毒雾四起,人心竟如此险恶,我究竟该怎么办?#规则怪谈 #怪谈

A rush of sirens woke me up in the morning Then the owners of our second unit suddenly sent a message. The fog dissipated after seven days During this period Please observe the following rules Looking forward to seeing you in the next sunny day Poisonous in a mist

Please do not touch the fog during this period No matter how much food there is in the refrigerator. You can only eat one day. Three homes are safe. But I can only stay at home alone. If there are more than two people in the family, they will die collectively.

Assuming the food is finished You can go downstairs and buy food 5 Don’t trust anyone. Please protect yourself If someone knocks on the door Do not open the door. Six communities without service personnel If someone claims to be a service worker It must be a fake. Don’t go out during the fog.

I skimmed the pie mouth Think someone’s playing a prank Subconsciously looked The person who sent the group news turned out to be Lao Lu, the property manager. I haven’t had time to ask Someone in the group has already spoken first. Owners have speculated that Lao Lu’s mobile phone was stolen

That’s why I send this kind of boring news. Until a photo was sent to the group. The group instantly exploded the pot. A woman with a blue face fell to the ground Pink foam on the corners of the mouth I scared a tingle Quickly ask in the group What’s going on here

My girlfriend doesn’t believe Open the window and stick your head out It became like this. This is too terrible What do we do If you follow the rules, you can live for seven days. Not necessarily. There are many contradictions in the rules As soon as my message goes out

The crowd fell into a dead silence Everyone is carefully analyzing the rules. Maji District is not a single apartment. There are not many residents like me who live alone. The food in the refrigerator can only be eaten for one day. If you don’t go out, you’re allowed to buy food.

Are these rules true or false? My brain is a mess Lu Bu has a clue Suddenly from the 502 next door came a shrill scream of a woman My scalp tingled moved timidly to the balcony The 502 man wrenched his wife by the neck. The struggle of the wife. He’s completely indifferent Suddenly

The man saw me peeping across the street. Raise your head and smile at me. I hastened to tighten the curtains quickly indented into the house Nervous back is full of cold sweat The couple just got married Mingming feelings have been very good It’s like a lump of cotton in my throat.

Can’t get up or down Breathing all becomes difficult I opened the refrigerator It’s full inside. I bought them yesterday. What will happen to them tomorrow? There was a rapid knock at the door Chou I am you Sister Li Do you have a pumpkin at home Baby wants to drink pumpkin porridge

Sister Li lives downstairs Living alone with a six-year-old son Take care of me on weekdays Often send me snacks Don’t trust anyone Please protect yourself If someone knocks on the door Do not open the door. Think of this rule My heart lift up Tighten your mouth

After Li Jie shouted a few more times There was the sound of footsteps in the corridor. A silence followed I silently read in my heart I’m sorry Get close to the cat’s eye and look out There was no one in the corridor I was just about to breathe a sigh of relief

Li Jie suddenly appeared from nowhere. The whole eye is almost attached to the cat’s eye. I was so scared I almost cried out Heart plop plop jump up Chou I know you’re at the door Will you open the door? Give me a pumpkin I’ll just go Li Jie’s voice was hoarse

With a hint of plea Li Jie, I don’t have pumpkins in my house either. Think of that rule I subconsciously refused Li Jie’s expression in the cat’s eye is very strange. Seems to be laughing She turned around Rigid forward walking My intuition tells me There’s something wrong with him

He went to the door of the 502 Knock on the door again The mouth is still repeated to me said 502 has been slow to move Li Jie became a little irritable His head hit the door panel again and again. As if he felt no pain Who is it? Sick, right? 502 man.

The sound of grumpy questioning The next second is the squeak of the door I’m in a cold sweat for him Only heard a scream The next quiet can only hear my heartbeat Suddenly the door slammed with a loud bang I’m scared to quit very far Two hands tightly over the ears

Chou, open the door Give me a pumpkin My face is as pale as paper Already hard to see the extreme Understand I really didn’t Pumpkin The baby is looking for you at home. He missed you I speak hard Hear the name of the son

Understand the chaos of the eyes appear a ray of light Waiting for me She turned around mechanically. Will deserve to go in the direction of home Not a few steps Sister Bijie suddenly fell to the ground. No sound 502 man broke the fifth rule He will die But understand what is the reason

Because he went out? It’s terrible Uncontrolled tears flow from my eyes Very not easy to survive the noon But I have no appetite In order to maintain sufficient physical strength I decided to make some porridge After opening the refrigerator I have some stupefied The vegetables that were fresh in the morning were wilting.

There are spots on the fruit. I take these pictures with a trembling sent to the owner group A lot of people responded to me. My family is also my family’s refrigerated meat. Actually some black Have you ever heard of rice with spots? I was going to reply The group leaders suddenly banned us.

Ding-dong The group leader sent a new message. Dear owners. Rule Update No bodies in the house. Otherwise, it will attract greedy ghosts. This rule gives me the creeps Only heard a few loud bangs outside the window It’s the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground

I shivered my hands and opened the curtains A foggy patch outside There are a lot of corpses on the green belt of the community. Cold sweat instantly wet my clothes Quickly redraw the curtains Constantly patting the chest In front of life and death People are really selfish

I’m so glad I’m a single dog When the porridge is tumbling in the pan There was another noise outside the door. Until I saw the densely packed bodies downstairs I was finally sure that the big turtle in the group was real. When the porridge is tumbling in the pan

There was another noise outside the door. I am the property The following neighbors reflect Your house is leaking No service personnel in the community If someone claims to be a service worker Must be impersonating I remember this rule. Pick up the phone and look at the unit owner group

There’s a knock at my door My family also said it was leaking downstairs. Don’t open the door. It’s a fool to open the door at this time. Many people echoed The knock on the door is getting louder and louder Suddenly there was a scream outside the door Then there’s the gnawing corpse.

My heart thumped It is estimated that there is really a fool Don’t know how long The noise outside faded away The whole building was calm again. survived a night The next morning I just opened my eyes Subconsciously ran to the kitchen first Look at the food in the refrigerator has all rotted.

There is a faint smell Some panic in my heart Must eat food every day Can go down to buy But the house is poisonous and I won’t let you out. For the first time in my life, I wanted to hit someone. Is when I struggle The door was knocked again

I scared a tingle What the hell? After two knocks, there was no movement. Message from the phone again Dear owners. Rule Update Protective clothing and gas masks at the door Effective time: one hour Please go home within the time. I had the audacity to hold my breath

Open the door and have a look There was a protective suit and a gas mask outside the door. I immediately reached out and brought them in. Glance at the corridor Stunned for a moment Then quickly shut the door I ran to the balcony to look down Sure enough, all the bodies disappeared

The doorway understanding and the neighbor’s body are also missing What the hell is going on here I now have a protective suit so I can go out and buy food. That means that in the previous rules Don’t go out during the fog. This rule is false That understanding is why they died

I can’t get a clue But dare not have the slightest neglect After all, if you don’t go out I guess I won’t last seven days. After wearing it, he went downstairs decisively. The supermarket is right next to my building Usually the whole community will go here to buy things.

But there are so few people today. Entering the supermarket with a blackboard standing up at the door Supermarket rules-Meat is fresh in the supermarket But can’t eat ah Vegetables are new to the day Can be safely eaten Each person can only buy the amount of one day

Four supermarkets can only supply food for 20 people at a time The fewer people, the better See the last one. I suddenly feel creepy This is to let everyone kill each other There are at least a hundred people in a building. Even if some food is dead, it is not enough.

Look at the number of people who have walked in. I sneaked in The door of the supermarket after I entered PR on. I turned around and looked at the small blackboard in front of the supermarket outside. Which means that none of these people in the back can see the rule.

People outside who didn’t get in Looking inside I sighed It seems that you can’t get out easily. The use time of protective clothing and gas masks is one hour. I turned to get something to eat See the fresh meat swallowing saliva I am obviously a person without meat

But the rules say you can’t eat meat from the supermarket So hard to move the eyes Went to the next vegetable area. took a few green peppers and potatoes I bought another bucket of instant noodles See there’s pumpkin pie I think of something Subconsciously took a bag Just walked to the cashier

I saw the rules posted on it. Supermarket internal rules The back door of a supermarket is a commodity transportation channel Can get in and out Second, the toilet at the back door of the supermarket is not locked. can borrow The boss won’t blame Three Anyone could be a glutton.

Pretending to be a greedy ghost likes to eat meat If you encounter danger You can throw the people around Is this a hidden rule? I looked at the few people standing next to me. They all read the rules a few steps back Keep some distance between each other

I took out my phone and took a picture After returning safely, we will analyze it slowly. Immediately after payment Everyone has a tacit understanding silently walked to the back door Out of the door instantly ran towards the direction of home Everyone wears the same Just hide things The fog is so big

No one should recognize it. Haven’t gone yet Soon hit a thin A girl in a white dress huddled in a chair See me coming Some pathetic sister backstage The bad guys took my stuff. Can you help me She looked at me with tears in her eyes Unavoidably let life pity

But think of new rules I hold back the compassion born in my heart Ignoring his plea Straight past him He shouted for half a day See I ignored him Look back at the people behind. Continue to call for help I ran straight back to the Loudaokou

But suddenly there was a looming scream behind I was so scared that I shivered Press the elevator. Just entered the elevator But I heard the sound of footsteps running outside. Footsteps getting closer I watched the elevator on guard. A moment before the elevator doors close

A figure in a reduced version of the protective suit appeared in front of me. It’s Li Jie’s son baby He opened his big innocent eyes The timid look at me Please Aunt Zhou Did you see my mom I recall what happened to Sister Li in front of my house.

There is a trace of guilt in my heart I bit my lip Hand him the pumpkin pie Go home. Mom went to buy you toys She told you to wait for him at home Don’t open the door to anyone What if Mom knocks? The baby suddenly reached out and grabbed my sleeve.

I’m under a cold ban Think of the greedy ghost could be pretending to be anyone jerked his arm out Mom, if mom has a key, she will open the door by herself. You go home first At this point the elevator door just opened The baby doesn’t seem to see my guard

With a smile in his eyebrow eyes, he said thank you to me and ran away. After I breathed a sigh of relief Worried about sharing food with the baby. Which rule will not be broken and then died Message from the group again Unfortunately, very few people have responded now. Dear owners. Rule Update

Not necessarily safe at home. Please be vigilant Because gluttonous ghosts will pretend to be your relatives But they’re afraid of anything that reflects light. Look at this rule. My face is puzzling It contradicts the rules of being safe at home. Which rule is false? I opened the door with great concern

A familiar and strange face came into my eyes My heart beats like a drum But my mother left in a car accident four years ago. I made your favorite chicken pot Mom grinned It’s still the same as before. I staggered back two steps Watching her in horror It’s the girl Stupid? Hurry in.

Mom said, turning her head into the kitchen I stiffly watched her busy in the kitchen The food was soon on the table It smells burnt and pasty. Mother’s dark pupil stares at me The face of innocence showed stiffnessthe laugh I know she’s a glutton. Pretend mom. But still unconsciously red eyes

I left something in the room I jerked around to the bedroom Then lock the door Tears drop by drop to fall After I slowly came to my senses Suddenly thought of those two contradictory rules That means the home is safe That rule is false Just at this moment

The door was suddenly pushed open by a great force He stood at the door looking straight at my girl The meat in the pot is getting cold The cold wind blows across my face I wake up instantly Picked up the bedside mirror and looked at him.

The gluttonous ghost in front of him made a strange sound of music. out of the door Hold your breath After closing the door I sat down on the ground Think of the experience just now Still a moment of fear I just put the experience to the group

Some people in the group responded to me one after another. And tell their own just experience It’s really all kinds The protective clothing and gas masks arrived the next morning. I put on a little mirror I went to the supermarket to buy food for a day. I’m on tenterhooks every minute

Because from time to time there will be screams outside the window. I don’t know which rule they broke. I’m worried about stepping on mine Every day will put the rules back several times After finding out I didn’t break the rules by giving my baby food

Every time I go to the supermarket, I bring back some of her favorite food. and hung it on the door of his house After I knocked on the door five times and left, he was opening the door to get it. Until the fourth day When I first came out of the supermarket

I don’t know what tripped on the soles of my feet. fall to the ground The food in the arms is also scattered on the ground A lot of people around for a while. They took all the food. I sat on the ground very helpless

Suddenly found that the heart is really more terrible than greedy ghost The owners of the mentality gradually collapsed Some people began to complain in the group that the days were like years. Looking forward to the seventh day to come quickly Look at their messages. My helpless wry smile Finally on the seventh day.

Fewer and fewer people are speaking in the owner group. In the afternoon, I was protected. Down the stairs Slipped into the supermarket Finished shopping Just ready to check out Suddenly came a scream in my ear I follow the sound to see I haven’t waited for the reaction yet.

A pair of hands directly pushed me down at a man’s feet The mirror in my arms also broke. I looked up The man was carrying a big bag of fresh meat Eyes staring straight at me He is a glutton This perception makes my nervous throat dry Hand heart is full of sweat

Anyone could be a glutton. Pretending to be a greedy ghost likes to eat meat If you encounter danger You can throw the people around I took a shocked look at the person who pushed me. He glanced at me guiltily In front of the greedy ghost step by step close to me

The people around them also fled. I moved back in fear Watching him get closer to me Just when I thought I was going to die A small hand suddenly grabbed me Aunt, come with me. It’s the baby.

The baby pulled me all the way to the toilet by the back door of the supermarket. Then lock the door decisively Outside the door came a crazy smashing sound I hold the baby in my arms Auntie, don’t be afraid. They can’t get in. The baby’s words suddenly reminded me of that rule.

The toilet at the back door of the supermarket is not locked. can borrow The boss won’t blame me Surprised to see the baby. How did she know this rule Auntie wants to show you something. The baby got up and took the toilet lid off Then hold it up in front of me

There’s a new rule written on the back of the toilet seat. Supermarket toilets are the only place to live other than home Toilet is also the only way to leave the community safely OK. How do you know this? My surprised voice is shaking.

