【生月島サンセットウェイ】クルマのCMでよく使われる絶景ロードと大バエ灯台・長崎県 [Ikitsuki Island Sunset Way] Obae Lighthouse Nagasaki

[音楽] 行つ島サンセットウェイは長崎県平戸市に ある行つ島の西海岸に沿って走る約 10kmの道路ですこの道路は元々面道路 として整備されましたが海岸の絶景が人気 となり現在ではドライブやサイクリングを 楽しむ人々で賑わっています行きつき島サ セットウェーの見所はなんと言っても海岸 沿いの景色です段階絶壁の海岸線や広大な ウバそして夕日の絶景を楽しむことができ ますまた道路沿いには展望台や休憩所が いくつかありゆっくりと景色を楽しむこと ができます行きつき島セットウェイは夕日 の名所としても知られています夕暮れ時に 訪れると水平線に沈み行く夕日に海岸線や 灯台がオレンジ色に染まり幻想的な景色を 楽しむことができ [音楽] ます [音楽] 長崎県平戸市の行つ島西北端に位置する白 の東台が大林東台です 1958年に建てられ10日標高は 101mあります大林灯台は80mほどの 切り立つ大前段階の上に立っています 展望デッキがついており階段で東大に登る ことができますそこからは眼科に広がる海 と空の雄大な景色を眺めることができます また御先の丘の部分には浜夕の群生地が あります浜遊は白や黄色の花を咲かせる春 の花で毎年4月から5月にかけて見頃を 迎えます大林灯台は夕日の名所としても 知られています 夕暮れ時に訪れると水平線に沈みゆく夕日 に東台がオレンジ色に染められ幻想的な 景色を楽しむことができますアクセスは 平戸市街から車で約40分です平戸空港 からはバスで約60分 です大林東台は長崎県の代表的な観光 スポットの1つです絶景を楽しむことが できるだけでなく夕や夕などの自然の魅力 も満喫できるスポット [音楽] [音楽] です [拍手] Y















Ikitsuki Island Sunset Way

Ikitsuki Island Sunset Way is a approximately 10km road that runs along the west coast of Ikitsuki Island in Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture.

This road was originally developed as an agricultural road, but the spectacular scenery along the coast has made it popular, and it is now crowded with people who enjoy driving and cycling.

The highlight of Ikitsuki Island Sunset Way is the scenery along the coast. You can enjoy spectacular views of the steep coastline, the vast ocean, and the sunset.

There are also several observation decks and rest areas along the road where you can take your time and enjoy the scenery.

Ikitsuki Island Sunset Way is also known as a famous sunset spot. If you visit at dusk, the coastline and lighthouse will be dyed orange as the sun sets behind the horizon, giving you a fantastic view.

Access: Approximately 40 minutes by car from downtown Hirado. It is approximately 60 minutes by bus from Hirado Airport.

Big fly lighthouse

Obae Lighthouse is a chalk lighthouse located at the northernmost tip of Ikitsuki Island in Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture. It was built in 1958 and the height of the light is 101m.

The Obae Lighthouse is built on the steep Obae Cliff, about 80m high. It has an observation deck and you can climb the stairs to the lighthouse. From there, you can enjoy spectacular views of the sea and sky below.

In addition, there is a colony of lily pads on the hill part of the cape. The spring flower blooms in white or yellow, and its best time to see it is from April to May every year.

Obae Lighthouse is also known as a famous sunset spot. If you visit at dusk, the lighthouse will be colored orange as the sun sets over the horizon, giving you a fantastic view.

Access: Approximately 40 minutes by car from downtown Hirado. It is approximately 60 minutes by bus from Hirado Airport.

Obae Lighthouse is one of Nagasaki Prefecture’s representative tourist spots. It is a spot where you can not only enjoy the spectacular view, but also enjoy the charms of nature such as the yellow lily and the sunset.


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