used to spend the night in the car. I certainly think so. I never thought something like this would happen. I’m really glad I had a camper. This is a parking lot with no toilets.

But there are coagulants for toilets. We have installed “Lappon” in the multi-room. The sense of security in a camper is amazing. Will I be able to go home today? A tsunami warning is still in effect. How about that? After you finish eating, let’s watch the news again. Does it taste good? “It’s delicious.”

Thank you for the meal. It was a good thing that the earthquake happened in the evening. It was a blessing in disguise. I hadn’t slept yet, and I hadn’t had a drink yet. I started drinking alcohol last night. Yesterday was New Year’s Eve, so you drank a lot of alcohol.

It would have been terrible if there had been an earthquake yesterday. We evacuated, but we have some regrets. Is your house safe? Are the people living nearby safe? Because we evacuated in a hurry, we were unable to check inside the house. There appears to be damage inside the house.

I saw my work PC monitor fall over. After you get home, check the room. Now let’s throw away the soup. Did you drink all the soup? Please do not look. This time I left home for a short time. I couldn’t prepare anything I needed. yes.

I was nervous because I didn’t know what I needed. However, the bare minimum was ready. This is the bag I always carry. When I go out, I always keep an emergency pouch in my bag. Did you have something like that? yes. This is a band-aid. This is a dry battery.

This battery is used for a flashlight. this is a pen. This is a “disposable warmer”. This is a whistle. If you blow a whistle when you are buried alive, you can let people know where you are. This is a plastic bag. I have bad eyesight so I wear glasses and contact lenses.

Are these glasses broken? It’s very thin. If you put your glasses in the case, they won’t fit inside the pouch. Are these the glasses you used before? yes. This kind of usage is great. All you can do is throw away the glasses you used before.

I keep my glasses that I no longer use here. This is “yokan”. Yokan is small but high in calories, making it ideal for emergency food. This yokan can be stored for 5 years. I kept these in my bag that I always use. That’s why I was able to pick up this bag first.

Then I started thinking about what else I would need besides this bag. That’s excellent. I will also make that pouch. Also, prepare emergency food and disaster prevention goods for your family at the entrance. Would you like some tea? here you go, tea. My daughter disappeared. Barley tea after a meal is the best.

She is angry It’s currently 10pm. Time has passed since the earthquake occurred. The tsunami warning has not yet been lifted. There is still a possibility of a tsunami coming. I can’t go home yet. It is better not to go to places where there is a possibility of a tsunami.

I can’t go home as long as there’s a tsunami warning. However, I just found out something on Twitter. Landslides may occur in areas near mountains. This is a mountain. I’m scared. I see. It turns out that landslides occur. There is a mountain slope here. This is a parking lot.

This is a parking lot in the middle of a sharp curve. This is a snowy mountain, so there is a possibility of avalanches. Tsunamis are scary, but so are landslides. You’ll be buried alive. Where should I go? I don’t understand. Are you going down the mountain? yes.

I think it’s better not to be next to the slope. yes. I was thinking of going to sleep now. But let’s move again. I don’t know if this action is correct. But let’s do what we can now. I don’t know where to go. Let’s move. I went down to the plains.

I park my car in the park’s free parking lot. I will sleep in the car here. It’s currently 11pm. I’m starting to feel sleepy. I’m very sleepy. Roll out the bed and get ready to sleep. She fell asleep immediately. I think she was tired. Brush your teeth and go to bed.

The current outside temperature is 4.9℃.(40.82000℉) The temperature inside the car is 19.4℃.(66.92000℉) It’s warm inside the car. There are pajamas in the camper. However, I will sleep in my casual clothes today so that I can move quickly. yes. Let’s hope there are no aftershocks during the night. yes.

You may have to move here. I was really glad to see it on TV this time. Recently, the TV at home was repaired and I can now watch it. Television is important in times of disaster. It’s convenient because you get breaking news. I knew I had to run away. Let’s go to sleep.

Yes. good night. good night. good morning. It’s now 7 o’clock in the morning. Has your daughter woken up? I was relieved to hear her laugh. Around 1 a.m., the tsunami warning was lifted and changed to an advisory. yes. There was a big earthquake once during the night.

In Ishikawa Prefecture, the epicenter of the earthquake, earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 2 to 3 occur once every 15 minutes. The magnitude is 4 or 3. Earthquakes of magnitude 4 occur occasionally. Aftershocks continue to occur. Apparently there are some areas in Toyama Prefecture where water is cut off.