In fact, my mother and I have played this game many times. It was my mother who took me to defeat the monster. Mention mother Baby’s eyes are covered with tears See the perseverance in the child’s eyes I’m sure he’s not lying

I quickly took out my cell phone and posted the news among the owners. We are saved Hurry up and gather in the toilet of the supermarket. I also took a picture of the rules on the toilet lid sent into the group Someone in the group replied soon. I don’t want to believe him

He’s lying He’s trying to lead us through Yeah, I saw the glutton grab him Looking at a question of the news My heart some sad Outside the door is still noisy I covered my baby’s ears. Tell him Everything will be fine Night is coming My baby and I are hungry and sleepy

Unconsciously slept in the past The next day when I woke up surrounded by people They don’t have gas masks And no protective clothing An uncle who looks like a firefighter Ask us if there is anything wrong I shook my head blankly You two are so lucky What does that mean?

The firefighter told me Last night, a huge fire broke out in Unit 2 of Maji Community. Except for me and the baby Others are killed by fire My face is unbelievable Hold the baby tightly. Did we really survive? After they confirmed we had nothing to do with the fire Just let us go

I rented a house with Xiao Bao weather report After seven days there will be heavy fog Please be prepared, citizens. Don’t go out There are murderers in the corridor An owner of Wulin suddenly sent a message in the group. The group fried the pot.

And I did hear a noise coming from the corridor. It’s not that you’re so scary at night, okay? Withdraw it. Don’t say that in the group of owners. Others are counting the 501 owners in the crowd. And 501 the owner, after sending the news that there was a homicidal maniac. No more words

During this period The movement in the corridor also stopped. The crowd complained a few words again. It’s not serious at all. I thought it was over. I lay down again ready to go back to sleep But not for a while Once again, there was a fierce voice outside. There’s a lot of movement

And accompanied by a scream This is exactly what’s coming from upstairs I have some uncomfortable typing How to quarrel again What’s the 403 doing upstairs? 403 are couples. Usually noisy I live just below their house Came to them several times Even called the police They just stopped a little.

But I didn’t expect it to start again now. Can you stop? People will die in the middle of the night. 404 I saw it once five big and three thick black vest all year round Bring a big gold chain Often open yellow cavity in the group Poor character quality is still low

He also seems to be too noisy Temper up It’s not over, is it? You give me waiting I live next door to you I’ll be right over Yes, big brother. You go teach him a lesson What’s the big night’s noise? But 402 hastened to persuade Don’t be impulsive

He may not be looking at his phone You have a good communication with him Smoke him with two mouths He’ll have a long memory 404 say this is almost forgotten by everyone Wulin spoke again and again. Don’t go out. Don’t go out. There are murderers in the corridor He’s gonna kill you 501

Crazy a404 owners in the group This is our relocation room There are not many families in total But the sound insulation is very poor There’s something moving in the corridor. You can hear it clearly from the floor. After 501 issued another warning Many people in the group came out to blame him.

Can you stop Always say fun? Let’s kick him out. after a while 501 sent an expression If you don’t believe me, forget it. To be honest, I somehow feel that 501 is not like a joke He is usually a man of few words I ‘ve seen him a few times 40 years old

Always wearing a pair of glasses Looking very serious Such a person Should not open this kind of shrug joke for no reason But let’s say he’s serious. I feel a little strange again A homicidal maniac is ridiculous. There is also Xiao Yang Jie who feels the same way 302 me.

Big Brother at 404 Why don’t you go out Listen to what 501 say. 404 did not speak Brother, are you still there? I don’t feel right After patting the 404 in the group, there was still no response. The phone buzzed and rang. Look down

It was Xiao Yang Jie who talked about me privately. Little moxa I don’t think it’s right Did you just hear Before, I gathered the wool of group purchase with Xiao Yang Jie. compare mutual familiarity Usually nothing will talk Hear something upstairs Yes, 404 went out. slammed the door very hard

But why didn’t you follow up His words suddenly reminded me Yes, I just heard a bang upstairs. Should be 404 slamming the door out Quiet soon No more voices Xiao Yang Tie Continues to Send News 404 that big brother lives next door to 403 He’s looking for 403

Trouble a few steps to the door But he didn’t even knock on the 403 door. There’s no movement I frowned We have such poor sound insulation If 404 knock I’m sure I can hear Is the 403 door already open So 404 didn’t knock There should also be a voice

We have a cough in this building I can hear it all 404 to find 403 theory How can there be no sound In my impression 404 is a blind. And judging from the news in the group He has not endured 403 for a day or two.

But I don’t want to be too bad. want Trying to find a reason Does he think it’s inappropriate And don’t want to argue Calm down a bit Back again It is also possible to see what kind of homicidal maniac there is outside So give up the idea Even if this

Then there must be the sound of opening the door when the 404 is halfway back. Xiao Yang Jie’s words made me twist my eyebrows again. Yeah, there should be a door opening. How else to get in the house Can’t really have a homicidal maniac 404 was killed right out of the house

I don’t know how to get back to him Xiao Yang Jie suddenly got excited Or 403 are homicidal maniacs As soon as 404 got to the door of the 403, he stabbed him to death. It’s also possible that the homicidal maniac killed 403 first. hidden in his home

404 just came to the door It’s not that scary, is it? Do not call the police first Why don’t I let my husband go out and have a look We both sent a message almost simultaneously Just about to persuade Xiao Yang Jie not to be impulsive

But I didn’t expect what happened back there. Let my heart suddenly cold to the freezing point Don’t go out There are murderers in the corridor He’s gonna kill you 501 in the group crazy at 404 owners And then there was a bang upstairs 404 must have slammed the door

But it’s been a while Still don’t hear any movement Many people in the group are asking him what the situation is. 404 are you still there? Say a word Don’t scare me It’s not really a homicidal maniac, is it? 402 Can you go over and see Why don’t you go

You leave 403 in Go see what’s wrong So much closer. 401 is close. Why don’t you let him talk about it How far is upstairs and downstairs? Can you come up and have a look? I’m speechless You a big man can’t go to see Let me a little girl go Seems to quarrel

3011 suddenly stood up. Don’t worry about this Any of you have a 404 number to call him The group was silent for a while I have. I’ll play one Everyone is waiting for 503 to call. Can be the next moment A melodious and dry telephone ringing on my floor

And right outside my door How do I hear a cell phone ringing outside the corridor? Did you hear that? 302303 I looked nervously in the direction of the door It seems to be coming from the direction 303 you. This time 301 suddenly left me alone in the group. I saw the 404

Right at your door I saw him in the cat’s eye standing at your door. You mustn’t go out I immediately bounced off my chair quietly opened the bedroom door Looking at the dark gate The outside phone soon stopped ringing 503 also sent a message in the group. 404 did not answer the phone

What’s going on? There is someone on the third floor. Who is the stationmaster? I’m home alone I’m really afraid Why didn’t anyone call the police? I called the police Let’s stay at home They’ll send someone over right away About 40 minutes. a 501 of few words He suddenly said at to the 202.

202 soon. It’s your turn Don’t you scare me What’s my turn? 501 don’t talk again 501 Do you know anything You say ah 501 is still silent I scared a tingle Someone’s outside ringing my doorbell News from Sister Yang is sent again. Is the murderer ringing your doorbell?

Don’t go out. Don’t go out. He must have killed 403 And now to kill you I don’t have time to think Because the doorbell is getting more and more urgent Even with a hard knock on the door The crowd has become a panic banging the doorSound You can hear everything upstairs and downstairs.

301 have been asking in the group if 404 is outside the door. 404 Who are you talking to on the third floor Who’s out there Xiao Yang Jie warned everyone in the group Don’t go out. Don’t go out. Wulin was right. There might be a real homicidal maniac out there

I ran back to the room I took a fruit knife. Carefully towards the gate The knock at the door stopped at this time. I crustily skin of head to look out from the cat’s eye see nothing Only a piece of black No one at all

I picked up my phone and sent a message to 301’s private Why is there no one outside? No way. Can’t you see He’s standing at your door He’s looking at you He’s watching you My heart suddenly cold to the freezing point I know why it’s pitch black from the cat’s eye.

Because at the moment someone is taped to the door Stare big eyes staring at me All I see is his eyes The cat’s eye is one-way. But I always thought he could see I realize that I immediately found a piece of paper and called the cat’s eye.

The thought of him outside the door My heart is filled with extreme uneasiness The news in the group jumped up and down You talk Why don’t you talk I’m afraid of what’s happening outside 501 What the hell did you see You say that everyone is a neighbor You do not harm us

At 404 Are you still saying something? You’re all waiting Just when everyone was so anxious 404 finally spoke. Excuse me. 403 just drank too much So a little noisy I communicated with her He went to sleep No homicidal maniac It’s safe outside Let everyone worry Sorry. Just see the news now

I’m really sorry Everybody, sleep. Good night. He finished My tight nerves have loosened a little. It’s okay. Maybe it’s because this farce is a little scary. Many people in the group are not talking He has been saying that there are homicidal maniacs 501 no one blames him again.

I looked at the cat’s eyes pasted up by the newspaper 403 drank too much 404 is fine. What about 301? Why would he say there’s a homicidal maniac? Who is standing at my door? Is it 301 prank I open the dialog box Some are angry and send messages to 301.

Don’t do a complete prank next time. I almost scared you to death It’s not funny 301 reply soon. I… No mischief You believe me At the same time A message from Xiao Yang Jie was also sent Little moxa, I feel 404 may be dead

The person who took his cell phone to send the message was not 404. It’s that homicidal maniac I feel like 404 may be dead It was the homicidal maniac who sent the message from his cell phone. I saw the news from Xiao Yang Jie. I suddenly stood up my hair

How do you see that 404 that man has always had a hot temper. It’s full of dirty words. When did you see him say Excuse me. Such kind words But 301 also talked about me privately. He said that what he saw at my door was 404

Then I labored through the middle of the logic Who is the man at the door? The only eyewitness may be the 301 across the door. I pulled a three-person group chat The first x301 The man standing at my door You sure you got a good look Xiao Yang Jie also replied

Is it really 404? I was wrong. That’s not 404 It’s just a little bit like the shape She’s still at your door Really looking at the news on the phone I opened the crazy cat’s eye paper Follow the cat’s eye and look out again. a man about the size of 404

Standing upright at my door He is wearing a black hat The corners of the mouth bent into a strange arc His eyes have little focus But I could clearly feel him looking at me. Xiao Yang Jie sent another message in the group. How’s it going How are you all doing?

Is everything all right? I was just about to reply to the 301 and the message was also sent out. He’s gone He’s gone Did you get a good look at his face Not very clear But it seems a little familiar I feel the same way. I look at the door again.

It is true that there is no man outside. I asked my husband to take a kitchen knife and take a look. The voice just fell I heard the door open. Little sister has opened the door No. Although her husband looks stronger But what if it’s a murderous demon out there?

Why are they so bold? Before I could wait, there was a muffled hum outside my tiny door. Accompanied by a heavy fall 301 message was sent immediately What is it? What’s going on? Xiao Yang Jie Are you all right? I’m also nervous Look through the cat’s eye But I can’t see anything

It’s been a long time Sister Lamb only returned the news. It’s safe outside. Come here for a moment. Come here for a second. Why do I hold the phone? My heart suddenly thumped Look out again along the cat’s eye Outside the corridor is still empty But I caught sight of a thin light

Bright on the ground It’s the light from Xiao Yang’s door. It seems that his door is open Except for this light. And blood stains There was a trace of blood on the hallway I quickly want to send a message in the group But it’s too late There was another opening outside the door.

It seems that 301 opened the door There’s another silence outside Are you all okay? It’s okay. You come out We have a care together Two people’s words Before and after in the group sent out But I trembled and pinched the phone. A strong sense of foreboding tells me never to go out.

I frown Following the cat’s eye, he looked out again. Still quiet terrible Also at this time The 503 who said he had called the police suddenly called me. You’re still 303 I froze for a moment I suddenly realized that he might be like me.

I began to suspect that the killer was hiding among our owners. Maybe now the homicidal maniac has killed I don’t know which owner is hiding behind the screen at the moment. Always pay attention to the dynamics of the group As long as someone speaks will be targeted by him

And then killed by him such as 404 For example, the 301 on my floor 3022 could have been killed by him. I immediately sent a voice in the past I am 303 You have to believe me 503 This will eliminate concerns I’m a little panicked right now I just called the police

They may have another half hour to get there. So I thought I ‘d contact you owners. Make sure you are still yourself. Have you contacted 501? I don’t know. I didn’t add him I’m in the group, Etta. 501 in my impression is a somewhat thin middle-aged man Don’t like to talk

He also has a son who has some unusual intelligence. I always felt 501 was not normal In fact, there is no such thing as a homicidal maniac. Wulin One is lying to us He won’t talk when he knows I call the police He was afraid the police would come. pursue him

When I’m about to fall into chaos again Suddenly thought of something I told him firmly No way. There must be a homicidal maniac. Someone’s been killed 503 didn’t respond to me I’m outside again There are a lot of blood stains in the corridor on the third floor. Not for a while

503 just slow reply How do you know there’s blood out there The corridor lights are so dark Is it possible that you are wrong I was stunned for a moment Look out along the cat’s eye Is this blood? I was just about to type 503 sent a message

Why don’t you go out and see if it’s blood? If it’s blood You can smell it as soon as you open the door Just open the door a crack He sent out several messages in a row. It makes me shudder even more

At this time, the voices in the small group began to ring continuously. Why don’t you come out Come on out. My brain is a mess I don’t know what to do. 301302503 Not call me past Just tell me to open the door and look out They all lead me out.

What’s going on out there? Who is the killer? Don’t go out There’s a killer outside the door I think of it all Strange things happen because Wulin I made a remark in the group of owners. 501 if he must know something I sent 501 two messages in succession. You must know something Right?

Do these things have anything to do with you The waiting process is long and tormented I guess 5011 have been watching the movements of the group. I can’t wait Once again sent a message in the past What the hell is going on here It didn’t take long. 501 sent a photo lightly.

I hurried to open it Can be reflected in the eyes of the scene Makes my brain almost explode Under the dim light A man sits face up in an old chair. This man who sells rickets is 501. 501 is dead. Who is the message Don’t stay at home You run Don’t go again

It’s your turn next 501 sent me a message Let me out again My brain almost collapsed Dr. Five-O is lying to me too. I can’t believe anyone right now I’m not even sure if anyone called the police. I called the police myself The police station’s phone will be connected soon.

After I told the officer what happened here… The operator said They were 15 minutes ago got a call from a young girl Words The police are out. Girls, we don’t have many girls in this building. Sister Yang and my 403 wife upstairs The sound is not very young That’s 202.

It suddenly occurred to me that the message 501 sent earlier Say it’s 202 next So is it possible that he’s under threat now? I just picked up my cell phone to remind anyone who 202 the beacon. Suddenly, news popped up in the building group. Another photo. Still the dim light

202 girl lying on the chair And she’s covered in blood He also died The homicidal maniac killed him Photos taken with his cell phone And then sent to the group No one in the group has spoken. I don’t know if I’m afraid or if there are no more living people. Think of this

I swallowed If there are no living people Then his next target is me who hasn’t been out of the house. I know that staying in the house is only a temporary guarantee of safety. The door of our building is not strong If a homicidal maniac wants to break down the door…

It’s not that much trouble I don’t know if I can make it until the police arrive. I don’t think how long Because there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside Stop at my door Also at this time My doorknob turns in a weird way. Crazy twist of the door handle Someone’s coming in

Then the phone kept popping up. Now it’s just you Come on out Open the door Open the door I know you’re in there You’ll go out later Wait a little longer Find the right opportunity Must escape or he’ll kill you Even if I’m scared to the extreme right now

But I still couldn’t help but spit out a sentence in my heart. How many fucking murderers are there? After a brief silence A bang The already weak security door was smashed and the sawdust fell off. The security door was severely split open. An axe stuck in the door

The axe shook a few times The man outside pulled the axe out. A pair of blood red eyes on the broken door I see you I almost instantly grasped the knife in my hand Crazy to him severely stabbed in the past The knife stuck in the door

He’s going to raise the axe again. Suddenly there was a sharp cry outside Then came the sound of running upstairs. The person in front of me disappeared in my sight Take this opportunity I quickly opened the door and ran out The third floor is full of blood.

At the door are the bodies of 301 and Xiao Yang Jie’s couple. Just ran to the second floor 202 the door is also wide open The door is full of blood. I dare not look any more Has been sprinting downstairs They’re dead. They’re all dead. My hands and feet tremble

The footsteps behind tell me I have to run He has already reacted It’s close. It’s close. There is still a distance from the door Suddenly a hand grabbed my hair Hit me hard against the wall My eyes a black I watched him raise his axe high Still can’t escape

A skinny figure knocked him away. Struggle with him My whole body hurts I see myself covered in blood. I realized that I had just been caught. Has been cut a knife My eyes are dizzy eventually passed out Three days later I opened my eyes and lay in the hospital I saw Officer Chen

Only then did I understand the cause and effect I’m the only survivor left in our building. It started with 501 mentally handicapped son Secretly took his dad’s cell phone sent a prank message It’s just that he didn’t expect We really have a murderer hidden in this building That man is 503

He saw the news of the 501After Thought he couldn’t hide his identity as a murderer. So the first hand Taking advantage of the moment when Wulin just opened the door Kill him first Wulin’s son hid with his cell phone. Only to survive

Later, 503 let the people of the various households go out for various reasons. In the quiet kill The shadow that finally appeared in the corridor to save me It was Huo Hufang, the son of the Wulin family, who arrived. Killed the murderer

And the son of the Wulin family was not saved because of his injuries. If you receive a confession text message from a strange number threaten you If you don’t promise, you’ll die. What would you do February 13. I finished my shift and it was almost dawn. Looking at the deserted streets

I waved at the taxi parked on the street. Just get in the car Suddenly lightning and thunder in the sky The wind is blowing In an instant The big raindrops fell slowly down the window. I’m leaning against the window, exhausted Only this time of day to feel a little relaxed

However, when I gently close my eyes Ready to take a nap The vibration from the phone suddenly woke me up I looked at the phone The screen shows that it is now zero on February 14.

There is also an unread text message displayed in front of me at the same time as the time. When I opened it, I found it was a message from an unknown contact. I like you Looking at this text message from an unknown contact

My first reaction was that someone lost a game of adventure. So I just perfunctory reply two words Who is it? Thought it was just a boring prank I didn’t take it to heart As soon as I put down my phone. I received a text message again. You have to be my girlfriend

Otherwise, I promise you will not survive tomorrow. What the hell? Is this man sick? I didn’t good the spirit of reply to him After neuropathy For convenience, I never returned the message again. I also no longer care Put the phone down. Close your eyes again Sleeping outside the window of the rainstorm

There is no meaning to stop. Listening to the sound of raindrops crackling on the window I don’t know why I have a feeling of restlessness in my heart for no reason. Right at the moment My phone rang again Fortunately, this is not a text message but a voice call

Look at the screen two striking characters I dare not delay Press the answer button Little Europe? It’s hard tonight. Make the plan. Send to my mailbox The cold and unreputable voice of the boss Moments make me feel hopeless But even so I still can only fake smile to say something against my will

And then I took my backpack Little imagine people once unlucky up Even drinking water will plug your teeth At ordinary times, the computer never leaves me. I left my laptop on my desk today. Remembering that colleague Xiao Zhang is still working overtime in the company I quickly called his cell phone

The next second, I watched the taxi turn into the familiar alley. My home is at the end of this alley I wonder if it’s because of the rain Tonight I always feel extra lonely Open the circle of friends In addition to the individual micro-business advertising Almost all kinds of show love

The couple who sprinkled dog food brushed the screen. At the moment, I am thinking that I have only reaped the prank of a stranger. It is also a chance to stay up late to change the plan. It’s really sad Not for a while I arrived at home Downstairs

Just as I entered the corridor Suddenly lightning and thunder in the sky The lights of the whole corridor also dimmed in an instant. I took out my phone to illuminate All the way to the elevator But no matter how hard I pressed the elevator, I didn’t respond. Can’t it be a trip

My heart 10000 an alpaca whistling No way I can only take the stairs Climb to the eighth floor Let little exercise of my legs are soft Looking at the dark corridor where you can’t see your fingers I swallowed The strong sense of uneasiness in my heart welled up again. I don’t know why

I always feel in this silent darkness Hiding something terrible. So I dare not stay too much Quickly take out the house key However, just as I was inserting the key into the keyhole Suddenly a pair of big hands from behind tightly covered my mouth All of a sudden my mind went blank

Want to shout for help but could not make a sound Feel the body is firmly in control That’s it. I was dragged into the dark corridor Before I could react The man behind him came up to me. She took a rag out of her pocket Gag my mouth

And then you want to do something to me I can’t believe myself In my lifetime, I can still meet this kind of insane metamorphosis. I struggled with all my might Delusion can get rid of the claws Little imagine Just as I was struggling with my life

The next one stumbled and didn’t stand firm. So I fell down the stairs Hit the back of the head Before losing the last shred of consciousness I looked at the man who violated me. But under the dark environment I only see a tall figure Perhaps my fate is doomed to go only today

In my heart, I have had all kinds of helplessness and unwillingness. But I can only say goodbye to this beautiful world. February 14th at 0:00 I woke up in shock Phone received a strange text message I like you Deja vu scenario I press the temple head a little pain

This nightmare makes me sweat Sure enough, under the rainstorm Then came the boss’s phone call I asked my colleague to bring me a notebook on the way. Just like in the dream It’s just that I didn’t reply to that text If you receive a confession text message from a strange number threaten you

If you don’t promise, you’ll die. What would you do February 14th at 0:00 I woke up in shock Phone received a strange text message I like you Deja vu scenario Instantly only feel the back cold Hairy Erect I subconsciously look out the window Happy downpour Seems to be proving something to me

But before I could figure out what happened. I received a notice from the boss. Stay up late to change the plan of the phone And then I went with the flow and called my colleagues. Let him off duty By the way, help me with my computer. Everything that happens at this time

Miraculously, it’s exactly the same as my dream. The only difference is This time I choose not to return information The best way to deal with this perversion is to ignore it. Maybe it’s just that I don’t look right. The taxi driver asked me with a concerned face Little girl. What’s wrong with you

Is it carsick A word from the driver. In an instant, I brought my thoughts back to reality. I look at him Just a glance Almost scared the hell out of me Although I can only see the driver’s back But I always feel that this figure has some familiar illusion. Think of here

I can’t help but gasp Fortunately, it didn’t take long. The car was parked downstairs in the unit where I live. Until driving a taxi completely disappeared I was only a little relieved in the neighborhood. At the same time Just like in the dream.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and thunder in the sky Then the corridor instantly plunged into darkness. The elevator also lost power at the same time. Have the experience of the last time I knew I was about to meet that pervert. So I dare not delay a moment

Straight up to the eighth floor Even at the moment, I only feel waist soreness and leg pain. Venus in both eyes But thankfully I finally opened the house before the pervert hit me. The moment the door was opened The phone rings again

The colleague who thought it was to send me the computer arrived. Results see message My whole person instantly like ice cellar You don’t return information It means you don’t agree If you don’t say yes I will kill you Oh. It’s that pervert I subconsciously enter the room to close the door

Too bad it’s too late A dead hand against the door The man just squeezed through the door. A cover my mouth and then slammed me down on the floor I bit his hand hard A strong smell of blood began to flow between the lips and teeth.

I can detect a man holding back the pain trembling slightly However, the next second He stuck his other hand into the bottom of my skirt. Inner sense of shame Let me use all my strength to launch the final counterattack He seems to be completely out of patience The next second he stopped.

Touching hands everywhere and grabbed my neck My breathing is getting harder Consciousness begins to blur One second before the heartbeat stops I finally figured out one thing. It turns out that what happened before was not a dream at all. It’s all true Sure enough when I opened my eyes again Look around

I’m pretty sure I’m in a taxi right now. The downpour outside the window The familiar text message on the phone Everything reveals that I’m caught in a terrible cycle of death But the most desperate I don’t know how to get out of this cycle.

Looking at the corridor lights and elevators that were powered off on time in the unit building. I’m completely afraid to go home by myself. I looked at the driver. Master open your mouth Squeeze a word out of your mouth Master, can you take me upstairs? I can give you extra money Hearing this

I saw the taxi driver silent for a while His hesitation led me to remove him directly from the list of suspects. I have claustrophobia Once again, I sincerely speak to the driver master This time he finally got off Follow me into the dark corridor After learning that the elevator could not operate normally

The master patiently accompanied me on foot to the eighth floor This time I went home safely There was also a power outage at home. I lock the doors and windows draw the curtains sit on the chair gasping for air At home suddenly let me a lot of peace of mind Ah ah ah

A sudden knock on the door Scared me a tingling Who I trembled and asked If you receive a confession text message from a strange number threaten you If you don’t promise, you’ll die. What would you do a sudden knock on the door But I’m a little relaxed and nervous again. Who

I asked in a trembling voice It was me, Zhao Yu, who sent you the computer. Hear the voice of a colleague I slowly put down the guard opened the door Through the crack of the door I saw Zhao Yu’s face Why don’t you turn on the light The power went out at home.

I said helplessly I’ll go and see I listened to the footsteps in the corridor not long away The lights at home are on My heart also warmed a lot After he handed me the notebook intend to leave I think of a person afraid to retain him Leave a sip of water

You don’t look so good Is not feeling well Zhao Yu asked me before I could speak The phone vibrated. Who is this man Do you really not want to live? I instantly collapse Tears cannot be controlled Zhao Yu’s Concerned Inquiry What’s wrong with me A man tried to kill me

I held up my phone to show Zhao Yu I read the content of the text message. Zhao Yu pacified me Did you ever call this number I shook my head He took my cell phone and dialed it. Frown after a moment I can’t get through Should I call the police

Zhao Yu helped me analyze Nothing’s happened to you now No evidence It is estimated that there is no way to file a case He checked me in the room No hidden camera found. The text message lights up again Are you gonna keep this guy for the night There’s a boom outside

The lights went out again The room was plunged into darkness again Zhao Yu turned on the flashlight Did you trip again? I went out to see I immediately grabbed him. Let him not go out It doesn’t matter I’ll be back as soon as I take a look

With that, he gently pushed the door open with a flashlight. Then close the door I stick to the door Listen, he checks the switch Suddenly there was a thud It’s like something hit the iron sheet of the meter. The door was suddenly frantically knocked I’m scared to back

Then came Zhao Yu’s muffled hum not save him He will surely die I opened a crack in the door Zhao Yu immediately put his hand in. I dragged him into the house But it’s late He had a slit in his throat A gurgling outflow of blood

I randomly used a towel to help him hold down But to no avail Before death Zhao Yu, hold on to my hand She stopped breathing with her pupils wide open My brain is a blank The heart also missed several beats. Then I thought of calling the police.