There may be water outages where we live. Let’s check it after we get home. Ambulance sirens are blaring outside. I think they’re on their way to the scene. Let’s eat food. After that, let’s move by car. Let’s eat emergency rice balls that can be made with water or hot water.

I have wonton soup. Let’s eat this. Let’s eat “okaki”. wonderful. It looks like we’re about to run out of water. This is water I brought from home. It will be gone soon. Let’s make “rice balls”. Just add hot water and wait 15 minutes. The waiting time is long.

If making with water, wait 60 minutes. There is rice inside. It also includes ingredients. This is dried rice. Close the lid and shake well. I’m scared. accomplished. Let’s leave this alone. It will take 15 minutes from now. I can play with my daughter outside until it’s finished. really? thank you.

It’s a big camper, but my daughter would get tired if we stayed here all the time. yes. Do you want to take a walk? Let’s go back inside the car. The “rice balls” will be completed soon. Did it work? Cut out the bag. It was completed. It’s “rice ball”. That’s excellent.

It’s a beautiful triangle. I’m happy. I played outside too much and my noodles got stretched out. To begin with, there was not enough water. Let’s eat breakfast. I’ll enjoy having this. Is delicious. I feel grateful. This is an emergency food made from alpha rice. I think it’s like regular rice. Is delicious.

It’s better to have plenty of emergency food like this. I certainly think so. Prepare it when you get home. Are convenience stores and drug stores open? The store was closed yesterday. It was closed yesterday due to the earthquake. And some stores weren’t open in the first place because it was New Year’s Day.

Yes. The store I went to yesterday is open all year round. However, it was closed due to the earthquake. But if you think about it, it makes sense. Store staff also have a life to live and must evacuate. Therefore, we have to prepare ourselves on a daily basis.

It’s obvious, but I realized it when I saw it first hand. I thought I understood, but I wasn’t able to do it at all. I was shallow. I tried it on myself. Please enjoy the “Okaki”. Does it taste good? The “Okaki” is so delicious that they are jumping up and down.

It was shaking now. I thought it was the wind, but it was an earthquake. It shook a lot. Let’s check the information. yes. Breaking news has arrived. “At 10:17, there was an earthquake.” The maximum seismic intensity was lower than 5. Let’s check the tsunami information again. It may be issued again.

Let’s finish our meal. Thank you for the meal. Another big earthquake occurred. When a big earthquake occurs, a tsunami occurs. Always check the information. This alone will make you hungry. Let’s go buy food. Let’s go find a store that’s open. And let’s check the situation in Toyama Prefecture.

I want to go back to my house once the tsunami warning is lifted. You can feel safe because you can connect to the internet. yes. You can check the information at any time. After cleaning up, let’s get ready to leave. It’s now 11am on January 2nd.

I can drive on the road without any problems. It’s business as usual here. This is near the mountain. Let’s go to the city area once. Let’s check how things are going. I came to the urban area of ​​Toyama Prefecture. Roads are fine. relieved. yes. I think it’s okay now. Let’s have lunch.

On the way, I went to a convenience store, but due to the earthquake, bento boxes were not in stock. Bread had not arrived either. I went to a convenience store, but they didn’t sell anything. Not in stock due to the earthquake. This is what happens when an earthquake occurs.

Even if convenience stores are open, they don’t sell food. It is very important to have emergency food in your car. It seems that the tsunami warning has been lifted recently. really? The tsunami warning has become a tsunami advisory. And the tsunami warning has been lifted. got it.

It seems that the danger of a tsunami has disappeared. It’s okay to go home now. Let’s go home. Let’s go home and see what happens. If there is another large aftershock, evacuate immediately. Let’s go home. Is the house safe? I returned home feeling anxious. I’m back home. “N-VAN” is safe.

It was shaking a lot, but we are safe. “INDY727” is also safe. I’m glad. The situation is still the same as the one we evacuated to. I left the rug to dry. What condition is the stepladder in? I thought the stepladder was dangerous, so I knocked it over.

I used this stepladder to install security cameras and lights in my house. An earthquake occurred just as I was getting off the stepladder. It was dangerous to climb on the stepladder. This is a lantern. Look at this. The upper part of the lantern has fallen off. The lanterns were shaking wildly.