But a moment before I made the call I stopped. Zhao Yu died because of me If I do it all over again Does he not have to die I pinch the doorknob If you have to die again This time, we must see who that person is. My trembling hands

Open the door without hesitation Hold up the flashlight Aim at his face He obviously didn’t think I ‘d turn myself in. Stunned in situ Watching his decadent features There was a sudden roar in my head. It’s you my heart suddenly hurts After waking up again Watching the rain outside the window

I burst into tears The heart is extremely calm The man who wanted to kill me was my ex-husband Song Wenjie After we got married I just knew this man was sensitive. Don’t ask for progress In order to maintain the family expenses I work hard outside But every time after overtime home

She’ll suspect the men I’m hanging out. Lots of fights. Even I must dress as he asks or he’s gonna freak out Do you sell it when you wear so little? Song Wenjie to spy on me Also listening to my phone One time I went to talk business

He heard the opposite sex on his phone. Run to the scene Scold me shameless When I came home, I was punched and kicked. He’ll keep telling me afterwards Because I love you too much I didn’t do it carelessly. Don’t you leave me Those days let me down

In order to get rid of Song Wenjie’s control I’m desperate to get divorced left the city And for a long time because of severe anxiety. But I never dreamed He still found it This time I decisively returned the message to the strange number. Song Wenjie I’m waiting for you at home

You also tight the phone I decided to take a gamble In order to keep innocent people from being implicated. This time I didn’t let the driver take me upstairs Nor did Zhao Yu come over While downstairs I sent out a text then go home Open the door Waiting for Song Wenjie’s appearance

It wasn’t long before The figure appeared in front of me I bite my lip say as calmly as possible Song Wenjie We have divorced Is it not good that we let each other go It’s impossible. We have to be entangled all our lives. You can’t escape

You look like you’re not listening to me at all. Song Wenjie I don’t love you anymore The words are not finished He then furiously pinched my neck How can you not love me You must love me You only belong to me He mumbled to himself like crazy

I was so choked by him that I couldn’t breathe. I took a glance It’s almost time I grabbed the prepared ashtray and smashed it down. After a rattle She did not fall Shaking out of the knife stabbed me The mouth is still broken Even if it is death

We also want to be together I did not hide the egg slightly over the body Trance I heard someone shouting Don’t move. Hands up When I wake up again People are already lying in the ward instead of the taxi. I know I bet right My mother is sitting next to me

See me awake red eye socket Girl you finally woke up Do you know you almost died The loss did not stab the vital point He touched my head Song Wenjie has been arrested Don’t you be afraid She will never hurt you again Looking at my mother a lot of old face

I took her hand and cried I am a thief And now I’m hiding in the closet Take the initiative to call the police Come and save me I pressed the brim I looked up and looked around. Quickly roll up the flyer in your hand

The card is stuck on the door handle of the 1203 resident in the Maji community. 1204 the flyer on the doorknob is still there This is what I put up three days ago Still keep the previous appearance It means that the resident has not returned for at least three days.

A smile of satisfaction on my face My name is Tang Ling Shuttle to distribute leaflets on each floor of the nearby community every day. This is not my home page. My main business is a thief The flyer on the doorknob is my flare. I get dressed at night

Before coming to Maji Community again with tools I ‘ve observed This neighborhood is not monitored So I walked in I skillfully open the 1204 door A refreshing fragrance came I gently close the door Familiar with the indoor environment with headlights The shoe cabinet is full of women’s shoes

There is only one set of toiletries and female cosmetics in the bathroom. It can be concluded that the resident is a female living alone. I immediately relaxed searching the house for something of value Then I was on the bottom of the closet. Found a heavy jewelry box Open a look some dumbfounded

It’s not jewelry in there. It’s two gold bars This girl is really unusual I put the gold bars in my pocket Then put the jewelry and the original position Close the closet door Prepare to retreat. But when I just walked to the door I heard the key turn the door lock.

No, someone’s coming. My scalp instantly tingled In a hurry, he hid directly in the wardrobe. I breathed a sigh of relief The next second is the sound of the door being closed Then the house lit up. As the wardrobe is facing the direction of the door So through the closet door crack

I could just see the whole house. I see a woman in a dress She put down her purse Get rid of the heels on your feet Sit on the sofa Started to have heels After about a minute The woman stood up from the sofa He walked straight to the closet.

I suddenly out of cold sweat The dark channel is not good. If a woman opens the closet door Found me how to do knock him out and then ran away Or kneeling for mercy The woman’s footsteps are getting closer My heart is in my throat The woman’s hand has touched the wardrobe door

I bite my lips tightly Hold the wrench firmly in your hand And all of a sudden The woman’s phone rings The woman hesitated. Hand loosened the door Turn around and answer the phone I had a hand over my heart that was about to jump out of my chest.

A hand wiped the cold sweat from his forehead Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. Why I just got home The woman answered the phone in a sweet, greasy voice. The other should be a woman’s lover She’s coquetry on the phone If you want people to come to see me

I make a midnight snack Waiting for you The woman happily hangs up the phone There’s another man coming Then wouldn’t I be more than able to walk away Originally, I was thinking of leaving when a woman went to the bathroom or fell asleep. Now the difficulty factor is greater

I hide in the closet My heart is in turmoil Take out your phone and look at it Zhou Xin still hasn’t returned my message. I cursed her a few words Zhou Xin is my boyfriend We’re sort of male and female bandits I just sent him a distress message.

In the past, when he encountered difficulties in business, he would send me messages for help. I will follow his prompts to come to the customer’s home pestering customers as salesmen attract their attention Help Zhou Xin get away Today, I was stuck at home with clients And she didn’t hear

The woman in the living room is holding a bottle of red wine Pour into two goblets He seems to be in a good mood Take a sip of one of the glasses. kissed on the rim of the cup The next picture will not be very fragrant If I film it with my phone

Can you sell a good price I reached out and patted my face Force yourself not to think Right now, getting out is the most important thing. Finally the woman went barefoot to the bathroom I guess he went to take a shower Sure enough, the next second came the sound of running water.

Thank goodness I crept out of the closet Lift your legs high and settle lightly To the door I haven’t had time to open the door Suddenly there was a knock at the door I am a thief And now I’m hiding in the closet Take the initiative to call the police

Come and save me I crept out of the closet Went to the door Haven’t had time to open the door The sudden knock on the door gave me a fright. I crawled back to the closet. Heart has jumped to the throat eyes Quietly is me Your little sweetheart

Outside the door came the gentle voice of a man The sound of water in the bathroom came to an abrupt end The woman came out slowly wrapped in a towel Then open the door A man holding a large bouquet of roses happened to block his face You ‘ve been waiting

I just went to the florist to buy you flowers. I guess you will like I… I like to make people laugh Yingying took the flowers from her hand Point foot kissed the man’s cheek Women let men into the house I also noticed that she Lock the door behind you

Come to the wine cabinet Women pass red wine to men A man takes a glass from the beginning. Pull the woman into your arms. Started to make a move on her Hiding in the cupboard I mixed I was just trying to steal something. I didn’t expect to eat dog food.

Other people’s boyfriends go to great lengths to please their girlfriends. My boyfriend doesn’t even have a picture. This Zhou Xing is really a dog. You smell better than roses More intoxicating than red wine The man said ambiguous Women smile and dodge Two people laugh. I pulled my shoulder and knocked it off.

The glass on the stage with a crisp sound Scared me to shrink the neck Don’t move. I’ll get it Men reluctant to let go Woman picks up a broom to clean up the mess on the floor Men keep their backs to me Can’t see her face

But I always think her back is very familiar The woman passed the glass in her hand. The man laughed and took it. gulp it down This time I finally saw the man’s face It’s Zhou Xin I covered my mouth in surprise He cheated on me.

The heart is like being stabbed in a hole with a knife. The cold wind swished in. I gnashed my teeth with anger hit the door with one punch narrow occluded space make a muffled bang Let me instantly startled out in a cold sweat How could I forget? Apart from being Zhou Xin’s girlfriend

Still a thief There’s movement in the closet Zhou Xing pointed to the wardrobe and said to the woman Zhou Xing, this bastard Will I be killed by this couple of dogs when I go out now? I bought a new set of sexy underwear right in the closet

The woman laughed with all kinds of charm. I’ll go get it Zhou Xing Two eyes light The saliva can’t wait to flow down I hate the root itch Swear as long as Zhou Xin open the door of the wardrobe I’ll blow his head off with a wrench He walks in a strange way

Just like drunk wine Zhou Xing’s footsteps are getting closer and closer My back is cold again Vehicle wardrobe less than 1 m Zhou Xing suddenly stopped eyes a flip a head fell on the ground My heart a tight Buckle your hands hard Psycho tells himself not to go out

The woman stood there with a calm face. With a strange smile in the corners of the mouth After Zhou Xing stuck his head on the ground No longer move The woman squatted down. These two brushes still dare to split Shame on men She finished this sentence Suddenly look at the closet.

He picked his eyebrows at me. I was so scared I lost my soul Tears crackling down Fortunately, the woman did not open the wardrobe. but turned and went into the kitchen The atmosphere of tension as he left diluted some I don’t know what women are going to do next. My intuition tells me

There is something wrong with the red wine the woman gave Zhou Xing to drink. I want to wake up Chow Worried that the voice is too big to attract a woman’s attention Only one seam can be opened. Extend the arm Push Zhou Xin with the help of a wrench

But he didn’t blink an eyelid The woman came out of the kitchen quickly. I have a kitchen knife and a chainsaw in my hand. an extra apron What she wants to do A terrible thought flashed through my mind Women look into the wardrobe again But the eyes are a bit gentle

Also mischievously spit out his tongue I feel the temperature in the closet drop by 2 degrees He went to the living room again Turn on the TV Tune up an entertainment show And put the sound very loud This program is good Girls will like his words It’s like saying it to me.

My scalp can’t help but tingle The next picture let me never forget Creepy Woman pulls away chainsaw Actually, Zhou Xing was dismembered. The whole process is clean. She didn’t even frown Terror makes my every bone tremble Face like earth covered his mouth

The woman packed the body and carried it out of the room. and started wiping the blood on the floor Police, I’m calling the police Take it to the neighborhood. There’s been a homicide 1204. I am a thief Mother hiding in the closet Come and save me I finished editing this passage with trembling

Sent out Praying that the police would arrive before the woman found me. I saw the woman after packing Stretched a big stretch Gently said sound sleepy Then lie on the bed and pull the quilt I prayed for him to fall asleep Soon there was the woman’s slight grunt on the bed.

I opened a crack in the door Estimating the likelihood of escape The woman suddenly opened her eyes Look straight at me The eyes are full of banter As if to say that you are the next piece of fat under my knife. Endless sense of fear Let me fall out of the closet

The woman sat up Smiling look at me Why not hide? I haven’t played enough. He actually finished what happened before. Don’t hurt me Please, please. I sat down on the ground Begged him with a cry How am I willing to kill you With you added to my many fun

The woman hooked my chin Slowly said No one has ever appreciated my killing. You are the first Is it an honor Look at her excited expression I’m sure the woman in front of me is a pervert. My eyes trembled with tears and said I can’t. I really beg you to let me go

Let you go You ‘ve seen my murder. Kill you to silence and be my loyal audience. You can only choose one I won’t tell Really ask you to believe me I cried to him and said shut up He suddenly became grumpy A slap slapped me dizzy to the burning pain in the face

I gave you a chance to live Since you don’t cherish Then no wonder I said The woman raised a knife and slashed me in the face. I screamed in horror Directly passed out When you wake up My head hurts like a needle Around is also a strange Think back to the scene before

I quickly reach out and touch my face No wounds There is no pain Did I really die? How are you feeling A man who looked like a policeman appeared in my sight. I watched her on guard Wrap yourself tightly in a quilt You don’t have to be afraid You’re already safe

Received your alarm letterAfter Interest We quickly called the police The criminal has been ambushed Listen to the police. I finally breathed a sigh of relief It feels so good to be alive That woman is terrible Think of what happened before I’m still shivering Later, I learned that women were betrayed.

After killing my husband in a rage She tricked the men who coveted her beauty back home. Kill them again to satisfy your own pleasure. Zhou Xing is the poor worm on the brain He discovered my existence early through home surveillance. I’m like a clown In front of him full of ugly

And I will be punished by the law I swear I’ll never be a thief again. I didn’t think I lost my phone at the hotpot restaurant. actually showed up at home On the weekend night, I went to a hot pot restaurant with two girlfriends to celebrate. I passed the public examination

After a full meal and wine I’m ready to check out But found that the phone is not in the bag Just now I took out my cell phone to take a picture. I thought I left it on the table Quickly turned to look for the phone but not on the table

The fawn shook his head and said I didn’t see you. Don’t worry I’ll give you a call Fawn takes out his cell phone dialed my number Hand me the phone With a few beeps after the tone The other party picked up the phone Hello. I am the owner of the phone.

Thank you for picking up my phone Where are you now I try to communicate calmly Don’t dare to annoy each other However, on the other end of the phone, there was a strange silence. I’m a little angry Can’t help but ask each other said Who are you? Why did you take my phone?

Why not talk My voice just fell There was a creepy laugh from the phone. I scared a tingle The phone was almost thrown out. Damn less. play tricks here My mobile phone can enter the positioning device. Be careful I call the police Catch your heart Thumping with fright My tone has become rough

The other side again issued a strange laughter Then hung up the phone Wait till I call again But there has been no answer The arrogant attitude of the other party makes me very angry I was so angry that I went to check the store for surveillance. Decided to find this bad guy out.

It’s a pity that we’re sitting in a surveillance corner. Can’t shoot anything Han Xue returned from the toilet Heard about this Comfort me way Stop it I bought you a new one Think of it as my gift to you In order not to spoil the interest of friends I smiled again

And they ran to k song After a few hours I dragged my tired body home Turn on the lights at the moment I was so scared that I froze Sleepless My phone appeared on the table in the living room I thought I was dazzled Rub your eyes Looking at the past

The phone is still lying on the table My heart is getting more and more panic People tremble unconsciously Someone sneaked into my house. He’s still at my house I panicked and grabbed my cell phone to call the police. The bedroom suddenly came before the strange laughter I collapsed to the ground

Tears keep falling He’s really in the bedroom I covered my mouth hard Dare not make a sound The laughter finally stopped. I took a deep breath Struggling to get up from the ground Wolf spray in hand Decided to go to the bedroom to find out. Turn on the light

I screamed and sprayed the air with anti-wolf spray. The room is quiet The things I feared did not happen No one under the bed Not even in the closet. I searched all the places where people could hide, but I couldn’t find them. I’m sitting on the couch gasping for air

Take out your cell phone and call the police. But the police should also not file a case Can’t say I met paranormal The ghost I just barely fell asleep at night A laugh again in the tail ear I’m scared to death But keep making psychological hints This is auditory hallucinations

This is auditory hallucinations I put my head in the quilt Cover your ears hard Shaking into a sieve I don’t know how long The laughter disappeared. Finally stayed up till dawn I haven’t had time to breathe a sigh of relief There was a rapid knock at the door

I was so scared that my legs were weak Miss please express your Please sign for it A low male voice sounded at the door Leave it at the door I heard it was a courier I’m relieved The courier gave a cry Footsteps getting round and so on I haven’t bought anything online lately.

Where did the express come from I hold my breath again Looking stiffly at the door The body trembles unconsciously I ‘ve been watching the cat for a long time. Until we’re sure there’s no one out there Only then did he take the chopsticks in despondently. Open Express There’s a brightly colored suit inside.

I took it out for a look The chest of the coat is embroidered with a big longevity character. This is a dress for the dead My name and size were also marked next to the clothes. I was so scared that I threw my clothes on the ground. Who is so wicked

To curse me so My heart beat fast Two hands keep rubbing on the clothes As if this is the only way to drive away the bad luck brought by this suit. Just at this moment The bedroom again sounded a strange laughter I didn’t expect my lost phone to suddenly appear at home.

Just now I also received a veterinarian in my size. Who the hell did this Strange laughter came again in the bedroom And I didn’t have the courage to go into the bedroom. The collapse of the door and escape Tears blurred my eyes I just rushed out the unit door

But got a call from Xiao Lu Did you sleep well last night? I’ll buy you breakfast Hear his voice I can no longer control emotions Bawl When the fawn and Han Xue arrive I sat on the steps in a daze The weather is very warm I’m still shivering with cold

It was also very ugly to see the veterinarian in the living room. The fawn threw it in the trash with a glove mask. I may have been targeted by bad people My teeth are chattering Say no You ‘ve never had a grudge against anyone. Han Xue holding my cold hand

What’s wrong with him? I can’t sell it myself I pointed to the trash can Two people did not speak Weird look at me May be themselves I screamed and took out my phone Open a treasure. After seeing the purchase record Black at the moment Sit on the sofa What’s wrong with you

Look at this. I’m livid The voice is strange to hand over the phone The veterinarian really used the list under my account number. The order was placed at ten o’clock the night before yesterday. I’m pretty sure I was sleeping at home. I didn’t go anywhere that night

Someone must have snuck into the house and moved my phone. And the laughter of the seeping people He did it too. He stole my phone yesterday. My angry clenched fist Have you been under a lot of stress lately? That’s how it’s going to be The fawn worried asked me

You mean to say that there is something wrong with my spirit The silence of the two has given me the answer You guys believe me My mental state is good I really heard the laughter Also impossible to hair nerve Someone must be trying to get me to buy this stuff.

I’m calling the police The police won’t handle your situation. Han Xue’s words cooled me like a basin of cold water. Relax the mood You’re just too tired We’re here with you The fawn reached out his finger to press my temple The ice on your fingers feels cool and comfortable.

I have some panic at night I’m afraid something strange will happen again. But fortunately, the deer and Han Xue are around. Colin was coming at me. I’m sleeping soundly Sweets The laughter appeared again Creepy in the silence of the night I opened my eyes with a jerk

The two people around are still asleep I pushed the deer hard. The fawn opened his eyes blankly Ask me what I am doing in a daze Did you hear that? The laughter came again. My voice became hoarse because of nervousness What sound You sleep silly The fawn rubbed his sleepy eyes

Listen with your ears. You didn’t hear There’s no sound at all. The fawn said with certainty But this laughter is clearly in I am not convinced Wake up Han Xue again Han Xue’s reaction is the same as that of a deer He touched my forehead Where is the sound You sleep confused

Do you really not hear? I bite my lips hard Tears were so anxious that they all flowed out. The fawn and Han Xue looked at me at a loss Helpless shook his head I’m completely devastated Grasp the hair hard How could this happen?

I’m going to jump out of bed and look for the sound source But the laughter stopped. The bedroom fell silent again Deep sense of powerlessness Let me utterly despair Is there really something wrong with my spirit? I shook my shoulders Bury your face between your legs Don’t worry. Close your eyes

Everything will be fine Han Xue sweet coax me I close my eyes and lie down Can be a strange picture lingering in my mind In a daze Suddenly my phone rings Three people open their eyes at the same time. Looking at each other in horror The time is fixed at 12 a.m.

A strange number is jumping on the screen I swallowed the saliva Delayed to connect Afraid of the phone is a horror of laughter The fawn and Han Xue also looked bad. No one dares to speak. The phone never hung up Han Xue frowned On key pressed Hello takeout

Please take the voice of the female takeout operator I never ordered takeout A great sense of fear surrounds me. I am only responsible for delivery according to order information Order information shows your phone number and address I still open the takeaway platform with a fluke. After seeing the order record

My heart fell to the bottom You put the door I said weakly to the delivery man. The order was placed 40 minutes ago in a hotel I often patronize. It must be my phone. He’s already possessed by an evil spirit. I still don’t want to admit that I have a mental problem.

I rushed downstairs and threw my phone in the trash Doctors infer I may have been under a lot of stress lately Caused memory confusion I was given a medicine to soothe the nerves. The fawn and Han Xue went home separately because they were afraid. Lost mobile phone and inexplicably back to my desk

The strange laughter often sounded in the night The long legs of items in the home generally change positions. I’m even starting to lose track of dreams and reality because of physical reasons I was absent from the public examination.

My mother is worried that I want to take me back to my hometown to recuperate. While helping me pack My mother accidentally sent the doll Han Xue gave me to the ground. The doll immediately burst into strange laughter I was so scared Shivering all over

Mom pulled out a miniature smart speaker in the doll. This speaker can be remote control Sound as instructed by the operator I went through what happened recently. Looking at his mother pale Mouth dry said No way. Know the face but not the heart. Accompanied by my mother, I called the police

The results of the police investigation surprised me even more. It turned out that everything was done by fawn and Han Xue. They’re jealous that I’m about to have a civil service job. He created a series of supernatural events. Han Xue first gave me the doll as a gift.

I took my cell phone unnoticed when I was eating. When I dial the phone He’s also playing tricks Because I trusted them and gave them a spare key. Give them the phone password Never fortified them. So they often sneak up to my house in the middle of the night.

In fact, they all heard the laughter that night. Just intentionally frighten me Let me fall into the trap they set step by step I’ll take them both to court. They will pay for their actions. I bought a second-hand phone from a fish.

After the arrival of the results found that this phone was not formatted Open the album and have a look The original owner of the mobile phone is still a tall and handsome boy. This can be earned If you can take this opportunity to develop a relationship Hey hey hey I’m thinking

While enjoying the handsome boy’s flourishing beauty I saw a slip When turning to the next page I was totally stunned What’s going on here? Why is there a picture of me on my phone? I look at this photo carefully That was taken when I was in high school I’m in a ponytail

Wearing school uniform a face of green This photo is almost 78 years from now. Why did the original mobile phone owner secretly take pictures I… Keep the photos for so long. Is he a voyeur It’s wrong to have bad intentions towards me. Then why haven’t you done it all these years?

I continue to look through the photos in the phone One two three More and more wrong These photos record me from Senior high school to college To participate in the work of the time The most recent one was a few months ago. When I was at the beach with my best friend

It turns out that for so many years there has been a person secretly looking at me behind How can this be more and more penetrating I’m so afraid of it My cold sweat goes out This is definitely a pervert Fortunately, I have the evidence

Otherwise, I don’t even know how close I am to danger. Just when I wanted to call the police The doorbell rang Miss have your courier Please sign for it I didn’t even think Say it directly Let’s put it at the door first. Say this sentence suddenly come back to god No.

I didn’t buy anything Where did you get the express I hold my breath Looking stiffly in the direction of the door Fingers trembled unconsciously The man outside the door gave a cry. Put the things down and go I crept to the door See through the cat’s eye no one outside

I carefully twist the door Handle After looking around left and right Take the express in When I opened the express, there was a set of sexy underwear inside. I took it out for a look Good guy. Even the right size Who is so spoof me I have some doubts

The first thing that flashed in my mind was my best friend Guan. Xiao Guan always makes a lot of bold moves in this regard Last birthday also gave me a small toy So it’s no surprise that I got my lingerie this year. It’s just that my birthday is a week away.

I think it’s his gift. I bought it early I turn on my phone I was just about to tell Guan that I received it. I received a text message at this time. It was from a strange number. This set of underwear for you like it?

Put it on. I’ll see if my heart beats faster. Who is this man What do you mean put on? Let me see. I looked around I turned all the rooms around again. No one came here I’m sure this underwear is not from the small officer He wouldn’t be so boring

Who is the prank I don’t want to know I left the express and the underwear next to the shoe cabinet. It’s almost ten o’clock I have to go to work tomorrow. I have to go to sleep I sneak into bed Brushed the mobile phone

I also told my best friend what happened just now. Let her help me analyze who is trying to punish me My best friend hasn’t spoken for a long time. My eyelids won’t hold The hand holding the mobile phone hung on the bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I was in a daze and heard the door turn. I opened my eyes slightly After listening carefully, there will be no sound again. I thought I heard the wrong sound Lie down again I turned on my cell phone and looked at the time.

One o’clock in the morning There is also a news of a best friend. I opened it and took a look. Instant drowsiness Is it possible that the person who gave you underwear is the mobile phone seller The news gave me a fright If this conjecture is true

Then the seller already knows my address What might happen later Can’t imagine at all My hands are shaking. No way. Don’t scare me. I can’t sleep at night. My best friend probably went to bed early. I was completely scared to wake up

I wanted to turn on the light to give myself some sense of security. Then I heard a strange noise from the living room. It’s like the sound of shoes rubbing against the floor. I’m not so sure So hold your breath Slowly press your ears into the bedroom door with your bare feet.

Feel the sound of footsteps Gradually far away I think I went into the kitchen After coming out of the kitchen Push the door and go to the next bedroom The real sound of pushing the door in my ear Let me make sure that the family really entered.

I bought an unformatted second cell phone online. There’s a picture of me in there. And now the owner is in my living room ear The real sound of pushing the door Let me make sure the home is really amazing I suddenly turned pale The whole body can not stop shaking

Try not to make a sound I crouched down against the door. trembling fingers Holding the phone just input 110 To make a call I suddenly react It takes time for the police to get to my house. Besides, I’m talking now The people outside must be able to hear

In case he’s in a hurry That would be bad. I sink my heart Edit text message to 12110 police My family entered the living room I’m in danger now Please come quickly My home is in room 507, fifth floor, unit 3, maji community.

As soon as the thumb pressed the message, it was sent out. Just when I was a little relieved Three knocks on the door in my ear Heavy and powerful My heart is about to jump out The whole person curled up in the corner trembling all over Then I heard outside the door.

There came a very soft, low male voice. He’s a word As if staring at a prey that has entered the cage. Xu Zhenzhen I know you’re not sleeping I’m coming in I escaped as well. Run to bed Cover yourself with a quilt Shaking like a sieve chaff I can’t even make a sound

The man outside turned the turnstile Locked the discovery door from the inside He lifted his foot with a sharp kick act rude and irascible But his voice is still gentle Lure me out with a sound Open the door I saw you in the quilt I curled up in the quilt

It’s like cotton stuffed in my throat. Extreme fear Let me speechless His strength is getting bigger and bigger I heard the crumbling of sawdust Through a corner of the quilt I saw an evil eye Looking at me with a smile The corners of the mouth evoked a strange smile

You’re still as disobedient as before. I’m really going to be angry The man said this softly. Kick the door panel down with one foot. The collapse of the door fell heavily on my heart The tall figure of the man appeared at the door Under the dark light I can’t see his face

I can only see two rows of his white teeth. He is laughing I can’t just sit around Jump out of bed got into the bathroom This bathroom door is relatively sturdy. Just when I thought he could block me for a while. The man banged over The next second

Half of his body leaned in Raise the corners of the mouth Laugh playfully I can’t help but scream The emotions of fear and nausea are intertwined I was so scared that I collapsed to the ground Xu Zhenzhen Why are you so timid It’s not fun Man hooked my chin Some regret to say

Please let me go I begged in a whisper Let you go How is it possible The game has just begun Men are gentle as water Touched my lips with a finger The cold temperature made me shiver. With two hands desperately backward Finally pasted to the bathroom wall What should I do?

There’s no way to escape The man asked you with a smile Don’t come here If you take one more step I’ll jump My voice is still down The man took two provocative steps forward. The next second I was easily dragged up by him and shove my head out the window

The wind and tears kept pouring into the neck Don’t you mean to jump from here I’ll make you right now After the man said it lightly Hold up my whole body and send it out the window. The moment the body completely vacated I’m really scared Can’t help but scream

Two hands desperately trying to grasp the window edge Face my timidity The man sneered and taunted Since you don’t want to jump It doesn’t matter He left me in the corner I think of a new quartet I saw him pull out a sharp blade. Sliding straight into my face I scream in horror

Head a tilt passed out A glass of ice water mercilessly splashed in my face I opened my eyes with a jerk Found people have been leaning on the bed Think of the horrible scene before I reached out to touch my face When he raised his hand, he found four tied up.

Can’t move at all Don’t worry You’re not currently disfigured But for a while it’s hard to say The man standing by the bed suddenly spoke This moment I finally saw this man’s face It’s exactly the same as the photo in the phone. You’re the one who sold me the phone

No wonder he can call out my name Because I used real name information on the order So he was the one who sent the sexy lingerie. Isn’t it a surprise? Who the hell are you trying to do to me I dare not look his eyes Weak squeeze a word from the chest

I can’t believe you don’t remember me The man said with regret I secretly aimed at him Man’s facial features are very handsome Very consistent with my aesthetic Too bad I don’t know her I hurriedly shook his head If you don’t remember me, forget it.