It may be a good idea to remove the lantern. yes. Everything in the house is as usual. There’s something white falling here. What is this? Is it a wall? Did the peeling wall fall from above? It could be the white walls on the ceiling. I think the wall fell off.

The monitor that had fallen down was broken and no longer displayed. There are cracks in the road and surrounding expressways are closed to traffic. Delivery from Amazon etc. is unlikely to arrive for a while. There doesn’t seem to be any problem at home.

This is a monitor for a security camera I recently bought. The earthquake may be shown on the monitor. Actual earthquake footage captured by security cameras will be shown. please note.

The video will be broadcast uncut for about 1 minute so that you can see the actual earthquake. The actual time is displayed at the top left of the screen. January 1st 16:10:33. There will be a small tremor at first. The cats sense something is wrong and the water server starts shaking.

Six seconds later, there was a big earthquake and the cats ran away. Just when you think the earthquake will subside, a strong earthquake occurs 10 seconds later. An even stronger earthquake continues for 10 seconds. The shaking has weakened a little here, but the strong shaking continues. A small shaking continued for 30 seconds.

The earthquake lasted from 16:10:33 to 16:11:45. It was a very long earthquake, lasting 1 minute and 12 seconds. It’s easy to see the earthquake when you look at the water server tank in the foreground, so I’ll show it again.

Looking at the water server and refrigerator, you can see that the large refrigerator was moved due to the earthquake. A security camera was also installed in the garage. The items on the shelf keep falling off. The light car “N-VAN” parked in front of the garage was shaking violently from side to side.

The shaking was especially strong on the second floor. This is footage from a security camera on the second floor of the garage. Mosaic processing is used to protect privacy. You can see the size of the earthquake by seeing “MUSH” in the lower left corner.

It was a blessing in disguise that I wasn’t on the second floor. When I looked at the security camera, it was shaking more than I expected. It’s shaking a lot. It’s a loud sound. Check to see if there is any other damage to the house.

Then let’s go get our luggage in the car. When I got home, I felt calm. yes. relieved. I was very anxious yesterday. For the first time in my life, I thought, “I might die.” I didn’t know what to do and panicked. The first big earthquake occurred.

After the big earthquake, an even bigger earthquake occurred. The earthquake lasted for nearly a minute. I continued to be unable to do anything. When I heard the sirens, I thought it was the end of the world. It was like that outside. How was it at home?

My daughter was taking a nap inside the house. There was an earthquake, so I went to protect her head. However, the earthquake did not end easily. So I took a video as a record. I was shooting in this position. Taking pictures naturally is a habit unique to our work.

I was shooting in landscape mode. It’s not a vertical screen. I shot it in landscape mode so that I could use it in the video. After the earthquake subsided, you came to the room. I decided to watch TV.

The announcer said in a very strong tone, “It’s a tsunami! Please run! Please remember the Great East Japan Earthquake!” That statement was very impressive. “Just run away,” we were constantly reporting. There was a possibility that tsunamis would hit areas near the sea and on plains. “Just run,” the announcer said.

When I saw the news, I decided to run away. This is flat land. It is not very high above sea level. The sea is not directly next to it. However, the city we live in faces the sea. We moved to Toyama prefecture about a month ago.

So I don’t know the surrounding roads or buildings. That made me more anxious. After living there for a year or so, you should know where high ground is safe. My anxiety increased because I didn’t understand geography. The earthquake occurred after the snow had melted.

There was no snow so I was able to get out of the car right away. That’s why I thought I had to clear the snow as soon as it snowed. It snowed heavily the other day. At that time, the snow melting equipment was not working properly.

The snow did not melt because the settings were not set properly. All the houses around me were clearing snow. Our house was the only one left with snow. It was a little embarrassing. I didn’t know how to remove snow. After that, I did my best to clear the snow.

However, we need to remove snow faster. Let’s buy a snow dump. I realized something important. We had a camper, so we had food. However, I should have left an emergency backpack at the entrance. I thought it would be a good idea to leave a backpack full of food at the door.

I knew that, but I never did it as I thought I would do it someday. I decided to do it as soon as I got home. This time, I felt it keenly. I thought there was plenty of food in the camper. However, after one night and two days, we ran out of food.

I thought we needed more food. I thought I could just buy it at a convenience store or drugstore. But the store was closed. Don’t rely on buying it at a store or relying on others. Prepare your own backpack and food. We have slept in the car many times.