But I remember you for so many years every day I have not forgotten man’s face Suddenly cold down I swallowed saliva Dare not say a word What about this one? He tore his clothes apart I see a long scar like a centipede tear the chest in half Creepy

This, this is what’s going on Ha ha ha The man suddenly laughed like the wind The sound quality is written all over the face Xu Zhenzhen I have today is thanks to you He suddenly strangled me by the neck You listen to me My name is Wang Shuai is handsome handsome

Not the decline of decay He shouted word for word The name Wang Shuai makes me inexplicably familiar But there is no trace of this person in the memory library. Sorry, I really don’t remember you It’s ironic. So many years I want to see you in my dreams

Wang Shuai smiled and looked at me a gloomy saying Then step you hard in the dust I haven’t had time to speak He even hummed Fat head fish called Wang Shuai Fat and ugly Nobody loves See the white flower drool Crying and shouting to be the groom deaf ears. leaves have flowers

Is a toad Listen to his humming My heart sank Finally remembered in front of this person is who How could it be him Thriller spread from the soles of my feet to the sky cover I bought an unformatted second cell phone on a fish. There’s a picture of me in there.

And now the owner has broken into my house Fat Head Fish Xiao Wang Shuai Fat and ugly Nobody loves Sword white flower drooling Crying and shouting to be the groom deaf ears. eyes and flowers is a toad The sound is chilling I finally remembered who he was How could it be you

I stare big eyes I was in high school. Because of the excellent family conditions Plus learning well The people around the looks family are trying their best to please me. I was extraordinarily arrogant at school Senior one A transfer student came to the class. Named Wang Shuai

The teacher arranged for him to sit at my deskmate At that time, Wang Shuai was short, fat and ugly. wearing a pair of thick glasses My face turned red when I opened my mouth. It’s a little transparent. I don’t give a damn about him Xu Zhenzhen Wang Shuai said He likes you

A boy jokingly said to me I grew up with a lot of suitors. But like by ugly B like Wang Shuai Feeling is a great shame I angrily returned to my seat Wang Shuai carefully pushed a box of small cakes in front of me. Have a piece of cake

Sweets can make people feel better Who likes to eat your broken cake As disgusting as your people I picked up the cake in a huff Paste directly on his face Wang Shuai was frightened by my actions The timid look at me Did I do something wrong

It was a mistake for you to live I gnashed my teeth and said Wang Shuai gave me a lonely look. reached out and wiped the cream on his face Silently out of the classroom I quickly find the teacher to change seats But failed to stop the spread of rumors

As long as I’m in the same frame with Wang Shuai The students began to heckle at the play. General to our malicious smile Wang Shuai’s existence seems to nail me to the pillar of shame Let me lift my head Xu Zhenzhen

The wedding photo of you and Wang Shuai was posted on the blackboard. In the morning a classmate ran out of the class gloating to say to me Wang Shuai’s students and I pasted side by side on the blackboard. The picture is surrounded by colored balloons and flowers

There are four big words on the top. Happy wedding The class began to applaud May we have a baby early My brain buzzed and exploded. Grab the eraser Rub on the blackboard like crazy Tears blurred my vision Here comes the hero. I don’t know who shouted.

The classmate turned his head to Wang Shuai at the door. Did you set up the wedding photos on the blackboard? It’s really well-intentioned Quickly propose to Xu Zhenzhen Maybe he’ll promise you Some students began to heckle No, I didn’t do it After seeing the contents on the blackboard Wang Shuai’s face went white

Repeatedly waving hands Look at his sorry audience face I’m fidgety Raise your hand to wipe the board severely thrown in the past The eraser hit Wang Shuai on the shoulder and then fell to the ground You toad, get out of here My voice just fell

The light in Wang Shuai’s eyes faded a little bit. I whispered sorry I began to take the lead in isolating Wang Shuai My classmates are happy to see me go to the theater for him. Either beat or scold him The more inarticulate he became silent. The whole face is full of ash defeat

Like a dying plant During the break, Wang Shuai came to me again. His approach makes me uncomfortable The stomach is constantly churning That’s really not what I did Wang Shuai said uneasily Go away. I don’t wanna see you I fidgety want to drive away as soon as possible He

Fear of us becoming the focus again It’s not me Wang Shuai has tears in the corner of his eyes Trying to make me believe that you can You die now show me Use death to prove your innocence I looked at Wang Shuai with contempt With a smile in the corners of the mouth

Wang Shuai’s face is pale wait for a while looked at me for a few seconds Then silently walked out of the classroom Soon there was a loud noise outside the window Xu Zhenzhen You finally think of me Wang Shuai patted my cheek with his hand Hold me by the neck Hand slightly hard

I ran out of oxygen and couldn’t breathe Two tied arms struggling and struggling in vain I didn’t die. You must be very disappointed Her smile is more and more exaggerated but there is no temperature at all I watched him laugh like crazy Until I’m about to roll my eyes

Just big hand a loose My shoulders are shrugging violently For the first time so greedy oxygen Big mouth big mouth breathing helpless tears Flow down the cheek Bite your lips hard Desperately shaking his head Wang Shuai You let me go I really know wrong

In fact, I really blamed myself after you jumped off a building. Baffled by nightmares every day I also have depression Later a psychologist.Sheng helped me seal up that memory. Let go of what you said. Have you ever felt humiliated Is there no taste of love?

Have you ever experienced what it’s like to have bones torn apart Xu Zhenzhen In front of me You don’t deserve to talk terms You owe me all this Wang Shuai’s eyes are bloodshot He kept laughing Leave me, okay? I really know wrong I once again low cry If I hadn’t jumped that day

You’ll be right as before. I… How do you know you’re wrong? Wang Shuai’s words made me speechless. The ending you deserve now Wang Shuai finished this sentence Raise the knife to my chest Just when I thought I was going to die The police burst into the door Will also Wang Shuai uniform

In the misty eyes I saw the flowers hanging by the wall His name is purple hyacinth Flower language is salvation and repentance Everyone longs to forget the unhappiness of the past Embrace today But what happened to me today is the evil planted in the past. Because

School violence can do to a child’s body and mind irreversible damage When the avalanche comes No snowflake is innocent. I was suddenly blind To make sure my life goes on normally I hired a nanny to look after me one morning I vaguely saw a dead body lying in my living room.

I am instantly in place And now my nanny is standing behind me I heard him ask me with a smile What would Xiao Xia like for breakfast today? I dare not speak Don’t even dare to breathe loudly Aunt Chen That’s what I always call her

She saw me for a long time without making a sound. asked again Little Summer Have you lost your appetite this morning? as he said While passing I passed the living room very naturally Passing by the body. Go into the kitchen Alas, young people nowadays Don’t want to eat breakfast

I don’t want to eat dinner either. Aunt Chen seems to be very concerned about me Love is revealed in the language So do not cherish their own body It’s too late to regret when you get old. He chattered for a long time But I didn’t hear a word

There are only two questions in my head right now. Whose body is it? How to get out of here I cleared my throat Trying to hold myself steady Some nervous voice Auntie, I’m still a little sleepy I ‘d like to go back to my room and sleep for a while.

Chen An, the sound of all dishes stopped instantly I feel like my breath is freezing You’re going back to your room to sleep He asked softly as usual. Can be heard in me He seemed to be preventing me from returning to a relatively safe space I rubbed the back of my neck

Pretending to be uncomfortable Aunt Chen did not ask again She turn your head Keep cutting something. I seem to smell an iron rust peculiar to the blood. I don’t think he’s dealing with his aunt. I quietly tightened my fist A thin layer of sweat on the forehead Nothing.

I went back to my room Before I move my footsteps Aunt Chen immediately called me Little Summer, wait. I try to calm the rapid jump of the heart Normal asked what’s the matter Eat breakfast and go to sleep. He proposed You’re up anyway Why don’t you just wash up have a breakfast

I said euphemistically Still no trouble Just breakfast. How can trouble Aunt Chen put down the knife in her hand I could see her coming towards me. I don’t want her to find out that my eyes have regained some Then quickly stop his pace In this case I sipped my mouth

Then I’ll go wash up first Aunt Chen smiled again. Go ahead Breakfast will be ready soon. I reached out and fumbled into the bathroom The strong fishy smell is particularly abrupt in this small space. Just take a step I feel like I’m going to vomit Did he kill someone?

Is he disposing of the body at my house? He’s not afraid of my unlucky blind man. Do you hear or smell anything different? I don’t even dare to show anything strange. Enduring the churning of the stomach I washed up very quickly and scribbled. Just turned around

I saw Aunt Chen standing right behind me In fact, the distance I can see is still not long and blurred vision But I clearly felt his sharp vision. body a stiff Aunt Chen, Xiao Xia, spoke softly. But the eyes are staring at me Breakfast is ready Just put it on the table

Well, okay, I’ll be there right now I don’t dare to show a difference in front of him. Ordinary as usual. Hold on to the wall bump against the table and sit down I touched a hot bowl A hazy slice in the bowl It looks like porridge

I picked up the bowl in advance of the spoon stir in the porridge a slight bite Send it to your mouth Aunt reminded It’s still a little hot. You eat slowly Don’t worry I made a sound But my mind is not on this at all.

He blew it twice and stuffed it into his mouth. Chewing between I bite a soft But a tough piece of meat. Subconsciously I spit out all the porridge I accidentally knocked over the porridge bowl when I was nervous. Hot liquid spray on the table Some still fall on my thighs

I can clearly feel the strong pain coming from the surface of the skin This sudden stimulus can not help but let me call out Aunt Chen was also scared by me She hastened to hand me the paper I would like to take it directly But I dare not Had to clenched teeth

Will hand waving in the air Aunt Chen I need a tissue Aunt Chen obviously observed me I can only grind my teeth and continue to pretend to be blind He waited a while before he shove the tissue into my hand Ouch, little summer Why did you spit out the porridge?

Do you have a hot head? After I ‘ve packed up a little Crustily skin of head explained that I didn’t blow cold into the mouth As a result, I burned my tongue. Aunt Chen smiled Saying to me in the tone of a child. You are also true Let you eat slowly

How can you burn your tongue? He said that he was very considerate and brought me water. Drink some cold water Slowly I nodded With the sound of the bottom of the cup hitting the table top stretched out his hand in that direction Aunt Chen held the back of my hand

Pass me the cup I suddenly pulled my hand away like an electric shock. Aunt Chen looked at me with a frown My back immediately sweats What is it? Little Summer He leaned close to me Look at my face I could never have imagined One opens his eyes

A body appeared out of thin air in the living room And at the moment I can only try to hide My eyes You can see things. Aunt Chen leaned close to me Look at my face You look like I got up interrupt him Aunt Chen I’m sticky and uncomfortable

I ‘d like to go back to my room and wipe it Change clothes She looked at me suspiciously But didn’t say much line Then I’ll change the bowl of porridge for you Back in the room I turned around and locked the door My hair roots stand up The brain turns fast

What should I do now Want to call the police? Call the police I started looking for my cell phone in my room When I almost turned the room upside down The phone rings out of date in the living room I just put my phone on the table I have some breakdown

Wanted to think I took out the wolf spray from the drawer. This is what I bought when I wanted to prevent perverts. I didn’t expect to use it today. I have a wry smile Xiao Xia, your phone is ringing Aunt Chen’s kind reminder outside the door I… Alert to the closed door

Swallowed saliva Do you want to go out and get your cell phone? Going out means seeing Aunt Chen Not going out means I can’t get my phone Still struggling Knock on the door again Xiao Xia, open the door Your phone rang Arrow on the string Have to send I slowed down

The mind should respond Right away. Be careful. Unlock I will open the door some Aunt Chen has my phone Right in front of me He didn’t hand me the phone the first time. But look down at my skirt and then asked Didn’t you say to change clothes Why didn’t you change it?

I lie very naturally I didn’t bother to change it before I found it. Aunt Chen oh a cry Pass the phone. Your phone has been ringing for half a day. I took the phone from him tugged at it Found no drag I lifted my eyes to look at her

Aunt Chen raised her head slightly Constantly looking into my eyes Half want he asked softly Little Summer You got your phone so precisely Is the eye restored? Aunt Chen’s face suddenly showed fierce light. Raised the hand of the kitchen knife I know I can’t hide anymore

I looked at the bright kitchen knife in Aunt Chen’s hand. Unconsciously swallowed two saliva I hold on to the wolf spray Ready to give aunt Chen a surprise Suddenly my phone rings again It was a call from the housekeeping company Aunt Chen’s eyes briefly stay on the mobile phone screen Is now

I raise the anti-wolf spray A sharp spray on his face and eyes. Chili water got into her eyes Aunt Chen cried in pain The kitchen knife in his hand also fell to the ground I dare not hesitate Raise the picture frame on the bedside table Aim at the back of his neck

Try your best to hit the past Watch him fall to the ground I called the police the first time When I tied Aunt Chen to the chair Sweat has already wet my clothes I crept up to the living room The bodies on the ground are gone Faint to see traces

Directions to the kitchen A rancid smell coming out of the fridge I jerked open the refrigerator door A pale white A bloodied and familiar face appeared before my eyes This is the boyfriend’s face My eyes are red trembling all over A butt fell to the ground

At this time, the sound of the police breaking the door sounded behind The case soon came to light. This nanny who calls herself Aunt Chen is actually a wanted man. carrying two lives on his back Boyfriend came to my house last night I… learned that I was sleeping He didn’t call me.

As a result, I accidentally saw the wanted information on the Internet. The photo turned out to be the babysitter’s face. He was just about to call the police The nanny stabbed him to death with a dagger The nanny tried to kill me too.

I happened to meet a housekeeping company calling to follow up the nanny’s work. He was afraid I wouldn’t answer the phone It will make the intermediary company suspicious. No hands on me Plus my eyes are blind To facilitate his dismembering The on-site nanny decided to stay at my house for the time being.

It’s just that he’s doing a lot of things. I didn’t think my eyes would suddenly come back If your home combination lock Always being pushed by two bear children What would you do As soon as I got home, I suddenly heard an immediate sound at the door. Through the cat’s eye

I see a round eyeball Dripping around on the other side of the cat’s eye Almost at the same time, a shrill laugh of a child rang out. Sister Sister I see you How much is your home password? Work early today I hold on to my bag Fly upstairs like a thief

Heart can not think There are always two children squatting at the fire gate these days. Before I get off work I’m afraid their parents won’t find them I didn’t invite them in. Two people crouched in front of my house I don’t know what I’m doing. I see no children at my door.

I took a breath Who’s Xiong Haizi doesn’t have to go to school? Squatting at the door of people’s house all day long I entered the password to enter the house I just put down the bag of water before I could take a sip.

I heard the sound of losing the password at the door. When I got to the door The six-digit password has been lost. Three I wanted to open the door directly. But the devil I look at the cat’s eye Through the cat’s eye I see a round eyeball

Dripping around on the other side of the cat’s eye Almost at the same time, a shrill laugh of a child rang out. Sister Sister I see you I was too scared to move my eyeballs The little boy’s laughter made half of my body numb even more. Password is still being entered

They press the last button Wrong password The boy sighed He’s typing in the code again I shivered to open the phone My password can be set on my mobile phone. I immediately changed the password to system random Show on my phone The password they entered the first time was actually correct.

Just missing a pound sign The last one entered one more time. And the boy entered the second password with my password is exactly the same I limp to the ground How did they know my password A sweet girl’s voice sounded Sister, how much is your password? I came back to God

The girl is a little older than the little boy From the previous meeting. She has a mature mind Seems very clever I open my mouth What do you want? The girl leaned under the door and said I want to go to the toilet There is a toilet in the property office downstairs.

Take the elevator yourself to the-first floor. I rummaged through the phone Property Phone The parents and sisters of these two Xiong Haizi can definitely be found through the property. I don’t want to go to the bathroom Do you have any unwanted bottles and jars

The girl’s voice is still like whispering in my ear I feel sick and uncomfortable being crawled by a snake. I made a phone call to konoha Let them go upstairs while waiting Silent outside the door I tried to look from the cat’s eye Empty outside the door I guess I heard the phone.

Afraid of being called parents So ran away Think of two children sneaking around I guess they weren’t playing at all It was clearly the stalking door that was knocked again. I open the door Three men in black security uniforms stood at the door I simply describe things You mean you ‘ve been seeing

Those two kids playing in your doorway A voice that sounds good enough to be a voice. I look along the sound Black cap under a pair of eyes It’s black like it can suck people’s souls in. I stayed for a moment Yeah, they used to play games at my door Play the game

He repeated it The corners of the mouth inadvertently evoke a dimple The brief appears and disappears A 40-year-old security guard next to him coughed with his hand on his mouth. Then said to me Let’s do this. Miss Jiang You go down with us to watch the surveillance I am a side set

Facing the fire escape up and down the stairs on this floor. Our residential property management is good There is a monitor inside and outside the fire escape on each floor. Black and white video flash frame by frame Time on July 7 Two kids climbing stairs in a fire escape

Go up layer by layer Finally stopped on my floor They’re right. They’re curled up in the corner and stare out at something. Doorway video shows That’s when I got out of the elevator. rummaging through the bag for something I didn’t notice the fire door 1 meter apart.

There are two eyes looking at themselves Time on July 8 The two children squatted at the fire door more than ten minutes in advance. Watch me get out of the elevator See I’m about to walk up to them and cover your eyes with your hands Peep through your fingers

This is the first time I ‘ve really seen them. When I enter the password They’re getting closer to me with funny steps. And this time I open the door and close the door The moment the door closes Their faces are a middle-aged greasy man. Pity and indifference

The duck whose face seemed to be talking about the mouth flew away Maybe it’s not the eyes they’re trying to cover But the face Let me relax through children’s games Then what do they want I stare round eyes to look at the man beside me He seems to know

That’s why I laughed and said to play games. See me look to her She gave me a reassuring look. Let’s finish the video first. In the next video. the two children are very naughty Always littering cartons at my door Adhesive tape on the password box Watch me fly kick carton Ruth tape

When you show your teeth at them The two children are not angry. And make faces at me After I walk in the door Two people also high-fives Until I saw today’s video The moment gives me the creeps If your home combination lock Always being pushed by two bear children What would you do

I’m checking the surveillance video of the past few days. I found these two children often squatting at the door to go home. Let me relax through children’s games What the hell do they want Video time on July 12. That is today I look around Carefully unlock Less than five minutes into the door

Two kids showed up at my door The boy skillfully pressed the combination lock Enter the password almost without thinking As you can see from the video The older girl standing on the stool Watching through the cat’s eyes. Holding a fruit knife in his hand The boy’s pocket is also bulging See this scene

I breathe involuntarily rapid Staring at the video Eyes full of fear A man in the security guard suddenly opened his mouth. How did these two kids know the code? The older security guard was operating the computer on the sidelines. Zoom in motioned us to look out the corridor window

Reflected in the above a pair of wide open eyes When you open the door They’re staring at you right before you enter the code. They deliberately set all kinds of traps at your door. is to steal your home password How did he do it There is a small platform outside the window.

He should have stepped on that He turned his head and explained to me seriously. I instantly goose bumps all over my body Is this still a child? After watching all the videos I was too scared to step out of the door of the surveillance room.

Those two eyes seem to be waiting for me outside I dare not think What will happen if they enter my house? I tune the city I’ll take you home The security brother said Just as we walked into the corridor Suddenly heard a boom It’s like a heavy object is falling behind.

I just want to look back and cover my eyes with both hands Don’t look Go back first Although I hard core But there’s a sweetheart in the air I caught it on my nose. Instead we entered the elevator Mingcheng pressed the button on the eighth floor. Then take out the phone fast typing

Who seems to be sending the message After we got out of the elevator Mingcheng’s eyes paused for a few seconds. I followed his gaze There’s a grid bus hanging in front of my house. The blue foundation draws a rough outline Next to it, I drew three crooked words with red sticky liquid.

There are obvious footprints of children on hide and seek a big one a small one Those two kids are still here I instantly trembled Take it easy. It’s okay. Mingcheng’s words haven’t been finished yet. I heard a voice coming from his intercom. Someone jumped off a building in Sanzhuang

It appears to have jumped from the eighth floor is a girl The voice of the walkie-talkie sizzling I this building is not three On the eighth floor, I remembered the sound of heavy objects falling downstairs just now. I suddenly realized what While I’m thinking The next door neighbor’s door suddenly opened

Two kids came out of it. Seems not to have expected the two of us here smiling stiff Hanging on the face The boy was carrying a black bag. Not waiting for me to react Mingcheng rushed up instantly control them. Before they want to take something out of the bag They held their hands.

Uncle, what are you doing? You pinch hurt me The little girl stared at Mingcheng Then he looked at me again. Tears at the corners of my eyes Sister Sister You let uncle let me go I fell so hurt I was just about to say something Mingcheng turned around Seriously said to me

Don’t listen to what they say I just called the police I ‘ve been watching them for a long time They’re not ordinary kids at all. This is also my first careful observation It was only after they got close that they found out

The child’s face is not as smooth and tender as a normal child’s. Even a little gully on the face News broadcast of the city July 12 at 17:00 A female falling incident occurred in Maji community. After investigation by the police found This is a man-made home invasion, robbery, homicide

The killer is a man and a woman. Two adult patients with dwarfism They cheat sympathy by virtue of their physical superiority And then implement the crime Here to remind the people to be vigilant Pay attention to safety I sat in front of the TV watching yesterday’s news report

There is a feeling like a dream Later things or Ming Cheng told me The two fake children because of physical problems When looking for a job, I hit a brick wall everywhere. Life is often looked down upon by others Gradually, their psychology changed. They hate sane normal people. In order to survive

Pretend to be a child Squash in the neighborhood Under the guise of playing hide-and-seek Let people relax their vigilance Started committing a crime They didn’t get it with me. So I targeted the girl next door. She just got back from a business trip When the little girl proposed

Sister, I want to go to the toilet The girl next door has a good heart Let them into the house The girls didn’t care too much at first. Until they found out they were secretly rummaging through their stuff Three talents quarrel They’re worried that things will come to light.

Just threw the girl downstairs and fell to her death. When Mingcheng told me these things I was shocked It turns out that compassion can really kill people. My roommate’s affair has brought me a shadow for the rest of my life.

Our university dormitory is a dormitory for four people who go to bed at the next table. And a big closet. divided into four people to use Every space is sufficient. Can put a lot of things One of my roommates named Xiaomei Character is more withdrawn Usually we don’t talk much

Although in a dorm But he was always a loner Never close to people And lately the atmosphere in our dorm room has become more depressing. May be the cause of lovelorn Xiaomei cried in the dormitory for several days. Everyone is always woken up by her sobs at night.

Although I know he won’t listen But we still occasionally calm down I washed up at 9: 30 this evening. We found that Mei hasn’t come back yet. But she used to stay up all night. So people don’t care Xiao can still say it’s good Mei is not here.

Finally get a good night’s sleep She was in the dormitory and felt the air pressure was getting lower. Xiao Xi should also gossip about Xiao Mei’s boyfriend. I also smiled and listened. Soon the dormitory lights out after ten o’clock. Mr. Maki’s video has just been updated.

I also happily left a message in the comments section. Suddenly received a text message It’s a little hairdresser I won’t go back to my dorm room at night Please lock the closet. If I hadn’t thought about it on my desk… I replied well Although I am reluctant

But he got up in the dark and locked the door for him. There are more required courses on the second day. But still Mei didn’t come I wonder if I overslept Xiao can also help answer the way During the afternoon break I will call the past Found phone off

He estimated that his cell phone was dead In the evening, Xiao can buy snail powder and go back to the dormitory to eat. I can’t help but spit This taste really rushed Because the next day’s exam I still blocked the nose nervous review The strange thing is that

Xiaomei still didn’t come back that night. I also made a few phone calls But they are all in the shutdown state. I sent her another message Remind Xiaomei not to forget the exam tomorrow Thinking about the exam, he’ll be back for sure. Can be until the end of the test

Xiaomei still didn’t appear We just realized it wasn’t right The guide and the school were quickly notified. a whole day’s time Teachers and students are helping to find Even Xiaomei’s parents rushed over from other places. Never found it No one has ever seen Mei. Police were also quickly involved in the investigation.

It was already very late for the three of us to record the statement and arrive at the dormitory. After washing, I fell asleep by the way. In a daze I heard the sound of text messages on my phone

I turned on my cell phone and saw it was already over one o’clock in the morning. I’m staring at this message with my pupils wide open. Face gradually out of a cold sweat The text message is sent by a small hairdresser. Trouble You help me open the closet I instantly realized what

Quiet dark bedroom I slowly removed the quilt and sat up I look into the closet. Don’t even dare to go down to the ground I’m trembling With the sound of crying shouted them. Then the stream ran to inform Suguan I dare not stay in the dorm

Xiaoko accompanied me to the door of the dormitory After listening to Xiao Xi, the two hostels In fact, it is also scared But it was my duty to take the key and open the cabinet door. The sight inside It scared everyone. The hair is scattered in the cupboard

The body is stiff and full of small beauty with the smell of excretion He was going to lock himself in a locker and suffocate himself. Maybe it’s just hunger The desire to survive made him send that text message that made my hair stand on end. She was saved at last dying

We were scared too. Decisively asked the school to help us change dormitories the next day. Xiaomei was also taken back by her parents after that. Until graduation I never saw him again When you wash your face and close your eyes Whether the same as me It always feels like someone is watching you.

This feeling was especially serious after I moved. Occasionally you can hear people gasping But every time I force my eyes open Look back But there’s nothing But then something even more terrifying Let me live in the shadows from now on Because it is convenient to go to work.

I want to rent a house near the company. Soon I found an apartment online. Room Just finished decoration soon rent is also very affordable But the only requirement of the landlord is that the girls stay It makes me wonder While looking at the house I asked the landlord

She told me girls are cleaner Not as sloppy as a boy I didn’t think much of it. Decisive and the landlord signed a contract I think my vigilance is relatively high. So after the move for security considerations Not only did I change the door lock And a visual doorbell at the door.

Because just moved to a new house That night I called my best friend. Xiaomei and her new boyfriend came to my house to play. Her boyfriend was the first time I met her. looks very capable In the chat, I learned that he was a special police officer.

Looking at his boyfriend, he is full of strength. I am also very happy for Xiaomei. Because packing up late The next day when I got up Found already late In a hurry to panic out of the house happened to run into the landlord Carrying garbage through the door

Landlord, did you come to see me? Oh, no. I live next door The back rooms are also my house. You can call me whenever you need anything. I can’t help but envy the landlord. It’s too cool to collect rent every month without going to work, isn’t it Because hurry to work

No more talking I rushed to the company But within a few days something strange happened. First of all, my snacks will be inexplicably less Second, there were strange palm prints on the bathroom mirror. Position to the left At first I didn’tcare too much I thought I accidentally met It was wiped off

But recently, I always feel very tired when I wake up every day. It seems like a fight with someone every night. Out of vigilance I also looked at the home video doorbell and electronic lock The door opening records are normal. My mental state is getting worse Even when I wash my face

It’s like there’s someone right there looking at me. Vaguely can hear the sound of breathing But when I opened my eyes But there’s nothing My best friend comforted me. You’re too paranoid Have you been under too much pressure lately? Maybe I really think too much Don’t be unhappy

I came over to chat with you at night Xiaomei came in the evening. With my favorite milk tea and skewers We eat and chat The heart is really relaxed a lot During this period, Xiaomei went to the bathroom. But then came out of the bathroom nervously. Pull me to the mirror

Pointing to the handprint on the mirror Face panicked You see this handprint is very strange Although fuzzy But it’s obviously a man’s handprint. My line of sight with the small beauty of the watch in the past

I was surprised to find that the position of this palm print is still the same to the left. And it’s obviously bigger than my palm. It also confirms Xiaomei’s statement. This must be a man’s palm print Mei and I looked at each other. Each saw the horror in each other’s eyes

Xiaomei picked up the phone trembling took a picture sent to her boyfriend Her boyfriend came quickly To be on the safe side He quickly inspected the house Including the cabinet behind the curtain Not even the visual doorbell at the door found anything unusual

The team leader’s seal seems to appear on the mirror out of thin air. Is this a paranormal This can’t help but make me scared Stand up. Just when we were wondering Mei’s boyfriend keeps looking in the mirror She suddenly pressed her hand on the mirror. No, there’s something wrong with this mirror.