However, this was the first time I had to sleep in my car due to a disaster. yes. What did you think? We are used to sleeping in our cars because we have done so many times. The feeling of being evacuated has faded.

My daughter has slept in the car many times, so she’s used to it. Maybe she wasn’t scared. There was a toilet and food was loaded. And it was great that there was a futon. Previously, we had been traveling in the car looking for a house.

I spent a total of 26 days sleeping in my car. The results have come out. Soon we were ready to sleep in the camper. That’s excellent. In a normal car, it would be difficult for three people to stretch out and sleep together. With a camper, you can stretch out your legs and sleep.

That’s excellent. I was able to sleep comfortably, use the toilet, and eat. I felt relieved because I thought they were moving to another evacuation center. Until now, when I rode in a camper van, I just thought it was fun. This time, I felt a sense of gratitude.

I was very particular about the toilet in my camper. This is because if there were no toilets, families would only be able to sleep in the car in places with clean toilets. If you have a toilet in your camper, your possibilities will expand.

If you are using a camper for disaster prevention purposes, a camper with a toilet is ideal. If anyone is looking for a camper, I recommend a camper with a toilet. You can also lend your toilet to someone else. That’s what you can do when you’re stuck.

I have ridden in many campervans and chose this one. The fact that it comes with a toilet is a point that makes you feel glad that you chose it. I didn’t bring a mobile battery. I forgot to bring it out.

However, I was saved because I was able to charge it in the camper. Electricity can be charged with solar panels. If the weather is sunny, you can generate unlimited electricity. It will then be charged when you drive. All information was obtained from smartphones. I think charging your smartphone is really important.

My daughter is taking a nap. Let’s clean the house now. Let’s make a disaster prevention backpack in case of aftershocks. yes. Let’s rest at home. We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those affected by this earthquake.

My husband and I talked about what we could do. We decided to donate the proceeds from this video to disaster relief funds related to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

Five days have passed since the earthquake occurred, and earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 5 are still occurring. Please prepare a disaster prevention backpack in case of a disaster.


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「嫁の軽自動車で雪中車中泊/N-VAN」(YouTube急上昇ランク20位) https://youtu.be/ISZIbnl3AXU?si=AZfBa_Om_2ssV-Kf
「高速道路パーキングエリア雪中車中泊/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク22位) https://youtu.be/e4X99CecWo4?si=OhA7h4qkFeCbW21D
「嫁の軽自動車で氷点下車中泊したら寒すぎて眠れない/N-VAN」(YouTube急上昇ランク11位) https://youtu.be/T3eqtMgPF1M?si=mSpB6xPvqODKzmWT
「納車直後に車中泊/マッシュ」(YouTube急上昇ランク13位) https://youtu.be/AKXCB1Fe7Ks?si=xroC4lididC1INe_
「納車!10年落ち生産終了中古キャンピングカーを購入/マッシュ」(YouTube急上昇ランク11位) https://youtu.be/68OdfUqR6Zc?si=ZJN-mxZD8jRJNtO-
「大寒波!走行困難でパーキングエリアで一夜過ごす/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク15位) https://youtu.be/S-WQG_3pNFE?si=_iXSk8NpRbRKZ8JJ
「納車したての軽キャンピングカーで初めての車中泊/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク26位) https://youtu.be/uINq1Zlk5_0?si=LQhXyQr3Zqs1Egt9










楽曲提供 K-musica http://www.k-musica.com/



  1. この動画を見たら、車中泊って旅行のみならず、

  2. 初めて主の動画を見ました。怖かったですよね。でもこの動画を見て防災をしっかりしようと意識しました。まだ大変な状況があると思いますが気おつけてお過ごしください

  3. 福岡県民です!