What? What? I trembled and asked him There’s no space between my fingers and those in the mirror This is a double-sided mirror Then he tapped the mirror again. The sound is empty and echoing. This confirmed his idea. Double-sided mirror words If there’s someone across the street He can see you

Then follow the long seal The mirror was pushed away by him. At this time the landlord’s face appeared in front of our eyes Her eyes are bloodshot It seems to be surprised I cried out in disbelief Is the landlord Then Xiaomei’s boyfriend rushed up Pushed her to the ground

Xiaomei also called the police. learned afterwards The landlord used to spy on me through the modified mirror Even put medicine in my snack Climb out of the mirror after pinhole camera found me asleep violated me And spread the video online.

The terrible thing is that I have been kept in the dark about all this. Knowing the truth I broke down Xiaomei comforted me for a long time. It’s the bad guys who should pay the price. It’s not your fault Don’t put all the blame on yourself. I held Mei and cried out

The beast finally got the punishment he deserved. If your home combination lock Always being pushed by two bear children What would you do When I first got home, I suddenly heard the sound of pressing the password at the door. Through the cat’s eye I see a round eyeball

Dripping around on the other side of the cat’s eye Almost at the same time, a shrill laugh of a child rang out. Sister Sister I see you How much is your home password? Work early today I grabbed my bag and flew upstairs like a thief. Heart can not think

There are always two children squatting at the fire gate these days. Before I get off work I’m afraid their parents won’t find them I didn’t invite them in. Two people crouched in front of my house I don’t know what I’m doing. I see no children at my door. I took a breath

Who’s Xiong Haizi doesn’t have to go to school? Squatting at the door of people’s house all day long I enter the password Enter the door I just put down the bag of water before I could take a sip. I heard the sound of losing the password at the door.

When I got to the door The six-digit password has been lost. Three I wanted to open the door directly. But the devil I look at the cat’s eye Through the cat’s eye I see a round eyeball Dripping around on the other side of the cat’s eye

Almost at the same time, a shrill laugh of a child rang out. Sister Sister I see you I was too scared to move my eyeballs The little boy’s laughter made half of my body numb even more. Password is still being entered They press the last button Wrong password The boy sighed

He’s typing in the code again I shivered to open the phone My password can be set on my mobile phone. I immediately changed the password to system random Show on my phone The password they entered the first time was actually correct. Just missing a pound sign The last one entered one more time.

And the boy entered the second password with my password is exactly the same I limp to the ground How did they know my password A sweet girl’s voice sounded Sister, how much is your password? I came back to God The girl is a little older than the little boy From the previous meeting.

She has a mature mind Seems very clever I open my mouth What do you want? The girl leaned under the door and said I want to go to the toilet There is a toilet in the property office downstairs. Take the elevator yourself to the-first floor.

I rummaged through the property phone in my cell phone. The parents and sisters of these two Xiong Haizi can definitely be found through the property. I don’t want to go to the bathroom Do you have any unwanted bottles and jars The girl’s voice is still like whispering in my ear

I feel sick and uncomfortable being crawled by a snake. I made a call to the property Let them go upstairs while waiting Silent outside the door I tried to look from the cat’s eye Empty outside the door I guess I heard the phone. Afraid of being called parents So ran away

Think of two children sneaking around I guess they weren’t playing at all It was clearly the stalking door that was knocked again. I open the door Three men in black security uniforms stood at the door I simply describe things Are you saying

You ‘ve seen those two kids playing at your door these days. A voice that sounds good enough to be a voice. I look along the sound Black cap under a pair of black eyes It’s like being able to suck people’s souls in. I was stunned for a moment

Yeah, they used to play games at my door Play the game He repeated it The corners of the mouth inadvertently evoke a dimple The brief appears and disappears A 40-year-old security guard next to him coughed with his hand on his mouth. Then said to me Let’s do this. Miss Jiang

You go down with us to watch the surveillance I am a side set Facing the fire escape up and down the stairs on this floor. Our residential property management is good There is a monitor inside and outside the fire escape on each floor. Black and white video flash frame by frame

Time on July 7 Two kids climbing stairs in a fire escape go up layer by layer Finally stopped on my floor They got their eyes right. Curled up in the corner staring at something Doorway video shows That’s when I got out of the elevator. rummaging through the bag for something

I didn’t notice the fire door 1 meter apart. There are two eyes looking at themselves Time on July 8 The two children squatted at the fire door more than ten minutes in advance. Watch me get out of the elevator See I’m about to walk up to them

And cover your eyes with your hands Peep through your fingers This is the first time I ‘ve really seen them. When I enter the password They’re getting closer to me with funny steps. And this time I open the door and close the door The moment the door closes

A middle-aged greasy surface on their faces Man’s pity and indifference The duck whose face seemed to be talking about the mouth flew away Maybe it’s not the eyes they’re trying to cover But the face Let me relax through children’s games Then what do they want I stare at the man beside me

He seems to know That’s why I laughed and said to play games. See me look to her She gave me a reassuring look. Let’s finish the video first. In the next video. the two children are very naughty Always littering cartons at my door Adhesive tape on the password box

Watch me fly kick carton Ruth tape When you show your teeth at them The two children are not angry. And make faces at me After I walk in the door Two people also high-fives Until I saw today’s video The moment gives me the creeps If your home combination lock

Always pressed by two Xiong Haizi What would you do I’m checking the surveillance video of the past few days. I found these two children often squatting at the door to go home. Through the children’s games Let me relax paralysis What the hell do they want Video time on July 12. That is today

I look around Carefully unlock the door Less than five minutes Two kids showed up at my door The boy skillfully pressed the combination lock Enter the password almost without thinking As you can see from the video The older girl standing on the stool Watching through the cat’s eyes.

Holding a fruit knife in his hand The boy’s pocket is also bulging See this scene I breathe involuntarily rapid Staring at the deer Eyes full of fear A man in the security guard suddenly opened his mouth. How did these two kids know the code?

The older security guard was operating the computer on the sidelines. Zoom in motioned us to look out the corridor window Reflected in the above a pair of wide open eyes When you open the door They’re staring at you right before you enter the code.

They deliberately set all kinds of traps at your door. is to steal your home password How did he do it There is a small platform outside the window. He should have stepped on that He turned his head and explained to me seriously. I instantly goose bumps all over my body

Is this still a child? After watching all the videos I was too scared to step out of the door of the surveillance room. Those two eyes seem to be waiting for me outside I dare not think What will happen if they enter my house? I tune the city I’ll take you home

The security brother said Just as we walked into the corridor Suddenly heard a boom It’s like a heavy object is falling behind. I just want to look back at my hands Cover my eyes Don’t look Go back first Although I hard core But there’s a sweetheart in the air

I caught it on my nose. Instead we entered the elevator Ming Cheng pressed the case on the eighth floor. Then take out the phone fast typing Who seems to be sending the message After we got out of the elevator Mingcheng’s eyes paused for a few seconds. I followed his gaze

There’s a grid bus hanging in front of my house. The blue foundation draws a rough outline Next to it, I drew three crooked words with red sticky liquid. There are obvious footprints of children on hide and seek a big one a small one Those two kids are still here I instantly trembled

Take it easy. It’s okay Mingcheng’s words haven’t been finished yet. I heard a voice coming from his intercom. Someone jumped off a building in Sanzhuang It appears to have jumped from the eighth floor is a girl The voice of the walkie-talkie sizzling I this building is not three

On the eighth floor, I remembered the sound of heavy objects falling downstairs just now. I suddenly realized what While I’m thinking The next door neighbor’s door suddenly opened Two kids came out of it. Seems not to have expected the two of us here smiling stiff Hanging on the face

The boy was carrying a black bag. Not waiting for me to react Mingcheng rushed up instantly control them. Before they want to take something out of the bag They held their hands. Uncle, what are you doing? You pinch hurt me The little girl stared at Mingcheng Then he looked at me again.

Tears at the corners of my eyes Sister Sister You let uncle let me go I fell so hurt I was just about to say something Mingcheng turned around Seriously said to me Don’t listen to what they say I just called the police I ‘ve been watching them for a long time

They’re not ordinary kids at all. This is also my first careful observation It was only after they got close that they found out The child’s face is not as smooth and tender as a normal child’s. Even a little gully on the face News broadcast of the city July 12 at 17:00

A female falling incident occurred in Maji community. After investigation by the police found This is a man-made home invasion, robbery, homicide The killer is a man and a woman. Two adult patients with dwarfism They cheat sympathy by virtue of their physical superiority And then implement the crime

Here to remind the people to be vigilant Pay attention to safety I sat in front of the TV watching yesterday’s news report There is a feeling like a dream Later things or Ming Cheng told me The two fake children because of physical problems

When looking for a job, I hit a brick wall everywhere. Life is often looked down upon by others Gradually, their psychology changed. They hate sane normal people. In order to survive pretend to be a child Step on the spot in the neighborhood Under the guise of playing hide-and-seek Let people relax their vigilance

Started committing a crime They didn’t get it with me. Just put the eyesThe mark was on the girl next door to me. She just got back from a business trip When the little girl proposed Sister I want to go to the toilet The girl next door has a good heart

Let them into the house The girls didn’t care too much at first. Until they found out they were secretly rummaging through their stuff Three talents quarrel They’re worried that things will come to light. Just threw the girl downstairs and fell to her death. When Mingcheng told me these things I was shocked

It turns out that compassion can really kill people. If you come home late at night Suddenly an old man grabbed you To feed you eggs to eat What would you do The first time I encountered this situation I moved to this neighborhood Third day Looking at the old stairs and mottled walls

I comfort myself. It’s the same where a person lives. Besides, it saves a lot of money. I just stepped into the neighborhood on the night shift this afternoon. The silence of the moment around and the street lamps Can not help but let my heart hair No way

I can only sing a song to give myself courage The steps under your feet have also accelerated. When I got downstairs, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Reach out and wipe the cold sweat from your forehead A hard cough Unfortunately, the voice control light is not on I tried it again

The result is still the same No way. This is also bad I have some despair Looking at the dark corridor The hairs on the body stand up unnaturally I struggled for a while Or summon up courage By the light of the phone Step up the stairs

Just a few steps away, I smelled the smell of vegetables in the stairwell. In this way, my low intestines would have been rumbling and my mouth would have flowed down. Just when I remember Suddenly a hand grabbed my foot I subconsciously thought of unclean things

Can no longer restrain the fear in my heart Scream Instantly took several steps back. Trying to break free of that thing You’re back Have an egg An old voice from the corner I look intently On the corner of the second floor sat an old man With half-wrapped eggs in hand

But why didn’t I notice Grandpa scared you. I’m sorry. The old man’s voice was deep and I apologized See the old man admit his mistake good attitude I didn’t say anything too heavy. Grandpa You mistook one for another I am not your granddaughter. You really scared me Now my heart is pounding

It’s too late Go home quickly Not my granddaughter. What about my granddaughter She hasn’t finished school yet I looked at the face of an innocent old man Realize he could be Alzheimer’s Which floor do you live on I live on the third floor. The old man pointed to the upstairs uncle

I will live in your upstairs It’s too late now Let me take you home I saw the old man waving his hand No need I have to wait for my granddaughter Would you like an egg? The old man smiled and raised the egg in his hand again. I still declined

The old man turned back home Because work is too busy I turned my head and forgot about it. When I walked into the neighborhood after the night shift every other day Only then did I think of the fact that there were no lights in the corridor. But the unexpected thing is

Today’s corridor is actually bright This world really has Lei Feng Just walking up from the second floor I subconsciously look around the corner The old man really sat there Still holding an egg in his hand She hears my footsteps The slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened

Under the dim light is a wrinkle vertical and horizontal A face with no dark complexion Her mouth is grinning Show yellow teeth Laughing at me An inexplicable panic welled up in my mind I subconsciously backed two stairs You’re back It’s not dark today, is it? Have an egg

Uncle, you have made another mistake. I am not your granddaughter. Uncle This lamp is yours I accidentally asked the old man nodded a proud face Even a little shy You are always great. I gave him the thumbs up. But let the young people do the next climb. After all, you are old

I’m very tough The old man stood up from his chair speed is particularly fast I’m afraid he twisted his waist without noticing. When I look at the old man, I always feel that something is not right. But the exhaustion of the day made me too late to think about it.

Hurry home to rest Soon I’ll be on my third night shift. Because of the relationship between cold My stomach began to toss When I came home to the corner on the second floor The cold sweat has beaten my clothes through. Girl, are you uncomfortable I have two hands over my stomach

The pain has long been speechless Black at the moment faint in the past When I wake up Man is already lying in a hospital ward The old man was long gone. Only two boiled eggs on the table Is the nurse sending me at the door? I asked the nurse who patrolled the room

The nurse gave me a meaningful look. Take a thermometer out of your jacket pocket and give it to me. You’re just gastroenteritis and no fever The next day after discharge I want to thank the uncle But no one answered the door after knocking for a long time. Is it going out to exercise

Thinking that he would still be sitting on the stairs at night. He went home first. But in the evening I went downstairs again Only to find that there is only one stool at the corner. But don’t see big ye wanted to think I went to knock on his door again

But the door was never opened. I’m worried that my uncle’s health will be better or worse. I called the property. I hope the staff can take a look at the situation. Are you sure it was the property manager who looked at the mottled door on the third floor?

Look at me with a weird expression I nodded my head Give him a brief account of his experience. Are you sure you remember correctly Property manager’s expression becomes distorted Some trembling voice But 301 have long lived This family used to have an old man. Or senile dementia

But he’s been dead for over four years My eyes widened in shock The old man is a bad karma childless With one hand brought up the adopted granddaughter But the child had an accident on the way to school. Later the old man got dementia After death This house has been empty

Then what I see every night is that I go home in a daze. But think about it On the contrary, I also feel less scared. This old man forgot who he was. But I always think of waiting for my granddaughter to leave school.

He also always left what he thought was best for his granddaughter. I never met that man again. I guess he and his granddaughter should meet again He took his granddaughter by the hand and sent her to school The granddaughter held high in her hand the chicken peeled by the uncle.

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