  4. こういう時こそ、家族が落ち着いて思いやりを持って接することの大切さを素敵な御夫婦の会話を拝見して、感じました。

  5. 短時間で直ぐに全員避難出来たのは素晴らしい。クピ美ちゃんがずっと笑顔なのが良いですね。大変な時ではあったけど、クピ美ちゃんのクーピーさんへの力強いツッコミ。生まれる前からずっと動画見てたので、もうこんなに大きくなったんだな〜とホッコリしました😊

  6. 私の311の経験から。スーパーやコンビニなどはPOSレジの為、停電や通信遮断が起きると通常営業ができないらしく、買い物できませんでした。

  7. 私は今 被災地ボランティアをしてます。なかなか被害が大きい地域に踏み込ませてもらえず もどかしい日々です。
    自分は家族もないから行かせてくれと頼んでも 止められてしまいます。
    私の住む高知県は やがて起こるであろう 南海トラフ地震に備えて 日々警戒してました。
    まさか こんな事が元旦に起こるなんて…居てもたってもいられず 被災地近くに居ます。
    必ず 耐えた日々は報われます。どうか…一緒に生きましょう。

  8. はじめまして

  9. うちは下の子が6歳から突然車酔いが始まりました。

  10. 初めまして。東日本大地震被災者です。

  11. クーピーさんはじめまして。

  12. Since I've been working long hours through the weekend into the week i don't get to watch much YouTube anymore. I'm very sorry that i didn't see this video until now. In the states we immediately heard about this tragedy (is what i call it) i live in Fort Lauderdale Florida , USA so i do not know what is like to experience an earthquake/ tsunami. Only hurricanes and tornados on an occasion. Therfore in extremely glad you and your family/pets are unharmed. Much love from the 🇺🇸

  13. 很慶幸,你們一家人都能平安⋯⋯也希望接下有更多好運能帶給你們全家🍀🍀🍀台灣開放捐款當天,自己已捐款一日所得五萬元新台幣給捐款專戶了

  14. 備えあれば憂いなし。後で思い返せば不足と感じる事もあれど、即時行動できたのは素晴らしいですね。少しでも対策と心構えができていた投稿主と奥方なのに、浅はかだったと自責し、更なる向上心が見えるのが凄い。無対策の方とは違うな。

  15. クーピーさんの動画に初めてコメントさせていただきます。自分は地震があまり起こらないとされている福岡県に住んでいますが元々能登地方の大地震も活断層がないからと大きな地震はあまり起こらないとされていましたが今回このような大津波警報が出るほどの最大震度7の大地震が起きてしまったのでクーピーさんの動画を見て食料や飲水の確保が非常に重要だと感じました。自分もいつかはしようと思ってましたが全くやっておりません。自分には子供が2人(1歳2ヶ月と2ヶ月の男の子)居ます。なので今すぐに色々準備しようと見直すようになりました。


  16. おすすめに上がってきて

  17. こうい災害時のキャンピングカーの威力、救命力はすごい!住宅ごと移動しているようなものですね。旦那さんの対応力も見事。リアルに報告してくださり、(語弊のある言い方ですが)すごく感動しました。車に乗れない人たちは、とにかく被害の及ばない場所へ走っていくしかない。安全な場所が近くにあればいいが、なければ一巻の終わり。だから高齢者や障害のある方が犠牲になることが多い。私も淡路阪神大震災は大阪で経験しましたし、東北大震災ではボランティアにも行きました。この動画の終わりの方で、食料が意外と少なく準備がもっと必要とおっしゃっていましたが、これはまさにその通りですね。私はマンション住まいですが、仮に家がつぶれなくて在宅避難になっても、食料がなければどこかに買いにいかなければなりません。水と食料は、南海トラフなどの地震に備え、最低でも一か月程度は準備しておく必要があると思います。

  18. 初めて視聴致しました。関東に住む、アウトドア初心者です。いづれキャンピングカーを持ちたいと思っているので、とても参考になりました。うちも🐶ヨーキーがいるので、避難の時にもキャンピングカーをさらに持ちたいと思いました。ご家族3人とても仲良く、災害の中でもホッコリ致しました。大変な中、動画投稿ありがとうございました。関東もいづれ大きいのが来ると思うので、勉強になりました。またこれからも視聴致します。ありがとうございました!

  19. 近くに何件か、庭にキャンピングカーや、キャンピングトレーラーを駐車しているお家があります。

  20. こういう動画もっと見ておきたいと思わせてくれました。関東に住んでいるのですが、今日地震があったので収まったあと見させて頂きました。皆さんがご無事でほんとに良かったです

  21. いざという時のキャンピングカーは頼もしいですね🚛✨

  22. Your video is a great example of disaster preparedness, the fact you had the sense to get to high ground, had at least a couple of days of food and water is a lot more than 95% of people.

  23. こういう時はキャンピングカーは良いね!
    貴方達 無事に助かって良かったです!心からこれからも頑張って下さい!


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